Saturday, February 28, 1931. MT. OLIvie BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J.."L. Brooks Pastor ^ Sunday,Feb. 10, was an ideal day for service's at Mt.Olive. Sunday School was o|HMK'd 1 <>:<)() tr'clock with Sunt UIHl lOuchers at their posts with a iarfce attendance and lesson well prei pared. . The pastor preached a sermon of eloquence and inspiration, 'that carried with it the spirit of Qod which seemed to have been felt throughout the congregation. Many aniens and shouts cafne iirTesponse to this se-r num. Subject: : "Christian.s going Forward." Among the visitors at the church were Rev. Lawrence Collins and wife Prof. Gordan and wife, Prof. Valentine, Misses Boulware, Ham, Maggie Williams and Mrs. Bnttie Whipple,. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gerald spent the week-end in Winsto.n-Salcin, and Durham, N. C., visiting relatives and friends and reported having a-verv joyous trip. x ABBEVILLE NEWS' Janie Ruth Gibbs of Detroit,] Mich* left Tuesday for her home. Her sister, Miss Lucile Fair went with her It is with deep sympathy that we give up Miss Fair. Both girls are ? Abbeville - gir-U^^ahd are -daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Fair. Frineds here hope the girls will visit again in the future. . - Mr. T. J. Dixon, Sr. motored to Charlotte, N. C., last week and earri? cd a party of people." Mr. Dixon re?ports a- pleasant trip. Rev. P. S. Moseley-,: Pastor of StJame's A. M. E. Church has orgatiiz ed a business pacific educational ipag. ue here. They .rendered their . first James, Our '?.Pa;for. Rev...Mo&eley is the president of theleague and he' was master of > ceremonies. Tfie program were as follows: Each speak er gave a talk on his trade: Mr. W. B. Greepe, spoke on Brick Masonry; ' . Mrs. Mnrv Louise Pope read a_voryinterestkig* paper on home work; | Mr. L. A. Richie read a paper on un-! dertaking, lib is the embalnu r of our { city; Mr. Hr'Clifton Taylor gave an interesting talk on a barber shop,' Mr. Pearl Gary Allen spoke on plas- j terine and cementing; Mrs. Josephine , O. E. Brown . gave a talk on dress - : making and mil sic; our Presiding Elder, J. B. Smith *cave a talk on holding up the cross of Christ. Dr. It. '> Alorizo Scott was with us and' gave .a very encouraging talk. Doctoi' Scott is an ex-slave and he gave talk here in the court house Monday, Tues- : dav and Wednesday nights of last week on slavery and sociality between the white and colored races. Separate seats was for the white and colored. Both races are praising Dr.. f Scott for his interesting lectures. Mrs. Josenhine Brown of Cedartowr. Ga,. is expected here in the hear future for a visit to hague people. .IOM0STM.LK NlvWS The weather contmues cold ^TRd "'l number of cases of flu is -around. ounuay wasa ueuuuiui nay; ivev. Matthews filled his appointment ai Cedar Grove with a large crowd pnes' ent, Mr. and Mrs. Kdg?*~Sttber formerly of this city but now of Henderson . ville are visitors lure. Friends of. Mr. Julius Kodtrcrs and Mr. Willie IJines will regret to lear.ithat both are nuw in the hospital pending operations. , . Miss,Mamie. llall'nry anil Mrs, land Foster were week-end visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs: S. Thompson. A eloom of sadness swept this community when it'was learned that Mrs. Susie Chfwney hadj. passed away at | the-home of a son in SpartanburgT| Mrs. Glowney had been in declining htralth for quite awhile and every thing that loving hands could do to ; relieve her Was done hut to no avail. . She was a loving mother, a devoted wife, a member of .Bethany for twenty-five years. Shi? was funeralized | here Sunda*' evening amidst an overflowing church of friends and love I ' ones;" The funeral oration was deli-! vered by her ex-pautpr, Rev. J. \V. C. . Pnlomlln of Snsirfjiiihnrtr ond 1i\ iriv'i> honor to whom honor is . due is to kno\y that his sermon was a matchless one. She" leavesa husband, several children; thn, sisters; two brothers* several grand children; one greatgrand: and other relatives. Woodwardof Spartanburg had cfiarge 3TT the body. . Mesdamcs Carrie Means and Ilattie Smith,. ot_ rittsbMrch.l'a., WtTe ht-tv to their sister's funeral; also another sister, Mrs.', llettic . Means of Gastonia, N. C- .1 Mrs. Lillie Thomas of Spartanburg was here Sunday -Rti'V. "5. C. Collins was present at J the funeral Sunday and assisted Rev. Coleman, ~ ~ r .' ] LOCKIIART NEWS We have always heard that if Feb. 2, was a clear day the "ground hog would see his shadow when he come out, and would return at once and six weeks of bad weather would follow; but, this did not prove true this year. Feb. 2 was a fine day and the weather hn^ boon plxanant over since Mr. Wallace Foster continous very ill at his mother's home. Mr. Foster' is a hard working and quite -young man, and his friends hope he will soon make a change for the better. The Sunda" School continues to -grow -4tack- Sumlay.. Those joining last Sundav were. Mr and"Mrs. OeizeT" ^Qist, MrSr A nftlo Smiths -Mrs. Fann ie May Giles. Mr. James Thomas and Mr7 WSfWHTJS?Mtpphuini -?i? Mr. Victor Jeter. Miss Francina Ray and Mrs. Eliza Ttarnett, decided-to take a little hike last Sunday; the" wervtTabout four miles. Mr. Grover Rav Mrs. Annie Able. - and Mrs. Jennie Young of Blackstock S, G., motored to Lockhart and spent ( . > 1 : _i : twttf Alfm? with Mr: ~rm(f lTr. Will N'orris and Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Stephens. Rev. J. A. Thompson, preached an excellent sermon here Sunday night, and Rev. J. W. Adams of Charlottv, will preach here?Wvdnes'dUv night. # (IKAY COURT NEWS , The article appearing in last weeks ssue stating that the Negro was, dscussed by 6th grade students ~was discussed by the Ncgm^JiUtory NClub >f Tenth Grade instead. The Fathers and Sons Banquet sponsored by the agricultural boys through the N. F. S. C. was quite a success, Friday night, Feb. 20 at the Lawrens County Training School. , The hovs. rendered a creditable progrant. Two vocal solos bv Misses Ait Idssia Franklinjtnd Olivia Cleveland respectively. Trie deb: J e discussed by the boys which had for its subject, "Which is the most profitable to the farmer, Home. mixture ferti; Atrer or Commercial-f^rtttizer ? V wamuch heln to the N. F; S. C. Affirmatives: Messrs , Franklin, Vn?t vrritt *?*Vw\ /liu/meo/ijl mixture fertiliser won over the negatives: Messrs Williams, Hill and Alfred Yeargin, who discussed Commercial fertilizer. Mrs. Hois .Boyd. Alice Franklin and Mr. John Rates, were judges. Color scheme was&'ull.v cari'ud out.?rOeticiou*?luenn wks 'served. $5.40 was taken which is to be used for the benefit-of the agricultural. hoys. The Julius Rosenwaid "program t'< he had March 0, promises?to?be?a*nothfei' helpful event to the school. -T-hc Sapt. of Jaiuiein> County I rani ing Schools, Mr. Chas. Brooks, will delivei an adrcss. ? ?" Prof. W- A. White a diligent- work er at Bethel A. M. . Church in Laurens, S. C., was attend t heElectoral College at Abbeville, S. C.. in July. He will also be a candidate to attend the General Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. " *? Feb. 2J, Miss McLean, our nuisi and Primary Instructor gave us a beautiful narrative of, characteristic traits of-George Washington. SENECA NEWS. ^ * We arc very glad to see the fine weather. The farmers are busy getting the soil ready for planting. The services at the different church es of the city were very good on last Sunday. A large crowd was. presppt * nt eacn. > The Mock Conference under the aus , pices of the Sunday school i}f St. James M. K. church will be held Tuesday night at The public school audi toriuru. The basket ball boys of" Co. 'Pr:'in in ir school plaved a very interestintr game with the Calhoun team l:jst Thursday. Scores 14-14. "hightiving" is the name Reed St. basket ball girls would give the fa-'t team of Oconee Co. Training school, SenccaT if they wer^ asked to name it. Frankly speaking the Seneca girls were like a streak of" lightning on the court last Friday when they (lefcated Anderson's team by a score :f 7-& /* Those present at the social the hom(. of Miss Fleta Williams last Thursday reported a nice time. A salad course was served. MAST SPENCER, N. C. NEWS. Shady G rove Baptist Chureh all the saints of God made,their way to chureh. Dr. Daniel delivered a grand sermon, subject: "Christ the Light of the World." The. services were very spirited. The senior choir sang new songs. Sunday school opened at one o'clock with Mrs. Gertrude Drayne presiding as-Supt.-- , Rev, and Mrs. J. S. Daniel motored out to New Bethel church, ace oin pan ied by "Mr. and MrST'Churll'y rfuuvei und their beautiful children. The members that were not >n the pounding last week gave their.pounds of which Rev. and Mrs. Daniel are very grateful. B. Y. P. U. opened at 5:30 with the president Mr. O. R. Bolt in charge. The B. Y. P. U. is just fine. The Baby choir adds rauch to the "Union. Many grown-ups were present. The program was rendered by group No. 3, Mrs. Alberta Daniel, leadey. A very good, program was rendered. Dr. Pi ti Oirtitn) gpnlfn fpr the 7:30 services. His sermon was very good and enjoyed by all. ?The?dtHHee?Missionary will -Jig,known hereafter as the Y. ^ST. A. met with Miss Sarah.Holt Monday. These young ladies had a lovely meeting. The hostess-assisted by her mother served a delicious menu. The Senior Missionary Circle met with Mrs. Hattie Watkins Friday afternoon. The Scripture lesson was very interesting. The hostess served a delicious courst> of chicken, coffee, cream and cake. These ladies are Working ladies. They gave an entertainment Monday, nighty and raised $18.00. This they turned over to the church Sunday night. Mrs. Florence Bolt continues ill. We hope she will soon recover. Sjl. had the misfortune of being kicked by h mule a few days ago. He is feeling some Little Thaddeus is recovering from his burn slowly. The family has our sympathy in their ill luck. Mrs. Artie Torrctice is much better at this writing. Mrs. Lucile I.yles is able to be out after a few days illness. Mrs. M attic" Campbell was given--*H surprise birthday dinner Sunday afrhoBo nvospnt were 'Mesdames Hattio I Jamison, ("arrie Cobb, Millllli (lulib,1 Mar>- Washington, Gertrude Drayne,j Lila Slade, and Lucile Lyles. Rev. and Mrs Daniel regret their absence. Miss Aramae Slade has been quite ! *' ^vtt Is better now. We are sorry to learn that Deacon j - * * .. * "' THE PALMEr [ft sanai^uoo soujWOJ, euuc.rj '[[o/w us uoo>p},Usoop ' at her home on Long street. Funeral rites Were held for Mr. | John Jellries at tfho~Shady Grove Bap tist church Friday Afternoon of which tie was a member, lie leaves to mourn his los>, 5 sons, 5 daughters, 15 grand children and a nunibef of great grand children. Kev. J. S, Daniel officiated. Mr. Jeffries was 80 years of age. Alts. Mary Johnson of Richmond, Va., is spending awhile with Mrs. Isabella Wright. j Mrs. Mary Mills of Philadelphia;-J is visit ing her home, Mrs. Leanna Townes. She has had a.throat operation and is not feeling the best. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Daniel thank Mr. Robert Dalton, Mesdames Roxy Reaves, F. C. Click, George Williams, h'lta Clement, Josi0 Benjamin and ICstelja -Williams for eatables for the rWeck. ' . _ . WINNSBOKO NEWS. I Miss Pearl'Robinson of Rock Hill [who has- been -supply teacher near | Blaiik is spending awhile in our city the guest of I'rof. and Mrs. W. A. Ross. La'st. Sunday %us a high day at St. Paul Baptist chuith. After,a v.'iy beautiful Sunday school session, R?v. J M. Baatty ascended the rostrum hid behind the cross and made our hearts burn'while Ik- lalkeii "TuPi^" day evening. The most efficient president Miss Nellie Gordon presided. The group is planning to surprise the public in the near future. This group can certainly keep a. secret.. After a lively discussion a very instructive program was rendered. After which a delicious repast was-serv.-7T : Mrs. Helen Archie gave a surprise oarty Thursday nite honoring her "husband Mr. Richard Archie. Those and Mr*. Alexander b'nii. ell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harmon* Mr. and NRs. David Bratton, Mr. and Mrs. Rdd it-Davis... Way man News The \V. 11. & F. Missionary met on last Friday cvening~at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonri Sampson. We en oyed quite a lively meeting and \vu * 4'hvhIU iwolerUonnth by?tiui iuisti-.s-i 'Sunday services wcfe fine as usaal. Rev. Johnson' was it his best. His 'unjeet was "Obedience," and he left no stories unturned. We were plea- (1 to have with, us Prof, and M is. C. G. Garrett. Miss Jessie Gillian*. also worshipped with us. Richard A. Campbell entertained- -n? birthday party Sunday afternoon, lbhad as dinner quests Masters Rufus Greene,- Eddie and Richard Archie'. Nathaniel Bouknight and John C. Wade. Messrs. Carter Gat son, Malloy and cij.iniiiii p |i ny| _ [ hours in Col-umhjn. .. > , Mrs. Lucy Sims is still. con lined to . her home. ? Mrs. Laura Bookman is on the sick i list. We hope she will soon rdeovoi*. Chalmers Campbelle . is hack in | school attain to .the -delight of his many friends. t.KRIvNWOOU NEWS. Morris Chapel Baptist Chufch I)r. Ft?Douglas Johnson, Minister -p Last Sunday marked another glorious day spent , in the service of the Lord beginning in <,our great Bible school at 10 a. ni. the spiritual fires began burning. Onward ('.hristian Soldier* is the motto of the Bible T school, under the intrepid leadership, of nnr most eliirient and wide awake, Supt. Mr. James Robinson. 11 o'clock services opened bn the dot. The senior choir gave us some real old ffi'shioned singing that mellowed our hearts tunc! prepared us for the reception of God's word. Our pastor then brought to us ;t wonderful tVnKgflgy. nsing as his subject- "The-iWhule Armor." This was a glorious Tunir and 7Tf the Lord was upon us and set our souls on hallow'g'iii rr ^mn . - l\ * rTO LEADER ?:?*-? good sermon from the subject, Daniel in the Lion's Den. Total receipts for the day $47.72. ^Last Friday nite, the W. H. M. S. pulled off a Turkey Contest, which was a grand siipcp^ Mr?^ .ynvjinnnh Andrew's held the lucky nurpber and was given an eleven pound turkey. The receipts were $18.15. The Y. *L. A. was reorganized. Mrs. Melrose P. Fuller was elected as pres ident for 1931. She is well prepared and is a fine Christian young lady. She is one of the teachers in the W. find graded school. WJatch ' the Y: L A. _gu over the top. All thP auxiliaries of our church are spiritually and financially alive, >.nd 'arc forging ahead under-** their respective leader's. Macedonia Haptist Church News. Thu Sunday school continues to improve very much. Th. attendance WttS VeFV?tmul ^lliwlnn rhrl O... ? school seemed uplifted with the -spirit. At .11:30 Rev. Herbert preached tr very instructive "sermon. 5:30 o'clock -the B. Y. P. U. convened with.a large attendance. At 7:30 the pastor's text* was "For the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil." This was a great sermon, one that should be remembered by all who heard it. . ??East Friday, Feb. 20th the Missionary society met-at the home of Sister Winnie Glenn to worship with her. The meet in e was darrietT'fcifr in nnli-r by the vice-president MrC. Sallie Williarn^ presiding. The ne.xt. meetingwill he held at the home of Mrs. Emma Weeks.The Missionary ladies will give a-Hen Hunt at the-ehrwh Thurr daynlght, Feb. 2G. The many sick membetia of Macedonia are improving. Miss Rosabell Turner?is? st+H?confined?to hor bed. We hope for her an eatly recovery, \Y EDGEFIEI.I) NEWS Mr. Editor please allow me Space in your Volumns to say a few owords. The Wedgefield Circuit is still alive and prospering under the great leader Rev. J. M. Harrison P. E. and most efficient Pastor, Rev. J.. E. Dixon. .Service opened at the usual hour 11:3U O'clock. First Selection Hymn N o. 487. Life is.'the time to serve-the Lord. 92 Division of Psalms, was read as our morning lesson .Second Selection Hymn Nn, 405 p Rev. Dixon used as Tex 90 Pslms,12th, Verse. So teach us Lord to nujnber our days and apply our hearts unto wisdom.. He used as a Subject: Count your days. Contex. 5th Pslms, 2nd verse. Have mercy on me for l am week. Every one who wai present could not but say did'not our heart-, hnrned as the nnufof Cod talk with us by th*. way at 2 o'clock a short Program was rendered by the league workers. A paper by Mrs. Ihixana?Johnson. Subject,?Ignorance Trio, by Paul Johnson Jr. and Sisters Paper by Miss Rosalee Felder Subject: The purpose of the A. C. E. League. A few remarks from visitors from neighboring ehyrehjs. The Rev. David James. PaStor the R. M. U.E. Church and his wife__was .present, also..his Choirs who furnished music for us. Rev. James preached a wonderful sermon for the League. He used as-a-Tex Acts 2nd chapter and the latter part | of the 4th verse. Look on us..We arc >r;lI ways glad to have such visitors with IK Jirul Vl'n t Uo f 1 1 will have'them. As long as we have |~for out' leader the Rev. J. K. Dixon. |\vho has ^within hirn that drawing I spirit. That spirit wheh makes every one happy that comes in contact with | him. Total collected for, all purpose |7Turing these services Pray-foi I our success during our. second QuarterlyConference, which will be held Saturday Feb. 21,' 1931. Reporter: P.- A.. Harvin. MT. P I. K ASA-NT A. M. K. CUt'RTlT Ninety-Six. Si ('. Sunday services were well attended path snndiiy. sebum and ptvsFTTffir services were inspiring. Rev. J. \V. .Shaw . and a young preacher. Brother M. L. Johnson, a student at Columbia inotored up Sunray morning at a very early hour. i)r. Shaw selected a text from Matt. 21:1. Subject "The Name .of Jesus" I"hy sermon was fraught with information. inspiration and all that goes to' feed a congregation. After- services dinner was served' iti the home of Mrs. Liy.xie Satchel and was similar to the breakfast served in the home of Mr. A. S.- Steven-. Rev. Shaw with some other friends motored to Greenwood, S. C., where he preached' Sunday night in the 'Morris Chapel to and apiveiative audience. Rev. F. 1>.- Johr.-'on and the members of Morris Chapyl ?*e doing well Rev. Brother M. L. Johnson, preached a wonderful sermon i- Mt. Pleasant Sunday night in the absence of Rev. Shaw. Text St. Luke 6:19; subieet, "Go and tell what the Lord hath done." Rev. Shaw brought a representative group of studenfs from the school at Brookland. S. C? Sunday ami they -ang in Bethlehem Baptist Churofy Pine Grove and also Mt. l^asant. Prof. K. F. Johnson of the Higlf School here was unable to attend his church on .last Sunday at Due West, S. ('. We hope for him a speedy re. <-overy. Brother A. S. Stevens, the Sinu-i inti aJ Mj Pleasant, was unable to he at his post because of illness. All hopes that h(>j will soon he back. The following: Visitors were present last Sunday: Mrs. Pitts, Mrs. Mollie Burton,Miss Graham, Mrs. An-( na Weeks. Mr. George Burton, Mr. 1 larrie.? Caldwell and Mr. James Hill Tint 'Silvcrtonc- Ouantel of St. George is prepared to give recitals in any part of South Carolina, and they guarantee ydu first class Negro write Wm. McKintey?Bowman,?Rtv~ 1, Box 70, St. George S. C. , Miss Clay Bell Windham, Mrs. V Babel C. S. Williams*, are on the sic list. i The Silv.ertone Quartet gave a re cital at St. George M. E. Churcl South (white) Sunday-night. Feb. 22 An attendance of about .r0 the subject was: "Jc sus Bearing the Good Tidings;" i was beautifully discussedby th Tht4 Busy Bees are planning a "Ho Dog Party" at the hall oil Saturda nite. The Willing Workers 0*1 ub was re .organized Sunday evening by Mr. Tanerette. She is a real live wiri We are verv glad to have such ; harucier as kev. rrankiin irt ou town he is the pastor of Brown Sa two girls of Claflin College at 0 rangeburg rendered -an excellent pre gram at Brown Salem last Thursda ni??ht. It was heard by many and en "!oyed by- all they are known as th "Franklin's Quartette." We are verv sorry that Mrs. F^_.A Cujlrig-ht and Miss Hattrie Roust of the .Belton Graded School are ill We hone the beautiful rays of healt ,an(T sunshine will rain along tljei path-ways of illness. Mrs. Rena VV.ilborn is also on th sick list, . The Seniors were born ftyr grea things i hp .nnnrn'H wen- nui'ii tor tin- No one has ever discovered Why the "Sons" wore horn at all "Please consider tho Freshmen. Comprised by the Class of 'ill o Bolton-High School Dept. The congregation of Sit. Olive' Holi ?}ess Church was a tar pre one Sun dav night and tho sermon preached b; Rev. Latimer was "enjoyed by all Miss'Uutb Calhoun was the week end guest of Miss Lois Newitt " <* , Sunday School was at its psual hou -imtf -was indeed interesting. Every , body full with pep;a deal of informa tfon was gotten out of the lesson Page Thra~ k A Flower Contort is being put over by teachers and students. The ones . having the prettiest plot will get a ? i, prize. ..These, prizes will be given by >7-utn?brirrrr^i?Principal, Prof. J. S. ? 4 a_ Shanklifi. Teachers and students are t all working l'a it hf ully with thejr ( plots. , ^ a "The Winning Widow" a comedy in ^ i 2 acts will be repeated on the <2nd - of March at Robert Small High . Srlirwfr for it.. i ..f . ^SAJLVW 4 " ^ "V. '/V Iivm ux xiii; i ? w Chapel Church. Come and enjoy the - treat that is in, store for you. Ad mission 15 cents. s ' Saturday Feb. 21 was a very busy day for ~tea< her>-and' students. We' IT werrrull bus - oiling floors and furni- v ture,. gct^ng ready for the most beautiful time of the vear which s. s Spring.. After , being shut in during t the winter, now ready up for the Snrin*' months. r Mrs. A. Wallace was a pleasant vis ( iter at the school on Friday." She eanie to >(-e her two sons, -Leroy and?:?? B Cyrus.' " . J . * Mr. Paul. McKee is .still iiuproVin*?.. r We are hoping he will be able to re sume .his '.si-' in a few-days. ? We were pleased to have Dr Sims the health Doctor and our own Dr. . ' : .Charles' S. Simpson to Yisit our .'school yiuFoxamine the children. They |-ei)oi'te