AN INDIAN BOOTBLACK. Sitting Bull's eldest son is a bootblack. His name is* Montezuma, and he is a graduate of the Carlisle Indian school. After his schooling he went to Philadelphia full of ambition and musing over the profession he would adopt. At first it seemed to him that he might be a banker and then, w hen no one seemed inclined to help him along that path, a niagter merchant. But he was beginning, to learn that there is no royal road to riches, anil lie thereupon decided that he would black shoes. For a few cents he bought the regulation kit, and it was not long before he could send for Winonah, from the llosebud agency, the girl who had promised to marry him. Instead of the soapbox which Montezuma once carried for an outfit, he now has a handsome stand, and this descendant of a line of chiefs is building up a more flourishing business every day. Best of all, he lays his success to Carlisle, for, as he says, he learned there how to do things well, the small ns well as the great.?Youth's Companion. ti A Chinese Sawmill. It is a strange sight to see a Chinese sawmill and the peculiar manner in which the work is accomplished. It consists of a log that has been hewn square and placed upon supports, on which a single Chinaman nearly naked stands and manipulates a large saw, which comprises the motive power and the requisite machinery, und by a very slow process the lumber is cut in V* % *"?lr r* r\t*a 4 iv* 41"* 'I -* ?? ' - - ' the conclusion was reached that the fleas came under the head of "wild animals in a menagerie." When you wuke up with a had taste in your mouth, go at once to Rowfi & Rowe, druggists, Spartan Inn Block, and get a free sample of Chamberlain's stomach and livor tablets. One or two doses will make you well. They also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. The human race is but a contest for dollars. No Loss of Time. I havo sold Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers that could go no furthur, and they are at work again this morning.? H. R. Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. You should keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. For sale by Howe cSir Rowe, druggists, Spartan Inn Block, Straw hats usually show which way the wind blows. It l>it/.y.l?-M The World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Its severest tests "have been 011 hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia T If rmtmvrliiiiro Plonrifctr n?t?l RrnnnliiHu thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest surest cure in the world, it is sold by II A. Ligon who guarantees satisfaction or refunds money. Large bottles 50c and tl.OJ. Triul bottles free. Poverty is not a crime morally, hut it is matrimonially. r.i<>?n t? Atom*. The old idea that the l>ody sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; for J)r. King's New Life Pills, which arc perfectly harmless, g. ittls s i.elate liver and bowels to exp i matter, cleanse the system Hid absolutely cure Constipation and Sck lloadaelin. Only w also that we do i the sale of one hat or one i we sell which has made our with the good grade merchai I JWe Are the Sol " Manhatta i Recognized to-< k^llll i. |/l VFUUbCU large line of St well as white. Prices $1.50, Look at our Str, if our prices an half what oth< them. Rough Straws, F Panamas ar ; See our special values 50c ! Floyd L 62-64 Morgan Sqiu j ?+ 11 >1 For Spring Q And to keep your 1 Garden Hose, The BEST r Will not KINK and it Charlotte Suj I East Mail i jELEC The Fan Service wil Advantage of our special c Si^.oo SPARTANBURG Ml As Good C. & V i I INTERCHANGEABLE GO< )D I i 18 Prominent Lines. Costs Only $25,0! Save Time f jC W. BosTirK. Tnion Ticket Acrent Spartanburg, S ('. \V. J. Crai<4, (4enor?il I'as: RIPANS J T) ere is scarcely nnv condition of ill health that is not benefited by tlie occasional use of I a II I P A N S Tubule. ~a*,e by i>i -twists I Tlie Five-Cent acltatte is >tou^Ii for an ordl | nnrr oecri-iion. Th- tauiily bottle, ?>') < , ufv I cci.'Hiii.i k sU|>] l^ lor ? ?ir. \ L T " irts, I | Straw J Hats, jj >eginning to lBiake all wear- jj 6traw hats feBel like getting g low, without oBnr telling you, b lieadqnailers Bin these lines. jj lot try to mafte a fortune in b 5 shirt, but it Bis the quantity B business wh?t it is, coupled ndise we tuml011*1* e Agents fo?* the * in" ij>hirts, day as the! Best q in An:erisa. A yles in :alley as 1 $2tOCPf $2i^O? aw Hats ; Bid see 2 not juswabout I jrs ask #;ou for 5lain Straws, id Othier Shapes. t i, 75c, $ll.OO, $2.00, $2.50. ? ifLiles. ] ire, i^partanburg. \ " Heart unv eirtilii?tv. i awn ?ADE A1r s sold by ,ply MCompanv n Street.l rpFflC Utartinfafewdays- Buy Faf15 for WjGASJNDJ as a ^ mileag* tickets. Total Mi*age '3,053 MiIes3 per Miles. and Monej^B* |H"< Carlisle, Agent, '''il Spartanburg, 8. C ?.nPor C. w 1 H A R T Y, SAlCrBTARY and >m l\j hni itkiidcd /"'AO GAS i^Houiptl.v executed and All work pj^l.Now Cleveland Build uvmmiiteed. ^Bn-ch Street. ' 1 1 I ] ' estBestBest Best Bes estBestBest Best Bes tytjB^gtBestBest BestBest Bes estBestBest Best BestBest tep.tBestBestB^st BestBest estBestBestBest BestBest Bes estBeat BestBest BestBest Bes est feestBest Best BestBest Bes eetBestBestJBestBestBestBestBestBes estBestBestB^stBestBestBestBestBesi est Best Bes est Best Bes est Best Best BestBestBes est Best Best Bes lest Best Best Bes est Best Best BestBestBes est ' Best Bes est Bet Bes estBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBes lestBestBest BestBest Best BestBestBes' JOURNAL SPEC Charleston Hotel I TIIS MAGNIFICENT MODERN IOTEL OPEN ALL THE YEAR. * CAFE AND GRILL ROOM 1 * t. * ATTACHED. r looms single and en suite, with private baths, Artesian water, Porcelain tubs. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called o the fact that we have leased the ntire building, 201 Meeting street, 1 opposite the Hotel, and have con- ' rerted it into large and well lighted iample Rooms for Commercial Travelers during the Inter-State nd West Indian Exposition. = V R IT E FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLEf. ^ "r ^ jj Blacksmith and General Repair Shop, j* ** South Church Street, Next to Col ored Odd Fellows Hall, Work promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed, Moderate prices. Also line of Cottins always on hand. All kinds of turned work, columns and brackets. Furniture Repaired. .T. A. Phillips in charge of blucksmitliing and woodworking. I FANS your fans now and take $IO.OO. 1ECTRIC COMPANY to write fbr oar confidential letter before applying for patent; it mar be worth money. Wig promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign PATENTS and TJIADE MARKS pr return ENTIRE attorney's We. Send model, sketch or photo and we send an IMMEDIATE PREE reP?r^ on patentability. e give the beat legal service and advice, and oar charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patnnt Lawunntt. ^OpMTS^PateBtOfl^ ' I- promptly obtain I - and Fort l^i X * | ^Hetnl model, jsetcli or photo of Invention ui\ . f free report >n patentability. For frcr bot k, f {Opposite U. S. Patent Officet .> WASHINGTON D. C. < vwv\. Vv^?. V V?\vwh WV/V% WVT j ? 1 \ . . * ; ^ i : tBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBest tBestBestBestBestBeetBestBesCBest t Best BestBestBeet t Bent BestBestBeet t Best BestB^stBe^tBejitBest Beat BestBest BestBest Best BestBestBestBes't t Best BestBestBestBestBest t Best BestBestBeet b Best BestBestBest bBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBest t BeatBostBeat BestBestBest Best Best t Best Beet t Best Best t BestBestBestBest BestBest t Boat Best BestBest t BestBest BestBest tBestBest BestBest BestBest t BestBest BestBest it ' BestBest BestBest tBestBestBestBestBestBi'StBestBest tBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBest IAL NOTICES. Lillian Nordica. The Great American Prima Donna says: "The more I tise my Kimball Piano the better I like it." The Late President McKinley Was one of the ninety thousand who bought this Piano. P. D. Lawrason. FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE. Spartanburg, S. C. ORDINANCE. Bo it ordained by the Mayor and lldermen of the City of Spartanlurg, in council assembled und by uthority of the same that from ??* After May 111. 1Q02 it shall ha .... streets ot eiffewaikfl 161 IU* tHllfllUIHl ^ of displaying any goods, wares, merchandise or other things whatsoever offered for sale. Any person firm or ofirporation violating this ocAMMoeil&MttLi uponq^mviction thereof the mayor fl^ity Council bo fined in the sum "? not less that five dollars nor mor^|han one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the Mayor or City Council hearing the case. Ordained 28th April 1902, A. B. Calvert, Mayor. Attest: I J M. Elford, Clerk. If You Want... To be with the beat ill-eased crowd, get Henry & Bullock To muke your new clothes ana sena ail tiie oia ones you have tr the New York Pressing Clnb and when you get them back you will think they are new. Henry & Bullock 62 E. Muin St. Bell Phone No. 741 ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermon of the City of Spartanburg in council assembled, and by authority of tho same, that from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to paint any signs on the sidewalks of the city, or to throw or deposit, or ])ermit to bo thrown or deposited, any waste papers or trash of any kind on any of the streets or sidewalks of the city of S|>art?nburg ; that any i>erson or persons convicted of such offence shall be fined not less than | live dollars nor more than one hunI Hriul tlnllufu in flin rlioonoitAn of I v. ?/v? 04 IK V1IV UIOVIVUVU V4 lilU Mayor or City Council. Ordained April 28th, 1U02. A. B. Calvert, Mayor. Attest: J. M Bi.kord, (1erk. 1