'TT TV- , --- . - ' , ' ">i'n . m> r1 ' 1 - '.yw j HUt'l T.D^v * , + * , * "" * ' ^j^j} V 1 ^ .Ur - r' MW" "" ' ^'J ? mam | ' J ffltf'Y'1-' 'gl' 'rTi'* "' -' " ' "' '" r ' -' ' *-**" ? " U ^ * ' *m. L?-i?: ? . : t :_i_.L .' ' - 1_ ? ft i&zmw V - BS1F0T1D TO WTIHAfTORS, THE ARTS,- SCXEHG1, AfiRICULT?^.!, HEWS* POLITICS &G,, . -^=r TEEMS?TWO -DOLLAES PEE ANNUM?] "Let It bo Instilled into the Hearts of ydpr Children that the Liberty of the Press 3a tin-Palladium of all yoar Rights."?Juniu*. [PAYAB|?~ IN*"ADVANCE 'V .? , - > . , - ' '' ~^ ' \ "* ' .. ^ : BY t. A. LEE .AND IIfi[GII.AVILSON. ABBEVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, JUN%22, I860. * YOLUME YlII.?NO. 8, POULfc.VL\, JE.WRGS & CO., 4 AND COTTON FACTORS, ^XTOUST^., * O-A.,1 * "* CONTrNUE tlie sale of Cotton nnd other ' produce iu their 'JVew Firnjtroof Warehouse, ? , _ ' *"U corner jacKson & iteynoian t>ta. Ca?h advances mnjien<]U*ir.y a disordered P3'sietn, ih?se Pills will pff/'pf- n (>nr 1. -1 / ? Ail " ?* * juri. i. dthmuji, auu v.. 11. /men, mm an urujjgiat-B everywhere. Van Scliack f the trek and.'Dix . trotted, ojjlieted vfttK.Virulent and Epidemtc MEDICAL Advice given,?rati9 by the Acting Surgeon ?tf> nil wlu> apply by letter with u description of thair condition, (age, occu pation, iiabils of life, and in. canes of extreme poverty,"Medicine fiirnishcd.rfree of charge Valuable Reports on tlnsJJew Remedies employed in llic Dispensary, sent to the ^iHicled in sealed loiter envelopes, j^j-pe of charge, ^wo ? wv?ui|?i JV<| |iu.-ua^c ?? III uc uccc|>tivic. Address. DU. J. SKILLIN UOUG11TON. Actiug*Surgc?rt], Hawnrd Assafcifeitioti, Ko. 2 South Ninth Street, Pliiladelpeft^-l'A. order of the Dir^dtflr?/ < EZR^ D. HEARTttgLL, President GrD? Filiriiii.n HtmruLn rk?- f.TOil 10m fflmTmr. . : * iHfe _' * 'A ? * ??? . AToto OVlllc^; ' S. C.^ -? W-OtfLT) r^pectfully, inform Ibe public tJt&ft iie bns -, QPdENED; A SHOP - . FOR THE !, _ ^king an. tliat ht? '%, OA. ASrannAtai P+^&nrttifiein A+anee. Cd?*URcnj?ift^of fc^'? ^4, it wi^dVoc^ the coni^Hin jicteroits Ol 4pr;U27. Tjp li\l?EPE\DEXT PRESS, BY LEE & WILSON. S: C. Two iftjillars in Advancc, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at thcui', Expiration of the'Yearl'' ?35^" All subscriptions "M limited at tlie time of subscribing, w illV>e ictinridorod a indefinite, anil will bu continue'! until arrearages nee paid, or at the option of the.Proprietor?. >_Ordera'from oth^ryiates must, invariably Tie accompanied witj? tho Cash.../Sg3 CANDID AT E S . | I - ~ ~ ~ ; ?^7? ~~ *> ' t or mo ijOgiHiaiure. The friends of W. .TAMES LOMAX announce him. a caiulidate.ior (he Legislature at the enanHig.eIect.ion. ' Por Tax Collector. Mr. I5f>rroa.'~PJca?e announce \V. It. Hilton Ag?a <>an?1idiitc foe the oflii-e of.Tax'collector M'the ensuing election mn4 oliiipe. MANY VOTOggr Tlicfrionds of Copt.. G. M. 51ATHf^0.N reopectfully .nniibui\cfe liiin as i candidate for Tax Collector at tlie next .ejection. . The friends of JAMES A. McCOIJI) respectfully nnimunee liiin as n Candidate for Tax" Collector nt (.lie next, election. Tlie friends of Dr. .1. F.^Crt^IJ respectfully announce liini ha h Candidate for Tax Collector at the next election We are authorized to uuiiiiuWS.' A. HODGES as a Candidate for Tax Collector, at the l U pt. W. S. 11A IlKJIS rep|x*<:tf?illy announce hini ns'n Candidate for the olHot* of Tax Collector of Abbeville District ut the next election. "* sa _j? ? Thenumerous friends of WESLEY A. BLACK Esfj.-, ri*sp?K.?tfiiUy announce: hiln ns n Candidate for Tux Collector, at tbe^next'eleetion. & , "* Srs~ ' The friends of HENftY S. OASO.N regpoot ully aifiiiiounce him as a Candidate for Tax fllliA Oliuniiur olr?r*tirtti ----jy i "j'b v.vv^.w... For Ordinary. $gT The friends of JOHN A; HL.riTER re ppectfully announce him h candidate for. the office of Ordinary, at the next election. ZW The friends of Col. J. ?G. BASKIN respectfully announce him a cnndidMe for the otlivu of Ordinary, at the next elcol ion Tim friend* >> f r<5Beut .JOKES respect fully nnnotinco Itiin as u CAiididulc forSlierilT at tlie ensiling election. * ,vr~ r noticeT rI^I?E OLD Al>A<;F. in when you ire doing 1 Tl-oll lf efeared an.l tlie other half in woods. Very healthy 4?>c#lion. Fiiip improvement#?a large coin fori able Duelling, H.'iriiB.tilahleF. Gin lloilse. excellent Negro Cubitus ic. ,On Lliis Trac^ ji? a Tine F :of|!ring Mili, With tlirecSet* of RUNNERS??ftfi(l a C1RCU"LARSAW MJIjL?all driven by fttenm power. This Si ill is in elegant condition, nnd hus boen ramtiug eight year*. clearing troni Iwcuti^/lve to thfttu ftrr ct-iil. annually. AImj, ft vulii(ilj|? Tract rff Pinp Land in Dfetric,f,..-?ontnininy ONE THOU; SAND AND FIFTY" ACRES, nn'd'_?n it is a first rale ? Saw Mill, (Grist Mill, Shingle il:. J Machine. This* Mill'fine been in opevntirfn seven years, paying from thirty to thirty-threejier crnt. an uualljj. f. . AM."?, on? other Tract of lani8lilajfi* in v ' |i| A3 jastre(reiVein til-State which wiU'-tte aol< as rt in aHjrother place. L MABtZmiLmS, 0 fast by St l^rotn $26 to UfAfl ST4NES I 4_ va^wpygw, . I, J*g. . 4k ' 1?U. JAlttfB' I\ 31MSR1 YJfc7*OULT) inform the pqljlfe tWj lie h4?'r< "VT turwi .io.the eo^rthi] tffe Ji?feti<;eof Aedfcine. Hi inwS# f?u4^j< HQ&SE, ?uttfc pfoffiMiofl>h f"'tfl-i r "^' J ' L,> * ' *'"" ?' "Vs '* * ' "* H32AVEN. Beyoud thetfe chilling winds nnd gloomy skies Beyond death's cloudy portal, Tliore is land where beauty nevcr.dicB And love becomes immortal. A land whose light isnever dimmed by shade, Whose fielde'&re ever-vernal; Where nothing beautiful can ever fade, But blooma for aye, eternal. -?L 0 "We may not know how swoet ite bnlmj' air. How bright and fair its flowers; 4 1 . ive may noi iienr ihc songs e postures vernal. Sl'KEOTI or' GEN. WSf. E. JIARTIN, ? o. ^ Delivtrtd before the Columbia (Toiivcution : Mr. President : I have felt, very utiwilling lo contribute to tlie exuitoiiieut which now prevail* ill this assembly. I have,* I therefore, restrained inftffilf from ?i?*iil.inir - ? I-- fc* in reply to tlie four gentlemen wlio addressed the Convention immediately before my colleague. . But, after what lias fallen from liim, [%eel licit it is imperative upon some one holding tli? views of our riuo oi me-.question uiider debate to ics|ioti?l to liis positions. I understand myfriond to announce two proposfprotis, to wlijuh I i^pIi to call liis attention, an ?I observe lie is -still in the hull. 1. That jn organixinsf the meeting in Charleston ami "preparing for this-Con volition, we called on liim, -ns Cii:i)$Biaii of tlie Central Committee, fur his endorse mem. 'i. licit finding himself in aN mi noiii)* here, lie will not remain to cast'imullier vote, and lie lias announce*! his intention to withdraw. ' ' (Tlie npestker having yielded the floor, 4 Mr. Barker explained that he was tni.sundorstood a* to the fii.it position), and as to ii.*. i i.~ - '? ? mo hcluiiu iiu mis uiiuci'kiiKm 10 say ue uiu nofctiteave the Convention l^niu>e he M in a minority. Hut, he repented that ue had said; being in a minotijy, 4.ia vote would bpt-a blank, and thcto. wflft no occasion for liini toSSremilin lnnniffiSs^iriiiAU ilm r^fetcr a recol!. .rectron.) The speaker proceeded : He was glftdsto liear the disclnimer on > (be fir?t ground. -116 felLfor himself and friends that tl?ev needed no ?n"] IWriecond paiiit^is to my mind on? w?8K| J out ft difference. ?It; tnerwi^-,^accordjpg :'lcf my appwfU^ion, t!^M?4i >"g, jnlflaicii to jfpitiUe hifi example: but tlieiiipoMlion is very similar. toj*i/g. 'wev, too, came here under the 4f)?^^?sit>n they nm<*jprity. Xliey tfcok mrewurjjs for aisuyjti^'tlie^ontrol^^f^^'i.s Conoeq? lion accordingly. Tliey^Ave Jbst it, and with it they seem to h'ave^ufiercd the 1osq :-of .their -twmpar alto. For hours we have limped stieam of complaints of^ie^frealment^ev hfiW mot with. AnJthia-hnfl bMi tiii* forth in no inea*urotHHr?gu?ge, and with ? no " bfiiled --breath." , J^or, hours hay* we ?at under fire??gur* tflW have drawn at til ill) a I fi my* alji^ty, ^ijnd -under tfis ii^'pcW"8fr afeall perform the doty fca well 4b-#^! ^ -.*W?. V'.-? ^ * .' !?;* ^Jw (cBetg?*ag?in8t UA. Wthat f/o have 'Prmseri^*fi^W^nnf1^''^i< tll^Ol) at vertt^??W i "a?* '&*&* -$t& p?f y f, Jt 'fc v^ J>ear in mimt thvsnfar<3? ?WU, I jrofer ^A^-h#yfc *gt> V , -> - lo the Charleston Convention- from the State at large should be reamed?and lie urged it ou the ground that they ift/e the delegates to the Charleston Convention.? lie did not assume for them as I am sure they would not fur themselves, superiority over other gentlemen. The choice was urged on the ground expressly that-they were the former delegates and had don? tyelj. The Convemion proceeded to ballot for o"he at a time. It was announced by tlio Chairman of the Charleston delegation to tlio April Columbia Convention that Gen. Simons was wij4iUrawn, and the same gentleman nominated Col. Ilayne. The lmllnt. tn/ilknlnri/. otwl ...?o f ~ mivi mi IIiUCIU UHO VIC ? olared to do cljoson. ' Now, observe, Mr. President, that it is just at this point of tyn^ that this demonstration is made. A gentleman, not of their party,, but tlieir nominee, is beaten., and for tbat reason the other delegates for the' State at large, in cjuick^succession, decline. Mr. Prestoq, a ? e .u:- ts ?i ' i > . . r.uci*-jjr?iu iruiu mis,v^uiit^resaionni uisiMCl, takes the same ground; and iny friend, th^iCjiinirman of the Central Committee, ad3res9e^.the Convention, accusing- us of mitRing pledges which wo have failed to redeem, and ending by resigning his position rtnd bidding us farewell. So that this state of things is shown : 1. We are sot to li?iye a single voice in tlie delegation, but must take the whole. 2. Upon the client of one gentleman, not even of their delegation nor parly, the time Ims arrived for their dispersion. I can form no other opinion thap that nothing would suit Uiem but the occupation of everv office in this ftaiivaniinn ? And, upon the failure to receive one only, they ii>f>uine the attitude of, injured innocence. To prove thegauHffcb of my tiou, I shall now retrace my steps-^for a law -moments, in order that I may show that the ConventioiiyjJOtftrty cawe here with an organized movement, to tabjptliG eStire control oi tins to fill every position of any importance' fii it from beginning ic end. Tliey have been disappointed.? Those who act with me have bpen.-willirig from tlie beginning, and are so still (foi we will not lie driven from our positiot^bj the indiscretion of ojjjt o^iolients,) to.di vide the representation equally. And yo\ I heg you to notice. Mr. President, thai all. this disHaUsOxqliun liaa/juisen when we have eUctcl '"^uk one delegate. ;JFbr?K more remflHj.-t0"'be elected1,Tbtit the assurance of our willingness to divide equally, when t\iey admit the power here is nol equal, w :Timy|fiuienl.to appease them. Ii ornvAM ili/in n,;ii\?. ? it. , V.J *II??V ujcjt r? 111 u^nrtin fiyd with noiliingsout absolute ^ont^o!.? -AnJ, although we liave ifiii fcrj^day ex fuessgd our hearty approyab^/^the conr*t II.a A.A il.. riL wiv'lit uua> yrl Ul? UUIl-^liLKS . IU I.UQfat/ll^| [JWo; Comretilion,. we -still lienr oUeitf tep^fet charges of- oiir condensing thefifov Let me now^ifcur-to oui uroc^diugs. iniepd^ftjtiw gung^Put I i which can injure a"V?y Khan's ' Those who know mg. ne^d ^at I n?vejt* u^e language recklessly x> <|areleb?ly at wlrieji anoffSqj can take of jtfshce. *T ^ T ,.p^ f I 1pK^jaoinitfepCfl;j*^if'T-y^tfr election f Mr.. Pre8i0iintt h^ve tfiki^a' inovemenlx JIWfein? i^i.^"""!"""1'- ? .w VijJdlllflBUUII OIK policy dbouW havo.'-l^qgr discOf?e# an^t, i possible, agreed upon i)el^e^n them, Tli Convention p/uty..are-tue actore in the fire mov?Tnent... We* are here, As it *ycre, b "their invitation. H2^&Ve .not^t'* rigl? jj therefore, io exp&cf thi\t yoUVoulcT-dfrnfe Pph'th us as to the persoiiH "wrJmm you mm , I ??1l \a- it. r\1- ?- *-? ... v,nu ?ir ctiw vimir) aiiLr^ier.i i'resiuent, an< send as delegates ? - Y?ould it not, at Wrbi " t*ve been reasonable to .e$j>e9^hat w should know w4iO'were to li?8? selecled' The CoiNention part^";n1^9i Kfcye. 8U??L ?rfoVl]kt- pelflMly, the kept "tiinr coqmU.v . Wfceji tW' hQnj^ riv?d toY y? ft*. P?8^ t- uwKer 10 iom-19 ortfdr Mrt tQjffi ^g^gtftiiv-K^^o tfieciinir . that g^tQiWSpVfl^ a Speech which 'fen ' ijfcrjtff'of preparatich -fttfout it-j-G.^n. Chic 1 h'eri^r .with hw fe?(?^jjpj^^;?pyint?u>g, '. (jgjnmittee, mid &*n.' TW^pw^n arut tji | -others to Hecyrtd\.httd ii4j{{W>rt fc^etn, "*A > ilfa^lodfcj ifcjr QP evOTrto Mfci . Oj^ f?<$ei If! wis a Of prepitfuWtm bf'%d | ^^9 not "know pf it. I lia<#'?yjf*fiJte(]i * ^ ^ Under these circumstances I entered tliti hall and immediately proposed an nnfendment to Gpn. Gadberry's resolution. As this has been charged to bo the commencement of concerted movement against the Conventionists, I take occnsion to say, that I nfiVfir a wnrrt willi onn nno r> 0 -'V "" tbo subject, exoept at liio meeting of the Charleston delegation (in whicb, I suppose, it is conceded tb^'Conventionists are in tho' majority)-wh|>ii it fide in ed to bo understqeg] (hat we^wotild oppose the appointment of Committees by tbo presidirtg officer. I made the motion, because*! had ndtf Succeeded in finding the Chairman of my delegation, Col. Hayne, by whom I expected the motion to be made. I say, then, that in this, the first step towards organization, the Convention party ignored us altogether. That it was a move, 1-i- -fl.i /-i . luciii iu yci |iua??B>iuu ui iiiB v^onveniion? and while, I acquit yotl, Mr. Presided nny knowledge of their irHeritions, or any deRire for the position, I cannot acquit them of making'their selection,-and keeping the party with whom I act ignor^jbt'of a fixed purpose to power and control in this body, ft has been charged, as another evidence of opposition, that another candidate was nominated. I have already said there was no copcert on our side in this matter. lie was nominated by a gentleman on this floor, and itvij^ery few moments he was wilhdraftivtjy the same gen[ tleman. This shows plainly there could t. L ' * imvtj u?uitv, no concert. xop were then elected/Mr. President, almost unanimously. ? The next cause of complaint Is the selection of the district system in the nfode of balloting. As an evidence of the absence ?: of concert, I mention thatvoted against . 1 la . i * * .? - i k. rrnno ueienti moso who act witli "me r ^om the. charge of dging^anything unusual { I refer to- the late April Convention when f*. the enme pyle was pursued. And for still ! filter evidence. I refer t^ua resolution offered , by Mr. B. II. Wilson, one of the delegates otHhe State at large, on the fir6tday of the >* meeting of this present.^bnvention. Let > it'ho rejneDpbered that the subject-matter ? tat.thl> lime was the choice of the President . of Hfyta-tfody. His resolution is as follow : ^ ; . Resolved, TKSfc all vofeyi; ,be 1aken by cTTS'triet^, and that each election district be , entitled?to cast the nunibei* of votea^it is s entjtjed ta^ca6t,,ij* the Senate and House of . Representative* undpr'the apportionment ot itijJV.' I The year 18*49 was substitut&l for 1859, [_ *and the resbjutioivvjias agreed to Without "a division. '^11 vjjtc?,' 1 presume, must mean . all bA)ldtgg'4^o. Who then are the authors of the district 'system ? Our frlenda the CoiiventioniBts adopted i^'in , ventioo, and oh the motion of a distinguish j. ' ed^neintfer qftb'ejr^jartyit H^beeh-J?dt>pted^tjere also. 5^ what* circtlfhstojrce are k-rjfce te'attributo their sudden opposition to , tMs^pkn. of 'tbeTr own devising? I nm at a ~ -lo83*/ijrJajiy-t)t!^er 8oIut:qiir-t,bnn tbe $?co, bos worked ftSdly forf^beir p0f? l.T%A3??-Trw-QTT<4i*t8 --Y?.r? .u-.a?. |. ^tiujr^u^rrv i^'unv" iyr iuo illol il(lit r discovered tlvat they are in a minority,, Bj the operation of their own rule-?-and.it hai '^converted approval into opposition. TU??f flow ciiatee-U9 with organizing j^jpyfttc'6: i in which tuevVUcover. fundamental-error land against which last evening not one o them raiSSfl hiajoioe'injlbiB assembly. I think (I ffbv^lhuaefFeQtqally exeulppU^: . thosd^witfc v^hotW^ net fffon*the charge o ihe arbitrary. lis^oPpower, bo freely agMj ,| *ea'rlte8tlyvteoiigl?t flgeinal ua. ?. j The last^Muid fib which thev resbthei if coArpkiints^atqlrt UR ie, that chos^i e onojfodlvirtual r?Ko wW notoiys.of tbefor\\Oqaer Vlelegatea. I htejjjp sotqe eitieot-.^l Y ready nnriSffetod^n J5?rt, my exapalna^y, r( o?' this g-royml? I lia<$ shown that tbt ,r desire of tbe Coa*?rrtiotftata is^l^t' w< u. .ehoul^Jreturn t^eir^3!*^elea^jon?8on}i j having been withdrawn, tb'ey aBre 'witibr^i t* at the, success of x>ne of our carf&1tia"l?*6)ie e their noroioe^, WJ?o ^fo-not of fthjB).r '? V& ?ur|^1lbown-4hat tjwjj r- tioj^Qes^Sl ;baj?otftJ r?Boe- ,^jpj>3 ^ ^ . V. * \ * ? Wte risking little to say, .that in:tho wide fioid?fiom which we are'now At liberty to choose, there are to bo-found m'^n of more* extended* experience, arid who have seen more,service in the publio council^t-han wo | could find . in t]># United number from j | which the selection of the Convention I party wa^made. JJpon What principle,^then, would tlfl&y ; restrict iUs mine selection? No orte will] pretend to soy that this body is n part of the onziipization which assembled at Charleston/or k identical rtith that which mot hero in April. Tim is tcogplgar for die.cussioo. The delegation from South Qgfolina in comhion with the other seceding States hy the ve>y terms of their withdrawal, constituted a new and distinct organisation. The resolution undef'^hich we.are assem ^bled, invited all iho members o fit be Democratic party who approve the platform reported by-tbe mnjprity of the States in the Cliai^eaton Convention. ThesC tcrmB are wide enough to embrace those who have not heretofore acted with the. Convention., parly. ^ And ttiey have felt themselves at liberty to obey the call because it looks to a Convention at Richmond, which is practically a Southern Conventin. It is not obnoxious to the many objections chargeable to the mode,of Organization adopted by the National Democratic Party of" the Union. We have, therefore, fe^t ourselves at liberty to go into the Richmond Conven lion. It. may accomplish nothing bdt it is recommended to my approval as a meeting of delegates from the Gotton-grriwiiig States. Every such ^onfer^ope will, t thifyk be productive of bervpBfe It is not possible tlirit g conference ofrmen , .dya'tyo together to eoireult id relation lo" their'dffmmon destihj^'.can do'barm;il" It njay;-prod,u<}o good. I, for one at leasts am wilUrpg rto tfike vantage of th? progress of events, ?nd we may possibly^, deriv%beuefit from thgm though they may prove the Chapter of acj ci?/>o!rUnl ?UVIVIVIV| ^JII a> yo IUCIH, thai ipf selecting delegufesf^r Richmond we aronot on an/ju^gcound res^rjo'tfed: t| {he dGlogateaJo. ChS fleet on. In refusing to return^thepi^evqnvif, we-bin; dope so, Sia^;at this1 tihrt'e^b have'iJJven.nt c.?.u 'I ? . nu^u iciuoni, 1>C uuilllllg" W^110I1_ jusuy SUD jecij^ua twi.be ohrtrga of repudiation epbavo been! h"rig^^^hd^j3legatet.in^qi|9l: nfftngerf *? ti^8w^8|ren^1^Df tho.parties were1 equal * Th&"if8j-?fl^p'dclegnte8j'have declined, but ] f .ritn ?willingJto vote for otV>V? whoMf *(h< T Cpnvenjliobi8tb'm'dy nominate. H?slu*h s ? "d'elegafcioi^i8 cbosetl-lim. willmg *to -rfcc t Kvijb^tbem in harmony and concert. I "den; ) ib^t^wejiavo done aq^l^Pg in-tbi9,body.l< dfl^'urb. 4^hcr. . If tHey refuse our overture i j and?co:a'tjn,p]e to'occupv their presents atti Relect^qlegatea who, We bopi P fetijllitynlrtK,'e\?ry effoft" i6 their powu#r To , life union of ibe Southern SuWfe, .and tb f maiirteift&ce of their just elaiin^jfr Vqufllitj and respect* M- * 4& TT? 4I ^ W Kjjj Out je(oi\ -the WoRen.?Yburrj m^ii, keep$oiir eyes'open when you are al * terthe women.. If you bite at Ihe jiafcei hOok"VOU are orrue'n. . Jk, Ai nrntlc fiintt, o r foroi bo attra?ti?^tji$?{tf e&y- /dee," qyeri h ^r^trtT^ort of ponseqyerto* - Alp^afUy^B j^pl Jgraw-.olf J^jot 'fft 1 #4h'-oir. 6ml to^C ?' gi^e way toi rt??'?co?d^f^ tbg terfoagttvfceing will.tak X rif-".Uik.lfc.li.J1i^--^,-*^l - uie pictuo ui ttfcr-Jiuireiy. gountf&s -wquisvniie 3 ?dd e$t* your u&?r ca*tir. 'igh# Qogjfcptt 9 wjlfiWjrfiie 4n'tWe kitchen cqjnef, artfJ^itl 11, the.ojjcespa^klftf^ 0^0 aj^j ^aaupg co\ib $ ^enap^e will J wk 'dagger? at *. ^Jifci^otll' eye of>en, bo}i< wmtf iri ? -'tfjLjfte women. If tiyj'deaf ifc cfowf^an( Jl. ? ? ?^ -row(\ipr^n^gtpr^pupiut?fe uacjfc rw| t l$ovr oifPTbo* fiuro.jWa ?Ul portion ? a>, ?a -ff i pKW ik* J y^ootb detfth. \ i - " j - A ~ LOVE OF COUNTR"?* There is a love or,country which comQg u?calted for, one kfrows not-.how. I. comes ;in the vety air, tiic eye, (he cnt; the instinct*, the first taste of mother's milk tho first beatincs of tho heart. Tho faccs of brother's and sisters, and the loved father and mother?tho laugh of" play mates, tho old willow,tree, and \tSll, and school-house, the bees at work in the spring, tho note of they lovely fobin at evening, tho*lulla"by, j the cows coming home, tho singing book, j the catechism tho visits of neighbors, the I geqeral tiaining?alf^things which mako j childhood li^fl'py, being it J and then as tho ACfPi nf nocdAn nn.l i1.a ? -J? ? w. r?..w.v.. Iiuu tuv; I*?c Ul iniauil Ulttw On, and love and the sense of homo and security and of property under law, promos to life ; and as tb? stofy goes round, and as the book or newspaper reles the less favored lots of other lands, and the public and the private sense of a man is formed, there is a type of patriotis?^already. Thus they find imbibed it who 6tood that 'fchargo; aft Concord, and they who hung deadly on the retreat, aod they who threto tjfyrttfe Hasty and imperfect redoubt on Bunker Dill, by night, set on the 'bloodied provincial flag, and passed so calmly With Preacott and "Putman and Warren tbroug the exnnrion/iAO tt?/v A"* /Tf - ? p.ivuvwwi iuc UlOb uie.?Is/lV(liv. ' i A Word to Apprentices.?Apprenticeship is the most important stage of life tbrotfgb wliiab tho mechanic ia called to pals.' it is emphatically the spring sdaHlh oj? his days,; the time when be is sowing 'tU&'8e^d,' the fruitS of whlfch be is^to *r^ap . in lifter"years. If bo spafe no labof^n^ta u ,^9pcr ctilttirOj be is sure of teftpihg-> an ' 'abupdant bafV^st,; {but if, iu the-^ultbre-. of the ntenCttl soil, hei/ollow tbo- example, of mrthy in tilling tbo earth, and carel?$sly afid .negligently ddes^hjs Work, lite thCto be will Jindliis 8eedlinfc.ititq.ft past', and the gfoUiidbnnging'fottprmHy vfceeds and bri? -are. L'et tlie young apprentice bear in .mind, when -he commence!* learning any busiftess*,. that all Lopes pKsuccpsa in tfie : future ahs dooriied lo fadeijway like the raptrilffg mist,^unless be. bear in rniria ibafc i -be can- bocqpija master of bis business only by tlie closest application j arid" the tnost persevering industry ; and that unless he > ooqs-tpaster i.U he niay Uid farewell to All i* Visions of futtfre prosperity rind success,? I iTIio n^jrentice is the foundation of the > ^grea^rafeehnniCnl tdifiye, and surely if^the fuSi^jiition b(?"nQt fit ra, tie -$ruoUire jtself ^ ^i$hbl<>9 nfjd falls to the eselh. Thetit "* .y<5ptigfltti^"wlfen my k*to feLricff 11 broke t " T * jQb Wonctfit wj^mampi^ told- ?Ift5dget" t^' 8 other da)s tq"s6? JjdVna 8 <%1ien fom^y fcaj$ moifer nnd 6 'tfien.pat^ib'Jb?ai'WUT?t>utroy-8uppA?eve^ ry iytie V ISsN " ! A ^au^^Ext^t.?-\V.herf* ibe * - is slowly v^tipg awa^ i" on the |?1g)iflu^of flge, niuV.ljge* shadow of if beco'in c? deeper and deeper, and r life wem* to its closevAkk ple^nl to l6bk a 4l|Tov\gl) die tirte u^pAp.V>^Pfw9 a and^iciftes bf our enrlieaferj^rs. 'ft *6 o IM* a^ip^Jp BhaTtex, re~ &w\-tto*d+ r>tof in X**'"" ^re8i(fes'f^D'th^oyg& Ipmees-of. way,farina. wjllli&yo ^> <$1 f tr ro . y.-^y6 - h ft -feeirpg gy Broken of ttTehfcarttw boM'tl?, i$ od\ -*^??pt^55rsr life^is not very W JflWg. A fftwlmo3*e.?r&il?? a* few more tours, f>- some ploawure, much ^flin, minshitae And rl.' an?ii mlitUn. ' VIVPMH yupi , pa?WN B'||T9 ? fa*?w*)U?thftifour listen pl*y will 0ld?e,9nd tha injurer nnd.injured will paw if I? it worth while to bsta each othX: **i. : . ,r. . '*' " * .1 ' ' i i I ; V ^ * -v