X i i It - At:-* THE UNION TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1918. S jtt? | ?[ mi The Union Hardware Company ?Will Offer Special Prices On? $85.00 B UGGIE S $85.00 AS LONG AS THEY LAST COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER 3 3 P H O IV E S 3 4 I LOCKHART Dr. R. L. Hicks our popular dentist who has been sick for several weeks went to the Spartanburg hospital on Monday for treatment. We welcome with pleasure Rev. W. C. Baxler and family, our new Baptist minister, and assure him of the hearty cooperation of our people in his work among us. John Danieron and family after a short stay in Union have returned to Lockhart to live. John Shields, who has been away for six or eight months, has accepted the position of spooler-room boss, and will move his family back in the next few days. w:i.u IU, :?i < * ? 1M iTim me arrival 01 me spring-UKe leather of the past week, active work has started for the preparation for early gardens. Mr. W. J. Meggs, the garden demonstrator has begun cleaninp up and is giving all the needed assistance in this work. Our pardens last year were the best in the country, and this year we expect them to far surpass any in the State. And with cheap fuel and corn bread will pive the hiph cost of living a knock-out blow in this community. The people are buyinp fruit trees which Mr. Mepps sets out for them free of cost. Mrs. M. C. Barrett, who is in the hospital at Spartanburp was operated on this week. Miss Mae Scales of this place and Mr. H. B. Foot of Fort Lawn were married Union last Saturday. Miss Mary Lockjnan and sifter, Mrs. Hancock are visitinp relatives in Clifton and Glendale this week. New Hope New Hope, Feb. 13.?We have been having what we call spring days and everybody is enjoying the change and it is helievo/i nnm tVint +V10 Ko?V K*->?-?a of winter has been broken. The pardens will soon be planted and before we know it ,the lonp summer days will be with us. I was in Union yesterday and everything seemed so quiet since the city was put under quarantine for meninpitis and the proper authorities seem to be doinp all they can to pre* vent the spread. Miss Alsie Smith met with the Club members last Friday with a larpe number present. She discussed some very important subjects. Wendell Hall and Bob Holcomb of Ft. Moultrie were home last week on a furlouph and visited their prandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott. Mrs. J. S. Carter and little dauphter Ena, visited relatives in Jonesville last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Vinson visited at the home of Mrs. J. D. Bishop last Sunday. This is St. Valentine's Day and I puess Dan Cupid will play his pame of hearts. Vero. CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try This! All Dandruff Disappears and Hair Stops Cominp Out. Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the heauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully throuph your hair, takinp one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil?in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. tsesides Deautnying tne nair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will just get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and ty it as directed. Often Destroyed by Fir?. Time after time, together with th? rest of the city of Moscow, the Kremlin has been burned, the last occasion being in 1812 when it was occupied by Napoleon and the inhabitants ol the city themselves sturted the conflagrations in all parts of the city. It was indeed these tires which forced the little corporal to commence hig disastrous retreat across the snowhound steppes of Russia. Napoleon had his headquarters in the Kremlin, and while the flames were not so destructive there as in other parts of the city, yet they forced evacuation. Compressing Cotton. Scientific investigation has Droved that compression of a high degree does j not injure the liber, and cotton is pncked In other countries today at a density substantially three times that of ours by the most economical practice. The Egyptian package has a density of about 37 pounds a cubic foot; the Indian cotton is compressed to 45 pounds per cubic foot; while some Indian and Chinese buling plants effect a density of from 55 to GO pounds of cotton per cubic foot. The Arab as a Neighbor. The Aral) makes a good neighbor. His love of the beautiful in architecture is evidenced in a hundred cities where his handiwork survives. Every visitor to Grunada knows what was left behind at the Alhnmbra. When the Arnb met Rome, he produced Palmyra; having absorbed the Sassmlan dynnsty of the neo-I'erslan empire in G37, the Arab created Bagdad; in overrunning Spain, he worked magic at Cordova and Secille. To Remove Smoke Stains. This suggestion will be beneficial to housewives who have not the conven- . lence of electricity or the modern gas I fixtures. Frequently the ceiling above an old-fashioned gas jet becomes discolored from smoke and heat, i The discolorutlon may be removed if a layer of starch and water is applied with a piece of llannel. After the mix- " ture has dried it should be brushed lightly with a brush. No stain or mark will remain. r h Women Catch Fish With Hands. ^ Fishing in Samoan seas is often done by the women, and without nets, boats op hooks. They simply wade Into the water and form themselves Into n ring. The fishes being so plentiful, they nre almost sure to imprison some In the ring. These women are very quick and j active, and every time they catch a ( fish with their hands they simply throw j it, alive, into the busket on their buck. r j Translation of Y. M. C. A. W. Gordon Griffiths of the Y. M. O. t A. told an audience at Cefu that he was P proud to be a Welshman although he c was unable to speak the "language of 1 Paradise." He hod, however, learned ? one thing in Welsh und that was that the letters Y. M. C. A. may be trans- n lated to mean "Ymn Mae Cyfle Arder- a chog" ("Here is a splendid oppor- a tunlty.") I a ??????????.?? ^ NOTICE TO COLORED PEOPLE! 1 r } Use Noah's Hair Dressing. ( t Noah's is a most superb hair dress- ^ (ng and intended to preserve, beautify and restore the Hair and keep it in a smootn, glossy conditionelegantly s perfumed; at all drug stores. If your 8 c dealer cannot supply you send 25c in stamps to Noah'g Products Corporation, Richmond, Va., and we will send you liberal sized can. , I Highest Prices Paid j ... For ... 1 Scrap Iron, Metal, Rags, i Bones, Hides, Bags Etc. i V11TTA1T VVIlTtr /\ UNIUN JUNK tU. South Mountain and Main Streets i UNION, S. C. i Phone 175. j I LADY ABERDEEN BgB^ ^r' ?^Bl||ff1^H tJOm ;* V^H ' B '- Jp?^ jf*;. j. ,j^m y^^Ml8^^|^*? ja^n Ep|^^^^M|fc|^' '^Ea IKaWWl^M' < ' 1^9 Lady Aberdeen is devoting much Ime now to checking tho Infant morality In Irish cities. A Far-Seeing Voice. "A voice Is wnlting tn ?~> vnn na'nm, is the way a new maid called ler mistress to the telephone.?Boston transcript. Free Flower Seed Hastings' Catalogue Tells You About fit No matter whether you farm on a arge scale or only plant vegetables >r flowers in r. s..i"U way, you need fastings' 1!)1S Seed Catalogue. It's eady now ami we have n copy for ou absolutely free, if you write for ii. aentioning the name of this paper. In addition to showing you about all he varieties of vegetables, farm :rass, clover and flower seeds, our atalogue tells how you can get free ive splendid varieties of easily grown, 'et beautiful flowers, with which to icautify your homo surroundings. Good seeds of almost every kind ire scarce this season, and you can't ifford to take chances in your seed upply. Hastings' Seeds are dependble seeds, the kind you can always lepend on having "good luck" with. You are going to garden or farm his spring. Why not insure success o far as possible by starting with the ight seed? Don't take chances that 'ou do not have to in seeds. Write today for Hastings' 1918 lataloguo. It's free and will both Inerest and help you to succeed in 1918. -H. G. HASTiNGS CO., Seedsmen, Atlanta, Ga.?Advt Force of Habit. Bank Cashier?"You owe ns a conidernble overdraft, inndam. What hall we do about it?" She?"You may barge it, please."?Judge. The Constipation Evil There is no ailment to which tho body is subject that is so far reaching in its injurious effects as constipation. It means a congestion of the Dowels and usually causes sick headache, pains in the back, sour stomach, sallow complexion, offensive breath or loss of appetite. When you suffer from any of these ills, take a few doses or Granger Liver Regulator. You will be surprised how quickly it restores your normal health. Granger Liver Regulator contains no calomel and produces none of its distressing effects. It has. however, all the corrective value of calomel, and mav be freely given to children as well as to adults. Granger Liver Regulator is also free from alcohol. A dox of it lasts long, and a few doses relieve ordinary cases of biliousness. Granger Liver Regulator is sold by druggists everywhere at 25c a box. Refuse all substitutes as there is no other medicine just like Granger Liver Regulator. Meatless and Wheatless Days The United States food administration expects all hotels, restaurants, cafes, boarding houses railway eating houses and dining car companies to observe the meatless and wheatless days. The hotel division of the food administration has sent the following telegram to all State hotel chairmen: "Hotel division food administration announces the following urogram for hotels, restaurants, dining cars, to be put into effect immediately; Monday and Wednesday, wheatless; Tuesday, meatless; Saturday, porkless. One meatless and one wheatless meal each day. Portion of bread rolls should consist of not more than two ounces and rot more than this quantity should be served to anyone at any one i leal. Rolls should weight not more than one ounce each except that when corn, oatmeal, bran bread or rolls is served alone, portion may consist i f not more than four ounces. You will note that all hotels, restaurants and dining cars will come under new baking: regulations, announced in press, February 1st., but hotels and restaurants have led van of food conservation and can do no more. News dispatches from Germany are convincing: evidence that food is going to win the war. Show the country that you are more than willing: to do your part in this accomplishment." / Attention. * * ??__ Have you a Farm for sale? -lust now we want several farms, ranging in acreage from 50 to 1,000 acres to the tract, but bear this in mind. Hie price must be right if we undertake to handle it, we positively will not offer property for sale, unless, in our judgment, it is wortn absolutely every penny we ask for it. The senior member of our firm has been in the Real Estate Business for twelve years and we claim to know the game, aside from the fact that we have a string of cuscomers and prospective purchasers that have cost us hundreds of dollars in printer's ink to fret, bv listinc VOtir tirnnr.rtv with us you not only have the benefit of our experience but you immediate ly have a long list of prospective purchasers. Did it ever occur to you. that if you undertake to sell a farm yourself, nine chances to one, your prospective purchaser will come to us, give us your price and ask our judgment? If you have a farm for sale, do the sensible thing, List It With E. F. Kelly & Bro., Union, S. C. A CHILD HATES OIL, CALOMEL, PILLS FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Give "California Syrup of Figs" If Cross, Sick, Feverish, Constipated. Dook back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother insisted on?castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children it's differentMothers who cling to the old from of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well-founded. Their tender little "insides" are injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only delicious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomor row. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California 1 Syrup of Figs," whioh has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. See that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. ever ????^ diffe "" " gOt ! ' asvi J Vfei&Tavtw* not "n their behalf, within ten days 'rom the service of a copy of this >rder shall procure the appointment >f some suitable person to act as .heir guardian ad litem herein; ind its further ordered that this irder be served upon the said nfant defendants by the publiation thereof in the said Union ^imes once a week for three conecutive weeks. ,T, W. DeVore, Presiding Judge of 7th Judicial Circuit. Tanuary 31, 1918. 5-3t. Simplest of Cements. Condensed milk applied to the edges if pieces of broken china will keep the irticle as Intact as the majority of cenents on the market today, says the llseoverer. He adds that he has mend>d saucers that have withstood wash ngs in hot wnter, nnd has mended a elescope lens of fairly lnrge size with dils unique cement. QUICK LOANS. Money to loan upon county or city eal estate. Loan may be had for froir me to twenty ye^rs. !9-tf Barron & Barron NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS From January 1st to February 2ft, 1918, the County Auditor's books wiT so open for making returns. Ah ;vho are liable to taxation will pleas* iee that their returns are properly nade. All real estate and personal proper, ty have to be returned. Poll Tax from twenty-one to sixty. All returns must be made by School Districts. If you have property in mor* .han one District make return fo> ?aeh District. Also make return* >f transfers of real estate from on* lart.y to another. Your failure to mako returns call 'or fifty per cent penalty as prescribe*! >y law. Will be in office all of famiavy except as stated below: Carlisle, January 22. Santue. Januarv 23 J.ockhart, January 24. Adamsburg, January 25th, in tn? norning. Kelton, January 25 in the evening .Tonesville, January 29. Ihiffalo, February 5. Union Mills, February 6. Monarch Mills, February 7, in th* norning. Ottaray Mills, February 7, in tn? ivening. West Springs February 8. l/?. uriii ? w -* i\ry? ?r uuurn s oiore, r eo uary 13, in the morninp. Sednlia, M1nter's Store, February 13, in the evening. Goshen Hill, February 14, at Blac* flock. J. S. BetenbanRh, 19-tf. County Auditor.