! I SPAR1 * ^ South Carolina leads all the sou # 4/ j ? riant events >f th past, is some what clouded and obscure. Certaii X it is. however. thai a> early as 1MJ ^ colonies n. N Knulatid, set: lot \V sy in this c c;uat . ev the banks tin >1/ Knoree ar.d the gors and e-tab J{J lisit d sma;: > ir.t ta ils. l'heso were \l/ I HI! .1 !'i \\ ??? ? ,i .VP :!? * olil sf/ xt/ iom<| haml-spinniii.u esiablishi icnt Jj- wilier power lieitm used as motivi ? i?? :? ! ! ' mils"!". John W"iivei \i/ a/ i r ctimI a i it!'. : pi "H'liii'tii i fa"lotx * / , . xl/ ?ii !.":iv i !?.? :: <:. !< in iSJu ami u J ! .5 u.i - lV.inu-^ eslahlishec xt/ a mill f ill,, p: -.'lit sip- i I r.l.'ii xt/ .1/ ale. un '. 1 ? > ' i.noxx:. as I'.ivttnis \i" x 1: ^ In :. " i i c v. i, J o Hon mill: \l/ xt/ m ;ii ' , ,iv. t s : .-rii rations, am xt/ xl/ to'lis aim Jim p,xested in 1 :?!? ; . -i a.,- ::: mills, j" cor t P?u ion- :il invajtcil xt/ ? \s>j nsmknim I> vl/ ^ \x-- i in;..a to ill comptroller imn i ii's rop< :; fur Itin* total ass?ss t i.n nts tor <' t; it mills in South Car xl/ xt/ oiina. exclusive of SpaCiiiburi ^ i'< >inty. is f Jn.iiOii.H11. Taking xl/ i j- cent ? t Mia stock, which is ih? xl/ xt/ asis for -llletlt . it \x ill I l seal \f/ xt/ that the a si'ssiili'llt of ih?' n il!.- ?' J Spnrlanm.t u < '< iinly xx (inlil I " $ ">. X " I* 1 i !ii: ,i a - iniich as tlixi/ <" ' ^ Spartanhnr^. * ' ... xj/ n il,- i ; spat'anhni ; i inisitx e heel tlllloiinly >1. '-sflll. mix J pi ! ' > ii.-i nines of failure hav xl/ - - x!' * \l' I ? * it ; -$ CAPITAL * ? Y * \" * * * ^ * ! i Bank < ^ * t * t * W' * ^ * * * ^ ? ? * ^ * ? * \V 4 * ? ^ * \i/ ? \l/ * >M ? \l/ ? * * \l/ ? X * \t/ ? \t/ ? \t/ 5 * COLLI \l ? : ; PROC Vl ? N!' -'* r? r\ T-* w ^ r \j ix \t/ * \i; Nl' 4 Ij YOUR: \l/ ? >1/ * \?/ ? \f/ ? \l/ 41 \?/ # \l/ ? \f/ V si/ ? ? ? Si/ ? 1 ?vt/ ? \l/ ?* xl/ ? \|/ ? \*/ ? si/ ? \l/ ? St/ -* \L ^ tt/ * vl/ 4 t * t * ARCH B. CALVERT, 1 * : V. M. MONTGOMERY V * vl/ ? t * V/ * 1/ ? * v/ r 2 * j/ ? vl/ tt vl/ c vl/ ? vj/ ? * \ A H. 1WICHELL V. M. MONTGOMERY V!/ ^ | ? T. E. MOORE I \ J C. EVTNS | i J T JOHNSON i: \ O. L. JOHNSON i I ARCH B. CALVERT v?/ " ? * \V \U 1 0/ * i viz * ? * * z * * ? * z i * J #**#****#****************< rANBURG 4 - lng been recorded. They pay divif dcnds of t'? to 12 per cent, and often - earn as high as 20 per cent. a pal arm: mills. t This mill with a capital of - ooo is located two and a half miies i north < f (Ireers. It was erected in 1!?02. on the site cf the old Arlington I Mill, a small yarn establishment. It . is operated by electricity developed III' < I.IK'K i hy water powiM', li is lS.rpM spindles ? and 1*- looms. Tile product is ualti sink, lawns, etc.. yarns S'.-> to l""s. i I.. \V. Parker, of Greenville. is presiI <1 >:tt and treasurev. The ' ( niniunity has excellent schools and churches and t.v<> >toi>>s. ' One tun hy the Apalnehc Mills Company atnl lite other hy the Mutual ' .Mercantile c< ntptiny. _ STOCK, ^1C of Spartc SPARTANBURG, S. C. SCTIONS CAREFULLY MAD! EEDS PROMPTLY ACCOl ON MODERATE TE BUSINESS SOL OFFICERS President T. r, V.-Prest. T. DIRECTORS STOBO J. SIMPSON, Attorne; IN VEST.MKNT IN MPAKTANRI'IMi COUNTY 1 ************************* ARCADIA MILLS. This mill is located about 4 mil?s from Spartanburg city on the Southern Railway 1 1-1 miles from Fait Forest. The capital stock is $200, M)0. It was built in r.">2. has 13.824 spindles and 341 looms, is operated by steam and manufactures wide print cloth. J. Ij. I la I ley & Co.. oi Philadelphia, are selling agents. li N "SO. I. A. Liuon, of Spartanburg. is president and treasurer. Tli<" mill town lias a population of about Ion. The [ ? tnpany operates a lai\?e general apply store. Kev. .1 It. Aiken, of li>- Kaptist Church, and Kev \V. 11. I'olU. (if the Methodist t'hareh. hot it f this city, preach there. Mi?s Kniina Shawl teaches th school. ^************************* * * >0,000.00 k- : * * * * * * * inburg j * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 44 44 4e and j * jnted * * :rms j ? * 4 4 * 4 * ICITED + * * 44 44 4 4 ^ M EVINS, Cashier $ J. BOYD, Asst. Cashier * J. 0. ERWIN J C. L. O'NEALE I DR. H. R. BLACK J M. GREENEWALD 5 DR. W. j. CHAPMAN J T. M. EVINS * * T. A GRliEN * * + 4* * ^ * * * * ? * . 4******* ** * *#**#**# * ,4. REAL ESTATE IF FOR INVEST 4ILLS. 1 *?*********************** ? AKK WRIGHT. } This mill was erected in 1896 and the capacity has ben doubled. It is located 1 1-2 miles from the city. Just outside the city limits, and is reached by the trolley line. The capital stock of th? mill is $200,000, 20,250 spindles and 60-1 looms. It is oper' ated by steam and the product is drills. J. L. llailev & Co., of Philadelphia. are selling agents. The annual dividend is, 6 per cent., payable January and July. R. Z. Cat as is president and treasurer. There are two stores?cne operated by the company and t le ether by A. C. Daniel & Pro. Rev. W. P. Smith, of the Maptist Church, and Rev. \V. H. Polk, t f th * Methodist Church, conduct reliuii us services. Miss Sallie Amos teaches the school. HE.W.MO\T MILLS. The lleaumcnt Manufacturing Co.. iiiitnii'ss in leae as a iwhip factory, hut later on added yarns of all kinds and recently made the mill three times as large as it was originally and now manufactures twines, carpet warps, wide prints and specials. The capita] is $150,000 (common! and $lli?.0f?0 (preferred!. It operates 19,300 spindles and 252 automatic looms. J. 11. Sloan was organizer of the company and president until the time of his recent death, when D. I,. Jennintrs was elected president and treasurer. The Presbyterians and Methodists have pleaching there. Ill,IK ItllMiK IIOSIKI5V COMPANY. This mill was organized at 1.audi um in 19e common and l.thlO automatic looms. The product is sheeting, drills and print cdotli. The power is water, steam and electricity. Kldrige, Lewis Ar Co.. are selling agents. A. ii. Twich dl is president and treasurer. The common stock pays a dividend of per cent, and the preferred 7 per cent. The Clifton Manufacturing Company operates large stores at each of wif nuns. iw.miieh, mere are me ioilowing merchants: \V. R. Iloyd. Humphries Bros., Currish, Sloan & Co. !>. K. < ONVKKSK CO. Tliis is tlie name of tlie mill at (11 nubile. which is located cn the site of the first manufacturing plant in the county tiiat turned cotton into cloth. -It is " miles from the city, reached by trolley every hour. The present company was organized in 1S70, succeeding the firm of John Hotunr A: Co.. who had conducted the mill aft -r l>r. Itivings. I>. 10. Converse was president of the company until his death in iNftO, and A. II. Twit-hell, who is now president and tieasurer. was li -asurer. It h is been greatly enlarged and now has $700,tiim capital. .".7.J02 spindl s and .71X phijn and 7.7o automatic h < ins. Th? product is heavy drills, print clotli sheeting. It pays C per cent, semiannually. The mill community at (Herniate consists . 10. Converse Co. store, 10. I'. Ilowell, & Co., C. f>. McKinney A Co., S. 10. Sloan A- Co., \V. M. Walk r, 10. J. Henderson, groceries, 10. ,1. Henderson A Co., saw mill, planing works and cotton gin. Miss Sallie Carson, an experienced KENT ONLY WILL WARRANT THE JOHN I). COLLINS. proprietor of the "Bee Hive," Wholesaler and Retailer of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Shoes. Hats and Millinery. The popularity and fame of this well known house is knowr in Spartanburg and the surrounding country for many miles. The motto of the Ann. The Cheapest Store in th South, has been well demonstrated in the eight years In which the firm has been established here. Mr. Collins has been its proprietor for four years, and in that time the popularity of the house has greatly advanced until at the present time it is leading all competitors in the city. This has been accomplished by its low prices and giving quality at the same time. The firm buys in the largest markets of the country, and in such large quantities that he is perfectly able to give his many patrons the advantage of his bargains which he obtains liv ill iiii" ??? The firm occupies its own building, which N five stories high and fireproof, ad combines in all a general department store. The building is divided into four departments?the Crocket v and House Furnishing Department is in the basement, the main and see< tul lloor is devoted to a general Retail Department, while the fourth floor is exclusively wholesale. Mr. Collins is, truly speaking, a selfmade man and the best and mot widely known merchant in Spartanburg, and deserves great credit for his progressive management. He wa formerly in business in Charlotte for nine years before coming here, and at the present time, in connection with his store, conducts a branch in (Ireenville. S C. The large business factuiing industries c.f the city might people, anil courteous treatment is accorded every customer. Mr. Collins devotes his time almost entirely to his Spartanburg store, making occasional trips to Creenville to see that the business there is maintaining the high standard he requires. teacher, has charge of the schools, with several assistants. COWI'KNS MAM F\(T1 IIIM; CO. The cotton mill at this place, which is 9 miles from Spartanburg, on the Southern Railway, was organized in 1889, with $60,000 capital, 10,000 spindles and -04 looms. The mill is operated by steam, manufactures sheeting and has been highly successful from the start. R. It. Drown is president and treasurer. It is the pnrp- >se operatives are employed. The proilutt is about joO.iHii) dozen boy's and misses' hosiery. anuu.i'.ly. The entire piodii.M is shipped North. I). IV Little is I.,. . .i. .. .. i... |?. Ill ?... 1 Vllulll ?.. . I>I! VYTOX Mil.I S. Organized 1002, Arch 15. Calvert, president ;iti | i resisiii'ei". Common sii.K $2.7".nun; preferred stock noo. Pivf-Ti-I'll dividend 7 per ccut. payable January and July. Tin; product is lawns. There are H.8O0 spindles and 000 plain locnis. The power is steam. The work cf doult ling the rapacity of tiie mill is now in progress. The mill company ? pcrates a gcnciul supply store. MisAlma Under is the teacher. The Methodists and Haptists haw churches. KMHtF.K MAMKAITt*RI\? CO Organized in isss with Orange S ("odln president and treasurer. Com men stociv Jluo.nnu; preferred, $200. 000; ci nimon dividend, per cent, preferred 7 iter cent.; spindles, 36, 000; looms i plaint "?20; automatic HO. The product is sheeting ant drills. Tin mill is located i a Knoret river on the C. & \V. C. Railroad six miles from Woodruff. Miss Anr Hamilton and Miss Robertson arc til teachers. T.ie Methodists. Rap ti ls an I Presbyterians liave oh irclt n The meroatilil j es ablis'.ini; n;s sire: Knoree Manufacturing Co., gener:slore: W. R. Metsell, .1. A. Casey, J. C. Hrvin. hardware, Haniinett & Co.. Ilsitina lln s., W. B. Tolleson, .1 A. Workman & Co. ! ingikyim.k M\M facti ring Co Ml* AN Y. Fingerville Mills are located 1" miles north from Spartanburg on Pafolet liver at the site of tile oil miil built by .lames Finger stud Gabriel Cannon in 1X49. This was f small yarn mill, the buildings ant machinery costing $.">,000. This mil was burned anil a new company, will; J, It. Idles as president and treasurer, was organized and built tlx present mill, which has a capital ol $.*>0,000, operating 9,000 1 spindles INVESTIGATION OF THE CAPITA I bee:' Spartanburg's Gre St J. D. C The product Is yarns. The Finger vllle Company operates a very lurg< store which supplies not only tin mill community but lias a wide bus iness among the farmers, being lo cated in a fine agricultural sectioi remote from a town. The Methodists and Baptists have regular set' vices. W. A. Coggins is in charge o the schools. IXMA\ 31 ILLS. Tiic Ionian Cotton Mills were or gnnized in 1900 at lnman, on tin Spartanburg and Asheville road, 1! miles from Spartanburg, with a cap ital of $145,000 common stock am $1 Ho,000 preferred stock. Spindles 1S.:53?; looms, 500, plain. James A Chapman is president and treasure! The product is fine sheeting. Thi mill is operated by steam. 31A1C V LOl'ISK 3! ILL. The Mary I.ouise Mill is locate (ii the i'a.clct river, near the ( hero kee County line, 1J miles from Soar tanburg. it is a yarn mill, with $2S, ooo capital. 1$. K. Wilkins is presi dent and treasurer. Tae ilea res Ireiglit, express and telegraph nflic is Cowpens. The merchants are: .1 K. ('ash and \V. I.. Cash. There ar several churches and a tlourlshin, school. . * I ? jSST I oi.i:m?al 1vuoif.t MAMHrnm\(i <*<] Tills is the largest manufaoturln plant in the county and < tie of tli largest in the South. The capital i $ 1 .otin.noo ciiinnion slock and $1,000 not) preferred. The mills are loca ' etl on I'acolet river, 10 miles froi Spartanburg, two miles from Pacoh I station on the Sparlanlatrjt and ft ' Intnliia railroad. The first* mill w: ' erected in 1S82, which was soon f completely destroyed by the freshi f of 1903 but in their place, n splendl structure known as No. 4 has bee JST. WHITE WM. 8. GLENN, BKO It PHE? - < ? ? HIVE: !! : < I w I ffi latest and Cheapest 1 ore. | OLLINS.I X i m - erected and will be In operation Ocs tober 1, 1906. The company also X owns cotton mills at Gainesville, Ga. ? Pacolet .Mills operates 82,620 spin- X j dies and 1,011 plain looms and 1,767 . automatic looms. The new mill will - operate 27,000 spindles and 900 au- X f tomatlc looms. The product is stan- * dard sheeting and drills. The common stock pays a dividend of 10 per X cent, and the preferred 7 per cent, g .payable January and July. V. M. $ 8 Montgomery Is president and treas- X > fll " urer. large general stores. The population if t ? ,... ... . ... A . PKLIIAM MILLS. * j. This mill is located cn Enoree jr river, the line dividing Spartanburg 4* ie 0^ and Greenville Counties. It is four ^ 's miles from Greer and in the assess- ^ inent of tlie mill .property for taxa- t- lion $105,5:14 is put down to Green- 4* in ville County and $11,4411 to Spar- ^ t tanluirg. The mill manufactures >- yarn, cloth and hosiery. is SAXON MILLS. * 1- Organized in 1900, la located just ^ 10 outside the city limits on the South- & a era Railway. Capital $500,000, spin- A h dies, 5,088; looms, 800 plain and 820 ^ O nnl/it""*!" rrl- - * ~ . i nt? product la print ;t cloth and power, Btcam. John A. & 1 Yaw Is president and treasurer.There X n Is an excellent school Jn the mill vll- jt I K It, SPABTANBUBG, S. C.