wm&m mm#**#m*mmmm \ a . : . jjii. I 1 ^ ^ ^ ,<>^1 f^''' ^ ^ PgVOTBP TO MTBHATTOB, THE A&TS, SCISBSB, ARBIGU!t? ?? " age, was about nine years; his clothes wnro ! worn and faded, but well patched. Ilis candy was placed upon a coarse white cot- j ton cloth, neatly stretched o%*er what had I been a japanned server. lie was surroiin- ! ded by a small group of boys, evidently be- , lonnrimr tn /liffiirent rrrn/lna nf cnni^n d -'O ? ~ ?7'?*" fc>'. As I came nearly opposite to hiru the oft-reiterated ihterlude, 'candy, sir?'fell upon my ears, and although^>ppose<^to the excessive use of candy, I stepped aside to ' patronize the light-haired, pale, freckled, i homespun little representative of trade. I purchased of him, partly for his encouragement, but with particular reference to the | friendship of the little folks of 'the family j vritb wboin L was a temporary guest. The candy was as white as the cloth beneath it, being free from the poisonous coloring ingredients so extensively used i? 1 the confectionary art. I tasted it, and found it delicately flavored and very nioe.1" 'My boy,1 said f, 'yoi^r candy ia very good, let me iia?e a little mora.1 I Immediately saw that ray remark Lad 1 awakened * in Ins young heart emotions 1 which, in themselves, were quite abstract from the candy trade. His countenance ' beamed with joy as he raised his large ' eyes, sparkling with delight, and observed 1 in reply: 'It ia'good, isn't it! Mother made it.' ? In the^e few words was embodied an < ^unconscious exhibition of childhood. Hero was a spontaneous outburst of filial aftec- 1 tion.. ! Now tbis' incident in itself was trifling, but .the spirit of this language carried aiy J mind back through life more than thirty yearit, and at irragumir intervals bade me r pause and apply tho sentiment to sorao item innr? iviim cJ.lnn. I Q- I taught io Iter younger days. Hut she knows their value, anJ lias toiled hard , many a day to purchase books for her children, and support them at school. And i shall I now curl the lip of scorn, or blush j in company to hear her substitute a word of unity for one of plurality, or pronounce I ( i word twenty years behind tiift Webster- i i ian ear ? Never?do never !?The old J i - ? - 4im^iuau:ui. {^laiuujur 111 my norary migut :eslify against her style, but its testimony ivould be indefinitely more terrible against Tiy ingratitude. T recollect when she rode seven miles 'one cold winter's day to sol 1 >roduco and purchase that book for mo .vben I was a little boy. Tt required a sacrifice, but 'mother made it i' Mission or Women.?If a man is in ' jjriof, wbo cheers him ; in trouble who con- ' soles him; in. wrath'who soothes hiiu ; in | oy, who makes him doubly happy; in 1 prosperity, who rejoices; in disgrace, who ! 3ick? him against the world, and dresses ' wittl1'gentle arguments and warm poultffies Lho rankling wounds made by the stinging arrows i*of'outrageous fortune? Who but ! woman, if you pltiase 1 You who are ill 1 aud sore from the btmota of fate, have you ? one or two of -those sweet physicians ? 1 Pofnrn tKonlrc #a ill/v 1? .^.u.u kutuo guut'iau mey uuvtJ lift you so much of consolation. ' Patrick and thS' priest.?''Patrick, the widow Malouney tells rao tbat you have stolen one of her finest pigs. .Is that correct or not J"?"Yj3, yer bonor."?"Wliat bavo you done wifc it.T*?"Killed it agnate it, yet bonqr/'^-^Ob, Patrick J J?at?j|sk ] When you ace brought face to f&co vit? the widow and her pig on judgment-day, what \ /i/jbe prcerable to any other. I believe religion-to be a matter, not of lemonstration, but of faith. God requires . to give credit to the truth which Ho eveals, not because we can prove them, but jecatise lie declares tli0m. When the ?ind is reasonaW^jotaVinced tlr.Ltho Bible s iue word ot (idd,4i&e only remaining du Y is to receive itq doatrin&ffitb^ fidfrcoi.filenco of their truth, j^^irKclice them with a pure heart. *g I believe that tf$ I5j0S:is to bo underslood and received in the plain and obvious Tie^pingof its paMggcs,'since I cannot w?uad myBelf that A-boo^fetended for the usirucuon ana conversion or the whole . svorld should cOvor its truo meaning id such mystery and doubt tliatTione hut critics anf God, and tbat Ho is the mofit accomplished.. Christian scholar who liwtli been jducated at the foot of Jestii*, apd Wthe College of Fishermen. " f5 . I believe tbat oil true religion contiw(fl-io i,he heart and the affections. and thai- ihn all bi? disciples a life of a**?ve Wneifc enco; that be who-refrains only from what jo thinks to Wsinful, has performed ^ut a * .-.j 1 ^ -? vtviYi.t> J AJft, UUU 91 0UJHII prtl t| Vi ill B uuiy J mat s bound_?> t]ogoo4.atfd communicate, to ova bit neigbbofjXd givfl fo&d ^nd'SriakJp. ?? ieo??/*o4 to ?ndeairoir,'8ofc&r ttiium ' J i v-. m - ^EBSTEE'8 SECOND SPEECH IN REPLY ! TO UAYNE. Mr. Everett, in liia oration on the accasion of tho inauguration of tho Webster State, at Boston, said: gt^Vell do I recollect tlio occasion anil ; ^fub sccne. It was truly what Wellington i called tho battle of Waterloo, a conflict of (iiantR. I passed an hour and a half with Mr. Webster, and his reqnest, tho evening before this groat effort; and he went over I . i to nu*, from a very concise brief, the main ; topics of the speech w hich ho had prepared IV- !.- f II - ? i>ji uju lonowmg day, do canu anci un- j impassioucd v.rs tlio memorandum, so entirely was lie at easo liiineelf, that I was j tempted to think, absurdly enough, that ho ! was not sufficiently awaro of the magnitude of this occasion.?lint I soon perceived that iiis cahnu.T.s was the rnposo of conscious power, llu was not only at case, | but sportive and full of anecdote ; r.nJ as | he told the: Senate, playfully, the next day, | lie slept soundly that night on the formidable [ assault of Iiis gallant :uul accomplished ad- j versary. So the great Condo tlept on tlie j cvo oi the batlie of Koeroijso Alexander j slept on eve of the balUo t?f Arbela; and so they awoke to deeds of immortal fame, i And I saw him in the evening, (if 1 may i borrow an ilustralion from bis favorite amusement,) ho was as unconcerned and as j free of spirit as some here liuve often seen j liiin while floating in bis fishing boat along '< hazy shore, gently kicking on Uie tranquil ' tide, dro ping his line hero nud tbor, with ! the varying fortunes of the sport. The nest' .jiiorniug lie v.ns like some mighty Admiral, i dark and terrible, casting tlie loikg shadow { of bis frowning tiers far over the 6ea, that seemed to sink beneath hintFTiis broad pennant streaming at the main; tb. stars and the stripes at the fore, the rnizuen, and the peak; and bearing down like a tempest upon j his antagonist, with all his canvass strained i to the wind, and all his thunders roaring j from his broadsides. -fr' ? T A Mother's Lovii.=?ftomo ten venrs! ago a boy was conviutw! of felony, and j sentenced to a long imprisonment in the j penitentiary. His poor mother wept when j site heard tho sentence, and looking tip teai fully in il.^ face of fhe Judge, she ex- I claimed pileously : "Won't j'our honor give : him a shorter term ? He's a good boy to I me, your honor ; he always w.ns. And I've j just made him the first good suit of clothes : he ever had, and tliev fit hitu beautiful : but ! 1 if ^ 1 i if you hejj) him a longtime p^jn, they j won't fit him at all, .when his gqpd nunc is | gone ? And then, too your honor, to stay there so long among reprobates; he'll may ] he, forget his poor oid~mother's teachings and be e'en as bad as they." .a Poor woman ! This son was her all; -Slie had tric-d to bring him up aright, and in tho fondness of a mother's love, she had been saving uenrly all her little earnings that her darling boy might have clothes as good as his playmates, and now, alas poor mother J ft Seeing her sorrow, the boy wept too, and V. mfHrtKorinn of ll.it. -11 I.-1L * - *' mw lino uiuuicih uu nur ion and care and ^luxiciy for him, he tlahl^i^<>; (Mass.) Agricultural Sooiet^^jwEU^cllons. there givgnin the sLatew^Hw^^m' .Stobbi"^, of South D&rfyldf$nTO^pE^b/brm for the premium of the Sociftl^.-*"" "S'Tlin fnrin in Anoatinn /i/inf?!no A.1 i - -y- - ?.-i ** "WPI tert of it worn-out sandy land) when ho qaido . ^possessioi*, over twenty years.agfo.^Biit , PP^resolved to liave a better Jivas" To' this sandy Geld (three acrc*. the firft year,) h6 applied clay at th$ rata of flft/loads per acfe, followed l?y twenty. * ' , m* of the beauties of the Cogrf oi'Prua- j* fiia said to the king, 'Sir, how jafctfiattyoii who are so glorious nlrcady^Rufteek for r new Camef*?-'Madame? he.replied, 'for tiro bbcm reason, that yop, although sabeau- ; iful, adfTwear rouge.' ' , WDger is txKommga fatfpte plant m the Southern State?, it beigg dW" covered to grow Jo^h^^y. : Scarcely* a ; garden ^ HI, b$ feuod jftlfw*0T^P^r,i f^at , will not^ffasre itit t '.'r nf liis Tmiiniiii r- y * (<> you that your wife died a year ago." ..Then the door was shut, and I heard no more ; the}* had but flung this great agony upon me, and left me alone with it." Sheep Ccltcub.?The rearing of sheep should be encouraged, not oujy for the value of the llccco, but to supply the markets of the State with choice mutton and miro?a healthy and covcted diet. At present tlierc is a great demand for wool. The Saluda Factory, near Columbia, owned hp James G. Gibbcs A: Co., is now engaged in the manufacture of woolens ; and ?=o plentiful arc the orders for this description of goous?belter nnd cheaper than the imported or domestic articles made beyond our limits?that they caunot supply them, from tho want of homo-grown wool. They disseminated extensively the kuowledge that they would buy any quantity, but thus far only about 40,000 pounds bad been ottered. In this condition of things, and when it is certain, that other woolen machinery would bo erected and operated, it behooves the Legislature to enact 6uch protective laws will promote wool-growing. Protection is needed, but that species of protection deuintkicd by North ren manufactures. All that is asked is, that a prohibitory law be enacted in relation to dogs, so that sheep owncisi may bo protected in their property. Every district in the Stalo is interested in this matter, and worthless -curs, kept in many instances by negroes, should not be allowed to retard the development of a branch <$%U6batidry so well able to lift our mate oiu or dependence on me i\ortli. Lo<>r. mautya-maker can ujc^ma^* and. only p6&?bJo for a aglring artc^itl*- to do.' There will bo plenty of employment for tb^qyrnora, of the latter in^BBe'good' time tomingjJJjjH&rtbcrinore, it is dccreed ?nd ordered Tuat tho ligUtT sleeves shall dome intrv lien Tfiimnio- toro ?? ' ""J" "V ?' Eugenie ?ays no American Woman ^ftild venture to gjflnaay-y. disobey.,* W QjMfe hear tbat short hair, cut( imp^rinl;(feo^^aod tP^tjbfr ' ua i^y wa mer^a'n oliear^ol^t^^^^^ marvel at tue nsaKfcot tasUiop,?mtnCwi* Lkakning ANb 'fl>? tea?j#a Bjftu r,~~*"i "KIBinalLANOCUS. Tub Box of Shamrocks.?At tl*o departure recently of 0110 of tho Gal way steamers from Ireland, a touching incident occurred. A poor old woman was observed to get onboard, having" no luggage whatever exccpt a box filled with Shamrocks, j Upon being interrogated, sba said that her son in America, who, after many years of industry, had nt last obtained a home, had j sent for licr, but was only able to remit tho j mero passage money. "Ho towld me,*'she continued, "to bring soino reinimbranco j with mo of his birthplace; and shure, this , is all I bad to take. Maybe he'll be pla- [ | zed to sec it." | How to Banish Discontent and Scan- j j ijal.? An excellent clergyman, possessing i ! much knowledge of hmnnn nature, instructed bis large family of daughters iu* the theory and practico of music. TiieJ?*gpf? nil observed to be exceedingly amiable" and happy. A friend inquired if there was any j sccret in the tnodo of education. lie rej plied, ''When anything disturbs their temper, I say to them, ''Sing;' and if 1 hear them speak dgainst any person, I call them j to sing to me; and so they have sung away j j all causes of discontent, and every di^)o- | ! sitiou to scandal." Method to Inckhase tiik si/.e ok Fuuit* A solution of copperas applicl to apple, j pears, die., it is said by n French author, will cause tliem to grow much laiger than usual. It should be employed three or four limes during the season, commencing when the I f... .!i C..1 -.1- IL i.l .1 I ii uu un>i 5Cis, uuu uemjj repealed ?u pcriocis before tlie fruit begins maturing. The application should bo made after sunset?never in a sunshiny day.. Sulphate of iron (copperas), it is well known, induces rapidity of j absorption. The use of sulphate of iron j has been prescribed as a specific against j the black-knot in plum trees. It must be applied alter ^he knot lias beoa removed by excision. Market Reports.?Mr. Partington says i she can't underhand tlicso ere market re-.. I ports. She can uuddfeland liow cheese can j be 'lively, and pork can be active, atjd- feaj there drooping?that is, ifjt's laining; but I l ow whisky can be sloaJy, or hops quiet i or spirits dull, she can't see; neither*f|mw lit M n . t j laru can uc iinn in wr.rm wcauier, nor iron I S&eltled, nor potatoes depressed, nor flour rising?unless JJieta bad been yoast put in it?and sometimes it wouupuol rise then. O ?>- r? When Bisljon Leigliton was one "day lost in meditation in bis own sequestered | walk at Dutnblanc, a fair 3-oilng widow catnap up to him, and told him it was -ordered j that bo should marry her; for she; lind dreamed ditice tLat she was married to 1 him. "Very well,"Replied . tho bishop, "whenever I shall dream thrice that I am married to you, I wilt let you know, and' wo will be giarried immediately."?JLf,s. Grunt's Letters. Evebv young man should remember that the world ^always honors industryT The, vulgar nuu useless idler, whose energies t>f l . J.. 1 .1 a * p _ A r uuuy anu iijirui are rusiinir ior want 01 occupation, may look with scorn upon the laborer engaged ul his toil; but his scorn is praise, bis contempt honor. -o- -o- .. Mkn's lives should be like the days, mofo beautiful in the evening; or like the seasons, aglow with promise, and tho autumn rich with golden sheaves, where good words nn<> deeds have ripened on tho field. ? ? _ ,r Don't despair. If you slip ,n>rh ar^n 1 ^ '* ft''' A new sewing tunfihine^to collect rentB, ~ 4 *Sgf' . *'*' .mend manners, and repair-faiail^ breaches, is much-noeded. ?-"* w' ? The earth is a tender and kind mother to the husbandrflan, and vet at Qne'-fceason jfcSJv*'" , be" always harrows her bosom, and at another he pulls fief ekri.7* *v . 1 A Spanish paper says that wolves are abuja^ant in ftljat country. J? rated cloth % ': >. fombe log: gle . *Hp^sy5r<%i&U^E^UEnUIBiKttrSj^*' Bffg?^raBCIi8Bw*^2^2glMlMSBBjj^B^C^ < * y^i-sV5* *?*>' I ; d3SV nB^3 Ssbh^S'??*'!