1 AN OLD MAIDS GRIEVANCE. Slie Claims tliat a Prominent Lawyer Misled Her. Nahiivii.i.k, Ti-nn., |Speciul. j?Mu?s Narrisi P. Saunders, a stepdaughter of ex-Governor Aaron V. Browu, tiled a sensational bill in the chuucery court here against John M. Gant. She claims that slie asked Gant to obtain a loan of $1."?,000 or $ll>,U0l) for her, aud to advunce the hid on property of hers, including Melrose, that was sold to satisfy a judgment; her purpose being to save the home place. She claims that he agreed to do what she asked, and named his fee; that lie afteri? ...? ? i . . n.nin, ?in n ii was urn imc id gci any one else to advance the bid, claimed certain White county lands she had deeded to him, in payment of his fee, was not as valuable as represented by her and t'ol* onel Savage, and required $1,000 additional. fhe claims also that the defend ant took a memoranda of their agreement, and read a typewritten copy, which was read as agreed, and that she signed it, lielicving it was written as it was read, and not till afterward fouibl out that things beneficial to her had been omitted. She accuses (juut of trying to sacrifice the home property she wished saved. and cha'gos that, under the pretense of trying to save it (hint snerilieed it. She asks that the fees paid Gaut be declared null and void, and asks that Gout be required to pay to her such losses and damages as. by his wrongs, fraud and imposition, lie has inflicted upon lier. .Mr. Gaut is a wealthy and prominent lawyer, ami has an excellent reputation. Buying Up the Grain Crop. Four Doduk, L\ , [Special.]?The farmers of Northwestern Iowa are besieged with an army of Eastern elevator commission houses, etc., who wish to contract for all threshed and uuthrcshed crops of September and October delivery. Lower pric s than those of last year arts offered on the strength of the bountiful liarveit. Many of the fanners have thus so d their crops in advance, hut the majority have heard of the shortage in European countt os, antl w i I hold their grain fon't l>o Itxltirvri to buy nny other, lu.tisi upon Hood's Stu*HU|?iirlllu - li>i Uost'M One I>. I.ast winter a lady called Hoarseness, at my store, who was sunci nig in>111 a v? l y severe cold. She could linrdlv talk, ntid I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give ;clief; but she had 110 confidence in patent medicines. 1 told her to lake a bottle, and if the results wore not satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it. saying that she would news be without it in future a ; a few doses had given her relief.'' m Tutt's Pills ?lml>lf (li?> (IvKliritllc tf ,1 o.n-iiuu I IIvim's to impose u penalty for contempt of court. The sympathies of every one arc enlisted in In-half of tlu* w< man. The whipping oeeurred nhont 11 o'clock. The hearing h:nl heen resiniM'tl. Trouble had la-en anticipated ever since Attorney Mellugh had read an affidavit taken in Canada, in which Mrs. McMuIioii was churned with being a woman of had reputation. When that declaration wan made Mrs McMnhon arose in court and shouted, with Hashing eyes and trembling lips, that the allegation was an ou rugeous nnd libelous falsehood. In the morning proceedings had jo# begun. when she moved quietly in thedireetion of Attorney Mi-Hugh. A minute later a black rawhide war hissing through the air and raising livid welts oil the face and in ck of the lawyer, lie dropped his brief and rushed to the i orncr o| the court room on the left of the Judge. Tin woman followed, and gave liiiu the length and breadth of fluleather three times. State Custodian Peter Smith jumped up and stepped toward the corner in w hich the thrashing was going on. Mrs. McMuhnn wheeled round suddenly aud caught him with a stinging slash across the face. j Meanwhile, the husband had taken a hand in the affair lie is a rturdily built, good-looking fellow. Ho tackled the , lawyer, ami poundedAtln unfortunate Mi Hugh ail o?gi iliv court roiiin. At this point Judge Kuhisant called In tin scuvi >uple of deputy nnd hustled all the parties mit l ^ - ' ** - * i WjKiho. will, Attorney Qua lev represents lleMahoti and his wife, i said he tliongn? there was great provocation ".Mellugh," said Judge Wing, "appears to have heen acting from per- j soiinl animus, and not from legal zeal, in i attacking this woman, aud 1 hope the 1 Court will not nssist in persecution of this kind by imposing a line for contempt of coint." "1 will look into this matter, gentlemen," said the Court quietly, "l.ut I will not for tlu- present at least order the I arrest of these parties. 1 desiu- to say i say, also, that I am now toady to give i my decision in this ease. I had nude up my mind in tlu- matter last January, aud there is nothing which has.si nee occurred that has operated toward changing my i iniml. I do not desire t hcarativ furtlii . i ci testimony hi ilie case The lawyers then retired nod the (unit resumed its wonted tpiietudc. 'I lie MeMiilion ease is remarkable. Kd. MeMalion, u well known ('hieagonu, nuirntd against li 8 mother's will u hundsoiiie young lady several years ago. They had one child. The wife died and I'm son liceame heir to some valuable piopcrtv. Then the charge was made, mainly llimugh the action of the bay's grand mother, it is e aimed, that Kd. Me.Million had attempted to poison his ow n child withl'aris green in order to become ; owner of the hitter's property. M< Million had married again in the I meantime, and suit was commenced to I remove the child from the guardianship I of the mother and stepmother. Mr. Me1 \i .1,.... : >? - 1... in..i'_,ii.mii> iii-iuiMi me cuargcs. After iiiT work to-day, Mrs. McMalmn f:ii 1)1 ?*?.! It is believed Judge KohNaat will decide in favor of tin- Mc Millions. Wouldn't Drink Liquor to Save His Life. (1iiattanoooa, TlINN , | Special. | ? Henry Dillari), a business man of this ity, <1 ii' house, three stories high, and communicated to the Smith building and Mat tier building. In the Smith building quite a large amount of dynamite had been stored. This exploded and started lires blocks away to the Northwest The sound was uot heard, bui the effect ot 1 he explosion was seen fifty milts away. In the city the effect was stunning. Men fell mi the streets and uiany were injured. Plate glass for four and live squares was shattered and the side walks covered with broken glass The firemen could have stopped the fire at this point but for the explosion. That rendered them about helpless. Residences, stores aud hotels broke into tlames, and the fire became a terrible conflagration and was not stopped until daylight in the middle of a square bounded by Church, Ashley, Taura and Main streets. Larger buildings burned are Knights crockery store, Hubbard block, Setninole block, Smith buildings, Mattier house, Freedman's bureau building, Treuiont hotel, Hotel Placide, Rit/.cwcller resiileiwn f'li?lo?.u li???? so I... ophs Academy, Tiltou house, Murray nod Hunter's carriage repository and nearly all buildiugs from and including Simmons & Scott's shoe store to and including IJoyds Bros, grocery store, corner Church and Main streets. Total number of buildings of ull kinds burned is lifty-tive, ami the total loss about half a million dollars. Insurance is not obtainable just now. It will be small compared with the total loss. No lives were lost. Congratulated His Successful Rival and Then Killed Him. San Antonio, Tex., [Special. | - l.an. las Park is one of the most beautifug| i>its of natural weqeii In Texas. thirty miles north of Sau Antonio, on International and Great Northern Uat^P road. It has water falls, ferns, green trees, grasses, birds nnd flowers, is many acres in extent, and is retired. Two Mexican caballeros, residents of the place, Helios Gomez and Jose Gonzales, loved Cornia C).~ I- I.1 1 -> .#? t.*?M viiMf.au. JMir 19 U lioailllllll K111^ IS years old, and her parents are wealthy. The men played the guitar under her window and one or the other escorteJ her to all the festa* and fandangoes. She favored Gomez. Saturday Gonzales railed upou his successful rival, congratulated him and promised to he at the wedding. They went for a walk in the park. Keachlug a secluded spot on the Comal Hiver, Gonzales suddenly drew a pistol, accused his companion of having lied about hiai, then murdered him. Gonzales tied to the hills. A large number of men ure after him. The girl is nearly erazed. OXB ENJOYS Both the method and results when Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and ads gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, idver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual uuuBupkuon. njrup of iMgs is the only remedy of it? kind ever produced, pleasing to the tast? and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in it* action and trulv beneficial in its effect*, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, Its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drugtA.tm * ? ?fi-vi- J r- . ? ">? uuj roiiauie uruggiSL WHO may not have it on band will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitutes CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. 9AM nUMOltOO, OAL. UHmvtUA, Kf. 9swr0AK.nr I | COLORED COLONISTS IN MEXICO Mr. Ellis' Scheme for Transplanting Them To Our Sister Republic. Chicago, Ii.i. , [Special. | ? W II El ' lis, of Texas, who is actively coueeriud I iu the scheme to colonize a large number i of Southern negroes in Mexico, is in the I city. Speaking of the plan he said he bei lieved that if n few negroes were to col| onize a State iu Mexico they would own it iu five years and he us prosperous as I Americans. The project is favoiably re' reived. Ellis thinks the loss of a large h_,nber ! of colored laborers would do more than I | anything else to solve the rare problem ' iu the South. The concessions which I have been obtained from the Mexican Government embrace lands in the States ! of Vera Cruz, Queretaro, San l.uis l'otosi j and Oaxoca. In cotton, Ellis asserts, the colonists I will have the benefit of a market price | almost double that of the ladled States. I The cotton is perennial theic. lie-ay-, and U )t planted every year as here, and . half a bale an acre more can be raised. Ellis says that heal citdv lias tic i allies ( of 0,000 people who desire to from various Southern St -it? Maryland Republicans Nominate a ' Farmer. Uai.timokk, Mm. | S|m . i:il. | In the | | Impit of get tin;; tlir farmers' vote the Maryland Kepubliraiis nominated, at the Statu Convent ion, whirii met in Ocean City. Col. William J. Van Is'ort for Governor. The Colonel is a wealthy old farmer, of Kent county, Vice President of the Maryland S'nte Farmers" Association, anil u prominent member of the Farmers' Alliance. Frank Frown, the Democratic nominee for Governor, is also a wealthy fanner. President of the State Agricultural Society, but not a member of the Farmers' All voce. Prominent politi- I cians in both parties sav that the nominations of men so popular with the farmers will completely upset the political calculations of the.Alliance leaders. The attendance on the ru.-es Iris lallen off at least twentv-ttve |nm' cent, within a\eni\ \ i.auiks needin*; a lonie. <>r ehlMren win want buihliut; up, should take 1 ti?wii's Iron Hitters. It is i lea-out to t i .e, cures Malaria, i ItuliKestlon.Hitioiisiieis and l.iver < .'uinplalnls, | Uiakes I lie Ulood I i? li and pure. France 1ms taken formal possession of Tatdtl M. 1j. Thompson ?V Co.. i>riiKnl8ts, Coitdersport, Ha., say Mall's Catarrh Cure is the best anil only sure cure for valarrh they ever sold i Druntlsth sell it, 7oc. Bankers estimate that. It will take 150,OhO.oOO to move the crop-this year. Many persons arc hrokou down from overWork Hf lu?tlr. Kline. tKIl An-!i Si., l'liiin.. I'a. If nttttctod with sore eyes iim> I> '.Isaac Tlininpbon's Kye-water.Dniiciiists sell ut 25u.pur linttlu BggSfSPiKJ? ?ELY'S rnrAM da i>UMHiU',>-i aHhiii l nln a ?>:nroBwtetitiflt ? -a -b l 'l f" t!:* Nottrih.? ?9feef3b2$S!l5?5u br'up^uU or liy unuL Kb AIAI# Weak. Nnivor*, WnrrcttKii mortals K?*t ^llaBK wi-ll mill Iti-rp well llfallh llil/sr ? tells bovv vi i-u u \ riir Sample copy free. Dr. J. II. I)\ K. IsJItor, ImrTaln. M. V. : "RED EYE" XOBACCO ! a :>l I Id. sxvci-i < ill.W. N.. Ill wtlin .:S m.r I HKAbAf'HK. seiul I O ri-ui h in si i n .. i.u t '..11/ Il'l.h:, If your il.-rtl.-r iloes u..t u.KI'll T\\ I.Oil jlltOS., M \ S IK \? Tt ttKti*, \\ 11| ?t | i) || t \ , 4 # j TILE NEW METHOD for Al.Lrlironte dl**a?c?. dyap'pala. debility, cntar r h, A?- No imtriit meulclltc*- Send tor |7i piiiiiiihlot, fn-o ilinulreilsof II I * tfieNew Method la worth IU weight in gold U I Ion* lira l>r. IVr?vl" J. M ?>'< >' '* r"lu.* ?x Kir-TI'reub'n ( iion h, Cwthii^. N. V Infinitely JV better than the I mil hj?tem. J HIALTU DfTLI CO?t 910 W0ADWATf 9? Ii f SF% H / '*',r 31 Ml no I III> est in oil I < iiipn n > 111 1/ of lUiu.'-i, .4 i ID/0 nf f de. Iared ? dividend nt S5L-I1 ttsm rato fur tin- -II months on llie.r vin^n Hotuls. Write for particular*. 1'Aitt ii|? Hoinl. par value of f>(i at maturity, fvr Iiistallnu tit llond. '.n rig. per month until maturity: par value $50. We estimate six y? ur- \% i * I inn I lire three ItomU we him* six dlitlnct souk es of f ?r* lit Inter'* fines eutieellatton tratisfei vithdravnu ami i discount' t rents ujifit..* XV A N r Kl>, \Frw (.ooli?*Mfloll ami ll^ht nliik rnphtllx with w lueti the ? mam k HKMoU> i>k makes It an almost lndiit|rt*iiHalde article for nil ela?s OS of HDNIMAs MKS Kvt rybody. f r? >111 a si hind hoy |o J a United States Senator wants It. JHU per cent, profit to Augurs when ordered hy the I'rlce l?y mall ' <*? 50 ami ?f?e cneli m-r Ik.y *.( miraculous curat. I <> dnva' Irrtiinrti (rtr by tail. If you Order trial, ? nd li e, in -tampa in pay pnaf. a in sea loci vials ? a perfect vest-pocket remedy, always convenient, fresh and reliable. They're the cheapest pill you can buy for they're yuarunteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. It's a plau jyeculiar to Dr. Pierce's medicines. Von pay only for the good you get. Can you ask more ? _____ "J-RINITY COLLEGE. rail Term Drain.? at DURHAM, .V. O., Oct. 1, 1?L Six ImjiarfiiH-tit* of lu?trtK-tl?ii. rm li lucburct at 8|*clnllftti?. AVir Huitdina*. Kein Iphnrtitorirr, Machine Shop*, J.ibrartr', Hatht, Athletic N A I I.. t'ln-ul&ra ftw. I(r)iiiil'n ( olli-uc, l.?7 .Main St., llufliilo, N. V. nnOl BI'VKKH' CJUIDK. 1TO IMgee. WO mill I Ii.i.UhTRations, Colored plate. 15 O.NTn. AJ AJ) |V , \ Clran-mnii. \. -I - - - - m AliOI T Kii?i Trnnrit KINK I I.I >1 V T I'. Illl.l ? > < nu niunillllt. ^ WHY 18 THE W. L. DOUGLAS SS3 SHOE CENTL^M EN Tilt BEST SHOE III fliE WORLD FOR THE MONEY P It I* n neamU'llshoe. Willi 1.0 tucks or wax IhrM) to hurt the fr?t; made of the l>vvt fine calf, stylish mid envy, and Itfcnuw u\* tnukr more thorn of fhta 0' iiilr tlma iiny other iiinuu'iii luier, It rquals haud ewed fliocx costing f in $< oo to $. <<). (?R OtMJoiiiilnii lU'iilMcwrdi the flneet calf V?l" shoo kit olJiTfil for $'..uu; equals Krenob Imported shoe* which cost from $t Oito $12.00. CiA till lliiiiil^rtvcil Well Mioe, fine oatf, styll- h. > ,imf'.nul.lr sud durable. The beet shoe ever offered at tlds price ; same grade an con i tom-made shoe* costing from fo.UU to $J.i*). ffi ,1(1 I'olli t> hlmri liirmera. lliUroxd IM t,JJ -%> , ,..ii.l |., tier ('urrlrisall wear them; Una calf, seamless. smooth Inutile, heavy three soles, lienelon edge Ouo (.air will wear a year. ({ O 30 flue .nils no better shoe ever ottered at aim Mil* price; one trlul will convince those wh,. want ii shoe for comfort an.1 tcrvlce. S> O -.1 unit iv-'.OO Work logmen's shoea *J?ihn are very ?tr.my end durable. Thoee wbe have given them a trial will wear no other make. DaucI g'j.OO ami *1.75 echool shoes ore CSU 'o worn liy the Ikijh everywhere; they sell on their merita, in tint lucrea-sing aaleaahow, o/liinc VLOII llmid-aeweil shoo, beat mmO U iwr I ton gola, very stylish; equals Flrenob Imported alio, a costing from $t.iO to $tuf). I.udicm' 'J.30. S'4.00 mid 81.73 shoe for Mlvsessro the lerstp.ne Dongola. Stylish and durably 1 filiation, see that W. U Douglas' name aa4 price are stainped on the Ivottom of each shoe. \V. I- DOUULAH. irrockton. Mom. 4^ \1 ? I TOPI Easiness College LOUISVILLE, KY.? mvRvtwIi tf'i'oinmMidM! by Physicians. I