??-?=? ^?-?= - ~ cBxoeoeos&tt&c^^ 4 THIS PAPER IS $ ' | DEVOTED TO THE | /. ; INTERESTS OE | \ r j. THE PEOPLE. | . VQI^ L?Nf)71fi. Worth / . caledoniaI r?A? t ?rn t \ : : '"uttT/ ?? *.?rrr^. o * ~A widely Known Philanthropist ] _ Tuesday,?He Made a Fortune Much of it for Parks and (By the Aagociated Negro Preaa.t a n ?>ata+p at half millions dollars, Caledonia* Flackler Johnson, better known as ?-"Cal" Johnson, a widely known ! philanthropist, died here. Tues-: day afternoon. He made a fortune in race horses, but has giv-j =-etrmuclrof it for paflto and other I benevolent causes. One of the city's largest parks is named for j on Gay Street, the main business thoroughfare, and his modjest fame home on State Street * nestles among the business buildings, he ? having refused tempting offers for tha site of his home, Johnson also owned a building at the corner of Gay and Central and many rental houses in the city. Once he was owner of the f&mous Johnson's race track, but im recently ears sold that cast tract and residences # dot it today. v. -ft and an ex-slave: He was nnmoH E for the late Caledonia McClung, j his m^pter in days before the1 p Civil W&r. ~V I? WELL KNOWN CHURCHMAN k i.f.avf.s inrat. hosptai Rev. E. Phillip Ellis, pastor of ' S. C., was confined at the Waverly Hospit&l ajljast week, but was ^ able-to-return to his home 4uid> congregation last Saturday. Wo trust that Rev. Ellis will soon >r F I npl t " ctW m^H I ^1" iba t 1'V.STANLEI City Editor. The AshevHIe Enter .4y^a citizen of Union. S. C. where COU4^^^?WotM?V^V?? ft- '-r? . . , ,:v V*? r s. vu.-' j.Vfciki. .... * k. ?' 4 Half JOHNSONS Af ? IffcHNSON r, Owns A Half died in Knoxville, Tenn., last i in Race Horses, but has Given other Benevolent Causes. COLORED BOY WINS DEBATING HONORS (For The Associated Negro Press) . Sffackensejekr- NL J.t A-pril.?_ Frederick Everett Morrow, - in a most-brilltant-debate conducted, by the Rutger's College of IntercollAloof 1/1 FIALT ocuumoi^cuai/iii? ucague, carried off the honors, although the team whiip.h Hp rpprpsent.pd was defeated. He pi;ove&-to be the orator of the evening in the debate between Englewood a>nd Hackensaek High Schools. H. Father of Columbia Merchant and Prominent Farflltsr is | Laid to Rest?Buried in I Boyhood. 1 ^ ~ & Camden, S. C., April 11.? Kershaw county received tha bitter news of the passing-of I. S. daughter here Saturday night. Mr. Leevy was one of the pioneers in the building off "Camden, Q a churchman,- a commercial farmer, he held the respect and v confidence of men, women arid s rhildren in pvery walk of lifo, | Hp hvpd to sppc his 7fith hirth-! 0 day-and is the father of several J" children. Monday afternoon-the n funeral services were held at c Zion M. E. Church, where he \yae a faithful member and load- ,-' er for years._.. _t. .Jjjj E S. LEEVY'S FATHER. fi Many Columbians will Jearn_ with deep regret that Mr. Lee,*,,T _J?T n -r O is ute xauiKr PT 1. :i- mbia, Dr. J. H. Hope, the State < upt. of Education were among he many who made special ap-,( eals upon the citizens and. ed- j rational forces to observe Natanal Humane Week. Columbia is the center for the^ reek's activities in humane act-), rities, in every school were j\ ame exercises or public demon-|j trations in the interest of TTnrf ?Tomorrow many-4 f ihn minigfPix nf r>nr fViprrViPa re preaching from the subjecth nd slogan of the national so- ! iety, "Glory to Goch peace on ^ arth, kindness, justice, and'j lercy to every living creature." I j A leader in the,movement for:C indness and mercy to every liv- 'c ig-creattrreH^-the Rev. J. C.! ? 7hite, D. D., Pastor of the Zion!' raptisfe Church,-where OBfr-ofir: le national field secretaries * pen the campaign for South'/ arolina in an address , at h i s I ~ tiurch last Sunday night. Dr. 7hlfe~ Is"having" a special ser-u ice Sunday night to which he ? ; inviting the public. Other local programs will be I 3 equally interesting. Bene-; ict College Humane' Society^ Having a -?pecfcti program ~ ith speaking and selected msic by the College Glee Club. .4 ic society will preside. _ B Program Over The State. ? ( , Maybe Greenville is to have ~ I c le most outstanding gathering j f~any city for to-morrow. At j le Auditorium will be held a? )ecial Mass Meetirnr at whiclr-e me Allen J. Graham, presi-Ml ant of the Camper^ Down Cot-j , . tfjll,. 1 -?n j.f il_ ta _1 >n Mills ana one of the rieiHu ft manufacturers in the south j to preside, an address will, 3 delivered by L. P. Hollis, \. L. D., Supt., Parker District | chools and J. D. Carr, Esq.?t iitor, The Asheville Enter-, rise. j r Charleston, is the center of a^ fecial meeting at the Morris J treet church, where Dr. J. G. \c IZTTT i V-?= ^ ^ unuar- is noiuing special cxer-,^ ses. At Morris College, Sum-lj ir, in the College Chapel, Prof. J David Pinson, is delivering J( ie Humane Oratiori. School! old, Friendship and most of the j ther leading colleges 61 the ^ tate reportf-apecial Sunday! -?i ?- ? ? ^ ^ 1 SUBSCRIBE AND ? -_? ^ADVERTISE?Cur- | ' rent, Social and Gen- g eral News. 3?C8C839S?^^ '-->- - 5c A COPY.:., ^ J IMANE ~~~ TO-MORROW ters to Preach iceand Mercys ~ i"g Creature?^ Iumane Week Ends with Religi-?-?? -Blessed are the Merciful Is mane Workers-La^t Appeal d Making Thousands of annot Speak for ThemIvesr ' . X ,' ?" TT""~ . . 5 . light meetings for Humane Sunday. In most of the public ?^ schools of the State the week was observed during the week.? Humane education is now a part of the big educational program for South Carolina. In m Be taught as any other text aook in the class-rooms, __ . , , ??The kalmctto Leader like nia- ? iy of-the other newspapers of ? _ the State, like the Charleston Mews and Courier, The State, The Record, The Greenville Dai- - . ? 'y_News, The Southern. Enter justs iiiis cievoiea much space hat we gladly do to the cause of these defenceless creatures ?vho cannot speak for them- ~ selves. The American Humane Education Society, of Boston, Mass. las employed in its services maiy noble and sincere workers and it maintains an office at jreenville, South Carolina where i humane press bureau and in urniauon service is for the pubic good. _ ir?- . . . J":rtr^ER I8E8 ALLEN- VNi ? siunaay evening: the ^following exsrcises will be held in the auditor- . um of the university by the Junior -iumane Society: nvocation Rev. .Ira Gambrel leading (Governor T^cLeod'sL-,,Proclamation calling for Humane' Sunlay ^liss Ahdrgna Colljai Soio^r;--- Miss Maggie Eaddy 'Humane Education" _ , Misa HQamona-LfrVallia - 'We^Speak-for Other? Atty. E. A. Parker chorus University Glee Club Address ._?_-Prof. Hale B. Thompson Dean of Allen T!niveraiM? rlusie. ? ... ' 'A ^?7-T? : EXERCISES BENEDICT COLLEGE The Junior Humane Society of Jenedict Collpge will render the folowing program in the college chap1 on Humane Sunday with thepresilent of the' Society, William P. Poe, > ' residing. ?- ? ? iusic Humane Society Jovernor's Proclamation * A. Chick ? . iolo ? ?Miss Ruth A. Rice Chaplain of the Hbmane Society. Humane Education" Miss M. E. Wise Quartette ^-DbUglpss Debating Club Story of George T. Angell"-. Mr. Nick A. Ford. Presidenty Y. M. C. A. of the College Selection College Glee Club temarks _.Miss A. A. Nelson, R. N? Supt., College Nurses' Training ^801001. - CHILDREN HEAR PLEA. .siFriday afternoon, "Be Kind Co Animals Week" exercises vere observed at the city play rrounds among the small chiliren of the (lILy. The exercise* - verein charge o? Miss Demetra Jr. JulinsPii, the rucrcntionol di ector for the city play parks. Seymour Carroll, field secretary >f the American Humane Educa,ion Society while in the city en oute .to Charleston inspected ;he play grounds and talked ... ? I vith the workers during the eary part of the week." n *