t HORSE MEM IS / MRS NEW RELISH City's Only Shop Does a Tremendous Business at the Start?Sold 1,800 Pounds! First Week. New York, l?'eb. 2.?"I sold 1,800 pounds oi horse moat lust week, and that ii a bit week's business for a new meat store." said John Sulzor, proprietor of what lie announces "America's lirst horse meat packing iiou o," on 1st uventte near 12'Jn?l ! si reel. lie was doing a thriving ie- i tall business there yesterday and. u.dde from tho fact that horse meat . is a. tritlo redder than b?ef, tlie appearance of the store looked no dif- ! fluent from any other n.at and at-! tractive butcher's shop I ' < 'nstoim rs have ? ??t?i?? from nts ! lai as 4 ronton! avenue, Hrotix, and ! West ilohoken, X. .1.," lie said. "11 1 butt sold l sot; pounds of ordinary beef in the lit si work 1 would have* thought it lag business. I kn< tho business .thoroughly, having been in It in my native Switzerland front 190.1 to 10'ts. The stopping of tin-, supply of horses from tSermany deicrtMiticd use l." .Mr. Sulzer believes ho has solved tin problem of tlio high cost of meats instead of signs like "pork tcn111 1 loins, spareribs of beef, beef ten- j I. i nun:'," etc.. signs in tlio windows; ' in ido nntiiiunce "I lorsi llcsli j Sold 1 lore," in accordance with the hoard of health's regulation. 1 i is prices for horse meat are: | Ti 1 ilerloin. 1.1 cents .t |iound; porter-j house steaks. 12; sirloins. 12; chuck j vl'-ak. *: round steak, 12; voastA Without hours. 12; lnvirt'. 0. He manufarturrs a linr of sausages: t-e.11 k farters with horse and pork meal. 1 a cents; and othc?* sausages, including bologna with liorse and pork meat, la to 20 cents a pound. In iv-s" e' food products composed " 1 ..ti * r in 11:1 i*f nt* litii'c.i inr *il 1I1.. law requires the cnni doers must he >?> marked m i>l;i111 KimMsli. The regulations nf t ho hoard of ' ! '! ooulrolli'i:- '' slaughter of os for fn< ' ami sa le in New ; adopted June "x last. require .ill airuials tnu?t ho inspected re .irul n ft or slaughtering in a hi it:-.: usort fur no other purpose t oi l the killing of horses for food; ih ones condemning horse meat foilttr. t'harlcs F. Hehluan. director of the hnrcuu of i>iihlie health ertueation fo the lioard of health, last night. "You may he sure the health department takes all necessary steps to lnst'ro the wholesonieness of the products. "Tlte department made the sale of hotali legitMn.a1" In i esnonse to a p' pulai ilrniand fretn various qunrlilE fllll 11* TO 1 rWHY? i We have' ytrpua pjg ?made a frffg ?made a ll j, ?mad &WT ?mad F?Pj ?made a P*$ ?made it ||j|j The abovi gfe COFFEE fc Ce D eI " WMC ^ i i n - . JtBifl I ters to tho effect that the prohtb tlon against such sale was illoglc; and doprived many persons who wet accustomed to horseflesh as an ai tlele of diet of a valuable sourco < meat supplv. "Horseflesh is used as food i many European countries and exp< ricnoe has sliown It Is perfectly poi si bio to enforce regulations wheret the salo of horseflesh.,as beef can t prevented." , LAWS TO pR^norr' entrKKs. (hnmber of Commerce Urges Actio In Rnilroad J/Cglslation. Washington, Feb. 1.?Immedtnl passage hy congress of legislation 1 prevent railroad strikes and lockoui was urged today In a report by th railroad committee of tho Chambt of Commerce of the United State The report and an announcement < Indorsement by the chamber's merr borshtp both of antl-strike measure and of public repr? oontntlon In sottb men) ot roil dispute* were feature of i)in it? >t d-iy's session** of the flft annual convention of the chamber. l'io-.idotu Wbson's stgees'ion U lotrislntlC") posi pc.ting int.rruotlnn ' railroad service until after irvestScv tloc, tne rnmiiitto# Jecln*,e-1 '"honl ho eipplomonted by measures provlf lug that on any board of lnvesttgatio or arbitration the public should hav a rnniorlty representation and creai ing an Interstate commerce comml: sior. 1 -treati to compile railroad labc stnt lstics. Walker T>. Hlnes, chairman of tli board of directors of the Atchisoi Topeka <5? ."ante Fo railway, tonlgl urged control by the government < the situation between railroad henc and the railway men. The rallwa brotherhoods, he declared. wet awaiting ihelr opportunity to pnralyt the country's transportation to gal their ends COUNTY CLERK KELLY With No Appetite, All Rnn-dowi Tolls ll> our attention that we ai publishing this letter for the hcnet f Spartnnbursr people who are in M Kelly's condition. Head our offer b< low: Clnrksvklle, Tenn. "I am a Count Court Clerk, and became run-dowi no .ppetite, was drowsy and felt bad !y most of the time. I had trie several remedies without, benefit. On day I read an advertisement of \*in< and at once tried it. In a short tlm my appetite Improved, my stronsrt Increased and I -fpit better In ever way." ft. W. Kelly. The reason Vinol is so suceessful 1 such eases is because it Is an uti equalled tonlc-body-bdllder, eomhlr Itiir heel" and cod liver peptones, Iro and mancraneso peptonates and elyt eropliosphates, the oldest and moi famous tonles known to medicine. So strorur Is our faith In Vinol thr we offer to return the purchaser money In every case if Vinol shoul fall to Rive satisfactory results. l.ipon's Priic Store, Spartanburg also at t.ie leading: drug: stores in a South Carolina towns.?Advertise uient. ""MOVES wiSora Obo package prorM it. Sold mai gtumwea by tbor* Vinol drmggb*. i fii ii rn m in m uiiiiuu WE PR0DUC1 IT CA^'T I Because we have foi made comparisons c study of all grades study of all blends le a study ol le a study of study of economica possibte to produce e facts practiced dail S at a big saving wt KENNY ILESALE AND R1 Phones 747-746 / n HOUSEKEEPERS BUYING ] te Tuesday and Friday of Each li to . *' la >r ,. r >f mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm i i- -i * '* Fancy Select Norfolk Oysters 45c ^ Per. Quart. 11 Nancy llali Sweet Potatoes 40e (P l Per Peck. '-! ? s Liberty Market Phone 242 and 1240. >r Quick Delivery Anywhere In City. it i ]{ (.OLDEN EGG GOOSE RIVALED.? Kansas Pullets Start New Vcar With !e Heavy Ikying Streak. (Cottonwood Kails, Kan.. Dispatch! "I to the Kansas City Star.) , It is certainly not the fault of 112 Rhode Island Red pullets belonging to Mrs. \\\ T. Glanville, who llvoa cast of here, that fresh eggto aro so scurc? at present. For tho week ended January 13 these pullets laid 11 1-2 dozen eggs. From January 13 to IK they laid 151 eggs. Mrs. Glanville gathered 51 eggs January 16, which has so far been - their host laying record. The pullets e have since been maintaining the recti ord they set since they began laying r. early In January. They are the 5- best paying investment on the Glanville farm for their value. The eggs y have been marketed at from 35 to t. 4 2 cents a dozen. I- Most of the hens In the country d are on their annual winter strike, o Mrs. Granville believes her simple )1 rules in feeding and caring for the o flock may aid their desire to lay. The h rules: First, for tho morning feed a y ration of knHr corn only scattered on the ground In the bed. so the clilckn ens hnvo to work for their breaki fast by scratching out the seeds. One i- other feed Is given at night, a hot n mash of bran and corn chop, v The chickens havo all the skim3t mod milk they care to drink during the clay and plenty of fresh water, it They are given the liberty of tho '3 farm and are out ranging over a d large part of It during the dpy. Aside from these slmplo rules, Mrs. Olanr; vllle has no other regulations. Phe 11 advises the hatching of early chicks 5- for winter layers. Most of her pul lets now making such a good record were hatched early In April. . ^ Senator JflmeK, who sayethe prefliI In the Hi tercet. of#m? tefftetaHve proJ crnm is "systematic lobbying." is a 11 republican, but more conspicuously ana ss DEFTi E BETTER KENN1 )E DONE THAI ' more than a quarter c >f all grades. I roasting to h< buying to sav< 1 selling in order to m ; better coffee for the pi Iy by our institution, i lich would otherwise g ' CO. cof ETA,L SUG \\/l i jBUBBmBBwI DIRECTORY OF THE Leading S Veek Will Keep You Posted On W VfBPHMHHHBI HAVE YOU TTUET> OUR OPH1R COPPICE? Steel cut of tho highest quality. Packed exclusively 'i,r us. Coupons given for Aluminum Ware Premiums, with all purchases from Be up. TURNER and WOOD 131 N. Church. Phone 579 ^ ? ?nI and Sell Country Produce and Poultry Supplies. GRA.Ml.ING HONOR ROLL. First grade: Cora "Waldcn. Louise Turptn, Charles Crawley, I.eona Hall, Mattie Cora Qramling, Herman McDowell, Clyde Morrow. Second grade: Francis Turpln, L.ucile Gramling, Willie May IAttledcld, Graco Lallcw, Pearl Fisher, Neo Atkins. Third grade: Dean Ragan, Barney Mclntyre,' Sallie Cofer Wingo, Richard Cowan. Preston Fisher, Loyd Johnson, Joel Cartee, Mary Myrtle Barnett. Fourth grade: Fay Win go, Mattic Turpln, Funloe Fisher. Duford Morrow Leroy Loftts. Fifth grade: T. G. Mclntyre, Tdllic Ballew. Sixth grade: Elizabeth Gramling. May Ballew, Mirjorle McDowell ,T. L. Foster. Seventh grade: Ola Foster. Eighth grade: IjOyd Foster. Ninth grade: Eco Atkins. A Flying Start. As a result of lectures administered to him by both his father and the young woman of his choice, a eertaln young man decided to turn over a new leaf and show some interest in business. "Well, Molly." said lie to tho girl one evening, "T am really going into business in earnest. Made a beginning already today." "Good!" exclaimed Molly. "And what was the nature of your start?" "I ordered my tailor to make me a business suit." You Can't Leave a T,ive Town. (Wilmington Star.) There is one good thing about a live town. It generally takes the initiative, hut If some other town Happens now and then to "see it flrat." the live town never gets life. It follows suit and keeps up with the procession and makes all the rest know that they are in a race. Rock TIlll is a South Carolina town tjiat never get-s llfot. The people ol that town are leaders and followers r thi : turfLt ["S SP rs WHY WE ?f a century bought a rid the aroma e oar custom arket our goods at tl rice than any other c nakes it possible i o to less inexperienc fee :a ^RS ?E* F partanburg Grocers, Markets, B-V rhat the L ocal Food Market Afforu i Yon Arc Invited to Inspect Our I Ra"?fnry Mont Market. f ? Clean miro meat* nt fii?? ir?w- H |S est B'isslhle ' Ire. Frwh B 8 I~I li, r.Ice cuts of our 3 j specialty. E CHARLES ST. MARKET I I PHONE 355. 9 i and they get together as either leadors or followers on the moat approvi eel lines for building up their city I and section. Whatever there is of | a good tiling. Hock llill wants it and it gets busy and goes alter it. Uno i j can always judge when a thing is , | good by seeing Hock Hill close on its heels. I If you have any doubt about the ' livestock industry, you might as well ouit having doubts, because the city on the Catawba lias been atter it and i is right after it. Hock Hill got herself selected as ono of South Caroi Una's otticlal livestock markets a 1 couple of years ago, and on stock sales duv last March ' the cattle sales aggregated $101,000. Orangeburg led tne state with u packing home organization and followed it soon afterwards with a I statewide livestock show and confer- ] ? nee, similar to the much greater one | I to lie held in Wilmington March 2X and 29. Orangeburg also organized I u creamery company and is building up the In side by developing the I outside. ' I Nevertheless, Hock Hill doesn't get i left. She lias co-operated with her ' tributary territory in bringing about j a development that is building up | tho city as well. This week the I j chamber of commerce there is hav? ing a big livestock conference. it ; is to be attended by live farmers and there are to be addressed by several I state experts and specialists on livestuck raising, pasturage and the dii versified farming that is the upkeep of cattle, hogs, sheep, goats and i other fnrm stock. Kach address to bo delivered will cover some particular phase of the livestock industry. One of tho leaders of the movei ! ment. is Mr. W. O. McKeown, '^he i j H ick Hill farm demonstrator." Ho , j is a good one, too, but catch on to tho fact that Hock lliil has a. farm demonstrator of her own. York county has one, too, hut Hock Hill Is a law unto herself when It comes to having a good thing?though there ! are whole counties In some states i i that have not caught on to the great j E WC 1 a rwi rwi??n j ai inL ECIAL , MAKE THE < md roasted coffee, pro I ers money ie lowest possible sell oncern. for the consumer or :ed roasters or selling ? o BE THRIF1 JNY'S COFFEE o"s and Other Retail Articles of io at All Times. Barrington Hall Coffee. , A mellow, fiiio and satisfying I coi'Re with a delightful liugcrI ing alter labte. It is a guurun1 tee of care and cleanness, that ' manufacturers generally do not ! consider necessary. 40c per i pound. . I | Poole Grocery Co. "The Busy Corner." Phone 446 and 447. v - value and Importance of a farm demonstrator. In promotinp the livestock Industry. towns In South Carolina ar# doin p. Tho industry is spread toip rapidly all over the state, and we must pet the movement started in the I .same way in .North t'arollna. That is why tlie Wilmington chamber of I commerce and the southern scttlc| raont nnd development organization | ore jointly promoting the pure-bred I hiotk exposition and livestock confer ence that Is to be held in Wllmlng' ton in March. MORE RHEUMATISM THAN EVER BEFORE Clergymen, Lawyers, Brokers, Mechanics and Merchants Stricken. Our old friend Ttheumatiz Is having his inning this year, and a few wor of Caution from one who knows about 1: may not be amiss. Wear rubbers in damp weather; keep your feet dry; drink plenty of lemonade, and avoid strong alcoholic drinks. If rheumatism gets you, or sciatica, nnd you have sharp twinges, gnawing pain or swollen joints or muscles, you can get rid of all agony in just a few days by taking one-linlf tenspoonful of Ttheuma once n day. All druggists know about Rheuma: I it's harrrlless,*yet powerful; cheap, yot sure, and a BO-rcnt bottle will last | a long time. Ask logon's Drug Store. Advertisement. l NRLD PRICE T] CHALLENGE duced in all parts of 1 ing cost merchant to buy agencies. rY AND USE TEA AND SI HI:::i IHIIIIMI unm t:: :: : I UN IIHIffl t , , , ; ' ,, ! ; i | 1 1 tTTT"J i inn ~ 1 . i i i i ? Z ' i . " SSBSSSSSSSXW^ # < VI' i '?. j^B ^ f' * ~~9 * I CREAHgi ' Wm m A FOOD M f I As Well As a '4 I DESSERT. 1 % I i We Cater to Your Special I Needs. ' \ Wl PHONE 1553 #? I Por Quick Delivery. j " -*- ? EXTRA NICE STEAKS V ? Beef. Pork and Sausage. Oysters. * Blue Brand Sugfcr Cured Boneless Bacon.. .r# Phone your meat ordere tdr?^ E. C. WRIGHTSOtL Dealer in Fresh Meats and Flab 149 E. MAIN STREET J Phone 30 and SUT. r| Gone, But \o* Forgn^.'WL. Wi i (The Passing SholPHP E v Pongr for the new food inqulutt'.W "Tell mc whero Is fancy bread ?'\? qfr HAN *S< <+4 QMZj the world. " ^ l j KENNY'S | | DGARS