I 7" . " ^ THIS PAPER IS^i f DEVOTED TO THE A INTERESTS O K (I " THE PEOPLE. 3Z_ Vol. i.'?NO. 40. m ? 1?A? THE 14 W TRIES TO ~ - ' - - ESCAPE BUT - ;* THEY FAIL i \ ' t ' " * Charged wi4h Participating in ^ A mob With Intentio of " ' ; Lynching ? HqUARbS KEEP CLOSE KYE 1 Young Mansel was Carried to Charlotte for Safe1 KeepTrial to be at a Special " . Term of Court t Asheyille, N, C., Oct.?Solicitor J. ^ E. D. SwiTiTrrhas m ndj^th c^nnn ounce? * merit that those perspns arrested charged with participating'"in the ac~ tiort of a - mob which entered the =?rnnnty Jail here ad nvin to lie do\vii_aiHl flogged him j' nnmnrpi fiillv. sViontintr him when he i W tried to get up. _ J'AltnTan is reported?to have' con-1 ; fessed his brutal assault at his trial, saying it was no^more^jjian a "Xig-'i per" deserved. Dr. W. : H.?-Conner, j President of the_Fort Wayne N. A. j 1 A. C. P., testified that he visited j Harris in the. hospital and found his! hndy rovorc.d with welts. William L. Briggs, attorney, employed, by the NTT] i ^ ^ q p>t assisted in-the prose- I cution. A petition'.signed by prominent-. - white men of Worth County, Georgia,' asking that * sentence be suspended was ignored bv the Court. I y I Va DR. C. C. JOHNSON Past Or ' ,! I" - ^ _ "s,1 - ' V- J ? t i l h*?'i ' ~ ;. . : i i m ADMITS A^A . ** a A a tVIIITE BOY l9 ? OF 11 YEARS U'iiiiar?n Pimoll^AiLhilp, Poqpd Guilty of an Attack o.i j'. Mozelle Jones, Colored hven only srx Months rhe Counsel for the Defense. : When- Asked - by the .Court J h ow Punish said "Su- V spended Sentence with A Light Fine" RaleigH, N. Ct-.? Gets?Wallace Pow 11,. an eighteen-year-old white boy, vas found guilty in the Wake.eouny Superior court here of .an attack in Mozelle Jonc^,. 14 yearJTlfl.colored ?irl. The white boy had admitted lis 'guilt in?the city court,"Nind was sentenced to six months on the road. Fhe conviction in Superior Court ?ame op appeal. The counsel for the lefehse when asked by the court ,vbat ho thought the punishment should be told the court "suspended sentence and a light fine." R. N. Simnis, attorney for the prosecution advised tfc'e judge* that the case of IVwell was- one in which he, the court, tiad an opportunity to do the right rhtrrg and protect.?colored- women.. rht'x attack on the girl occured in the, it'ome of the liuy's hrothj**1 uhrfeno >we 1 y<\u;i?-^hrfTtun Negroes all get leath sentences for attack^ like these. NEGROES TRY TO LYNCH NLGRO "FOR ASSAULT Laurel, Del., OeW?Xe'gnw# tfTed to lynch Edward?Waters. a colored ?? ?>tfU.v ?.? *?/? K/nw" [JUlIlf ? IIV7 . VCIIIIV." IIVIV ctvwvtt. ? ago, and was arrested Friday night Fiftrr?a?fttr-nggle .with three polieemen, in which ho tried to draw a gun. lie was git en a preliminary hearing-arffPrfished to the ??Georgetown jail, when a crowd "of people threatened to lynelP hiih. = ?Wednesday njght^-.at^ made.ijd-t ranees to Mildre| ?*Co(>per, a Megfo girl, and when she resented, knocked her insensible wiili" a rolling pin. Later he learned that the' girl's *f n't her,' Jnm.w Prtherts. had sworn out a warrant for him, and went in hiding. Friday night . he waylaid .Roberts, beating him and leaving him for dead r I I H I and High PricstrAiken, S. C. ? _ . . . ' ( : jj"?5? ?i?? 1 j . .-r X liwjV. .? . \ Mm ~ ^ COLUMBIA, S.-C.-.-SATU LYNCHE1 i. ARCH MAS ULT1NG A C< eOtQREEHyOMA - IN ELMW ihe Plot 'on- Which SHe Was ~! Husband in 1870, From Elr Mrs. Mary S. Smith, the wifc-df, Mr?William Smith, (deceased) since L?85, died at her residence 1114 Ilu?er?street, Monday at 11:00 o'clock. She has been a resilient, of. Columbia for over 80 year*. She was possessI'd with a "reasonable portion of this world's j*oods," and was one of' Columbia's loading , business women. She attended to the tolie^tfn-Trf?hef^ FeTift+F ete. Allen's Official Opening Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1925 11:45 A. M. in-the Univ. Chapel, Bishop Beckett and Dr. Imes of Tuskegee To Speak. President .Sims says the opening will be the greatest in. X\)fi history of the institution from n^jmy angleg. There iuoT been a steady increase in the and High School departments. Several new teachers have adiiedr'eirectiveness to the work. The spirit* of teachers and. students is fine_. The President has the confidence of all.. "T4 ; T -Bishop \V. \V. Beckett, the Presiding Bishop of the Seventh and* Eighth Episcopal districts will.be. present and "preside over tluTmeetinn oTTPyesiding Elders, who will report fq^ds from theirfc several- districts for Allen University; Bishop. Beckett is a former jpre'sitlent,, and is giving President. Siuis ami his faculty his best judgment andHTnstinted support. A new business system has been inaugurated at Allen. Mr. A. Clark, president of Clark and Company, Accountants, New York, installed the system. It is-the ggmc .nsed at Vassal', Harvard, Ml. - Hol_yoke, Columbia, The University of Chicago and the General Education Board. : rrr-rrr-? President Sims states that our progress along this line is significant, because financial assistance in large denominations is needed and expected al AlUui in l.Jiw near tuUiau..^ Mr. G. Lake lines, of Tuskegee will be present and will speak; also Bishbp Beckett." ",~At^;_? ^o'clock r. M., a Reception will be tendered Bishop Beckett L>y Carofiua. . 'l'he Program follows: iiivi?. :iiion- A: 'Perrin. Music?Alien University Gjee Club. . Address?Dr.. L. R. Nichols, Master of Ceremonies. Duett?.Miss 1'atrick and Mr. Young. VVoitumc on behalf of Conferences: ' South Carolina?Dr. Af. A. HolUns. Columbia-?Dr. T. ?ffarper. North-Last?1 >r. J. W. .Mtirph. Piedmont?-Dr. \Y. C. Crawford. ,?Central--Dr." 1. .) "l'rnit Solo - Miss Brumfiekl. Welcome on behalf of the Churches: DiTT Cr White. Welcome oh-behalf of the Laity? Prof. ft. W. Howard. ^Wi'lfinne on behalf of the Missionary Societies?Mrs, R. C. Chappelle. Quartette. Welcome on behalf of Allen University? Dr. D. If. Sims, President 0..1 I.. ? YYtriVt?tm*--4W--I.K'll?IIA- U1 OCIlUUia 1 ll'l 1. M. A. Myers. Welcome on behalf of Fraternal Or ifanixations?Dr.. C. C. Johnson Music?Allen University Glee Club Introduction of the Bishop. The Rt . Rev. W*. W. Beckett, At M,, D D., by Dr. L. R. Nichols, State Chairman. RDAY, OCT, 10, 1925, : f ONS HERE N M nnrn riffiJ JLUlxLU UilvL iRfiURIi D ?- , fQOD CEMETERY :? ?,1 I I Buried Wag-Purchated By Her nwood Cemetery Company ^^ j f i The funeral services were held from Ladsoiw Presbyterian .church, of | which she was a consistent member, Wednesday afternoon, at^l o'clock. Rev. I. 1). Davis, the pastor ofhedatihy. She is 'survived by three yrand'-'~ children: Purvis Smith, Mrs. Nellie Mouzin ami .Miss :Jeunie, Smith. ~ The firm of Johnson-Jihad 1 ey-MOrTts had-charye of the funeral anrunyo-" meTttgrV- D - " . ( FATHER AND SON SUFFO- ( GATED IN WELL FROM POISON GAS. . - . t . :j Last Satu'rdaJT^TiRiYiiiiiy perhaps ? one of "'ilau-inust. siai'll'lliy tragedies 1 joccured on the Winnsboro Road, just ^ Jjeyond .Hyatt's Park. William liar- , .ris, Sr.. aye 45; and William Harris, Jr., aye. IS; were suffocated by poi- 1 ison yas in attemptiny to clean out ( U well. Thee hud cone to the well . Friday ?to clean it out, but discover- "j ed that there was a__lurge amount tof jrs_is iii^the well. They burned the veil out; and supposing "thai the (?alT .had been consumed, went back Sat.urdav., and the Klder- Harris - went I down into-the well, but as soon as he reached the bottom, he called to h'ts-son for help. The soUMlescended on the rope and he was immediately, oveiconje also. Another- in'hn who was assisting them gave the alarm..Members "of the -Columbia- Hospital - Stall*,' rendered first' aid with pulino^tors."~ etc., but life was extinct in ' both. . i The funeral was to have been held at Second Nazareth Baptist club-ch; but "'long before' d o'clock, the time appoi+fted. for the funeral, the church was. crowded to overllowing and the services. were retnoved to the Tabernacle next, door. The elder .1 {arris is survived-by a ' wife and 11>?r*hHdrt?n. ? There were approximately about l.pph a 000 {lenole ip attendance,'" Rev. R. M. Myers, the pastor preached "TfTe funerals,?rrnd?*ear?anointed?by-J - Rev. John?Myers. Johnson-Bradlyy-Mortis were the U ndertakers. nir^nv nni ik COMMUNITY MEETING AT STATE HILL ANI) RIDGEWAY TO GET READY CO. " FAIR?NOV. 11, 12 and 1.1. j -T> I Everybody in- Hie County is! fnr r. Dig CounTyT - Knir. ITo-t^ II Li.. I'annus 'M State College spoke at -the j Rttlgeway-fHeeting in the inter-1 est of the Fair. On Nov. Gth, a Big Common-.iix Fair will he hekT^'at t he ' f'reshytorian school on- thnr~Tedge of Itidgcwny and all wilF -t-omo fmm 1 hero-?fl-i_ho Countv Fair- _ ,7 r~~-? Aerial photographs are going'; used in Connecticut for lax-as- , sending purposed r The age of .tile sun 'lias Woonfixed at between 2,000.000.000 ] and 3.00(MlOO.OOO yeais old. ' 1 , ' An orphr.-n car is one whose, ' manufacturer has gone out?of l . . j business. Response by the Bishop. Presentation by Dr. (1. C. Johnson. Treasurer, g- -Announcements. Benediction. Collation in the University Dining HaU. "j 4 J * ' * -i - . * ' [FVT n>rnr EiAl VyillLl^ ItO YAL AHC'li - MASONS AND iCNlUHTS IEMPLARS The IDtTi Annual (r:fln\ln;rtion Giand ChapU'i llolv HuihI? Arch .Masons To Meet ^ VTT THINGS ARK?HEADY * 'a'mel'lo .Grand Commanderv Knights 'Templars Will ?r~Also He In Attendance ^ : At This Meeting' Animal Confr?.catfaiT* of the ji'aird IT.aptor, Holy Rqyal Yrch Ulasmi^TiTrd T*utrrruttu irand Commandory. KnightA Templars to-be held in this city next Aveek, _The sefeiaT com-" 11 it lees haVo seen that everyMing possible has been done Tor he reeepti op?pi' this most- nobly jrdor.?Tin A- have .arrunggd-an daborato Program-to. he carryl'd Hit at the (iiil'ereiit churches in. the yity during the Convocaion Following is the Progra.ni for* 4k? dilVore-ftt cliurchi;-: proframMonday niuht at- Wesley M. F.. I nurcti, October 12, S o'clock. Opening by Master of Forenionk's A*. X. Kokobi trough. II. I*. Music-Fhoir,? *~Invocation? Prelate. Musicrr-Fhoir. WelcomeAddress. to the City?>i. I. Frederick. Rm|,?.Mils if?(In tth T ??? Address-of Welcome, on behalf of Chufchess?Rey.: X .S.-Smith. Address of Welcome on behalf of r.ocnl Ma?TTn--. Fomn.?X. F.. 1 .eiv;.-^~ liespoiw? Fonip, 1- MvFall. .Music -|Fhoir, Remark" by Fraud Master?Dr. F. Johnsptr r 1 . XMt It- ( g - -1; ratid High Prk^T, .1. s. ^tailback. - ?Doxology. - l nrsdav niuht at Setoiut Calvary H.lptist Church, October 13, ^ o'clock. ' Oivjninjr'? -Master of ( eivmonu-.--. ! ;uuvuics ?.Music by choir. Invocation?Chapfaln.. ^ " y T\i':nlii)'j- names nl' ti < < <-ii - i Companions?Secretary !?_ . Hawkins. Report ..of tlic Committee on Roso Cuntiiiuad , oiC-page 2. ,? . .. ^ ^ ^ - 'U- - - . V" 4 _?^ *S-r > ' **? gEp<. -';; - fl| / iljliiS^V^ j jp^ ' * W^MjjlL SIR J. s: STANi?A< K, Grai ' v t ? ^riiscRiHK- ANin * _.v U ADVERTISE?Cur. rent. S11: co i KT ? Ho Had Served Twelve Days of Hi ?Sentence at the 'lime His Appeal was -s? * - -I Yr tectetl C.. 6?-V. ilobry Dermis (iPilViii; \vhw wa- rnc.oT lust_*pi"intC >r- the "mutilation of/ .' > < | i TV. X <\s-u if maI.. r?\vhUo. must ^ Vr.ve\lus sentence. This i* the rul ^n" MT -'irr V, ,i-rh .1-. " v;iipy^g~^~?===== rh vii -e TntHn~+rad"nppcale'd n?< eh . I -i nt))'.ox wTth.a number nf -.urire rv.-H r:tf: n i y} r. "frtl -.vi't b tmv - - intf tykei) XeiHiiexnar, Jr?m_lhe Mar-TTTT v. i ' nr-^va- held TuT 4 .t'liarye. "I MtaiuTThjT a . young v !:itc woman. The prp-oner was t~ ? ' iT'lily inu:Hated, (if itlin had contend < <1 miii t*iri.u'f. the tttoh. was excessive lit had served twelve days of his. " ~r?!itr??:TVf- nt" tlm-'timxr lii- appeal was .perfected ??nd he was released .on STu.UMi I>..?1.1. Tw . X'ejrrh"*- porters were mutilated at *.lack-<>)iville F:hi. " i i ' -n i l- t '' ' * ' ? ^ ' ' 1 "HAVE NQT AS YET EMERGED" FROM RARRARlSl\Sr" r_ y... Miu-.."ri," (ia.t Oct.?The- Macon Tele-irraph. ie.uliim -daily paper of this . city, coinnK'ntiny , editoWidiy on recent' lynchtutrs. say.-: _, ."We4"-Rave l ot yet emerged front the aye * of ha: ha! i-:n. Unless there canes .out ? !" -these crimes and aTl ??;her-criim-s in which 'men take the laws under:.which we live info their-. own hand-, the swift and -sure-pun i.-hment thai should come., we, cannot ?I'ou 11V?claim?it o ia*. -?ci vi+i'/icdr W C has e The \ eiteer o? eTwiliza'tion arid f" the coatiil^s > f- culture and the lux. i .?? ul. . ... : i ... :e irji"? <11 j:.' <;.rri tn?t'ju ?'>iu i.>ui u we -TTimirrBC !rrirnps ggaitTSt" hpcie- ~ ;y . ?lu?v<.??jM iinui?in- tineta of?;??? ?t-hr ->Hnl?thtj?? ;?; ? ?? Moi'e than w^toil in thiT bit uminous" coal . ~ industry in tins country, accord- ^ mg t