-Saturday, March 28, 1925. ~~ " 1 . Locals & ~ : ~ \ 9 - 4 4 i. ( Mr. W. L. Lilliewood of Clinton, S, C. was among the visitors IfT-tho ^Uy this week. Miss Massie Friday, a teacher in' the school at McFarlan, N. C. was called home on the account of illness of her sister. Miss Lillian C. Williams is improving after an illness of-jaev% - eral weeks. Her many friends are delighted in seeing her out again. * ... v-?Vr?,1, ? , " " i u i f -y .. ' ~ ? Mrr.Lugene Means of Green vlllewas in the city this weeli circulating among friends and attending- ta fraternal business. - Eugene looks well. - Miss B. Irene Dickerson, whc is teaching at ^Darlington,?Ls spending the week end here at_ tending the State Teachers' Association, and visiting relatives, Mr. Norman Sneed of New York who is here visiting his ' Aunt, Mrs. E. C. Stevenson, was ... ing by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jack son at their home 1316Qak St, Miss Ulysses Fitzsimmons and Mrs. Emma Lindsay closed their school, Mt. Pisgah at Dixiana, ~T S. C., last week, with- appropriate exercises which was much enjoyed by_ the-patrons and friends of the school. Patr0niZe the merchants whc advertise in the Palmetto Leader. If your merchant does not advertise in thrs-pftper ask him to do so. Tell hi,m it is the leading weekly paper and deserves the patronage of , the merchants, Miffs Annie G. Reese, wire graduated from the Nurse Training Department of Benedict College~TasflMay has been made Head Nurse at the hospital and is now filling That- place to Thc ^ satisfaction of The superintends On Munday nighty March SOth B an elaborate program will Tie B given by the Lilly White Club at B the Seventh- Day Adventist Chnfrhj Henderson Street.?Nc BL_?pains-have .been spargtHxr-makc Y this a-most interesting evening ?_ for colored people of Columbia. No charges will T5e made at thtr door, but a coltection^wil r -fee taken up as is being done at church on Sundays. We want you to enjoy yourself, so do noi miss this opportunity. We are ^ anticipating ardarge~atteYidanc~e so come early in ordre do procure a good seat. Program will commence at 8i30 P. M. sharp, * - Miss Ruby B. Cole,Pres. Miss Aririip TT Taydnr, Bi-|Vlonthly Meeting of the-^tags Messrs. Walter Brown, G; H UnriTiprlv Waller Rovl^r onrl O ?J ) IT WU/VA iVX ailU VJTi Lee Ratliff were^the hosts to th? ~ Stags in their Bi-Monthly Meeting atrthe cozy home of MF.arki Mrs. C. H. Dannerly Wednesday night. The usual series oi i_ whist were played,the highest , score being made "by Dr. Chap \ pelle, Jr., followed closely by Mr E. Bookman with Dr. Jehnsor holding down the near*~gUHrd After the games, a delicious . chicken supper was served, di rected by Mrs. Dannerly. The Golden Chord Social Club The Golden Chord Social Clut had its regular meeting on Thursday afternoon which was helc with the president, Miss Matilda - Goodwin on Richland Street. rendered by members of the clut Mftny nf " n* pi'M; sent and a new member was also received, Miss R. Boozer. Twc gueat were present, Mr. I * ? Established Aug. 10, 19C ' *-? - -- w v w.w v v.v r iFoL QQ'? WeN ' | Only"* ^*OC Sem} | Jr 1everycan Guaranteed r | - ?money back 1 \ . IF Not PLEASED ? Mill* lvf^f u| Ivaftl, THEPALMET " ?r . a ** Normal and Industrial School of Greenville gave a musical recital in the Seneca Institute Chapel to a very large audienee of peo~ pie that came from every section . of the country. Miss Thompson . and Miss Hattie Hadden both of . Greenville captured~TheTr "audi. ence with their sweet contralto [ voices. The concert was under the leadership of Miss Rocker, \ the head of the musie depart. ment. Satin, His Orgin, Work and Destiny^ This will be the subjejitJfQii consideration on Sunday night, L March 29th at the "Seventh Day ' [Adventist Church, Henderson _ street.?The- lecture?will be beautifully illustrated by ste reoptican pictures, all are welcome. Song service at 7:30, , lecture promptly at 8:00 P. M., sharp. Admission Free L Church. ? St. James Churfch on Wheeler's 1 Hill was at low obb four months ago, when Rev. J. P. Washing ton carpe to us as pastor; every thing looked dispaiHng. Upon the arrival of Rev. Washington Now we can truthfully say thatj. Rev. Washington is a God-send r to. this church an(L community. . He is verv modest, annearent r ly unsasuming, yet he is all bur siness and a preacher of noLmean - ability. Through his sincere J preaching,, the church has become spiritually^alive rtheTnem. | bership- is - steadily increasing. 11 Too much cannot be said of the t: work of the present pastor of St. James Church; he is a mari: i who has a vision. : Sunday, March" 22nd was a "" high'day in ~Zion; two great ser-, mnns wpvp proarhnfl by the pastor.. At 11:30 he ascended the^ - rostrum ancf selected as his text1 Hebrew_10:38, Subjects "Pro^ gr^siveness and Retrogressivenksrs" from whirhhe^ s^t our If you are Fashionable Place for you to have your n yoti from $5 to $10 on eacl pi ~ make"any selection yeu-desi k sired style to your measure^ I A Trial is all Task. I Y ens and Styles. Come Toda see a Full Line of Up-To-Da j. wTbf ijl , Merchai SI - PHONE 71i 9- 713 MAIN ST.?ViH C -L 25c You beven Car jULLAMS DR^SS'lNO- _ ji " . ?* ' 1 . .... , - jj iTFVFV ** r?.r t v.c /M/runae - * I <>V MILLA MFG CO V/COLX/MB1A~. a. C. OX Ok (WW23?QMS o,vrjf0 r^n g P^O | j| JtlLLA^OSE DR%'sS^lNO I " , ?'?- .? -* * ail Order* to ?w*~?;?1 ? "_ r " "' 7"*~ ro I - PER "?^7 hearts on fire. Sunday night at 8:00 o'clock he again preached a powerful sermon from the Subject: "Christian Progress by Oblivion pf the Past;" text; Phil. 3:13-14. St. James is moving up the hill by leaps" and hounds. ~ T J. E. Lyles, Sec'y. CLARENCE SURER DEAD Clarence -Suber, familiary called "Swellier^-Hfry^ his... friends died at Tuskegee, Ala., in the War Veterans Hospital this week." Clarence is well known in Columbia, this being his home -until rnrently-he-went Mnrfh He is the son nf Mr and Mrs Draton Suber. who resides on ?00 block of Hampton Avenue. He was a carpenter by trade. and is survived hv V?i? mritViov and father and several brothers and sisters; The funeral' will be/-4raM at Zion Baptist Church at liOO-P.^ _ -The deceased being a^Mfcer of Richard Allen Lodge. aS^fnembers of this Lodge arfT requested to meet at the Hall at 12:00 3SL Sunday. Rev. Robert Butler, N. G. ." /jy. Lewie, P. S. = i?1 , . ? . ' i ' . Booker' Washington Notes =?Bofh^nterestrng-and inspiring-was the first meeting of the L&tin Club. An appetizing lunch was served- by the girls on the serving^ committee. . Professor Johnson gave a very Helpful talk in which he shewed-Advidly^ how, at every turn in life, we come "face to face with the very old Latin Language. Gladys Cureton is president of the Club. At therlast meeting of the senior class, the" pupils, acting decide.fl to__graduate-in -gray | gowns and caps. or Conservative this is the g j ext SUIT made. I eaiT save "8 i Suit you buy; antf I only 8 is. ilQq/r Pure Wool.? and I will make the de- g ent and guarantee you a FIT, 8! lave the very latest in WooP 5 y or as so<3n as you can and ?. >ltT Woolens. :? tUNSON - -J it Tailor I 52, or write ~OOT.ITMRIA. S. C ? 7 ? W ^aee^>:a^uouuuo^c^aa.o.aooj r5? "jg , O' Box 542 ; ~ ? w COLUMBIA,S.C gmsxxcaa ?8?Kac0?m8?sc8??5Gdaw ' ' J j ?: i 1 n^BRP . jtjfok 1 ?~ ^r^ * 9 * * . iLXM^A f a U ? ll^llVl THE UNIT1 D SONS C Is an organization which Is doi ; infirm people ol' Spoilth CaiutiT Harrison, State Master, Prof. D. .V. MeCiau, Slate Treaslll'e alive and gives to the benefi pays from fifty to one. luinuiei from- $25.00 to $100.00 in ease household goods. It pays Iron ness and up to $10.00 on Docto. Think of it; and for any REV. J. J. HARRISON, S. M or-Prof. J. A. KIRK, i t. h. pi: UNDERTAKER ?of South Caroj Pinckney's San BEST EQUIPPED IX TI - ' F'OK T -Office?Phone 5707 i TQ0J6 WASHINGTON ST., g? HHB ppMBiMMMM?? ? i OWEN IMcrchai We catty a of Domestic | .... Woolens?Cc before purchi i - ;r; si ft 1 7 Wasti | I Phoned O.OO'C^QQ'OOO'OOvOOO O.'O 0.0'v 00 0 00< J IMPERI AL C | Prescriptio jL 1 105 Washingtor Y i Y Ever> thing carri ed in I PRESCRll'l ICN; 1^. - ^ - -^- - - -r-YQURS FC | jPMFRTAl T i _> -.- ; - . ' -,v -. ? I- I ?, -- II >F ABRAHAM & IX of J. ng a grcat_work"for thtTpohr And 1ST It has at its head Rev. J. J. J. A. Kirk, State Secretary and r. It pays to its members while ciary something after death. It d doil'arsvfor hospital benefits and t.;r* of ,total loss by firenof house and "l SI.50 to S3.00 per week for sickr's bill. information write .,2310 Richland St., Columbia, S. C. iSr-Sec., Ilennettsville, S. C. MCKNFEY~b? AND EMBALMER lina andAjeorgia. ? . . -r^ " ' ' - - .- i- " v.. ' - ? 1 ? -wT^ ? * M ? uneapest Undertaker, ? > Very Best Service in the City. WITH? Complete Motor Outfit. ' V" * ?? SccontTto NONE in the State. itary Barber Shop IE CITY. COME Aisin SF.E L~ ULlfciU-K -- Residence Phone 7765 \ . - , COLUMBIA, S. C. & PAUL | rit Tailors^ 1^1?I . complete stock \ and imported: " 1h me and see Us . \' -.' asing your next -??l rtngton-Stecet x *. 5963 " ?*? ?? ! " , >:oo:v<>oo'oowoo:oyw^ |^.VMVMVMV%.VhVVMVHV^V%.VVwM^? )RUG STORE" |; : " n Druggists $ i St. Phone 7226