OX x o> w 1\ V" /i\ XV '|\ Xll ?|X 'I* /IX 1 IX 'IX 'IX IX IX 'IX IX OX IX ./. > . '.X ; /|\ /;> Tx . M9i - $ p .; i' ? : ;:%(; n /|\ /(\ ?. | - ^ ^ ^ ^ , > ' '" ' ' ' ' " " ' /l> 'O > \l \ 'I* |V ,tx _______________????? I* V IN |N '?* . 'IN e 1\ is it> jrirrr. *$$I j\ F^> '. w-? -I".'.' /i\ i vf; #?'. .? A . . r '* ' A? A' < %? . * 'l\ I z 2. > i X ' *~*"* 'f ? .* *. *>' * .. .-?"' v>?> -r *. ?-*>: i v ' - *0lV5r V ' > . . *^v? ? 4 .' '~*v TV,./ r"* ' '4, v r *.--.y*?' ^*.'-? * t. ? | \ no \*> fcffl i a jptw i v J -- ; * -- J'A V i '* 5 ? I 1 ,'v, \ / ? 4*' . ' i ;a**i*%tiinnmilf*it4.*ti 1 Mil: IMIMIOVF.n SIKH. fl!\1 IIA ? R U the Good Roads Mi Mich., s 7 . V ?> \>\i ., * 1 )\l V VVI\<.\ ? A >? /V twf Af: iitfiSsL- i SSiiitS' 18&-S? W*' ' jflt* - >* V'^WI^MHHBI h: ii.i>im;. fb ?^ 'i:hvi:K KO \i? mamii * s * ? > > >*** *** * * **** *-j > ) * * ? -j VK VIII II IN VKSTMKNTS 1HSA1T1 ii * 5 5H5)? BLIP R ichinery Co., of Kennett Squai iold by W. A Neal, State Ageni Ten years ago such a thing as grading a country read was never v ? s - dreamed cf. Tuero was never a iloifc iar appropriated for read improvements and never cue bad place in the road fixed permanently. 1 he puln.c loads cf the ccuntv ' .ere not worked. Twice a year fie citizens living in a given tuea a.< n.i i public highway were "warned out ' ,i w< rk the reads. Some were warned to bring an axe to out away ohstruetii ns, others to tiring looks and sho\ is ami p >n .p- . i nose rcailwot king days wore gencrally frolics, for the y< ting men and , negvops who took part foil no resprnsihility beyi nd i?nli frnn. two to five "days." \ Hut there has been an awakening all along the line and nowhere more perceptibly than in Spartanburg Th" man w|to formerly advocated working six days out of 365 on pub lie reads instead cf five days, was ! laiive honors. Now tit" man who tiMfch ! ile, favor appropriation * *' *? < ',i,s m"' ^ ' chance of j_jgfc | c''' 11 1 No policy has t;i< "i so firm and lasting held on the jffljjStlPlMra p > lit* dctcrinina t ion to imI c t!ic pttb'ic ii a 1 s and sin:-" the i'tf eduction of scientific methods in t o I n its?: notion, and improved apl h:i::ci s.ev-: y mile if \vrll-i'i;.istni!'pMflRBRqSMR^SBR In many parts of the county, tae tw-vS' ' ends whii h seemed to have been I. imreasciiahly as possible, v.''!( nt regald grades, distances Spartanburg County is equipped with three separate camps of read ? builders, each having two machines and the necessaty rollers, carts and team.1.. Two miles from the city on the Clean Springs road, the eitv m>?. rates a rock quarry with all of the latest methods for handling the rock economically. This granite is S. > , . ^ peculiarly adapted for road construe . K tic n. having a very large per cent. HI i roperties. It is hai l lasting. blast",1 of the to to the or up to then to the being to to Not th tice ' saves the la be i < hands. It is estimated that with these appliances roads can be built fiem $2,0l!d to $2.*?i?> pc r mile. l-'ive miles ".? real have he"ii built from th" ehy in the di.ee ten ef (llenn Springs .... .1 * I* - 1 - . ill mi- < i; v i- paving 1'iri :i st:.,t I" Iln? city 11111i;. which. whai c< n iviil g.ve ;i sn'.etidid there uglifnre for driv -.s (i 1 -2 miles h ng wil'iP OTHERS l.\ (0> l E.MI'l.ATiO S. On I lie other >1 Hie city ah nit tin* Kami* length of rcsi I has been similarly const r no ted, and it is proposed to Iniilii others, radiating out from the city in every direction, every year building as much as possible of a permanent nature, rather than covering a great territory with Supervisor Miles has deinonsirnt* [\E. od what can lie done and is pushing to***************************************** HINTED VOL / YOr DID ?0T Bl'Y FROM US. IVM. S. 0 a m. xi if V 11^ w ^ r?? V O A D S re, Pa., and the Port Hur t, Spartanburg, S. C. 'V 4 ' . HmL 4 ^ HAULING ' FT-^ ~ ?~ r_7 | i%tl "* *>, nHE^^^HflsL^vic ^ v <* * . jw^ " ?vxJHfc LAYING Til Spartanburg ' Win. 1 L jK. , /VwJ ? \ ^rnrnmmm yUHp j^FtflUrH ijriSH.i pMKHMnsfin^ WHOLESA MANUFACTU1 HARDWOOD FIX! LK.NN, BROKE 11, SPARTAMHKG, S. (. I ???)?>?? : t f $ 8 I I , ? ?~ Z vt I * on Engine Co., of Port Huron, 1 f * | : ^ : : 9 ^ ? jSHKHkM^HU QflPVP^BvV Aft ^nK'4 HnHB^B fe'MMBMiMjlM $ PBBKRaBBBPBBBB HHiBMBi^Mni^^H^^^H mSDB9^Hi^^nE^Btfmjfl?SraaBRSilBBi^^^^^^^B *> HBBmB^BBBHHH^^^^H ^^ hbbbbhbh^HIB y'ffi^lSiiMM^?MMMM H^^SS^SI 1 ^ ^ BBB^HBBHBiHHH^HHH rHE ROAD C-1BT. !$ <5 1 ~ ? ' ~~1 s - ! : ! | 2 . ? "* u "V cn yf. ; * f . - -k\ w SI/ ' ? I - V> | . wr*r?. . -v. .-r? ??? " msuv*a*i Sl> \l/ # w w $ sv $ j * $ i IE CltrSIIED STONE. f jLumoer mig. uo. ? * LLAWTON. I 1 ft $ ft ft ft I ft % ft $ f <1/ SI/ SI/ SI/ M/ SI/ SI/ SI/ SI/ SI/ SI/ SI/ SI/ 0/ ft St/ w ft SI/ * ft \i/ vf $ * LE AND RETAIL I * RERS AND DEALERS 1 i 'URES OUR SPECIALTY I