' TffE'TOirbTEPENDENT PRESS _ IS FUDLI9IIED BVKRT SATCBDAT MORSIXO, " TERMS. per annum, invariably in advance. /) Advertisements will be inserted conspicuously jf at the following very low rates: J? 1 square of. 12 lines or lees, 1 insertion, "75 ^ Every following insertion, ----- 37 1 onnnVrt S tnonth?L ------- ?4 00 | -a-"" 0 .? *6 00 11 1 " ? 1 yenr, 10 00 Announcing a Candidate, (in advance,) 8 00 p: Liberal deductions will do mado to persons . advertising largely. > Cl AU obituary notices exceeding twelve lines will be charged as advertisements. : .WAIL communications and lotters on buai- ncsb with this office, must bo addressed to The Independent Press, Abbeville O. H. S. C., rnEpaid, to insure attention. MISCELLANY. A Creditor's Song. J IVe waited on you scvoral times, a With my account bo small, ti And now I write to ask, if you * Intend to pay at all I a 1 iv.t 'J 1<1?i. > * vu uouu KV onj luubj uu u 1UVA ill, And "settled it should be S But you forgot?I'm short of "tin," ^ And so I write to thde. Oft at your officd I did call? Long on your stairs I eat; You wer? denied, though in the hall I'm sure I saw your hat. When I got in once by mistake, " * And 'twas too Jatc to "cut," You said "you'd only got a cheqne, j] And all tho banks wero shut." U ?nfc nil your dodges ain't no use, j Letters mast como to hand ; g Andnoithcr humbug nor abuse ai Am I a-going to stand. " B Shell out I or in tho county court ^ Buped up yousnrc shall be ; p ?" But"If you'd settle,-.as you ought, it Wri W by returi?i(o mo." * POETRY. : Scatter Blessings. ' I don't know qf. anything in tho world r tUat.-inakca ft bcxiy feel bo good aa to scatter c~ ' Goo<^?rop?^|joodlu " If there's anybody living who thinks his r\ mhtch,"misery can't be found, I wish he'd J come-fright here to me, and I'll put him 011 tho right trade for comfort. This whining, * this being unhappy, how it makes a man lr feel and what a sliame it is to him. Avery n? unhappy man told me he was miserable? gi that nobody cared for'him. I told him he c.r didn't care f?r anybody, and that made him fa miserable. lie didn't like it much that I wouldn t Jetino florso 8teP oenincl tne cart, just ns lie pufc ,limT wasn't I right ? 1 _ don't know a great deal, a?d I uever expect to, but my restlcss> wandering eye has at rt last dipcovcro^ the lurking place of pleas- J ure. I know tlie secret of happiness, yes I g< do. Scatter lj'essiu^?run with your bucket, and help fil* the occau of happiness. Don't bo frightened because you are not pi . quite as*bi? as everybody else?because you to arc rot quite as showy as Goliath of Gath. tli Rim straight along with your bucket, and pour it into the ocean of human happiness. fr, I>on't tremble on the road for fear you'll dc meet some might)' man wlio'll ask you a- W bout "those few shec'P you left in the wil "J derncafi." Go ahea(l the bucket?get ft through your busine83, aQd you'll go home w< with a liohtjieart, and your face wottYlook like "OlffHundred," as 5t did before.' You won't have to say tha^ you-live in a bright '' little world of delighti out tliat your face is gc go elongated by your discomforts that no lei yardstick can measure '* O'l .scatter blessings?it's holy, it'fi sub- Vl lime to do it. .Scatter blessings, and-com- m forting angels will be your guard?you will S< not hein tfouble like other men, and a joy ^ "that passeth umj^ratanding'' will fill your f heart* ' ' ' ' K ?No Ok* Loyes "Me."?" No opo loves la Speak, it ?ot,?believe it not/if tbou UoDerttfo^peaoe, for coraforQTor sympathy" , ip ti^The phrase is of dreary * ii)jil<^(t(fc'L'illff| "'hi ii there were no stars * sy^^^p^E^mother.turned frttrn her crying . ^rkstlin Iiiir^^tdbt ii jfVUt* ati&^pve ^roof of its false- ^ ifc,?j jfr.v,I : : i, faaffiniJift SlMPSOIf, 4b GARDINER, AftfcllOUSE AJfD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M'INTQSH St., AUGUSTA GA* aTXTJSili.continuo the Wnro'lS^a* jf DOUae and CommiutonJi^Sg^ usinesa in their FIRE-PROOF BUILDING on .'Into^hStreot, in all its brnuctiM, and hope y strict personal attention to tho interests 01 11 who may put busiuess iu their hands, to torit public favor. Orders for Bagging, Hope and Family Surlies filled nt tho lowest market price. Cash Advances niade when requir& .on produce in store. 1. R. SIMPSON] [J. T. GABDINLB. August 29, 1864. 16 6in Whitlock, Coskery & Co., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CAMPBELL ST., AUGUSTA Ga. c-^-VrpiTE Undersigned respect- ^ V jamway JL fully inform their friends nd tbe Public goncrally, that thuy still coninuo the abovo BUSINESS, nt tbeir old Stand, rliere they willgivo their undivided attention > all uusinoM entrusted to tueir cavc. lauer1 Cash Advances mndo on Produco in store. Orders f*r BAGGING, ROPE and fnmil}* UPPLIKfl, Carefully filled at tho lowest Marcts. . J. W. WH1TLOCK, JOHN C03KERY, A. J. WH1TLOCJC. August 12, '64. 1-4 ra THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Abbeville District.?In Equity. >hn Brown and filliam Truit> Executors, Bill for Partition vs. ? of Land and Ac[acklin Brown, counts. uriab Brown, ct. al. i 1 T Appearing to my satisfaction that Macklin L Brown, Atkins Corlcy, Joseph Peason, and Patrice Deason, Henry fiailey, Sorano Bnilcy, ad Elizabeth Bailoy, Defendants in the above lill, resido beyond the limits of this State! On lotion of D. F. Jones, complainant's solicitor, rdcrcd that said defendants do appear, and lead, answer or demur to said Bill within throe lonthsfrom tho publication hereof, or the same 'ill bo taken pro ccix/cmo agnioat them. H A Tn\'i,'d n v a r> Commissioner's office, Sept. 6, 1854. 3m Ho! for Chick Springs! rHE Subscriber has now on the lino between Greenville and Chick Springs, a fine and >mmodious FOUR-HORSE HACK. fhich will leave tho village every da3% after io arrival of tho care from Columbia; and rcnning, will lcavo tho Springs after breakfast. Fare, ?1 00 each way. Seats can be secured at uiy residence, pposite the Mansion House. Aug. 12 14tf W. L. CRAWFORD. TO BEHT, rllAT large, new and well finwlied STORE on Washington Street, adjoining Wilson Williams, a short distance from tho Public ill fire nn(i Mnrahnll TTnfnl OS fonf f? ?n/l ) feet deep, with a good Oouuting Room and on House, now occupied by Woi. M. Jlugliey i n Wholesale Grocery Store. From its cliblo situation, it is considered one of the best Joitions in this place. Possession given by the rst of Octobor or sooner if required. For further information apply to John McLaren. Abbeville C. IL, August 29, 1854. 10?Dt Southern Quarterly Review. rHIS Periodical is the only ono of its class in the entire region of the South : and its-pats are referred to as the best evidcucc of the >ility of the South, and its capacity to give pression to the feelings, the iutcrests and inlligence of this section of the country. Its irpose is to fairly represent ourselves, mid not misrepresent others. It aims to maintain e trutii as we understand it, aud to assert the tullectual quality of our section, while, at the me time, it will free tliemiud of our people that state of literary thraldom and depenncy under wiiich we liave too long labored, e claim then, from all lovers of tbetiouth and o friends of a truly home literature, that sup>rt for our work which will enable us to give a free course, and thus mnko it omiucntly orthy of the world's odmiration and our pride. C. MOUTIMlilt, l'ulisher. I Office "Southern Quarterly,Review," Law in go, Broad-et, Charleston 8.0. . The following resolution was adopted by the luthern Commercial Conveution, held ia Charston in April 1,854. Resolved. That th? Southern Quarterly Rcew, published in the city of Charl&ton, by a itlve of ViVgini*, aod edited by one of the ost distinguished literary gentlemen of the >Utll. beincr thn o |/vi?vuivm v* u;?v UIWiter, printed and published in tbe Southern ates, and having always defended the instiitidns ami interests of the 8ontb, is entitled > tho patronage of the Southern people, and lis convention earnestly recommend it to their yorable consideration. "?>' " ; r. P J.nh*W FaftaW i cjtb pfciait 'the demand. PTW * ? *? ?% ** < ?tri? '." -. :> J'- 1 . ? i. 'r.i >. IfeW Hill MlfC IliUt *K2t$?i; HAV?. located myself at Hodge*' 'J ' ' I ..' " ' '. Y . AUGtTSTA ApVERTlBEMENTtf. Everything New and Fresh. I IA if _ U i T? 1 A Hm. K^kJ. A# Al IDO new ana mcgHBi urj uuuus vnurc ui WARD St BURCnAld), AUGUSTA, GA,' Opposite Klanonic Hall. ~\\7"E ftro now rocc-iving our Spring pur T ' chirtfCB of riflli And elegant . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, To which wc take great pleasure in iuviling i t he-attention of all in want of Family Supply*, feeling assured tbnt we can offer tho Greatest Bargains to bo found in Auguste? In Rieh Spring 81LKS, elegant Wedding SILKS, ORGANDIES, TISSUES, BAREGES, BRILLIANTS, French Jaconet*, Lawns. Besides the lnrgesfrstock to be found of Hiirli T.iiKt.rnH RLACK ITALIAN SILKS, tlin moat elegnnt Goods ovcrofferod in Augusta. Now and Beautiful PARISIAN PLAIDS, of entiro new designs, with the handsomoet and riclicbt combinations of colors, including tho "] gay, the grave, the vicb, the elegant and chaste. ] RICH EMBROIDERIES of every description, and in fact every other kind of Dry Goods 8iiitablofor Ladies* and Children's Wardrobes. SHAWLS and MANTILLAS, of every kind. In this department will bo found some of the RICHEST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS evor exhibited South of the Potomac. MOURNING GOODS, in great variety. American, English and French CALICOS, in endless variety. MANTILLA AND DRESS TRIMM1KGS. - We shall bo prepared to plcnso y>o moat fastidious taste in this difficult department, by keening a largo stock of Trimmings constantly on hand. HOUSEWIFE AND FAMILY GOODS. I As Irish Liuens, Litien and Cotton Sheetings and Shirting*, Tablo Damasks, Napkins, Towellings, Ac. Augusta Shootings and Shirtings, Cotton Osnahurgs and Georgia Stripes, at manufacturers' prices. . Our Goods will be offered at a small advancc upon the original cost for casli, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. They will bo shown freely, represented fairly, and submitted to the unbiassed judgment of 'ho purchaser. Our aim will bo to please all c! .*ses of buyers, in stylo, quality and prico of our goods, and in polite attention. All orders, accompanied with the ensh. prompt ly attended to. WARD & BURCHARD. Augusta, March 26, 1854. GRAY BROTHERS, AUGU8TA, GA. T~>EG to inform t.H<* nnlilt/? Mmt tli returned from the Northorn markets, with a full and complete stock of Spring Dry Goods. Having all tha facilities in tlio purchasing of tlicir stock that a cash capital can command, we bog leave to assure the public, that wo will always keep on hand tho very best order of Goods that can be obtained, aud sell them on as fair terms ns the like quality can bo purchased cither in this market or Charleston. Among our stock will bo found tho following lipniitifnl flnndu Chaste and Elegant. Spring Silks; Sewing Silks nnd Tissues; Bareges and Barege PeLancs; French Muslins and Lawns; White Silks, of all styles; . Black Brocade and Watered Silks; Plain Black Silk?, all widths; ( White Embroidered Muslins; , Colored Dotted Muslins; l'lnid and Striped Muslins; Swiss and Jaconet do.; ( Book and Mull do.; , j White and Col'd Tarlton Muslins; Crimped Evening Dresses, new styles; j Mantillas and Scarfs, entirely new; Crape Shawls, very chcap; White Bnrego and Sewing Silk Shawls; j French, Amcrienn, and English I'rinU; f I Ginchani!?. of nil Wlni!* Linen Lustres find Chnmbrys; Cheap Long Cloths and Homespuns; Irish Linens, (own importation); Plain Linen nnd Linen Drill, for Gent* wear; Linen Sheeting, exceedingly cheap; ' All kinds of Cotton Sheeting ; Pillow ciwo Linen ; , 40 inch l'illow cuse Cotton ; Hosiery of every description, very chcnp; . Embroideries of every description; soinc very fine; "SewingSilk Hits and Gloves; Kid and Silk Gloves; lUWBlk and Lisle Gloves; Linen Cambric liandkerohicfe, all kinds ; Swiss and Jaconet Bands, very rk-h; Cambric, Swiss and JaconetTrimmings and < Insertion; < Ribbon Trimming?, new styles; 1 Rich Bonnet and Neck Ribbons; j Lisle, Thread, and Linen Laces; i And a great variety of other articles too j numerous to mention, to which we respectfully j invito attention. [April l-47-6in AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE < CLOTHING EMPORIUM. ! \I7M. O. PRICE A CO., Tailobs?For tV the Spring Trade?Are constantly y ntannfocturing, and at'at.l times well supplied * with the n?wr>nt nf.vtnfl nf Clothing of all descriptions, i coatS) Pantaloons, vests, shirts, - CHtDBMIUBTs'AND DRAWERS, ' CHAVJklfc, SCXItrt,* GLOVES, BKLXS AJU> BRACTS, rioSKRT OF ALL ,KIKD8, f TRUN1%&, TRA VJSITjJNO BAGS, Ac., Ac. ^^^M^?Sr.Broshai, Combs, Rogers' Knives, I jHKKrTOfns And Port Monies, Canes, Umbrel^S8t^HAt%;Caps, anderery artiolo of Gentletnen's ^ fl|folmd'Wno?al<{toiutare. > ' jj ''to thb %ad??We are well supplied ii 0SJOTUS, OASSIMHRES, VBSTINQS and ii mrvi/nr/vo m.ii - ? it 2STS" uy ">? pwe* pattern or *JM^W(AjwwiUMU^owwe.aVeboajjiit % In New York. city. Wit O. ^BICET d w . W.T. INOKAHAM. fi "^ejr?ptem? ?o??8. ? 8ILKB, DAREOBB AND M ' QRQANDIBBx jA,CCti!fBT8, MS^^fSSl^ I HEAD QUARTERS FOR BOOB CARI AT CHARLES VJtutiarK:A.ai ms [Lata J. o. > cP < -? .9 o r*" *-* ? Tlic subscriber will keep on hand tlx COACHES, ROCKAWAYS, BAROl TRAVELLING ro lie had in the Btntc, embracing all tho ncwoa buiM to order any kind that nmy be wanted, EXarneas, double & single; Whips, Nettlu Also, Coachinaker's stock of a ?3?" Repairing in all it* bra ticket, pn \3TAll 1 Vor\ June 3, 1851. 2 n. SWAFFI "WHOLESALE CLOTHING ES No. 3 Granite Building*, Ry. ?fc RON" would respectfully invito tli STOCK of Spring and Si Manufactured by themselves expressly for TOGETHER WTT1 Men's Fnrni 8IIIBT8, GLOVES, COLLARS, BCBPENDK CKAVATSy" HANDKERI STOCKS, DRESSING Country Merchants wishing to sort up, vameo Stock", nnd at Charleston Price?. Columbia, Oct, 20. 1663. GR1AT SOUTJ CHOLERA, ) " POR j DYSENTERY, [ ?^?rlnlr ^ DIARRHCEA, ) BOWEL. D>1 Also, Admirably adapted to many Disc Menu THE VIRTUES OF JACOB'S CORDIAL Elf CO 1st It cures t1?o wonit cases of Diarrhoea. 2<1. It curca tho wors^fforms of Dysentery. 3d. It curca Californifl^or Mexican DiarrhaDa tin. i<> relieves inc severest uouc. 6th. It cures Cholera Morbu*. 6tli. It cures Cholera Infantum. A few short Extr&ots froi " I have used Jacob's Cordial in my familv, a raent, a valuable remedy." lloi " It gives me pleasure in being nblo to recor cncc, and the experience of my'neighbors and J to believe it to be all that it pnrporls to b??, vi: Wji. II. UxotttwooD, formi "I take great pleasure in recoramendiug thit iigensc?>, for which I bclievo it to be a sovoroig ever tried by me." A. A. Oauldijto "This efficient remedy is travelling into cole Russia, and gaining coinmondntion wherever u: CST F?>r sale by Wahdlaw it Lyox, Abbovi smith, Hodge's Depot. F. 0. Parks, Grceuwo* tale Agents; and by the principal Merchants Savannah, Gn., May 13, 1854. THE VALLEY PIONEER. 1"MIE undersigned will publish in tho (own of . Hamburg, a new \\ eekly l'aper ou or ibout tlia first of Soptenibor next, bearing the It will be tho nira of tho Publisher to conluct "Tlio Valley Pioneer" in a stylo that will nako it acceptable to all classes of readers; to ill iu columns with general intelligence, the iew? of tho day, historical anecdote*, talcs of -eal lifo, poetry, light literature, humor and *il; in fact, to make it strickly a Newspaper. "Tho Valley Pioneer" *(11 advocate tho iomincrcinl interest and internal improvement >f the State; the building of the 8avannah liver Valley and Columbia and Hamburg Rail toads. It will bo independent in polities, not dentifyin^ itself with auy party, but firmly op /vouig duvii iiibuoui CO oo uru mjuruUB W IQQ lrospcrity of tlie State and the country at large. The publisher will be ably asoisted in the iditoriul department, which, with his expcrisnce in tho Newspaper publishing business, md the extreme low rates of subscription, will nuke the paper a welcome visitor. Tkiuib.?-One dollar in advance. No paper vill be forwarded unless the money accompany he order. Any lterson procuring ten subscriber* and brwaraing ibe money for .the same will receive me copy gratis. J. M. ROBINSON. . Hamburg, 8. C., August 10 ldM. LAKB tfOB rllE Subscriber offers formate bis tract of Land? ln Abbeville District, five JkE. niles from liW*y x Depot, and one mile from neicctt'* rtrry on Haluda river, containing A ?vr*f. Lboat seventy five acres Woodland, well titnered; Dwelfiug, and all necessary outbuildigs attached; and as healthy ss any situation 1 the District. ^ . ' . '*' Id d r?n to coll snd exarnitie for tlieinselyen. lam etermined to seHf and if not sold before the r*t Monday in October, it vi^I be told at pubcaaction at Abbeville C. H,* -Sfr .. <' Persons parcbMlog tlrt'lfteifn alio, pur* sase 'IIin Ti Tiln rinli1ili^ "f|]ift Tl>iil?liii| ools, Ac. / t ; T '.*5< -KERiii?M4^f>' ??gIff, 1854, : 1*,;.,; - , lJ? mm of' evetnr description i rOH PRICKS. ? I IB 1 I ?c9 f . Thornton.}. r vo^ | > largest and most elegant assortment of JGIIES, BUGGIES, GIGS, SULKIES, WAGONS, Ac- ! it styles and latest fashions of tho day, and will , in tfio most superb and durable manner. Also, iga, Buggy Umbrellas, Horsa Blankets, Ac. ill kind* on kand for Mle low. jmptly and faithfully don*, at lore priots. : warranted. SE% ~i ly BID & SON, AND RETAIL T ABLISHMENT, Columbia, South Carolina. 10 attention of the public to their EXTENSIVE immer Clothing, thia market. 1 A LAKOK STOCK or shin? Croods: TRUNKS, RB, CARPET BAGS, IHTEn, VALI8ES, OOWIfH, MONET BELTS, will find, at this Establishment, a large and 24?ly iIRN REMEDY. K uk M.r. fCHOLKHA WORRITS *""e \ BILIOUS" ClIOLfd ISCASES. ( CHOLERA INFANTUM. lases of Females?moat especially Painful broation. ARE TOO WELL KNOWN TO REQUIRE RHUMB. 7th. It curcs painful Menstruation. 8th. It rolioves pain in Back and Loins. 9th. It counteracts Nervousness and Dcspon10th. It restores Irregularities. [dency. 11th. It dispels Gloomy A Hysterical Feelings. 12th. It's an admirable Tonic. aa Letters, Testimonial?, Slo. ,nd have found it a most efficient and in my judgi. IIikam Wakxeb, Judge of Sapremo Court, Gn. nmond Jacob's Cordial?my own personal experi'rieuds around me, is a sufficient c?uarant/>i? e: a tovereign remedy" ;rly Judge of Superior Court, Chcrolcce Circuit i invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bowel n remedy?decidcdly superior to any thing else , Deputy O. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, brity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns into ted.'?Georgia JefferIonian, Mat/ 10 th, 1853. He; Jonsf.QMmi, Coteabury; Roberts, Atmms nIuMImI| peroebre saeh a great margin betweo? wff I. Prices aad the Priees usually asked for Oomfib I ia bar line, that they will see that it i* to thejIT? ouvauiag* m ony iMr0ood?hom m forOflh. IjE A eali it solicited, uvttekt pldunre in exhib* jj in* oar Good* to all who may farortu with a * vi?it am m April 22d, 1634, .. 49 * $3 | MEDICAL AND-MISCELIANSptTS. ?- WtL lt? . When the R. R. R. Theory wail Ant declared o the world, skeptical persons doubted its corectness, and looked with distrust o? the femelies it possessed. Others, however, struck with he originality of its views and conceeding merit o the theory, were induced to try if the removes bore out in nrnption -? - - r .'??? ?aa ciumea lor hem in theory. A third class differing from he other# ana perhaps more numerous, without onsidoing for a moment any merit they might hs entitled to, tried thorn, merely as a venture, * (rowing oat of a desire for something new. tfe are satisfied with tho result, for the public ias reeeived tho benefit and R. R. R. Theory tas triumphed. Not a day pauses that wo do lot have admission from some hitherto unbeliever that their skepticism was unfounded and :ontinced by reading our Family Friend, have proredby their own experience, the infallibility 9f our medicinos. Not n day passes that we do not reccive grateful testimonials of cures effect' ed by these Mcdioiues. " I was Bcizcd with cramps and spasms last night says one, and had it not been for Radaway's Ready Relief I should have died with the nam." Annti??- " , , njir, ? Uiy wifo was ilowly unking with an affection bf the Lungs and ray neighbor woi suffering from Scrofula,?I have seen them both restored to health by Radway'a Renovating Resolvent. A third say, " Rad way's Regulators have cured mo of habitual costivencss that was the burden of my life." Such are the characteristic testimonials wc daily recivc of the R. R. R. Rem*' dies. t Radway's Rbadv Rkj.u:f, the first of tf>e ft. R. R. remedies, is the moat quick and safe remedy that hns over yet beon discovered for the instant relief of all ACUTE OR CHRONIC PAINS. It is a certain discnfcctant and will neutralize the most violent poisons of Malignant Epidemics. If the human system is scizea with the virulencc of Cholera, Small-Pox, Ship Fcvor, Pneumonia, or other fatal poisons, Radway's Ready Relief used in connection with Radway's Regulators, will check tlm the disease, neutralizo the infection, and will not only protect tl^e system against sudden death, but will restore tlio body to health and strength. "We raako this assertion boldly, and if any Physician or Chemist doubts the great power which wo claim for our Ready Relief, over malignant pains, lot them examine it and test it, it will bear the test RHEUMATISM. Painb stopped in a few minutes. The moment Rndway's Ready Relief is applied to tho parts afflicted with rheumatic painr, whether it do in tho kneo joint, tho arms, legs, feet or loins all, pain and anguish ccasos. Crippled fob twektt yea us. Mr. Charles M. Johnston, Nashville, was crippled with a chronic rheumatism for twenty years. He purchased from J. M. Zimmerman one bottle of Readv Re net, and one box of Regulators. The Ready Relief was applied as soon as it was obtained. In txocnty minute* lie was free from pain ; In twenty-four hour* lie could stand alono; In four day* lie could walk alone. By tue use of the Resolvent, Reliof and Regulators, in one month he was entirely cured. A lady aged 85, had been crippled for year*, could not raise her hand to her head. One bottle of R. R. Relief removed all pain and stiffness, created now lifo within her disabled body, restored each limb nnd joint to a strong rigorous and healthy condition. The lady is wall known in Aahevill<% N. C. Thomas W. Atkiti, Esq., editor of the Ashoville Nno*, published the coso in his paper on the 13th of October 1S53. Sudden Attacks. Champs and Siwsvs. For all internal difficulties, whore the patient la suddenly seized with Cramps, Spasm*, Diarrhea a. Cholera Morbus, one tcnspoonful of Rndway's Ready Relief will iu fifteen minute* allay the most distressing pains. Fever and Agri*. Let those afflicted with thia distressing malady take Radwav'a lief interim)!}-, a tehapoonful every fifteen minutes three hours before the chills como On,*and a dose of Regulators every nipht; also, rubtliu spine of the back down with Ready Ri'JM&f'li will entirely cure and prorent the system against Ague and 1-cver. In eases of Burn?, Scalds, Bruise?, Strains, Sprains, Bad Swellings, Heart Burn, Sour 8tornich, Sick llcadachc, Rod way's Ready Kelief will r/ moro all pnhi in n few minute*. ^ " For Bale by Wardlaw erry; J. ?fc IL Folk, Pom aria; JUjr. F. F. Garyr }okesbury; J. W. Taylor, Anderson; Lewis 4t ?ox, Belton; Bf. B. Earle & Co., Gre?m|le; Sarle, Evans 6c Griffin, "Williamson; DavwJKiber, Frog Level. RADWAY & CO., ft. York. May 18, 1854. ' ' : BS ' , "*Sf *750 rw GARW PTIT7M " fTOLUMBTen of tlie ?Bdtor*nrMJ Akitfa&x" V common ecaoh the 16th ofiieptembc*. It i chiefly devoted tothe adv?neemetit;of'4Kft itercst of Mechanics, nd Farmers, and is edited by tfteo praotienlly killed in the arta and scicaccs. Frobabiyno ther journal of the tame character itfe^tocten* iTely circulated, or so generally esteemed for a practical nbility. Nearly nil tho Valnablo atenta which are issued weekly from thoPatnt office are illustrated with Eneravings&;and in eluinu nf *11 ?! ? " lorlv In iU column* lU^tKiy z inking It ? perfect. icntsinrjo A5lx xim!t*tci?? ? xctclopedia of infonnntidn ppbnthSfSSBito * f Mcehaiucal *T?Pr^^' n{*> ^lyyAyri' %