fill T< -\01~rxxx 1I?N Female Impersonator I Faces Sanity Test (;1;KI:\jW<}< >1> ? tfstv_ ww ?nlf !'"! ' :i (Ti-.v^n ili'Sjvf a staMilnii" > yftcr hr'-l'-Vt'd ;;;? * in (! iilM'al ' >v,.< < y\\v?.? ' _ liah'. (>!" >., :: . J. . c 1 .< ' ' of h: ' -! t>'v ;> , ; . ; . ... }... - >1/ iV !.. Youths 1 In Cop Ilea ling' Fc?* Court ( HA ?{T-. !.->?< i\* ? I" Mir t< ''P ii'T-i--: c'' h t.h?* ?*i .?tinjr ?.f :i r!ty iv.-juitv ?!mnn v?mv I'l'ilcvtl Fi i; .*y '?> , '>* heM (ienci ;;! S-- ' i-. ( '.nun nn . Jh>t i ' it;1y ft?t at "'T'h '.' :!( rcii.ici.1 f. f $1.0(n) 5 V W.vvt Ja'.i'iv ^ H. 1T:i- ':'? !?} fti.* t - ;n-_. ? villi ; -.-a ;;t ; V .. evy vVi'ii i.i- ? tort to Kill. lTs.r\Vy i'ri.'i;'!?"y youths at King and Poplar! Streets. The patrolman later was admitted to Roper Hospital for,84'1 treatment of multiple bruises and 'P' shoulder and jp'ni injuries. He re-i8*' mained in the hospital two weeks At Friday's preliminary hear- | ing, attorneys for Wright and: Cummings objected to the hear- . J ing, holding that the two were juveniles*. Harvey denied their 11 motions that the ease be referred to juvenile court, however, m l >u said jurisdiction foi1 the hearing -had been granted by Circ.uit Sylicitor Theodore 13. Stoney. _______ " ro of I Nabbed in Georgia ^ ROMK, ("Ja., ? "ATman want??! irr pc connection with an Aiken, S. C., m: slaying was avrested hero Satmv to day night as the result of a re- ! mark he made to a White youth Ft ^ ho hitched a vide with him. ,re Sheriff Joe Adams listed the ca man as Marion Bell, 39, of Aiken tn and said he was wanted for questioning in the death of his wife. |de N / Hi f ?acJ ?-pa CO LI M HI A, SOUTH C A i ' A 'r mK? ' ^^ || '4 i ! j! >ifc d . y t>* I ;L> ! ? v A \. U k? V l." \ I "olumbia Man Kill lattle with Police * A identified :i s Caleb Ivtjjro i i?:;ic alias Kddio .lack.-.on, about t , was killed in the yun battle 1 :li 11 Columbia policeman Sunday tot noon. Police said tlu- ?*u? fight startwhen Patrolman K ("nam !! and L>et. \V. II. Uawlinson ?nt to a house at 710 Hampton root trr* investigate a complaint out gambling and illegal ]it According to officers, the two lk-omen found a group "of men ooting dice on the floor, and a i tially empty pint bottle of u'nit in ped whiskey was sitting on a hie. Officers said when Detective iwlinsori attempted to search irtic, the man shouted "this is! ' and hegan firing. Dot. Raw-, ison attempted to take the gun om Furtic and a struggle ened and Patrolman Campbell nte to the detective's aid as Furr continued firing. One of the hullets lodged in Patlinan Campbell's right jaw. The iw.v ..u?../i "(1 toward his back/ and lodged ider the skin. The bullet did not-,< netrato his?chests. The patrol- ; an's condition was not thought' be serious. Despite being shot in the face, itrolman Campl>ell emptied his _ volver. Officers said Furtic's .22 ! lil>er revolver was fired three I ICS. Detective Rawlinson had powr burns on the front anid should-. Mu. hen Imetti ROLINA. SATl"HDAY. SEPTE? !! . " !! ',/ * I _ , t?k. ** \ v ri v A ~ , K ..I .: ^ . !j if ^ ti II v. : . ij -. % . Allen l". i'tv-idem ::H in Gun jificer of his i'i':i!, One hulio: went ' hroujih-the e?>ai near the mhloie Viiea uttnn on the front. otn No Motive Seen Vv In Slaying1 C ase Solicitor T> Pott Taylor. told 't!*n Richland County General Sessions :V 'ourt yesterday he cor.ld *'::o ^ ^ notive" for the syaying of Pristcr >al ; "diaries Itoss at 100<> I.ady Street ast June 20. ' mix But Jake Shuler, a "7. who ileaded guilty to manslaughter in O .he ease, had his own reason. Shu- l'eil er said he was in his room a n d i<>m Ross was coming at him wth what pk*i te thought was a knife. iseiv "I couldn't jump out no windows. , '* Te kept 'coming at me. So I shot *"?' lim," Shuler told Judge C. unt Griffith of Xe wherry. det< Judge Griffith sentenced him t > 'ive years after learning he had. the 10 .prior record. ' h?n "Satisfied?" queried Defense cuti \ttorney Gary Paschal. "Tht's all right," Shulor grinned. j ' And ho added as he was escort- | >d from the court room, '"Thank iuai you, Judge." froi tlRri |the Register and Vote If you are a resident of South a j Carolina and intend to vote in Ed coming elections, you must re- an< gister again under new laws ant passed by the state legislature. ] m < > B, ) He V ? IHER 11, 1957 'T ~ ^ ate Board of E(? - . cck Mixing at m.ivi ? >! ,y \w? . Mv!i;:i'\-.T .is t-.? t-,;ifti.'VM. tbi'.y will ta!*o ii" iii" f . K-.t'lriti-*: m'_;. liu- r. vi-r. v' r:i projrr:; n. _ . - . in.*. tlt!? i i. -ii*.! . .. 1 !ii : >: - 1 4 . Ifi* . > X thj.i. *]:. ? . IV.r.i f !i!u..'.i . it-* : ...-.i f. . . 1-1 ; r f ii4v. <".? : \\k'. V.-Ka : . ;v.- U rU'lii i - i:s ^utiih ioo \v;.? > . :.t to flu* uni.:y j>? -";:i! .joliv-; ry .Vl'inlay .." a ii.u a '.--.vial <>i tin4 i-?I'.K'ti.inn .'Ui'.itl TiaiiU4.. .. * nr.' ' . w .. '. 1 4 K .. ?? V 11.^ i'! I > II I f * ?. >: until the hoai;l ?U ** ; i- in 'lu-' to !.!!; i:.. '^1 !l! itt? till- I'oi'VSe-S. h> ~t;itv*i.i :it was laUm R the t-an wouhi remain in it until the ip.teiiration jmiiey . har.-e?:?u a:ai . A'ii a is ayuiu a'.-Nvuro instil uti m. >':u?u public notiee was uiven ; !y two weeks ayo that the vi sity ws piunuinu' to mhnit !':ve Hurirai inn stinliMits. South ._liaa. Attv. (;> ! T. ('. ( allison ; 1:11 o laws- e?>ald not prohibit \ inteu'ratic:: but that such ir.jj of white ami Neyio stu' < was against "public policy.* the'.* state officials tactfully ised to comment when questa! ahout the Allen integration 1. Then, on Monday, the hoard t this notice to the university: Approval of Allen University teacher tmininy is withheh il such time as the heard may rmine that it is in the public rest to jrrar.t approval, am State of Kducatis directed to withhold ceitifi on of it (Allen's) graduates il up oval is granted." moth... point of speculation ii an! to the teacher certifieatior rter was that it might ston n the fact that the names ol ee Allen professors appear it files of the House Un-Ameri Activities Committee. three, \vh > havg hceri privet wear's notice of dismissal, ar win Hoffman, John G. Rideou 1 Forest O. Wiggins, Hoffma 1 Rideout are white. Meanwhile, one of the five Hur On an r .-r^sa - "tlEC ? ' ' ' ' ^ CE: FIFTEEN CE^Rjj s s lion Acts to ?gro College P. AtVliv T< lii, 2 1?s h is ; p.; < f t iU'ts .h'V-cfl'.-i'.Tl ty A lion. 'ijp.lM 1't. rnat I . Pti-Mi 1 W\v Y'>: .!< . tWroufili at:;, ii t1 . '> "; ' w.s ; ? T'lTl""'?, A! ? ri's , i.i''ici* |>'i?cfor : 'X ' j > 1 i .. p" . '.! *!' ii. .. t i" - iv , - ; :. i - . ' . '-I... J -vy> i \ ..... , '?.] A'-. *s > '. -i 1?; I;. ir N' w \ . ? k. " 1 i' < I ' h .V.'.i i ^V ' lh: - IH' t? v't' ' ? .p. '. "i. 'hp MuIp IJj.uii'd ?. ..? : i??Pv ilt'V tlu?. sh'unt :?m. !i:-!;o;> l?omv<; is i h.virtnr.ti of t.lvts A IJ I'M i??;i!'<1. No timo Was sot. f"L* tilt' I'M-otiMo-. ll O'A'oO. Groodloc Elected i Head of NIA Tt' KHAM. N. \V. Loo.U lni'i Vif'e-l'ivsitU:.! an?l Si'iretavy of North Carolina Mutual Lift* Insurance ('< !)) pany was named prosidoi.t of iho National Insurance Assori IT!on at the -orjranizao ' < 1 ^ ' '' ' ^ a : * . ;; i; <*"v r ' ; ? %.* 4m>t m>->> Sj *&&&> 'V&:1. ?ii - I M