The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, January 10, 1925, Image 2

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HI Of Th ? By W. Fra Office: 164 ^ HS Teleplumi H|[2fl^?e?? F* ATLANTA. GA . Jan. ~7.?ThQjaos important event of the week is th ? - writers birthday eelebratiun: Tntte; is "our birthday and we have seen thir ty-two springs. Also today mar^ 1 tlrtTHmUi inuntli uf llie eAhluin;^ u our son, W. F7T Junior. The write J * ? w* V? i rt niitmf 1 hin w> Amu o uicailicu 1119 c* v> Cky 11119 inuiiuiift M ? llnee, 1ml uLuHm-forty tonight \W - ' 1 FK, Jr.v will be presented with a bot h4c? tie of mm ?, ;; ; INTRODUCING ATLANTA. ~ What l?- Atlanta, capital o Georgia"? Yes, "^"t it's rhore tha : that it- It is known everywhere as "th New York of the Soutb." It has a" most as "many peopl^i as Jacks^r ville, Savanah, Charleston and Co] , umhia . cofhbined^ - Il ia the hnhn: round which the entireVsouth-east r? V..!? ?-- Itn hniTWifip- pafrwifg ed tb"$l8,000,000 -in 1924 arid "$23 000,000 in t923". It .h^ more sk> scrapers than any city jjouth of Ba timore. It has morai. apartmer houses than any twelve ^ies south^ the Ohio river. ~ It hqs more, mill It is the southern distil ibutnig poifi for nearly every Northern manufin r~ turfng" concern. Atlajiia has rrtii r"' V- ufactories of nearly ev^ rycommodfl iTI /" tfreftt autoTpoBiies anri4 ?treel eaiP /j pino ixiiu paucr. x nu iyM 11 l t* ir oiau <?- Penitentiary is here. u Stone Mom -? tain, the worlcUs? huig?V solid -toe is near here. The Eefleral ResetBank-for the sixth "dia-tict is het .The Cyclorama with itsjkoO.OO^ pain ingr of the. "Battle1 of^tlunta" (ci\ f war) is here. . J j NEGRO ENTERPRISES. Atlanta has five Negro College two Theological Seminaries, " thr Normal schools^^one biisiness colleg and fourteen public schools. Atlan is the home of two insurance cohapa i?s operating in stated frortr Floru -r to ' Kansas. - More than , one hundn Negro churches are ip"Atlanta pro ?1 er. Atlanta has eleven Negro dri ?? storesprfive theaties, and undertake! real estate nffieps,?lawyers,-.-doefce* dentists, and many of the usual buj r nesges too numerous tp mention._ So, this is Atlanta frdm which y< ~7 wlff read, we^ly newsr reports! A big party was cut short of i -rTfmnv py Fi-iflay night when office entered ifle home of f-Lena Mae Higg Elm Stjreet, and arrested -ninety-s ^ l,rT Women who wen; imi.hh ll f, ra~uhljDpLa^mng'.r< Her "cotTage-^wi too siViall for all who'were invited she/bbrrowed.the homes of two neig - ' - bosB to accommodate"the crowd. E\ dently the cops were "put wise" zi the occasion, and" arsqpiifid "of" the hu ky blue coats, swooped down up< - but were not able to find it. So thi _ made a case of -disorderly condu against; hostess and attendants. STljkpN'S SCHOOL CONDEMNE - ? --ThA-<A tlnn(jL_l'Iaiimal _tm4?TnTii;Tt'i \ , Institute, of which1' fhe Ryv.--Richa:( ; & Sttnson is principal, ha s ~bw f4-,; " condemned by -the - eity as an tin ittstitation for-idie health and cor fori <S~TtsS<Uidehls. This act is t] ^ reaultf of a cPm-rgc--mrrdtr^by" one the pafcrofis Chat Slinson had oilmen ' "fully vhipped some of the Mnall" _ch * Uron -ftnJar his eaiOi?Upon invcstig tion -fir was Toiin 1 EKaS the seho ^ buildfeg was in a delapidate.l cunt tion,|window panes out,'beds brok< down and linen unclean, heaters o |t? of v,in..dftw ^Fhe school is owned by-Stinson?vrl fc solic ts funds from the wealthy wHT jr.? ?citij sns fo Atlanta under the pr r tem e that he is giving the studori ? ^ indi stria! training. Many white m< Whc have aided the school havc nev boughi-personal real estate with mm jj=?=-of ithe money " he This"'coHlttod fro white people^ lW~wa*?arrested ai released under $500.00 diond. T1 colored people of Atlanta do not su r? a ?Ji" . ~ . as lit is intended as a slap at high education and training that will mal colored youths independent of hi ing themselves out as servants. fc. STREET CARS vs. JITNEYS. Bp"" JRney competition in recent montl Bir has made thing's Tattler tough ft B the Georgia Railway and Power Cor pany which operates the street. -rW of Atlanta "The Company lost < ^ air average nf $35,000.00 per monl B-- during the year just closed and as . result has launched a fight again the jitney busses of the city. Se^ pus J^nea are owned and operate NegroeS and have proved quitel "Stenveniencc to tvorkinrr people ffr y-- school children. Some of these bus I " M will seat twenty people and the kr ached ales are closer together tha r those of some Stfeet part. ^HKr. ?. -A". * . ?" ** I c 'he Gate City" Ir e South. . - j.i nk Williams | J iriburn Avwug |.:j a Walnut flfi43. ...... I ] J L Black and White Cab C07 Buys Out * F==== A. B^-G^zz J p ? - The '"BlUiibirti' L'aos, the only cabs - of the city driven by colored men, J s have beem bought by^ihft Black and ^ r owned by thq~Atlanta Baggage and t Cab Co. Th^ir' new owners have re- * r.11 ptiii'L'rt - srrmrr uf * Hie colored?drivers ii -"with white ones, givingTthe-remalrjng^ g ^T*nd^hc^v.'hfra ^'e patronage ^ I tronage. The colored .drivers are per- "*! f pmitted to ride white patrons but the i^ )\ white drivers do riot ride colored pa- C e; trons. They are the .prettiest taxis ~a I-, ih the <-it v and their colored hpadqnar. i-H ters is im Auburn "Xve.~ \ ? c ,,,, In The Lafayette Players, the leading C di'itmat iif* pnmpany of. tlye race, have X ffjj""1" completed a two weeks' engage- -fr 4 ment af the new Crystal Theatre on ^ !-! West Hunter Street. Among their i. 11 presentationsvjvere, "The Firstborn,rt I >f-pi-'The-; Ltrws of God ffnd Man," and j ^ is "Who is Guilty?" They gave?three [9 s. performances daily and at nearly j J Wt every curtain'filled the big play house _ l- which seats twelve hundred people. ^WRITES FOR I.EAJTRRj ii. H ly-m prm tr a ?w' * . ( la ^J^^HHnHj i' d-i ^r : * W. IjRANK WILLIAMS s )U The Leader has secured W* fl -F^ank William s,~of Atlanta, Ga.,Ti l^jto contribute news letters andtf?jeditorials! which: it fis expectedj rrtwill be pf .much value- tO"tTfgj1 '>' . paper. J.^.: :;: -/ ji ? [ kb Columbianaviflg opont oever^ t s0 al years as-a student at Allen ;j h. University, and in his last year; j- assisted Editor- Roach "with The I ?f, Sou thefln 1 ndjcat or. n He is a graduate of More-p ey'church worker, xJ^tthiaii/and a < ctImembeXof the Ome^a.PsfFhi i fraternit^Npne-^ofv the oldest,1 I} Qreek letter tv^ternitibs .of the;) rd~ -^XWillianiswilf>i^tdtieX a t aff^eolumn liqaded : 'The Search-' i XJi ^htd* -and ^will senO-Jiew^ of > t ^ I Atlanta and Georgia. to The \ ^pxrtiauer. ? V i a Twenty Houston Mar-?1 J--1 tyrs Win Freedom 2u" This Season?i n i i I """ ' ?-P 10i The National Association for i to; t h e Advancement oT Colored , ( c~ People, 69 Fifth Ave., New York-h ? City, announced that four Hous-;< - - . " ?*\>2 ton martyrs released on Sunday'J 14, made a total of 20 re-' 1 jideasqcL from the Freder^l a "Mtentiary at Leavenworth, Kas., j ^during the year. These figures j were corroborated by a telegram < ol ^ceivedLfrom Warden Riddle? j x er! i The N. A. A. C. P. in connects | tion with the above news, made \ r" public a complete list of men re- 1 ! leased since the presentation to 5 President Coolldge in Washing- \ last February of a petition n_;signed by 125,000 names; the < Imovemeiii-being results >n of t he N. A. A. C. P. Pilgrimage j ^ t o Leavenworth " from Kansas ( ?.City during the 14th Annual t St I ^ (Conference of the Association in ' Mi; 1923^ Tfie lj^t of men released 1 a; togetheimvith the dates of parole > k,|fs asToTIows: T" ? - ' \ 1 a"i Isaac A. Deyo, June 5th; Ben g ^Mctfcrtiel, Aug. IfrLJftenben W. 1 Baxter, Sept. IV ; Dojdglas T. Bol-tl Zrf . - r-r: ys>? V-- "r>~ ~T^ THE PALME! len. Sept. 17; Roy Tyler, Sept. fc L7; Jos. Williarhs, Jr. Sept. 17; I VJbert T. Hunter, Nov. 10; John a ianier, Nov. J.0; Jas. E. Wood- p Offr Nov. 10 r J. H. Hudson, Jr.; T $ov. 13; John Jeter, Nov. 26; a Fohn H. Gould, Nov. 26; JasfHfxl Jitchelr Nov. 26; Grant Ander- v ion, Dec. 3; Chas. A. Hatton, b Dec. 14; Robert Tillman, Dec. e 4; Hezekiah J. Turner, Dec. 14^ At tne time or N. A. A.^CZS \ pilgrimage Leavenworth" lc iptitpntiary in 1933, there were1 4 former members of the 24th p J. S. Infantry in prison-and one ti n the~hospital wvho was subse- ? uently_transferred back to the si >risnn, making 55 In all OFttnir^y imrihbr^^ how reiiiaiii^ all Of hem with sentences reduced in s< enseguence of the campaign _tl nd petition presented to Presi- u aroled at intervals during the s< ording to a letter from John W. if Veeks, Serrgfary of War, to tho I, A." A. 6. T?., datecf 924, 10 life ^prisoners and six a< Dng term men will be eligible, c< or parole in 1925; 16Jife-pris- v ijprs will bte eligible for parole a n 1927; ana four in 1928Sg 3REAT'T^OR o " TOWN ON MAP> Hayes Won" forae in Face ! - T, of Big Odds. ~ .~F~ Rome, Ga.?Obscure and shut n by the foothills of northern] ieorgia, known only to postal i ural carriers and tax collectors j ay the little hamlet village of f DurryvtHer?Its deep tranquility")"" yasZundisturbed by; the noisy-? ush ot the _ cityt??^-evon- the^ airTsized town. IL-sought, no' _ T>ntact fromthe outside, it "'of- j ^ hose comingrwithin its bounda ies. It had only a store, a near ,. ;tor.e,_a blacksmith shop and ai^ !ew residences and-w^htecTnbfE- . else. ? T . Today ,t he" fame of this lit^? tle_ Floyd county village has7~ 4- 1- ? **- ? - - i* ' * '* ' ^ aiiouji<? trie name 01 one ot its latives and perhaps the only-one! >f -any oonseqtieneev spread-Jo^ he=? termofi^parts dflhekarTFtT j \nd now, though'it still has the q ame number of houses-&pd other ^ mildings, it has attached an importance of which any town ^ ,vould like to boast.'' More than 30 years ago in the jerogia hamlet, there was born i man who^is now perhaps the world's greatest tenor, Roland . dayes. Soon ^after JIayes lefta R ?ec3Jld-home?town and as he u isceiided lu lofty plains of glory: ^ h tho e^ca of the world, so rose _ he renown of Curryville, far aJove the tallest peaks,.Jar outj^ iccross th6 widest oceans. _ , - g A brief survey of- Haves' rj work-as given ^m1rbyr~g~New ? ork ' paper is as follows:. "Roland Hayes, born at CurAy^ilter'Floya~Xounty, Georgia, ( las just -won the praise of all STew YoihhfuTriceircles. liases s a tenor and critics In Eurrmp ~ leclare that there are few, if my^in the: world whflga -vqiggiTSurpass his in quality! His in- 11 some this yepf tyljl prrmfl |f )00. He haslfeung by command j t England,, and by invitation be- ^ :ore society people in. special^ concerts, both in England and ^ America. .? ? =p "Hayes and his mother moved :rom Curryville, Ga., to Chatta Jk looga, Tenn., when he was V7 >s ear^old. Another man, a gradjate of Oberlin college, heard a him sing in a Chattahooga h :nurcn ana urged him to take up 1 nusic.* This man and two other fu nen paid Hayes' way through 3berlin and he worked his way ^ ;hrough the music conservatory. E rh'en he took a place as a wai- a ;er'in an exclusive club in Louis- h nembers of the club, heard him ling and raised a purse that sent f um to New England to study. B ie went abroad, where he has Q ? N .. * _ _? * ' TO US ieen for the last four years^ ,ast year he gang in Germany ScFreceived the pr&ise and aplaues of the greatest masters, 'rotests went up against Hayes inging in publicrand to such au- __ ienteSas hedrdw. The anger ^as inspired by?the- Frenclv- ? lack troops from Africa. Hays continued to sing and the tprm of protests That raged round?his-head hroughjt- mu^ic >vers and critics from all over Europe. He woil UhahimoUs " ~ raise and Germany's wrath - jrned to applause. ~ "In all his concerts Hayes. _ ^ ngs the spirituals" of the slaves Mui Le-bellmn -daytj.- Once Tf^"5 ? sntly at a Bruuklyii?eoneert: ~ :>mconc who did not know about - le southern plantation Spiritals laughed out loud,-and Hayi?iulrrrmn ' IJ> - ?1 3- oiuf/pcu in nit; iniuaxe oi & mg. A spiritual is too sacred I ) be laughed at. He was-emg-^ ig 'Heaben, Heaben." With -the mammoth *success_ | t Hayes and Hie singular fame*| chieved T)y~ the. little town has I? )me a certain pride to Curry- ^25 ille. It now looks with honor nd respect upoft the great sin- jS! er, whoTonce dwelled there. Bveir -itiit! relatives of Hayes, g= lost o^ whom still reside in "the ? Id home town'v have received a _ gi war uugryiPtil Tfitofchition gja a- account of the achievements- dS ~ f thoir siBging^rclaLive. "E - BARS SALE TO 1 COLORED ? Temporary Stay Granted By jjj Judge of- District of . fa I rnliimhin- 3^ Washington, D. C., Dec. 22? Rj f Sleeping with the growing S lanif estatidh~~o"f prejudice in - ? /ashington, Jifstiee Jioefyling, S _ f the District Supreme_ Court., jjj _ as signed a temporary restrain- S ig order preventing". Minnie E. 3 'orry from selling her home at S 0 Randolph place, N. W., to a 3 elored person. ; ' ' . 5 o leave the neighborhood and ^ or property to a Negiu, which "if ~ end of excitement ic ,mong- other white residents in ,S he block. ~ 'ja ine order of the court is based; 5 -n-a -complaint of the pwners_of 3 _ ire houses TnTthe same block, ^ /ho pomt^ut^that ^ffle^deed^by 3 r /as aequiretn^ 3" contained a covenant "notto^g ^ ell to a person of Negro"bT56d | nder penalty of $2,000 to he 'JSIi ien OIT t"he p*operty.'' ale of the said property to a!j?*8" Jegro will cause adjacent prop-? rties-tor-depreciato m"value.? | ?he Boston Guardian. - cu itian w no i um-J g bled Building J>own il;: "TOuuii Himself ^cueflr? """Kansas City, Mo. Buried for nore'tiban seven hours under |i. ohs. of debris by an explosion ? :hfct demolished a three-story j | uildjng here today, Aureney J_ Vilkin%- 25, Negro," who was Pr^ escued fey- firemen late today, g /as little the worse for his ex- g iQiicneo. - S "It was powerful cold down here," the Negro smilingly oherved when hoisted from the 4 :? I wrecked basement^JU-jaijient X 1 whole lot of my time pray"- ?. flgr? rT ~3~" I Wgs suffering from OXpOfl |? ire and a slight cut on the head. X \yhen the building collapsed Vilkins was thrown into the $ ifisemenC where he crouched X gainst a wall in a pocket formed ? y fallen timbers." >, ?Harold Dixon?who?escapedimini'nro^ oof/1 4-V,^ * - JV V,?, nam 1/I1C CApiUSlUIl Y ollowed soon after ,Wilkins had ? ighted a cigarette near ar gas- yline vat. ' * ^53 T. H. PINGI I'NDKKTAKKR AND F. of South Carolina and w -* BWOBfl lO Pinckney's Sanitary 1 BEST EQUIPPED IN THE CITY. EOR YOURSELF Office Phone 5707 Res 1006 WASIimrTON ffT I iBiaiBzigniziaraiaagraaajajaazjaaiataj SOME OF THE FACT&J 3-Z7 . ~ BY THE North C.irolina^Mi touranceJ Too Lat< Thfe saddest thing* of al realize the greai^neces^t^ SURANCg only to hpar th* TOO LATE.- Listen, Trk ""TfyoiTdo'nt want to own zr: We'll help you pay the: If you do want a home, We'hr help, you buy one If you should die and* lea1 ? -gage on your home We'll help to pay it off. v * SEE ONE OF OUR AGENT WILL EXPLAIN HOW. W. H. HARVE i State distriCtoffi KfOl WASHINGTON STREET, j=T~r n^fff^niiaiaraiJajagfgafgfm ~~ ' : ' ? ; '- ' -i J. W. BRUN; Merchant Tai -Correct Slyle, ?, Quality -7?. " ~ " ^ And STEAM AND DRY CL :r.~v" TELEPHONE 7 713 MAIN STREET, COI ? RtiDaif^SI ? - JAKE EUBANKS, Shoes Repaired While Wprk Oflled For And r- All Work Guaranteee I THANK YO "J' ~ - i .1 >|. : -i1, _ *? i .Si SSbmbb .?in^T' ? ^ ? ~ ^ M INEY | HBALMER 1 Georgia/ ~ 1 ^Undertaker, lest Service in hfi JM ftJflotor Ouiffle NONE in the Stu/fe. m barber Shop- -1 COME AND SEE _M sidence Phone 7765 COLUMBIA, S. C. fl 'ISCOVERED ltual Life I ^ 11 is for oneJ,o ; g| M 'for LIFE IN ? |n]| S ANEW HE g| mi PHOBNE 4820 Jgl Workmanship ; EAN1NG - .... j-J AIMBIA,S.Cl iv Sltoef Prop., 1 " i'pz6? You Wait. | * Delivered. ' jl Ct^nmbia;-S; rr\