The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, January 10, 1925, Image 7

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EgSAtnrday, January 10, 1925., C. Beach Stirs-IX-C. DnL i;^_0pp?8e Site, While ColIwL / ed are Accepting the SegraVx Ration if only Get Good Site |Pyy Aa Whites have?-Law Got i^ Ihrohgh^ Congress But is H Sanction of Segregation and Should be Opposed?Chicago El * Defender Leads in Urging Opposition to the Jim-Crow? T | ComesrUnder Secrv. Weeks. Br^L^ \Vashiiigton, T). (?_?A "racial j-4| questionJn-the national capital VjyK which' pi umiaea U> tfrow to; sizaKj hlft prnnortiono. hao developed If 1 arqund a proposal for a bathing U^-beach for the city's-Goleredpop* ^ Tvtilotion on t.hp TirtaJ- Tfegih op-. ^ie LHicolBL_Memorial>B I To understand just what this flneans is necessary first to know j^BPhat approximately one-thtfd~or HXnore than 150,000-pf Washing jr ton's inhabitants are colored, wl It is necessary also to underI stand that the point at which I it isproposMtCrbuild this beach ^ is immediately opposite the ToM liomac paik gjjll^course and along" W1 ^b^Potomac park vjbpulevard^ 1 whprr^t^e gjtyJg filitP^prpfpr in ?drive on hot- days to get the wwi comparatively cool breezes that I I waft kcross the water from the -Ifl^ Virgmia shores-?? ~ thought of a bathing WTewlT at this point, which ~tt^Vouldbe frequented bv though I andsT/f .llie uty's poorer folk of IS cimugg IP: fiive a lot of I It mustn't happen, they say, IrAwful! Dreadful! What is our % capital coming to, anyway? I White Womeir-Oppose Site, Ap7 _ I ' PPal To WapItb * 4Voicing, this viewpoint, Mrs. I John B. Sherman, president of ? the CeiieiilFederation~of Wor. *men's~Clubs, Jhfts written Segres - tary of War We&ks, under whose jurisdiction this park improvement would come, demanding A that he take a "firm stand" a4yjn galhst the proposal.????h Mrs. Sherman foresees grave -^-international difficulties - should the beach be developed at this7 jHpoint7as in doing so it would be jtoecessary to cut down or remove Hjr iiuniuer_ 01 tne cnerry trees , ^^^preserrted the capital 20 odd' f years ago by the Mikado of Ja~"it would come with"very bad j grace on the part of the govern* gT merit of lhe UnitpH S+fltea.-? [ - jfcyflr <<tn 5? ^r>wnjrf |,}||r 'r Wonderful trees given us by Ja5" pan.''. ~ ? g -Furthermore?"The driver a I?ruunU llie lldal Basin is one of ?the iviost famous in the world.Vnn nan readily see what a c61lection of parked automobiles t would Tdo there," particularly on Saturdays and Sundays. There v - -would surely be trouble." "ThC broblenT"r>f ft haflua^ -Reach for the city's Colored m^wthird jias been complicated by | the fact yiat representatives of W ihe Colore^ population have 1 been resolute hv refusing to conI sider a beach in any location ex'cept along the Speedway or in mr~-Potomac park^rj= 1~% ' r Colored's Argument But Jinr 0} Crow by Congress is Hurtful. fcvrhe white, man's bathing jpohteh is in the Tidal Basin, they jbo why not the. Negro's? If J %iia the capital of the UnitP/f ? And "Isn't the black fjT?> le equal of the white under HI fvernmerit? By this very B A f, they choose, as particular ^B-JL^topriate, the site across from Hmme majestic marble memorial to Jw>e Great-Emancipator. Sentimentally, the white jppp^ F^Fraffun"hasn't any answer IftiR argument or any similarly HJf appropriate alternative as to But practically, the__DTfiBOMBFtioirof tiiia bfltlilng beach is one K that is stirring the racial gjreju F dices oftfe town as nothing hftC done for decades, ^ settled without , BENEDICT NEWS. By Gilroye Griffin. During the Christmas holidays many students returned to their homes. throughout-South Carolina, to spend the six days given "them WitTnTTPfr hffiYie folk. fb re-entering school they indicated that they had enjoyed a who remained on the" campusl hertainly enjoyed the holidays, i The girls fridnlprerl in_^,:^u^hike; the boys wwe entertained in valluus humtiu of the effrff and what^ might be called a cli-. TTOA -naa icacntju on oaturaay! evening Dccemhiir_27, when the~ boy.s and girls were given a social by the- faculty. anthropic spirit of the students was manifested; when;- despite, mud and water, clouds-and eoldrj' a band of about thirty girls tramped to the Old Folks^ Home burdened with baskets filled with ! gifts for the aged people there. At twelve cTcIocK~bn the same day^ the entire student body as-: ~sembled m the uollege'^OKapef" to"celebra?e 'the sixty-second anM I X ^ b ? ' '? - " 11 mvcioaij' ui tiie issuing oi tne Emancipation Proclamation-^. deed. a fitting and worthy me-, morial of that great event and. net-Hmiyvserved as u reminder^ hd but also as a prophecy in parable of wfr?f it shall attaittr'jSnr" students recived inspiration encouragement and sound- advice from the "Orator of the~Bay: The most important news n "Found Benedict'sTCampus ancl all -the discussions' for that matterare weighted wiOTtHe fact that xaminations commence Monday, r -Januaiy 1'2,' 1925. uespite this tivities, from which the student j body derive much benefit continue t6 attract attention. The-va-+! rious-societies and_fraternitiesi are cuiivened~atfeast nnoe-pfuah week.. The Phi Sigma Fraternity pngagpa thp tnpmhorfl offhe College Department: f.hft"ngcg== lass-debating Club calls llie menu Ministerial Union .attracts as^' Ipiririg preachers and a-goodly number uf other~studentsl~The f Y. M. C. A. is doing a good work! -among ati-the then of -the College1 and the Y. W. C. A. i&' open to the girls. ?I. ?Insofar as the grp.. "concirneyd, there fs another fea-T tare-of- school life which 'enter-tains and at the same time dey^lnpg tnlnnt tVin iil^ofnwnnU i Tliesejexercises began soon after t .thpf-ootball season dosed ftndf have ^broug^t have been characterized by an eiuquence wmcn rivals it it does, not reach that of- theorigipafp jdelivefyT Patrick Henry has a? gain exclaimed: "Give Me Lib-; er\y, or Give Me Death;" John! Adams?has again urged the^-t doption -of the Declaration; 1 Webster has again pleaded hisj law cases and defended 'Massachusetts' rights t-Calhoun has agaip occupied the floor.i-Emmetti. hasVindicated himself twice this ed on Caesar. These oratoric%l Efforts "are made every Monday af the^3TtgflF~ChapeI Service.?~~ * Quite a flutter has been evident around the College in recent days, The cause is a yet j small heap of stone ancTTumber j placed opposite College Hall. Many are seeing the new Science Hall rise from this ^small mass day by day, - The Regal Drug Store and Walton's 1 sr ' J * 1 ? ? ..??iiiovjr navp tuiiaynuaTea into uePinnaDrug Co., greet them at the old Regal.< 't 7 .-zxsr.1soreness, it will require all the tact, diplomacy and common Jense those in authority here? can muster.?The Boston Guardian. rr? ?r. . . . -1?' 11T ?m.-' y-* " ' ' " THR PAI.MFT MrsrHefen Nelson-Pom- f pey Passes Away. 1 .____ ^ . -a Surrounded By Loved Ones, She t Sureumbs?to th?- Grim - ^ ? Monster in Philadelphia. Ftmeral ancL Interment v =? Held Here. ..j r" ? > ^ V ? a A blanket of gloom passed over Columbia last Tuesday, Dec. p Mrs. Helen- Pompejr.. spreaded f rapidly over the entire commun=--t iiy. Mi's. Pompey who. had been making her home in Phila- a delphia since March of last year, n began complaining about ?3 yjs?d-tha?nn oppTntfen^would ? he^Jiecessary--aftor all that lov- $ ed ones- and friends could do, p performed Dec. 24, successfully. IV But-it was -afterwards-detected, hat other complications had taken place. She fought bravely,.-, yes valiantly, but "patienfly~against the attack, which proved ? fatal: and ow Tupsdavjastr-the^great monster "death, claimed alT . that was mortal, of our 4oved uheT ~ = The body was carefully pre- ~ pEf^fTTor shipment and burial bv Miss Parker, one of the efficient: female undertakers of Chester, Pa. Notice was spnt hy j^pqiiest-of-jnry, nm,jo? the ^ reliable unHertnlfpvfi ttiio nit,r lai ?^L'iic body accompanied by"tlTe"~ mother, two sisters and one son, reached the city on Friday, ami a second son awaited The" sad arrival and to share in the a bereavement. 1 The funeral of ?he deceased took= place_^t Wesley Church, Sunday atZ:Ut> Y. M. The large congregatiaiu~.the many and JT bcautilul floral offerings, espeeially those contributed .by the oJ ? * " t. . "3 $ : ? r ~^ m^rn <*? " <???^^ . ." y - g j 5=^= |T~X^ -...-. f" "= ? X ?1: ^==r=r= ?* f . ; v S & , ?... . ? ' t I S? De >?-- _a ?:?: ro leader ?v? ather~and sons, Gov. and Mrs. "homas McLeod, and Lawyer nd Mrs. W. D. Melton, bespoke h,e esteenV in which Mrs. Pommy wao held.' _ ? ? The?funeral w^rp ery beautifully"carried out unthe skillful management .of Ir*. Pinclincy. ??? ~ - Statements, made by Mrsr-Pomp V tn hpr lrtuorl nnno 4-U~ ?v * vm?uuco) i umse iterested in her spiritual welare, assuresnus7 that "our loss, hough gical, la neaven's gain. ; She leaves to mourn 'her loss, devoted -htrebanrir a faithful lother; two sons, "two sisters, >ne. brfther, two aunts : oat of friends. Mr.- ^Arthur 'ompoy, Mra. Helen Nelsun, Al'-' hur Pompey, Jr., Nelson Pomey, Mrg.AHie Berk, Mrs. Sue Irs. Annie Mitchell. LS~ fadeF" the" evening hours, So faded this fair flower, \ [er saintecTso ul-gene-on-?-To rest above* { ^ .. lissed we,the ehastePir>g fnH! ? Bowed^-p the yill of tiTod ind 'neatp the lqw, green sod, Laid w<j our dj^ar. - ? pjam - e k> more on earth to dwell And ,claim our-Jove,'. . _i ' >ur darling ;.one gone home. To rest above. tgw^Jier "casket lies/ Jlut far, above the skies, Slfhteous-hands 'graspeitla" Wheh Helen went home. Mrs. E. E. bims, is the home 1 Dfe and Mrs, D. Hi = 1ms. The Header wishes her < .verg-jjeasant stay. : -? J *?*-- " IBM I The ""Leader was shocked to ; MQ ?f>hp df gtb of Minn flnrnh ^ Ahite, one of ifte teachrs of B. ; , JWashingtoiL- -High- School. = he passed away 6fter atilllness 1 f a very few days.. 7 -" i* -* ;_r "ST7^r.rr:^>"; ~ - ... ?>?! ? 1 he general pi r^ YequMfeH ro. visit The Regal J ' , [T.Ta ; \ ?r _" ;--. ' Ef fici< = ^ ' ? : * ; Cour and Se ? ;?"T"" j iPW^N & i Merchant I ~ v Wexarrv a cor 1 of Domestic am f Woolens?Come Before purchasinj j sun j ;. 1 t17 ,Wwhl"g I :?Phone G9C ... i .... |jmperial dri I Prescription 1J | ^ I K)5 Washington St. X Everxt})ing carried in a Firj I PRESCRIPTIONS. QL1 '' We call for and deliver j it: / yours for sci IMPh'RI Al BRj - " .>- ' ~ ; ' I ; ' W. H. YOj ^ ? - -1?.- TAILOR X-",' _ Don# .. W<? Dye For Yo |^7,- To Order,u AH 1 W.or 1^1118'/2 Washington"St:J Phone ~~ ~ ^ ^ n 1?rr , . ^ 6 '^r- ' : ; ' - V ^ iblic' is cordially ' / i _rr, :jl. s... v..? *?-? ? ; $ . ? .. "7-* ^ Drug Store ;ncy,?? _ ^sy: ; , . , ;evice;T? 3UJ7 disposals . t... .i. i? Ine^Proiffigkfrs _ j . .... -'i Tailors |' T~"?' d^importeH~ J , ' ; and occ US ^??I? ? your next ? | r ;, . | ~ ton Street I I l___ y j" , . ' X~X~X~X~X~X~xk~X~X~X~X' JGSTORE 1 ruggists- . ., PKbiie^26lKt: 7y.'V^y^\ tt-class Drug Store T . ^SPECIALTY:'?-? f ' *"" ?? ?4t.T-V?E ET wj ?nru.Tr ' ' 11 1 prescriptions. " . % ivicn ?^ JG STORE | X~X**X*?X?<-X?*X' ! '>*1-1-X-X^X* ?? TNfi" "'" : ** "; ' ' . , '- . ft . . u. Suits Made - ft ' k "Guaranteed. ft ~ ' " 4727 Columbia, S. C. ft v^r:r-' t :^ - v ;. /ft"- ^ - v ,i : ^ v, ' ?t > M ?^ -r^ f. , . .... ^ .-X ~7r- ' ' ' ? , ,,V/ ' " ? r-. ? ? ' A > ^ ' $ ? . v - ?? . ?> , : & '~ ? - V . X : _ t /; *-- -g-~ :^y;H^3| 4 ** x . -" ' ? '-,? -: V ? . - X.; .....y. <% ___