THE INDEPENDENT PRESS. is ruDLiflirtn rvkrv baturday horning, dv PUCKETT & PANT: TERMS. p?r annum, invariably in adittnve. Advertisements will l>e inserted cougjjieuou,''y ' ? ! 1 - ? ' nt UIC lUHUftlllj; vcy |Vn 111..., 1 square of J-J ljnoB or lee*, 1 insertion, 7fi Every following insertion, - $?[~7 ' **' 1 square 3 montliernl deductions will lie made to persous advertising largely*. All obituary notices -exceeding twelve lutes will bo churged as advertisements. rg?"All eoininiuiicationB and letters on btisi? i ,,, tn Trrt. neaa wirn mis omn, l.NDEi-KNDKNT I'kk-is, Abbeville C. UL. S. C., PREPAID, to insure attention. POETRY. [From the Marion Star.] The Disappointed. I see him walking in tlie street, > ! I I...II I SCC mill 111/ i lit: Willi, Ami still ill every crowil wc meet, lie's gayest of thoni nil, lie looks nt mo and with ft sruile Bows gracefully and low, I wornler if lie sighs tbe wliilo To think I told liiui?"No " I Tliere arc no wrinkles in Ii^b face, No silver in his linir, But in my own, nlns! I trace The rnvngos of caro, Oh, ho must very heartless bo, To keoji his beauty so, He ilocs't seem to fret like mo, licoausc I told liim?"No." lie's fifty-two, ami flirting ycl With every baby faco, And seems completely to forget own niaturer grace, I do believe he's handsomer I?. ? .,< I only wish licM try ino now, I would'nfc nnajvor?".No." Indeed I think 'tis very hard That maidens nowr may Speak out the love that tills the soul, And eats the heart away, I'll do'it, tho' I wander from The path where.others go. It womd'nthe a killing (hint; If he should answer?"No." Altho' I'm only forty-five, I've lost my teeth ami hair, Indeed I can L afford to waif, "While he is fooling there, It isn't ritflit. Mil vet I must My feelinjrs let liiui know, How much I love liiui, and trust He will not answer?"No." "Tis done, I met liiui yesterday, And popt the question plain, And fervently 1 liope 1 may Ne'er do the lik<: again ; He answered.with a horrid grin, "I'm married l<>n^ ago, And even if I had'nt been, Old maid I'd tell you, Nc>." Ax Old Maid. Coined ii&. Mlv 1st, '51 MISCEXjIjANEOXJS. Equestrian exercise for Ladies. The mewt eitv>riiil nliv?ifi?t'tn^ r.i fc> pictures that the pencil of nrtist ever drew, is a finely formed and graceful woman mounted on a spirited charger, who, proud of liis fair burden, curbs his gloagv neek and spurns the earth as it wore not good enough for bim to stand upon. It has been said that a lady's position on a lioreo is dangerous. We, do Hot think bo. fcfyery-'.position is either dangerous or awkward iflitil wo learn to manage ourselves in it. A lady,. with proper tore and training, can got tho management of a horse so completely that ho will bo nnt in luu 1 " t iruuip 10 uirow ner. In'evidence, we" may name Fanny Kemble. A few hints and- practice aro all she neoda.Thro lefl foot should bo placed in tfjie stirrup a little above tho second joint of the great toe. Tho reins should be brought up between the fingers of the left hand, and firmly held between-thumb and first finger. Tho left shouldershould be brought well forward, and tho rigurhand, holding tho whip, fall gracefully by the right sideH The pommel of tho saddle should not be held by tho right hand. .The fair rider, ohould throw her sbouldAs bac^, and giV^ as much expansion to tTlrt ? - vuu0v,m? possiuiCj and keep as nearly as slio oan the momentum of her lioree. If the steed springs suddenly to the left, and the AgfQC8 not with bis direction, fiho gets a counter/motion and falls to the right. Jfbioli fejS&Uttr pleasant nor gracev ';* ^ ' ? . A Bed Bug Story. . " m *& '- 'v"f ' mo editor Qf tJio 'Grand tlVver Eagle cavea iho $Hf>? a^e experience of a Send stoppm^at th^Kalamwoo ^ouse: -^.you aoiflS^&nt tx) bed prelfcv all fired used up, jjSwffltfApU day on the old road before on a good -J& ' Jk ,kivered up in for * naP?$0 use?mounted right on m?, Hko a pas&I of rats on s jncal tub?dug n holo in tlio klver, lid, and crawJed through and givo mo jRta for twin1 to bide. Got up ogain, went-'down stairs nnd got the slush buckot frorti thev wufcon i?_, i:. :? .1 .?:.j? ?> ?... JJfUU^Ut lb ?IJ,I illiu UUIUU (k UIAUV \JI u??. VII tflo floor?lay doi^fcn^lio fjopV injtyfrin side, a?id felt comfortable that tim then dropped righ plump into myfaco. *r act by thunder. "NVel I swept 'ein up again and niiido a circle o or nn fli?-? rvilintr too. Thought I had 'en foul, that timo; but I swar to ua?n, if the; didn't pull straws out of tlic bed,'and build i regular bridge over it!" Seeiug au iucredi ble expression on our visage, ho clinched th story thus:?"It's so whether you believe i or not, and somo of 'em tcalktii across 01 stilts." Bed bugs aro curious creatures am no mistake; 'specially the Kahnazoo kiud, Auctioneering in California. The reporter of the San Francisco New furnishes that paper with tho following r< port of a speoch mado by a California auc tioneer: s "Ladies atul genllomcn, I now have tb honor of puttingup hfino pocket handkoi (thief, a yard jwuo a" yard long, and almost yarn thick. One half cotton, nnd the t'othe half cotton, too; beautifully painted wit tho stars and stripes on one sidej and tli stripes and stars 011 t'other; it will wip dust from tho eyes so completely as to b death to demagogues, and make politics t bad a business as printing papers ; its gre: length, breiulth and thickness together wit its dark color will enable it to hido dirtand never need washing; going at ono dolla ?seventy-five cents??fifty cents??twenty nve ccnus f?one uit { nobody wants it oil tliank you sir! " Next gentlemen, (fortlie ladies won't I permitted to bid on this article) is n real, s inonpure tempered, highly polished, keei edged Sheffield razor; bran spankin new never opened lyjforo to sunlight, moonlig) starlight, daylightj or gasliglS; sharp enoug to shave a lawyer, or cut a disagreeable a< (piaintauce, or poor relation: handle of but horn, with all tlio rivets but the two at tL ends, of pure gold, who will givo 'two do lars? one dollar? half a dollar? "Why 3 long bearded, dirty faced reprobates, wit lint irwviii Kiiniurli nii'wnnp nlii7f.>o ?uki; ujj iu tuv; luuruin^ ciuan siiaveci won't anybody give two bits, then for tb lot! I know I would sell em. "Next ladies and gentlemen, I offer tbrc pair socks, hose, stocking or half hose, jui as you're mind to call thcui. Knit by a ini cliine made on purpose, out of cotton wool the man that buys di'esc will be enabled t walk till lie gets tired ; and, provided h hoots are high enough,, needn't 'have an corns ; tho legs are as long as bills againi the corporation and as thick as tho heads < tho members of tho Legislature ; who wan! em at one half dollar ??thankee, inadan dollar? " Next I oft'er you a pair of boots, mad especially for San Francisco, with hocls Ion unuu-ii IIJ uiinu II IIIU1I up lO IDC Jionuiti grandes, and nails to ensure against bein covcred over by aland slide; legs wicl enough to carry two revolvers.flbd a bowi knifj and tlie uppers of the v^r best Hon leather. A man in Ihede boota can about as fast as. the State Capital; who say twenty dollars'?;-. All the tax payers ougl to buy a' pair to kick the council with.; ci cry body ought to h*ye a pair to kick Ih Legislature with?and they will bo found < assistance in kicking the bucket especiall if soinc body should^kk^at being kieke ?ten dollars for^gsi^uppers and soles while soals and miserable' Bouh'&t that ar bringing twenty tliousand' dollars in Saors meulo! ten dollars? ten dollars { goneat te dollars! v' ' ,- ? . "Next is something that voii .niirrh* f have gentlemen, a lot oC good gal lowses? sometimes called suspendors/>j[ know ths some of you tfiilfaftrf>r a wbili&^ beSj&rnishe attlio State's, expense, but. you can't tc which one, so btkjr wher they're cheap*; al that descrvo hanging arc not supplral; wit! a gallows, if so were would bo nobody-1 mako laws, oondemn criminals., o.r ^fliljpriti until a new election; made of pure gut elastic?stretch like a judge's conacienw and last as longas aCalifornian office holdc will steal; buckles of pure iron, and warren! uu 10 noiu bo ugiii (gat no mans wite cai rob liitn ftre in short, a strong, nsjgood, flfc effectual, and as won title as (.ho ordinance against. Chinese shop on Dupoot streets?gong, at 25 cent." A Vfry SUgbi^H^renoe. How^ho of our ga^yanng brokers tfa recentl^ramBhcd wi tli'a new wrinkfe, i told by hisTrtdndon the rtreet^as thrif: > Follow o^ne, ffdiug^Bfi^enpugU look ing horse-,'tdHho front of the pffico wliicl Jooenh Ham ' ' ' f "Tell wlaatP drawled?T&a very sleepily.L< I '?"Tell what?'ym^ttive .-you twenty-five jf$ t dollars for that A -" .v .* ' Ho's wuth more,4*'emd tho jockey,!t&si ing bis teg over tlio saddle aud'sliding slowly . to,tliQ ground : but / nevefwas tk&ynanto i tet;^ hundred and twenty-five dollarssplit - .jne m u rivrtsc iririt~ ual manifestations of the tatlc. r To Catch Mick.?l'lacc HWcotmcals in your ll niOllil) on anJnff irt l?n?1 n?"l 41 .. ? w i/vut WKU AVVf J IMU IIIUUUI l0 wide open. When you feel tlio whiskers of the mouse, bite. / * AUC.USTA ADVEMTISEMENTST is | lt GRAY BROTHERS, 2 AUGUSTA, OA. , ;/ . ,? 1^' to inform the public, that tlicv have iust I " .A J returned from the Northern markets, with a full and complete stock of l' Sprinff Dry Oood*. Having nil the facilities in the purchasing of >0 their stock that a cash capital can command, we ii- hog leave to assure the public, that we will alr|_ ways keep on linnr Linen Lustycs nnd Chambrys; t, -v- Cheap Long Cloths and Homespuns; ; Irish Linens, {own importation); e KJnin Linen and Linen Drill, for GenU wear; Linen Sheeting, exceedingly cheap ; n,uuo ul V^UI LUIl OUCL'llllg ) 50 -Pillow canfl Linen; 5t 40 inch Pillow enso Cotton ; 1- Hosiery of every description, very clieap; I. Embroideries of every description ; some ' very fine; Sowing Silk Mits and Gloves; IS Kid aud Silk Gloves; y llaw flilk ond J jialc (Moves; ;t, I.intt.Cinibrie Handkerchiefs, nil kinds; j- Swisa and Jaconct Hands, very rich; Cambric, Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings and Insertion; 3, Kibbon Trimming*, new styles; Rich Bonnet and Neck Itiljlions; [c Lisle, Thread, and Linen Liiees; And n great variety of oilier articles too & numerous to mention, to which wc respectfully y invito attention. | Ai>ril 1-47-Gin S - I? AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE ^CLOTHING EMPORIUM. " \7S7M. & PRICE lumWaJ&iuIroad, J rpnE this Company who Arc * J- in defnttlfciji pftymeftt of their Stock or Aa- ..<] g ???er,icnt, will tnko notice* that the matter wiill 'i s bo brought to th& attention ctf th6 Conyen?^i> -A CHARLESTON At^felt^SEMENTS. IaILEY, DOUGLAS & J&DEliSON, * V ty y.UOI.KrtALK AND BKTA1I. v y iVo. 311) King''i1rcet,*% doors above G'corijc, CHARLESTON, 8.- O. I* r. A. BAJIK Y, C. 1)01(1 LAP, W. I>. ANIIKILSON. I XV Reference?Jxo. A. Cauioun, Esq. ,;^jan. 14 30 ly Ml y Cameron, Webb &. Co., (Successor* to (!. /s . f w. m. hack. ) nih'25 Wh ?.* ;CHARLESTON CARPET WAREHOUSE. William Calder A / HAS always on hand the largest.and best KM,': selected stock of CAlU'KTIX(r to be SJ''V found in the city, viz:?Fine Ingrain*, low "u"' nriecd; superfine Ingrains, Tapestry Velvet, Tapestry Brussels, low priced Brussels, Three f**.'lul l'ly Carpetings, Green and Printed Baize, Hearth ^,on Rugs and ])oor Malts, Stair Carpeting and j.? ' Stair llods, Bindings, Ac., Ac. Matting, all J"'1,' widths. b)o With a Inrrre lunnrlniont. of FlilllR OH. Ciffc CLOTH, from :j to '24 feet in width, for llooms, Dr Lobbies, without scam. Nob. 246 and 243 King-Bt., corner H^cel. T SOtJTHBRH CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 3 Miller, Hum.kv ?t Co.'a Old Rtund, '288 Kin if, orni corncr Socicty afreet, and ojiuositc Merchant* '' Hot el, Flat Charleston, S. O to t 1>. J. & Ci. jr. LEVY, M.\NL'F.\(rrrnKIW OK J'O MEN'S. YllliTH'X A\n ROY'S ?=2 a m m , J 1>Ef? leave to acquaint- W holesale Buyers, jjV( ) tlmt they always have on hand a general (jM, assortment of 1'LOT! 11.NO, puitnble for all suason?, which they guarantee to 8ell nt 'l'l? New York Ca*tli Priccs. the NEW OOODS received by every steamer, t,HI direct front their manufactory, 75 Williaiu-Bt., New York. ] C2T Merchants supplied on liberal terms. I fre< JOHN II. VAN NOV, cur II. M. I'll ELI'S, tB. Si/> Charleston, March 25, 1851. -lC-Om liar m que ?K MK rcli When the K. It. K. Theory was ti rst declared ^ to the world, skeptical persons doubted iLs uor- wn rcctness, and looked with distrust oil the rcine- I>'ni dies it possessed. Others, however, struck with kcv the originality of its views and conceeding merit to the theory, were induecd to try if the reine- ? dies bore out in practice what was claimed for them in theory. A third class differing from j,3lr the others and perhaps more numerous, without ? J coneideing for a moment any merit they might he entitled to, tried them, merely as a venture, growing out of a desire for something new. We are satisfied with tho result, for the public * has received the benefit and B. 1L R, Theory c!.^ has triumphed. Not a day posses that we do n ' not have admission from some hitherto unbe- Thi liever that their skepticism was unfounded and convinced by rending our Family Friend, have rp proved by their own experience, the infallibility u of our medicines. Not a day passes that we do p not receive grateful testimonials of cures effect- .. < ed by these Medicines. " I was seized with cramps nnd spasms last night says one, and had Qn ^ it not been for ltadawayVReady Relief I should ()jy ( unit: uicu Willi UIV |>uill. ^Vlioiuer Knys, "Illy wife was slowly sinking with nn affection of the Lung$ and my neighbor was suffering from jj( Scrofula,?I have seen them both restored to j health by Rndway's Renovating Resolvent. A third say, " Railway's Regulators haveeurcil |jio| me of liabitual costivenesa that was the burden ^ of iny life." Such are the characteristic testimonials wc daily rccive of the II. R. R. Rcmc- jje(] dies."' Radwav's Rkai>v Relief, the first of the R. R. R. remedies, is tlie most quick and safe rein euy umi nas ever yei oceit discovered for the instant relief of nfl ACUTE OR CI MIOTIC PAINS. It is ft certain disenfectnnt and will J\ neutralize the most violent poisons of Malignant- Stat Epidemics. If the human system is seizod with tlio viruloneo of Cholera, Bmall-Pox, Ship Fever, Pneumonia, or other fatal poisons, Had- * way's ReodyVBeli6f used in connection with Rau way VRegulatora, will checkthe violence of the disease, neutralize tho infection, and will .Ttl not only proteet the system against sudden JVos death, but. will restore tno l>odjr to health and ^ Htrengtb. .We make this assertion boldly, and if .any Ply piciaii or Chemist doubts the great power wnleh we claim for our Rondy Relief, over malignanjfmjns, lot them examine it and ' .RHEUMATISM. ^ Terr 1'alhs stopped" in a few minutes. Tlie moment Itadwiw'B Jloady Relief is applied to tlie parts ntilictoa with rlienmatie pains, whether it liu in I tlie knew joint, tlie arms, legs, feet or lojnvall, ~~ pnin and anguish peases. fo cnipplen foti'tf entv years. Mr. Charles M. ?ott Johnston, Nask&lj^ was crippled with a chronio jfl rheumatism forl^cnty years. Ho purchased from J. M. Zimmerman one bottle of Heady Relief, and one box of Regulators.. The Ready ? Relief was nppliod as soon as it was obtained. Hp] In tioenty rmntUet htf was free from pain ; JL In twenty-four hour* he could stand aloue; to tl In four day* he could walk nlone. good By the use of tlie Resolvent) Relief and Regu- Baf0 I a tors, in one month ho was entirely cured. in tli A uuty' rtfd 85, had been crippled for years, farni could not raiae her hand to her head. Ono bot- mad< tie of R. R. Relief removed all pain and stiff- butt k?a^(nreated new life within her disabled body, will i Bjitfced eaeli Jimb and joint Uf a strong vigor- PC th HflKrhulthy condition. The lady is well all t! Atherille, N. C. Thozuaa W. Atkin, Sid., &iitor?f the Ashe ville published the ? >im in Uls pApor on tbo 18th of October 1868. Fe Boddkn Affetes. Cramps and SpaSmb. For ~ ill ioterulvKmltica. whoro the looJy*?%d*W&i Cramps, Spamu, Diarrhoea, w * Jlioler* Jlorbu8, 'Ono.too*pcK>nful of Radway's toady Relief will in, fifteen minute a allay the uost distressing pahis. CROC Feqerand Am*. Let thoao afflicted Willi this lUfcrewing malady takeKad way's Ready Redisease : ,J. S. Rose's Nervous and Invigorating Cordial. lie greatest di boovery in medical science. * astonishing preparation for raising up a ik constitution debilitated l>y enre, labor, ly or disease, acts like n charm. It gives ngtli and appetite, and possesses great invigting properties. ' or llenrt Diseases, nil Nervous Affections, tulenee, Heart Burn, Restlessness, Numbness, iralgia, raising the spirit*, and giving power lie whole system, it is almost miraculous in m\ ? I., r Coughs,, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. 'he Bkrt Corcm Syrvi? in the "Wont.d.?There ninny Cougli Syrups which tire mere pallia's. f)r. Hose's celebrated Kxpcetorant or lgh Syrup, not only relieves the worst cough, it allays all irritation of the Lungs or oat, subdues nhy Bronchial affection, cures Asthma, an?l is decidedly the best prepnrni for Consumption and nil Lung diseases. In ties at SO cents and ?1. 'on Whooping Cough.?This distressing nnrl pieutly dungcrum complaint, yields, and in ed by ] )r. Hose's celebrutcd \V/ti>ojiing C'viit/fi up. It alluys the cough mul prevents 111niiintioii nud drops}' on the ?lic?t. It freiiitly cures in one week, und gives instant cf. 50 cents per bottle. l Ckiitai.v Cure fob Cnorr.?Children nrealliable to Iho croup, which dangerous com mt yields immediately to Dr. J. S. Rose's cr-failing CroupSyrujt. Price'25 cents. Do you Suffer with any Pain? f you do, you will find immediate relief by ig I?r. J. S. Hose's Pain Ourcr. It is ihc onireparation which euros, almost,, i! Throat, Rheumatism, from Colds, Pains in Side, Back, or Limits; Face, Ear, or Tooth 10; Stomach or Bowels, Side or Buck; Stiff k, Bruises, Corns and Chilblains. Whcrev011 have pain, use the I'aiu Curcr. Safe to ige_ Price, 12t, 25 and 50 cent bottles. ? Only Cure for Dyspcpsid, Liver Comjrfaint and Indigestion. Iiousands have been cured of the above plaints, and tens of thousands more cau be :d if they will take Dr. J. S. Ilotcx Dyxpcpj'ompoutul and his Anti-Jiilioun or Jiailrond The Dyspeptic Compound ucts directly .lie liver and btomacli, whilst the l'ills carry ill secretions, keeping the bowels open nnd liar, nlao giving strength and appetite, scmodicincs contain no calomel or inerenrv ny form, 1>ut possess great tonic, alterative, iiach ami liver compound^ which never ini but always improve the constitution, na sands can testify. .11 of the above preparations, with Dr. Hose's licul adviser to Persons in Sickness and in iltli, to be had of "Wnrdlaw i? cash?one price only. ^ n>l>25 ! New Iflattresses. I AVE locatod myself nt Hodges' Depot, 1 and am prepared to make Mattresses, Comi, Cushions for Settees, and., such articles, will pay a good price for Shucks and stained on. Give me a call. ,n. 21 37?tf DAVID B OWENS. . ? 1 Cotton Crins. [IE subscriber?, having had nine years ex- ' perience, and given universal satisfaction icir patrons, being n?wfully prepared with 1 machinery and the beat efworkmen, feel j in saying to the Cotton Planters in general lis and .tno adjoining States, that they can ieh them with the best-COTTON1 GINS now 3. They could offer a host of certificates, * Kilioving the Warrantee to be sufficient, they lay, Sena on vout orders through the mail j eir agents^ who will viait the most, if not 10 Planters in reasonable bounds. , S. 1L A WJl QGLESBY, ( ; : WIL ?2- ? XfiuerwjD, j&ioert county, Oa. t h.4. so ^ - ly I H1WRYS.KSRH, I 10LE81LE & BETAIL DjzAufe iti:. " EEIES,FRO?f8IOIfS k CONPBCTIONABIBS, <$ ABBEVILLE, O. H., 8. O. T iS 10, 1843. ' ?1* m ' ' ji . V-.J ..'*?> M> * SOH, ^ND RETAIL 1 n T T n ir -mr ti it m A 1> L, 1 5 It M U JN 1 , olumbia, South Carolina. attention of the public to their EXTENSIVE inner Clothing, is market. , LAIUiK STOCK OK hing O o ? d h : TRUNKS, , CARPET BAGS, IF.FS, VALISES, OWNS, MONEY IIKLT8, vill find, ot.thia Establishment, a large and 24? ly The World's Hotel, AT ABBEVILLE C. II. A HOME FOll THE STRANGER. THE subscriber respectfully informs tlio^^T public, that hia Hotel is still opcnjllljl. for tlic reception of Boarders and Travellers. His rooms arc ample anl>on. Trimmings, Hosiery, Veils, Kid, Cashmere and Silk Gloves; Biuikskin Gauntlet, for Ladies' Mitts; Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, Edgings and Inserting*, Laces, Linen Cambric Ildkfe., do. Embroidered, from 75 cts. to 8 dollars. Oct. 1, 1863. ' 21?tf -ft * Ramsay's Piano Store. MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -j Columbia, S. C. NUN'S r^Grnn(l Pianos; Hallet Davis ?fe Co'? 1/ J U U U Putent Suspension Bridge Piano* , Cliickcrings, Trovers, and other best makere' l'? nnos, at the Factory Prices. April 1, 185-1. 47 teople's_gaz1^ " MAKE HOME .IIAITX 1" THE CHEAPEST MONTHLY IN THE 8% DEVOTED TO Physiology, Hygiene, Natural Histt^ *' Literature, ami Practical Medicine. .m ^ 1 . PUBLISHED AT . ABBEVILLE .<^d,^hav^ffoon it Any wishing Tttbujy are invited to call , ind examine it. -lintendto mM&Weii. and if \ut )Ut op to the lugheet bidder. > Feb. 1H - P??*81 M ? 6n>; ' '^'"Proprietor. ' JLf those indebted to>hS?i>?iuinr>hv ZtMifA ''if'- - V. 1'' V 'mr4ZJC?. * : ... ' ? ***.