|- . _ . - ? "./'i j,' 'JWAum ? . ...|i -jy i - mjmr *ym*wn*f~wrt ^ ~v~.- y ! ' 7 ^ ^ ^ *y T8 ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ gg^ B ^ D3V0TBD If? LXTIRATURI, THE ARTS, SGXEME, AGRIGOTTURE, HEWS, PGMTIGS, &C., &G. TERMS?ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM,] . "Let it be Instilled into the Hearts of your Children that the Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of all your Rights."?Junius. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE VOLUME 2?!T0. 5. ABBEVILLE C. II., SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1854. AV1I0LE NUMBER-57 POETBY. [for the independent press. J & To my Lady-Love. - 'Mong all the bells on heather blown, ( Or bloom* that o'er the woodland wave, . Or birds with golden plumage borne, Or fish that in the streamlets lave: There is not one so blithe, so fair, That flings its glories to the day, That wheels it? flight in ambient air, Or in the rinnlinc* VirnnVWo A -O * ~ 1""J ' < \ From brighter gleams in Ether's glow, , Of lights whose lustre dots the sky, .No flush can all their radiance show, . But "akuika" the splendors of her eye. o No note from out the spheres e'er flows Can touch the raptures of her song, . Nor in its softest gush disclose The thrills that to her strains belong. Clifford. ^ JillckcrmiiUr. dn Jr?u11 1QK-4 g "" ",t"- C ORIGINAL TALE. ? ^ [WIUTTEM FOR THE INDEPENDENT I'RESS.] 11 CHARLES M 0 R. GI N; J Or, Xlie Schoolmaster. n BY CHARLES M. PELOT. fi at SCONTINUED.] pi zest to tlic affair, was that the V( man was a foreigner, dressed elegantly, and rode ja in his own coach attended hy white servants. w Thus, like the rest of the world, the good peo- j,, l>io vi uviguiiuc wcie ui>tr?ci?u uy aomeining gQ new, dazzled by external appcarences, and 6f, thought anything foreign superior to the productions of our own country; consequently, they j1? were the easy dupes of any humbug that floated gfl along in this age of humbugs. Well,.Monsieur Bamboozle announced that w he would lecture and experiment on Biology, the evening after he arrived. Fredcric went ac to hear and to see. He brought home such an ^ \ account of the extraordinary powers of the man, co that his sisters concluded to'go the next evening. Thev asked Misa Miller to nnp.omnnnv flmm but sho declined; so she and Emma stayed at jin home. As soon as the party set out* Jane and Emma went into their room up stairs, and Miss Miller locked the door?she did not know why, but she Felt nervous. -jsi a short time came to the door and asked admission. The knocking startled and alarmed Miss Miller, who told the woman that she wanted ^ nothing and could not admit her. She prctcn- ^ ded that she wanted something in the room, but Miss Miller peremptorily ordered her away. When the party returned, the girls D0 confirmed all that Frederic #had reported, and no ! 1*. 4 tIiAf Miaa Xfillfli clinnl/l nn/inmnanv JllOIOlrUU tllUU JJX1I? DUVUkU UVVV1U|/HWJ them on the following night After a great e< 1 deal of persuasion, she at last reluctantly con- 'l0 t scntecL On the evening in question, it was w< cloudy, and Miss Miller predicted rain and ad- co ; vised them not to go. But they were all eager Ba ' for the amusement, and their determination was - fixed. On arriving at the lecture room, they found it very full; they, however, got seats m near the door. The Biologist made his ap* pearance. As soon aa Miss Miller saw him, 1 he started, and turned deathly pale. Emma noticed her change of appearance, touched her brother and pointo l to Miss Miller. Frederic u' asked her if she was ilVj she nodded, rose, took , his arm, and tottered rather than walked out 81 of the room. If Emma had not supported her ^ on the other sida, she could not have got out. * All 4-Va fnmtltr laft Tlifltf t/inlr ft noialiliAp'a All buc lauuij v?? w MW.Q..WV. H carriage -which was at the door and drove home. w They asked Miss Miller what was the matter. She said that she was in such a state of excite- ^ merit, that she could not tell them then, but that ^ to-morrow she would tell them alL She was bo c' nervous that Federic (who was studying medicine), thought it advisable to administer an ^ opiate, which quieted her somewhat The ^ family retired at about eleven o'olock. Fanny (Morgin's youngest daughter) slept with Miss Miller. Morgin had a couple Of very ^ fierce dogs, which were kept chained in their 8' "">?? kennels all day, and let lose at nigui Be- * ? i tween two ancl three o'clock, Emma went into ? J Miss Miller'* room to see how she was. Judge ? SjL j of her (Ttrprise ohe found that she was not ~ mi there! She ran down stairs, went into her ^ ' j brother's room, woke him, and told him that a I Alias Miller was gone. She then ran to the kentael and found both dogs tied. The animals * * . Were barking furiously, hut^she, poor thing, *" J voeld not hear them. She loosed them and ^ I clapped her hands to set them on. The dogs j Mn to tho gate and she followed them. They '' an& Federic got there about the same time.? a | The tain was descending in torrent*. Frederic " .ft thought he. saw two objects in front of him, one J 1 in advance of the other; ho ran with all his 5 j - Wrigk*, came up to the firtt object, which the 8 ; dogs had passed, and with one blow of the cud- * A 8?^ foiled it to the ground. Theddgs, by this c | * lime, had overtaken' the other, which they I seized. Frederic ran bo their Insistence; b\it ( . i ' jttct to he ?ame up, tile man, by some meaift, J dkengttged himaalf from the dog?> tod spring irfio * carriage whichjrto in waiting, leaving ' the burden which He irta carrying on the ' .y ground. Ho dld sot escape Froddric, however, < for juat bus he was leaping in W thfc carriage, the ' young maagare him ? blow on th? baek of di e : he^d> ?a he tbcmght, that proatrated him on the ' ,* v io^f4^0""ipWiy- 1 Be then turned to see %hat that wa* thet ley 1 mfthe around; add to his gt*|tjar cousins, the danger is all over now, at least r a long time; so eaj nothing (o your father >out it It will only distress and keep him neasy; promise me that you will not" And ley all promised. "Now," bIio said, "let me b up, and try to walk about the room, bo tat I may get strength to see that woman, for wish to know what she lias to tell inc." In about an hour, she said she thought she as strong enough and sufficiently collected to ive the interview. She then took Emma and lara's arms and they all went down stairs.? isa Miller was very weak and pale. The doroform, the wetting, and the fright had tattered her nerves, and made sad ravages on er health. Thejr entered the room. Miss [iller went,up to the coueh on which Bridget iy, and in a soothing manner inquired how she dt, and said she was very sorry she was SO .Ji- i i Y>_: jt i i ?t? J * ? * uuiu at Her, ana wiien? 10 efcMh? pi tiable condition tho mild, gentle, ni unoffending girl, wag reduced to?viewlg herself as an auxiliary at least in this work f desolation?she really felt compunctions of snscien^e, and her mental suffering appeared ) be extreme. Tears rolled down her cheeks, nd it was some time before she could speak. At length she said, " Oh my dear lady, don't alk to me in that way, it cute me to the heart, lurae me 1 curse me I with all the bitter curses hat the Church ever made 1" , Miss Miller replied, "Kay, but our Savior ias enjoined upon us to return ^good for evil, nd that injunction harmonizes with my present eelings. Bridget, I forgive you for all the pain rou have caused me. and would most gladly do rou good. But I am very weak, and cannot tay much longer with you now. You eay here is something on y forgive me for this great sin, and may [ get absolution from. the I'raste before I die 1" "Bridget," stud Miss Miller, rising; "pray <0 God our Qsavenly Father; through our Lord Fesrus Christ. "TLb. ho> iind he alone who can l&rgive'ain, knd'if yooikicfc'rely t^J^t^h'e will forgive. 1 urn loo ^eak to t41k with^oa now." ' > .w, ->+' vih iM. lilltr MtliiiUtm.i <1lH r -IwA.? - 'v- *', r- 1 - *k> ' '. . * > V, "'" f. ,' ' , ? ing on Fanny's shoulder. Frederic huuded her i a chair, she eat down, and drew Fanny close to, a her. " c Bridget looked at them and exclaimed, "Yes, 6 there is you too, you innocent creature, (mean- 1 ing Fanny) that I come well nigh killing. Oh 1 a mv sin. But she nonM nrnniwil ?? -* - o again burst into tears, anil groaned as if in the J utmost agony. At length she composed herself d somewhat and said, "Yes, yes, I want to tell ^ yc all about it; but don't look nt me so mildly, h so sweetly, it cuts me to the heart." a " Bridget," enid MiBS Miller, "Hook as I feel, si I again repent that' I forgive you, and would f< benefit you if I could." Thus you see our Lord's injunction was lit- F crally verified?"If your enemy hunger, feed b him, ???;. M. vrcub uvcr vu iii.ru. ^uriCIOIl 3, tlllllk- J ing, as it was juat across the street, you may tin have gone in there, to shelter yourself from the ige very hard rain. Mrs. Carleton had turned over <1 a basin of water just as I got in the room, and for she put me to drying it up. I looked about to ha see if I could find any signs of your being there, yo but I saw none, so I knew j'ou were not there, no I then got leave to go out and stay all night wl That night, raining as it was, I went all over ~ the town searching for you, but could hear nothing about you. I went to the convent af- = ter daylight I found Father Burgami up.? I don't think he went to bed at all that night, lie asked me if I had found out where you were. I told hiin no. lie then told me that I ^ must leave service, and come to him. lie said ]a1 if you were on the face of the earth you must in be found, and he knew of no one as well quali- co C.J x- I x ? ? " ' " .. . vo ueu iv num. you up ua x was. 110 (Old me 111-' 80 found you, my reward would be very great, uo both here and hereafter, for, said he, by finding tho runaway, I would bo doing a great service ^ to the Church. I left service, as the Father ^ , ftr had ordered After many days that I spent in jjj searching all over town, and talking with all a the serving women about your escape, I ^ I went to see Mrs. Carlcton again, for some- ^ thing seemed to teli me that she knew some- w| thing about you, and Bure enough, she told mo nc that yon had gone to Canada with a young Doctor. And, honey, did ye not go with him f ^ Miss Miller replied, " No indeed, I did not ti, While you were conversing with Mm Carletonl u\ was within three yards of yon; but no matter, ** go on." Bridget looked perfectly astounded, and ex* ^ claimed: " Blessed Virgin, mad -where could yo Lt have been!" ? m Miss Miller said, "No matter, go on with your narrative." . m Bridget said, "Well, I told at the Convent, pi -what Mrs. Carleton told me, and they sent me ?r and two more0pld getjro^thet nigft (^ V^hk \ Igttbatofc tonOn* W4.MtW.0u , . ?.. * * - ' ?> >':**'& i '*** < " ' "i\ ' M J ~ l.r, -JH nan that drove tJu carriage. After you were ill gone, I tied up the dogs that had been turnid out I then went and lnd myself behind ome clolhoa in your little dressing room, for I :new you always locked your door, when you ind Mis* Fnnnv wnnt *n ' ? * 1 * ' 1 ' ? -.-?j if v?w wr utu, lui x iiuu inca to ;ct in. I had been hid but a short lime, when ou all came back. Miss Fanny ran in tho Iressing room where I was, to get something, I rns mightily seared, for I thought sho must ave seen me, but the poor child was so seared bout you, if she saw me, she did not know, lie was in a mighty hurry, got what hIio came >r, ami ran out again. " After all was quiet, I got i ignul, that the athcr had come. I crept to your bed side, and egau giving you tho chloroform. When I as giving it to you, Miss Fancy jumped and lid very quick, " You shan't 1 you shan't now! " thought she was uwake, and so I put tho chloifV.?r. 1.? l-!-t - - ' i-v, iiu huav, which quiciea iter very < on. I then found out she was talking in her i eep. After giving you enough, as I thought, 1 took you up, started down stairs with you. had not got to the bottom, when 1 saw Miss 8 irima come out of her room and go into yours, c she had looked down, she must hnve seen met B it she looked straight at your door, poor era- j1 r. The dogs were barking mightily all the : hile. The Father met ine at the gate, took \ >u from me, nnd ran as fast as lie could, and 4 ; out ran mo with you to carry. "Now, I have told you all?and bless the Vir- I n, nnd St. Peter, nnd all the Saints that I v ive lived to toll ye. Oh if I could but get ab- Y lution, I would die in peace I?Oh that thief a Priest to desert me so 1" The poor creature rithed, and appeared to be in the utmost ag- ^ Miss Miller, after a short pause, said: "Well, ri it Bridget, how did the Priest find out where ^ was?" Bridget replied, "He told me. that von had . ? " J\ t Charleston in disguise, that after he found ^ at out, he went the way lie thought you weqt; p nt a man eomewhero told him, that just such ti person had gone to Georgia, that he went " tire, nnd after he could get no information of a. u, he came bock, and then he found that a ft ly had been staying at that man's house, nnd r< traced her to this place, butno ontiJiad ap.r.na person she was. So he sent for me." t( Miss Miller said: " But Bridget, why does 11 it man hunt me down with sncli untiring dil- ^ ince?I never harmedti Bridget replied,/'I dotft juiow, without it is P the good of your sonl; but honey, ye have . rmed him, for when you struck him with tj ur scissors, ye put out one of his oyes, but e] one would know it, for he he has a glass oye tich is quite natural. " MISCELLANY. " L [From the Richmond Whig.] ^ The Richest Man in Virginia. R Gentlemen:?I have thought, for some time C vould write for your paper something in re- tc Jon to the richest man in Virginia, and the h rgest slave holder in the Union, and perhaps H the world, unless the serfs of Russsia are 11 nsidered slaves; and the wish expressed in (< >ur paper a few days ago, to know who it was h wealthy in Virginia, induces me to write this >> w. " d Samuel Hairston, of Pittsylvania, is the gen- w ;man. When I was in hi9 6ection, a year or h ro ago, he was the owner of bctwoon 1C00 h id 1700 Blavcs, in his own right, having but a g .tie while before taken a census. He also lias prospective right to about 1,000 slaves more, ft fiich lire now owned by his mother-in-law, d rs. It. Ilairston, he having married her only h ilcL He now lias the management of them, liich makes the number of his Blaves reach iar three thousand. They increase at the rate near one hundred every year; and he has purchase a large plantation every year to 8; ttle them on. A. large number of his planta- ti )nB are in Henry and Patrick counties, Vir- v nio. He has large estates in North Carolina, is landed property in Stokes alone, is assessed ^ . $600,000. His wealtlrls differently estimated 0 from $3,000,000 to $6,000,000, and I should ink It ^as nearer the latter. You think ho Bj is a hard lot, but I assure you Mr. Hairston 8( an ages all bis matters as easy as most persons ^ onla an estate of $10,000. lie has overseers e, ho aro compelled to give him a written stateentof what has been madoand spent on each antation, and his negroes aro clothed and fed n om his own domestio manufacture; and rais- v g his own tobacco crop, which is immensely rgo, as so much clear gain every year, besides f( is increase in negroes, which is a fortune of ^ m.1?, t , i a ACQ DOW ior ms lusiuoucc* x unvo u uvciuu ^ trcr fifteen States of this Uuion, and liave nev- j r seen anything comparable to bis garden, ex- ^ >pt some of those in th? Mississsippi Delta, and ^ one of them equal to it. Mrs. Hairston has f( sen beautcfying it for years; and a good old t linister, in preaching near the place, and de- c iribing Paradise, said, "it was as beautiful as Irs. or as a friend who had visited fflsldwrton tm'kr the first time, remarked, iat, 'Vhm {AvUaclncmnds were nearly as hand>1110 as B?maelHjUTBiun'H." Ho is a plain, un- ? mmingjeetiwriw Snd has never made any , oise in tSfmitttnotagh he conld vie with tho J IW (in?nM^n and Astors; and it is jange,thi4 -wealth is co-extonaivo riththa Umoikke if opt known 100 niilee from 0 ome. XbeUerehe i?-#w the wealthiest man | \ the Unlca.V wW' Astor is only worth, bout 4?r otty^ waif to do j f Henry, WI|*5hN?9^CO negroe*: Rob^ ^ rt in Mlariarippjj ^oveat^MSdSSdBfcStoDel'avee. (iccr?e A LllwtdD, pen mort all of hb r irop?rty to I t ' <%cani mmMmmM 150 slaves for liiB own use. This, 1 believe, is n correct statement of the circumstances of tlic llnirston family. Cosmopolite. Ornamental Planting. We commend tlie following extract from J. W. Proctor's Agricultural Address to those who have forgotten to plunta single shado troc near Llioir large and costly farm houses: "The objects met about the door yard of a farmer's residence, are as unuiistakablo indices jf the churaetcr to be found within, as the expressions uf the human countenance, of thc?ino-1 lions of the mind. Where the rose, the dahlia, Mid the honeysuckle liavo crowded out the pig troilffh. ill** irn??cn ?wit? 1 ' * 0 |,vu, uiiu uiv eniK urmn, DO sure improvementluis there founne small room, a bed room and a kitchen, sur-ounded by cultivated grounds and shrubbery, vitli an elm overshadowing the yard, to a spacious mansion without those appendages.? iVhat is more out of place than a square three tory house' in thejeountry, with no shade trees tbout it? Those who have not the benefits of hade trees about their residence, are insensible >f the inconveniences under which they labor, >otli as to comfort and to health. I have heard t said by one of the most intelligent physicians vI:ose acquaintance 1 have ever enjoyed, that lie best preventive of the progress of cholera, ind other mulignant diseases, was the multipliation of shade. To my certain knowledge, the >cst security against the spcading of tires in illages, is the abundance of shade trees iu the ray, and in the yurds between dwellings. oiiocKing xragedy In Virginia. Tlie Petersburg (Virginia) Express lias a let2r from Accomac Court House, giving a horible account of a murder of a man named Geo. last, by liis stop son, who is yet a minor. The ittcr says: " Overtaking East, ho stabbed him repoatedr behind, till he fell, when the assassin f?ot pon him and literally cut him to pieces?riping out the bowels from the breast down.?cutnc him in the breast, laying open his heart an ten or two, and stabbing and gashing him i o number of places. Ana to cap the climax, rtcr the blood-thirsty monster had left him, taring, as he says, tliut he was not dead, lie ! iturncd, propped up tho body against tlio < >wn and delivered himself up, saying that he 1 ad been intending to do it for a long time." lie allcdgcd, in his defencc, that his mother 1 :n ? J ' - " - * 5 ' ' " * liu utuu 111 bicutcu uy uic uucuuaeu, om ll 15 lought that they had fallen out about the roper ty.Qf Mrs. East The parties were liertoire respectable, and in good circumstances. It . also stated that it will be difficult to prevent le populace from lynching the prisoner, so i rcut is the excitement ? ? * , Awful Calamity. The Macon (Miss.) Beacon of the 12th inst as the following: " A gentleman of this town, just from Crawirdsville, informs us of the most distressing lisfortunc that has befallen the family of the , ev. l'eter Crawford, living at the village of ' rawfordsville, in Lowndes county. In the af- 1 trnoon on Monday last, Miss Louisa Crawford ; ad occasion to go near a fire in the yard.? | Avnaa non/?l>f Aha ?V?a ? "*? i lvi uiuoa vm^uuill^ HliUll DIIIJ WJW UlSLUUUicously enveloped in flames, ller eldest sister Uin) immediately went to Iter assistance, when ' er clothes also caught, and she was instantly i a bla^e from her waist to her head. Louisa ied about O'clock on Monday night, and Ann ra8 so severely burneil, there was no hopes of er living. Their father and mother bad left oine the morning of the sarao day for Montomcry, Ala. They were most accomplished young ladies, nd their awful and untimely death produces a cep and heartfelt sympathy in the neighborood." Strange Superstition. The Norwich (Conn.) Courier relates a .range and almost incredible tale of supcrstion recently cnacted at Jewett City, in that icinity: " About eight year.? ago, Horace Ray of Crisrold, died of consumption. Since that time two f his children, grown up people, have died of !ic disease, the last one dying some two years ncc. Not long ago the earnc fatal disease :ized upon another son, whereupon it was dejrrained to exhume the bodies of the two broth.rs already dead and burn them, because the ead were supposed to feed upon the living: nd so long as the dead bodies in the graves retained in a state of decomposition, either ' wholly or in part, the survivingincmbers of the imily must continue to furnish the sustenance >r the dead. Acting under the influenoe of bis strange and blind superstition, the family nd friends of tho deceased proceeded to the urial ground at Jewett City on the 8th "insfc, ..JiV.- ?< .1 D Jc uuuivo vi uic uuvuaocu uiui/uuio, quu urneu them on the spot. It seemed impossible to believe that such dark ignorance and illy could exist in tlip middlo of the 19th cenury and in a State calling itself enlightened and hristian. -*?A Baby Snow,?A correspondent of the Burington Free Pxcm, gives an amusing account of , baby show at By town, Canada, on the 2d inst ' The prizes were $60 each to thethree largest* attest, and handsomest babies in the town of larch. There were but two babies presented, me sixteen and the other seventeen months old, iacli of whom received a prize. After some ap>ropriate speeches by the judgos, one of the ucky mothers made the announcement^ that he should have another baby to show' 'at the amo time and place next year, jfvthere was a iromiam to be given,' which oattMa rounds of hpplaufce." J .!*. 1 > * Tits Ruling PaiSion, Ac.?A late ' wnggisb >rinter"whiWon hi* death bed, was reque#tad 'to be composed." "Distributed jnn; rin'M rdply. . x **9*. M - .? 11 <1: . U.'j XM snuionn^ oi tne nm ?????? General Conference?Bishops Soule, Andrew, Capers and Falne. Tho General Conference holds its sessions in the Methodist Church, which is very spacious and commodious. Tho Episcopal Bynrd, conristing of Bishops Soule, Andrew, Capers and Paine, arc all present They occupy Beats within the altar, and alternately preside. On their left, sits the able, erudite, and facetious Dr. Summers, tho popular Secretary, and lii? wnr. thy assistant, Mr. lirwin. The facc and voice of Dr. 8. is aa excellent antidote for asperity of temper and words. Grouped around and near the altar, are tlio more venerablo members of the body. Conspicuous nmong these, are the venerated forma of tfle Rev. Drs. Pierce, Wioana and Early; ! and the Rev. Messrs. Crouch and McMahon. A large majority of the Conference is composed of men who have passed the meridian of human life. Dr. Sonic is the Senior Bishop. Although burdened with the weight of more than thrco score vimrannd tnn li!a r....... :? 1 " ' j M.La luiiu in nnii ercut, ana. his step firm. His intellectual powers seem uaiinpaired. I lis hearing, sight and voice aro gradually failing, j-et liis enunciation is clear and distinct Iu height, he is about six feet, with a square and well knit frame, admirably suited to the toils and hardships of an itinerant . life, which lie has endured, for half a century-. His hair is quite luxuriant and less gray than is usual with men of his advanced nge. "With characteristic digitv, ho occasionally addresses * a few pointed and pertinent remarks to tho Conference, and tho deep and solemn cadences 01 uiB voicc always elicit profound attention. His eye brows are remarkably heavy and overhanging, and when excited by the inspiration of his theme, the large blue eyca^ beneath glow with the fires of other and by-?ono years. Bishop Sonic is very properly regarded by all with profound and pious veneration. When lie shall oe gathered to bis fathers, it will bo long ere the Church will look upon bis liko again. He Was consecrated Bishop in 1824. Next to Bishop Soule, in ago and Episcopal scuiority, is Bishop Andrew. His character, though somewhat diffetfgnt, is scarcely less marked. Like his senior associate, he bav a liberal endowment of common sense, and i* eminently a practical man, as every Bishop should be. Of humble but highly respectable ancestry, by the force and energy of his character? by his well directed efforts in the vineyard of Christ, he has made an indelible impression up* on the Renins and Dolitv of Southern Method* ism, an salutary as ft must Wenduring. There is nothing remarkable or striking in the personal appearance of Bishop Andrew- i ' ,j He is about five feet ten inches high.?has a foil* t open, good natured face, a mild blue eye, and|' . y y . j S^tstroiTg "preacher, and as a descriptive writer; has few superiors. His manners ttre free and easy, and in his toilet there!* an entire absence ,,* > , tSlk . J of excessive fastidiousness^^ .He would MM any-. where for a good republican citieen. Pew men know tho masses better?and few are betqualified to work otttf their moral Mid - i intellectual elevation.^.His fine social qual- 'M itica make Jus companionship most ge- ** nial and refreshing. .Under late severe mental and bodily affliction, ill addition to arduous ministerial labor, hiif once robust constitution begins to show marks of decay, though his age cannot exceed sixty yoars. He "waa elected Bishop in 1832. Next in Episcopal Seniority is Bishop Capers, who was set apart to that office in 1840, after the formation of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. As a finished and ready pulpit orator, the reputation of Bishop Capers is not oonfined nlnnn fn fKta AnnfiiiAnt Tn Vila nnlmv /lorra rnultitndea every Vrtt&jQf* thronged his ministrytions and hnng wIlft -BTj.ixlratiOn and dolight upon his eloquent diacouraingaT ~1?4*l*--a.-jnoev captivating fair, ruddy complexion, dark liquid eyes, gloWiug/with the fires of >. holy enthusiasm, a voice soft and musieal, and over and above all, ailMttr^ foil Of love to God and man, it is not surpjriting that he efcoilld be every where greeted Vitfa affection and admiration. Nor is his popularity confined to his own church. Cultivating a Charity which "hopeth ?ii " ?,? i,?o v;?? * r?? ???* wtiiu^Oj Iiv ?uo iwip?TO UOVU ngicov miui' ite -with other dcnontfmtionB. Bishop Capers is in his sixty-fifth yAar. Hi? head is quite bald^ario&ihe fovf locks of hair remaining are ^crfcK?l*-white, He is about five feet eight lnchdfllugb; " He $ntMttd the ministry at the age oyajgnteen, >iil notwithstanding posts of hpt&Ulnd emolument havofrequently been tonderdgjtift he has steadily and faithfully and succesBMjltf devoted himself to tlie labors and sacri fi o&\Wian i tin wanti life. To him American Mcthodnj^iilargely indebted for her present proud and coj^taMdin#position. Bishop Paine is the junior of .his three asso dates. In age ho is littler ?ter fifty, rather stout built, about Ato fcet 'tea br ejjprap inches mgu, ana very prcpoMesain^HMMcyMsners. no reminds one of Iho He poe?ea&e?, I should think,Sgti^ decision of character, and is an excellent.myddlng officer. . As a proacher, his style iscleiaydeliberaie and forcible. He toes hpt few of theg^?ee? of oratory, but is occasionally eloquent and overpowering. He was elected Bishop iiri8l>Q<.z~Bovth ern JRecotd&^~ T. A most Horrible MurtUr*-Mra. MoBrayer, wife of Jos. McBrfcyer, esq.. of Anderson county, Ky., was murdered a taw nights ago, according to tho Frankfori Yeoman, under tho following circumstances After Mr. and Mrs> McBrayer liad*-t?tired to rest> a nian entered their room withjuaaxe, and " - ^ approaching the bed, passed his haifddVer her face, in order to be sure of the righroc^ which awoke her. Being satisfied that it wad her, hftv~.". eommenoed cutting with his axe, first her breast And arms in many places: he mm' v with several strokes severed ono of her tirely off. Mft lbBwtf. boing awaken edPl*' " the noi^ hond to ^Rrotecfc^^;. ; kill their yot^g^ohil^^^w^^^d^i|^: