'K #w * . PBVOTBP TO LIT1RATURB, THB ARTS, SCI1MCE, AGRICULTURE, HEWS, POLITICS, &C., &C. TERMS?ONE DOLLAR PES AJNJNUM,] "Let it bo Instilled into the Hearta of your Children that the Liberty of the Press ia the Palladium of all your Rights."?Junius. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE* VOLUME 2?NO. 20. ABBEVILLE C. H., SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 72. POETRY. The Slave of the Pen. 1 weary of the pen, , And write not of my own aceord ; It was my ilave, and I was htfppy then ; Tin now my Lord. I weary of the themes Which the gross multitude pureue ; Who writes for bread must bid all higher dreams His last adieu. Harness the antelope, Burden his neck until it bleed? Trample his fiery spirit, and then hope His former speed. Life grows a stagnant pool, Green with the drugs of trade and toil; Youth's pare ideals of the beautiful Are lucre's spoil. 1 I weajjrof the pen. And write not of my own accord? It was my slave, and I was happy then? i Alas 'tis now my Lord. i ' COMMTJmCATION& [ro* tub independent l-rest).] , How we do things Here. J r * " Greenville, Ala., ) September 15, 1854. j Editort of the Frets: Supposing that ^ your columns are not crowded at this season of -(jieyear, I offer you a column which will illustrate the state of society in our little ' village. The subject of it is a talc of blood ( and murder, bat an .acquaintance with the enormities of the case will deliver it of all its otherwise harrowing features. Itiscrcd- 1 itable to human nature that the murder of . a human being seldom fails to excite a feel- . ingof pity for the victim, and horror and indignation against the perpetrator. This cate> however, was a signal exception. De- ( spite the horrid concomitants of the trage- ( dy, there was not the slightest manifestation ( of- nitv or rftcrmt hnfc n linivarnnl faalinrf nf ? r?j 0 1 ? " ( gratification openly and freely expressed.? There was a buoyant feeling of relief from a terror that bad long oppressed the people. Every man felt a renewed assurance of security to his person and property. The name of the victim was James Wilmams. With a bold hand and subtle cun- . ntnor 1lA bo/? tlin onurfa HI'" ded the laws. He was a Napoleon in his way; as ingenious in the conception of his plans, in he was successful in their execution. . He was familiar with the law of evi- ' denes in criminal cases, and by some means ] - or other either excluded it altogether or j rendered it inconclusive. He had a numcr- i ou* gang of understrappers, who rendered ] him the double assistance of executing his ' plane, and being swift witnesses to swear ] anything that he wished to have sworn.? ] Wl 1.. i? -tr_ ? in 1 i - MAIW uu niWHML Ml WUip Uf Kill HUJlKHiy, ] be sent some of his gang to decoy them off < *rh6re bk crowd woo gathered, and then to commeuoe a fight with them. If his side j was about to be whipped, he pitched in. j in this-way there was no evidence against ( him;' And he rebutted the evidence of the j prosecutor by a cloud of witnesses of his i own. i Decrepid o'd men, and travellers even, i were attacked, insulted, and cruelly beaten ] by h|m? without tbe leaat provocation. No I onedared Jo iai?fe??jittbe^ejrU of iiialife. iftterforetL PrapatmeHU were sometimes ' I He aUtrttys eroded. He attempted to kill . gra^iarof who bed mused Mm te be pre- j by ^w dhknce of g!anoing off by striking a t ?? ilt.n itiiiaTii .imii Hi. hicn. JBLft toki them that if they throate. ^ TheSolictold him that if he pa?^ ih?Caper. It is a good, honest, free spoker funuiujr, mm u?Kjr\?js k> do comtnencicu toi ta boldness and trutlifulnes?; for these an ndeed rarely ventured upon in such noticed rhe fiercest storm your predecessor in odi orahip ever encountered was raised by at lonest obituary." I leave the balance to. tx old by the extractfrom the village paper.1 Yours, in kutffc&s, .; Tomkxas. Homicide.-?On monday week our citi tens were thrown into1 -a' state' of excite< confusion by a deed, thobold daring anc mystery of whieh .will seldom find a tmral let About four o'clock on the evening o the day in question, James Williams wa shot in his own piazza; by some person 01 persons unknown. He lingered for abou an hour and thenexpired. The veil of rays tery which hangB over this transaction i impenetrable. There is no cine or tracleft by which to detect the actor or acton Even the point from which the shootinj was done is not definitely knowiif and every wiing 18 ten 10 BHrmtse, wntcHgives birth U wiow a*d widely > contradictory sappoei tk?s/VThe firing of guns' in different part of the town being w common an oocui resce, the report of the fatal firing above a! laded, t? oatiaed no remark, and bente th< failure to definitely locate tho sound. Th fin! notea of-alarm issued from the how of the deoeMed, when our citizens hurriei totb? spot* and medical aid was procure) wua pli poanMa daqtttoh. lmpretoiom ma gp itbroa^^wpringjop our citizen* for lad o? judgement are to arise. These conflicts pro. ceed from various causes, some of which the , greatest skill in civil engineering, or the uvuv Viillguwucu ICiUUIllUg, CUUUW UDVIIIIC ) for it is impossible (ex gr.) by either to si* lence the clamor of those, Who, for any reaI son, no matter what, believe or insist, that . such a line of railway should be located r through the district in which they reside, or ' by their Court House. The time was when 1 such considerations controlled railroad com' panics, but that day has passed,4and the uiax> im now is "recta linema optia ' These reflections have been suggested by j the perusal of lengthy articles to which my attention has been called, as appearing in the 5 Spartanburg "Spartan," of the 24th and " 31st ult. That journal, by the errors into I :? i. / -"? i ? wiiiuu it 11 its uuieu, uas prompted me, as a r Tennesseean, feeling some solicitutdo witli reference to the enterprise proposed to bo achieved by the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, of your State, to say a few words in reply to its facts and arguments. The chief error into which the Spartan has fallen, arises from the statement of the editor that the Blue Ridge Company propose to construct their Road to Knoxville, as the only point in Tennessee, and thence to Louisville and Cincinnati, a railway connec iion 1a 10 ue provided. This is not the fact. 5 While this is one end to be attained by the i construction of the Bluo Ridge Road, ano tlier, equally important, is a connection with . Nashville, and Memphis, and points beyond, which will enable Charleston, and South Carolina, to command the products concentrating at these points, without paying trib> ute to the Railways of Georgia. At presf eut, freights from Nashville to Charleston, . or any other point in South Carolina, must pass over the Western and Atlantic Railroad, (owned exclusively by the State of 7 Georgia, and so managed as to subserve es* peciaTiy Georgia interests,) & distance of one i hundred and forty miles; and so soon as r the Memphis and Charleston Road is completed, the same may be said of freights 3 from Memphis to Charleston. Thin- it is u that Georgia may; notwithstanding the City - of Charleston has a large amount of stock V in both the Nashville .and .Chattanooga 3 ltoad, and the Memphis and Charleston Road, discriminate,, at has been the oom, RtrniflRt nhulMtnn.' and in in Georgia. This difficulty could not be obviated .in the slightest degree, by adopting " the route proposed by ihe Spartan, and at * the same time defeating the construction of ' tlie Blue Ridge Road. The Nashvillo and r Chatatnooga, and the Memphis and CharleeF ton Roads, may be said to nave their South9 eastern tenmnnA at Chattanooga,- , From r Chattanooga (o Cleveland,-a point oq the k East Tennessee and .Georgia Road*.means k are provided,', and contractswill soon be s inade to construct a railway, the distance be8 -i?4 fa- -- ?-> ? UJJJ auuiu fcUtrigf, lOUCSi from V_/teY?JUiUO, k or any otter point which may be deemed! > beat, on the T?&t Tennessee and Georgia '* Road, to such pointas may be selected on 3 the line of the Blue Ridge Road in Tenne?" see, a railway is proposed to be constructed, 8 a charter has bc>6n obtained, the Company organized, and the work v?U be commenced " so soon as the construction of the Bin# B Ridge Road is in such a state of forward; 0 ness as will justify it. So that from ? tanooga to Citlco, the point ih&dv 1 selected as the jknnt pf junction with * the Bine Ridge Road, tbe distance will not \ exoeea tttnetaW' ?ml?M GNM-Ottaoo to . Gkarkrto^< eBe'dbUacfe ? ttow huoddrtl ' jjS *g # * ! ^ # <* * - " **. > . Road to do the business which will bo offered, to build the Blue Ridge Rail Road to that point in Tennessee, wnere the commercial interests nnncflnfmiinrt of t ~V4..^ wo VU??WU??lW{JO, will bo willing to meet it, in order that they may not any longer be subjected to tho annoyances that have attended shipments over a road, the management of which is in the hands of Georgia politicians, who, to retain their places, must so conduct its affairs as to please the Georgia people. This is one view of the importance of the Blue Ridge Road, which has not occurred to the editor of the Spartan, nor did this necessity oxist for the selecUou of the route adopted at the time that those eminent men of former days, of whom ho speaks, urged with so much zeal the connection, by railway, of Charleston with the Ohio valley. The Spartan has, I have no doubt, had occasion to quote with approbation the old saw of "killing two birds with one stone;" certainly the saying will lose none of its odor of cr.nn omy when applied to the building of .Railroads. But the Spartan has fallen into another error as to the relative distances from Charleston to Knoxville, via the Blue Ridge route, and the Spartauburg route. From Charleston to Knoxville, via the Blue Ridge route, the distance is not, as stated in that journal, 453 miles, but only 400 miles, by computing that line of railway which is to constitute the Blue Ridge Road in its entire length thus: Charleston to Aiken 120 miles. Aiken to Anderson 02 " Anderson to Knoxville 188 miles From Charleston to Knoxville 400 " | This being the actual distance, it is but; three miles more than the distance stated by the Spartan from Charleston to Knoxville,' via the Spartanburg route: the accuracy of which I can neither admit or gainsay, as it is a route long since abandoned in Tennessee, and hence there hits been no computation of the distances in that direction by the present generation. No charter for the construction of a Road from Knoxville, in the direction of Spartanburg, has been cither obtained or asked for in Tennessee; no State loan has been granted or contemplated for any such Road ; 110 private or public funds are pledged to such Road. While, on cue oilier hand, a liberal charter Los been granted in Tennessee for the construction of the Uoad from Knoxvillc, upon the route proposed by the BIuo Itidgo Company, and liberal State, county and private aid has been pledged, and will be furnished to that lino; and, at the same time, a liberal charter, with a State loan sufficient to build the bridges and iron and equip the Road, together with largo subscriptions of stock, indicato unerringly the speedy construction of a Railway from Knoxvillo to the Kentucky State line, not through the Cumberland Gap, however, as the Spartan has it, but through Wheeler's Gap, which affords, as an instrumental survey has demonstrated, ith6 only passage except one, viz: Big Creek Gap, through the Cumberland Mountains, with light grades, and withont tunneling, and through which, or the Big Creek Gap, five miles east of it, the Railway that is to connect Charleston with Cincinnati must paBS. But the Spartan says that Knoxville is too far West to be in the line from Charleston to Cincinnati. Any one at all familiar with the topography of East Tennessee, its resources, int of business, should not be avoided, ut if the place, and its business we're of such insigruificaaoe as not to entitle them to any consideration, either now or hereafter, when other Roads? will haw their terminus , there, it will be impossible* by means of all the funds which can be commanded by the | most zealopa advocate of tho Spartanburg route, within the next quarter of a century, to construct a Road * direct from Spartan-, burg to the Cumberland Gap. I know whereof I write. Tis true that the Teirtes see Legislature granted a charter for the construction. of a Road from Paint Rock, the line di viding the States of North Carolina and Tennessee) to the Cumberland Gap. Tia also (rue, that by reason of theaystem of compensation, or "log rolling,n a State toan, amounting to $1,000,000, dependent upon, the grading of the eptip road, was made to the company to be organised under the charter; 'tis true also, that the pompany has been nominally organized, with the vie# tb "fan into a flame'" the Bpark which the Spartan and its coadjutors.are endeavAflh - .* V- {Rr \ V'- - L , V : . Cheek's Cross Roads to Cumberland Gi by the common highway, was but foi miles, it was impossible to find a line shi of sixty miles in length ; and thiB involv the necessity of tunnelling and bridging such an extent, with such grades ana she curves, that the route was promptly pi nounced impracticable, and no written port waa deemed necessary to be made ? on r__i t i * . ?uu vu^iucum. iu?? iw:ut i nave id a ieti from one of the party engaged in thesurv< They are well known in Kentucky and Cincinnati, and in the latter place I am bii that that the gentlemen who procured t passage of the charter through the K< tucky Legislature, have no idea of passi the Cumberland Mountains at the Cumb land Gap, but expect to meet the Kn< ville and Kentucky Road, after' $&si Wheeler's or the Big Creek Gap, at the K< tucky State line. I write thus positive because, I am fully advised, and for t reason that I deem it proper to prove as far aA T mn. thn rronlinn nf O ?? ?w V? vmkv/11 v? ? Ut lOVj OUU ment in your State as to what is contcmp tod iu Tennessee and Kentucky, with reti once to this enterprise, so vast in its com quences, not only to the people of the States, hut also to tho Southwestern a Western country. So far as the efforts of tho Spartan i to be employed iu defeating the applicati of the 131ue Ridge Company to tho Legis tine of your State for aid, I imagine ve little will bo accomplished. The time h pas8sed to say to the Legislature that t great commercial chaunel between Charl: ton and the Northwest should not be locati as has been done by the Blue Ridge Coiuj: ny. The location has already been rcct nitcd and approved by the South CurolL Legislature, duringi tfi session of 1852, ai since, as I understand, by the official acts Gov. Manning, in his message and oth< wise. After all this, certainly the Sparta hfivinnr rlno re>rrarA J/* ?l - Oi-. Q W/ kliu UUilUi Ul til (J Olit as involved in its adhorence to a posit i< once taken, and well taken, would not a vise that all which has been done by tl city of Charleston and your Legislatui shall not only go for nought, but be reput ated as indiscreet and unworthy of the Stai It occurs to a distant, but close observer, your people, that Sonth Carolinans "arc n mnde of such stuff." EAST TENNESSEEAN. East Tennessee, August 9, 1854. Little'children. Of all men in the world to bo avoide place him in the front rank who has no lo e 1 --- -? ivi nuio viiiuuivu, nuu injwua ui uiuir pin fulness and repels their caresses. Sucli inan is more fit for "treason, strategeins ai spoils," tban ho who "hath not mus in his soul." Saffi, a Persian poet, upi being asked if he wore a true poet, replie< "1 love God, I love little children, I lo flowers." Christ set his disciples and t] world an example, when he took tbo litt children and blessed them; and no raj who dislikes children can be a true follow of him. Is there anything more loveable than I young child?its bright face wreathed wi smiles, its clear eyes Deaming with love, ai ita whole appearance an index of-its puri and sinle??n.e?w ? A!! great and good i? have been fcr-2 >f children. Dr. Watts teemed his "Infant Poems" as among t most commendabln nf his wAt-W Wm ington, it is said, -never passed a little clr without caressing it Snakspenre, Thon son, Pollok, Cowper, Campbell, end neai all the English poeta, were fond ofchi!dr< if we are to take their poems as evidence their characters. Byron was passionate fond of children.. He grieves that his i .happjr differences with nie wife prevent him.from being with -hie iufant daughter. Hear him in hia address to Ada: , "To ?1<1 thy mind^i&retopinont^?to watch Thy dawq of Utile joy*~to tlt ^o'd see : aununv WJ *cr^ KTOWm?W VieW 11)66 CfttCl Knowledge of objects wonders yet to thee ! To hold thee lightly on a gentle knee, * v And print on thy soft ehoek a parent's kiss? This it stouldseem was not reserved for ma; Tet this wa* in my nature." Is there, m the language, anything mc beautiful than the following picture of chi, hooO, whlph .occure in.hi* drama of Cai .. , .'See how fall of life, Of strength, of Moom, of beauty, and of joy I Eookf how he laughs andstreteheaout his an And open* wide hi? bine eyes upon thine, ' To hau his, father j while bis little form nutters w winged with joy. Talk not of pa The childless cherube well might envy thee The pleasure of a. parent." - bit unnatural that tlio little child shot Ime dnkwn a blessing from tho unhap man, afifeadj'tempted by the serpent to 1 commission" of a great Crime ? Blessir on Httle children; "tot ofiaobis the kii dom of h6aWiu^se tion in their button-holes. nil How babies and butterflies do swarm in summer, to be sure! It is then they aro ire on the wing. Pray, don't try to koep them on from flying about and alighting hero and la- there when something Btrikes their fancy, ry opening and shutting their handa.and Wings as awhile, then flitting away again. Ye, that he have babies! don't go anywhere without ?s- thein. Better lcavo your purse behind, it Ed will bo less missed. The light of your eyes >a- will bo quenched, and your tongue will miss '