' , ' ? ?:?-? Georgetown Itetns. ^ Sunday, April 26th, was a : most dq.y here in-oiir ' "Tittl^city by the sea. Bethel church was out in full bloom at I.';- ' 11 o'clock a. m., and listened to an excellent sermon preached by their beloved pastor Rev. J, ^ - ^f^Benhnw^TTe took hifi 'tr-rt from a portion of The Lord's ?^ Prayer, "Give us this day out -> daily bread." The choir renK-,: . dered sweet music. At 2-o'clock the body of Rev ??^John Evans was funeralized Revr-Evans was one of Bethel's " oldest members, also of many ^Ffateri^^Ord^^/^He^wasL^ good works will be greatly missed by all. Bethel has lost one ol - 1 her best members. We loved hhi-rhnj .Iftsus loved him best.7: fipiirihy'Snlmnl won hnlri nfr 1? 30, and at 4:30 a smil-stirrinp sermon was preached by Rev. G, G. Daniels pastor of Bethesda Baptist Church, for one ofr-the Clubs, in in terestof BetheFsRal.1 ly.??? The A. C. E. League held its regular service at tT:au - The lesson for discission was "Educational Missions." Thi? was wonderfully discussed, lec by?the President. There being no further business the .meeting closed _ with the repeating of the Mizpah. The lesson next Sunday will be led by .Miss Odessa M Sanders. Subject: "Making ~ TJ/tnr.^ F^rrY." ' At ft P r evening service hegam " If you to hear sweet music and ex. cellent sermons, come -to "Big Bethel." You have a cordial in? vltatlon, and she swfngs wide hei - 1 doors at all times. The Booker T. Washington Social and Literary Club, held its ? regular meeting on Thursday evjening, April 23. Quite a few of the members were presentr and TeportecT a very enjoynhln pvpti. ing. A splendid program was rendered. _ After which a delicious repast was served. Miss Jennie Brockington acting host . - showed the mummery the^ right : - way to- "entertain Clubs. Wc thank Miss Brockington for her demonstration and hope that sKe will entertain again soon. Mr. Philip H. Brunson entertained *he "Vnnth Tmprnuo^ i Social and Liferary Ciub^' at his home on^Wood street, April 21 A large crowd was out and s - good time was had by all. ..; V" This year we a Baseball team at Howard High School, although quite a few oi ?our real guud players have'feft us. The boys have been practicry ing daily, but have not been able son until April 27. On that day the Kingstree school team came to play us with the expectation of having an easy game, but jt * "Old Howard" fooled Kingstree fc by^dayiftg-hr-red-^otrgame. "01 course Kingstree had played several games already this season, jy-? but this was our~~lirst. . Mever^ theless the boys kept up with i them until th^ laftt-few^eefffifih of the game when they scored on us again and won the game - by one score ?^? ~ b, * The "Oak City Jubilee Singers, of our city, composed of young ?men only, loft for-Gonway, Monday, April 27, where they will apr pear at the School Auditorium in a Musical Recital. On Sunday morning May 26, a bouncing baby bounced in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence $ A. Dunmdre. Mr. Dunmore^?im?inspiring x young man of the city, is doing . much for the building of God's 'i 1.4? nr. _ i. 1 - m iuukuuiii. vv e axe uuiy nuping for Mr. Duffffiore^wuch success ML In all_pf his good undertakings. K . We are grieved to learn of the [[ death uf DivWm. jS. Thompson's f mother, but God does all things I am quite sure that I will HL?soice the sentiment of every cit v. Izen of Georgetown when I .say we extend our deepest sympa\ thy to Dr. Thompson and mem bers of the bereaved family. Chas. S. Browne,-^'Reporter. Notes From Beaufort. The Mock -Wedding which , took place at the Grace Chapel | Church on last Thursday night jwas indeed ji success, financial*Ty as well as otherwioc. ( Those who motored to Orange, burg last Friday -to be-fn attendance at Triangular Debate at State College were: Mrs. Florence JC. Sanders; -Misses Willie - jBlanding and Dorothy "Blocker, j'P^ofs. J. S. Shanklin and Benj. /Barnwell. We congratulate State on the showing she mader ^nd'we teel indeed proud of one ! of our young ladies, Miss Ern^Ss f 2.: n i_ J I _ a A ? Line xiurr, wno look pari in me I debate? the MuaiV Rtndpntq nf Mtv h ridele W. Fleming at the T. A. R. ""] Church last Wednesday0 night | was a success in evry way. Each J participant showed his musical ability. The friends of Mr.- Arthur Jones are gjad ,to know That he was acquitted otj the_charges ' preferred against him by the City of Beaufort. \ He was l'epre. sen led by Attorney Charles E. Washington, of the law firm of ' Washington & Washington, j" "Oil laSt Thursday, l>s. C. E ' i Stephenson, of Columbia, S. C.; "jM. P. Kenedy,. H. K.. Culler, C. a- a :\r.. t?..?? I kj. UllUUiSUU U11U 1U1 lftclctC XjitiVtlX" r | j went to sea to capture a few lifirnm. fish.. Thoy r^p^rl^-hrrr, ing caught one-apieee? Whettr^ er or not they did so .with silver 1, hooks on-with-the regiriarlrshtng --tac-kl?Sj--'is yet to bo" determined. One of the^arge&t drum fish caught here this season, was ^caught by one of the local'men. It weighed~150 lbs., arid was 5 ; feet in length. ^ Delegates are busy 'preparing ,16 take in thy SlnHewn ^'Mivhi i lion to convene at the .F. A. B. iChurch next week. The Annual (| Sermon will be preached by 7 "Rev." Moultrie. '1 r Oii-^X--Suiiday night, Rev. P. TV-WaLson, Siateir'Missioharyt preached a strong sermon at the r-F-?ist?African-TJaptrst church. ' IT?-. -> 1?_i- --- .lac oiou iuaue ? iccture on ivus. sions, after which a collection was "t.nfrpn for rrimn,' Wi' mi' j always glad to have Dr. Watson wtfh us. Wjf airknow him personally here because of his eleven years pastorate at the said r?liurchr? ??-? Come to Beaufort on J\lay_3Qr . at which time we will have oujr ^ :Annuab Morn or! al ExercFsos, better known as "Decoration Day." , We will have one of the best 1 speakers of-the-^bate=nnT::tTiaT , day. Come and see our beau( tiful National Cemetery, in L which more than i0,000 soldiers . are buried, and the only Nation[ al Cemetery in this ahd f--seetibrrof the country^ Laurens News. The Sunshine Club was roy: ally entertained on .Friday after I noon at the home of Sirs. Lea :?ie Brockiuan^orTTJowns Street jTlia iriomben^ wcro ' orrlhe job jntirfrerically and financially. The i meeting was full of pep-from _ the beginning to the-endr~Rev. J. C.; McClellan spoke^ort the subject: "Opportunities and how . to use them." He said some things that were Very beneficial* The boys ^pd girls drank as he overflowed their cups with good thoughts. Miss Ruth IIim? f pr wa^prflnninfi fnr th^firnt frnrr and she gave inspiring remarks i to the Club. The President, Mrs. E. S. Nelson spoke some very good things to the. Club. ni _ _ . i i* i * one 13 proua 01 ner members. She says that the members of the StmshinetThlbcan never be given too much praise for the excellent work they are doing. The meeting on Friday Was one - of the best tlrat has been had ias*yet~ Thiring the close of the | hour .a_delicinua couroc of ehicken salad with iced tea was served by Mra. Brockman, assisted j _ >' a i i T ildff' *1 ^ THE PALME by Mrs. Nettie Leak. Miss Marj Lee Fowler w&s asked to than! J ho hostess. The-Glub-will meel at the home of Mrs. Mary L Cannon on Downs street, next I Friday. j Don't forget the great Millior Do! ar Wedding given by the Sur shh-c -Club-on the 27th- of-May Cunday1 morning1 was a beaujtifiii day and Bethel A. M. E jchi vh had an overflowing congregation a?nd quite a Yl umber oi | visitors. Our pastor preached |_.:f:*o::T the" "subject "The Unjbo'und Word." I\Iiss Mamie j Young and'jMr. Will Young have jcoi. tooted themselves- with the \chv eh.?Bethel?is?constant!} g.-u .. ing-itt?mmebership,?and McClellan has done more \to v.?rrts hrimnmr members in rhrrh than anyone that has jbecii here as yet. We pray that -Uicr will hold out-until the end. |?Sunday afternoon, the Working Benevolent Society turned out at Bethel A; M. E. Church, -The pastor of the church preach eel the sermon. He used as. a isu\ ct: '* me only thing needjTuTT There were among 41k tujt^ "T-tCWn: m embers present, Mr. I'. J. Cortey and Prof. C. G. - C ett. :?? . S mday night it rained and was a Jittle stormyjbuLnever: thc^s"tftere~\Vfere a good"many present to hear the word '"pi |Go4. The .visitors at church or ,Sui:day were Miss N. E. Kenne.dy^cf Mt Pisgah Presbvtpvian ; cnurch, Mrs. Lula Davis of Hud:_sp:i bt., Greenville, S. G:-.-?and Mi"*. Logan .of Mill Rock. Those To connect themselves wiHi thp ,ch onXuwdaynight was,Mr, Ma:: Oxner. . ' j O.i Friday night/ our . pastoi hr. jly joined together Miss ,Ca ij L. Garrett and Mr. Huntev Williams in Tnatfimpny. On Thursday night the Willing Wor: -lr~?iTPiTvp otvrTprfnn'H with n pi.n?suppei at Lhu'.liome ol : . Alice Young on Ilamptor St. There- was a large?crowd pr< nt. and plenty of chicken -er.i".- Srery thing"good to eat. All -01 Wo hoards are 100 per j^onf rin -cvory respect; and are doing Iex< lent work. .The Sunday SW-'oT is growing larger every S-utday and the Supt. Mr. W. ^A. White has his whole?se+d ;aruThind in the work. The Lea-gua / is ake- doingTniceIy\ ^ there are/.ome very interesting to^ieft being discussed every Sunday. Ti'i' -^i-esidonir' .MUg? 'Dn.Ctt deserves much credit ~fo: 'he work that she is doing. On i again' we wish to" extend l a \ Jcome to all visitors that fcon ^-to Bethel A. M-. E-.tdrardT; a hearty welcome awaits you. Chester Paragraphs. Mrs, Iola Kelley, of SpartantHe half-week in the Icily with her daughter, -Miss iAllIo Ma?e Ferguson, at the home and Mrs. Madison Northy. i Mi; Kelley camtPto be present at i . o'closing of the Adult f~ L> : olsT"in; which ;HTss Allie mstructor~iTi 'Domestic LSci ,ce. i?r^--*r-aTtd'"i\fr?r. James Lowy, of * ork, parents of Miss Elva J. Lev vy attended- tl^ Night jSchogi ;ck;. . and moLo-yd home afteA the exercises, accompanied by i ss Elra, J., \yVxxVpent the we> !;-ond. Miss Elva J. is an in sti r. tor in tHe-Kight school. ? The Night School exercises ,\ve- > Mid atTthe Calvary Bapl ist ' h on Friday night. Every *ava ace was taken. The i pro. .am wa?s interesting from Ibegi. ning to,? end. Miss Beatrice Arnold and Miss Will Lou jGray, (white) Supervisors, Avere pre; ont and made ? excellent Mi33 Gray spufe al length On "Dissatisfaction, the jcause of Failure or Progress." PerfyTt attendance buttons &nd pri . woro reeeived by seveial. The Night School teachers are: ^Fr-Hv.Sr-L, Finle^Hr.T J. At . i ^ igui.i, Miss Annie M. Garrick, Miss Elva J. Lowry, Miss Fanr\ie " '? ... .1 " fef'l'. <, ? - * 17-1 II- I- t I. ,11-. .iLLj-aahrs. im-M-1- , ??'. y TTO LEADER ~~ F B. Cassell' and Miss Allie Mae z Ferguson. Every oiie_^seemecb bjto. have enjoyed the program, v Just before the close a mixed : [double quartette from the High School sang three Jubilee songs, j i The Loomis .Street School i was the scene of a most enjoy nble banquet on Tuesday night, jprior to the closing. Salad, fol lilawed by cake and cream made up the menu.?About-two hun:jdred and fifty attended. ? Mr. Robert Nelson is enlarge !ing his store on Loomis St. ; | Rev. G. \V. Long and nephews,' s,JMr. Gustavus and Mr. Van Bu ; ren Ji.ong, 01 unerawr motored. here arid -spent a few days with i day.? - ? Calhoun Faflsr^S.-C.)/ ?News Letter. .= (By J. B. SMITH) [ No. 1. , Editor, Palmetto Xead.er: tj We have kept silent for fiye^ l | years, we were, admonished that: . tsilence is golden; but we a-re go-' ? ing to break this golden silence J faritl enter into a discussion of.I , | our own charge and people. We (are-serving OUg fifth year as pas[! tor of the Calhoun Falls Circuit. | L\ When JL came here I iound (2) j r- two cHl"Yfrpg, viV ; mother church) and Mt Hebron^ [ j (the daughter). I found these, . ehiirches officered by some of as loval and" Ho" Afncnn iVMhp'odlsts as can be found in the1 f Connection" At " Glovers^- we! , found an enthusiastic congrega->i i tion who gave vent to their spir-: Uual feelings very readily. Mt. : Hebron being a .daughter and . the only-daughter of" Glovers^ . took of her mother's nature and . could arid would display some of. ' 1^4 .} We found an interesting Sun- : ^pTv'SpTinn) at. both places.?At~ r Glover Supt. John Greene and | his officers and teaichers were L ? J | .utgerlv studying and searching,' l thir scriptures -which offered to I. them eternal life. At Mf. He. bron, Bros. W. T. Edmunds ant? ,;S. P. Reynolds were holding . i forth with a masterly- grip. ?I; I found them to be studious, when .jit came td the S. S. lesfeon. They: 'were ever "n five?alefM "To" find j. 1 some new ~tFuths~~td~ offeF their' jwith them and have tried to add . J . whatever' we could to improve tV|pm in mothftfln, pri-impl nggtG !and finance, until today, I can. 1 say no two schools in the dis-l "-feriot-are-TrTrore "pr6fript'"to open J and close at the_appointetlJtime4-than these Xwo. The same is i WnnK..trT>.? ?uj. vii services. Our motto is: "On time,, evary-i time, with a message/ every_ time." We had very interesting^ services fast Sunday at Glovers. and the same atllt- ?Hebron, r The Pastor preached- at 11:00 -okdeek and Pro. W. T. Edmunds preached st night . from the1 words: "Come ye after pie and' I will make you to become fish- i erst of mmiZ??The discoimse" was" onthusiastiaaHy^-ahd nMcticaU^/ delivered-"and enjoyed by the hearers. ' ?-JOur 2nd Quarterly Conference -convener in Glovers Church/ TMay lGtH and 17th. Please be' read y?th a t jm earnC/you*-?McJMember. See!" I . ?? ! The patrons of the Colored t School at Calhoun Falls pride 'themselves upon having one a-; ;mong fW prettiest school build1 iriifi! in _aniu.Au 1 1 -p-mfio -nrrziaa, L.UUUCy? jXtltl ;1U.S^~Tiere It comes to me, by the; i-Qhairman of ^ttie Local, School .Board that the State Supt., and his party in* reporting their' j findings gives them first place | j in the State for neatness and well-kept?promises. Good for7 jthe Falls. I..,.Among those who subscribed for the "Leader" at Calhoun Falls were: Rov ' .Tnhn ' TMr.' Creene T)avis, Mr. Daniel 1 | Bentlv^JVIesdames^ fiesa-WHeyrl i Carrie Walker and Sallie M. Me| Knight. 11 Miaa Addlo Ma* EdmundrfrSs been on the sick' list for a fewr clays, but is convalescent at this" writing. . : Mr. Charley Walker iq- much j better and was seen oil tire streets Saturday to the delight of his friends. Glad to see you out Brother Charley. Watch our next -letter! mm . NEW LIGHT BF.tTI.AH- BAP"i; _~TIST CliURCH. ? :?7"- ' . i Sunday^ wa^ a great day '.at, the aboye named church. Tlie linnv liaxririB. nvv?Itrr>il Cr?v* C*,, n r3 n \r Ui JLAJLUU- ii/l ? School; all the teachers were at their post of duty. _JTheles--_ KOTTWfi?rtauglit by the Supt. Bro. Jas. Porter. It was a very line lesson: Stephen the First Peacon who was stoned to death for TT>p~u-hT-dsi o?Cnb?Tho Pastorr" Rev. J. B, TforW gage a and helpful address p^rt-'"ninK foMhis great lesson/ ..The hour having arrived for preaching, the Pastor ascended the rostrum accompanied byj Rgy^W. M. Pearson. Myers and others. Rev. Barber used as a .subject: "Help." Acts. 12:1-11 verses, from which he preached a grand sermon, which waa highly enjoyed by the en-" tire, congregation. We could feel the spiilt.moving throughThe p.hnrphj g Sjj5tt5 51 expounded the truth, with a. trumpet voice/ This day will be' one of long remembrance with the Beulah ^""g^ffation ami vi" : iting friends. _ Wo - began?to { think of lliut giand passage of ; scripture that s^ys never a man spake like this man. ?Wa thank ^ uoa ror tins great lender, one: that stands .high in liie en lima-1 lion of his three churches and congregation to whom he isren-J dering excellent service. Weil ie iJioud tjTITim^iTfTie is of us. Aft^FTKerconciu--ion of the~gei? mon, a collection wn* tnk?n to: the amount of $21.00 for the Pastor. We are still praying for the recovery of two of our sick sistvi s, iiisters17 JSusima U'lpldins and- Sister: -Ja ne^llo well -'l'tun Pastor spent the rol't jrnocn at the bedside of those two sick sisters after- service; and load and-prayed with thuni, giving I hem v\uids~iyf~ encouragement. ' P. J. TAYLOR. ' CJ??e??nrw?Ttif.jni.uv ? *H%eexyn^gz\ja 'u.--tvn^jzn | ROBERTS ?-" DISTINCTIVE 1 M - Copymgr4snlarging, TTarTTn;^ T' 1 ? 1119 WASHINGTON ST., v.v.^'v.Ov' i-C^OO O.O 0.v?7!,<) ??711 s. m.\Tx striait V J/u ' * * * ?*?/ *! / *? : ?ym """IT Y > > I : BROWN'S I JAS. I,. BROWN, Prop" '4 ~9 ?is y ., Everything Sanitar jt, Four First-Class 13: \ Billiard Par | 1120 Washington Street, ' * i'.C- > >?> O &5 ? ? / ***!* *jr J. C. Mcflraw,-I'rcs. If. II. Smith ! Waycross Cat j T. C. WTLLT^ 4 y ? Manufac L HIGH GR AC ? And T>c | UNDERTAKE] | 8 REMSHART ST. * 5 iinii^ia Saturday, May 2, 1925. -JBennettsville Locals* j, v . ^ ^ The mem hers of Macedonia Baptist churchrhave just closed * ^ the celebration of the fifty-sev- _< enth anniversary of Macedonian church, Rev. P. _ JO,_MdodAna. Pastor. This church and its Pastor are among the nntatjmd irrg churches in the Baptist denomination. The,' church can t i ?,? boast1 of one~Df*the largest Sunday Schools among Baptists: one of the most progressive churches in the country; one-ofJ^Teniost loyal congregations known, ancL one of, the most sclwlari^-pas-. tors in the pulpit^ who is able to give tirst-hanfl knowfodga n t bout mflnv r>f t.Vm rilflti'PM nfr in fhr> Ttihlp. ? ? Dr. Mdodana uses as his motto: "I am among you as he that serves." The program included many . leanied divines and eloquent* speakers and was- fittingly carried out. ; -J One of the most striking nnH ?? commendable features of this * _? refrgiuus campatghlwaa the har-- monious*, Christian, brotherly and friendly spirit of coopera lion very evident from beginning to end, both among the while andjcolored friends. ?hr-A?^Wlberspnmi, Reporter, ~~~ The Municipal Market. The house-wives of the city when "seeking something for yourbreakfaat, dinner or supper will be surprised -if you step into the New Market and see _ ihe full display of vegetables, moats, eggs and anythjng"bhat j-um ,i?rf.iiiiy s appetite may call for. You-will also see there three stalls occupied by some of our- own people, they are -well furnished and hav^ ?11 anything that the market?a#-?1 ? tfiriic I'narU; t AH f A /lAmwysvl iw* v4u, 1V.UUJ !Vi J WU IU wuiuc auu purehase.. When outagain looking for something to satisfy you for any meal just step into the Market and look over - these ~ ' Mamls. ftrr ynnr Tfcoifc^ You will? b? pleased with what you i?et land. afso~wTth the service renderecL i STUDIO- ~ ? IIOTOCIIAI'HY, ugtos in Jewelry. Kodak Finiih- [ ui- Night; ILun or Shintf. "" [ UAKANTEED. [; columbia, s. c. :&.OO-O:C>lcoc>&O.^^^ .TEN-WILLIAMS." . tl ' ' ?; * _ o fCPX'SFD FMRM.MERS ! at toavest prices. ' U'M'MLNT. ; - | RESIDENCE 7242 Z roTiTT^iTii^i h c. | ~.7~ IRBER SHCMP; i: ' . Matthew A. Robinson, Mgr. * " ^ and Up^b-Date. \ \ irbers. No-waiting.! ?"-JJ T' lor in Rear. ;; - ?Columbia, S. e. \ \ Ifr c-? = - ?? ' v 'X' ''"X-X"/ !? 0* .j. ij-Vice-I'res., Dr. J. Creagh, Treas. J' sket Company ;; lMS, Sec.-Mgr. f. . _ * ' < 9 titters of ? ;; >E CASKETS J: filers' In ? ., (is* supplies ;r and GOS EWING ST. - ;; Georgia <> *?~w .j * ? - '{ - - -- ?: ihaiiirtMiii^fi