9 m VOL- XXXII?NO. :u - l|f : r- : ? . 1 ?fe' '"^T ', ' ' " '*f %%&?&&!' *' ' -v' $242 had been collected to huy \ gasoline for 20 automobile*. 15 on s regular routes, used to supply Ne- t proes with transportation. Ivory, head of the York County \ branch of t.he National Associa- i tion for the Advancement of Col- s ored People, said the New York;! office of the Board of National! Missions* of the Presbyterian j Church, USA, had offered assis- l< I )e Mi'rr TutTv^si i 0 % i wmjk -(k4&i5r <^^1'" ,is38^ * V "^V" y ;>&> >* > fl- :; ; : v ^ V -: r-> , xIn:IrK,;; v : <,: v- , M, V. v. |j. id m-i; lenu'i1! I com ( nni'u! -nt ott Gaining v-/ ev. Ivory sniff {,. ! i?vi .>ttci's, I\<>: ;. -Hi'! the offer wu* muiU V I*. Uailior in Ww York ;iny two lx)ok? cook and check! to JLti A Y . Ar(.' sin 7. 1 !'")7~~~ I ? < tr. /? &P A "17 <<[?? . 'a ..:i h ' t" ? *. iv.M y" ; V i; i: !,'i.- !i!'.' ; :U'l. ' it >.r <>f ? l'Uitli' < ."is. k a j . a t, i>ni< i>f men i h.u ui d ' i i tin* i-i into ? A. Marshall U<> . hes-" < t. r told nffirers ha was .ii i'.-i-. 1 d< tit of tin' (!tci:.villy KUiii.. . j] Koehes'ter is i.ti'.' "f eiyht men ehar.iii1'! with mnspiraey in tin.1 i y cyse. I'ruell reported that he was heaten after a jrroup of un- . mn.-lved White men entered ?Ts 1 noaie Sunday nkvht, July ~l. i " i 1 l> v>"ine ot the otner men arrested i in the ease ha\e admitted Klan |'. nu tih ei -hip ami some have led, a -eordiue- to Sheriff J. R. Martin. , In his statement. Rochester, who I has heeu eluuued with conspiracy i to commit assault and battery with intent to l.ill and conspiracy to ( commit idirjrlary. said that he was i f elected Klan president al a meet- i \i: .e, Satvrdny ni^ht. .Inly 'M. Ac . I k o to Id- .'element, ho had i i. !v - >'\ ! ail ' " "' j . T !: : . -T A a> 1 v a v'^ j "i - a?v vi. ?* L'ica as. ju'J \ ri i !,.\- !! ivii. ' i. t'.a > 'K : --.M-.ti:. - . *1.1. a*s.l f.iur.iiiT of .'* una 15>.v srl'nol liivd I ut'-ti.'iy at 11?*r ' .av Sta-." l'a'U afHr a brii-f ( _ iiI!51*>>. >!:< was chu-aU-.l ia tho Col am- 1 : : a J>' 11 !5. siaoois a"ai 1 it'lldl irt ' . Sin* was kn.n a as all oxa* of \fit.sv wis ; i : I'll ill 1 .Co,!, atal as a Ciuixtian v/cnthv of ' 1 air a' "\ al, T11., *. 1 H,-.,, ' wars ii-Mtlijiy herself in devoted servii e ft 11' tlu- development .of her community. The Anna Boyd > Fitmentaiy School at State Park ; v.'as named in heji honor. She ' worked diligently with and toward ; ml developing the school and its pro- j ~Jlt -ram. * Survj\ois include two cousins, I "y Ma Boyd. ami Jessie K. (lladden, \ and a number of relatives. Funeral services will be held at : !?1 1 o'clock Friday afternoon from | i? Zion Canaan Baptist Church at j State Park. . ibcr 'lUcF: Fl FTEKN CENTS' ers ' i r\ ? ?.-i* ? frobe Hole !rue!l Case Register and Vote x i. V<.,J I ? i (: ,t ,jf SvlUlll'? :*! *.? ? I'M i intend to vote in O ' e<". .:.:n" ;v', !. v.'.r must R'-O : . , ' .s > -_i: -1? ;'.;.i:i miner Hi'",' ul'.vs j ! :?i y til-- - I t i? legislature.)^ :) "i"it'.' y l. '*l! I'J"'! require-Y . itv'i . that ; :e a.vlk'unt for o a rotinc rert ifit-ii'e either, own i ty hi:vi?'.ii an assess-? f" i >; ii<' of s itiii or more, or y. >?!e:.ions'. ..to his ability too ? , > toe reirtst rat ion board to read $ J or v. rite any >eetiou of, the $ } state constitution. O .iOOOOOOOOOOO O'OOOOOO OOOOO^ rH ;d"nt eon-.-c'-nintr 'Willie 1 pwti ~ down, > Xeyrn of Ki. 1, Travelis Rest. Rochester says in his tatement. that ho pulled Urown mm. a ear. I lironn iias reported hat he \va - r ". rue!: alongside his ar which was parked near the 'rue!I home off H iyhway 1^7(1, sevral miles north of Travelers Rest) Rochester's .-tatement savs tha-t he trrotip met a rain inter that Saturday : i'jiii. He .?!? further i e i : and : ... yot.e who :i?11 i to a- e iu!d do so. 1 ?t* a ; ; ae , \ ? jo >,(? n:.,:-1. a a " t hi.,, and "made a ;'..r::. 1' h.dd of r.e . ! v. ' ta' 11!a!; :T" - !~ , .... ... k,.ee and eat ho t o .1,1 l ;- I,nee, o'iv. r. a. ho..' .-,i ('rtiell had -. ? . ? . . > . . w . .1. i * '' ' : . ; ' v raiu, S?ven Whi'.i' t-iii; 1 i?mi were it) lhe 'nil*!I home the right of the incilent. They ami tin ir parents, Mr. tin! Mis, Sherwood Turner, were then living; in a house on the Cruel I land. On that night. Mrs. rumor was a patient in Stroud Memorial !Io>pital and her husvand. was with her. The Turners lave since moved. 1I1NTOX TO riti:ACTf AT ft'I It ST CALVARY Dr. James M. Hinton will deliver the sermon at First Calvarv Baptist C'hurc-h at the ?hou_r of morning Worship, Suiuky, August 25. The Summer Graduating Class of Nurses from Columbia Hospital will he the special guests of the Church on this occasion, which will he the occasion of their Baccalaureate Service. Commencement will follow at the Church oa Aug. 27th, 8 P. M. ' i