When the Skin See With H There's just one thing to do. If your skin seems ablaze with the fiery burning and itching of Eczema, real and lasting relief can only conic from treatment that goes below the surface?that reaches down to the very source of the trouble. Socalled skin-diseases come from a disordered condition of the blood, and the proper treatment is through the blood. Search far and near, and you canI II/: 11 -x j rrm yuu wei aown 'iJnE SOME farmers are still pa cottonseed hulls because Others are paying much fRAOt mjcr U COTTOI V HUi LINTL and are making them as b wetting them down a half h By adding an equal part of \ stirring thoroughly they will I a roughage as you want. 1 ness will be due to water whi ?not to lint which has no 1 Other Ad Buckeye Hulls go farther. They allow better assimilation of other food. No trash or dust. ,, Mr. Benjamin Thompson, Bald, is feeding''Buckeye Hulls that he gets more food vah He has bought five tons ana He says that they occupy lesi To secure the best results and to devel thoroughly twelve hours before i wetting them down night and morning ( this cannot be done, wet down at lei feed the hulls dry, use only half as mi Book of Mixet Gives the right formula for every South. Tells how much to feed fc tening, for work. Describes Buck* using them properly. Send for yoi Dept. k The Buckeye C Atlanta Birmingham Green Augusta Charlotte Jack * Why Do PLUM CheapPJ umbing is Why Do Wit | When you can get S more? We are Pe Plumbing. GIVE US We Sell T1 Stag SemiI One Gallon Union Plumbinj i Main Street Peoples Um Funeral Director Automobile Equipment I' Calls Answered Pr H. VV. EDGA Phone 240 IF" YOU NE You can get it from the ] selling them all kinds of Sacks, Brass, Copper and old Boilers or Engines < them to us as we will pa; for everything. Write o RELIABLE Phone No. 322 ms Ablaze tching and Burning not find a blood remedy that approaches S. S. S. for real efficiency. \ , It has been on the market for fifty \ years, during which time it has been f giving uniform satisfaction for all i manner of blood disorders. If you { want prompt and lasting relief, you 1 can rely upon S. S. S. For expert I I advice as to the treatment of your f : own individual case, write to-day to ( Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific 'Co., Dept. G Atlanta, Ga. 1 your roughage and ^ save several dollars T|! on every ton? ying top prices for old style : they prefer a bulky filler. less for MARK MSE ED W LLS \ -ESS ulky as old style hulls by lour or so before using. ,vater to Buckeye Hulls and swell and give you as bulky Most important, the bulkich is of value to your cattle "ood value whatever. vantages Sacked?easy to handle. They mix well with other forage. Take half as much space in the barn. knob. Ark., to stock cattle. He says le per ton with less waste. f has them stored in barn. ? space than old style hulls. on the ensilaee odor, turf thr hull feeding. It is easy to do this by I' or the next feeding. If at any time t ist thirty minutes. If you prefer to ich by bulk as of old style hulls. er of girls charged with vagrancy ^ md lodged in the jail was rarely more han 10 or 12. However, authorities ire of the opinion that activities of lie military police, local, city anil ountv authorities and Miss Stewart, . (jO hairman of the girls protective bu- ^ , eau, are responsible for the appretension of more of the immoral girls so' >f the community. Miss Stewart, of the protective bureau, in a recent interview stated that vhile the rooms at the jails occupied j >v the 2d girls are large enough for . . . an< mly 12, the conditions maintained by ^ he jailer M,r. Neely, arc most satis. . ni\ actory. She said that the jail was . rui he most efficiently managed of any hat she had visited in her four years' '[ fork, assisting her materially. She las found Mr. Neely not only ready . , , , , ' wo o cooperate with her work, but exerisitig every effort for the comfort of he girls in his custody. The quaters f these girls she found kept in clean- , t iness, the food excellently prepared. i i Miss Stewart, according to her; , tatcment, has found the local police', uthorities cooperative with her work, j ( i ssisting her materially. She has been * . ne?or a harmful one?your stomach (j0 s too valuable; you mustn't injure it vith drastic drupes. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for ifs ;peed in giving relief; its harmless- so less; its certain, unfailing action in "epeulatinpr sick, sour, prassy stomachs. ^(1 [ts quick relief in indigestion, dvslepsia and gastritis, when caused by su iciditv. has made it famous the world f]1 >ver. a, Keep this wonderful stomach sweet;ner in your home?keep it handy?* , ret a large fifty-cent case from any ^ I rug store and then if anyone should ()) ?at something which doesn't agree vvith them; if what they eat lays like -v, cad, ferments and sours and forms ?as; causes headache, dizziness and lausea; eructations of aci ? Mirnn* v " * 171V. l. 1T1UIVIWYI I1A1K Dentist ] Office: 507 Chapman Building Phone 1569 SPARTANBURG. S. C. money to lend on farm lands . $300 to $10,000?Twenty years time. ' See jno. k. hamblin lawyer Office 2nd door East of Postofflce. L tf. % )DED A NUMBER OF YEARS TO HER LIFE iiys She Spent Hundreds of Dollars Fruitlessly. UTURE SEEMED DARK ys She Uolieves Slu? !Ial?l and younp. who flfer with stomach trouble, would well to read the followinp hipldy erestinp statement piven by Mr.--, iry Gilliam, of f>3 Riverside, Andor11, on March 3rd. Mrs. Gilliam is of advanced ape. 'I suffered from an awful case of lipestion," said Mrs. Gilliam, "and was so weak I could hardly walk (1 really I should have been in bed. r foct and legs burned all the time, whole system was weakened and 1 down and I was very pale. My petite had left and I never became ngry. My health had been bad f r reral years. Hundreds of dollars rth of medicines had been bought me, but none pave me much ref, and I steadily became worse and t weight until I was skin and bones nost and seemed to be slowly starv: to death. 'Soon after I started taking Tan, my appetite returned and my roach was strengthened and the infest ion left me. Now I am eating irtily and my food is digested and . Irishes me. I gained twenty-five or rty pounds after 1 started taking nlac. The home folks laugh at ine tv because I eat so much. I was ;t about, big enough to make a ulow when I started Tanlac, but iv I am at normal weight. 'Tanlac is the finest restorer and lie I ever used. It soon got me ong enough to do my housework, ipite my years, and it is the only dicine I ever took that gave me manent relief, and I guess it can truly saiil that I had one foot in ; grave when I began taking it. nlac certainly is our stand-by now. :1 both my husband ami myself nk the world of it, for 1 expect it re me a number of years more of [ "or sale by Palmetto Drug Co., don; Buffalo Drug Co., Buffalo; K. Bailey, Carlisle; B. G. Wilburn & n Pr?\cc Knt'g Tnnoe\'il1o C* < nesville; I.ockhart, Mills Store, ckhart, R. J. Fowler, Monarch. clief Work in Roumania. Washington, Nov. 13.?The Arnerin Red Cross War Council has apopriated one and a quarter million liars for emergency relief work in Himania. W. II. Anderson, chairMi of the Red Cross Commission to Himania, has cabled Henry I'. Ravidn, chairman of the Red Cross War >uncil of a shortage of food and escially food fats. The military hostals also are in need of bedding, and rgical and medical supplies in large inntities. No supplies of this kind e available there. Approximately Sl.OOO.noo of the apopriation will be used for the purase of 2,000 tons of foodstuffs. Anher large item in the appropriation ill supply 40,000 pairs of -hoes, edical supplies will be sent in large lant ities. The need of relief in Roumania is irticularly pressing because o: the ercrowded condition of certain cas, caused by the war operations, i a territory normally occupied by ic million persons there is now a ipulation of three million, according advices cabled by Red Cross work's in the field. Measures to relieve ic needs developed by this situati -n ill be put into effect as speedily as jssible. [eep Liver Active And Bowels Clean With "Cascarets" est When Hilinus, Sick. Headachy, Constipated, or for bad breath or Sour Stomach. Re cheerful! Clean up inside toipht and feel fine. Take Cascarets ) liven your liver and clean the owels and stop headaches, a had >ld, biliousness, offensive breath, >ated tonpue .sallowness, sour ;omach and pases. Tonipht take ascarets and enjoy the nicest, pentest liver and bowel cleansing you vor experienced. Wake up feelinp rand?Everybody's doinp it. Casirets best laxative for children also. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER. Tl l . . e ti ne oeauty secret or women who knowhow to take care of the complexion. Cannot be detected. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan. Soothing, cooling, refreshing. m Pink. WhiU. . r <. | . r .'-^11 \ y .v . v y ^ MI c..._ V Ve?? ' ' . ?h'"aS-v > \_*.,-1 * ' ' ' 't3?'tv"v . .'.'.7 AT THIS TIM E OF THE YEAI ONE WHO DOES NOT M FD EU.M SOME FIND. FALL IS HERE AN! I S. WHEN V(H It HOI SE IS IN 1 ESS TO HEAT IT. VOI R STO W ARM STAW.E. IT IS ECONOMY FROM I S AND I IX TIIINHS I F Bailey Builder; I I FLO ($12.001 | Is the Che; f Product on 1 | Today I Eal A Plenty Bi I _ Come To % T 1%. MITT"" 1VI? JLLi J Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. w The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless in chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because It contains the Tl well known tonic properties of QUININE b< and IRON. It acts on the L4ver, Drives Ti out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and 9' Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents, ?! nmnMnH i I mr Income You y you wouldn't spend it. r because you have it? iivc enough money t Supply Co. >ne 16 U R ! 5T> J I .. ; 'er Barrel ipest Food the Market $ i it Don't Waste. I See Xle ? rER, jp, | If you po out. on the street and histle for your do^, every man withi hearing1 will turn around. ie Quinine That Does Not Affect the Heed jciud? of itn tonic and laxative effect, I.AXAIVK BROMOOUININB is better than ordinary linine and doea not cauae nervousness nor aging in head. Remember the full name and ok for tbe signature of K. W. CROVH. 30c.