bDELCO |j Electricity For \<\ At last a complete electric j able and economical, that are now available anywhe ' $ Now you may have the comfort ; in your home ami out-building: Delco-Light will do most of ye power for the smaller machines Let us show you how it will pa; ||| \ saved. L,GH1 xi. DQCO UG1TT Battle Imminent Between French and German Ships. (By Associated Press) Koritza, Albania, October .".0.?StafT (Correspondence of The Associated Press)?A naval battle between French and German warships is imminent, which when it occurs, will not he recorded in any official communique though it will be in a way, one of the most unique naval engagements of the war. Lake Ochida is a largo body of fresh water lying a few miles north of here, at the point where Albania. Serbia and Macedonia touch. It is 40 miles long and 20 miles across, with towering mountains running around it. The north end of the lake is held by the flornvms: n ?1/1 i lm emit li nn and 7-r> cent be tiles. Sold by ('.lymph's Pharmacy. m LIGHT \ Every Farm y) jlant that is so simple, rcli: electric light awl power re and for any purpose. ind convenience of electric light s?brilliant, cool, safe. ^3 >ur chores because it provides W so 11 y for itself in time and labor er J| bu r & POWER CO. 1 IP ?* ottc, N. C. jp : H bo sc gnttiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiraiinDiiffliMinuimiiiiniiiiiniiiniiiiiiuiimiiiiHiijnuiiiiiiiiniiiuimn^ 1 We Pay the 1 1 '[ | re War Taxes ?r j m IT costs us the profit W( to continue to sell at | ha the old price, but we 1 ho | count this an investment | | in public confidence,and the price of m I fi Oil Dr. Caldwell's | of Syrup Pepsin w The Perfect Laxative I po V = i p W p will not he advanced U yc |: bi . 1/ Your Drutnnst'j f- \VJ I ca H 50 CtS. TWO SIM.S $1.00 r P -'! "iiniiiiiiiiii' BIMiltg Applies War Food Ticket System to Vatican. (Hy Associated Press) at Rome, November 4.?By order of nil ['ope Benedict the war food ticket sys- inj em has been applied to the <>00 peo- tic rder previous to its application with- ga n the kingdom of Italy. His order sti ipplies not only to bread but to sugar, he ind other foods. su of Once upon a time God created a *^ perfect man. Then the man got mar- m. ied and his wife began finding flaws ^,r n his makeup. ^ on Railroad Men urt, in the above stated case, I will the 3rd day of December, 1917. ring the legal hours of sale, before e Court Hniiso r TTninn C II at public auction, the following iids, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of nd, lying and being in Union townip, said county and State, containg 135 acres, more or less, known the Frank or Duncan Uames place, unded by lands of Wallace Koon. M. Farr, P. I). Barron, and the hn Charles place. Terms of sale: One half cash, bal-j ice in two equal annual installments.! ipaid portion to bear interest from e date of sale at eight per cent, per mum, and to be secured by bond <<:' e purchaser and mortgage of the emises ;the purchaser to have the ivilege of paying all cash. W. W. .Johnson, Special Master November 10, l!? 17. 4(5 t. Sheriff's Sale. Under and by virtue of power coi ined in executions and directed t> e, I will sell before the court hon-e or in Union county, S. C., on the st Monday in December, 1017, d ,rg the legal hours of sale, the f<>|wing described property to wit: One tract of land lying, being and tunic ill Pinckncv Inu/rmtiin ITnl,.r> unty, S. containing one hundred res, more or less, and bounded as Hows: on the north by lands of Sam irr, on the east by lands of W. \T. irner; on the west by lands of G. man and on the south by lands of wis Garner; levied on and to be sold, the property of S. O. Inman for the iprovement of Homstead at the suit the Union Hardware Company, aintiff, against S. O. Inman, defendit. Terms of sale, Cash. J. Hay Fant, Union, S. C.t Sheriff. Nov. 13. 1017. 4fi-3t. Broad us Kirby left Tuesday for mrtanburjr. Salvage From Torpedoed Vessels is Profitable Valuable Catches Made Along Irish Coast?Fishermen Have Made Modest Fortunes From Wreckage. Base American Flotillas in British Waters, Oct. ,10.?(Correspondent of The Associated Press).?Irish fishermen along the coasts where the Uboats operate, have made some remarkable catches during the past year. The story of the fishermen who found a $15,000 box of diamonds from the Lusitania in his nets one day, and whose honesty in returning them to their rightful owners was rewarded by a check for $1,000, is well known. There is another fisherman who came home from a fishing expedition with a fine new American automobile lashed to the deck of his little trawler. There are hundreds of fishermen who have made modest fortunes out of salvage of one kind or another. Wheat, flour and coal salvage are all profitable businesses in the coast towns nowadays. The story of the man who came home ?rom the sea with a brand new automobile is a household favorite in the Irish ports. Accompanied by his son he was mackerel fishing when he was aroused by the report of an explosion. On the horizon a cargo steamer from America was settling by the stern. It had been torpedoed. The fishermen headed for it and soon met the captain and crew in two open boats. "She's loaded with American automobiles, you might get one before she goes under," said the skipper jokingly as he and his shipmates passed on toward shore. The torpedoed ship was still well above water when the fisherman came alongside. He at once sent his son on board to look around. The latter found the hole full of automobiles. "Run one out through this gangway," directed the father. With the aid of some tackle the machine was dropped into the fishiiJVo'essel. A few mo ments later as the trawler steamed away the ship disappeared. The fisherman with an automobile is now the envy of his village. Many torpedoed vessels manage to reach shore where they are usually pounded to pieces on the rocks, Hut letfure the cargo is lost forever people come from miles around to salvage it. Anything that will float is used and everyone helps himself. Men, vnmcn and children attack cargo and silp. removing brass fittings and anyllfng else of value. Flour and canned /neats, fruits and vegetables form the larger portion of the salvaged articles. One village has had the good fortune to have a couple of food ships jlring up on its very doorstep. Most of the ships of course go down at sea. Hut this does not dishearten the alert fishermen who have been known to transfer several hundred sacks of the best American flour from a vessel while it is sinking many miles from land. If the explosion tears a big enough hole in the victim much of the cargo will become loosened and wash ashore where it is quickly spied , by the watchful eyes of the natives. Salvage companies also are very active and are making huge profits. jSome have transferred their whole tiffs to this coast. Their agents can bid on a wheat cargo without seeing it and can tell just how far into a sack of flour the watef will have penetrated in a given period. Notice of Sale. i State of South Carolina, County of Union, Court of Common Pleas. ?\ ltoy Pant, Plaintiff, V . vs. W. Fan* llilljam, et al., Defendants. PursuaA to an order heretofore made in tV> above stated enco I will on the 3rdlay of December, 1917, during the leal hours of sale, before the court housAdoor in Union, S. C., sell, at public ai-tion. the following lands and premisA, to wit: All that certain lot or parcel of land, lying yd being in the city of Union, saictt'ouuty and State, con- ' taining threamd one-half acres, more ' or less, boiled on the North and East by larl of Mrs. Ora B. Fant, South by K:1 Main street and West 5 by lands flncrly of ('apt. J. T. i Douglass aniow owned by different i parties, beinflhe home place of the 1 said W. Farililliam. ' Terms of A: One-half cash, bat- 1 ance on a era of one year with interest from I - fnrm 1 r? ? ? ? * - - * ? ??1 ' . v. uiuko> oiiiiuiuiua ana uicohollc beverages I am convinced that In this way they could ward off disease, preventing It becoming organic In thousands of cases and thereby the lives of thousands might be saved who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, kidney, liver, heart trouble and other dangerous maladies. The real and true cause which started their diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of iron In the blood, iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food Into living tissue. Without it. no matter how much or what you eat. your food merely passes through you without doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of It and as a consequence you become weak, pale and sickly looking lust like a plant trying to grow In a soli deficient In Iron. If you are not strong or well you owe It to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk Milhous Drupr Co., Peoples Drup Store, It Is Our To please the particular hi forts are directed to th( meats and vegetables the r your wants. We are alwa juicy beef steak is our "lor City Market a PHONE 52 fc SERVICl can be used as an Ambulance, for delh sions. Especially adapted for long dist where within thirty miles of Union FR BAILEY UNDEI Office Phone 106 R. D. Holcombe spent Tuesday in the city of Spartanburg. A FAMILY MEDICINE In Her Mother's Home, Says This Georgia Lady, Regarding BlackDraught. Relief From Headache, Malaria, Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Ga.? Mrs. Chas. Gaston, Df this place, -wTltes: "I am a user of Thedford's Black-Draught; In fact, it was one of our family medicines. Also in my mother's home -whon T was a child. When any of us children complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, she gave us i doso of Black-Draught, which would rectify the trouble. Often In the ISprlng, we would have malaria and t chills, or troubles of this kind, we ^ would take Black-Draught pretty reg- u alar until the liver acted well, and we would soon be up and around igaln. Wo would not be without it, for It certainly has saved us lots of loctor bills. Just a dose of BlackDraught when not so well saves a tj ot of days in bed." Thedford'a Black-Draught has been 01 n use for many years In the treat- tl nent of stomach, llvor and bowel tl roubles, and the popularity which It s. low enjoys Is proof of Its merit. If your liver is not doing its duty, m rou will suffer from such dlsagreetble symptoms as headache, bilious- 44 less, constipation, indigestion, etc., ? nd unless something Is done, serious --m rouble may result. ' Thedford's Black-Draught has been I ound a valuable remedy for these I rnilhlAfl Tf la nil rot.r AO I'Ui ViJ YIT^UUIWIO, dilli eta In a prompt and natural way, cgulatlng tho liver to lta proper unctions and cleansing: the bowels of mpurltie8. Try It. Insist on Thed* ord'a. the original and genuine. E] 7ft bubbling Over Taking Iron Did It est of all sb ength builders?Often idurance of delicate, nervous in two weeks' time. without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxatod iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how muoh you have gained. I havo seen dozens of nervous run-down people who were ailing all the while, aouble their strength and enduranco and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron. Iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must tnkn Iron In > form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated like nuxatcd iron if you want it to do you any Rood, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prizedRhter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron before he went into the affray, while many another has Rone down to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of Iron.?E. Sauer, M. D. NOTI.?Nuxatsd Iron, recommended above b) Dr. K. Bauer li not a patent medicine nor secret remedy, but one which Is well known to druggists and whose Iron constituent* are widely preecrlbed be eminent physicians everywhere. 17nil! e the older teorganlo iron products It is eeslly awdmllated. does not Injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach: on ths contrary. It la most potent remedy In nearly all forma of IndlgeeUon as well as for nervous, run-down conditions. The manufaotnrer* hare such (rest confidence In nuzated Iron, that they offer to forfeit 1100.00 to any charitable LnsUtuUnn If they cannot take any man or woman under 00 who lacks Iron, and Increase their strength 100 per cent, or over In four weeks' Ume. provided they have no serious organic trouble. They also offer to refund your money If It doea not at least double your strength end endurance in ten days' time It U dispensed In this city by all good druggists. Glymph's Pharmacy, Palmetto Drup Co., ' Delight ousekeeper. Our best ef3 marketing of the best narket affords. Phone us ys "on the job." Tender, lg suit." ind Cattle Co. E. B. GODSHALL, Mgr. i?? E CAR ycrinp Caskets and on Funeral oecaance calls. We deliver Caskets anyEE OF CHARGE. RTAKING CO. Residence Phone 88 Well I H become constipated or have any stomach or liver trouble, a dose or two of Granger Lirer Regulator j will put you in J Rood shape. It j it a purely J vegetable preparation, non-alcohoJic I and ucta pleasantly and effectively. ! Concord, N. H., Jim. 17. 1?1T 1 I witi ilck tlx months Utt year and the Doctor 2 fold ma to g> to Florida I got lome Granger 1 Liver Regulator in Florida and it did me good. i i bronchi four In?x? a home with uie aod liow i 1 am fe?iiu( a great deal be'tcr. I (Sijrned) It. J. Rowland 1 Sold by all druerftipti*?26c a box J Oran^er Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teun. ? irlves Out Malaria, Builds Up System he Old Standard general strengthening tonic, KOVK'S TASTKI.KSS chill TONIC.drives out [nlntia.enrichea the blood, and build sup the sya:m. A true tonic. For adults and ctiildrea. 60c To Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given that all pares having claims against the estate f John CI. Farr; deceased, will present ic same to me duly approved, for setement. All parties indebted to the tid estate will make settlement to e. W. F. Farr, Administrator l-3t. Estate John G. Farr. DR. R. R. POPE DENTIST Office Over Tlnsley's New Jewelry Store PHONE 43