! t * it '!n n'lilB^i^ | J AS. T. Re a] Estal i Stocks anc '#> + We handle real estate i < I * any part of the United States. ^ \Vi> have < : nc.r lists ,?i in.' \er> il esi 4> speMnlii! in v< si nn-iits. \\ e nisi) have .'(i, 'Alio arc in t > ; .-ii.teii. It yen 11 ?v * r.; ^ chase |n< pr l> .'t any i.::: t. i" wiii pay ^ a Haile. 'l> In on stuck an 1 In nl ilfp.i 11 ni'-n t ? ? ??\ qui.tat ions ami >r< nipt service. I JAS. T HARRI ? , hliick 'I* 'It $ I. il \ Kit IS. ,|X l> ' * i s null .-.till a vijuiin man. Mr. 'I* p '?v !:.i:is lias liecciiie ili?* jiieatest pro/|\ A a nt 1111in-ra 1 sin inns priipeitv ?ti A 'ill i ine Si nth. His ;n lii.'vcmi'iils aloii^ vv /i\ ,jx ??> niu* art' phenomenal and have ? in i'!r liiin tin- "wati>r wizard." !) vv has .1 keen iiisi^.i! into tile merits in ?i> ' I -I pm posit ii'n ami when !ns unti l in t> mull' nil III- iins Ilia encray Id In J w.iii. out the details. re His first great venture was the 'i\ development of the Harris Springs u> 1 iti Taint ens County. Here in* Itihor- 1?I * against c i Is, faking :t It UII ?Ii \i I - "" oped pi (petty if uiihiiown titi: it and ('' T 'W cat vug a fortune out ot it. lte mad t;' /|\ ll.ii t is l.tthnt Water fatuous. /? l.aier oil h- took he id i White ? /{s f^ieti Springs, equally tinknown and } in eh- i a hulls'hoid wet I lit all the * '|i f 'W s ties e| the SotHh. ~ '(N ? ,|t his present ptopi'ity, tile Uook % ? i .ot l.iiltti Springs litis been known ? a one ? f the finest tnineta! waters *? t.i lilts seelii ti let" S"vral genera ^ tious, and the people of Spat tatilntrg 4 who have been benefitted by this wuz{x ter are nttnibereil by the hundred. ^ Mr. Harris has installed an up to * date holding plant where the water '|n tcarbonated and shipped all over ^ . /jv the ooiinliv. lie is now engaged in |{; building a tenort of surpassing at? l ! .I< l\ ? ties '. 'P 'l> lie ode, a splendid naptha lanneii n> ? a Law si t. L l-'ork. which will have /|\ y inn ol a mile or t:n>re. afi.'i'ding n\ ,p> *>n u summer J|; \ "i,'!i" ! f I11-; a -.pi MjiJiil swimming iioAling ;i!Ii v, poo1 -iiui i it 1> ' il"(:', . 11(1 illl .IMI'm '111111 fillX I '1 i 11 zi* fc: d.Hieing. .pirioal peifa.J in mm i s ard t) 'I* "t"11 .pi ins-i ir?- cue n?i 1 o from Ihr? ,,x lni p i-s- p< itii n (.f tin- eitv, ai" 'ii ' ? -i il<-'! Ii '. (!. ir (ill'; t li 1 till- Vizi* /(* - ?-? litis .i icng It'll want in Sp.ir'?* zt> '" "ilK '' ! !.ii l is ' is never t iil'-'i in inv 'i> lis i;ii'lc i. nuts nil I has nidi--'l> . i M the il'iek t'lilT c -vcU pim-iit z|* /,? -li ii si hi.' In' Iris iupp'i In ken. /h ^ .\ "iigngcil iii lni.in:,' mil T * V.'lilll I ..1 I'St .lie ;i 11 < I .StdC's i. lllS 1* ii rp.iiii *'i is iii in-- Harris Itnii'lzs A\ nig. N.rih Cniiren .street. * zj* Spartnnhuri;. S '' I?11> JJJ To f i'ii Cliff Hithin Spring.- < > 1s (e-n(lejii.-a 'l no-tit > r!i P ^ ihoir tli ycir Is*.-, i was sev-i!..' ^ i'Mp i. p with ,i .( il- civ i !' erv I ;pel i li i' ' ' iCl'p il in" : ? -US' l? ! 1* I- I l 11' 11 < - I \ I I i. ' I! 11. Willi 'i\ i| id ilteiil i:r i. 1.1- nil v sii-iin. ? and vssk.i c .- -at in . v (11: ?! in ill', T ' | |,.jr iii; I i il- >' -I'Vi'ic til il /r> i (i fi ii!I iii' n Mi pli. -i' i ' ,jv v is ln'1'l .i ' I ; i iI? ;-1??n *'i "I j i)i *i i?jo 1 " II put it' ll pi t V.'llt t'.i X iliuiM. c cxt ii'lin? t<> iii ' 111?|? 'i |?:??' 2 "f my li'K ?in11 Im'Iv. I ?|i'f,lirn,'l ill-* 2 operation aii'l v. rKix'ii io liy fr T Uoelc C'lifY I jt'ii i Spring Water I enhri'ir;! ip ir Ihc ^pliliy m ' ^ was a walk i the sprint; without crutches and ft ur weeks was jthle to walk s mie a ilistatire of 1 1-2 miles, and h sunte my ollicial business. ft I was permanently cured by the f< e of the water, ami take "teat easttre in giving von this testi- P i niaI to the efficiency of the Hock 11 iIT Springs Whiter in the treatment w erysip das. in .!. M. Klfotd. ' i Vror.TTfc AI A. M. LA E S T A B L I S t STOCKS AND B( SOLD AND E! LOANS NE< All T? X ill UI lll?> LL BUSINESS PLACED IN CAREFUL AND PRO enlral National Bank C Building iSTMIMS IN SOI I II h II \ HI Mill ^ * f-f * y - 1 WPI CKOKt.K LAPS1 1.VPS1IUV A: I.APS1I \>V. This well known firm ?>!' mill enin?M>rs has had yens exp.M'ince in constructing cotton tnill deelopments and hydraulic cngineorag. They arc hotter equipped lor u h work ill it any other Run in his s 'cii? n and haw d ine a great .eri< in saving the energy of the i reams of the Can linns. Recently the senior member. (Jen. !, I.addiaw. lias patented tile "Ril rctitial Arch Rani." which gttaran -s per cent less cost over deigns of the Croton type and !<> ? per ent less and more for concrete t eel construction: much more for ss scientific designs and a safety 1 ictor of la or more against 2 to "> ir gravity masonry dams. Tim firm has many developni lit lanls in successful operation for ian\ years as a guarantee of their ork. and those who are interested i hydraulic development should call u tlieiu for designs and models. BONDS w&co. H E D 1894 ? )NDS BOUGHT XCHANGED 50TIATED urance Written OUR HANDS WTLL HAVE MPT ATTENTION )artanburg, S. C. \l. ItOMlS VIKM?S INTKItK ST KVI HAW. UidKhaw & 1.1 lisu i \\ i i i nvn i iv Civil and Hydraulic Engineers, IT East Main street. The members of (' this well Known (inn are (J. E. and T. 0 1). kadshaw. both of whom have been ' identified with the building of some 1 el" tin' most prominent cotton mills of ^ the South, some of which are the I "Henrietta Mills," Henrietta, X. C?; i "ClilTside Cotton Mills." ClilTside, N. f atul the "W. T. Weaver Power Com- ( pany." electrical transmission, Ashe- v vill X. C. liotli gentlemen of the v firm are natives of Canada, but have lived in Spartanburg the greater pa f of their lives. The business litis been 1' established for twenty-live years, and in their well-lltted-up office give em- e ployment to from four to six skilled s drnughsmon. n tl "lIKNHY \\. THOMSON. ' I One of th most active brokers and detilers in stocks and bonds, is Henry W. Thomson. He has been very successful in this line and litis splendid connections for buying and selling securities of till kinds. He makes a specially cf cotton mill and bank stocks and solicits correspondence from incsc inieresHMi. c KLK( TItIC I'D\\ Kit T It A \ SMISS ION. s One of the most important matters ' that will develop in the near future is the bringing < f a dozen large water l>o'v 'rs to this < ity by hydro-electric u 'Ve'.oju-'ent. There are two separate ami distinct companies coming to Spartanburg with their power and in a few months electric power will be, to all practical intents, unlimited and at a very moderate cost. The Southern Power Company, of which (lil Wylie of New York Is president, J. It. Dukes, vice president; \V. S. Dee, .Jr., second vice president and chief engineer, with headquarters in Charlotte, is hacked by many millions and has undertaken the largest development of this kind in the South The company proposes to develop the energy i f the waier powers of Catawba river and Broad river and tiansmit the power over a large area, leveling northwestern South Carolina above Colt'tnhia and that section rif North Can l!na embraced in a lin j drawn threat .1 Cherryville, Statesvllle and C1 ncord. The development of the power plant on Catawba, four miles from Ft i t Mill, has been completed. This is heltiK ijlstributed to Itoek Hill, Fort Mill, IM11 -ville, Yorkville tind ("lover in South Carolina and to CharIt. tie, N ('. ( :hy i>w in tiik year. nkctrity r.";;* i ji ' -V' . V. v, Kfev ra bhmksq. ^nnm H *fn,,-| ., . ngg 1 J* j^jlll' .1. jsAtkmt* SLOAN'S I i l^adshaw, Engineers. K10111' IIE VELOIVWENTS. There will bo eight separate power levelopmenls cn different streams,all rnnected and power will com* from he common line. The nearest of hese powers to Spartanburg is at Ninety-Nine Islands on Hroatl river ng mad1 frem tliis point to C.aff my or a four-lino construction, and from JafTney to Clifton and Spartanburg rith connoctif us at all < f th^ in; tening mills. The shoals ai High Falls, 22 niile3 roni Chester, s< utheast, has a oamcity of 40,000 horse-power. The transmission < f this power by lectrtcity means not only a very great aving in the lirst cost i f operating machinery, but by direct drives all of he wasted energy in turning heavy halting and belting is obviated, 'hen, too. any part of the machinery hat needs to be worked overtime, can ie pet ted at a minimum cost withut hav ng to run the entire mill. Phis gives a great saving also. The idvantuges to the mill are all on the ode of the electric system. th*? chief neing he fact that it is furnished at the rate of $'_'?? per annum per horsepower. MIM.lt VI. 4YHAI.TII. There is high authority for the datem nt that no county in the t'nitd States east < f the Rocky mountains contains so great a variety of minerals as are found within the borders >f Spartanburg. The iron ore, which Defore tlie introduction of new processes (f r 'fining gave this county he name "Old Iron District" Is of a superior quality. Indeed Prof. Lieber n his geohgical report says, "Kngand with till her ma mi "act lire of ron wou'd t'ojf i"o to be able to beast :f one single r gion where iron ore :f this quality occurred in equal ibundance." Prior to and during Fl^EL D WH i ' rhe largest line of Reliable < Sole Distributors of Our Motto: F" TIU'ST CO., SI'A KT A Mil.' IMJ, S. ^I - ^--^?55HHB( IbSmm^^^l ? ' ^Bsmm ? * :^fflBlBKBB * vw; &h3 *HhV. \V. Faint's Kroocry Store side ilonn oil oanre 17. the civil war. this ore was worked to some exit n( and the product was known far and wld \ 'i'he discovery of vast fields i f infcrii r ore nearer to t'.io ci ail field i stopped development of this induslty and since the war It h is not been given attenti n. Vein ; if gild are found in many pails of the oi unty several mines having been wi rked with great profit at different times. In the upper portion of the county small placer mines are constantly being worked iti a crude way, generally with one or two hands rough ii.!le boxes. This gold is thus crudely ci Ueeted and at the end of the week is taken to the cross roads rti re and exchanged for groceries. No extensive development of placer mining has even been attempted, though at the Thin, an Mine in the southern part of tli county extensive machinery lias at times been operated tL nfQ6 B OLESALE GROCEI ' ^ . \ . . . -r. aroceries. Everything ill Ca lor Candy and Crackers wift's Premium Hams, Silver AIR TR El ATM ii^HWH t Wf HMilWi w^BSmmmm * HlfflTWraWffWifflrWii P*5^ * ^E^^UBB^BEEnB&BSs&SmmL * L ?- wsw^ * MHHH s MEB2I^^^E^^^H93 VHHH vu * IV 1 Li Li E, >. ' I i BWH $ SBpn ^ rat- 9HIHi 41 * , which erroneously appears tin- j? = - I 9 and also at the II annuel t mines above <# w (Herniate tin is also found in paying 4, qnantiti -s. tho largest tin mine in the X Prilled States being located in that W part ? t Cherokee (V imtv which was w recently rut ? IT JTrc in Spartanburg. v V. lead, graphite ash stos, plumbago, magnesia, sc apstone, limesu ne, mar- ft ble mica, itacolumite, corundum, gar- w nets, etc. The granite is of a superior 4j> quality r.nd excellent fcr building J purposes. A large quarry at Paco- ft let has furnished building material * for Philadelphia. Pittsburg and many ft city, is shown l)V :in:ilvctc I?"" '" ? ....... . ....1 iw iinvr -o 7 * per cent, cf ppmont qualities. \\ lien 4? crushed and relied and covered with