' B ldge ri f r na^)riii,i8^t<>ry Pricc47 em. / . George H. Cathoart, . nuv?uwAiib nni/ ASASIMUM MI FAMILY GROCERIES, Corner of Richardson and Laurel street*, jnh26 ".r. Colombia, 8. C. i^fH . I JA? K. Fill DAY. " ftyjj^K^m CHIIR^WABEROOM, ' *' Columbia, South Carolina, T EEFS constantly on band, of his own mani facturo ami from some of the h?st mani "' Jyot. 208 and 210 Main atreet, Columbia, S. C. , . *VfANUFACrrUKER and generalg^^^B ... !: JjfJL dealer in line and plain FCJlt-JJ 4 f J PIANOS, v^2^Mb^3 nG <''^* 38 BBfaftJS -# ii . ^jSHnHmJEN9*K 6RIS AT SOVTH i ' : arA-CJOMCsTc 0. CHOLERA, ?*. . FOR AL DYSENTERY, V 10l DIARRHQSA, ) BOWEL DI8 " Al?o, Admirably adapted to many Disea* Pi- Menstrn THE VIRTUES OF JACOB'S CORDIAL Al ENCOM 1st. It cures tho woret eases of Diarrhoea. 2d. It cures tho worst forms of Dysentery. 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhooa. 4th. It relieves the severest Colic. 5 v 6th. It euros Cholera Morbus. _ 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. JL lew snort Extracts from "I hare used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and mont, a valuable remedy." Hon. ? m " It gives me pleasure in being nblo to recomm u once, and the experience of myjneiglibors and friei to believe it to bo all that it purports to be, vl?: < Wm. IL Underwood, former]) of "I take great pleasure in recommending this in disoases, for -which I believe it to be a sovereign r ever tried by mo." A. A. Gauldino, D ? "This efficient remedy is travelling into celobrit t??nn;? -ti j AkUWtU, UUU guiuiug I.VUUUVUU1IMVU nUVIVYCr U3CU. fy For sale by Waedlaw & Lyon, Abbeville Smith, Dodge's Depot IIaviland, IIabbal ' ABBEVILLE G H., S. C. CHAMBERS AND MARSHALL, "w**w a tm 3 iL _ /n_* csl .c r?_ 1 I a.?Js opencu uv uio u>ru?r oivrc ui 1/1. m Marshall's Han go, wliere they^vill offer jj V to the oitizeos of Abbeville the Largest and Cheapest. stock of Fancy Staple Dry Goods. Boota,-8hoea, Hats and Caps, Hard-Ware and Crockery, for Gfcah and Cash Only. Our jj profits are so small that ire are not able to sell ; oor Goods on time, and .we are confident* after an examination of oar stock, the purchaser will q, - pcrceivs such a great - margin between onr jj 7 Prices atad the Prices usually asked for Goods Ct ;'*SSSfajigtt?tow4^ir Good* from us for (.'n*li. (?( ta^e Plea8uro in ex^ib-1 . ^ ^ tt T1I09. Q. TjAM AII. ' , IRK RXM1DT. 'ff:.-., 3QM.JBM /m, -wr ^ L (CHOLERA MORBUS i BILIOUS CIIOLIC, ( CHOLERA INFANTUM 08 of Females?most especially Painfc tation. IE TOO WELL KNOWN TO REQUIRE IUMS. 7tli. It euros painful MenBtruntion. 8th. It relieves pnin in Back and Loins. Otli. It eountcracts Nervousness and Despoil lOtli. It restores Irregularities. [dencj ixhi. xt uispeis uioomy JL-? - - Jiaa juet received (at his old etand, Sibmint ocaio and Light; Gol'nL S&JEgk ?htv u E^d. Watfrd, and iid~Cd1oW -BEREOS|t?j^^f^ BURNING GOdm i^ESWHBPr1 vf: j? NGHAMS and PRtUlB, new styles and oheap|^v:.v! ???' r ,* ney Ribbons, beautiful assortment; rosols and Fans, of every stytti and price; :mstich and Bor'd. Lin. Cambric HdkfX. all qualities; cnadinc and Glaice Silk Mantillas, summer styles; al IRISH LINENS; DamaskTqblc Da, ?wrranted all Linen; iblo Doylies and Napkins, cheap; nen Towels and Toweling, all qualities; , " Drillings nnd Cotton adee, do. eacli'd and Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, at the lowest market prices; uslin and Lace Underslecves, new styles; " " Inside Hdkf'a and Collars, new styles; snta Ties and Cravats, light for summer; o si cry and Gloves, for aU ages and conditions; krpct Bags, Port Monaies, Tablet*, Toilet Brushes, Ac.; )locne, Otto of Rosea, Extracts, Ac. Ac. Ac. Believing this stock to be as complete as anv Augusta, I would respectfully request all ow vioitinp eitber'thnt plaoe or IluiuUurg, to ve rao a call before nurcbaaine. My motto ia, Ei and small profits. orner, Hamburg, S. C., ) Ipril 1, 1884. f 47~8m rrivals of Qroceries, AT KERR'S. awing articles, recently purchased, lovxtt caih price*, have jost been j former stoci^ to. which I respectUv invite'ths attention of Fannem Planters, idf the public generally. 7 Hhd'a. Hew Of lean*, Muscovado, and St Croix SUGARS; 26 bbl'c. Stuart's A. and a SUGARS; Loa? Crushed, Clarified and Granulated da SO bags Rio, Cuba and Jam COFFEE: 1 Hhd'a W. X MOLASSES; 60 bbl's (new erop) N. O< do. 60 Saeks LiverpooiSA!LT; SO boxes Sperm, Adamantine and' Tallou CANDLES; 20 Caddies best Old and Young Hyson TEAS 16 boxes TOBACCO, from the finest to th< cheapest quality; Hoolu and Hi oge?,WagonBoxee and Brooms Cheese and VJKocoUto, Hoes and Hatehet*; Bofbgardner's, and Hammond'a Whiikey, Champftmoe, Maderia, Port, Malaga sad T?t Braeo Kettles and Cednr Bucket#; Horaeanun, Honey and Horoe Collar*; Coffee MHU, and Underwood'* Picfloa; Porter, Pnme^ and Potato**; S' 100,000 T?cka, uA f&Wung OntolW&. wmmBK _.,t _ .. . .7 / V;VV CHARLESTON ADVEETIS?MKNTB TRANSPARENT WIWDOW 9HABE8, PAPER-HANGINGS AND MATTRESSES! L 177 Kirur-8tr??1* fTh.rl?a i - - ? p r---7 v?w*v?tvU| 0? V ^ T | MIE subscriber has on hand a largo aasoi JL roont, and Is constantly receiving by tl steamers, tbo latest patterns of WINIX)1 SHADES and PAPER HANGINGS, for sa wholesale and retail I Transnnrent WINDOW SHADES, of ovci stylo ana variety, from 50 ccnts to $6 each! French and American PAPER-HANGING; - miii Rhnnmia ?i.~ i_?_? ? ?v* vnu l uttcru^, iro ' G? cents to $0 per Roll. u . ?also? A largo variety of CORNICES, Laco nr Muslin CURTAINS, Damask and Satin D1 LAINES, Centre Tassel*, Loops, Bands, Pin Venetian Blinds, Cane Blinds, Mattresses, Cusl ions, Fire Screens, Ae. All kinds of UPHOLSTERING; and the bi sines*, as usual, attended to in all its branche MATTRESSES?Moss, Cotton, Wool and Hai Mattresses, always on hand, made from -the bet j material, Also Bolsters, Pillows, Feather Bot 2 and Falliastcra. Call and see them?pric< reasonable. j To persons wishing any of the above article to sell, a discount will be made. Tho prices c tbis establishment are moderate and uniforn , and as low as any other establishment. H. W. KINSMAN. March 25, 1864. 46 ? & W. & J. P. Foroe ft Co., WnoLESALE DEALERS IX 100TS AND SHOES, No. 21 Jlaync tlreei, Charleston. dun j. w. force, john p. force, v nr.nj. com.ey, J mli25 CHARLESTON HAT MANUFACTORY, 240 King street, ALL triads of Beaver, Moleskin, Silk one CaBsimere IIATB, of tho latest style* made to ^rder at short notice. An excellent assortment of new styles o STRAW GOODS. Soft Travelling Ilats ant Caps, always on hand. 11. IIAWLEY. Wm. Howland, No. 244j Bend of King street, Charleston, 8. C. IMPORTER AMD DEALER IN French, English and American GOODS FOR PLANTATION USEL Particular attention paid to Mourning and Fancy Dross Goods. mh22 John G. Willis, FAflCY BOOT AND SHOE STORE, ituuks, uarpet JJags, Valises, Oombs and Brushos, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Corner of- King tired and HorlbacJc' a Alley, rali'25 > - Charleston, 8. O. ^ Wiliiw. Cj.Hxv.rT , V- .Mi, 0> | iSY. MRg, | ['.V *" Wliikwl^Qk,^St^UgBrry ami Faney fioodi Chirlcstoa, Sd^ Cir^ttair tl i n I - , . r Nelson Garter, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ' No. 11 Hayne ttreet, I SIGN OF THE LAROE YELLOW MORTAR, WILERE bo is prepared to exhibit pJnrK? stock of Drug*, Medicines, zJjflggista' Furniture, Phials, Surgical InBtt?f,len^8> ?y? Stuffs, Perfumery, Soaps, Windo^1*38. Putty, Ac., Ac., which ho offers at tb'^owe9t market prices. mb2B TTntrdpn Urn^er ft Co-. IMPORT EM AKI> DfcllJ*"" Watchcg, Cloekt Jewelry, Silver Ware, i "MUltei^ and Fancy Goods Ko*t\ Ei*t ^corner of King and ITatel ttreetf. mh26 ' Charleston, B. O. "Browning & Leman," MTOBTEKa OV Frelch, British and German 209 and 2lliKi>ig-*treet, corner of Market tlreet j Chtrlertoi, 8. C. ABPitI'|n Q8?Ingrain, 8 Ply?, Brnatcla V/ 'rapearv ana v CURTAIN MATERIALS, in Bilk, Satin, an< WorsU L CURTAIN < AMBRIC3 and MUSLINS, inlarg. yariety EMBROIDI BED LAOS and MUSLIN CUB TAINSiaU stylea. GILT CORNICES, in all the new d. JT. dt Ct. JT. IEV?, MANUFAOTUnr.118 OF ry MEDP8, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S X>EQ leave to acquaint Wholcaalo Buyers, 111 J3 that they always have on hand a general assortment of CLOTHING, suitable for all seasons, which they guarantee to sell at j. new m. urn t/iisn fricei. s, NEW GOODS receivod by evere steamer, !i- direct from their manufactory, 16 wiUiam-sk, New York. tST Merchants supplied on liberal terms. ?. JOHN ft. YANNOY, > ir H. M. PHELPS, jSopU it Charleston, March 38, 1854. 4(J?Cm la 1 ^ m Wm. Matthies*en. a WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE, 3,, ?f JVo. 143 Eatl Bay, corner of Queey- , >, Charleston- B. O. " CANDIDATES FOR OFWCE.' ty ,We are authorized to announce Edward Noble a candidate for the Legislature, f Br The friends of Capt. S. A. IIod. W. HAWTHORN re- ( > spectfully announce him a candidate for Sheriffalty of Abbeville District, at the ensuing election. 1 The friends of G. M. MATTISON r->- ^ pMtfully snnonno* him as - a candidal for Sheriff of Abbeville District at the ensuing eleo tion. C roMTi.. r ninma p (Winoiv . respectfully announce him m a Candidate for Sheriff of Abbeville District, at the ensuing ejec tion. 7 The friends of JAMES M. MARTIN, re-1 grectfully announ^e^ him as a caadidfl.t? for ^ | AJ.JM si'i'A. '.in !ii;TLi.KMEfltik i i - W 2 JlWWf #' *: T/ti*: . t .0Ar ir - < 7* i ' './.[ /7/J -V fr?v" . J. /.?- * M22VS? kavkitt aKAUT'^nd vambit, are believed feo*f?j "!~ ISSJiidl^y ?v*v ?nd Srif-*1"- ?: AWtirl fr?^ "?? very latest importations, our 22223m find them to bo the newest and II ^KfJpiV"00^8 ?f ^b? season. **"*7 {AlSOr. for Miase#' wear, R0BE8, (e?^W^ ^ Neat French MUSLif&-VIA- UfUMaJLhlUm. ^ i? Plain, Buff, Pink, Blue and fawn eo.'-i TTwofiU-.o*, CAMBRICS; V '\TjN? French, Eni?ii?h and American PRINTS. j %rr i_ 1 . 1 J .1 1. ?f nnATVO I >y c nave bibo h uouumjuio vu/ua ui uu\zmvj ?; for Gents and Boy#' year, -which wo would be pleased to sbow oar customers and the nubile, assuring them that our price* will be as cheap at P?t?M frojn tbo country ^ would do^well to ^ ( i RAY BROTHERS hm jo* rEltED^Ri^,SEinAWI^ st American. Enttlkh and'FreacU OAliCX^k i?i AUGUSTA ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAY BROTHERS, AUGUSTA, OA. j^EQ to inform the public, tint they h?v* Just ruburnea irom we fJortfcern market*, with a fUll and complete stock of Spring Dry Goods. Having all tho facilities im the purchasing of their stock that a cash capital ean command, w6 beg leave to assure the public, that *e will always keep on hand the very best order of Goods that can be obtained*, and sell thsm on as .fair terms as the like quality ean be purchased either in this market or Charleston. Among our stock will be found the following beautiful Goods:? Chaste and Elegant Spring Silks; Sowing Silks and Tissues; . Bareges and Barege DtLaaee j French Muslins and Lawns; White Silks, of all styles; Black Brocade and Wats red Bilk*; Flaia Black Silka, all width*; White Embroidered Muslins j Colored Dotted Muslins; Plaid and Striped Muslins; Swise and Jaconot do.; . Hi Book and Mull do.; White and Col'd Tarlton Muslins; Crimped Evening Drosses, new styles; mammas ana Hearts, entirely new j Crapo Shawls, very cheap; White Barege ana Sewing Silk Shawls; French, American, and English Print*; * Ginghams, of all kinds; Linen Lustres and Chambrys; Cheap Long Cloths and Homespuns; Irish Linens, (own importation); Plain Linen and Linen Drill, for Qents wear; Linen Sheeting, exceedingly eheap; All kinds of Cotton Sheeting; ( Pillow case Linen; 40 inch Pillow case Cotton ; . J~ Hosiery of every description, very eheap? EmbroidflPiM of ?w . ->" - J I rcry fine; !%' " Sewing Silk Mits and Gloves J Kid and Silk Gloves ; Raw Silk and Lisle Gloves; ' , _ Linen Cambric Handkerchidt^ all kinds J Jfa Swiss and Jaconet Bands, vfcry rich; mt ' Cambric, Swiss and Jaconet Trimming* and nsertion; 4u_.' _ - Ribbon Trimmings, new styles} ' v'-rr Rich Bonnet and Neck Ribbons; yl',i. Lisle, Thread, and Linen Laces/ < Anil a ???? i?*? - b'v*"w ??v*v?ww vvv lumeroua to mention, to wJbioh^w? respectftuly nvite attention. ' ^/^JApjril AUGUSTA TiSiUOKABIJ ' JLOTfflSGgMPORItit. O. PRICE 4 ^pO.,. TAIIOM?Por TT tbie8prio|^rnde?Are constantly lanufacturing, and Af A^Mdli Well tuppHed rith the newest styles ofej-t. rj'i Clothing of all d?3?rfptl IOILR FuKKiaaixe?Fancy-Hoop*I J loth and ikjrBruehea,