p- "BAgPfcINQ TONGUES." [~ We have read with veFy keen in-; terest in one of our Sunday papers, published in the State of New York,' "a little article which informs us j of the very delightful fact, that the' r State, of . Kentucky isjcredited wfTll r Having very recently passed a 1rw| which permits of stiff fines for , those who gossip. The article goes further to express the opinion that - -- , thafc' la one at tho ' ln"?n hvar-jpassedTn any State and is just exactly what New York and all Other slates need to suppress dud restrict p the limits of those who are possessed with that apparently irrepressible.and | destructive dfssrfcfe: _ '/ The article further sets forth the suggestlonr that we could well- get; i j** along -with a public ducking- pool-: or pond, buf that you can hurt a^"1 " " . H wonifln wnrRo if vnu tako ;i riimp nr two out of her purse. That lessens j ! ' the-chances for finery aiuLJJio latter.' Inevitably breaks her heart. -P ^ VVe cannot but, consider this recent ; fe. , ' law, as a very timely and beneficial |,' piece of legislation. A law is only'1 a law when it is universal In its! application; wTTbn it fulfills or realizes its reason. Such a latv will undoubt-jj ?dly Tend to promote "and produce Peace and. Harmony^ ami will provo[ to be of infinite benefits, botlr to the go83iper-arTd~*to. the victim -of gossip-'j Too long have we tolerated Hunorsi which only had as their the} common nrelude. "Th&v say," "ThPv^ : Tell me," "Do Yuu Know, "A- ilari I j * Told ,Me," L4 Heard Someone 3ay,"j ^ "The People 'Are , Saying," etc. In-1! varibly these publications^-are pro- ( ductlve- of discord anci unpleasant-'* : i ness. and '.it Is high time timt nn ^ ' effort be rqnde to Promote and per- ( \ petuate public Peace and Happiness. T7" ~ * To the Gossiper, such a law would j . " complied with. , for .there is 11*0 doubt' < r-' as to the truth of old sttying^Yaf^ L- "Silence is Golden." It is better to i K. . listen than to be listened to.. I, We'*only learn by silence and study!, of- fhr Thlnes f 1T.TF nrp ' v.pf*n nnrl a heard. When We listen to, aiul study ' the thoughts and actions of the mil-'< lions of individuals around us-,we ?' have -the advantage of mittions" to." _ ne z ... . - '.j. -1 j-P When we take the floor in order j to tell what is in our meager minds. we are uj djvantage one fealnst millions. We only think. K of what we are saying, ami some "at *, fc- _ ' do vrry lit tin thinlrjnr thru; but.., l-: - *=- to listen to and mr?cm~me th'ohght . ^ and actions of-the masses, we have < r far more than 57 varieties rn draw . from "and add to The store that is'' +.1 already m'rrs. Chrlyte Ht-rhlc "'Sar-- . I* tor Resartus" .has said that, "Silence, i Is fEe/rtenieut iti, which great things- ; at length they may emerge, full- 1 formed and-ina|estio. Into" the day light of Life, which they- are thence- 1 forth lot rule." Longfellow-,, in his : work?' "The Three .Silences of i Moliijos," -tells us that, "ThrCe "Sil- : _ ences There- are-: tin? first-of speech',""* the, second of desire, the- tliird ofi. thoughL ^ ^ rem^uie(l or ]'ltu '! poem - that was printed orT a iiifle^ card. ' WTlTeK pra^.iitnn 'hn k " . Mary E. Dunton, the heloyod wife of 1 ex-Presidenl, Dr. L. M. Dunton, or Claflin University, to . each member of the student body assembled at j ' Clftftin^some-yeftrs-ffgcr-Qir a-Th:tnkir"~ giving moTTiing. ..The little poem t Rf' - rea4v - -' - 1 f "A wise old Owl once li v-ml in an Oakr il me mare ne; saw, rneTPss lie spoke; The less lie spoke/thc more he. h " : " heard; . r^~" jTT _ o. meht. .we ;iH lip Liiu: M-rd." y Thus wtrTuiveT"endeavored to show.., the benefit of such a law to those who gossip. ' A3 regard's the victims of idle" gossip', the readers cannot but admit that many good men and women have met with social, financial and _i j. . . - - - . ~ piiysicai uisaster uecause or tliDughlless or malicious work of idle gos-. fci siping tongues. . ' ^ j' Thus han been destroyed the peare and happiness of homes, communities and countries. ' The evil that men) do live after them; the good is oft interred" with them." The^ Gossiper seems inclined only to publish those .. things that, will hring-ridicule, shame: or condemnation ui>on the head- of | the vlcfrhn. - Aft-flnfl.nbP" ""14 W "There's a lust in man no charm can E tame. Of loudly publishing our neighbor's Shame; fcj. .Qa. wings- immortaL Sca'nvTaT" While virtuous actions are but bom and difc." Mr' The law against gossiping, as passed by the State of Kentucky Is " result of the deliberation of a group , i of very thoughtful legislators. It is productive of Peac eT I Lapp 1 n ess and Justice, the promotion of which alone Kgi -tftfliirn . domestic.- tr*nqtrilityr might be w&Ufc while if all of ,ourj . Statea were to;_Ialio-w the lend tt . by tile Stato Of Kentucky. Georgej K Elliot, in tier ''Daniel Deronda," setsj forth the suggostlo'1 that "tiossln Is. ft- sort of smoke that comes from the | dirty tobacco pipes of those who diffuse it; it proves nothing but the! bad taste of the smoker." IT oueh be.true, it is the opinion of the writer that it is only fair. and j'dst that the Smoker should pay For his owrr-tubacco and for whatever brand -he selects. Atty.' H. F. McGirtr- -Camden, South Carolina. CHESTER PARAGRAPHS. j Tl|t> uuugruguiiym rmrt fi lends uf l the Calvary Baptist Church .were (le- L preadhed on Monday night, by._Miia. iohn '-Honor. Mr. Honor is" "a" student at Urainerd institliti.'. and is in this year's graduating class, after \yhich he plans to enter Benedict ' college. He is now the financial sec-! school and is the son of Rev. anil | ^ Mrs. W. hi. Honor.- He was licensed upon the unanimous vote or the "tTTrreh. * _ *- ^ After an illness of morqfcjimn a. ' re,ar, Mr. Walker Ellison died*'at his tvidowr six daughters, one sister, and ' I llflsr-cr sorrowing friends. For rears he was the assistant superin-f1 eiident of the Calvary Baptist Sun '1 lay school, chorister of the choir, md teacher of Class No, 2, inutrne! illnlnp health connned KTm to his ' lome. Rev. J. W. Coleman, the pa^ '' 'or, preached tlre~dmioral sermon,"SThT * lie body was laid.to rest in Hebron 1 " emetery with Undertaker J. E. < i 1 5pann in charge; with Odd Fellow and \y Itiilli lnnu;i',s, beneath a inuiind cov- j wed with ..beautiful floral - designs from ovory organisation pi tlio Auireh and from many 'friends' " ; Mr. HaroldJL'ox is at home lrom the Chester sanatorium, and is_ slowly < mprbving ~at h i s h ohnr-bn'Lj omis St. i - Thfr-jvnight^Eompla,rs aro giving a 1 janquet on Kridrfy night at the":Ma- l sonic hall. The East over Star chap < sr is invii.hu aa quests. - -r-p. Sunday in the city, the guest of Mr. i Robt. Kiohburg. M<._ St arks made I t very- pleasing talk in the U. Y. mooting:- P.: ' r t ^ -**' u. Mrs. Boozer and "daughters and i Mr. John-Roller son of Columbia st>ent -4 Sunday., iu the, city with rolativoo and t riends: ~ , r 7 . ' _IZT- j 1 January of Miss Sarah Ayers .ahd Mr. i James Massey, Jr. were received with j surprise by llie many triOilds ~o? tiie'l iaa ng en |i1er r~t-^ h Mr. Wallace Shiver aiUr.Miss Rflio Vance were- nw^t4*yj tr the- -Sth of ,.j March. . Mrs, Shi\o'r is. now in-Wash- j ngton, I). ( *., "and Mr.. Shiver will L ioin her in a few .days. Friends wish 1.] roth of these couples- years of -pros- aertty: : nakinfc her Imms . for tlio J,!|*t jhnir j rears with her uncle in l-'ort Monde, ['In., is nrrw \is!iliij| k l' IVii'onts,' .\li\ ! : unl ^Irs. Waddt-ll Douglass, Mobleyil StreetT - " ~F Mrs. Colle M< Cullrnuh died at hoix home on Walnut StreeT^ after an ill -f1 iWssmUT several years, The funeriifH services were held Ttt-ftrivary DaL>fr*frL-iitti:chr--Ri^ J. r. (lilnune pimtdted the sermon. 1'ndertakor E. N. Isom r ivas in charge.. Iiueriucnt was Ini [ lie.ckTTocif cemetery. -Madaui,.M. E. Woods went to Dur-J^ Bp. BB J mm ^REV,.J, J,VHARRIS THE UNITED SONS OF is an organization which is doing roftrm-people of Sooth Carolina. Harrison, State Master, Prof. J. I). V. McCrae, Slate Treasurer, alive and gives to the benefice pays from fifty to one hundred < from $25.00 to $l6o.00.in case ol household goods. It pays from ? neaH'Hflt! UJ) to $10.(10 on Doctor's Think of it; and for any jni KEY. J. J. HARRISON, S. M.,2; or Prof. J. A. KIRK, S. - i ' THE PALMET ham, N. C.. on business last week.. Madam VVniwh- i -** . wf tl.M luTirtlnj,^ hair dressers in th^' state. Mr. Teter Youumre- f Los Angeles, Cal., Is visiting relatives here. The tumieriHW-Jtri 4s hore -of Rov. and Mis. M. M. Moore Of Columbia are very sorry to^ learn that they mre leaving the state, although they _ will he noaror'Ohostcn1, while in CliaTTotte, lina. Itev. D. C. Baum, Mr. and Mrs. Will uord.oti_iinu Mrr_ James Foster spent several days' in Washington last \yeek. - *" h 7 "j J . On the sick list are: Mrs. Lo Maxwell. Mr. Dnnnviintr' fleam rjL. Street; Miss Adline Fair, W; ut S t re o t: M rs. J a n ie Macon. Mra. Auet. _ Caldwell, Columbia- Street. * trrrie Mae OtTmore and little da-u abler. Lmmie It.mi so', of Forts- mouth, Va.. are in the efty, because of the tnipairod health of Mrs. Oil mote's mother. Mi's. Louise Mdxwell. 1 /' "u^'v' "f">hQ rrrnriod-iv 1 tli hei- parents at her home in York. Besides teaching in tlie fifth grade. Miss Lowrv has chnr-sre nf nlnve-'miinrl " 7 * I ictivities and is succeeding adnijraLTTy. -Mr. Prank la a' v re and family am to i:ia!;c ih^'r i un-iT'in- High Point, unong utii " best eui.'.ans and. Chester resrreu t'l04iv dP ."vH:i'o.. " " Miss Pa ndi IhVutn celebrated her : f '.Mr.' mul Mrc Oaei'i* II.inter, WyHw.i ( snout. .. a joyon mi-M'iiUig 'was spent| j ifubmaivy useful aini- pceli y g-TTts were eueived. . _ . 7 . I Pro!'. Fin|ey and aevferal of his: teachers irbe/j'lanning to attend the state Tv;p-li<:rs' A .sain iation in Colnm-ji jia nextr week. ~"Ti ^ - - -t v ~~~fc Mff& A. E. WALKER DEAD \ After an illness of two months du- ' Ration, Mra/.TtT^PbTAVaikur of Booker H rrw.TTT.,s VTT1 rrvr^iivj j/ctoO^U UWU^ leace fully nt her home last Wedneslay. Mrs. Walker T\as the wife of HiU Alex -E, Walker? well known j hoir master of the -First Calvary 3aptist Church. Mrs. Walker was a i voman of a sweet ehristain- disposiion, a .loving wife, a good neighbor, uul a tireless worker for the church, * she leaves to-mouiii her home^going < t -faithful husband, and a bright many little son, a host of relatives and < -friends. -Peace to her ashes, and i est to her weary soul. _ '.k Her _ f ujieval- will-Jbe.^ield- from the; First Calvary Bantist Ctrarrh Smr?P Pho Ilov.^L.^W*. Long, Pastor, othciat- ' < ,ltJ,,r- ^ Matinee For The Schoal Children v '*i"""''1 2'j lll'i't'O ;fjjr4- school ; cliU-'.J: flren will be given at Allen Un'iver-j slty \\ ennesday attornoon ;U 4 O'cloclt" 3y the -Morehquae College, JHee _Club_J jntr *OrylTes!Ta'." AM ihTssion 25 centg. |' Barents will please >eini their ctfB iTren- to the, matinee so the : adults , may have the ?>puce at night. . I AUREMS NEWS : Mary. A IluvUor, Reporter. p Laurens, S. C., March .16, 1025, j The Sunshine Club of Bethel -A. M.L ^ ~~71: } iON Slate Master ABRAHAM & I). of J. ! a groat work for the noor and! ft has at it^ head Rev. J. J.' A. "Kirk, State Secretary and It pays to its members wh-ile iry something after, death. It k>llar for hospital benefits ancH f total loss by fire of house and 11.50 to $3.00 per week for siekd bill. ermatlon write . . - = MO Richland St., Columbia, S. C. Sec., Bennettsville, S. C. TO I.EAPBR K. Church entertained on lost Frhla arternoon, MaFch 13, 1925, at tit home of the president, Mrs. Emolin S. Nelson, on 23fi_Burus avenue. Th members were on the., job numerical! and financially. The meeting openei with song and prayer, alter which th acting secretary, Miss Julia Fowloi readily responded with their Iliiil verses. The recitation rendered b Miss Ludie Higgins was excellent, alsi the essay rcndeiod by Mrs. lhinzun; Hunter wno vory good.--We.were gltt< to have wu*h us during the afternooi Miss Emma L. Fuller of St. Paul Bap tist church. The president spoke ver; timely on the betterment of the hoy and girla'nf theJSunshinc Club. 1 an 4ntv> ?vory nun nnjnynd 'ln.w inolriirl ive talk, and will also profit by it. Tin Punshtne Club is doing iinn.lt feu tin upbuilding of the young people of tlT city. . . ' . ' We are planning to organize in thi etub whatrre called-a ~"Ciyh CnnnrtT? Tlie purposeVof this is to arouse tin interest of those that do not seem "t< realize what tlm-Sunsh+rnrClub stand: for,- and to bring those into judgment that violate the rules and regulation: of the club. The Sunshine rinh h vorking t> produce men ljke Booker T. ^Washington; Frederick Douglass and the great Negro author, Paul Law rcnce Dunbar, and women like' Mar) M. Bethune. Helen Keller and Maudt Cunnio Ilure. To the members of tlx Sunshine Club I would like to say, Dt not become" discouraged of that wlileT the outside world says oPyou, but ^sc live tli^at when it .lias come your time In be laid at rfst, vmir names will be . . , V lifte these great characters I hayis ntrntioned, tiiat is to say, that tljoj will live -forwer. and stand _amisJ prominent among, the pages of his ttrry; TT : . - The. meeting \vas~a *: .... . < )H- last Friday ,although our pastor ItuV,, McCl ei course of Jello with whippet^. cream i y and cake was served by Miss Supearl i d Simpson, assisted by Miss C. A. < e~ -Fuller.. The club sang the closing i r, song and repeated the mizpah in con- t iv ^hiroii 2>0,- 1U25, at-the- Jmhss of- Mrs h yjlMary McMorris, on Downs street. " | Sunday morning, March 15, 1925, ' ; was a beautiful day, and there were ^ *7 an immense erowd Of phople out. Our 11 pastor preached a wonderful sermon, ' ' using as a subject "Constant Rejoic- ' ^ ing." Ha snid that tnv in like a dla-|( - inond, it glitters in the night as well - as t-he- Auy^ Joy fllla the eyea wlLh :* fears, makes the heart burn, revives lpd soul, and makes the true-born chilr | drew of God rejoice ln.-him. So, there 1 fore, rejoice in the Lord and rejoice 1 again. This: is just a short synopsis > j 3 = ur nuiny^uf the guud~thiiigB that hoi< . KM ill to lift. ! I > Mr. John Suber, officer of the New: < s Brookland A. M. E. Church, Columbia, ' S. C., worshipped with us and prayed i _ a most spiritual, prayer, which we alt J enjoyed. We were very-glad tq have ] . und feel that he . is one of our ' . own. We wish to welcome him, auif~ ^ Ivuwvn rg.. [\j Every Sunday and get rj ^ All goodr things to ea 'if 1016, WASHING | if we please you tell oth r-k. ^ =r r ft? - MRS. ANNA j. inting & Supply ( reet > jy. IR IwuUvl^l " made for any_org{ f~- - ^ . , 1 badge 2 badges. 6 badges 12 badges . Hj ^ -- W Saturday, March 21, T925. any other "visitors at all times. We vorship with us. They are here On ac count of the illness of their mother, . , and contributed loyally to the church on Sunday morning, for which we ~ Lhanlt them and wish to express to .hem our deepest sympathy. The Sunday school ia doing nicely and -is -planning to put over one of the very best programs for Easter. Tlie little folks are anxiously awaiting for the practices to begin" The A. C. E. League Is still progressing. The young people are doing everything in their power to make :he league successful. The president, . Miaa Mail in o. DucKstt. is awing wHtTiold ouF"until the^end. Sunday at 7:30 o'clock we assem mqo 10 listen to tne last sermon-^f- ' :he day. The paBtor used for a sub- ; _ ect "The three gifts." Mrs. Lizzie >omor connected, herseif with the ihurch, also Miss Louise James" Joined m Sunday morning. ' J Rev. McClellan preached a spirited sermon ""on-.. Suitday afternuon at ^ Boon's Chapel church, of which Rev. -i I. S. Ried is pastor. He used as, a subject "Church Idleness." | Continued on Page 8. ^ " " = ' fltt AT your SpecialJ)inner. | 1 J t. Home cook food. | TON STREET | " " . "': " V"*" J' '" ^ " " " "'""" Company f V-j Columbia, S, C. V i . . Y; \ - "jy~" *t* : araphernalia 4 -,.Y f ',v Societies. - |j 1 3adgre3,~T^llars and - .nything; for _your X ^ r-~- i^^skk$ ? 7-7" - ~^-=4- g as shown in cut can ha > :