The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, January 10, 1925, Page FIVE, Image 5

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BP Saturday, January 10, 1921 ? Hn$ Profes; on m Bfejd3fflge Houra; r_^,?T?;#f ?*?.;{ ry A^M???-osu isaei Kf^8:00 to 4 I'. Mi - J "" Res JC21 A 6:00 to ?-?? JdL Dr. C. K Stepehen n wT'' ' r Physician and SnrReoif ' ^ i Diseases of Women and Chile n A . Jk I _ "Specialty 1' Office: Residen m~J 1414T4rrftssembly St. 1328 (c St.i a ???ssbsss^ i I I Dr. l^AL-PAWE ISpi A?f ^PhyMrimi MuLSutffOAii | special Attention Given Disei is- of 1 Women. 1121 Washington St. 2210 H pton k j\ Office Phone: 6429 * ResrPhor 7165 B1 Office Hours: Tele >nes: Ml 10 to 12 M. Offi 574-1 V 2 to 6 P.M. Re 3702 Sunday By Appointmen jf" ~ DR. M. A. EVAI5 Diseases of Women" and Chi en A m,?- Specialty. Graduate Nurs in - - Attendance: Office Hours: Telhoneav -1 . 9 to 10 A. M. Q, ?_497.G . 'M-- 2 to 3 P. R 6962 ^ T"to; s prto. It FraitkB. Jqluiuun, ! " 1118% Washingtori'St. 1028 yan St'. U -fHWyn TTmiwn. "I'> phone9? 9:00 to llh30 A. M. C ce 3796 I 12:,00 to 1:00 P.M. 1 *. 4692 gt96-trr M?-1? ' 6:00 to 8:00 P. M. I DR. J. G. STUiRT' B Office: ~ ? -Reienc?:?1 1, 1702 Main Street 1417 Pe Street KsKJLiUMDlA, o, I 'Office Hours: ? ? -T&phones: f 8 t& 9.. A,~M. fice 4247 i 1 to 2 P.! W. 1 ^ as. 4052 f " " 6 to 8 P. M. Office: ReJence: ? . Office Hours: Tephone: it- 9 to 10 A. M. Offi. 4263 t <3 to 8 P! M.' ' "" II J Qffiice. & T?re?rT^n 1329 Pine St.^_ Coh ibia, S. C. W JJR. A. JKj>HiN3 Offiec i " ReiJence: 1 Phone 60.33^..? T P-hne3&73? I Dr. S^an Rh des ifr-r Phones: Office-. 3261' ~ JT' i508 Gregg St., 'CoKnbitt, S. ? [-- Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 6 P. M. to 7 P M ,; Df? J. H? Goocwin "Phones: Office 6026 les. 3039 f 1119 Washington-Si. Ck imbia S. C. DR. JAMES-tt^atS= Veterinary Surg an ?-? * 826 Laurel St., Phone 4173 COLUMBIA, S. : l. -r" - . v|j T jr | -BIG LINE OF C WHi Men, Women & Ch | A Specialty. Sho< r'j making and Taiiori | ment to select from I at the Lowest Fnc | ??Connected wi | First Clafy Rftyhflr |f^| n ucttmjr ir?x IJ gogi || 1131 WASIHNGTOi COLUMl ; ? ? <T?TtW7*ii ?> I*Hff* t W ? . - .1 - ' ~ \ ' J ^ . , 1|| | ^ ial Cards 11 '" V _s OffigeHftutaj -~Tlion^-S536" ? c$n$rid^ p. m. . 3 P. M. to 7 P. M. v -r ' t Sundays By Appointments. v - ~ ; y G. Thompson L Surgeon Dentist |p ? Pyorrhea Treated Successfully^?4^ o 1414% Assembly St. Columbia, S. C. 8:^nrfnHr-on'p M 2~:O(T~Eft~6:00 P. M. J; Sundays By Appointment. i DR. L. A. LEWIE + Dentist ^ .-j 1702 Main St., Columbia, C. T . S Hours: 9 to 10 A: M. . 1 to 2 P. M. 3 td 4 P. M 7 to 8 P. M. DR. JrK. WATTS : j Surgeon Dentist ? ?t ?Hnld Crnwn and Bridge Work A ? : Specialty. ' ' , = Fillings, Plates, Crowns and Bridges" ' P 1115% Washington^St.? Columbia ^ "Over Johnson-Bradley-^orris ' . - . : ' I ,C ? a 4)ffico Hourt? . " 11 '"Tefruplumi'STtfl 8:30 A. M. to 1 P. m. now rwm __ '^ nn p p at. jpoc 3873 Sunday by Apppintmept: DR. D. K. JENKINS 'f > Dentist _j_s Extraction by Conductive Ancsthesis s A Specialty. ? a 1103^6 -Waehingttm?St. Columbia _ Office Hours: t Telephones: ^ 8:30A^Mrto 2 P. M. Office '4756 . 3:00 P. M., to 7 P. M. Res. 5876 e Dr. Jas.H. Goode, Jr. "!? lJ? : >"? Dentist ---?/ - - je Nerve Blocking A Specialty? ? 1 Py.tffrheaTreated: ~?=?|-j T,. , , " rreaericK cuiiaing i 1323 Assembly St.,- Columbia, S."C. cfe. H: II. COOPER l< ?i ' _ '? Dentiat _ ???j Gold Crown and Bridge Work A * ? Specialty.?7 r "SpBcistl^A'tW^? The- Gums.Hr?* i^rn. phone 0420 1125_Washingthq | . J Office Phone: 7266 i j Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. ZZ Sundays..&_JExenitigs.. by-Appointment Dr. George C. Dennis Surgeon Dentist :?t_ Cro\vn and Bridge Work A Specialty. Pyorrhea Treated Successfully, ~ . ? ; ~l Frederick Building, Room 3 1323 Assembly St., -Columbia, S. C. j "Resttfcnce: 2129 Laurel Street ; ( Oilice Hours: Telephones:4-" i 8:30 to 1:00 P. Mr? Offllce^3413 lJ 2:00 to 6:00 P. M. Res. 3422 )) Sondays By Appointment.' "4* Dentist "" V 1510 Main St., " Columbia, S. C. j -? ? ??:?? 7 ti >rT : -tl NOTHING FOR | A \ ' ; ; . v n tildren. Boys Suits'jj1 rng. Large Assortand th^BestQyalit3L|J es.' - : tltour Store Is r?4 M y 4,y* ' > i.l T "Shop for Men and jfE lor for Women ~ r|j P.RVY ~-? f st., phone mj! bia, s. c. <: Xl- I ? --.-7-^^-- ? -- " f - * * -1^,? f "" ? ? ?? -r? - THE PA EM El Locals & :,. j. *, : "'MrrChas. Keyword, one of lie t'oot ball star^ of Allen Uniersrty is slightlylnm^SSCdr3 The Regal Drug Store and Walton's harmacy~tnrvt? consolidated into.DeId Regal. ' L__? ' , 1 . > li -Miss Maiy Ray Saxon, one at lie High School" Leading 61 B. Washing lull Scliuul spent the (nia.y^nlidayvm-ltalelgii, Nrgrj Dr. Hoy ward G. Thompson j las opened his modern Dental *arlor at 1414I > Assembly Sir." ?he.rLeader wishes him much uccess. . . \ ..... .. . Mrs.'Etta-Davredge and chilIren have returned home after; LbQiiL^bL-months ^TSffT^n De-| froit, -Mich., to . remain ^until pring. -^v". " I ~TTr."TV. II. Efyaii, ^ITrointneTTt] hysician and Mr. Powell, Parm; )emonstrator, of: VV aynesBoro, ": la.r were the guestsof Re v.. and; Irs. .Richard Carroll dufitig the" lohdays^ . . r~~ r~~ ^Mpssrw^GopptTT Morris; Talriadge Chappelle and T7_J. Miles, ornierly of Columbia, but now indents of Lincoln University,^ pent Xmas home with parents! nd friends.? -After a--?o?r y^ar?stay??mi >hiladelphia, Mrs. Estelle Perrin Johnson and children, returnid to Columbia_tp.yisit_relatives^ tnd^friend^whir are more thalT [hid to have them home again. | Mrs. Eugeue Watts dYnm' Greenwich, Conn.,_ is spending! iwhile with relatives. "This is! her first", trip south, she has i ilready changed that wonderful jpifiion of the south held by the n-pratrp TVThrtharn wnippn ^ Lewis and Stevens Entertain. Mrs% Veda Lewis and GerXUde._Stuv.ens enter tained-a-few^;riends, at their restdunce Xrhas^ Sve night in honor of their Cou >jn IMiss Ihomas.from Boston, . ? _ <4Le Ball Masque." "Le Ball Masque," given hv !Le Cercle-Entre-nous" 4Dec.- 31, 1921, was one of the greatest ^ventjL.otV the YnU**id<^ Tim 5paciou s socondrfloor of the "Odd ELellaws' building was beautifully decorated in evergreep twigs ind paper, that carried out the 2olor scheme of the season. Eyerydne-arranged thei^-eeatiime so artistically and was so well disguised that it was a task to determine one from the other. ? * _ _ . AtJ.2.hells, the guests unmasked. and there was-a~scerTe of beauty ;o behold when, the lovely facesliscarded ^heir masks. Everyone was them-able?ttr speak. with their friends as sillence previously prevailed.?Ar delicious course of Prup,cK--chick3n salad, ham and pimento sandwiches were served. A five piece orchestra jrendfired very enchanting music. -/ ' The members ot "Le Cerde fhe~~guests who complied with their wishes by way of masking The invitation list euriaistbremmis" and their ^uest?CYis-" ding friends and a few social associates. " "?- ~ The Regi.i Drug Store and Walton's Pharm^gy have rnnsnliriatyri lntr> DhPinfta Drug Co., gre$t them At the :>kl \. 1 ^ - m r vj. .IL ? ? a Mr. Adam B.JJuadsayT^ who has been Itying in Pfiifadelphia, Pa., tor quite awhile is back in the city._He ia a printer-of-the "Old School." i 11 'wtiMifciir f i ? ?V"?T " ' - ^ - TO LEADER W" :,<?XKK"X"XK^M-W^^X"X"X*' j Personals y _ | Endowment Board of therKnights ofLPy^ thias Meets.\i The Endowment ?Board of tjm-Knishts-of Pythiao held its-semi-anual meeting recently at: the Office of the Grand Keeper~_ |0? Records &. Real. .J R I members of the Board were ^ uiebenL siiiih' 1.1miJluuiU..MAUt ^ 1 of lixehetiuerpOr^ R. S. Wilkin-.; $ ?onT whose absence was due to I illness. ia gaiH the ffirst meeing Dr. _ Willdns^nj^ has been absent since his election tniirtpori voqvq oita TUa ' - X UC iX affairs of the Order, the reports v sho.w. are in first class condition. ^ The meeting was.presided overly by the Grand ChancellbiT Juhus.t; A: Rrnwhy. of-GhartesfonT as us- o ual. The Boaril is constituted^ of some of the leading businosp % mm??c?ijr? m ! ' 1 ? ? ?T?" V- - - ' ' . and professional-men of thdj State: jvIzTTuIius A. Brown, t mtpsofifr dnfeneho aies ol sh fr'v, Grand Chakeellor; E. F. Floyd, I yiee-&rahd Chancellor; J. L^vje^Jkand-iIL-ol R . S JSxrh^niinr; N? J.^ r^duriekrfs Grand Attorney TT. A. Williams, ,o GV Lee Bhvis, E.*W. Biggs, A. A. d Sims and C. M. Haskew. Prof. I, M. A. Myers, is the efficient ^ .Secretary. - ? - ' . .-r* * [ .. _ " - si ? The Regal Drug StqrC and Walton's-p Pharmacy ha\-e consolidated into De.:;, Pinna DruglCo.^ greet them at the tl Old Regal. .. . .. .?_ r~. . I a = -" ' " " *ld Inorganic Salt as Cure for Tubjer- r culosis Unqualifiedly En- it dorsed by Chicago Surgeon. - j-j, . v V / : i- " ic 1 f l' Chicago, Jan, 4.?Sanocrysine, an inorganic-salt of gold which has been j, i developed by Prof. Holger Moellgaard, ^ Danish scientist, as1 a cure for tuloer- j ^ eurtwsis,?ruculvrrd an Uhquaiined enrdurseniL'nt from Dr. POter^U. l!lerig~ iettsen, Chicago surgeon, jn his first t j-upor-Ho the Chicago heajtn depart- ^ ! an.Ml.i - ~ Dr, Clemensen was sent to"Copen- j 4mgon to examine intu the possibil-tj pities of The" new specific after an-; s ; nouncement of ats discovery was made i ^ at health officers convention in Co-1 lumFus," Ohio/last October. [* "My ~impressinos so far,-arc that J n the thing is all that is claimed fori0 j it ai^ then some." ' Dr. Clemefifcen j | wrote: ilYuu_ need have no fear a-1 u Lbout It ' bt'lng- genuine. It is bona' ~ j fide, scientific and good;_ - / H r il cannoi ue used on artvanwri I tuberculosis where the lungs are al- I ; most gone and the patient. Js weakr?,n rit .will nut leproduce tissue. BuF~Jt| cuTosis where" there is no nephritis 1 j or -syphHis-as complications." ~ t ' - ' . . ? ^ IN DRY AMERICA. Tt America is great, and one -of the ^ outstandings reasons why it is great! ! is because., it has prohibition. ? At ja least, prohibition has not retarded itsic progress. 'Take a glartce at thcfol-:^ TTowing facts as given by Walter W. d rHeafd, of-Nelv "TorhT president of the-! F j American Bankers^' Association, and jT i then remember he is talking about L? 'dry American ^? ' ? h 110,nOThOOO persons, occupying 3,-!^ -700,000 square^nTites of territory and r possessing wealth'estimated at $300,-ja ; 000,000,000.. , ; . ?|V 4 Bank-deposits aggregating approx- l , imately $40,000,000,000.y J?Outstanding life insurance Of rnorc'c -than ^70^00,000.000.? ' ?{* .^,000,000,(100 aoraa -A* improved---^ farm lands valued at $77,000,000,000.!^ 24.00Q.000 milch cows, 40,000,000 c, ! and 00,000,000 - twffTe. r ! More than bu*h?4a Icorn and 1,000,000,000 bushels of ^ wheat prdouced in a yearx ?. ^ j More than $fiQ,(i<X),flft0 finOjworth of?I 1 HiHiiufHcturwi products turned out in"]" i?. yegr. ._ ' - .' ?--ceL i More than 23,000,000,000 gallons ot}_ irrude-ml produced in a year. 4 , More "Than. ^50,00^ miles s>i rail- _ ' ro#d. ~More than 200,000 miles of commer800,000 miles of telephone lines. 20,000 daily and weekly newspa-!s pers to disseminate information and, 1 tar bind our people by tie's orcommohj] knowledge and for a common pur-: i HUNDRED KILLED ON STATE ROADS ^During Period. - - ? j i FIRST _AKKiJAfc REPORT. ~ : I Vutomobile Exacting Heavy ToH~J Many Accidents on State's HiKi^ays" ?Qnc hundred kTtfpd in jj30_Jififiidcnts oe ntotc Ifiyhwavs of >outh Carolina -during Che\j2 month , u tho fiW yinirty-report on ak-iilenrp"! riven out yesterday by C. H. Moore- . ield, state?highway enginecr._ < _PllfinfT the .mine pi'ilud 6t 11 hie al- 't nost 200. persons were?i gretfj an<FT?>^ received minor in juried, i .lmost 1,000 motbr vehicles were dam- ( ged, in addition to horse drawn -< ehicles,; and-18 horses 01* mules were j Overturning and colliding ears were ^ he principal soyr(^i_of--<krath; 33 faalities TaeTng dinrto autoiholHles tfint-i verturned and_2l_ to colliding ears. t iixteen" were killed in?accidents at -y tnilwny crossing*; and. 18 ncflcstrtinis^ sere numbered among- the hundred. ~i lareless dffvihg, driving ^wWile under- ^ he influence of lioum-^-rmd _speeding J rere~th(TpTmcff)t3 causes of accidents. ( 'ifty times as many accidents were ? au^pS1 "cgfelBSs driving as wf?re'f ffused .by skidding, according to the 1 d- Novcmlnrr," 4fi28 7" t htT" sy s te m. of j ollecting statistics regflrrltrig"^ricmrtt ents for t,he purpose ot*"$eeuring "re-. t able irifromatiQn as to prolific pauses r f-accfdents and what can beldone to 1 tovide against them." i < Not .Every Road. _ s While the toll has, in some respects c howed an increase?month in and c rnnth out?rand despite the heavy lgss 1, i life and propertyrby no means all le accidents on SouthTCarolrna- roads'T re recorded in the report, for the fig- G res are for state highways alone, and N oads and many city streets.. Tljje fa- t aiities may have exceeded oni state ighways alone the hundred given or as Robert jThomas, engmeeY in L harga-ro?>-reerods^?points out:?^The7"^ atalities include only those occQring t t-the tim^s o fthe accidents or short j y after, some-of 4.11use persons re- c orted as seriously injured may'have ^ it'd latar from their injui ies." *~ c The report, follows in fnlh ^ "According to' reports^ received by~^ he hiphwRy departnient-r-thtere were t OO^aecidents occurring nn .'ays in the 12 months, December 1,1. OOO A- Tv? l 1 1 /Y7T-I is. IU ^CLCIII-I^r i, unenun? red?persona were, killed, 489?were? errbtrsfy?injured and 572 received i ninor injuries. -~=??_ - "There were 310 collisions between | 1 with other Vehicles and 54 with-' ther objects. "Two hundred and eighty-seven cars I' he^road; 064 Were seriously^ damaged ? .nd 307 wore slightly damaged. Forty t hree Horse drawn vdWrolca. were-dam- ? ged; 18 horses or mule# were killed jKl_oight---wei*e?fnjrnT(l. *" ~ _ "There were 25 accidents at railway .. ;rad^ crossings, 54 at public road H rossings and 34 on-ov at bridges. jj -^FoTfr hundred and seventy-tjjhree of * he"accidents eeeurred in the dav t.irqfi.^ nd 427 dark. Six hundrccPand * weniy-iwo were -on straight roads, 89 on curves, 138 on pavcd'roftds and ] 64 on unpaved roads. - liuee nunureo^and ntty-.-ix of the , .ccidents were .reported a caused by' < areless-drivin&r-iSS by siK^e4mg,_lD3:rj y recklessness-due to liquor, 59 by , lazzling headlights. no light*. nrr iqor lights, 61 by befects of the car, i rme"by defects of roatTatKT seven-by j kidding. ' ^ ^tf "the 100 persons killed. 1(1 were ') :illed Tn eight of the accidents at i ailway crossings, 21 were killed when , .utomobiles collided, one by collision j dth trailer, 34 when cars were over-U urqed, thr?e while on or neai~caT atf est, two when on bicycles, struck ^yjj :Utom6bifcs," Iwu whotl thrown" from ] Lead bridge and 4-8 were pedestrians" ] The fatalities include only those oc-l, urring at the times ^of the accidents eportedd^exrotody injured mar "have T lifitLlater ,.frow their injuriear!r-"-TThe State. ) r_-_ i~ _ ~ ?? - nier-raemi l ommission , Tellsjof Better Coib_-^ ditions in Printed Pamphlet. ^ Atlanta, Ga.,?A comprehOnstv? urvey of what inter-racial committees ;hrouRhout the Sooth- are -dein*? toDromOte Better relations between the aces is embodied in the annual re-* port just issued for distribution by ', FIVE the Commission on intervracial Cooperation, witdfecteadquarters in this city. F^ditled-VTrogrtrss in Race .? Relations," the report is a 20-page panipfrjjer-packed with~*thrips' nf cqn. crele uchiyvonjenis in better educational facilities, health campaigns. an tT^nching crusade, legal aid, adjustment of dltVl-l OHi'C^, provision nl' tic utilities, the study of race rela'1SU,S' in chpuff^i and college groups,;. ;he woplcT of ^vtfrrTrn's organizations n^Jrhfy"field^-and?the cooperation of?* ?? ifie the press. All Jthe Southern" states excgjtk-Arkansas and Rloritfa tre cited reaching Tfrywn Into a great " ~ lumber of local POmmnnjtp...- ; L_ Afr.onling in thm nnnnrt.. tlni nw.' v-*?--" mm TTT" 1 1 7 >jl LUiLLui scuoois -nas Deen a 11^34.? objective everywhere, followed :lus"ly b^jelforts for- better .sanita Uin. hospital?accommodations,. street mprovemcnt, lil.ii.jj4 mid?playground ? ~ 'iicilhio^ justice in the courts, afcri- '. "" ' ="~t" Miltural Hraiztimr, the care of delin- ! Vuents, improved"condition.-, of travel nvl other advantages essential* to the tv ie^-lbp'meiit" ' any; JiUife ui tharagT.^I ' or and efficiency. ..,.7"""-. The report points with spoci-rrgrgt. ficatson tc>L too lodpc^n "J\7r) per _ rent in lynching in the lalst two ;cars,; from 58 in l'J22 to 2ft in 1H23 neasure o f credit- for-this result, ^ ;ays the report, is due the .newspapers fti 'or the--"j?reat volum^'^of Editorial romnient that has helped to make. ^ tentiment agatnsrThis crime." The " _^ = ronorol attitude of th6 papers, con- ?? lnuo;;, ha* beerr^Sympattre^ ic Jtnd helpful. """ " ~ . "Most encour;ifirpf ^oys the report, ? ?-?s ther great change in . imblb-. gonti. *? hatl has eomc about^in^recen^yea^sl esttkrn^ in better conditions along all inesl As a notable illustration the act is cited'that in all the Southern irn ?r~rr? ~ me per .capita expenditures for (dueat\ion are now two, three, and in ?n.ei case five?times as much as 10 ' T~*' !ears "agg; ? ? ? IjThe Commission nri Tntjr.rani^; Co7 = peration was organized by a group 4 Southern leaders shortly after the vorld, war in the efiWt- to stem- the ide of race conflict which threatened ~ he country at that time. The crisis.. , _ laving been met, it turner! its atten- " -? ton to- Lliu -permanent improvement : 4 conditions and attitudes. Its mem^ -r " >ership now numbers 75 represents- * ?~ ive men and women. Dr. M. Ashby 'ones .of:-Atlanta is chairman .of the onrmission and Dr. \V. \y. Alexanler iias?gimeral-charce of .the work.. V director of the commission and of he executive statt Is embodied inlthe 'eport^copios?of which?are available ? T7 all pefsoinr interested. ; ~ r._ L. ... DECREASE IN I It te gratitymg thaClfte ywhtS^Fm this^ country Tor 1924 .hat-trnmi-festption- of uncivilized mob spirit ;U'hicTT is against the peace and in jnsnIt tp.therdhr''if1 v 11 i* the ate: -. ~ "The sixteen lynch ings reported are ; fowofr in number thun in? wy-yenr-smce-thc record of lynchrngs las 'fierm?t'grn nrAlv.tKltr -fn tV or. . ' ' n any^ year in the last half century. rhey Wef,e less than half the number Tr-ff>23.~ ? ,-^r??? _ TluiA_tbi'im wn i nni*-lynchin? record~ :d against South Carolina is _deeply_ eeO'ettfd by fhn ii'vnnntpg Of laW <>b ervance, who' see .in such mob adtion rot merely The;"manifestation of un"hecked?passions but a contempt for commonwealth. - . . \ v ' ? Qrrr e -is- -not ^and hoWr sinee^he~ ^ ~? -? ivhite people of the South began mak- 7??"?= and administering their own lawji, !j_ s ? t;is there been the slightest excuse - uihiiti auihnpirW mob ac- ... ion, to punish for crime. "When thay / Jo ! so they grossly insult-society; they insult thc-wjhite lawmakers, the white juries, thet white judges. ' - "** That Hine~ of the sixteen victims of ta'obs WQi-f Ininn from of the r law?i-six from jails and three from ofty discreditable showintr. when we re performance of thPir jWy, whfoK - tectingi_a_ prisonci4 is n^t- jtefoadSfr - that individual; it is jd/ef ending the ~*"~ majesty and" dignity pf /the state; de- ?, thd law; defending arwipt^r ?an^dirciiiliy-dftfendingljE&e official hon ?*ror of the officer having the prisoner ) in charge. It goes > without saying ? ~* that the man who does not .prize his Offrcial'honor enough to risk something . _i_ _ in 4tsr^kdVnse should not be tt yolicff^? - im offVeor of -the state. "He. is as fdspon iiihle to the state as is a soldier to army authority; and when has a corporal merited the brand of coward by surrendering, puaillanimously and without struggle, his prisoner? And J not once in a hundred times does the mob press to . extremes a prosit brave officer.?The State.