. p ALLEN NKWS < By J. T. W. Mims. -, j ?The New -Start-? i The awaking of the old Lit- 1 f' erary spirit around Allen Uni; ' ; versity was heeded to, last week j . when Profesgtn*s~^Hr B. Thomg?f mute?^lotheri with citM^ ph&sis the object of a Literary ? Debating Society, to more than ' - * two hundred male students OfT \r Jhe_ College, Theological and\ f "High School Departments. They^ declared that"-ideal^ of tained and that enthusiast^ men : would be assisted in finding - themselves. In their lecture I they. red' to fr. W. Lawrence 1 ^ of Chicago, 111., P. W. Woodbury y~ of Baltimore, i\Idv William Larke | $ of Boston Mass., John Adams, ; - of Omah^ NHx^-wno^are competerrt Lriwyers antLmany other sons of Allen who' have foundthemselves through what2 was U'-JST v ^|/Lewie I . 1310 Assembly - X x. [ * ;' " P| - f - n : MB HHSH b ? Mil & ~7 st>i?Ni :hen known as the_J3/L. D. Society. ^ "Wednesday night, Jan. 14th, 1925 was the appointed time foe. Mims was eleeted^chairman Protein, RT S. Ritter wris elected $haw was declared a nominee for president, and his support" was asked for by J. T. W. Mirhs. -The^Hftight of the 14th-#eund the following~parties: "The Student's rmU." J.-W. Snwvnr^ B. F. Gibson and J. T. W. Mims Campaign Managers for Rev. J. Party,'"T. V. Swinton aJnd Titus_ McClary, Campaign Managers for L. IL -Glenn, and "The Independent Tieket." The election-by the parties were: "The Progressive Party" none. "The Independent Party" one. Vice president, L. L. Farmer. "The Student Party" .five, K-^Vilson, Asst. -Sec. Ev Hemmingway, Corresponding Sec'y.1 J. S. Gray and Treasurer H. R. Davis. X -. ??4 5rinting & Street,, _1_, .. , Printers and Man j _ _ adges, dollars and Bann " Y .. -?er ci This is the s jMl of the jnade-yevers with order. . it has our fi sides,- an ex occasions. 2 batfg^ an c ?. 47. ?: . 12 badges a; Printing & % -- Street, ^ ^ -.h? ?' ~ sftT I . THE PALMI The election will be continued Wednesday night, January 21st. j5|ome to visit us. - t/? -L m 9 m LifeJmprosonmefl? For James Smith Negro Found" Guilty of~~Murdet" With Recommendation to ?-T- " j. James Smith, alias Charles Weatherford, alias Charleston, was found guilty of murder with recommendation?tT5~~^the mercy of Xhe cou,rt in the Richland county criminal courtJTuesday. Judge1 Feaherstone presid: ing. The Negro received a^sem lence of life imprisonments?? Smith was charged with having shot and killed another Negro, WfH Carey Cummings, in - rJ. I ' f"?" Nilnniiy L ; ? i v- | ufacturers of ALIA FOR SOCIETIES. ers. Anything for youi ^ : STYLE No, 47 ozen $10.80 adge made for K." a ourt sof "Calarithe--?- f^?|g?^gl| jart can be de- frflki " ' jpod in thc^Lodge-. ~>e ||^ as No. 47 except f W ""' sides which makes J | _J) : 1.30 1 I| ozen $12.00 ^ over" VsSO ' Over l.iu 1 -? lover .90* li|Sicer^s. badges same ? . 17 each badge made fill h' t designating office I j| ||l|l|:.| intended. ?V 1 \ gisnn 1 1 r? STYl-E No. 60 . 11~ ?1 inifn fiin mt -----??^ QRj tyle the ladies like, 1 ljBBjj||j above, badges, are.,, ible. Terms Tash ne fringe\down the p h ell ;M:j eellent si2^ for all \ each ; ? $ i :m) )ver ^ yV? 1 over > >1.00 ' ? nd over Supply C ' "> "V " f> - - - . . ^ l~-~_ I I Ttiu-"1' " i - - . ipP" 1 r , i DTTO LEADER / September in an "filley openings ~ off the 1900 block of Lady-SL The trial was hngnn Monday J afternoon and concluded yester- -i day.- 7~'~~ Davidu Gray; Negro, charged guilty Lo a charge of manslaughter. The Negro was sentenced to-serve ten years an prison. *1 le was charged with having killed Susanne_~Harri s, Negress, Christmas day near the-corneroL Senate" and' Gates atceets^ _ He was allogod to v.H^~ntnhhtlL. her in the throat. [, ==^==' Head 4 *" ~ ",-L The Palmetto > * X * 2^.. and get the news ompanv 1 ?- =-^=;=?nfl HSftlumbia,. S. C. ^?r v j : ? f * Lodge. , Ti j <$? -i | - ^L RESIDENT Ji| | f >PROPRIATE I ^ VVBLEM I | Hi"- AND I 'jy r TTERINQ I ? FOR ANY^ iANIZATION I t f ompany | Columbia, S. C. vx ?V- , - - r t * 1 -MM". . / ':" | .AN EVENING i/ " . At.Bethel AT | - Jan. 18,1925 s Don't Miss Hearing fj Of The Best Hymns?v The History Of The St t. ti. pip UNDERTAKER 1 of. South Cacolii < -Dm it~ R I ? Pinckney's SanI BEST EQUIPPED IN THB ?? ^ jPOR?YO Office Phone 5707 1006__WASHINGTON ST? < "-t:? - ' . . * 1' maagjggggggggggjlgggjjg 1" SOME OP-THB FA I BY1 I North Carolin I Insurai c TOO' c - The/ saddest thin realize the great ne< SURANCE only to'h -TOO LATE. 4^ v listen, V If you do'nt want ?. ' /-T" - We'll hell) ycTiTp; If you, do want a Y I-' Welt help you b If you should die 2 gage oh you We'll help to pa> SEE ONE OF OUR WH P PVIH * 1*T T*' ITT MJXi i^AI 1 >/V 1 tit W. H. HARVI . / - i DISTRICT 1001 WASHINGTON STRE COLTJMI j. Merchai " | Xorrect Sty 1^- " j Qualil -Q-?-* L ~~*r??' ? miiii rn u? ? IS 1 LAM AND E ? ~ - TELEPH jj?713*MAIN STREET, >ppppwi'.WJ.W. .. .. % : *": Saturday, January 17/1925 $ HYMNOLOGY |?| ||| M. E.Xhurch ?nj' it 7:3D O^clock : i fha.^Choir Sing Many And The Pastor. Give . j| ime. - \ ~~r~TT *<^ivrNJb> Yr IND EMBAJJMER na and Georgia. Cheapest Jndertaker, ? IheCitV.^ -^WTH=^-" econd to NOjfE in the State. - ' ^ tary Barber lShop -?^ JCITY. GOIE AND SEE URSELF. . ?Residece Phone 7765 ~ ? ?? - ' * jjajaraiaiararaifgjajajgfanui^^ CTS DISCOVERED HI THE / ||[ a Mutial Life I ? ice G. m - i I Late i| g of ail > for -Otte -to ?}~^ := * ? cessity fc LIFE IN- ? ear the Doctor say 5 Friead ~ 1 . : to o"wn Ihome,g ay tne ratr ^ 5^ iomep~ uy one.?| J md leav a mort-?^^ g t ir horn a IS r it off. J_ v gl. AGENTSAND HE ? )W. " ? . : *"' SI if, Statement t QFFIG: "|H 1ET, PHONE 482tt4?| _z_^ |g| HA/S'/C. ; \ . . M grarararaiauiraiaaaiaiazraiaa^ ; '"Hi * J OJNdSfe I it Tai>r ?.y AnoVorkmanship ?1 >RY CIANING ' 1: ^ ONE J62 - I .. , j CC LJMBIA, s. c. : ' [y ' -g'l