The Carolina Spartan. [volume] (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1898-1913, April 30, 1902, Image 1

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THE CAROIMa SPARTAN. ^ " 1 ^????^^^^^ .-* V Voi-59 y^-y " SPARTANBURG, S. <&J^jpSI>AV, APRII, 30, 1903. > ' ' No iS Another | 1 Duch( 3v) <c 1 TVr AAV | ON SALE Tl J You can get y.jr ! * cost no ?iv- ' * L I button comes" off or U pay you the cash for and jou will want no ot Lad ? We are showing t CLrititc Th/a r\ pftipct forvn iv p shown. They are full cheaper than you can I have them made. Th c Ducks, White Piques, L $ materials. Have you You ought to. : Hot weather is here. ?c sol o Ehnbrella? Ours 3; you a nice Sun Umbrella jFLOYD J 3 jg 62-64 Morg Prof. L K Hamberlin, of Vander-J bilt University, aged 41, a native of Clinton, Miss., died after a long illness last Thursday. The German Lutheran synodial conference of America will meet at Milwaukee -July 23. This will bo the greatest Lutheran conference ever j held in this country. The Educational conference at Athens, Ga., was attended by a large number of teachers. The Ogden party left Saturday night for Calhoun, Ala., where they will visit a colored school. They will chen visit Montgomery, Auburn and Tuskegee. Capt. Charles E. Clark, commander of the Oregon when it made the famous run during the Spanish war, was appointed to represent this country at the coronation of King Edward, lie is forced to decline the appointment on account of want of money. He i3 dependent on his salary, which is not sufficient for him to make the fin to Europe. V..r . Wellington, April 2." ?Senator Money w?s today planed on iDforuittt.ot) tiled by Aruiv. . ..... er. the conductor who charged the senator with assaulting liim during the disturbance iu S'laner's car yesterday. Senator Money, Shaner and Foreman Ifooper, of the tire depart raent, who assisted Shatter yesterday appeared in police court today. Tht trial is set fur Thursday next. The senator got in a great rag< when a street car conductor demand ed his fure when he was entitled to i transfer ticket. In his hurry to ge to a depot he did not have time to gt the transfer. H" got into a"scrire mage" with the coLductor. drew hi knife and was going to make minc< meat of hint. The conductor got o ? 1 with a slight cut on t-lie nanu. The Washington l'ost Fays: "Senator Tillman pronounces tl word 'gyrate* as if the g' was liar He says 'guy rate.' So does Senut Foraker. When the pronuncintii fell upon the ears of Senator Ho the other day. he shrugged his shot tiers. He is a stickler for corre English, and it was remarkable th l.e did not exp ess in the open sent) his sorrow at hearing a word mispi uounced. "It is 'ji-rate,' he Sf later, when some one asked h about the wed. 'But,' he add* 'I haven't the time to play scho muster iiere.' " J town this way ro one has e' held up the Senior Senator as a put in the use of English. He is said be competent authority on Sot Carolina cuss words and he ne fails to put the emphasis where it longs. ' New Lot | iSS J msersi HIS WEEK ( ij: r j cr>?v. f iey ri|> anywheri^jVXl" it. Wear them iA? \ \ :her kind. A F* \j lies jl: i fine line of Wajsh I ones we have evter I; 61 sizes, well made, and 2 t\ ti ' r j I >uy the material arid jj jr ley come in Linen$, jj\L awns, and Mercerized 3 2 j81 r ^1 j hi seen our new Beltsf How about a Paraf S j are all new. Can give Sje( 1 as low as 98c. ^ LILES p an Square 1 * * -"TVTmnmiwtMMHilflff , ^.7 V.? ^ ??Wr,-r ? ,, Last Friday afternoon Columbia had a heavy rain and hail storm The precipitation was an inch in 1"> ^ minutes. ^ i \ When Tillman wasgiving faint and ^ qualified praise to General Hampton j at Manning last week, one cannot foi ^ get how he. Hampton, was made to take his scat at a public meeting | in 1S92 we believe. No one encouraged that act more than Tillman and no one rejoiced more in Hampton's defeat. Praise from such a man comes in bad grace. The reunion of Confederate Veterans at Dallas was the largest ever held. It looked as if there were more soldiers there than wps in Lee's army at the surrender. Everything passed off well. The citizens of Dallas took the best care possible of the crowd. General J. B. Gordan was again elected Commander-in-Chief and New Or leans was chosen as me UCAI piate v< | meeting. The only deaths among the visitors were A. V. Winters, of Macon, Ga., and another man. Winters died of heart failure on the way land the other man fell from the platf.v .tile the train was moving. t > A dispatch was sent out from AuI gustn xast Saturday stating that the . cotton mill strike might be settled , soon and the mills started again. The 5 condition is as follows: The operatives in the King mill struck for an i advance of wages. The managers of the other mills closed down although a their hands were willing to continue f work at the prices prevailing. Many ^ hands have left the King mill. Or * the South Carolina side some hav< 8 ! left and others have secured tempo'* j rary work at something else. Tin unemployed put in their time fishing Money is sent to the strikers by th< ; general Federation of Labor Unions. . "The Mormons are not nearly s nr bad as they are represented," say ju j Bishop Leonard, of Utah, rrotescun ar j Episcopalian. '"The Mormons ar l'* j good people. I do not talk about po at I vgamy much, because I do not kno ,(e 1 much about it. I will say, howeve ro- that on general principles the Mo I'd I mon people could not be expected I 1 j\| uive up the practice all at one strok 0IJ The young people are making tl j change about this praetice and I firi rer I ly believe it will right itself in tira ist It is difficnlt now in Utah to fii to i young people who are going into .ith There is much talk about the M< ver tnons spreading out and preachi be-1 their doctrines in other States. W ' shouldn't they? Wade Hampton** Farewell If His Soldier* From His Pia/./.w Last May. My Comrades: I have indeed, as Major Hart has suid, heard that Rebel yell often before and when I heard it from my own men, from the men whom I had the honor to command, I knew that we were safe. I think it is one of the British poets who said : "The kites know well The long league's swell That bids the Romuns close." I might paraphase this by saying: The Yankee knew well The Rebel yell That made the Johnnies close. My old heroes, I hope it never will )e forgotten. I hope it will be trans nitted to your children and to your hildren's children?if not for thetn o use, to tell how it used to ring rom the forests of Virginia, how it aog from (fettysburg td the west, nd how it always told 01 men who rsre willing to die for their southind, to die for truth, for honor, for lanhood, for chivalry and for a great ause. I want you to try anfl teach our children, your children's chilren that ours was not a lost cause. I ant you to tell them that we were ghting for the right. George Washigton was a rebel but Lee was not. i'hen Great Britain recognized the idependence of this country ane id not recognize the independence f the U.iited States, but of each sov* n^or\nn^anK n nrl anv. I I V 1^11 CIQIC ttr lUUV^OUUVUV Mruvt WV < reign. There were 18 independent nd sovereign States. They founded lis union and they had the right to ilhdraw from it whenever they chose > to do. We were not successful?it i not given to mortals to command access. You have dine more?you ave deserved it. ' And now in your declining years nd when mine have extended long eyond the period allotted to man, du, my old comrades, whom I lov 1. whom I trusted and with whom I 1 ilt as safe as I do now, 1 want to ' ly to you and all that the love you ( ave given me has been more than ' iciprocated; that all that I have 1 rer been able to do for you, for any I le of you, or* for South Carolina, * as been more than repaid by the 1 mors you have unsolicited conferred 1 pon me and by this the crowning 1 mors of my life. I may not see iu again. I remember a story of ' ardinal Wolsey, who, when ready to ! tire from public iJfAwoot to the 1 >t and said : * "O father abbot 1 n old man broken with the storms of state. ?. s come to lay his weary bones among ye J live him a little earth for charity." That is a'l I ask of South Caeolioa -a few feet of earth where my kinIred for six generations are resting. Lnd I am proud to say that one or nore of each generation, since they vere known in South Carolina, has illed a bloody grave "for South Caroina. (Applause.) I claim no credit .'or that. Every South Carolinian Aho was true was willing to give his t>lood and his life for the old State. [ am sure that I was willing to do so. I think I can say to you, my men, that I never turned my back upon one of you when your faces were turned toward the enemy. The greatest honor I felt durirg the war was once when 1 came upon a poor private who was dying. I stopped beside him and he said: "I am happy to die fighting, and 1 am proud to die fighting under you." I pray God will bless you and will give you peace and prosperity, give it to the old State, give it to each one of you and that you will go home and tell your kindred that you have seer your old comrade and that he thank* | them through you. The Campnigrn Opened. Senator B. R. Tillman made an oc cusion f ?r opening the State campuigi at Manning, S. C., last Friday Louis Appelt, once his friend nn< supporter, had been repeating th old charges as to rebates, using Stat property for himself and other thing' While many persons believe that tli Senator did things and took thing that lie ought not to have done, tli dead, dirty, disreputable past ougl to be buried, When a U. S. Senate feels that his highest missiou is I 1 bandy epithets with every one wl assails his motives or conduct, he hi got down to a pretty low level. Bi it is evident that the Senior Senab was not in the State to settle Appel Ti e fact is iie would like for Appe to go around with him and repeat tl charges day after day so that ! ? could array the voters on old lint s Appelt's charges were out of da) f They have become old and moldy a e1 should be thrown into the rubbi i heap. The Senator's vindication w w | mere commonplace such as would r r- interest nor enlighten an irtelligc r'j voter. The main business of t ?0 I Senator was to start a boom so tl e- ihe May convention would be a T ie man body ready to carry out his d n" tigion as to principles and men. e* wifl no doubt succeed, id To Cure a Cold in One Day )rTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabl All druggists refund the money j hy fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig ture is on each box. 25c, >j A Lay Kxlmrtation^^ ljxew York Sun. j Bishop Potter, in a lecture. nam l rnvfrsity. 0:1 Monday eventBg^lV J the ground that ' "Christ did not d-JS nounce wealth any more thatffafM nounoed poverty," that it was t ?I ; lust of riches, the greed of gain, tnj vulgar snobbishness whivh Wg money and wealth for dlsp^ | against which IP' :: veighed. ' I recently, young Mr. Rockefeller, jy| , to the greatest fortune in the ffiow?p| world, took a similar view of ;teachings of Jesus. | It is not easy to see how this ! of the ecclesiastic and of young man can be reconciled 1 the words and the spirit of they are presented in the Take, for example, the parable^:' Dives and Laaarus. No acco^H^ is made against the rich rTTIV in ilia fare and his ..tlii' joyed the advantage of irb wcvfij Moreover, there Is credited to If T the charity of feeding the beggar r ing at the gate with the erumbs wlp ' fell from his table. Nor is any meW* attributed to Lazarus, unless hlJ poverty; yet the parable sends Dirf j' to hell and Lazarus to heaven; ai| 1 Abraham tells the rich man that r. * he had recived his good things in til? life and Lazarus evil things, the fliwas comforted and the other ?? , mented in the life beyond the When a rich young man asked oTj, Jesus how he might inherit eterna! ( life, the answer was to sell whatever ( he had, give to the poor,"take uj , the cross and follow Me." To Hi;!< ' ? _ ? l._ ,r. . ..l.imi,,! I wondering aiscipies no eiuaimvu,,, "how hardly shall they that hav?'( riches enter into the Kingdom c! God," and that "it is ( camel to go through the eye of 1,( needle than for a rich man" to-eflTei into that kingdom. He could instance many say Wigs cf Jesus of the same import, but iidy] ire familiar to all Christians and are] read in all Christian churches. The! early Christians, toi, as we kn^' from the history, Biblical a d pro-' fane, were ascetics. Poverty mid virginity were the great urtuea in th^y eyes, and thus grew up the grmt i monastic system. To live apart, from the world and all its greeu was tluir ambition. The Christian ideal as presented, by Jesus is essentially asceiic. wdH jelf-abstinence and morlibt at S?BE?psh. Through tlu- V. *? and luxury heavenly rowurle foi be obtained. 1 This is all very e'ementary. It is as true as it is obvious, also, that the Christian world .apart from the stricty monastic orders, "the religious," so? J..OD . -Mittpnint nractically I 1/UllC/U ] UUCO la V/ v * v* |. . to live up to the Christian ideal. Our whole fabric of civilization?the laws of business and the social competition?is built up in opposition to it. Violent local storms did much damage last Friday and Saturday from the Texas Panhundle up to Nebraska. At Joplin, Mo., there was a destructive tornado which killed several persons and fatally wounded others. At Pittsburg there was a violent storm Saturday and Sunday, doing mueh damage to p-operty and killing Two others. Telephone und telegraph wires were blown down. When it comes to trusts that meat crowd that cornered 'he beef market and forced the prices up looks very much like a rock-ribbed, sou'less, grasping affair, very much like a , trust. It was too much for the ReI publicans. They have notified th< , "Big Six" that they have gone a lit , tie too far, or too fast, and they hav< promised to ease up a little till it quits hurting. s? In Ohio,Charles C. Kiein is rujiDinj from office instead of for it. Hi wei i elected Mayor of Urichsrille Demorats and he left town antfft '1 poses to stay away untii aoot.v'^H e is elected. He's not ranch to Ptfrh ? for not waiiting to be mayor of t tow ' with such a name. It is almost as ur c wieldly as Rutherfordton. ;s * 1? ' # ie The Senate has the I'hilippinaqnei it tion up as their regular work tb >r week. They use it as a rainy, di to job und take a whack at it when tV io have nothing else to do. The Hm is will be engaged in ratscblkjpoi it work with nothing particul/pttci or ingonhand. It. : ,'lt The Baptist are gening >v?_, pjl lie .ticular out in Arkansas. The-ha he appointed a committee to in\estjga ?p. certain reports in regard to Lovem ie. Davis, who is charged with ganblir nd drunkenness and profanity. as Sterling B. Morton, Clerelani lot Seen tary of Agriculture, died at t >nt home of his son at Lake Forest, I! he nois, last Tuesday. He was 70 ye; iat old. His home was in Xebra* ill- City. He "Wields a Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the tnnltiti of maladies cut off by Dr. Kin New Life Pills, the most distress too. Stomach. Liver and Bowel tr lets bles, Dispepsia, Loss of Appet f it Jaundice. Biliousness, Fever, Mi na- ria, all fall before the wonder wc ers. 25c at Ligon's drug store. Last \V(? of' :i 'jrciii Ci linn i. / i-Oti May linh we celebrate the ' Htkirty-i.iiith anniversay of the death MStoupwaliSackso.'i. I prHe died at a house that is still : Standat (iuinca Station 111 Yir- ' nia, on the line of the Richmond, r1 4rP'lsrick-h;ir^ and I'otomnc Rail-i tod," says M. AI friend, in i B?y Lipjiit '.s Magazine. j B* 2lis ie:'! y.rtn was "amputated at |'' ih? 1 t t,il-nii /Tit- f\t tllf "I locket. When he closed itis eyes it, ieath h"; litilc daughter, then two or i Lhret- y -ars old, lay on his breast ' ivith his right arm over her. r "Ilia dying wards: "Pass the in-; ^ Eantry rapidly to the front,.' Teilj, k. P. Hill to prepare for action, j f AVe will pas-- over tlie river and rest j1 inder the shade of the trees on tiie ^ fcdilS. side," ife \v;;s (leli'-ioi.-, , . h.ipoleon's, his mind, as it t E|j?- fulSUct !fo ,,,st offices, was s fflhhls military ; .;-t.^ !' ''So sat,'.; to rest one of the knight- i iest s ddiers that ever 'wore sabre on j i rts ihigh.' I ' "As Genera! Dick Taylor said of j4 tim, 'How to estimate his genius Ijj mow not, for he ever was supeiiorjt jo occasion.'" I1 J Tliis Vast Republic, Springfield 1'nion. The Sun, shining diligently as or i, jrore, says: "Almost every section j )f the country has its peculiarities of < rpeech. I'erhaps this question from 1 the Atlanta Journal best denotes the ^ South: "It begins to look like the Southern Securities Company is 01. j the way." In Pittsburg it would he: "Tt com-il me rices to look as though t he South- '' n 1 em Securities Company wants 01 ." | In Tucson, Ariz: "It shorely looks i iike th' Southern Securities bunch is j j ridi.n' hard on us." In Denver: "The Southern Seen ' ritks Company thinks its going to!, break the jam pretty soon." i In Boston : "From present indiea-1 tioii3 it is apparent to the casual observer that the Southern Securities Company it tinder the impression that within a short period it will have accomplished the results for which its directors have been laboring diligently during many months." In ilyannaisport, Mass.: "Pears like th' Southern Securities Comply cornin' .1. c r 1*. - . w ... r ^evelnnd 1'Ialn Dealer. 'Did you call on lier father this morning?" "Yes, I did, and my head is whirlling yet." "Didn't use use violence, did he?" [ "Violence! I guess not. I got in j to hi* office all right. I had written tasking an appointment, and he ut once pulled his watch on me and said: 'I can give you just seven minutes. Talk fast. \Yell, say, that rattled me so that I could only stammer. "You want to marry my daughter, don't you?'he abruptly asked. I said I did." 'Anything else?' he roared. 'That's all.' 1 hastily said. -Fie made a hurried memorandum. H)id you put your request in writing?' I told him I hadn't done so. 'How irregular,' he snarled, and made another memorandum. 'When?' he yelled, 'Wlmn Miss Amy is ready.' I replied. 'She says June,'he snort'ed.ani made another memorandum. ' 'Where do you want to go on your .wedding jpurney !'he cried. 'Wherever Amy wants to go,' I murmured. 1 'She's going abroad,' lie said, und Worked away at another memoran~ *' lonn wtpftru ' dam. uueiiiM I'lipg nuiivvu ? ship. Adriatic. June 25. I'll order it today. Anything else?' he growled. . 'No, thank you sir,'I said. Then he . put out a clammy hand. 'Glad tc know you,' he said. 'Come in again t . * sometime when I'm not so busy f*" t's all. See you in June,I sup ). Good-day.' And I found my gaspingoutside the door." s Sent'mental Symbolism o 11 k* i Colors. Red,.for courage and intense love Its emblem is tlie ruby, g. White, for youth, freshness and ir is noeence: represented by pearls at. iy diamonds. j Yellow?'.he topaz?wisdom at: te glory, but j?alousy, too, except f< ig; the November born. % :]* Violet means dignity and the an - !, ethyst is highly prized as an mum to keep friendship and love, ir- 'Green symbolizes hope, joy yout ve and is represented in the emeral te which is f.i!)led to change color it" tl or 1 >ve changes. i{,1 Blue means constancy, truth m friends-lip, ami is represented hy t! sapphire, although the "lorget 111 J's not" stone, the tonjuoise, and ev he (torquoi-e-matrix, hive claims fir i li-! eogni.ion ?May Ladies' Jlome Joi irs nal, .ka j j I'at Siieedv, the professional ga b!er.?dd a fine Persian prayer r i with a precept from the Koran wov K]e into it to F. \V. Finney, a Milwauh g's millionaire, for $lo(MO. I "j 1 lie seismograph at tiie Jo! ila- Bopkins 1'niversity registered t irk- Guatemala eartlupjake. Ihe pert | bations was quite noticeable I)r. .1. X. Jloorc, I)r. James Xoit Moore die< 1 in Co- j' um!>i:i Friday in??r*iiutr. April ur I buried i..liie Kpiscopal thtirchyurd in Spartanburg i lie fol- j \ owitijr iiiv>riiinMany of Ins friends ittemled the funeral and the floral; rilui- s attested their love far hitr, j iiid r!ie taiiiilv. lie wis born at S ?!( :m Springs about lie was dueattd at the i.i>Ji school there j Y au^ht by Itrv. Ci^itah J'eard. He i!so went to I' it bVsa at Limestone " >prifi?s. After tak n; his diploma j Ljjhe South Carolit i .Medical Col... Iw. tn Pin-is II 1 tOOiv a post | rraduate course. Ifc returned to i l?i.s country just, before t he war hewet n the states and assisted in the orination of a company, of which J.' Winsmith was captain. 'I lie com>:?ny was in 11 agouti's lirst South) arolina Hegiment. Dr. Moore |>re- | crr.-d a place on the line rather than , iitbe hospital. lie was elected a| ieutenant in his company and re-1 nuinedwiihit dining the war. He | mis in I'omtnand as obtain at j u he suirender at Appomalox. As a j loldier he was faithful in the per-1 ormance of every duty. He was se-1 I'll ly wounded once. After the war f le settled in t'nion and practiced: nediciiu: until about 1>7* when he j noved to Spartani>urg. lie remain;d here until last year when on account of ill health he had to give up -i lis practice. Last full he moved to Columbia where most of his children y ,vere settled. Jlis father was Dr. Maurice Moore, of Glenn Springs, md his mother a daughter of Judge 1 Abraham Xott. Mrs. C. E. Means, lis sister, is the only survivor of the 'ainily. Dr. Moore's wife, who was I Miss Lucy Herndon, two sons and hree daughters, survive hira. The S children are M. H. Moore, Mrs. La- i rille Bremer. J. Sumter Moore, Mrs. it u* K-iir and Mrs. Harry Kami- 1 ler. Dr. Moore as citizen, soldier, and physician, lived on a high plane. Duty and honor were the underlying principles of his character. He wks m exceedingly kind man doing favors ivhen he expected no return. Many j people loved him for the good he did n a 'juiet way. He was exceedingly 4 modest when speaking of himself, i lie let others praise him. As a phy- t sician he was most careful and eau-1 ^ lions. His judgment in difficult . rases was rarely at fault. He left as a heritage to his children an honored name and an unsullied character. The good friend, the kind neighbor, the lover of his State, the good physician lias passed away. May he rest In perfect peace. List of Letters. 8partauburg. S. C., April 510, 1902. A?Miss Suiia Adams, William Austin, Miss liosa Austin. B? Miss Georgia Bagwell,W ? BarneU. F.lmortlfctie, Owsley Beanley, J it , u It uvl'iiuBi, I'om O?Vrs 'Tame Daiue, ieaovwCeatliain, John C Chandler, W R Conly., D?John Dawkins, W C Derrick. F?II C Fisher, Alles Foster. Rev A J Foster. G?J T George, Dosia Giiyard, Mrs Fanriic-Gienn, J B Griffin. II?John Hurper, Marzie Harris, Miss Cloran Harrelsori. Miss a Haynes, James Hinson, Mis* Bessie Hoover. , J?Robt Irvin. j J?J I) Johnson, care H C Thomas, Xancy Johnson, If 1 Jones. | Iv?J T Kelley, Ellis Key, Elder ' II K Kt-arns, 2; Mrs Kay King. L?Tbad Lamm, Corrie Lawson, J L Lindsay. M ?Lillian McMissick, J L McGowan, Lucindy Mille. X?Miss Gertrude Xolton. P?J L Pearson, R FPearson. R?Kennon Ray, John Reed, Francis Robinson. S?Miss Alice Sangher, Sam Staggs. T?Miss Mamie Teener, J R Thornley. 8 letters. \V?M Wahnish.C J William, Laura William. V?Julia Young, Mrs Gennie Young. Persons calling for the above letters, please state that they were advertised in The Spartan of April 80. i One cent due on all letters delivered i after having been advertised. I S. T. Poinier, P. M. i\ .I.,.- ; > tlx. Pension Fund. . llie i/cinj The State Pension Board has been in session this week, and has requested the newspapers to publish f.jthe following statement. While .be I.i.v provides tlihl th? | pension ishall be disbursed ?>i , ! the first Monday of April of eacl '! year, owing to the delay on the par! j of certain county pension boards anc '* their failure to make reports to tin d State boa-d on the fifst. Monday o I March, as required by the rules o , j the State board, the State board ha ( j been unable to examine new applies ;r tions and dispose of them until to day?their second meeting. The re a. porls from some counties have bee j received since the 1st of April an straggling applications from conntie have been coming in up to the pre* -1 U h. .sent; some, 'n foot, were receiveu u (J, rlie board today. The members con iit. posing tiie State board -ire anxious t disburse this fund at the earlies date poss!Lie, and any delay in di: j bursitis the same cannot properly I lie churned to I hem. It is a fact that ie. j the board had held their meeting t! j 1th day of April, for instance, wliie J was beyond the date the last reguh v* i lift was received and disapproved, ? tr- those applications that ;were not i 'due form?several hundred deservir j people, who. as it is, will receive po I sions. would have been left o/T tl m*| list entirely: but the board havit up ! returned them for correction, the d en 1 lay caused has resulted in their b ;t.e ' inn on." Southern carriage makers are i ins vited to meet in Charleston May ti (he j There are many seliers of vehicles ur- the State, but few makers of ca I riugesand buggies. Lyric of Action. fin the part of a coward to brood O'er the past that is withered and | dead. V'hat though the heart's are ashen ^ and dusty? c What though the heart's music be a fled? c till shine the grand heavens o'er- s head. I >' V'hence the voice of an angel thrills j clear on tho soul. : | Gird about thee thine armor^press i t on to thy goal!" f f tiie faults or the crimes of my " youth * Are ii burden too heavy to bear, Huil hope eau rebloom on the desolate waste Of a jealous and craven-despair? I'own, down with the fet\ers of fear; n tiie strength of thy valor and manhood arise Vith the faith that iflumes and the will that defies. Too late I" Through God's infinite world, From Hie throne to life's nethermost Area; Ton t ? to a phantom that flies at the dawn i( Of the sf-ul that repents and aspires, If pure thou hast made thy desires, there's no height the strong wings of mortals may gain Vhieh in striving to reach thou shalt strive for in vaHi. rhen up to the contest with fate, Unbound by the past, which is dead! >Vhat though the heart's muaic be fled? >till shine the fair heavens o'erhe*4. Vnd 3uf>lime as the angel who rules in the sun 3eams the'promise of peace when the t conflict is won ! I ?Paul Hamilton Hayne. i i "God Bless Them AI1." The subjoined verses were written 1 >y a negro, an ex-slave, one of the j unployes of the Augusta postofflce, \ tnd they constitute an appreciative i ribute/from his race to the lest ( vords and [the memory of General j Tampton: j A Southern hero lay dying, I Not from the battle cast, But 'mid the sternest conflict I Stern victory brings at last. ! Tread softly near yon couch, I Shrouded by death's pall, i Hear the victor's shout: "God bless my people all!" "God bless my people all, The black man and the white"? God bles3them in the effort, As they struggle for the right; God bless the rising manhood, With * lite of honest toil, C*ou uiuu the btsomlng maiden, (tod Mess my native ?oll. I O'1 .ft ?<! "O ? pole en Frfem the lips now chilled rrr death! Bearing a blessing of heaven M,r"' A?AvnJftlncr hpflath. ? iin meir msi Israel's fatl)or in blessing Divided his family small, But thou, in blessing thy people? Thou blessedst one and all I Rest there now, soldier and statesman, Putriot, Christian andifriend, May thy blessing inspire the valiant, The poor and weak to defend, And when we too, be summoned To answer Death's silent call May the echo be from the Jordan, "God bless my people all!" ?Owen L. Chatters. Don't Cry, Little Girl. There, little girl don't cry, You have broken your doll, I know, And your tea-set blue,and your playhouse, too, Are things of the long ago. But childish troubles will soon pass by, There, little one, don't cry. There, iittle one don't cry, They have bioken your slate, I know, s And the glad, wild ways of your 6chool-girl days. Are things of the long ago. But life and love will soon come by. There, little "irl, don't cry, aon t cry. ^ A There little/ Vt cry, They u' your heart, I kno\ ' ; ,\ And the ?' ^our gAre thit But heavei --v-'J^k^kich y01 There, lit > ? Til* d>K, 1 We have boili- the hydrant water, 2 We have sterilized the milk; [ We have strained the prowling mi '| crobes f5j Through the finest kind of silk; - u*? i,.h a hnncht and we have boi ? V V i?u V ? 0 ? '* rowed / Every patent health device, 'J And at last the doctor tells us 11 That we've got to boil the ice. ?What to Eat. Man is a most unreasonable cret o ture. lie thinks his wife is entitle d to no privileges. Out in Indian *' Thomas Foley is asking for a divorc jf because his wife in a sportive hot it-! attempted to feed him to the cattl h He went to his home drunk and ga^ ^ his wife a thrashing. She bound hi; in hand and foot, covered his body wil * or salt and drove the cattle to hit 'n n- When they had finished he was s< 10 ber and pretty raw where the catl had licked him. For that little 1: ec_, of fun he is mean enough to ask for \ divorce. n- Sol Smith Russell, who made ma 9. an audience laugh twenty or thii in years ago by his humorous readir ir- and representations of character, dying in Washington. Thoughts tor r armors. FROM COTTON TO CATTIE. Poor crops, low-priced cotton and he overflowing of bottom lands are ausing many tamers to turn their .ttention to cattle. It is a wise confusion they have r<ached and they hould wisely make the change, luch a change is a revolution and it annot be accomplished in a day. lie first of April in a certain town in he upeountry a man was inquiring or one or two good milch cows. lie aid he knew whore there were some 'oung ones with first calves, hut hey were so poor that they could mrdly stand up. The owner of these leifers was not ready to go into the attle business. If one wishes to aise fat cattle for beef lie should seure a thoroughbred bull of one of he large breeds. He should then ceep only as many cattle as he can eed well through the winter and up o the first of May. Th.e cheapct 'oughagc for cattle is hay made from iea vines and sorghum, uuless ono las a meadow well set in good grass hat requires no reseeding. If one tas no winter pasture it will require bout two tons of hay to feed a two ir three year old cow six monfjis. That hay will be worth about $30, >ut the manure, if properly cared or, will be equal to a ton of the best commercial fertilizer. If a farmer vishes to raise milch cows he should jet the Jerseys or Guernseys. The Tolstein is better suited for those vho sell the milk as they give more * ban the other two breeds. Get the >est breeds. Do not attempt to win4t more than you can feed well. J)o tot overcrowd your summer pasture. iV'ork at this business by degrees. HE VABMEBS ABE UNITED ON COTTON. Beports from various counties of be Stat? indicate that farmers are laying much more commercial fertilInbtruinJ tn An Tho neaning of that is that they are gong to increase the cotton area. There s no combination on the part of farners, but there is a sort of telepathic communication and transmission of> nforraation?a kind of wireless intercourse which brings them to act ivith unanimity when it comes to cotton. All the cotton farmers are ioing just what the farmers of this State are. They figure it out that it Is cheaper to make 9 cent cotton and buy flour, bacon and corn from the West. Let the farmers 6tick to their plan of raising more corn and hay than usual, even if cotton should go to 12 cents. Look at the condition today, More than half the farm animals of the State are not properly fed. Empty cribs mock their owners as the wind whistles through the cracks. Cattle are in poor condition. The only hope is to raise an abundance of grain and hay A farmer of the State said a few days ago that he sowed five acres of land last October in oats, applying about 2:30 pound* p of commercial fertilizer to the acre. I He expected to make li>0 bushels of loat? on the lot. The frottta, free/on I and llooda which laRt?d continuously -.uifi tuo.ilhs, killed the oats. About lue utk>t of April his foreman said that he would like to plant that fiacre lot in cotton for he could make three bales with the addition of a little fert'lizer. At 8 cents that cotton would have brought $120. The cost would have been $713; leaving #1.3 and I the seed net. The owner of the land J said,''No, let it alone. It is not ! washing. Sow a bushel of pea3 to the acre about May 2U *o June i. You can save ten tons of hay worth J in the barn $150, at a cost of $30. That would give a net profit of $120. The land would be in better condition than if planted in cotton." Another interesting hay problem is proposed for those farmers who think that cotton is the only thing worth planting. Suppose a farmer has a ten-acre lot which under favorable conditions would make 10 bahs of cotton worth at 8 cents $100. The seed at present prices would be $75. The cost of making and marketing the crop would be 5 cents a pound which would leave a net profit of $225. The cost of a pea crop on the same land would be about $50 including baling. Land that would make a bale of cotton to the acre would make 2$ tons of pea vine hay, or 25 tons on the 10 acres, worth $15 a ton or $825 net profit. Let the farmers of the State think on these problems. FARMERS ARK CONSUMERS NOT PRO-- J DCCERg. M You Will be convinced that farmers are consumers if you will take your stand any day at the county seat or railway station. Yru will observe UlA , scores of empty wagons nwnw i?.v ' town. If anything is brought for sale it is a little wood or a few eggs or fowls, the latter raised by the'wo- JM H men. They haul out guano, flour, I bacoa. clothing, agricultural iuiple- H Iments, shipped cabbage, canned I goods, seed potatoes, the "cheini^oitjc. jpare,' giucose syrup, corn, meal, I hay, rocking chairs and baby carriages. They expect u few bales of cotton in the fall to pay for these supplies. It is a rare thing to see a farmer bring in something to sell every time he comes to town. They will never be able to assert their independence until they become producers instead of consumers. Let thetn raise to sell. Owing to the mult!plieation of towns there is a pretty fair market in reach of neariy every farmer, By making cotton the surplus crap the farmer would be able to i- sell something every week in the d year. a :e British statesmen are astonished at lr the financial schemes and business e. combinations of J.Picrpont Morgan, re There is nothtng left f< r him to wort m on now except flying machines. He th has compassed earth and sea and the n. air is the only domain left for him to o- operate in. le >it If our State cannot get up a letter a issue than Appeit anch Tillman, it would be well to go out of the political business. ny ty Stops the Cough o and Works Off the <'old. / '28 Laxative Bromo-tjainii e Tubhts cure i8 a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay t Price 25cec's.