^ MM ' TERMS?ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM,] "X*?" bo inttliled i?to the Heart, of yo& Children that thpi^TJ* ?*ftj^ FallLiium of all y^r%htp;?Ww..v?';:;;';T?^^^;;.. " - ^ (PAYABLE JWAlffifc 0?E>-m' 6. ABBEVILLE C. H., S0U$ff CAROlIJJA, .5AT^DA:Y..;.^|N!SG, ; JUNE 47y ^-^WllOLE- NUMBER' 58. > ' __ .: ^S?fr>v- ;S7 f-vJfe?Pi V*w?- " ' ioi? - i?? ? ." - -? - -" ''I--'' - -'- -** ' v.. . T-r: ** vrRii^kir FOA. TJtB : IXftXPBKDRNT PRESS. I * _ . EARL E S MOBGlNji O'I Xhfl 8fli?olmuster. ?m ? fOOJITtfnjKD.] " ? lties Millet said: " I ?m yery sorry.that J did h him any injury, but ifc>asin eelf-defence. But It " . Bridget, how itf it that you know so much of It ~' *hat w going oaiu tlie Convent when you are h; \? : o!Ut*t servicer'* Bridget replied: "Lord MUa! thePrieats try di 4r> itAf Ann nf tla in AVam* fn?nM?r l~. 1 J - -?v gv? vue w* Will VTCtJ IOU1UJ 111 IA/1VUt Ollli WO Ol ' -with bleated Virgin, that she may"~ask her eon; of .--. that he may begthe Father to have (percy on co; 'm8l ;;rfelt,eo.badathavingdoneyp hand, aid ' Sy '-J. know that l am on my dying bca^iGli I-haye no > $g?. (tinned?Paiwatory!, t6 -' ;; ?y Heir voic^^ied tirsyia'rkiad of'moan, knd -tic r . ?pGechc<>uId not-bo understood. i -'i.V foi popr .-woman, -yon are *; Ttmaor TOcalatroiig excitement'.that your wound roi .^^ ^puttencad to bleed. You jpuBtquictyaur- .. . >. let jne stpp tho-LeDiorrbwre. f'Youare fch< \ ?"}.^danger,<>J?dyirtg, if you wfltfollow niV v. directions?yoli bare 'oommittediViio sii), ;but no ^rather doacra^aetoT justice. ijnd it .i - rl'let ma examine your wound, or yoii miay-bieed hit death." > ' .- v,V. ,r r - She becam$ quiet, and.Tre . "And I-wiU belp yon tbo,^ aaid tbe re'tj^'en at ' Sericfb^d^ % 1 ' ' trior c orb tUJBtbd than JlriJgefc.,* Ha did not tow- th< - ever presflribo an opiate ifor her, Injt-o gljisd of nv? Sey fir .< mt&. withim hit^dv/ledge- : -ggi ' was immediately acted upon, atid. in' t$r odayfc ho' all wu complet^iUad^laofedrtii^ ?i,a attired in sable^^rt^fcSfc^d jn( fectionately, and gava Frederio a^ tol?n *>W ^ . wm not a wordMUd*. but there-were -many hu- j?i, mideye&Kvaiii^i^^londer^aWoretruUi- 2j , fnl itan $Swl?& P^e ^'uSA ^ASMHHBBpPBBmwBSHWHffWBpffSWWjffWiPWpWKH r ^2wB^^^^11eSHSE^0K8BISB8HH8MEBBH?9c2H?oB^b a \-?j2r5SHtfSnE3BRIBtt^UUi^^^^^M beir father, \vaj?Mtackfid with the disease. 1 unily. Were thro wrilna panic, they did r now what to do, for they had b?en taught i lung hut obedience to their parent's i n j u n? ti o .<9\View be could not have proper attenti Aid him, aa there wm no woman at th^e hoi 'here he boarded. They tried to get some o > f?A Dtiil anA LS?M. 41 ' _f . >: . bv DUU dcc uiui, uui> me uiana was so gre. o.one Would ran the risk. Miss Milldr .then said: "Well, children, ould be wrong for oay of you ..to go, ]but. e baa not forbid me, I .will go and. nurse jd it the consequences be what they may, for bi not bcciTforhkn, what woula ,my situatii iveb'een ndMrt" The girls were thrown in a quandary, th u w.' . * - IUUv. .11 ww wuevuer cousin.jane should | not, so many obstacles presented thmjaelv -decorum-?the riskue ene run, ?? ?"> ~ !- -? --.-7 rrjrvv? uvuoo JO 1U DUv nftision, that I MiBs Miller interraptcd him by saying: " O vcr inind ubout your house; ~ T nave com attend-on my -nd shall not be pa ulnr about accommodations, if ho is con tably situated.""^ By tnjs timo' they had arrived at Morgin am door/"' " * x~ j Prateaid: Walk in ma'am, Maj. Horgtn isi jre.""*- ': ' ' Vv Hiss' Miller- hesitated,' and ?a!d; '" Would i i J? -?? * * ? vd iiuaiuuui w gyrourupujT .Hi aim, Tom lot be better' to announce me first? Say t n,-hia cousin Jane has come to nnfse-Iilm." rhe faot is, for the fi n>t t ime at the threthliol ?r 9f the sick man's room,-the propriety; c i" Act she was about to commit Tor the firs ie, fiitted across her mind, and lier dclicac. anKfromit, 36 ?Sid !sJ^#3hk'sm. it ? W'o^kndw yoa ; ^is oufc. " of "his senses oto jt: aqdentarid, ma'am.*/ She hesitate, ronicr, but Wnt in, and going to Lib bed e placed her soft linnds upon hu brow. Bu knew not thafthe,vjehV,tru/his constan me.in his delirium, was near him. Yea; ii wanderings Jan e Mi lie r -was h is onlr. tb em ( nctimes he ^.puldreproach. tafr for. hit cm p to him / yndld Bay ho was always th ftt of Portnne^?that^'8h4 fickle jade, woul (d out toBU Yierw'this most : allurirte ^objecb 1 jtut' aa he was about to g'raap them, w'oul sh them JfW)hr Kira. v^Aad"agai n, lie wonlcl b S happiest ?creffc$c onrr sattb,? for .'JanVbo: iled oh him and jav9Md hla, rait; brit-?tii iwrttpontiiMe-; barrU gyOTwqg^ueir- muotv ana then het woul feahoat ;tl? Bomish' .prfeate-^-talkof cor ate- <^fln?awnt,- fiUhyjdupgcona^Ae., non Wtoh^te^ipteUigiblo to any but Miaa Hi jV'.jPodr'gtrlI her'wtaatiqn can: be better in ined.thAta deafcribec& Tlie only- female in tli nse, among atrangcrfy -. and tlion to hear h< me br&thed'foim-witli. so muoli ..tcndernes tp eee Morgm's sympathy .re go-strong?h^. inhis'-deranged atato-c nd, he alluded to then>~0h her portion wt ng onfc?-she buried her face-in tl I ov, *t?lV keeping her brad on MorginV. fori sd/Va&d $bad:? cop! o 09 . flo" o d o f' tears. ? Mo Sho prayed most (etreaSy, -fin the sufferer, and-then for aid: and suppoi m avpti For f.Tinf. jJi a'*hn at ted to discharge her duty feithially anc* fea siyi' ~Sh ,d thought I heard the voico of my doarestwife; a :h I tbonght her pure spirit had been sent to cs- I r c'oit me to ^he ' mansions of bliss. Was that h nothing but imagination ?" 10 Miss Miller answered: ":W>hen you awoke, s r you spoke to one whom you addressed os Ail- I i. na, in the moist endearing terms. You a'pi i: pcared transported with delight. But I aeaure c 's you there was no one in but you and-Irand it t must hare been my voice that disturbed Ve a6no! ? There is more work oa earth for me ycC 'I;be| -v lievcl am delegated Ijy.lleav^ritoprotect hn.<| qjj . defend you: yflii poor, -innocent^permutes >thing W\th Ileavo&^^todTwill db^itef-. I (| -feetually." A'gentle preiStfW of bis hand-was ; 1. her dnlv response. v/','. r ' I t Just then, Jnmcs Prat came in to '6eo how Ij Morsin was. hftiwofl delimited to find him hat-1 n" ftt whatr' timQ o hoar" for," eaid he t d bc^B-thnbh boliiad that time Worebfc ja forfe" V ^ ,Sb&.thcn took u basin ftnd ^t some fresb = a b*tt?6 Morgtf?? face ian'dJiands.' "-.'< ' -.' d Pratfollowed hei^di>Wv(Sd.s><\Vhy ma'am, , j ia not the patient .bolt#.f -r U she rppUod^o^g}^^U I r '.^by then^do.you loolf^ lnbttoy^^n. J d $&%*?> earnestly; abouUfoDoetor I i- ^aiwvgred. ?.( waitfSspImow.: oi>ini^, A ? and then-I. trill 1 Certain: rTnow^nfe^MiinV * I- , ? i- .' She thengdttf towel; -wet, lttandwupcd his. u 0 face and iadM > Wiile she wnfl^engnged in ,r tho ablutJoire/he wotild ezelaiapr-." Oh I. IiuV i ? boforo X>r.-WilaioV f j ;?&r^>^ fden4-arriycd.-,J,rftt onnodocd hirq | m v*i*Jbo>'said;* 1'Oh 1 Doctor, I art j ie *o glad'y^o have coine! n>y cousin appears to; e bo botter, but I am not sure. Ib he. better, 1>6<$- -i r. to>r* Db.tell mo."- >..' ; - - I d ii-'fY^ JPaadam,"'Wilmot replied, '.'tlie crisis J jt i? paaVandjMtoosider him aufc.of danger." ^He ? ^ thon addressed Morgin, and said: "Major, how t K 5 ^ cousin Mfirt:,. 3ty>i4nn nhunrmT 1 Tliia opt)eared to aootjio linn, an'd so I continuod it until Wfell asleep." "That is it, tbafcia itj" said the Doctor; "the room did Require purifying. And thoja your hand?are you dfmagnctizer f" , vMiss Aj^Uer etiid: "No, not that I am awaro." "jbatP* said tbo Doctor, "you thought of nothing but the Major's recovery." "Oli no," alio replied, "of nothing el00; and I hoped that the diseoso might leave him and cleave to mo; for his life iBinuch moro valuable than ininlo and said: ,r "Oh yes, hero they are." .... She wrote a hasty note. Morgin told her to ay to the girls that they muH not como to lim, of he was out.of danger; and if 'hoy eairib-,1 nto the infected district tlicy would be almost:! ertain to take the disoaso. And then ho. said. oMiss Miller: _w,\ > " "My dear Jenny, you should "not havo oojfTo, am veryijifleasy about yon, I- am" so mush fraid you have taken the infection." . ,?v Mias Miller said: "Ohno, I don't think there ( } any danger. I'bave taken every precaution, nd.;I have.be.cn where infectious* diseases were, ria-did not thkc them. Pray, don't be uneasy." >.>Voll, well." saidMorgin, "God'e .^ill^bc ; Ipijfo. i-Butl pray Heaven you may Be snared." ^MiBsMillcr eaid: "I v?iH" go and Bend-"the orail- Mr, Pnit ha8 kindly offered'6b'a messcn> ' ^Spb - ' Morgiu ^tyd; '/That J^mmy isagoodfellow." a ?few momenta Misa Miller returned. ",rMorgipi said to her: "J^oj^.Jenny; I vj&nt ojuto do a little aibre'fo'r mej and then :I wJU : ..ig? | "Whatfii.it von w?b .me to doEfeMiig. "Get tfya^Bibk," said Morgin, ''And read to te the Ufth psalm." Sho ... oboyedj ;>nd 'rfi^d be psalm^ith a gropt deal of - "- Speech& Mx- Eharundi&:?: V 'j Mr. Borrttn^l^ mmi8tcr.plemi>otentiury of ? lopducas, upijn th?.?<:cwon of>Jiia^puresoiiting lU^rcdcnUalSifosUip JPreM_doa^.4mfwtedthe.1 h allowing apcefen:'?-" i.'j*-:-$ &. " . -> I-have tho bono? tg present herewith to your r XcelloDcy iny credential tie minister plcnipo entiary.of Honduras near the.government of ' he UnjtMvJBtateN Theirsobji&cfci^jiapotme a ft poaftfaffioi^fobl iah . efcnal' relaUoiMtobotw^on'Hondni^i^na ;thfe a Inited Stdtta.' ?ea^?OKl'^id;eb*vbcr roNjp -bott ay in gitbe deepest cmoJ^Bj^flaa'tXt be done soiier, W I'm engaged W&f&ft, anoth 2?}^r Tbo attorney caulmoword. -~~XAlfa.VAtt&SJfaA. .TWnimif,:*-*3fc ' ji.W, .':'.IL .'A * *+ ,> . . i _V A? ?*? ' 8r(14?Jlt'"? class (Iiia ycar gonsiBw of 'forty-aix mcnrtfors, ?Ol>but six'' of Ow^ng tp idleness' KUWKr ^niu.iovvuf^ *MW?av W* uu w>>ui>pmutiBfnte cojitni qs^the. t naraea' of/^01 represcnt atives from alnioat:ji^ery State flad '"Jjyritoi'y in tho VnibflV Among thorn are J. JtfjMycrs, L.Iiollcnquist, and l^Trydn, .c?f Sotith' Carolina. Tlioir appointments tako. ?ffecy.from the 20th vmg . fifty _ fiSH >cniarlritfiljk-xjiy ' "" * Umy wont round Light ^^se^oiiiti and -wlien thoy desired to prgTqq^dby a ntrong head wind. ;:: AflaH?aifata^to rtfiffid tho .*"* ' -. point being fruitless,: tBHffif distance! Hots- ho mal4l|j^|-fhigj" #?.ipo Hot informed; but tliore d$4fco^"\,?eern $6 bo any" s p|:id & ba'tlmt swpni tho flvo'^^^i'etntefc^Sb tho " MnzMtnii. Tli11 nlin'ii ^'iliin in i'nl Pi i i (T i n lion rub eola, audcrtake ( wijfflEffiaBpBjMBwWBw^wiriiiitiBiffff^iwfflBSi^^^^*^ ^ H^^^^^EBfiMMEiwtttBBBa^B^^BM^^^yW^ ? '^ "fitar J imW: