Br?caaaooo^og^oj^m^amoo K | SUBSCRIBE AND % ? f ?ADVERTISE Cur?grent, Scrcial and Gen- j vol: i ? no: 8. s ~~ I nrLF rublic ^COLORE U: Newlv 1 -of washing: Of the^N.' A. A. ? ? the city Librari man, asking hi I Bar against T now denied wc * Wa&hmgtoi^IX -C. -Feb.val H. Thomas, newly eh * D.. C. ?$?h'aricb of the Nat T>r?>sirient of the ..Washini ?J? Association for?the~~~A?lVi ment of Colored People, has ten tn the city librarian^ ? George Boworman, -askingi, - competent _colored people are now denied work by tl brary "system. Mr. Thomas' letter is in ?? as follows^?? "You maintain two e? sive public institutions ' ~ 1 ? I Er-J v. V "" r "MISS HI Mehriber of the faculty < as teacher of French and ( . manner as Manager, Busii Asheville I&pterprise,- 44 So talented aTfa! very popular i of the~Land of tKe'Sky. i Sorority. 111#fcin iiiiiiflM"iiiiiiiiiii''iiiii v -J1 ' i ? ' ' ^ . '" + "?- % ' j|; - _ ~~.. .. ' " p W VB ffB^w - fl B LA I B Q M qa '. I ^^ ^ elected Pres. . " .J 1 FON, D. C. BRANCH C. P., Has Written tc an.Dr. George Bowerm to remove the Coloi olored people who art >rk by Library System -Ne-[which the?colored ^pccrpks-ari icted entirely -excluded,' a library ipnal f&e tuit yton, ion, and a great library whicl ince- furnishes pj^ita|>le_ernpl9y writ ment to the graduates of thi: draining class. Yon havi bim steadfastly refused to ad mi who lever cultured and competent le 1 i-j1o this splendid opportunity, tj , - supplement their schoolini part with this professional-training -[The, roster of your. employe :pen- i numbers 100, costing ALL o trom ;tne people $1^8,160 per aniiini . TM. > . * * mm H >f Stephens-Lee High School, servin; Civics. She is also, in a very efficien ness .Manager and Treasurer -of th nth Mttrkpfr Street. Miss Chandler i among the young social set Ashevillt She is also a member of the ArKr A "" ** " 1 '"I 11 > 1 ? : _ f ~ ?r*~ :?? 1 /' s P"( OLTJMBIA, ri. C.,_FE| M im Crow NEGRO HOTEL 1 - MEN ORGANIZE 1 =of J,vscphL. Greenlee - = OF NEW LONDON HOTEL R The Owners oT 23 Other "Negro T Hotel* of til*! Cuuiihji As "-^einble at His Hotel ^ ' : 7? ? 1 r ' . ' """ (By The Associated NegroPress). [ sponding to the eali~bf Joseph I. I Greenlee, proprietor of New Li- Is berty Hotel, the owners of^23^^ colored hotels of the country as- a > sembled in~his hotel on Febru- v - rary 4.Q, and organized the Na^ t tional Hotel Managers Associa- a finn P".icrV;t" nthor T-Tr>foT *%->?* *^7; v.w. w wuv/x iiiaiig- ^ * gers declared their willingRess ir! to join hv. letters-authorizing the F " use of their names, and their wil V lingness to abide by J;he CblTBti- F tution to be adopted by those^-I .present^.. j F - meeting Vvilh a brief speech out- [5 r lining the purpose sought.?His, g % talk included mentloBwf co-op-J l e^mtion^d^:<^tisingr " improved service, cultivation of the 3 eling public^f the race, and the"^ e rppfi nf a united effort toward t a high or sflnitnry standrml-frrr jj - the hotels catering to tha col^t ' ? ored trade. His discourse was j ci r> i r;iu j -- i j*? >"? ^ | lincu wim iucis anu iigures jy r that were soniewhaTTof aTrevet- 1" ' ation to some of the managers je f which means that the colored j 1 . it.ions and about $10,000 per [I -4 year.?The Budget Bureau has ; c wisely granted your 123 assist- [ t ants and $170,940 for next year, i which will mean arr annuaPTo^'l of S5 proSessional positions and\i neatly $45,000 to the colored'. I people. You told me frankly in ';f one of my conversations iwith i ] _^mt-4hatra'colored girl could on- t ly enter the library service in 11 ~ "You can not say that com-jJ petent eolored youths can not; i U ^,,^,1 -? * ;-iT LA., v I kik, luuuu, iui?wc (Jcin liu iusn you 1 with a superior type of ^meri-jt 1 can adolescents. The colored 11 Normal School is graduating! i 125 students this ,ycar? with no ' | hope of more than 35 of thenvd * securing positions in our schools leaving you the pick from 90 t Superior students who have per- J ' sisted through 15 years of train- 1 ling in our efficient system. You * 1 can not Say that sueh a just po-ir Ticy is ahead of prevailing prac:j( pice either, for that greater in-! stitution, the Library of Con-il "~|gress, Jhaa^had colored assist-!} out detriment, but with posi-j live improvement^ to the ser-!1 vice. In fact, "every other.p branch of our municipal and fed-ji eral service employs colored';* clerks, and men and women in'l other positions. p - if* Tt ? g "i trust you tvill recognize t the justice of our claim and not < e advance the existence of sep- 1 f arateL schools as an argument t for denying us our just share in r the library service." I J' ' vT."' ? - " - ' 'i" :?r*?-: Z? 5 -'-j S?ias?? System 1 , . 'J? ,??? r [ HE.NEGRO IN NfcW YORK CIT^ h Devote* Iq degrees iifHarfem ' . .. v ' 1ARCH ISSUE "HARLEMNO - '* -* y( ' 75,000 Negroea Livw^Cluael Tng??fhwv; In Horl^m Without ----- Any Race Friction New Y^k, Teb.^-T4ie ^iritjr lumber,devoted fq,.the Ne ro andJffi history anji presen etivities. jfei New York City, i ;as anno&hced today.' Amoni he contributors to this numbe re three^jfrierhbers of the staf f the National Associaf inn fn he Advancement of Golorei 'eople, Janfes Weldon Johnson Walter White and Dr W. ~E. B )uB6is, and also Charles S ohnson, of the Urban League 1'ofessor Alain. Locke, W. A )f>mingo, Kelly Miller, Prof essn letvtlle^JrUGr^kovils, d. -A. Re covici, Georg Poems'are^mclndod hv Cnnfit 'oomer and LaTrgrrtorr Httghe? James Weldon Johnson, writ rrg mi "The Making of Harlem, races its rapid developmen luring the last decade. Mi ohnson shows Jiow J,he colore (optrlation" starting 1iv the tow r part'pf Manhattan, in what i s now known as Greenwich VL mnvprl 7Mr>v+ UhtqivI ?+ -p-r ...w ? HIMMIUJ iu til rvv'Knt.ips ami Thirtipg, thpn f ^ifty-third" Street, where th ojpred actors and muscian ised to gather andhow finall n 1904 the shift to the presen la^lem began, until at presen i?cm*ding to an estimate mad )y JohnFh Nail, Successful rej estate dealCt In Harlem, culure )eople own and control "^flor :han 60 million doJlars worth c iroperty there. "Th my mind." writes Mi foluisoii, "Harlern Is more tha fTace" prftblem. The statemer las often been made tffarif TNf jfoes were transported to th ^orth in large numbers?th *ace problem with all of 'its_ i n-esent, tor he had canvasse wore thoroughly, every angle c die business before calling th necting. In connection witl ;he possibilities" of the Theatr; :al-trade, he had been in corr nunicafion with the Billboar i Titor interested in this fiek n precisely thel^ame maner h iad sought information on othc fgSr Mr. Greenlee was promptly t cc10(1 proafflent. Richard War >f .Washington was elected V ^resident ami Mrs. Mary Golr in, 15 Ninth St. N, E. was < ected as secretary of the orgnt nation. The constitution contains dause making newspaper put ishers and editors of publici ions coiirhictfngT hotel deparl nents eligible to honorary pieir >ership. ? r.,! - ? ' = v1 NOT - o. j5av Their ( ~ Waf TTHKY HAVE ISSUI t the Head of th< Improvement Assc f~" settle the Affairs c r ' 1 > (By The Associated .Nfcgro Press). _ . New York, N. Y., Feb?Wil-L ; liam Clarence Matthews, Henry L .. Lincoln Johnson and JCahn and I % ***** t I r ;Nagle. the associated counsel h i* which represented Marcag^Gar^ [issued a statement taknjg strojigj g "exception tfl- thri Thinner frr1 | btfiied thi^head^of the ilmvnrQQi . | Negro Improvement Association s "|a chance to settle Theraiians of^ T his organization, arrange for j \ : his appeal to the Supreme court j d and carried him to the Atlanta ! ^penitentiary' , ; 1 si The lawyers declare that in 1 I their t went y-three years- of'prac? e;tiee?they had Tiever handled a. s j unfairness and with such paly pable attempt at persecution as! t j Garyey," it | They .point out that the printejed record of the trial filled four ; d volumes of approximately 3,000 . d: closely printed page's and ihgj/ e within two weeks the court of ap >f peals had affirmed _the judge ment of thd(district court. mm. L-L-uteness arid now aopeetn wouhh 1 >e, transferred with them. Weil, \ 175,000 Negroes live closely top. I ~ aether m Harlem, in the heart.' of New" York, 75,000 more than l" live in any- Southern city, and ~ do so Without any raee frictrorrr rl i . ' Ti ~ . I believe that the Negro s (i, advant ages and Xopportunities 1^;are greater in Harlem than in! . J any other place in the country,; ! and that Harlem" will become I r. i . the intellectTral7the cultural and Hi,. # - > , jlhe financial center f-or Negroes of the United States, and will G r J exert a vital influence upon the Xegro people of the world.'.' | ur. Uuliois in an article en-1 ; 'titled "The Black Man Brings' His Gifts," contributes a biting; g HP diQlo^uQ j [Indiana people, proposing to' ^ jhold an Ainerica's Making pagleant, finally deciding that they1 cannot do it because they would f a share, because o" his part in. the buliding of America. j._ Mr. White's essay, called "Coll or Lines," ndrrates expei\ences ~.y?,. Continued on page .j ^ .. t " .r - ^ ' Y * flv**. ; ? \ ? ?r? . - I . ;..D^C&l?*C&&83e>*"*0X8w0CSaB^ -8 THIS PAPEfTTS-f \ ^ I DEVOTED TO THE 1 f 8 INTERESTS O K *| ' " //?jl ' | THE PEOPLE. I - , -.- So A~eonr . ~ > y^'J-S. "'' V V. yt " ISEL ~ PLEASED Ulient Mistreated *.D AST ATKMfcNT? | ?tion to the Manner ent Officials denied? ; 2 Universal Negro ? e jciation a chance to ?f His. Organization. ~ They also claim that despite : their assurances that Garvey .vould be surrendered, there was staged "unon his arrival at 125th v. . street, the most ridiculous show for fhp edification and benefit rwtf 11- ? ' J ?1 * ' lu lxlc assistant, united tjtatea IT ' ?~ prosecutor's office.". .TCaryey; - _ _ JV, wag wlth his wife-on the train *7 v, luid, a "ifcge iiumbfer of heavily ? -S| armed mSn rushed lipon. GaYvey and hriifally seized him and drag" tmd him fiTnTThe Pullman which~~ Thy boon oscupy-mg tn 7-fs Tombs prison.-" TT? ~ _It is Uarvey's intention, and ??s he has so instructed his counsel, to applyjlo .the United Slates Supremercoiirt' for ?l.\vi4t- of Certiorari, upon ""the;" ground that ' manifest errors were committed ? * that4 the United States Circuit? Court of Apppnls erred in affirm ing the-conviction. As a matter of fact The bill behalf riPter-Ti ial, so his lawyers, ? assert,- contains^ ninety-four errors alleged-to have-heen commit '/ ted and this despite the fact: that Ga'rvey, a lay man, tried his own case, -??? .( . Bp?jjk i^BH9| ? - - ? 1 he above* cut is the likeness of I)r. "1 preached and electrified his audience 1 " at Bethel A. M. E. Church, Sunday, February TiT. "Dr. flomez is oHFUf the best preachers of the A. M. E. Clror'rlt. - -- -? T^| Cmnmunieatifms intended-^er ? the current issue must reach this office, (if out of town) not ?M ty news by Wednesday night.