PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY Subscription, $1.00 a year. Advertising rates furnished on application. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Chesterfield, South Carolina. PAUL H. IIEARN Editor and Publisher, r. W. ITanna, authorized representative. Hon. Augustus Ousley Stanley, who has received the Demo cratic nomination for Governor of Kentucky, had no choice in the selection of his birth-place. But it was a mighty good place all the same. It was the childhood home of the editor of The Advertiser, Shelbyville, Kentucky. The father of Mr- Stan ley was associate editor of the Shelbyville Sentinel. nwne, And having it at home thus saving the haul which "accompanies commercial fertilizer, makes it much more valuable, in my esti mation. Besides the actual.plant food it contains it adds humus to the soil. Dillon Mills, Ya. 11. J. Farmer. The Baptist Woman's Missionary Union. Following is tiie program of the meeting to be lipid with the church at Thompson's Creek. Chesterfield Association, Sept. 0: 10 a. m.? Devotional service, led by Mrs. Wm. C >ker. Roll rail of rhiirrhp.Q- Reencnif inn r\t visitors. "Why We Wanted You," by Miss Marie Smith. "Why We Came," by Miss Maud Funderburk. "Scriptural authority for Womans Mission Work," by Mrs. B. S. Funderburk. 12?Appointments of commit | tics. 2 p.m.? Devotional service, by Mrs. K- K. Smith. Reading of associational policy by Mrs. J. W. Miller. Messego frmm president of the Southern I'nion. "Why Support the Training School," by Miss Mary Adams, " What the society lias Done for Me," by Mrs. J. ii. Rati iff. Obituary report by, Mrs. J. E. King. Hp. m.?Address, "State-wide Prohibition." Friday, 10 u. m.? Devotional service, by Mrs. Mrs. 1). E. Clark. "What the Society Should Mean to the ( and (Vim. ntunity," by Mrs. 6. A. Funderburk. Touching the Bible in fc..c Society by, Mrs. B. I). Thames. "Our duty to the Nego," by, Mrs. O II. Rivers. "How 1 Earned Some Money for the Work". Open discussion. 2 p. m.?"The Importance of Sunbeam Work," by Mrs. A. F. Fundorbnrk. Reports from the Societies. Reports from Oommitties on charges, on time and place, on awarding of banner, on resolutions anil nominations. We hope that every BaDtist Church in the Chesterfield association will send representatives to this meeting. YVo will have some of the best speakers there. Every Sunbeam Society in association is expected to report at this meeting so that the banner n ay be given to the ono making the best report. . J I / fit 1 -i n * 5 Our Melrose Flour Has come in at last, and you can. | now have the good biscuit, the like of 1 which nothing but Melrose will make. 1 Did you ever hear a fellow say "My flour is just as E good as MELROSE"? Just keep 011 buying MELROSE = because it is the best. We will give you Seven cakes OCr. ! Lenox Soap tor the little sum of & Jl. ; Just think of it! Did you ever hear of such a price? | uie oatn 10 unairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Tolls at each voting place must be opened a 7 o'clock a. m.t and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the city of Charleston; where they shall be opened at 7 a. m. and closed at 6 p. ro. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy; and if none of the Managers attend, the citizens can appoint, from among the qualified voters, the Managers, who after being sworn, can conduct the election. At the cloae of the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and continue without, adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the results, and sign the same. Within three day6 thereaft< r, the Chairman of the Board or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissioners of Election the poll Jist, the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the result of the election. Managers of Election.?The following Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the said County. Patrick?J E Williams, J W Winburn Frank B Timmons. VVinzo?H W Gulledge, J Frank Evans, II Z Outen. Ousleydale?Oordy Winburn, Jr. G W Johnson, W Brown. Cross Roads? Niven Waddell, Guilford Gulledge, Jr. J P Hamilton. Plains?U A McManus, J W Hicks, G II McManus. Douglass Mill?Smiley Oliver, J T Decse, J R Sutton. Catarrh?J E Middleton, Jesse liendrix, Henry llorton. Page land?W W Jenkins, W 11 Horn, W T Rutledge. Court House?L 1. Spencer, A F Davis, J N Campbell. McBee?J D Ingram, J E Sowell, Alex Mcpherson. Dudley?Mi nor C Courtney, J E Funderburk, Whiteford Jenkins. Middendorf?J A Kowe, J F Alexander, K C Johnson. Odotn's Mill?J N Clanton Sidney Douglass, J W Merriman. Joli'erson?Kdgat linker, I) F Sutton, Win, Griffith. Grants Mill?W T McBride, W T Hi vers, S VV Hicks. Wexford?Joe Davidson, J 8 Sellers, I/>nnio Davidson. Angelus?W N Lee, W A C ark, E J Knight. Brock's Mill?J C White, A B Darker, Willie Pegues. Mt.Groghan?O A Edgeworth, jW U Ileudrix, Frank Jackion. I Bethel?John Burns, G C Chapman, J N Kimery. Kuby?J Sidney Smith, J F Wadsworth, O A Edgeworth. Cat Pond?J W Kuthven, T J Summer, J W Winburn. Cheraw?J P WatGon, G A Ma Hoy, I. G Lowry. Snow llill?W F1 Crawford, L. B. Davis, J. W. Parker. The Managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of their number to secure boxes and blanks for the election on or before Saturday, S? p. 11 at the Clerk of Court's office in Chetterfield, 8. G. A. W. Hursey B. 0. Moore W. T. Edgeworth Commissionejggg^. l??id County Chesterfield. State of South Carolina, County of Chesterfield. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on the 14th day of September, A. D. 1015, at the voting precincts fixed by law in said county, upon the question as to whether the manufacture and sale of alcoholic li quors and beverages shall be prohibited or continued in this State, as provided by Act No. 70, to submit to the qualified electors the question of the prohibi tion of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors and beverages in the State and to provide for the carrying of these provisions into effect, approved tin 10th day of Februrary, A. D. 11)15. The qualifications for suffrage are as follows: Residence in State for two years, in county one year, in the poling precinct in which the nlpptnr nflprs f n wnto f/m. months, and the payment six months before any election ol any poll tax then due and payable. Provided, That ministers in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' rosidence in the State, otherwise qualified. Registration.? Payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assess ed and collectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or a receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe to the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can administer the oath to the other Managers and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must ad We will give you Seven boxes 1 of Baking Powder for another ? | It is the cash that talks. ? If you do not trade with us you will lose money. Try us and see. Full 1 weights, full measure and reasonable : profits. | ODOM BROS COMPANY = IT -====? -- ?- f! (Bank of Chesterfield | Oldest Bank In Chesterfield \A/e Solicit Your Business. Pay Interests % VY On TIME DEPOSITS. & ' | We Invite You to Visit Vs k ^ Y Qi|M Patronage wanted, whether large or 5 A it L smau Both receive courteous attention. ^ f Olir MOttO: Strength Security. | * R. E. Rivers, Pres. C. C. Douglass Cashier a % M. J. Hough, V. Pres. P. M. Therrel, Asst. Cashier. 2 ^ ^ ? * Ppn n /p C R on/7 Established 1911 5 Ji JLL'IS JL x^UilA Capital 425,000, ; CHESTERFIELD, S. C. g C. P. MANGUM. MACK DAVIS, PRESIDENT CASHIER 3 -a We solicit your business, and cordially invite you to ;; call on us when you are in our town. 1 The Peoples Bankj - a | Pine Groceries f | f fresh Meats il I To supply your table and conserve j ? * yuur uanic account? g | To please your appetite and protect 1 I your health, trade at the | g | A. F. Davis Market f | ^ 'Phone 6 \ ! The Bank of Cheraw I c I' CHERAW, S. C. ; m Designated as United States Depository * II ? II | olp65c, lhr66sx; hjnfd [| 1i,cr0)v6est: bh^k in i zr>e coqncy li />% A per cent compounded quarterly paid on 2 w il savings deposits. $1 00 starts ? w an account.. fri ha tc=a?,i,"^icsis3>n notice. ta fy Write me find I will explain how I was cured in 4 days of a se ^ .ere case of Piles of 40 years' standing, without pain, knife, or detention from business. No one need suffer from this disease when t;) this humain cure can be had right here in South Carolina. ei It. M. JOSEY, Lamar, 8. C. Malaria or Mills & Fever No, 666 Prescription No. 666 is prepared especially This ii n p.rcsci iption prepared especially Q| for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER, for MALALIA or CHILLS C. FEVER, l ive or six dpCM will break any caae, and Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken th^K clonic the Favar will not i.' aken then as a touic the Fever will nri return. .the liver better than rtturr. I It acts on the liver better than) Calomel * .^ripe or etckan. 25e Calomel nod does not gripe or sicken, 25c/ , -'ii iitii riimtf ^ : N A iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiin|H|| | Chesterfield Drug Has a most complete line of those goods you | pect to find at a first-class drug store. | Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Patent Medicine^^MBB Drugs, Stationery and Sundries | are a credit to stores in much larger places, and = will be surprised at our stock, pleased with our prices^BM^H = and delighted with our prompt service. Our Fountain drinks are = Clean?rure?Sanitary = and you will greatly enjoy them, | We will be delighted to attend to your wants. Chesterfield Drug (M fl Our Prescription Department is in charge of 5 competent Pharmacist, and wc solicit your prescrip^^^B| = tion work. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB^J Come to See Me I In my new cilice?same building with Moduli's jewelry store, on Main Streel. Bfll y ^ ? ? ' - ? insurance of A Kinds I represent the leading conn nnies of America? H the strongest in the world. My customers are . m always satisfied. Yours for business, Gary J. HH . aeaeEcaoaca^. ;.c?r ft in litart an yicmint for X(cur tfcft Every facility known to the banking business is accorded the smt lie cus/omer as well as the largest jjHI f in this institution for saving. rw-^TTl ? II |l pj I Mo tulvo pains to e xplain J i matters to any interested 5 H V 'y inquirer. hSaS '' 1:1 -v i st on sav- ? I h|pr|j& r.c,?.." inKs deposited, and con-' ? I 1 > *v ?Z M>rvo VOU1' ^?st interests 5 .. "-;'itc"' ' V" i>y ":;>'il. if yon desire to ffke farmer#' Sank 1 CHESTERFIELD, S. C. . || tB?Betia?aei?seaoBf>DSRfi?ove ?3sn9Roi"?BSB?* ? ? ^ ? C?5?S)(^S)(S^)(2S)?S)? ^ j For Insurance See Us ? I ffl j. We represent theStrongest and and Best Old-Line W \ INSURANCE Companys' in the World. \ J See lis for all kinds of Insurance ? | Chesterfield Loan Ii\s Co ? j &u | W. J. Douglass, Manager)gSx^gg^g?^qgg)gSS) g^s$3)s*5)c?Sg>ft^??a>(?) Medical College of the State of S. C. ' Hv' ^ 1;::'^ | ,;ji jffr ^ I ' *$? fl H _ ~ ~ ... -~?M ROPER HOSPITAL COLLEGE BUILDING 1 CHARLESTON, S. (V. I -? -Schools of Medicino and Pharmacy 9 Owned and Controled by the State fi Eighty-seventh session begins October 1, 19ir>--Knds June 1,1916. ^ me new uiree-siory nuiiuing immediately opposite Koper Hospi- MB ). Laboratories of Chemestry, Bacteriology, Anatomy, Physiology iinical Pathology, Pharmacology' and Pharmacy provided with ; w, modern c<|uipment. The Roper Hospital, one of the largest and best equipped hospiIs in the South contains lMh beds, and with an extensive out-pati- IH it service, offers unsurpassed clinical advantages, Practical work in dispensary for pharmaceutical students. H Two years graduated service in Uopcr hospital with six appointents each year. QE Department of Physiology and Embryology in affiliation with the S larieston Museum. V Ten full-timo teachers in laboratory branches. I For Catalog address: OSOAU W. SCHLEETEU, Reg is tar, fl Box