mm | BONDS * STAMPS 1 VOL. XVIII?NO. 23. Cosmetoloi Associatioi ANNUM, SESSflON ? MEETS IN LAURENS il ? i ^ The annual meeting of the I ri South Carolina Beauticians will I I he held in Laurens. IS. 0- .June 11 dh and 15 th as the. guests of the Beau I B ticians ol' Laurens ami vicinity. H I'ho features of the convention will be the Double "V" Contest and T Baby Contest. J ? On Monday night the local beau ticians will present their welcome M program. The Mayor will deliver I flkt the address of welcome to the ] . i city. Rev. II. \V. Walker will dc- : \ liver an address. After which the j president will deliver her annual in address. The program will he in-,interspersed with solos and readings , ,, - ny irtpitT'jnni state talent. The | tl evening's session will end with the double '"V" contevt. ** On Tuesday the session will be- y< gin with reports of the ofticers x and committees. The election of ofticers and The selection nf? place for the next annual meet- dc ing will conclude the business su session. Tuesday night the an- jjj nual Bahy Contest sponsored hv >> tlie .Junior Association will he the ? ' feature, followed by an address by Li Mr. .1. I). Lewis. Agency Super- ev visor of the North Carolina Mut-[on ual. Life Insurance Co. After |_ the conclusion l< Ilegistration begins Monday at . Tnj--Mrsi Lid re - IC- Sober,. -recordiupr, awretKiy, Spartanburg; Mrs. Emily S. Smith, Asst. recording secretary, Charleston; Miss Elsie Searles. corresponding secretary. Columbia; Mrs. A. White. Asst. corresponding secretary. Charleston; Mrs. Carrie S. long, p( treasurer, Sumter; Mrs. Addic L. [;j Eyles. Chaplain, Cohunhia; Mrs. th Sallie Shropshire, critic, Camden; '?s Mrs. Florence M. Jnckmti, mar- ,.t shal. Ceorgetown; Mrs. Julia E. ,f 8 reeled, president-emeritus, Or- m an ire bit re: Mrs. Wilhehnina C. ,VI Poi)o^executive secretary, Coluin- * Continued on Page 2 be ? - ?_ mi ATT Y. Till ROOOI) MARSHAL!. a TO SPEAK HERE JI NK lath AI SPICES COIA M 111 A , BRANCH, NAACP Attorney Thurgood Marshall, of the National Oflicc, NAACP will J1!1 he the speaker at a great Mass i. meeting sponsored by Columbia 1 Branch, NAACP. at Bethel AME J41 church. Sumter and Taylor Sts.. Tuesday evening, June 15th, 19 Tb 1^' the subject: Equalization of Tea diorn' Salaries You are invited to hear this great attorney who lias fought and worr sn many emirtTfatfTos for TT "Equalization of Teachers' Salaries". ^ Flag Day Program w, Allen-Benedict [',! Court Monday The annual Flag: Day program w'rll he held at tlic Allen-Benedict court Memftay, June 14th at G: l"> p.m. The pubiic is cordially in vitcd to attend. The speaker of the occasion will he Lt. Scott of the 710 Medical Sanitary Co. of Fort -Jackson. IMIusic \vrll he furnished by the Choral club of- the 792nd Co. of Fort Jackson and the A lien-Benedict Court Choral club. All city ^ play ground children will participate in this colorful affair. Any dubs wishing to appear on this program please get in touch .. with Mr. Mile- at All^n-BeTICri^ct,, court of Old Howard Center by Saturday, June 12th. 723rd Entertained U ndej- the slat's ^ A lien-Bene- t dittt court fifty men of the 723rd Sanitation Co of Ft JmlfiOn vcet-r-? royaliy~?7nTeit.iincd Friday night. ThP dance war, held out door a in to thq drive way which added to the T occasion/' All expressed a very [jj enjoyable evening j ; f \ =%? V*. gists & B< i of South Jrgent Appeal for ; The Woman's Missionary tecorder y Dear Co-Workers: i v I am appealing t(, \;nn in in- I \ rest id' tliiS~prnjact To ;rsk your j i rmai'.v intsh- : Will ynu do aliin-w in* power t^ make us have ver.yjj .eellont report? I sun asking | I twy Conference Branch 1'rcsi- 1 lit to get ?<'t loss than thirty.j ,j bsciibers by July loth. e'.cry'|i strict President to get not less . t an twenty suhscfihers. every j ical President to get tive. and , . cry woman to send her own and |. e. nunc it' possiMe. Now my ' ? ieiuls please do this as soon as ! :N u read this notice. 1 am sure i : | n_ -tlejKMid 0:1 you.; Ynu have ne- ! ,. r failed me. I am expecting t<> ! a ar from all of my loyal friends j (1 sympathizers hy July loth. *! _4'J. Remember. L am counting j . you. The Woman's Recorder j ^ only fifty cents a year. ! h AYitlL Lest wishes and may (Tod.-.;1 ess each of?you. 1 am ^ Yours For .Service. I. BOOK REVIEW Ij )Si:i'M ( IIA RLFS I'ltlt'K, F.du- ] eatoi' and Race l.eader. Found- J or of Livingstone College Williailt~.taeot> Walts; ir!<1u>|i of the AMKZ Church; willi an | Inti'oduetion by The lloli. JoVe-vphus Daniels. i? uistopher Publishing* House, 1 I Boston: PP 508. $.'>.()(). P.1 -1 '?. Much has heen written eonruing the life of Joseph' Charle- 1 ] iec. hul the volume written lie I shop William Jacob W si 11* , o] e African Methodist /'ion Church 1 the most comprehensive bio- e apl.iv ' of this Bobdinnnanian j araeter it has ever been Hie lot j < this reviewer- t<> peruse. The traduction t() Wall's opus Was ritlen by the Honorable Jose- y members of th ace." Tile story of its genesis nd i volution'"Luc gii the A.MKZ luiie'i is aii"intriguing i laiiei II- -wa? palioni/.ed hy rulers, leal statesmen. edueaiors ?an<( inaneier.;. and lieearne known aound .in- world in a eaieer that. i i iucil n . l.rlidition." T he l'alivtio Loader recommends tTVC Logiapjiy of .1. C. I'riee as Mas. _ eading?frn?Its multiradc oT reft Dead Line July 15 ^ For Encyclopaedia of African zi VIethodism . | ! l'f!i c, Unto. June 7. l'./b. i s?i? ?? K. K. \Vi ipht. Ji.. KditorI.-Chil i- ?.f the Now Kncydopaedi;; . iT".\fr:v;uf .Methodlsni. aldtOiilic- "" (I that tho "Dead Line" for bio:va))hios will be July lo, l'ji;:. aid In-, "Those wh0 desire space < vi 1 i lulve to apply before that late., AH previous terms will be C vitlidraw ii after July 15. l.'nder , he present terms the cost of a . ip^raphieal sketch and" tut i s ; mh*?-Si 11.(j(l?w+th?a copy ? f the 1 Encyclopaedia thrown in; the cut md sketch of a minister and hi> j vife are Sill).00 and each additionil member of the family $0.00 ( xtra." Several hundred loaders 1 ' i \ >f the African Methodist Kpisco- | >al Church have already availed hemscives of this jrroat opportu- i litv. and the llishop said the sin - ess of the Kmyclopacdia is now | Lss.ur.ed. Said the bishop, "1 am i :crtai>) tliat the Now Kncyclopaelia will "far surpass the first oik* 1 vhioh was gthen the largest book vei minted by aii .American No- : rro. The Now Kncyclopaediu will hake a now record. 1 hope no vortiiy African Methodist will he eft' "out." EH lent Kdwin Barclay who was tiihitw (.iivumor'ii Oflica in jC-olumbiifr(iovernor John W. Bricker (1S>'44 'resident Kdwin "Barclay. Whiter i L S". 'JCudrrran, President Klect of ? aim [iUMB IA, SO L'THTARO 1 "TTTTrRTTTTTFL r * ? -ri: ?H9B Hp^l^ v>'- -V Firs! OHh < ! Chai iiy Aija !{t-\. Dr. K. A. Adams of Co!ui Vloinys. la. Pirsi Ollici'r Atlai air <>!' plans ami traiuintr ai I ion ol". tin.' Al'iiraii Mrtli> *'i>i \. M. I!, oiilii'iri'- an?! uiiiv t-'isi In ay ;?t AlU'ii uui'.ciMiy in Co ifiicral ( iiaioii'Jir.y <>1 tin* A. , o Shnl'ti'!' ( 'trilt iiij -Initio . inil.t i!i ftinniK-iiycsiK-nt.-'. 59 SOUTH CAR roUCTEf) AT (ileal>. II!. Fifty-i Miut'a < 'a ml: an Ni'\;mi'> iiav?\ mrti i! la. thc JL. S. -Naval mr?Si;' i Ha?la-rf t'tir a- tHiriuii ec traininjr. While in "IhhiI riini|i'-?tlu-'j 151 *teWs4-r??will >w? -utrl?ihroujfh? uUmsi ?11 a i 1i i tm pro a ra m. lutliny physical eoinliiioninji. i tary drill, lumlanicntals at' aanshiit. an.I Nlfvul i-usLnriis i roved inc. Cpoii irraduation t! ac!' will (> yivt'ii a ninc-i caw. after v, hicii 1 hoy will oi?(? i'urther special!'.cd itistr ion at oik* of ih*k ?trt* -(?t*? sent Iy? Inly at m;i or at a shore stati .Men an* selected lot- Set k hoo! (,n tlio basis of a set >f aptitude tost.-, ami a perso ntcrview ?riv n i,. oat h roer Some with surtieient experience i particular trade needed by *Tavy arc rated as potty ollk pon com plot inn recruit train aid sent tu iicti'e dm*- inn.i atcly. ; The Stint h tfarolina reel: lcro aye: David Anderson, n:;j Douglas Ave.; rharlo- A iis. Jup .Mnnliiin St.: IMnnier 'linkscales. IT. 1 In Kennedy \ 1 Ion Jones. Jr.. Is:, .'115 I.oo A'ylie X. McDowell. IX. 'jlj ('! and Any James ('. Perry. I'J'i I.'eed St.. (All front Anders Lct'.cll Ponds. 2". III. 1. Ai,;v lames I l Wiiili. Is .'Ion I Inn. Hiaek-dusrj?: Reroy Thompson, iioni'.cau; Golden C. MH"aiiis. lit. 2. Cameron; Smith A. I'r ii5. r,:: Drake St., Johnnie Mid ;on, I!). RR 1: J a h ies A. Rich; mi. 21, 20 Ahvay St.; lvuy rhegnloi.c Wilson. 227 0~ Da k ill of Charleston: Kuvjcne At I It'. 102 Roomis St., Che-tcr; 1 ucy !'. A1 for'I. 27. Chester!! liosror I.itt ie. . 2 1. < he-U I I". W i 11 i?* I.. Williams, IS.' R um Joseph Roukinyht, lS._J?t. 2: 1 it'll Green. 2d, lit. 1: Clinton Hazzatd. 20. 1017 lieidt St.: Simmons. 20. 12 2d Maturing Sumuol Siuuuk. .20. I0.2J T.ti; St.: Sidney R. William: . 20, I 2!'. Rt. I. all <.f Columbia; C W. I'aison, Id. 80S I'.F. Si.. < way:' W illie Jackson. IS. lit Daizell; Cleo Dyehes, 1!'. Rt. Rhrbnidt; Henry M. liobimon. Fairfax; Leon II. Caker. tdO, R Florence; Theo. Woods. 005 K. Palmetto St.. Flore Horace Lyons, 18. Rt. 2.' (i: cowrt; Feltoit I*. Se?a, 22. 20 Cook St.. Greenville; Alien (ii 10, 712 Mastoonia St.. Gri wood; James W. McDonald, .1715 Howard St.. Hactsville; I>0r Cunningham, .".11 K. I St.. !.?lmastcr: Horace ('alb' 2D, .'12(> Caroline ., "I.auri lames A. Ffolliclay, :!5.?.'!I7 H St:, 1,aniens; Arthuf Jackson, IX. X17 \V. Hampton St., 1 reus;?W illit-' 1 . William-.. Swansea; John Durham, ID. Lie Mountain.?Weston .1 San. ID, 520 N. Smith Stf, MullTns; ivev Fvasief, 21, Kt. 4, Mann Willie E. Kichbuipf, 20, 214 D ?on St.. Manning; Ba ilale, 2."., Kt. J. Owinjrs: ' Is Coleman. 1D. Kt. . I ; Them Hamploii, ID. f'afffrtTWr flTT If SIw > LISA. SATURDAY. JUNE 12. \!)i<:u visits i)a! <;ir nis of tho Women's Army Auxiliary nbia. S. who ealiotT on Jut ui I'Trs as. v-.'lios,. \\'AAC rank Moiui-s. Dr.' A>lam>. who Ii Klm-eyl'.il CtlUiTh MIMT slipi'tV , f: c\- in lliv i 'n'tvfl ate*. 11<- has !i luiui-.a siiiVr It'lak ami .i mriitioin a M. K. Cii-i'vh "ill" i'.'-l 1. Dr. A'fanm sli IIo'v!. A i "a.. i;iui Wiv u rn univi rrity 01MANS GREAT LAKES , TtTk NntnTTTrr.?h"k?HS?". -Sun ay-a, j Waller A. '.\M'ol d. Al. j Uai^St.; Ficl XiinmtM'iaan. 1 > |iu,_ iI\! 1 ll' j Young' Si.. Spar ' '* .an' Tu'; Cfayto T'osU'i', lS.>Sinv iu ] >.? Ave.. Wooiii t'ff: l)av.?l Rs* ?!). gjiiT IT'. TTi. iTi Sinnnicrton; Syl ca- V('Aei' Jackson. Ji>. t)41> Libert; !,"i7,r "l;- siamuel uooiiuson. r |v.v MioLer: Wjllic L: Williams, IV |;iv iniii Alt'ons.i u;. L'H. Ut. \Vill!)i-l?>l(>. HJg.u. o. often; e GRAND SESSION uit- 1)AltlJM. ION HOST ll:i1(l. TO ANNi u. MMKTI.Mi ( O.MMK.MORATION <)l Ddll ? ;r AN MV MRS A in To Ri. ( MI.MRRATKj) TTTT ? ? . .j'"" Tlic (irand United Order <> t*j i'ftn < el' 4 !h .L?R,?tiedilll'.^'.s j.-i lie St.: \n 1 (,j' South ('aroli'i.a. will moo 1 v*' itt grand sosi.siop, -Iuin- I Ith. lot and KHh. I'.M-l; at Oarlin^to:. S< "ii t |,,w. fitroliua. . St p',' Jn tin- Sen;e:n!mo I:'. IV 1J 1 <> A' 1 lw? PrIiupI tit I i*:ii!cr u i< s,??1 4iii vin, l"i' new iiioniiiri's at OV ' h1- took . in lfi!l now ihehlbeps 1<1 veal). (irail. Tent ot Charlcstni I'll:' St.: w'.'n ,'H" t1P ?*iin^'ii1? m tli St.. | iiil'^Ost i; 1111 'I i "1 inond+ors l;>7 It's.! year. Wfll the: other Tents of u? , j state ahow them to keep it or wi eld: .... , i i. s .elite olner lent wall: a v. ay wit eio: | fill's: 11"' !?' i/e 1 ; a few ?iays v.y-wi A'ar | know. .nether oar itnal has nee " liva/r.od anil al-" know which i'e: .'a-. ? J, _ w ill win t lie | r*/.c\ Aixu j. Wt?? re -e-N-po-n ou< -um'a .1 j jj i 1 i I . ... -"ii j ('ia' 'k.titier year in m-w I rots; u ,.;ls- | err a-eTi membership ami hnanrh on- rains. i N'eirro wonion of 1 lie slate skoal l'erl it an lioin : to conduct. the! lit. wK'es w it!) an organization ow lie 18. .rid eorlrolled l.v ratv womeiv. Th nee; Nutrona! Tent will celebrate-it : "V. i .'iith anr.iversaiv tin.- vea'r. Tiiei s-'.-v 1. ,.jer is to be a sp -.ial pio'tra n at -! i .mil MUfii. II\; * ? ? TtV-t?t-w uols '> nf-1 vrr wi'.iivi i.m xun r inn'; -Jiiliiciuft! this year because Mif ick- ,V, A-r- McQueen who hah b?er> tli ''sV" clam! secretavv t'ov twelve veai aac; lore ' m>t 4* I" answer th "TrfrT " ,Kf eil ;ca- | iscs. the education in ir.prc than 10 ( een presiding elder ami m a-!! <>f tic- | s a .candidate for hishejt at Jiie next ; plj'.'l at. r'o: \ l?i-> ,\|.f ?i'? <>it hi* any, in Kansas Citv. where he I ( Hliciai \\ A AC l'li' topi aph Registration Books [Open at Court House! t;, , , t . : ,....,i.tT^ r ' ul.iiU-. 1 ol L i tX* ir< !H ; a 1 . .. C IjJJ. 11 pi.^ s will he opened eaeir tirsl Af??11 iny ~ >mt -~t4re?IttmV - jlaol >>1 CwUllj --M-i-- K?HMii T.l'J from U until j - j o cm !: tiny. IV; sons hiddnty n'tri-nt" tioii " i Vcrtitieali .-i dated in I'.'-'V m later k' i . i> ' ' , 1 in lint need in register. kcgls-*i ; ''.ration certificates will' be vrtlni J ' a.til I'.M.n. rS TO HOLD _ [ < JUNE 1446 >f tlie (imihl Teifl in Oclo- } ' ?-r I'.'ILV -Pilling uvln.t to hei iMei'ia>r."> w ill m* naiil a" tnc memo. , i'v'i rfi'.tii!' it li.e Slate lira: <1 i i i i 11,, m i: oi' tin.- Tent had ! vn a. ;i:i.! M. - . i.iii'l n?l-r-Sta'lli'n ~T-T~T!',;i V-'oti " as I'll'i.'Uit :ti serve ' 'l (irniid Kh'di \\ mom Secretary a: li"ii-~T;7VT-\ ing "ii UT> I'll it'icilllv ; " Mr.-. <'ham'-ers. tl;( national I i b?mfoilj* in-.lie present at the li . ,, -i ( i rami M-.-nni.; \\ c ale looKIHg In | :n<' uiii.iT wim i .?> }>? ami t ram-. ] It/'..;- y " 11:4_- pt "1'ic v. r.o are making! e -lu ii -.treat. >,n i !! i - : \t hatevoV 1- j>i it' i -.- inn- .,:ni ;<>: . had i]] , ? ?;i:: -j>? 'esline*. c >f j ? ?l UT ; Harden Street I'SO 1 Plans Outdoor Proj 4^rani For Summer Tin.- -purines yani ?>t tin" liarien St ! ; : ISO ( I.iii oiler- a we'l come retreat during tlie.-e days " "of : anlhhT lli'ai: I!eca n -r?there I aiwavs seems !< he a 1-rVeze. sol?!ieis a,i[ i' i eferrui-jf t ? :t as RiT I "( polesl spot in town," At. outdoor program lias begun for the I summer \\diicU. 4>ri>inisos a variety of entertainment for ail who drop by. The first of these affairs was u colorful Taii-Anieruan party which Win. hr-lil l:wl PYiilux Iiln-K* IV I ( The porch ami yard were i.eauti"j Miltv lighted and those who eared j. t(> dance found the large porch an ideal place. There was punch gn,, lore and.everyone had a pray time. The TTnrr o'clock music appreci j. at ion hour which is held each Sun > day is proving very successful, c- On la| ATorutn \y~ J unc 14 tmci -ah ill through a period 01 10 days., It stration \\ ;Tl !>? hold .n tn<- Mh library from * t,, l'J o'clock.-* pupils who anticipate attend the Opportunity School aie?ur; to l.?i itiji" tlicir report cards i 11 tr. Clas.-i--! I>eein. each in??rii Monday thn: Saturday at K clock, with the closing hours at one -o'clock. According to i ciak in cJiarjre of The < MiporVjn School. registration fee ami I tioll will t)C the. SS1MH' ii li.iiil pmniiiu' ?d * Si If'litis arc per.suiml t riends .Marian Anderson. -rkJ?' .1 iy a ii,* I'nr Uiii summer M It. !': (IreCllC will tatkc nvt'l' , ?' chorus for rehearsals 1'h" l>rainalic (liou|r is work mi: a pliientitled "Memoirs the Making." The date of pros lation will hi- announced latvi llcven mi 11. It. Butler. J.r. |) tor of Bishops' Meinoriul_and suuetor ai Allen University jrs another inspiring address- to Soldier*'and civ ilians \vh(. {rath c?i for the Sunday Vesper IIo Ik- chose as his sui.jeet: V.Ilist 4o--.X! an.?To?Um?Xnliui;.?anii_tL tice to (onl." All other parti pants were soldiers. P.!'-.. -lol nio Viljiants of the Air Bast', ing the- soloist. On Sunday. .It Id ai ii p.m. there will he a rot -alile?ili.srtissiun >.n ,..Lhc-?.^iila.t; "A l iei?trrr?Wai. VVhirt "?BrrW. Ma nee will lend the discussi I'hcu puhiic-is welcome _L<> This 8 Up " KM llfllC WlHCTl lolloWS. The Aft Class is still in p yicss-^ml- incvQ**'*--uv- v.nt< sne?t -is wxjptH'tfil for?the?:st?nvm With "the cost of i ionie one, p>n hand each Wednesday ii hat a clas* in sewing. Miss ( therine IMot has consented i take charge ol' this pioject. soldiers' wires are welcome. I'SO-YWCA Direct! IB vJi pl MISS S.yiAH M. HOIIKY Mis.- Sarah M. Horry. ?l?uyrli < 1* the late Rev. ami Mr.-. A.K Horry, has recently Keen appal oil L*SO-VIVOA nirectiM aial sin'inal tu Atlanta. CK'oij;ia. : hrsran her work iti Savannah May 1:;." UU.'i. Miss llony hv the Bachelor of Science licjrree English ami Social Scieijce- fr Agricultural ami Technical C lcgoi-of Creens-horo. N. C. 5 has studied also at Clark Colic Howard* I'nivcrsity. and has ccntly completed parT of her1 \r< leading to the Master's Degree Sociology at the North Carol Col lope for Negroes. Durham, C. For several years she tauj in the public school system South Carolina, and recently the state oil North C arolina. I two years she was employed Vunili t'rmnsHhn?fr>r N-V-A Chester, ^oulh Carolina., Mao* Horry is ten ?wet-stand worker in religions and civic fairs. We wish her luck in |>VV"L" tiold.? t ? ,/. J For VICTORY] 1 I | UNITED -M ft M STATES 31 ftvj4f DEFENSE vl %aS ^ BONDS 1 STAMPS ] R1CE: 5 CENTS PER. COPY ? ANP News Shorts ? rui.uasu \vi:t>. .riMo ?? j Mobile.. Alabama?DcoCfcribed as ( !-a "tun -all" for labor troubles be. : tvvfi: whiles and Negroes at AddK'li j ro. the regional office of the W ar 'ii>l i Manpower <-'aonm is.? inn at? Allan. la. announced late Wednesday i ninji? that "it understood^' the 'I . S. Maritime commission has AH tr-proved a plan for separate ship 5 in>4 ways for Xe^rro workers at the ,C(j j Alabama 1 rry Dock &, Shipbtuld~ ' in? Companyr" Trouble brewed at -?Addsco last week between white and Noyro welders in compliance with a directi\e from President ppT Roosevelt. The riot between the? ! workers sent several persons to ? * i the hospital. United States Arret | my soldiers from Brookley field iffi. are-still on guard at the plant to 7 j, protect government nronertv and t" prevent interference with the ""'"Tviu elVoit. "Tiny wen called' on "I'jju* joi,> H* to-day when the di.j_i.ujit : tgi that the good old day:; lof southern hospitality were out ui*i . for the duration. The only .food in served at the convention will be 77^ obtainable iron! the eollective ration points in the delegates' books ' it was announced. Despite this as-I restriction, a large number o f I a. j members are expected tp attend. ?vc ' the I W ashington. D. C.?blase Wash i ington i> due for a shock and a -i~tre?it one hot summer night, when, ur. on August the opera "La Trajce i viata" in sung in English at its , full _ length at the Watergate, ... beautiful <>auIOov xheatre cm?the lcl" Potomac banks adjacent to the th- j Lincoln Memorial, the richly coshe i turned cast will be all-Negro. Tra,ne Lgi.t\, beautiful "Violetta," Parisiene courtesan around whom the ?-torv?centers.?will -be?portrayed? Ud?bn.-_ihe l.v.rir toloiaUda wpnmih It. ; Lillian Kvaotb T'rodcrud; Varjn, ? 0? ' musical conductor of the National ' j Negro Opera company and this II ; prosedtatitni. and- former assist ro- says o! jinic. r.vami: inert; is 1116 smirev today who caii portray i tile role with more dramatic vi- -rj 'fjror." Other* of the twelve prfh- -W "1* j. cipaly, three men and eight wo- lR a's; men. will comprise'something of jtv a "who's who" in the Negro sing , ' ing world. iKi* Brooklyn. N. Y.? Preceded by md I a monster parade under the aus,11-l pues of the. Brooklyn section of the N A ACT. ioOp persons packed the auditorium of the AlexauL 11 :lei Hamilton high school in a All j mass meeting on .Memorial day j to protest discrimination against Negroes ui the,armed forces of ?m the United States. Among l h e ; -(leakers were Councilman A. )r jClavton Powell. A. Philip KanfrloTph. A. Baker Lewis. Father : Asip. ,and Councilman Peter Cacchiono. The outcome of the meet j ina was a resolution, unanimous. ' ly approved* which demanded thai Negro soldiers in all military training camps throughout thtr [ south be justly and fairly treated, k It was further decided to send copies of said resolution to the F president, the secretary of war. and the adjutant general of the can.(i concerned. Lo- Angeles. Cal.?"In spite of | the-war. the Negro influence in 1 music i> being felt, not Only i 11 I AiiieTtcii*-," tint all over the worH-'* Mj j declared Leopold Stokowski in an swer to a question asked him for the Associated Negro Press diirI bn?