: ?ti Merchants & PI; "The Old The Oldest and Larges : \m Mnpi? run , 11 \/ 1T1\/IV1J V U *% - Do yon remember the shu | sion and tbe lack of employ; rency panic of 1907? ; To prevent another curren Banking: System keeps on ha rency to furnish the banks I of which we arc one so that J the currency requirements of J Doesn't it appeal to you ; cost, by becoming one of our Send for Booklet, "Ho Member Federal Ret LOOK FOR THE BANK \ i And deposit your money wl ; F. M. FARR, | President. I I I I ? I I MMAMMUUUMAI&IIUUftklAA Make your family proud of their hom< Your wife and children car pride in their home if the hoi and wcather-heaten. That paint. And, for mansion or < best paint is rawn cjuumft * wiars lg We guarantee Devoe Lead ai absolutely pure. When you you save paint-money?fewer p save labor-money?fewer gallo get a better looking paint-jobwill he a longer time before paint-job. Why have a shabby house wl so little to make it attractive > in to-day and let us ^ive yoi show you several harmonious c< STONE-JONES HAR1 UNION, SOUT ? nrreiTsrc | MR. ? Why not reduce your Ferlli / prove to you that it can be f soil at the same time. A ri A would be glad to demonstral L. IVf. *J C ^ UNION, One Pair oj ...Life! Ar^ vnn ahusinor tinH n you wiil pay the price late of all headaches arise fror aching, burning eyes that and many other ills are ( strain. In such cases thei that is an unfailing one?i SCHOOL CHILDREN carefully examined before if necessarv. fitted with o-l J J ______ f,An examination will cost is no need for glasses I w for glasses are very reasoi every pair with an absolu tion. F. C. DUKE, 13 Main Street viiiiiniiwwfwwwm'wwfwmfa UNDER J \COVERNMENT ^SUPERVISION SRsNA member, bank under j eedera l reser ve act j I anters Nat'l Bank I i Reliable'* i t Bank in Union County RENCY PANICS j t-downs, the business depres- ; ment which followed the cur- * a cy panic the Federal Reserve J nd an immense supply of cur- * which belongs to the system n they may at all times meet J tkoir ^onnaifnra 1 to Ret its protection, without ; depositors? w Does It Benefit Me?" lerve System. J WITH THE CHIME CLOCK ! I here it will be absolutely safe J. D. ARTHUR, J Cashier. I I a a I MUAIMMAMlAIAUAAAAAMuJ ^Mtnv null t/v vuv, gallons to buy; you UyJ ns to spread; you ?pure paint; and it you need another ten it will cost you vith Devoe? Stop i a color card and >mbinations. DWARE COMPANY H CAROLINA lRMER \ zer bill $5.00 a ton? I can | ; done and improve your ' emarkable discovery that 1 < Ic lo you. Lei me tell yon ol it ? >RDAN s. c. 3-tf i. I Eyes to a lime... leglecting yours? If, so, jr. More than two-thirds n eye-strain. Dim vision, Sf>nn tiro irrvannloforl 1i/1o & 1^1 UllUlUt^/U lltIO iue to sorfife form of eye re is but one remedy and properly fitted glasses, should have their eyes being taxed by study and asses. ; you nothing, and if there ill tell you so. My prices nable and I stand back of ite guarantee of satisfac Optometrist Union, South Carolina CAMPAIGN TO CONSERVE FOOD. Great Issues at Stake and Every Loyal American Must I)o His Part. County Chairman Browning Points the Way to Aid Country. Mr. Editors: In this great war, we now have or two home campaigns of very great importance: 1st. The subscribing, quickly and enthusiastically, for the second issue of Liberty Loan Bonds. 2nd. That every householder, froir the greatest to the humblest, shall whole-heartedly pledge themselves tc the stoppage of all waste in their kitchens. These two campaigns should meet with loyal support from every patriotic American because their success will not only very greatly strengthen our cause, but will correspondingly weaken the cause of our enemy. They will realize that we, as a people, are whole-heartedly supporting our gov ernment in its great struggle for human liberty, and they will be correspondingly disheartened, their resistance will be weakened, and we will thus sooner come to a triumphant ending, and the liberties of the human race be preserved. With all farm products selling at unprecedently high prices, our farmers will have more cash in hand than ever before. The investing of this surplus money wisely, is a serious problem, and its unwise or extravagant spending may make of it a calamity instead of a blessing. No wiser investment can be made than the purchase of the Liberty Bonds. They are as safe as gold dollars, and besides, pay 4r/r interest. Very fewfarmers from the one-horse cropper on up, but can invest in at least one of these bonds, they can always be converted into cash, and besides, it is our duty to support our government. Seven years ago, a great student of history prophesied that the next great war would be won by famine, not by fighting. This prophecy is now being proven true. Our problem is to fe6d ourselves, our armies now in training and our allies who are now fighting our battles for us. To feed these latter, owing to the scarcity of ships we should send the most concentrated foods. These foods are wheat, beef pork, dairy products and sugar. Oui duty is to eat less of these and more of other foods that are equally palatable and nutritious, and of which wo have the greatest abundance, and also, to waste less of all foods. Let us have, at least, one wheatless meal per day, or one wheatless day each week. Use corn or other grains for these meals, and use less cake and pastry, omitting all icing on cakes. The question is often asked, why not feed our allies on corn? The reasons are that they, like the. J>T" V erners of oPr own cbuntry, h4T?~neViS' been educated to the eating of corn products, consequently, they have no corn mills, and meal ground in this country would become musty, on account of the long sea voyage. They do mix one-fourth potato meal with all their wheat and rye bread. As to meat, we could very greatly increase our consumption of poultry, fish, rabbits and sea foods, and to a like extent, decrease our consumption of beef and pork. Let us not have the two last named on our tables more than once daily. Should any be left over from this meal, have it served cold or in made dishes for another meal; use soups more freely than in the past; use peas, beans, etc., they are very hiph in protein, which is the chief food value in meats, especially in lean. It is hardly necessary to tell our people not to waste either milk or butter, but a preat many do not know that skim milk has a very hiph food value. As to supar, we use almost twise as much, per capita, as any other people, we must economize in this, and I am sure we will, for there was never such a crop of sorphum prown for syrup as the present season. Every one has, or can have, an abundance of vepetables. Let us preatly increase their use ;they are both palatable and healthful, and their increased use will set free larpe amounts of the more concentrated foods to be sent abroad. Those of our people who have been usinp coal as a fuel, should, wherever possible, substitute wood; this is for the purpose of relievinp our :l T ? ? uTciuuivicncu ianway?. in iaci, an commodities that have to be purchased, should he procured as near home as possible. Very probably the canning club girls and others have put up enough canned vegetables to supply the local demand, and if the merchants will purchase these supplies from home folks, they will be, not only performing a patriotic duty to their government, but will be benefitting themselves by building up their own community. On Monday, Oct. 22, a campaign of nation-wide extent, will begin, to secure pledges from every householder in the nation, that they will eliminate all waste, and will in every way possible, conserve food. We do not want any of our people to suffer the pangs of hunger, and there is no necessity for them to do so. There is an abun dance of food to feed, not only ourselves, but our allies on the other side. On Saturday, October 6th, we met in the courthouse at Union with a large number of the colored ministers of the county, and other leading men of their race, and they unanimously pledged us their patriotic and whole-hearted support in this patriotic move. During the week, beginning Oct. 22nd, we expect the head of every family to be visited by one of our voluntary workers, and we sincerely hope that they will sign the card that will be presented to them, which pledges the householder, as far as possible, to I Fron The "The use of baking pow patent wheat flour is T- Administration. The v i I time healthful food for / viding for these uses wc / The following re I and make attract RO fj. CORN BRE I 1% eupe corn maal I % cup flour } M 4 IotoI taaapoona Royal B > 1 tableapoon augar I 1 teaapoon aalt lVjj cupa milk wuiHiravoi lairxmni w Mil thoroughly dry ingredients: i shortening; beat well; pour lot and bake la hot oven about 25 ! Our red, white and blue booi ment free on request. Address eliminate all waste from his or her kitchen. By doing this, you will show that you are a patriot, and that you are willing to aid your government in her great struggle for the liberty of the human race. By refusing to sign this card, you will also show your , self to be a slacker, if not a German sympathizer. By this refusal , on your part you will encourage our enemies to more desperate resistance, > and thus will be the cause of the ; death of more of our young men up. on the blood soaked fields of Kurope. Sign the card to show that you I are a patriotic American, and a lover . of liberty. Lowndes Browning, Chirman of Council of Defense for Union County. ! Opinions from Folks Who Know For malarial headache, Granger Liver Regulator entirely relieved my trouble.?J. Height, Wctumpka, Ala, Had heavy headache. Vomited twice to six times a day. Four dose3 of Granger Liver Regulator made mo well.?Loundas P. Brindlsy, icmerville, Ala. , Mother had sick headache. Granger I.ivav J!J ? - . ? ??Eu>aw uia ner more good lihan all the medicine she had taken BefbVe.?Pearley Davis, Pacio, Ala. I never expect to be without it in my home.?Jcnie Usey, Gadsden. Ala. It is a great saver of doctors' bills. ?Louis N, Kent, Honoraville, Ala. There is none better.?Dr. T. E. Cothram, Alexis, Ala. All druggists sell Granger Liver Regulator?25c. Try it. This is the year in which the rutabaga and the bean are more lovely than the geranium and the rubber plant. HANDS, ARMS* LIMBS ASLEEP And Was Ron-Down, Weak and Nervous, Says Florida Lady. Five Bottles of Cardui Made Her Well Kathleen, Fla.?Mrs. Dallas Prlne, ? ii& bins pitict?i Kays: After the blrtli of my last child...I got very much run-down and weakened, bo much that I could hardly do anything at alL I was so awfully nervous that I could scarcely endure the least noise. My condition waa getting worse all the time... I knew I must have some relief or I would soon be in the bed and in a serious condition for I felt ao badly and waa so nervous and weak I could hardly live. My husband asked Dr. about my taking CarduL lie said, 'It's a good medicine, and good for that trouble', so h? ma n , , DV? MIO V lAi t" ties...After about the second bottle I felt greatly Improved.. .before taking It my limbs and hands and arms would go to sleep. After taking It, however, this poor circulation disappeared. My strength came back to me and I was soon on the road to health. After the use of about 6 bottles, I could do all my house-work and attend to my six children besides." Tou can feel safe fn giving Cardul a thorough trial for your troubles. It contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs, but is composed of mild, vegetable, medicinal ingredients with no bad aftereffects. Thousands of women have voluntarily written, telling of the good Cardul has done them. It fconld help jou, too. Try It. H 74 A. Q. KENNEDY Attorney at Law Office Over Citizens National Bank Union, S. C. QUICK LOANS. Money to loan upon county or city eal estate. Loan may be had for from one to twenty ye^ra. 39-tf Barron A Barron. # / / m s A Letter ti Washini 1 Food Administrator Writes i der breads made of corn and other < recommended by the Conservation /heat needed for export is thus cons* our own people is provided. The cir >uld be of assistance in carrying out o *cipes for Corn Bread and Rye Rolls ss ive and wholesome food for every day w VAL AD RY1 t en pa rye flow % teaspoon salt a king Powder S level teaspooi % oup milk % tablespoon sb 81ft dry Ingredients t shortening. Knead on add milk and melted Put Into greased pant o well greased pan place 20 to 2b minute minutes. to SO minutes. klet " Beil War Time Reeipee" containing Royal Baking Powder Company, Dept. H, 136 \bU can a and have"^^^ a better roof There is no use in putting when you can get a bctte: money by using n Roofi CERTAIN-TEED is the best roc less to manufacture, but also becai weight, clean, sanitary, fire-retart nothing to maintain. It is now used as the preferable type factories, hotels, stores, warehouse etc., where durability is demandc guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, 2 or 3 ply). There are many roll roofings on CERTAIN-TEED. It pays to get to lay a CERTAIN-TEED roof roof, but there is a vast difference i the quality of a roofing by looks or ft label. Be sure that it is CERTA certain of quality and guarcr.taU saf:s C,y tain-teed Slaie-Gurract isn supplanting vv>od and slate shingles are just as g^oa looking, wear better, wor, are firc-rctardant, and do not have to be p Certain-teed Paints Hjptl arc *',e '>cst nua'ity Pa ground anil mixed with i ^jaLai&SSHfl curacy. Made for all i colors. With paint, as the name CERTAIN guarantee of quality an CERTAIN-TEED PRODUl N-w Vork, Chicago, Philadelphia, St.Louis, Be Buffalo, Sau Francisco, Milwaukee, Cine! Minneapolis, Kansas City, Seattle. Inrliunnp CrandKapida, NaaUvllie, Salt Lake City. Bco Sydney. Havana. For Sal UNION HARD Union, It Is Our To please the particular hoi forts are directed to the meats and vegetables the nu your wants. We are alwayi juicy beef steak is our "long City Market ai PHONE 52 E ?ton Us: :oarsc flours instead of Division of the Food erved, and at the same culation of recipes pro ur pians. " ave wheat flour 'hen made with KING WDER E ROLLS > koyal Baking Powder itrttalBC oftether, add milk and malted floured board; akape into rolla. i and allow to stand In warm a. Bake In moderate oven 85 additional similar recipes > William Street, New York. on an expensive roof p roof and save real \-teed r ?I Hi? ng f, not only because it costs isc it is weather-tight, light lant, and costs practically of roof for office buildings, :s, garages, farm buildings d. CERTAIN-TEED is according to thickness (1, the market, but only one HIV uv.3l? 11 I.UMS HO 1UU1C than it docs to lay a poor n the wear. You can't tell :cl. Your only safety is the IN-TEED?then you are faction. :tl Asphalt Shingles for resiliences. They cost less, i*t fall off, buckle or split. They aimed or stained. and ^ :TS corpomww >6ton,Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Detroit, nnati, New Orieann, Lor Angeles, olln, Atlanta, Memphis, Richmond, Molucu, Houston, DuiuLb, Loudou, e By IWARE CO. s. c. Delight tsekeeper. Out? best efmarketing of the best irket affords. Phone us 3 "on the job." Tender, ; suit." id Cattle Co. ). B. GODSHALL, Mgr.