M | i . i i i M - i ? i TUflKra Praise to M. CAUL US OCR As an e R. r. B. R*. I. Bw 44, Pe-ru-na ?..I,?n.?? I TABLETS 0 V? M?s?I ^^ re! SOLD SO YEARS ? A U ?U br mil drucsUL. vril? 1 A Boy and His Goat. Ed and his brother Harry were tli proud possessors of a goat. One da their iminima said: "Eddie, I sa Nanny standing with iter fore feet o tjie fence." "Oh, no, inatmnu," came tiie repl; Nanny had only two feet on tli fence." nreaks colds *?*1 ^ in time fii J*; small dosage brings quick relief to scratchy, irritated throats. Cough eases, phlegm clears away, inflamed tissues are soothed. Now? before a slight cough becomes a serious ailment?hrenk it nr> with DrKING'S DISCOVERY I -a syrup for coughs & colds J* TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking LATHROP'S "HA'arlem~O^^ t-r.v4 fin * The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles?the National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists. Look for th? name Cold Medal on every box and accept no imitation SENDS 2000 MILES POf BEAR'S EMULSION Mr. John P. Roar, Clearbrook, Va. Dour Sir:? Enclosed find Post Offic money order for which please send in one bottle of Rear's Emulsion. I hav *tsed one bottle and I think it work tine. What will half a dozen bottle cost me delivered to m.v post office? don't like to have them sent by Express as I live forty miles from the railroad Your truly, J. S. Stauffer, Kendrick, Colo The above letter shows what a won Uerful reputation Rear's Emulsion has unionu the thousands who have usei it Fill* Ri'ilH'hfi / fililc hPsiRfliit ia Iiiik troubles and general run-down condi tion there is nothing' more beneficial Itear's Kmulsion is for sale at leading druggists, price $1.2." a bottle. GREEN MOUNTAIN asth rvs a COMPOUND vjcT I J~Z' , ;fv I'.r Di.J II. Guild. FKEKTRIAJ BOX. Treatise on Astlinia.it PMMO causes, treatment, etc., sen UD in request. K>c. and S -C at druggists. J. 11. OUILD CO., RUPERT, VI F&wmmm Great Fislkng Preserve. Our greatest fishing preserve is reputation tluit is assured to the Ye lowstone park, for the park servici aided by the luireau of fisheries, las season restocked its lakes and stream on a larger scale than ever l?efor? Kggs of native trout collected in th park numhcred fi.JHMJ.ooo; i?,K71.000 < these developed to the stage of eye eggs and fry, were returned to the wi ters there; to these were added froi outside hatcheries sufficient to bring th total planting to 4.o">l.boo. or donhl tIk* number planted in 11VJ0.?Sclent fie American. I'rniso is due the innn who make pood when conditions are had. LOOK OLD? Ifpg Dolor Restorer will brlnp baolc original eoU nulekly ? atop* dandruff At all good drogaM >>r jjj froa, M?a fJU. CW-r. II .II. T ? PE-RU-NA "*? J In Mifaiw with Her far Safety 'arl LI tide r, K. F. D. No. 2, Box 44, Linneaota, writes: "I want to thank your kindness and the good your lid me years ago. I am perfectly visiting ra Spokane, Wash. Were it e-ru-na I would not have been able this trip. I always take your medii me for safety should 1 take oold. Pe-ru-na." imeraency remedy for everyday Ills, has Deen in use iifty years. II LIQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE ===== DCIilTtAi wn?h5 llTonic . FINE GENERAL TONIC WlaunatU>Ch?o>lcalC?.. LMitorlU*. K*. No More Tethering Piga. ic I The native's of the Island of Ouam y are learning that there Is a better way w ! of keeping their pigs at home than the >11 eoiniiion practice of tying them to a tiee or stake by a short rope fastened y. about the fore lee, according t?? reports ic to the United States Department of Agriculture. A pen of bamboo which ? will accommodate one sow and litter, or three or four growing pigs, and may j be mowed frequently, has been Intro, duced by the local federal experiment station and is gradually supplanting I the tying method on the island. IA FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to I t.l.. _?? .o uimuiuifiy pure nnu contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Ihe same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable heibs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in i teaspooiiful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving 1 and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder _ ! troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. Tlnwpvpr if n?a x- 1 * * .. ,?u ? 17-11 nrsi 10 iry tInh (Treat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a I sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Advertisement. The Whole Story. "Wlmt ittv the salient details of this domestic 'triangle"/" "The husband who didn't understand is suing for divorce from the wife, who wasn't understood." ''1 see." "And he has named as co-respondent j the man who didn't understand, either, , hut thought he did."?Birmingham AgeI Herald. I r 1 Mother Says Babies Never Get Real Sick e That Teethina, the famous baby e laxative and stomach corrective, Is c tlie greatest medicine on earth for s keeping little children well and happy s all the time is conclusively proven by I the statement of Mrs. It. 11. Bogart, of 80 Lindsey street, Atlanta, Cla., who * says: "I have three boys, the oldest five, the next will soon he four and the * I baby is eighteen months old. I have * given them all Teethiiut whenever ' they showed the slightest sign of feel: ing had, and not only have the results ; inuiiui-iiiii, iiui nunc t?l li;eiu ' have ever been renlly sick in tiioir lives. I believe their pood health Is due entirely to Teethina." Teethlna is sold by all druggists. or i you can send Tlrtc to the MofTett Lab. otratories, Columbus, Ga., and receive a regular size package and also a copy of the valuable Baby booklet.?Adver tlsement. A Hot One. - i She?Of course you threw some rice i at Jack's wedding. He?No: I felt more like throwing a ie\v grains ?>' eoinmon sense. i 1 She?I bii?, but you couldn't spare them.?Boston Transcript. r Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. j On rising and retiring gently smear 7 I the face with Cuticura Ointment. h Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cutlcuni Soap and hot water. It \ Is wonderful what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandruff. Itching nnd red rough hands.?Advertisement. No Place for the Wife. Green?So you are taking your wife to the lakes of Killarney? That's a wonderful place; there are echoes there that repeat the sound of the human voice -10 times. = Breen?I guess we won't go to Kll: larne.vv.? New York Sun. a ' ? I- If Worms or Tapeworm porHl.it In your *yntom. it ii he< aune you have not yet tried '. the real Vermifuge, Dr. Peery'i "Dead Shot." .( | One doae ' : U l? tneket Eftl Clear and Radiant. Hi It I Emovahle. Harmless. Sold and a Recommended by All Druggists. ''if - 1 r 1 > Popcorn and Pink S Lemonade ? < i ? ! By H. LOUIS RAYBOLD ' I b -J iifci. tt.i, u> AtcClurt .N?w?p?n>r oyutllcalo.> "Well," bald UiK-le Juck at the breukfust luble, us be uu folded his napkin with one Hick, "I suppose next week 1 have to make a sacrifice of myself, neglect uiy business, umi waste iie whole of u rare June afternoon, i llow about It, llillyV" His young uepbew, at the sound of his name, lifted uncoinpreheudinK i eyes from his matutinal egg-toust-cocou i combination. "What yuu say, Uncle | Jack?" he asked. i "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. At least, nothing of importance. 1 merely remarked"?here this exasperating young man paused, then udded Impressively?"that the circus, the really, truly circus, stupendous, uupurulelled?" "Circus, Uncle Jack? Circus? Oh, gosh, Uncle Juck, going to tuke tne?" i Now the reader must be immediately disabused regarding Uncle Juck's apparent reluctance to go to the circus. Uncle Jack would rather go to the circus tltun do almost anything else, unless it were to spend the equivalent hours in the company of Miss Caroline Frescott?an alternative, however, which wus out of the question. For only yesterday Jack with considerable vehemence for him, hud told that tantuliziiig young woman that he was beastly sick of being fifth vice piesident in the firm of devoted Fetch & Carriers lor iter ladyship and was ready to sell out all shares at once to uic latest coiner. Caroline had returned a retort discourteous, and, another one of the vice presidents arriving inopportunely. Jack had taken un uhrupt departure. Now the Question reasonably arises us to Just why Jack should have expected any speciul consideration, lie did so on (lie grounds of liuving squired Caroline ever since he hud first held her miniature umbrella over her head on the way to kindergarten and of having asked her to marry him semi-annually ever since she was seventeen und lie nineteen?some live or six years ago. But with each passing year she hud added new charms and piquancies which attracted new admirers until It looked us if her old-tltne I.vuiu m- Iiunueu OUl OI tlu? running. So much for the prelitninnries which bellied to bring about Billy's circus trip. Sailor-suited and exuberant, he trotted along by his uncle's side and explored the dusty environs of the grounds, poked i>ennuts at tlie trunkwaving elephants, gazed rapturously at South Auiericun unteaters and Australian marsupials suddenly and unscientifically become neighbors, and finally in the awed silence of expectancy, entered the big tent and headed for grandstand seats. "Wait, uncle. There's Jean. Wait, Uncle Jack!" "Now Hill, if we expect to get our seats before someone else does?never sat in my own seat at u circus yet, Bill!" For Billy was tugging backward at his uncle's hand. "Wait for Jean. She's^ hurrying like everything, ller Aunt i 'ii r.iiitoi?" At Hit? name, Jack halted abruptly, ami somewhere in tlit? hack of his mind an association of ideas began to form. Jean?Caroline's niece! Yes. there they were, sure enough, although from Caroline's unconcern he felt sure she had not seen him. Fresh and cool in green linen and wide hat. Lord! how attractive she was and whut a darn shame he couldn't follow his impulse to rush wildly over. Yet dignity demanded that he stick hy ills guns. Through the performance which followed. Jack was quite as conscious that Caroline was slulmr iimcti.. i.. back of him, three rows up, us if lie had had eyes in the buck of his head, or us if Billy hadn't told him. lie held himself stiffly and refused to relax even at the utmost efforts of nenrhunian monkeys or bouncing clowns. Why had Caroline come to the circus without bringing along ut least one of her escorts? The afternoon seemed as long to Jack as it was brief for Iiilly, hut the moment finally arrived when the last chariot race had been won, the spangled beauty had defied death and the laws of gravity for the last time, and the greatest show on earth, in a blare of trumpets, was over until evening. Juck rose, determined not to glance around, yet somehow or other in the slowly-moving crowd jamming the aisles he managed to keep always In sight a bit of green linen. Half-way to the entrance one of those inexplicable occurrences took jilace which arise from very small beginnings. A muflled explosion from an automobile outside, the roar of a hungry lion in its cage?something alarmed the mob at one of the exits. Immediately the spirit of panic permeated the atinos ON THE GREAT BI I ^ Scene Presented at University of California Has Been Likened to Musical Comedy. On t lie University of Cnlifornln campus tlie sun Mazes on a white cuinpunlle, on the white faces of huge new buildings, on the mountainous, smooth brown hills that climb up behind the campus, and far out through the haze. 011 tlie blue of San Francisco bay. Instead of sober New England elms, are altltudlnous, ,hnlf tropical eucalyptus, with rustling, gray green leaves and aromatic scent that somehow reminds one of Australia or Kipling's India ami saddle horses and slightly arrogant I "colonials" III rldliitf rlnll??i? Tin* In whs are spotted with curious, low spreading, Japanese-looking trees, and under these trees students squat 011 the grass with their books?boys and girls front California orchard and rlneynrd country, Filipinos, Russians, hips and Chinese. The campanile hells chime, and out of the white buildings they pour In drove*?there have been "HI T ' * phere. ' People who had t*een patiently waiting space to wove, pressed forward. Common sense Indicated that In a moment toe place couldn't help but empty Itself. Yet In that moment how much could happen! Somehow, Jack got Hilly on his shoulder, elbowed a bit abend, and slipped his arm about a ttgure In green linen. "Keep tight hold of the youngster," he urged, and managed to draw the two of them out on to a row of Seuts. "ThereI That's better!" he said. I "A 1 ** 1IIC HWWIMfO U* CI , I Bill" aglne." "Tlien he began to feel cmhnrrussed ?ny mosquitoes. Water Creatures Live Long. Among fishes and creatures Mint live in tlie water, great age Is sometimes attained. The carp lias been known to live li<*? years. Common river trout have been confined In a well MO to HO years and n pike was caught In 1407 in a lake near llelibrouri In Swabla with a brass ring attached to it recounting that it was pluced in the lake in the year 1230. A Property Car. "You'll never make a motor sales- i man." "NVliy not, sir?" "You tried to soil thnt movie actor n flivver, Instead of showing him the tnost expensive cars we carry." "Don't misjudge rue, boss. lie Just wanted something on four wheels to drive over a CHIT." First Olympian Games. July 1 la the anniversary of the awarding of the prize In the lira; re- I corded Olympian games in 77d, 1$. C. I On that occasion Churoehus won the ! coveted trophy for the foot paces. RKELEY CAMPUS | as mnny ns ir?.000 undergraduates at Berkeley?hoys In corduroy trousers and class cups, girls In pink and skyblue silk sweaters. In all sorts of ensj tnines, from severe black and white i collars to French heels and iilctnru I lints. In tin' pause between recitations you I will see a great covey of these airy, fairy coeds laughing at one end of a broad marble entrance, while a crowd of hoys, with an earnestness and abandon Impossible at 11 o'clock In the morning In the more self-conscious Hast, are roaring "close" harmony al I tlx. r.tlur To nnuimo " nvviioiiriiini HI the stern monnstlclsm of Ctunhrldfre or Princeton, It Is like n scene from n musical comedy.?Arthur Kuhl In Harper's. Think 8ometime? of Others. Living for yourself alone, working for yourself alone, you will be fore doomed either to oblivion or te In famy. i Ccmmuni K ?t. - - 1 -? - ^^ 4..woi in*: 10 lueiouers oi (lit; I.OII1 Illinois espionage not 8urr<>nden>d to tl to bp^ln serving their sentences. Hen Itttf for the penitentiary. We'll Be at the Big il M All iiver tlie country miners of line to the iiiiinmls tlie.v nre Sending to the will he held In Chicago I>ee. 2 to 0 i thing of ith kind ever held. One of t shown above. Mr. Herrick Shoo I lie American, British. Spanish nn< *- s??'I rt-JMfll'Ill -U IIHTHIXI r.I til hunting grounds of the Krencli governni T. Merrick is pictured here at tlie meet Turks Can't Use n ^ *+ tJreeU itrm> otlicors dismantling tl before leaving that territory an the Ti FROM FAR f ^? ? miikoii nies nave neen observed to destroy adult mosquitoes. The most Important sealing ground Is ofT the coast of Newfoundland. A clock ticking seconds takes one week, four days and fourteen hours to tick a million times. Taxlcubs In Havana use gasoline it. preference to the much cheaper alcohol. because congested tralllc conditions require quick starting ability. ? i rrr?raaaa sts on Way to the P< I o' >:'. l / ^ h ji nuiiist Labor party who were convicted ie sheriff the other day and were proti : are Joe MIesler. Harry Slilnnnan an r I ivp ^nxv Jive stock ore Klvinj; tlie final touches International IJve Stock show, which mil which promises to he the bluest he exhibits and his pretty friend ure t<* at Ramhftiiillpf il Italian ambassadors to France wore e first official huntIiik at Itaniboulllet, lent. I'nited States Ambassador Myron s These Cannon - nlpp " )o rtinnnn lit llodoato, eiistern Thrace, irkH took possession. AND NEAR There are 100 Islands In the Shetland group, 27 Inhabited. The populatlnn'of Slam la principally Shans, a Mongoloid people. There la a sign hanging outside a Dover (N. J.) shop which reads: "Drugless Drug Store." To anybody at equal distance from the sun and earth the sun would be 1 ,MX>,000,000 times as bright as the earth. ,* {"AlftVfrVr rfri>vYi 1 i i i /JtokSi mgm In Chicago I wo years ago of violating the iptly taken to Jnllet or the county Jail (1 Charles Crumblen with a guard leuvSENATOR FOR A DAY Mrs. \V. II. Felton, the lady from Georgia nominated to fill the unezIII r?'il 11.rill n? lLlu - 1 ,? . .. ... me iiuc oriHUMr >Y Hi.Bon, being assisted down the steps of the United States mpitol by n newspaper man. Mrs. Felton claimed the right to he sworn In and seated, and Senator-elect George agreed to waive the presentation of his credentials for one day, In order to enable Mrs. Felton actually to serve. HER VOICE AMAZES B * ?>-.x '::^BBB ML jtm&B I aju^k /ni Million Tttlley, tlie fifteen-year-old daughter of n railroad telegraph operator of Knnsaa City, Mo., who had her voice Judged by Otto Kuhn, chnlr Tkon tl.o -.1 -?i ? " ...uu v< lias anauiu Ul Uim'llin) 4 > I (HO Metropolitan Opera company, New York, and Director ISiulIo ( nttl-Caanz7.a, and amazed the opera conductors by her wonderful lyric soprano. She . was advised not to appear before public audiences for at leust three ? curs and to study under a good teacher. Kisses by Mail Convict. Sending kisses by mall is held by a divorce court In Ij?? a t?~ a - ... W?? H.ihtiin 11* IN) us definite evidence of dlsloyulty to one's wife as delivery of the suine by lip contact. Mrs. Joseph A. (Jreen charged this offense agali.st her husband, and produced letters to show thut the otlier woman In the case sent kisses in return to (Jreen. Separate maintenance and alimony was the de 1 cree of the court. ___________ Case of Arrested Development. When u woman was summoned nt Folkestone, Kng.. for neglectIng her child, a police inspector said the girl, j although eleven, behaved us if she I wore aeven. Tlie woman told lilin the Kirl, who had not been out for u year. whh entirely fed on malted milk, egga, and freah milk from a bottle, as abe could not feed horaelf Sir Boyle Outdone. The advertising manager of an oil concern. speaking on the vnlue of win I (low displays, said. "A window display Is an arm which reaches out to the eya of the pnssor-by and says. 'See ma I Here I am/" i "Home, Sweat Home." ,? A John I'ayne, the author of "Hornet Sweet Home," wrote: "How often hare, i 1 been In the heart of Paris, Berlin or > London and heard persona singing ? 'Home, Sweet Home,' when I had not enough to buy a meek"