j, * N w V' w&k* ^ ' . ? * i m tI, i,t * " ' ..-?&$ yffWw^>. (.-: > -->? .vwSr ,3m* K > --&',? * , - * \. .* -*Q$w. * r ,. 4mL ?, ,. * * ---*. u * - ' i. ,^; . ** ^ ^ #< -;;? " V " '*'"' '"'' ' v .w- '" .^ + * ^ ^ ^jjlljl^ '';^^as!a^!! 1 1 """ gJtaLJ^ ''' '"^ * - -T < *' ?OT0T1D TO MTjBRATimi, THE ARTS, SCII8CI, A&RXGULTURl,- NEWS, P0MTXCS, &G., &C. -. ^^ ..,. . <;^"' TERMS?ORE DOLLAR PER ANHUJK,] "I^t it be Instilled into the Hoarts'of your Children that tho Liberty of tho Press |s tho Palladium of all your Rights."'?Svniut. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. .V0HJME.2?50.14. . ABBEVILLE C. H., SODTII CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1854. " WHOLE NUMBER.66. rutTX'KX. * ...... -? Where are 4be Sead ? XVhere aro the miffhtv'ones of ages past,-. s* Who U'er the world tneir inspiration c.nsi, Whose memories stir our spirits like a blast? " X "Where are the dead f Where arc the lofty minds of Greece f where bo "The ftieh of Sparta and Thcrmopyl? f ?n. " * * " vvu^Hcriug ainccaonmn, where is be ? Where ni% the dead? Athett A no Rome's founders t Where lief cliicf' ' * >. est son, 4 Before whose name the whole known world bowed down, _ Whoso conquering ana chased the retreating sunt-..-^Where ore the dead f tin ? ? * - * n ucrc a me onrd-wornor king of Albion's state, A pattern for enrth's sons to emulnte, The truly, nobly, wisely, goodly grent t * Where arc the dead.! Where is Gaul's hero, who aspired to bo A second Ctesar in his mastery, . To whom earth's crowned ones trembling bent the kneef Where arc the dead 1 Where is Columbia's son, her darling child. Upon wliopo birth virtue and freedom smiled, " n.. tit?i?- - - - m.uw >? c-Bwjni omr, ongnt, pure, and undctilcd! Where arc tho dead ? -j r. t Where oro the sons of song, the soul-inspired, T. e bard 'of Greece, whose inuse (of heaven acquired) With admiration a gen past has fired, The classic dead f Greater that! all?an earthly sun enshrined? Where is the king of bnrdaI Where shall we find The Swan of Avon?monarch of the mind? The H?ni? I ? ' With their frail bodies, did they wholly die, Like tlic brute dead passing forever by f ^Jhgfl.wherefore was their intellect so high, ;-fs Tho mighty dendf Why waa it not confined to earthly sphere, To earthly wants! If it must perish here, Why did they languish for a bliss more dear, The blessed dend f If Here tliey-perished, in their being's germ, , Here'thought and aspiration, had their term, Why should ft giant's strength propel a worm ? | jiue aena?the dead. ThcrcUMO dead! Tho fodfljAdccd did die, ? That c^^rthe etheriel being^Q^r on high ; 'Tib bn^R outward covering iTlhrown by? This is the dead! The spirits of the lost, of whom we sing, II nre perished not.?they have but tAkt-n wing," Changing an earthly for a heavenly spring: - There arc the dead! ~~ POUTiCAIi. < ttonnoa u ooogreaa. The foHoviring very sensible and just views , on this Bubjedt^yrc take from the editorial col* of tb?e itfaihington Sentinel: *5 tfuch of the delay, confusion, and dissensions in Cong res* aro clearly traccable to the system of rotation, which strips it of cxpcrionced members, and fills their places with raw one*. it would seem that the plan for the conduct Of business is Well calculated to systematize, to ripen measures, apd to have tiiem fully, fairly, and ably presented for consideration. $ 'What better mode could be devisad than tho distribution of work among tho several committees t These committees have confided ^Mfejjeir special charge certain measures upon Jwhich Congress has to act. Upon them rests ^hc responsibility of collecting.all authentic information on the aevcral matters, and of making anch a report upon-them, accompanied by the evidence upon which the report is based, as ?* will enable each member of Congress to dctert* mine, intelligently for himself, what course lie ehall pursue. ' If the committee faithfully perform thoir duty, Congreas has before it the in-S.kt-1. a. il luniinuuu uLKiu wuicii mj uTCiac, ana me uiero reading of tho report, jrill bring them toa conclusion how to vote, find little time would be lest in discussion. Each committed wou!d furn. tfrow baa antecedents, on Which in inntrniWlbTh gavea, new members have no knowledge or in' Armstion, whiltt such antecedent*, |f known, t JKight grently modify or eveti reverse Ihe conf-. ^Osion ^to wldoh ?ro^w1?w^they ^wool^ave nn&w fliiit them i'- ^ ' "% JfA? *^fc _ ~?:- . jka l > - i A member of ability and industry, who h diligently prepared himself during several co gresscs to earn a name, naturally enough fee Keenly .the injustice of being left out just at tl fruition of liis labors, and after having abni doncd his private interests and devoted hirasc to the public service. If the country understar *1 its interest^ should stereotype the nar os of its faitlifi and able supporters in the congressional list.? The system of rotation mokes demagogue! the opposite system mako business nu-u an statesmen. Bpain and the United States. XKSSAQR OF THE mESIDEXT OF THE UNITED BTVTEi The following message was sent to tlx} Sci ate on Tuesday afternoon, in reply to ft resoli tion of inquiry adopted by that body: To the Senate of the United States : I haste to respond briefly to tho resolution of the Set ate of this date, requiring the President to ir form the Senate "if, in his opinion, it be not ir compatible with the public interest, whehe anything has arisen siuce the date of his tnc! sage to the House of Representatives of th 26th of March Inst, concerning our relation with -the government of which in hi opinion inuy dispense with '.ingestion therein contained, touching i prioty t provisional measures by Cop meet an; exigency that may arise in .ss of Con gross ntfccting those, relations. In the message to the House of Represents tivfcs referred to I availed myself of the sion to present the following rcflcctiofrs am suggestions: "In view of the position of thelsland of Cu bn, its proximity to our const, the relation which it must ever bear to our comntcrcinl nn< other interest*, it is vain to expect that a serif of unfriendly acts infringing o:ir commercin rights, nnd the adoption of a policj* threaten ing the hooor and security of these Suites, cai long exist with peaceful relations. "In caso the measures taken for the ainicn ble adjustment of our difficulties with Spnit should uuforlunatcly fail, I shall not hesitate U use the authority nnd means which Congees: niav grant to insure the observance of our jus' rights, to obtain redress for injuries received jfnd to vindicate the honor of our ting. In an wvijiauuu 01 mat conungeney, which i earnest ly hope niay not nrisf, I suggest to Congress tlx propriety of adopting such provisional incas ures as the exigency may sccin to demand." The two House* of CongrcHa inny have antic ipatcd that the hope then expressed would b( realized before the period of it* adjournment and that our relations with Spain would havt assumed a satisfactory condition, so as to remove post causes of complaint, nnd afford better security for tranquillity and justice in the future 1 am constrained to say that such is not tlu fact. Tho formal demand for immediate rcpn ration in tl>e case of tho Clack Warrior, in stcfl?L4if j>ft?infjri>aeii mobuu *'* " UCChTf Sp.iir by ?i$Egf9Sn^H9op, liaV.unly wrvTd to cal forth a justification oif?iJif> liii-nl mitlmr'tiM n Cubn, and thus to trnrtMBthc rcsposibilitv fin their acts to tlie SpanialtGovcrnnicnl itself. Meanwhile, iiiformutiniYdagt only reliable ir. its nature, but of an offieiaTWiarnl-ter, was i$ ceivt-d to the effect that preparation whs ma king within the limits of the United States by private individual*, under military organi zation, far a descent upon the Island "of Cuba with a view to wrest that colony from the do minion of Spain. International comity, th< obligation of treaties, and the express provis ions of law, alike required, in my judgment that all the constitutional power of the Kxecu tivc should bo exerted to prevent the consum nation of such a violation of positive law, aiu of that good faith on which mainly thcnmica liU ? ??: ^ VV . ViMktVUO VI UViKlil/VIIIIU llttliMliO lJUIOl UU pond. In conformity with the convictions of publii duty, a proclamation was issued to warn all per sons not to participate in the contemplated en tcrprise, ana to invoko the interposition in tliie behalf of the proper officers of the Govern ment. No provocation whatever can justifj private expeditions of hostility against a eouu try at peace with the United States. The pow cr to declare war is rested by the constitutor in Congress, and tlio experience of our pnst bis tory leaves no room to doubt that the wisdon of this arraugoment of constitutional powci will continue to bo verified whenever the na tioonl interest and honor shall demand a rosor to ultimate measures of redress. ^-cnaing negotiations uy in? r,xoeuuve, nut before the action of-Congress, individuals couh not bo permitted to embarrass the operation of the one and usurp the powers of the othei of these depositories of tne functions of gov erwnent. JL.have only to add, that nothing has nrisei ain'oe the date of my former message to dispens with tho suggestions therein contained, touch ing the pronrioty of provisional measures hi Congress. FRANKLIN TIERCE. ' \Va*ki*gton, Augvti \Ut 1864. #1.1.^.1 A? 1? nk?l. V94VKO* VII Mi l>UO VUlUii The Washington Star. of the lit, pays Cole loneLOr^tf*jbft?J(4?bat?w ft*n He. Quickness of A] prehension is a prominent trnit of Ills cbftraetc *s pnblio man.- if it-la not' bia moirt roninrki * -* .mi.?- .1 _# mo tegiaiauvu . - A uijjyjuMie imusi, u? coi fiwiou worw confounded, withthe.Vokwof froi two to twenty members rippng over tli<> Hoi its impossible to describe his tact in steering tli n- over-manned barque, with its crew as vocifc 'Is ous us Greek sailors in a storm, amid the be< io noise, bustle, over-eagerness of somo, and undo n- listlessnesa of others, which always chaructci ilf izc the dying days of a session of the Ilousttc Representatives?every avenue to the Hous it being crowded tho whilo, with n deeply intoi jl estca shuffling, buzzing and sweating crowt ? to hcightcu the confusion and excitcmcnt reigr >; ?nb' MISCELLANY. Washington National Monument. s As elecu4vfor members of Congress, ? ir>r> tlia r??nll >? ..olt.f."'" ?J ry as couid, under the circumstance*, have boon expected. It is therefore desirable this system should be continued in the different States at all futuro elections of a local or general nature; and tho Board of Managers indulge the hope tlial on this occasion at the elections to he held in the respective States of Maine, V.orniont, Mas( SitL'husoils, New York, New Jersey, Peni.svlvaj uia, Delaware, Maryland, South Otrolina, GeorC gin, Mississippi, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, IIr linois, Louisiana, and Florida, contributions will be made in aid of the Monument, worthy of tlio count rvmcn of their illustrious beofuctor. ' JOHN ChUllIOLL BllF.NT, j ocu cuin" ui LUC n . i>. 31. O. I' APPEAL TO THE COUNTRY IX BEHALF OF TI1U WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT. Fellow-Citizens: The Monument bo nobly un1 dertnkcn by a fow of our patriotic countryincn j to comnicmornto the worth and services of s the Father of the Country, having renohed 158 feet, of the 617$ Recording to its plan, at k co?t of about $230,UUU, needs your prompt and zealous support to raise funds, now nearly exhausted, to carry it on after the present mouth of June. Unless contribution? are made, this grout National work must bo discontinued, if the 3 Board of Managers, who render their services . gratuitously, do not incur n debt upon their . own responsibility. Is their patriotism to bo i so tnxed, or shrill tltis work, begun in patriot. ism, bo a monument of National disgrace ?? j Surely there are a sufficient number of nobic. hearted patriots in the land to prevent this I Nothing but n small contribution front nil, in i proportion to their means, if only from a dime . to a dollar ench, is wanted for the completion i of the ilonument. The question ia nuked, will r not such a contribution be made by every one! . Will the people of this great country leave to t a few the honor, after long years of trial and toil, of erecting n Monument worthy of the 1 great and good Washington; or shall it be a 1 National Monument from the whole people?? U That the Monumoiit should s op short of ont>r third of the pint) proposed, no patriotic citi. zen can heliuvo 1 Cut tho time for making contributions can be ! no longer delayed. Let every citizen ask himj aoIf, have I discharged my obligation towards . tho Father of mj' Country? have I contributed i- my share to tho Monument to bo raised in his lionorf If not, let him at onco inake his contribution, however small. Let Itjbe made singly or by associations. But be suro.itbo made. Delay is hazardous to the great undertaking.? The oaymont can be made to your Postmaster, " or whoever inny be most convenient to you, so tlm (Ititii /if An A m/-> * / n n /. i f I <>n V>>> <1Sanlinun...1 j I HIU uuvj U? nil ikuiui ivuii viiii?iC|i WU UJOVHUJ^I U. 0 Eveir patriotic citizen surely will aid in forwarding the money received for the advance ro?nt of tlie great work. Will he not rendor 1 that aid now I j The Board of Mapngers confidently trust that ( this appeal.will not be made in vaiu. a " * OFFICERS. *' FRANKLIN PIERCE, President of t'ntf if U. 6., and ex-ofticio President. [ ARCH. HEXt>ER30N,.l*t Vice President JOHN T. TOWERS, Mnfor of Wasliingn. ton, ex-officio 2d Vice President a THOS. CARBERRY? 3d Vice President, n J- B. H. SMITH. Treasurer. <' JOHN CAltRftT.T, KRENT >? UAXAOKBS. > WlHWBtO SOOTT, JOBK W. MaUBT, ir N. Tow8on, Walter Jone^, i- p*t?k force, tuob. blaodex, i- W. W. S eaton, ~watrnl,xhvx, " m W. a- bbadlxy, m. f. m4?kt, I, W. W. Coooorak, T. H. OLvioao, k- 'p. b. find all, . e. tf fc- bknjavtn' oq 0 i io I _ - ? Stick to aorao one Pursuit, r* j Thffc cnnnot be n greater error tlmn to b< U j frequently chnngingone's business. If any mar c will liWik around and notice who have got rich and who.have not, out of those ho startod-ir lifo with him, lie will find that the successful lC hare generally stuck to someonepurtuii. r- Two'la wye re, for example, begin to practice 1. at th{ aamo time. One devotes his whole inind l* to his jirofewion; lays in slowly a stock of le gal learning, and waits patiently, it may be - for yoaiv, till he Rains an opportunity to show his superiority. The other," tiring of such slow = work, dashes into politics. Generally, at the mlaf twenty years. the latter will not be worth if n penny, while the former will linvo ft liand. sonin the, to hint, dreadfully slow wheel of time, and his harassing wonry walk wasondod. lis was immediately covered with blanket^ and conveyed to a tepid hath, and afterwnrds put to bod. At the last accounts ho was reposing comfortably. Tlio stake with hols, etc., will yield him soino $2000. Money earned hard enough to bo preserved. Legal Knowledge. Not Ions* since an eminent commercial lawyer feinted tho ensuing anecdote n? au illustration of the "composition" which sometimes on- j ter?'d into the selection of a jury: M I lin/1 n i'nwt? (inn/iWrtnf Hflflft " toi/1 hrt "in-I volving some eighty or a hundred thousand dollar.*. It wns a protracted case, owing to the complicated interests involved in it, and altogether a very tedious trinl. When it wns fi-'j nnllv given to the jury, the jodtp remarked to ' them, n? they wore 'about leaving tho court- j room for privnto consultation, that if, during ; tho progress of the ense any term* of law hna bcon iiacd' or any ruTes stated, thitt they did not fully understand, the court was prepared beforehand to make all needful explanation*. "Upon this, one of the jurors ? mail with a high, bald head, nnd a calm bluo eye, upon whose sense of justico I had greatly relied (for he had paid the strictest attention to the entire proceedings), aroeo nnd saidf. ' "'I believe I understand all tho rules that have been'laid down, bat there are two terms of law that havo been a good deal aaed during tbo tria?, that 1 should like1 to know the mean* Ing-W . 444Well," said oar model 1ufoi?>Uj? words I m?M?, art the word* plaintiff tnd defwkAant f u cbMJJWforitMm to "Wmc by bM own ma IftWHRiit, wlmreeuoh a juror ? 6/r* ?**??: **? T ?i * We Iflaru from obrexeBtnjtwtbat the Frdnob ft 7- Ja* 3 , mn Mr. Tupper's Address. i The address of this honorable gentleman be i fore the Adelpbian and Pliilosopliian Societies i of tho Furinau University was a production i worthy of "any scholar, orator or christain in I the Stute. Jt has seldom been our good fortune to listen to nn address more beautiful ip Inn! gungq or more sound in doctrine. The subject I of tho orator was education and the connection between education and religion. He spoke of ! tho importance of education, and of religious cducntion, to nil mankind, high or low, rich or poor. With great justice and propriety, bo i refuted tho idea tlint a little learninc wnn ? j dangerous thing. lie porfraj-ed the advanta! ges of a little learning, a knowledge of reading i and writing, to the laboring mnn, in expandj iug his ideas and improving his heart. I In regard to eeetariun schools and college*", j Mr. Tupper was very liapp}- in refuting all j argument against them. In these schools nothing was taught in religion but the great truths : of the Bible. No student or scholar was offended b}' any ?eetarian tenets. For the correctj ncss of the assertion lie referred to Krskino Colj ledce. and to the tenehintrs in the Ftirmnn University. We linvo only one objection to Mr. Tupper'e addres*, and tbut was n serious ouo at the time he delivered it. lie left out portions of it un der the impression that lie wns fatiguing liis audience. This was n great mistake and misapprehension. It is to be hoped, however, that the whole of it will be published, and we shall look forward to ils publication with great pleasure. Mr. Tupper wa?, some years ago, a member of the Legislature from Charleston, and is the author of the law on the subject of tavern licenses. In the Legislature lie evinced great talent as a speaker and buisness man, and we sincerely nope ?e win go back to the .Legislature ngniu.?Patriot. The Baptist State Convention. The decision of this body has been mode in favor of establishing a Female College in the villnge of Greenville. In spite of nil opposi| tion, from Anderson and Greonville, there were ; only seven votes ngainst it. The matter is now ended. The Trustees arc to make tlio transfer of the Academy lands to the Trustees <>f the Furtnan University. The eitizens have subscribed ten thousand dollars to the College, and Messrs. Mc. lice, Thompson, Duncan, Elford, Ware, Sherman and others, have guainntced ten thousaud more! The Collcire will cro into oneration the. first of January. iS'ew buildings will be eroded as soon a8 practicable. The old ones will answer for professors' houses and school rooms. Wo had tho pleasure of attending the proceedings of tlio Convention, and were mnch gratified with tho christian and gentlemanly deportment of the members generally, in ull their debates and discussions. It was a legislature of christians legislating for the Baptist Church in South Curolinn, and for tho cause of education, without regard to Church or Beet We hope their legislation in^ivor of female education will be as successfully it has been in fuvor 'of tho education of tho other sex, by the endowment of tho Furman University.?PaI " - -? -<^- o -O* A Noblo Contribution. Mr. Gcorgo Penbody has contributed $1,000 to the Washington Monument found. The circumstances under which this generous contribution was made aro detailed in Mr. Peabody's Vtt HiwrivKo fml. The ol#rk ;Wm^iiA-tt wjw mSswSSESSS or to h?ve nnd to ho!^, BgaME?W??P??WM???p A New Invention.?Wo yesterday examined, 6RJ8 tho Augusta Constitutionalist, tlie plan of , s new'invention, by Mr. W. H. Salisbury, of this oitj', for the purpose of supplying railway ; cara with a current of^firesh air, free from emok? ? , and dust,' ond which is destined to *^1 """-'i to the comfort of railway travellers. The desigh of Mr. Salisbury is to furnish this supply of nlr by means^of a aeries of tubes, or . pipos, which may be made either of tii\, irou or zinc, and which are to be placed oa the top of the cars, extending the entire length _ of tho train and terminating in front, witHFa funnel shaped orifice, which is placed in front of the " smoke stack of the locomotive, and thus collects * the air in front of the smoke and dust. . The conncction of this metallic tube between each car is made by means of an elastic tube, randi_. of canvass or India-rubber, having withiu thcmfeStwire springs and connected by couplings. From ySm0^eji the metallic tube there descends a branch into * f ' the front of each car, from which it is again itrunsmitted, by means of a similar branch placed *ln the rear of the car, into the main tnbo anain ] and thence to the next car, and ?o on through ' the whole train. "* j An Impudent Bunann.?Tho Mobile Ad-verj ti?or of Friday aays:?Onr columns yesterday i and the day previous contained an advertise; isient offering $50 reward for tho return of a couple of sate keys which were solen from Mr. S. W. Cochran's apartment a few days ago. Yesterday the Messrs Cochran received o well written letter informing them whoro the keys could be found and directing whore tho motney should be deposited, besidos giving a variety of information upon the art of lock picking in. general, and Mr. Cochran's lock in particular. On goiiitf to the spot designated tho k?r? worn | found, and immediately" after Mr. Cochran | handed over the money offered a3 a reward to the person designated by the burglar to roceiva it. The burglar assured Mr. Cochran that ho lutd one before made an atempt on his safe, breaking a kej' in the lock, and he had keys that would open his office whenever he chose to enter, and in ehort thero was littlo in tho way of lock picking that ho was not an adept in. We hopo tho fellow rany be caught and caged. During the la9t session of the Nashville Legislature, Judgo Pepper, of tho Seventh Judicial District, presented to Governor Johnson a fireshovel, the workmanship of'hie own bnnds. The Judge was a blacksmith by trade. We presume he was a good one. as he - makes an ex ccllent Judge, to which office he wa3 re-electcd by u heavy majority at the late election of judiefal officers by the people. The shovel was acecptcd by Governor Johnson, and is kept for use in the executive office at the capital.. Governs Johnson, who was a gJ^Poilorlefora he a distinguished statesman and politician, retnra^ ed the compliment by cutting and making, with his own bunds, a coat, which he presonted to Judge Pi-pper. ^ Horrible Affair.?Tlie Cbarlotlavillo Advocate has a lettcrTTom Morgan County, Ky., stating that on the 30th ult., a dreadful affair, oe curved at Bloomington, in that county. Two lawyers, named r^peetively Eastly and Ilazelrig, were rival candidates for the office of ^countw^tornoy. During the oanvass on the day GWio stated, Eastly, in a speech to a crowd of the electors, declared that Hazclrig was n linr and had committed perjury. Immediately Hazclrig stepped up to tha stand, and withoiJtt| word pointed a revolver at his assnitoi{^Discharged the eoDtent* into.his head, blo^Jfcg cut his brains and causing instant 'death. Ilazelrig surrendered himself; wn3 <-'** aniincd and acquitted on the ground of justifiable homicide. ' i ikatl "Road Acois-ekt.?Tho passenger trnia upon the Greenville and Columbia Railroad met with a severe accident on Tuesday evening when within about seven miles of this place. The Engine, Tender, Mail Car, and one platform, were thrown off tho track, and precipitated down an embankment some seven feet high, causing a total wreck of the Engine, Ten* dcr, and tho platform car, containing two carriages bolongingto passengers. The Mail Agent and a ncjrro fireman were somewhat hurt. The Engineer^ Mr.-J. B. Edwards, miraoulously escaped uninjured. ' None of (tie paMDgera were' banned, although some twenty-fivo wore ou board. The causo of this accident was the running over and killing of two QO\fS by the engine.?Greenville EnUrprtte. Stiuxge OcccnnsxcE.?We understand that a mau diod in West Troy last Thursday evening, with ? disease strongly resembling cholorn, and his body, deposited in * coffin, and fully i ^icjjaica jur uunm. xno rems)Q9 worn Kept ! until Saturday evening, and tjienr while the ! friends of the deceased were engaged in holdI ing a wake over bim, tho supposed dead man I slowly recovered from tho state in which he bad so long lain, and actually arose from tho coffin, walked across tho floor, and requested a drink of water, saying that he was very thirsty I This comes tons from one of the parties present, and we seo no reason to doubt her statemeat We-farther understand that the man is ?:n -?ti?.. TC : vv.dHiwutuv, H'iU n iu a ww oi. 4 ? wy ^ irfivv. Bombardmkht or 8a* Juan.?The Illinois , brinM intelligence that the ?k>op of wnr Cyano demanded ?atufitetlo8of m? ?trtho>Itie3 of Sati Jusq for thi'reoonfciftwlt to Mr. Bolatid, the Atnorican MinUter. The people resolutely re fused, when tbe town was "bombarded on the 14th ond burnt Tho people were apnnk <0 the .{Mt, and reftwed to apologise, though every hoa