":fe DEVOTED TO MTIHATPRI, THB ARTS, SCISWCjg, AGRICgLTPHB, HHW8, POLITICS, &CM &C. ^ TEEMS?ONE DOLLAE, PEE ANNUM,] "Let it be Instilled into the Hearts of your Children that the Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of all your Rights."?Junius. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. , VOLUME 2---N0.28. ABBEVILLE C. II., SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1854. -WHOLE NMBER # " ^ - - V.? * ' % PWBTHT. ~ : T ' i I * - My Neighbor's Home. c"s.; ' My neighbor has n noble house . . vOver the way, ' While mine is poor and meanly built OfeticVs and clay; His bouse has gardens rare and fine, But mine has neither flower nor vine; His house is built of marble white,' Boheminn glass lets in the light, -There's Persian carpet on its floors, And silver knockers on ite doors, < >'- And all its ware, so wondrous fair, Of richest woods is quaint and rare ; And many guests go in and sup From gold and daintiest Sevres cup; And mirth and music enter there, Filling it a* with charmed air? Such is my neighbor's noble house Over the vmq', Xiookinc oh mine but mcnnlv built Of sticks and clay. Yet, though I live across the way, In a mean houso of sticks and clny, And he is rich, and I out poor, With but a latch-string to my door, Why should I sorrow or repine, Gazing upon his noble house And gardens rare and fine!? . They"cost me nothing?they cost him care. And after all they're mine! 'They're mine, becnnseal borne, content, ~ I .drink from them sweet nourishment; I sec them morning, noon and night., In every new nnd changing light, , Beautiful ever, but more to me Than to him who lives there merrily; ? Or seemingly eo, since he must pny Dearly iu money, and care and pain, For what 1 can see both night and daj-, " - Free as the sunshine or-tlie rain-; , Hia noble house and his gardens fine Were made for me?aud to #ce, ore mine ! V* . 7 I hear his music and see hi* guests, ' He pay# the'piper, and seldom rt-ou yfijgyj .From toil and care, in his marble honu*. . '^Wljile I sleep sweetly and dreaming roain v Over liis marble house so fair, S6B38H*iSiM^ttud ,are? . Plucking tlieir I ?3bH$x everywhere, & Paying no tnx of nioneyTirctife; .* X?~. Thus I ani richer hv .far than lie, ^ JJprbis house nnd gurdens uro mine, re:it free, .Apd long as Vlive, if they lant, will be, And itdbody'll curse their'rich owner in me. *?||7 ; MISOELLAJTY. * ; [fOB THE piD?PKNI>KNT.PRESS J . v.|fp From Columbia. ' -"Messrs.-Editors: To your letter of a recent date, inviting me to occasionally oc^ . nine a nlacc in tlie Press. I would rcftocct w* f .'.V- . v.. . ' fcfy* reply, and say, that I feel myself flut-. ^^^ leired by your invitation* and will inostcheerfully accept it; but that yourselves and your l^?4?n>/|uay ^ apprized of the character of ' , my contribution?, and of the humble source V vh^noe thoy emaruite,_a few words by way /V4. of introduction may not be out. of place. 'ill - " J?kD^ fi.ret>your correspondent is of litiinble origin, and one of'tlie Peoplb-?his loves, his sympathies, yea. IiIk. very heart and ^SS^vioul. are with the people. Nor dm's this ^j^^^vfoeling' spring from Ills wtly jiFKociiitions, or -Mho blind partiality of liia riper years. R?i. bod, he thinks, sanction* it, find gratitude approves it. Who are they who clear our laqds, commit the precious seed to thd earth, . and gather the goldel) harvest? Tj^o p<*o pie. , Who are they who erect our buildings, conduct our commerce.buildourships,V -afld supply as With the comforts and i*0?ve-; -pie&cea of life ? Thq people. Finally, who xm they who protect our. coasts, fight our. battles, and Overawe our e^eixiie?,;r The gig- peaij^"<3od bless themthe people ngst these an- the appointments (called hy courtesy elections) of Electors of President and Vice President of tlie United States, of Governor and Lieutenant Governor of tlie StaTe, of Commissioners in Equity, of all Magistrate*, and of all Commissioners of Roads Bridges, and Ferried ; that. to Kecnri* thesr> rirrlit '. tJu? of South Carolina was instituted, deriving its powers from aristocratic and moneyed combinations, strengthened by years of submission on the part of the people, hud additional lustre on ouf haritVanfl character. x. 1' It joy. I mfojJtTVon llirtt PiW. \V11,1.1 \ mi- hris itt u pjcwwl d??;rcH; rwnveivil from th?< discfaf that u> vacate tin i?imir in 'the South (.wolina Crflii'gi", and tlmt ho j?"here now on a j No man ever Idfc ..Columbiaground #lforo tllB ftffi>ct5ons ofbfttll old finrt ?Alini? mAtn firmly clang that Matt Wuojam^.. ;Tbo whoie.tpwn vr?!cortiwl jiimi, by individually calling '.upon liim, and the College;revived the. latter .pkuaWjhe toiK-hodmany a hsjart, BM^ttlly ' in the' following[J^Unmvr** "t^ugh. hm useful dayfi'n??gf>t .^kw'beenpai^l elsewhere, h? immifett ;**^<4pMhe ofcj. eiV^pos VdUi: though' Gf Oygl^^ ,jj? hoTOtt, UarolmtfiJmd her interests were ?ver |[S Nor should she stop hero ; she should exempt from taxation the few gallant spirits that yet remain. "What ! says one, exempt the property of the Palmettos from t axation ! rw; you exempt from taxation the property of several Societies and incorporate bodies; you squander thousands to the four winds of heaven, for which you cet no return but laughter and ridicule. In view of these facts, do you 'think it unreasonable to exempt from taxation the property of your poor, sinking, dying soldiers? Alas! many, very many-of them have but little of this world's goods either for exemption or taxation. Their heritage is poverty, their stock in trade ifc disease, and their home is the grave. Nick Bottom. Columbia, Nov. 9, 1854. WRITTEN r?n THE INDEPENDENT PHE88. Oglethorpe University. Afessrs. Editors.:? If you will permit, me to occupy a column in your paper, I will endovor to cnll the attention of yotir ninny readers to the merits and claims of this noble Institution. I am constrained to do it, not only because it is due to the Instiution itni'lf. hut. hw-ansfl it in fn all wlin liivn and desire to promote tlie principles of n sound and thorough -..-ducat ion. Oglethorpe University is situated in Baldwin County, Georgia, about two miles and a half from Milledgeville, in a pleasant and healthy location. It is under the patronage of the Synods of Georgia, South j^arolina, Alabama,- and Florida, and has long been known as an Institution that would compare,~without disparagement, with a maior itv of the Colleges in any State, anO especially at t.lie South. But there are few, who, having neither visited in person, or taken special pains to inform themselves concerning it, are aware of the rapid improvement it lias been making for the last four years in the varioua facilities that give iuterest and worth to a Colh'ge. It would be needless, as well as tedious, to trace its .almost yearly |. progress iq-?these facilities of usefulness, and US consequent1: advancement m the confidence of the. learned and the good, who are acquainted with its merits. Iq this brief sketch, I will only allude to itn many advantage*, and speak of what it now in, and what it promise^ to be. As to the situation and building of Oglethorpe, in point of 6onvenience, taste and elegance* it would be difficult to speak in terms too extravagant; aud 1 am confident, that, were 1 to attempt a description of it, it would be pronounced by ft very-one who ha# stood upon the spot arid'gazed upon its indescribablebeaiity, to be far short of the reality. I will only sav, that the College building, including the. beautiful and comfortable dormitoriesjou eir | ther side, present an imposing right, of four ii)A?ive columns which,.if viewed from a distant eminence or ;mear prospect, rfan not fail to excite the highest admiration in the rhont' i'BSUiflidUS ljelu>lder.'*:Th?' course of study in Uiis" College has ever' been equally thorough with that of. any other College; it is the mode wliich is adapted in the mosteminent (3ollef ?ticb'aen retSripg dispoeition, combi n eel with, the to^grpat Apathy th^t prevails on oioly 'nrtu^Wl^b hri&rx>f Wlent?^inn together was to have been ?225. Jiut finding Tom Thumb more successful than I thought, I sent word not to proceed i with theckrleton. My manager, who never thought as highly of the scheme as it deserved, sold the skeleton for ?>50 or 875; Seven years afterward I received from the South an account of a gigantic-skeleton that had been found. Accompanying it were the certificates of scientific and medical men as to the genuineness. The owner asked $20,000, or $1,000 a month : I wrote to him if lit* Kl'Allirlit if Alt T ul-n if if T it as represented, or would pay his expenses if not; I touud it was my own original humbug conio back tome again of course I refused it, nud never heard of it afterward. Republics?Ancient and Modern. It is idle to measure the United States as a nation, or the Americans as a people, by drawing parallels. The entire history of" the world furnishes no parallel, either to the republic or the people, so that all inferences drawn, and prophecies made, on the strength of what nations and races have J A A " *11 * _ I oonu 111 past wme, are a lost illustration applied to us, Every nation has its peculiarities, every age its phase, and every people its distinct manifestations. The nation is an image of the pf ople; the people are a reflex of circumstance and condition ; and the age is a cycle through which nation and people pass. The attempt to justify or condemn, by, contrasting moderns with ancients, generally shows the imbecility of' searchers for analogies. The only analogy that can be drawn between nations or races, is, that the one'were either kiugdoms, empires, hierarchies. oligarchies*, or reuitblics. from their form of government.; and the other either savage, barbarous, civilized or enlightened. There is just so much similarity, and no more, tieythia was a kingdom, and so is England ?Greece toat a republic, and ao is the United States; and there the parallel ends. The old kingdoms and republics founded their politics upon their peculiar positions, accordiug to the character and circumstances of their people, and the ne*rdo the same. But how different may be thoee positions, characters and circumstances I England is not like Spain, yet both are kingdoins. Nor ib our Amenw pf to-day, like the Kom * Taking of Sevastopol.?The intelli-^ > -a'1 geneo by the Arabia says the bombardment r. of Sevastopol has commenced, and that it is nxpecieu mat 11 wm lan in two or tnree (lays. This is not so certain, as it will be re mem- > bored that the Russian troops at Elau resist- Sjwjj n- V4jl trary quite the reverse." ' ? " ' \ When you bear a man oftencomplaining that his newspaper' is "horribly stupid, and *~ti not edited as it ought to be," it's a sign (teato one) that ho is considerably in arrears op tlie subscription. raaJSa When you hear a woman inveighingpnb- ' lily against "the marriage state as it-is," . it's a sign she never tried it?or if she has, married a man whose wife^was probablyaa. ' r > much in fnult as himself. \? ?' ?-jM To thePoiSt.?The Woonsocket Patriot has the following:-? . /'There arc various kinds of meanness in " : j the world, but there irnone inore contempt* J ible 'ban receiving iWnew$ipape* for veara and then sneakin? off? without, paying Jtor-1t We'have liad some experience,of , the-kind. V- < The Poetmastef will write-that Mr/ j^f$l Sneak has left town, and that his pap^r is not called Tor. 41 Wis always wnfe'such^a v chap down as an unmitigated.scoundrel,'who would steST "his1; grand-mothei'ft grave clothes." ' ?.?' - :_1 . -.I'v' iVtf-f ' A ^ _ DKATIIS IN NKWBStlRr/^Wa ldlTBfrfHI* ? the Newberrian that E, Y.^McMorriea^^ citizens of that district^ that to*iHastweelri The former wm aeis^" with apoplexy on Friday TiightSw^ w(^inw; on Saturday morning. T)w latfer bad been ' - ,m in fieeble health foi 8oto^y^ars,;but fcfr deati. "ji was sodden and ?ne*pec|fld. t , ' , ;/ LAy of Sah til!?