THK ~1NDEI'EXMKT PRESS JLbbeviLle, s. c. . W. A. LEE, EDITORFriday Morning, November 2, I860. ?mmmmam?a????w??? I Bee tho advertisements of Cokeebury Minute Men; J. 8. Chjply; William#; J. H. Wilson, Sec'y; J?s. II. Riley, Greenwood; Notice of Fine Horse for Sale by Dr. J. J. j "Wardlaw ; Commissioner'* Sales; ,W. D. Mnrs, | Assignee; Willis G. Harris and Geo. A. Addi-! son, Ex'rs of the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth j minis. aecu; j. j. waraiaw una jl. i aruorotigli, Eac'rs of the Estate of Mrs. F. E. IT. WithenspooD, dec'd ; Messrs. Moore &, McDowall. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. We are requested to elate (hut there will be no service in tho Methodist Church, at thin place, on next Snbbnth moriiin vr Hi. UIV?i?.ll WUUIf. This Company organized lim SiUunloy-with t'ae following oflicers: Gen. W. W. Pkhrymas as Cnptain, Col. D. W. Aikkn ns 1st Lieutenant, J. T. Parks, i!nd Lieutenant, W. L. AppXjEton, 3rd Lieutenant. Greenwood b bouud to-have a "place in the picture" when the'liour of danger conies. WILL OF W. W* BELCHES. "We learn tlmt a Will lins been found, which if-cstublislied will make an entire change in l.he | disposilioi^of this valuable estate. Tlie properly amount* lo ovir $100,000, and has been Bold by lite administrators. E0TICE 10 B0X-H0LDEB8. We are requested to notify all persons having cither Key or Glass 13oxcs, to call and pay tip. The rent lor same having been due siuce IsL October, 18(i0. No Boxes in future will be kont ntppnl ?1IAOA ?fl>? 4 ? ' J .uugv mill JlllJ UUU W1SU | iug to discontinue their Boxes, will please give | notice to the Tost Muster. REWIND MACHINE. All who arc in want of a good Sewing Machine would do well to call nt onr office. We are prepared to (\irnish Grover il The high position of Uiis distinguished gentlemen, sajs the Savanah Neic*, in the Demo era tie party' of Alabama and Gcqrgia, will draw a audience to hear him oft 8* turd ay nisht. r' Ho?, PjmS. Bartow of Bavanonh, baa bee* in itedand tuay be present ' f>om the Montgomery Advertftdr we take the fallowing m relation t* the recent Dtm*? fit the meeting, is admitted on alt bands to have delivered ofle of ablest and most eloquent apeteharJor our,cause and ?aijdldat?aw^icii ha* b?Mn b???d i?v campaign. . Ba w?i *tf0*nT*1fr0io^>oittcen? M'? 4? thft Mrricsn W?r, ^ridMfoffierJyihe ?c ?k*Ub hu rcmarkf. We ?in?w^ bope** ; Ik* IHTtt'a COMMENCEMENT OF THE MASONIC EEMALE COLLEGE, COKEBBUBY. We had the pleasure on Tuursdny of the last vvcok of attending the closing exercises of the Annual Examination and Exhibition of the Masonic Female College at C?kci>hury. The Institution, tinder the able and efficient, management of the President. th? r B. Johnson, Prof. C. Williams, and oth?*. accomplished Instructors, hus attained a wide reputatiou, and the exei eises of the recent Commencement well sustained its high character. The Examination occupied several days, and exhibited fully the proficiency of the pupils in the various brandies taught, and the skill and assiduity of the Instructors. The Institution merits the most liberal i>atronacre. and this we nn pleased to see ili?t is receiving. Ou Wednesday night, there was an Exhibition ot the Junior Class, and a very exeellfiit Concert, which we regrei tliut we were tumble to attend. There was a large audience, nnd the performance* are *aid to have been very interesting. Prof. Aichel, the accomplished Pianist presided over the Musical Department, assisted by Messrs. Rothschild and Jones. The following was the programme of Exercises : 1. Overture to tlifc Opera, Muette de Pnrtici. ?'? Tianofi, 8 hands?hy Misses McCall, Wilson and Jennings, and Prof. Aichel. Composition: "Twilight."?Miss Jane Wilson. 2. Sones: "The Herdsman's Mountain llome, by Miss V. Inginm. Composition: 'Out of the Frying l'an into the Fire," by Miss Mnry White. 3. Duett: ' Medley from the Opern, I.a rille du Regiment, by M ipse* Ingram and Cnntey. Composition : Glimpses."? Miss lleunie Moorcr. Song, Solo and Qunrtctt: "Proud World Good bye," by Miss Itound. Composition: "Musio."?Miss Suilivnn. 5. Dance of the Fairies?2 Pianos; 8 Han'!*, ?by Missfe* II. uad Moufer, and 1. and M. Caiitey. , Composition: "Drenma "?Miss Caldwell. C. Violin and Piano: "Willie, we have ini?s*e'd ^yop," with variations?Profs. Kolhschild and. Aieliel. Composition in French : '-Napoleon and Washington Jompared."?Mi.-s Frances Sellers. 1. Invitation to Dan^e ?2 Piano- 4 Hands? by Mies MeCull and Prof. Aie! . Composition: "Great Talkers, Little Doers." ?Vim Anna Jones, 8. La Marseillaise, l>y Mr. Rernello. Composition : "Fireside Anguls."?MissIIennie Bowen. 0. Octet!: Grand March from Donizetti?f Piaron, 10 Hands?liy Mi?-ee Caldwell, Snllivan, llomni, Klntjli, Uiggins, Ingram, Williauis and White. Cnrcpohit ion : "Early Impressions."? Misa MiiPr Ait.fiii.ln I i.r.m 10. Quartets, "Tliou ur( gone fmm my Gazo. Corrip'>?itiori: ''This too sliall pass away."? MNfc Nannie Sima. 11. Piano Soio : "Musical Ilasli."?By Prof. Aiehfcl. Composition ; "A I.ovc fcchg nt Lovort't Retreat."?'Mies Virginia Ingrain. 12-Y>uctl: ''Gently hvIi* tlio Breeze."?By Misae* Townsrn J itiiil M'>flg?-s. WeJn?6flav was Commencement Pay. ntul a bright array ?>f youili and licuuty assembled at. an early liour in tlie C'olleiro Hall, to hour tlio Compositions of iho Graduating C)n>*s? These were read Professors Johnson nnd Williams, no.I exhibited more llinn ordinary ubil ily, cultivation nin.l tnclo, Tlicy were listened to very attentively and wore frequently applauded by the audience. Wo shall not nt einptio discriminate hut ween them, or particnlnrize tilt! various exe^H^-neip* of Tl.n following wbr the programme of Kxercipca: Int. Salutatory, by Mi#s Tlieodnsift Abbott, witli Composition; lluppincss Consists in the Constitution of the lltihiis." 2d. "What's iu a name?'?iiiis Louisa J. Round. Music??Duett from Opera of Mor.tecclii and Capulelti, J>y Miss Wilson ami I'rof. Aiclicl. ?.<}. Labor is nut Pleasure,?liisa Jlebecca KIiil'Ii 4ill. Fashionable Fol'.iee, ? Miss Imogene Ciihtcy. Millie?Song: "O, where are my Schoolmntes gonttf?Miss Townpeml. f?tli. "Fcuna ineutis Etcrna,"?MissMargarel McGrew. fitli. Theory of Volcanoes,?Mis* Mattie Roberts. Music?Duett frnmOpera 11' Pnrittni,?Misses Tt>wnseud ami llo'lges. 7th. Silent Influence.?.Miss M.iry Peterkin. ctl. a _ i.?.r .. i n otu. niiiuiiiuii,? imiueiia :>i<-urew. Muaic?I>uctt Emillo and Beatrice,?Misa McCull and Prof. Aiehel. fltli. Superstition",?Mint Elizabeth Lnmkin. lOlli. "The I'roper Study of Munkiud is Man ?Hjf*Eugenia Connor. fWiisio,?Song (Solo and Quartett.). "All together once more npain."?Mi?s Townaenfl. 11 th. Home, MoLhcr, Heaven.?Misd Mary Major. Valedictory to Class,?Miss Major. Valedictory to Faculty and Trustees?MissRound. ^ Conferring of Diplomas b n& President, Rov. B. Johnson. The Bacoalnureal c Address of the President, the Rav. B. Johnson, was a very able nnd sug gestive discourse upon "Etiquette"?original in conception, nnd polished in style, nnd teaming with numberless beauties of thought and' imagery. It should be published. PREMIUM LI3T?CONCLUDED. TROTTING AKD PACING. Fastest Trotter, Slnj. J. L. Nicholson.Time 2 m., 40 r. Marshall Cup, $15.00 2d do A. It. Houston, Time 3m. 10b. Fat-tent I'acor, Philip S. Ruiledge, Time 2m. 35 p. Marshall Cup, f 15.00 2d do J. K. Vance, Timfr, 2 m 48 s. 3d do Jesse Ellis, Time, 3 in. 6 8. " CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. WAGGONS, CARTS, AC. 'Die Committee appointed to examine the Carriages, Buggies. Wagons, Carts. omestic manufactures. The Committee on TJdmMtW Manufacture Report, that the exhibition&ia this department were large. and of a atiperior quality^ Thej recommend the following premium*: Best 10 yda negro Cloth, Mrs. P. D. K1ngh,|3.(K 2d do do do Mr*. 8am'I Gilmer, do 6 yde Woolen Jeans.Mra. Rebecca Ri|ey48.0< 2d Mrr Albert Johfoeon. do 8 oi|nld Mcl auchliii. Respect full v siibmitted. .1. A. CAI.HOITN.-Ch'o. HOUSKIIOTd) DKPARTMKNT. Th# Oonitiiilloo on Household Department beg leave to niakti the following award of t Premium!* : i H. st Jar of Mrs. C". W. Sproull, $2.60 | 'jil do do do Mrs. l>r. S. S. Marshal). ' ilo .Kir Hotter Mrs. W.J. Smith. 2.fin I 2>1 do do do Mrs. J no. Flu IF. ' do Domestic Soup, Mrs. F. A. Cti'lioun, 2.50 i 'id do do do Mrs. Jiio. A. Wior. I do Toilette Soup. Mrs. K. A. Griftin, 2.50 ' do Jar Preserves, Mis* Mutt it- T. Waters, 1.00 ! 2d .lo do do Mrs. ,1. A. Norwood. i do Jar Jelly, Mr*. M. O. Talinau, 1.00 I 2d do Jar lams, do do do 1.00 do Jar Catsup, Mrs. A. Todd, Anderson, l.On do Dri 'd Apples, Mrs. Jas. McCaslim, 1.00' do Dried Peaches, Mrs L 0- W. l.o^nn, 1,00' do Dried Damson*, Mrs. William Sinilh, J.ftj id do do do Mr3. T. J. Douglass. do Dried Pears, Mrs. ?..?C. W- I.ogan, 1,00 j Can Il?* ioall}- Settled Penches, Mrs. II, W. I.nwfon, 1.00 do do Strawberries, Mra. II. W. I.awson, 1.00 do do Cherries, Mrs. II. W. Lnxvsoi), 1.00 x Hone}', Mrs. Samuel Gilmer, IT'OO do Cooked Hani, Mrs. It A. Griffin, 2.00 2d fli> do do Mrs. J. A. .Norwood. do Sides of Bacon, J. Albert lticliey, 2.00 do I.uuf of Bread, Miss Susan Dfbrulil, 1.00 2d do do do Mrs. T. A. Rogers. do Barrel of Flour, I)ist. madu.B, C. Hart, fi.00 2d do do do District. mad^.P.M.Rogers, 3 00 tin rnlli'i'tinn \r?*iri?! ulilfn Mi"4. .Irfiml. All..*, o t\<\ 2d do do do Mrs. Wm. Mmith. Your Cuinmiltcc bog luav^u make honorni Iile mention of tho fu|lo?(i^? articles: I?r. B. ! C. Hurt's Pamentcr . Kiugli: Box Candle? h?. C. W. l.ogan; V ariety ofj.Garden iSeeds, Mr*. Win. Smith ; Wgelnble Guards, Mrs. Thomas Crawford; Sealey iiiirkR by Master Andrew Logan. Respectfully "an b "itted, Mrs. T1IOS. C. PEftRIN. Aitt Mnfinwiv l'ATcri-\yORD. Your committee upon Patch Work beg leave j lo report thai they have carefully examined I all article* which coine under their DcpartI nient, and have awarded Premiums to the fol! lowing pPrsoiiaT ) For the lu-st Patch Work Quilt, Silk, Airs. P- HVkT. H.'Calhoun, 3.00 ! tlint b Premium of $5.00 he>ach of the following Indies: To I Mrs. A. Burt for tbe best Silk and Velvet CiijiJt: Mm. Samuel MeUovran for the beet PafiBflfaVork Chnir; Mrs. T. C Perrjti Jor the best Worsted Patch-Work QuilU All of which is respectitillv submitted. Mr*. ?AMUEL-M cGOW AN, Cb'n. WIm. H. I'ekrin', Sec'y. > EMilROlDkKll^, CIWCIIET. NEEDLE ' work, ' , Vouc Committee beg" le^ve>to report that the Articles in this lJepai ^ay?ijt were tine ajid elfgaot, and retl cts great creon. .upotjjthe lady exhibitors. The following ore' the premiums " awarded . . j BeaCQrochet, (Gentleman) A (lagan, Mrs. A. Burt, $3.00 do Undci sleeves. MissL. Brrtl>ili, 2 00 do Crotchet Shawl, Mrs. II. S#>Kefr, 8.O0 do Liend Dress. Mr?. E>J.-Tnylor, 2.00 do Crochet Tidy, Mi*. J. Jordan, 2 00 ?'o Ladies Skirt, Miss MaKiePltobcrts, 2.00 'id do do do 'Sirs. Mary Y. Poetell, 'do Infant's Dress, Misfl Mattie Waters, 2.00 gil do ^dc(f:do Mrs. W. O. Norwood, do Ewbrcjjl'ered Collar, Mr*H. W.I^*weon, 2.00 2d tlo ' do Sirs. Dr. S. Marshall. do Linen Edging, Mrs. W: T. Henderson, 2.00 2d do do do Mrs. It. 11. Murchison. do Uiiders'eevea, Miss Susan McCaslan, 2.00 do Tulling Collar,MiswICIIaLawton.l'eiidrn,2.6t) 2d do do do Bell Jordan, do Undcr'Skiri, Mis. Dr. H/G. Waddle, 2.0Q "do Fancy Work Basket,vMiaa-D Small, 2.00 do P'r PuntletlR.M iss AMce Sloan.Pendleton,2.00 do Net Silk Shawl, Mrs. Dr. S. Marshall, 2(00 do Child's Talma. Mrs. W.'G. Henderson, 2.00 do Mnrapos*, Miss Lucy Lawson (8 years,) 2.00 do Wreath of.Cruel Flowers, Miss Julia Dulrymple, Anderson, 2.00 Respectfully submitted, Uaj I P MAIKH4TT J. T. Lto,n, Sec'y. RAlsfiD AND WORSTED WORK. The Committee on Raised and Worsted Work beg leave to Rc-jwrt ityat the specimens in this Department were elegant, aud that they award the following Premiunis; Deal Piano Stool Cover,Miss Maggie Small,2.00 do Ottoman Cover, Mist Henrietta Miller, 2.00 do Siool Cover, Miss Annie Fair, 2 00 do Coverlet, Miss M. Malooe, 8.00 2d do do Mra Sarah Agtiew. do Couoterpain, Miss Rebecca Riley, 3.00 2d do do EiwMartha Rykard. do Worsted 1 idy, Mrs. E McLauchlin, 2.00 do Fancy Piece in Worsted, Miss Minnie Belcher, . 8.00 .do Dimity Table Cover, Miss^E. Vorell, 2.00 do Hearth Bog, Mrs. KiMie' Williams, 2.00 do Caudle Mutt, Mrs. W. T. Dreuuau, ; 1.00 Respectfully submitted. Mrs. J AS. M. PERR1N, Ch'n. C M. SnAap, 8ec'y. wax, Hair an? shell work. ac. ' The Committee on Wax, Hair aud Shell Work, beg leave to report the following Premiums awarded : Best specimeiftiu Shell Work, Hfb. T. R. 1 Crews, " $8.00 > <1n <1n ITaip Rrituliiior MrK. T. B. Crews. B.OO do do Bead Work, Mise Saliie Carter, 8.00 JH do Wax Work, lire. C. U. Altin, 8.00 dp-ya?? of Wax Flowers, Wm. McCaelan, 3.00 2<^^? <*o Mrs. M. L. Oochran. ? doffair Wreath, Mist Annie Jones, 8,00 2d do ed ) 2d do do do do -Mrc. W. L, Aadftfaon., do MaVerio Grape do ffr*. A. Todd.And'r.J.OO do BiaebbeiMT do MA. K. L. Tilmon, - J.op 9 doJjSt^&a ' l.oo 9 Brapd^ra Dr KTogfe, 1.0ft J J;.,'do do Cherry Cordial, Mr*. W. H. TaagaH, i.OO 0 2d do do do do do lira- pf. ? ' do do do .Wine, Min. Dr. Klucti, 1.00 j 2d do ilu dJr> do Mrs. I)r. S. Mnrvhnll, do ?Jo Pomegrunite do Mre. .T. Jordan, 1.00 do do Dewberry do Mre. J. Jordan, 1.00 do Cnu Chrystnhsed Fruif, Miss Funuio Cxllioun, 1.60 do C<>lleetiooj?>f Ponipgronite'*, Sirs. Wra. Smith. 1.00 2d do do do do ? M*-f. -Stevori J-** do do do Pear*. Slaj. Geg leave to rccoin- j mend premiums be awarded for tlie f<>I? ' lowing paintingsLandsenpc Oil Painting l>y Mr*. .1. F. Marshall. (Jreeian do do MifuSnr Wilhoi). do do do Mis* Gihert. Crayou Drawings, by Mi?p Martha Moftpn. do ?lo*XjK Miss Sallie Morton, These twojut.tor specimen*'at? regarded as remarkable,1 considering the extreme yoiuh of Uic drawers. The Committee ennnot. omit to mention the tn'iiiitiliil portrait in oil, Iiv Mr.i. S. 1". riimiilloet. Chalmers, and the tine -specimens of arcliitcetnroI drawiim*< by Monsieur Lernelle. Respectfully ?'il>'niit"d. ~ji_ MvliOWAN. Cii'n. STATE AGRICULTURAL FAIR. SVPKBINTEX 1>KNTS OFKICE, G. ?t G. II. R. ) Columbia, Oct. 24, 18ii0. J Visitors to the State Agricultural Fair, to be held at Columbia, commencing 01: Tuesday. 13th November next, will be passed over this road, for ONE FA UK, on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. RETURN TICKETS will be given, pood for any day to, and iiiclu'ling Saturday, 1 *7th of November. -And Stock and all articlcu INTENDED FOIl EXHIBITION, will be trans ported at tlie owners risk. Irt'C of Cli;? r^<> For this purpose, a special tr;iin will leave Greenville on Saturday, November lotli, at 6 o'clock, a. in. Persons wishing to avail themselves of this privilege, are reminded of the necessity of giving notiee at Least One Week Beforehand-"i* the quantity and character of the Stufek to be shipped. Attendants travelling with Stock will be expected to pay ONE FARE. Agents along the line will be notified of the time oi lue arrival of tlie Stock Tiaiii at, their Stations. Up Freight will be charged on all articles purchased at the Fair. Not more than One Bale of Cotton to each Planter will be allowed on pueh comliiious E. F. U A WOUTII, Gen'l Superintendent. Oct. 26, 18C0, 28, THE AUGUSTA HOTEL. During a short visit, to Aucn.-ttu, we called cm our old friends, Mthtrs. WiiKELot'K/!^- Jl'" Augusta Hotel. ' They were, ne usual, wr'thoir posts, making every g'icM- feel at. home l?v their kind attentions. F.wery thing (hut. comes ruder the head of hotel aocinoiodut ion's that is j'ilcnbui.1 and comfortable?such br n .good table?uttentive servants and niee am) well ventillatcd sleeping apartnieniR?these hospitable genetic-men always have provi led f'>r their cutiipuny. This Hotel is situated in a convenient part of the city, r.eur the .South Carolina Railroad Depot ; our Georgia and I ('uiolinn friend* mill tli<- nnl?1? u-all . iieverT?*grnt.rn ctfll ut tlie Augusta.? Waa/iiiiy ton liifoprndcuU,Querv.?^lavo J-nu tcei? tiiut. liic; Tuublic are invited to be present." F. F. OAKY, Chr'u. J. F. Hoboes, Sec'y. Oct. 81, 18G0 33 ' It Estray Notice". TOLLEDr before me by Johnson Sale ft Black Mnro MULE, 16 hnndsdii^h, will) a blemish in the right eye, n scar on the right hin An/1 alin^ - Mn,iitnr%Au<"l *?> ?I' ??"I "O "? tween fifteen and twenty yenrs old, 'and appraised at.$40. The owner will cume forwnrd, prove property, pay expenses, or it will l?? dealt wilU a* the law directs. J. S. "CHIl'LEY, Mag. A. D. Oct. 81, 1880, '27, )m4iD ~~ Simonis Black French CLOT? MASffliRKS, FI. BIOLLET KMQ UI J5l\rjT/ i^UtlU^LO for Abbertlle- District, is the eeco'nd IWNDA,Y Of N OTetnbetyjnst, A full meeiing of (h* Board is desired. ' ' . > . W. H. WILSON, Seo'y. ?ot. i, WQr^s. V at "Notice to Creditors. '^ss^si^asrjs: ( <>1ft pfr?p*t-iy ^ttohted t6 llemt*. Pirfffl MiiMUba lit ofDto > tfetdbw jitkk r e OBO. A. ADDISOIf, . mmmmfc O*. 24>lt60, M, ftt . ' -t EXECDIQBS BY V RTIIK of tlio lnit Will <.f Mrs. K. K. 11. WlTHEKsroOX, dec'J, we wi'l SELL AT HER LATE RESIDENCE Near Rocky River Churefc, In Abbeville District, OK TUESDAY, 27TH NOVEMBER, A quantity of Valuable Property, viz: THE TEACT Of LhihI on which she lived, containing about 1,008 Am ONE T1IIRI) OF Til Id TRACT IS IN WOODS, The balance, free and productive COTTON & GRAIN LAND, It litis been rt-eentlv ro-survoyed. ami Plat* wiii op cxmuiicu. me :ami will oe ottered in TWO Separate Tracts Anil may be treated for privately until day of sale. * One Valuable NEGRO FELLOW. I A very nice and comfortable CARRIAGE, I 1 "F7V ; TT TIT 1 rn 11 jp oar norsc vv agon, ? A wo Ilorae Wagon, 1 One IIoi\ie TV%jgj?n7 1 Ox Cart, 7 VERY M'E MULES. Cows, Sheep, Stock and FATTlbuNG HOGS, Five or Six Hundred Bushels V X.'* - CORN,* Several thousand Pounds .FODDER WHEAT* OATS, PEAS, POTATOES, ' * Cotton Seed and Shucks, 1 Scl Blacksmith's Topis, 1 Good Gin ' M New Fan -and Thrasher, T ' Planta'.io^ Tools Und IjMslapents'J?&c, A ' SrTall 'Lt o/m%^i FINE PAKkbB ' Ml v unwi rut*&, Consisting of MAHOGANY"' SOFAS CIIAIRS, OTTOMA'NS, tfi'oe ' Mnrbh " Top CENJRE TABLE, &c. -Ofli*r PUKNITURE. "j?c., ero. ^ r - 8. a. CO^AN. Odt. 22, I860, SS. 41 ; ' A Hot of Ne^ra BrogariB. I " jBtr*4>>3QPV T> ?i.v. ASSIGNEE'S I WILL SELL ON THE I J12TH OF NOVEMBER NEXT j I At tlie Into resilience of Thomns M. ir'1onr>, 1 I twi> ki<1>>5 ahovc Culhuuii'd .Mi lie, -lie following . i property, viz: 1 X HORSE, 7 At ** i&flr Z MULLS, |CATTLE AND HOGS, ! $Joi(scl|olO q>)0 ! FURNITURE, RORRY v < wv wu J i Two Sets Single Harness, 1 Two Ilorsc Wagon -/Viicl Harness, About Two Hundred lWishels of CO&M, Seven or Ivglit Bales of oaffom, In the Sffl'l, FODDER, OATS, HAY & SHUCKS. ALSO, A SUPERIOR COOKING STOVE. Tlu4bnvc will be finlv I |>ui'pli?.->cj from MA IN (I. J?'JOZI'l.'. of N?-\v Maikct. I>i* ?*titiro fc'loek of (jim i.j, which tliey vi-ill oll'er for sale on accoamTftdaling terms. * xne stocK is JHew, Large and * Well Selected, Comprising all nrlicles usually kept iu n iT -V country Store, viz: rifivr^nniN mil mum Of all Kinds, for Ladies', Gentlemen's, an&Negros' Wear. ,'A LAROE. ASSORTMENT Of Of Every Description, HEADY MADE HARDWARE, nxmnriTx t& tr Bagging, Bope, &c., &c. We hop* by strict attention to huninees nny{j v--,3.f ; ' < : t - The Stat? of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Jane E. Waller, \ vb. V 13ill Tor Partition. T'eleus A. Waller, ct ul. ) 1) V VIRTUE of nn order from the Court of ) Equity to me directed 1 Will sell ut Abboville O. 11 -, ut public outcry. On Sale Day in Decembor next, (?il) tlie following valuable lands, viz: LOT NO. 1, THE HOMESTEAD, Containing 1*20 Acres, more or less, upon which stand* the residence of ALBERT WALLER, deceased, in the village ol' Greenwood, which is noted for its high toned morality and educational facilities. Tliu lot is very highly improved, having upon it A FIE DWELLING, ! n ?/i n?4._tr iiiuu uui'JUUUiiUS ! Of very hind: Oil A Villi Y, CAI1D2N, select I Ol'OHAH l>S. n lies or. hotli M-los of ll.c Greeni villi; uit'l Columbia Hailroud?a large portion i being iriMihi ilo; corporate limi:? of Greenwood, ' and half in viigin forest. The location is peri I'ectly hfalthy, Mid altogether in one of the I ni.vt and contort riblu residences in the upper part of -antli t'aroiiua. LOT NO. 'J, Itnown as flic 11 *icr rPract, ' ! Containing 00 Aciom, taore or less, adjoining *" the Ilome.-'tead, above described, convenient to Greenwood, and lying on the Public Iloud from said villstgc to Abbeville C. 11. ; nl least half of it is in a high sime of cultivation?the i*ciii:iiii'lov in forest, wiili several good loin' for building. LOT NO. 3, known ns the Campbell Place f Containing J'O Acres, more or less, lying on thp j Maihis r.oml, neir the Cross Itoads at AVier'n ; olil place, and in full view of the ; Tl:i< lot is convenient to the Greenwood Depot, and hay ii|itin it n comfortable residtsiee and reniiirkalde spring?two thirds in liigli stale of cultivation, the remainder in forest. I.OT NO. -i, known ns the Jtlorgan rSJract, Containing 00 Acres, more or less, adjoining' the Campbell Tract above described, within' one mile of the Greenwood Depot, and nearly or quite all in ricli, fresh bind, well wooded." j ij\ji o, Ktiuwn .is Ihc Ihichanan 1yraei, Adjoining (lie Mni-gnn Vlace, Above described, nl>o within it mile of (Jrei'iiwood ?about one hull fresh cleared land, aud ilie remainder* in fresh woi! wooded. The above described binds li:?v?r :tll been recenrlv re-Mrrvevcd. : ( rcmi?>s to seourtt lie jiurehuse money, j>uy tlte cosM i ? cash, anil jmv for papers. WM. 11. i'AUliKll, O.K.A II. Commissioner's Office, ) Nov 1, 1800. f 28 At FOR SALE. ^ ? A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT In the Village of Greenwood, \\? ITIIIN" ft mile ?f tltu Depot. containing \ ) TWKNTY ACRES?Ten Cleared and Tell ill Wood*. Tlie House is n?w nnd containing e'glillargo ijikI comfortable ?tino Storeroom* nixl Closets. The outbuildings nre new nnd in co iil repair. Oi> tli > premises is n clicico Well of Wittei. Fruit Trees, Grape Vinyard, Flower Garden. 2*.' th? Bqpadron tqlt noniWjHdance At I^infffaireslti Aiiguafc M, win be;1i*ld pt Abbeville 0-H., on MONDAY the 6th NOVEMBER next. Tho Coarl will cou?i?t of the following Officer#: Capi. Pretident; Capt. M'auti^, Leifl^ Lwinq&tom,. Lieut Bus' bbfcu. Lieut. Cw^t. Lieut.' KekxsUt, Cornet Moobk and Cor not f By Ottl*, W ..., j. \ ,m QQU M. W, QABy. V, ; igig^aag.t--,; .. - : J. * >1 I