j rut Merchants & Plat "The Old R The Oldest and Largest i NO MORE CURR ? , . Eno you rememoer tne snut-c sion and the lack of employme ; reney panic of 1907? To prevent another currency Banking System keeps on hand rency to furnish the banks wl I of which we are one so that t ! the currency requirements of th J Doesn't it appeal to you to cost, by becoming one of our di > Send for Booklet, "How ' j Member Federal Reser LOOK FOR THE BANK Wl ! And deposit yonr money whei ; F. M. FARR, | President. > B B I B % TH !"Old Hi Wac % | Has Led Them | Than FORT Y X And Still *r Y For sa< y fThe Peoples y *^^^%3tVV%%X%V%%XX%V%%XX%%3C? J MR. FA | * Whv nol reduce vniir Fprllizp / prove to you that it can be * soil at the same time. A ren / would be glad to demonstrate i L. IVf. J O i. UNION, 5 One Pair of ...Lifeti Are you abusing and nej you will pay the price later, of ail headaches arise from aching, burning eyes that sc and many other ills are du strain. In such cases there that is an unfailing one?pr SCHOOL CHILDREN s! carefully examined before b< if necessary, fitted with glas An examination will cost y is no nepfl fnr T will for glasses are very reasona every pair with an absolute tion. F. C. DUKE, ( 13 Main Street Dr. Virgil R. Hawkins DENTIST in to OPFICK UPSTAIRS IN C p f"" FOSTP.R BUII.DINC VJIIHIII, O. \J. fu ev ? fu A philosopher gains renown hy en- yo during other people's troubles with resignation. 26 llimilWfTTffTWy. V1IIMIHMM ] UNDER I GOVERNMENT S ^SUPERVISION ; N]\ MEMBER BANK UNDER j |j\^ FEDERAL RESERVE ACT . to i pi : fc iters Nat'l Bank i ; p1 citable" : n Bank in Union County j r ENCY PANICS j m lowns, the business depres- j ^ :nt which followed the cur- v< I panic the Federal Reserve J si an immense supply of cur- ? d< r?r< 1 re if will be absolutely sale ! f0 J. D. ARTHUR, j Cashier. j ^ ! di ! as I in I fo - P( r. W w . Ai # # % 0 % 0 , ^ ' i . i 'n E X w ckory"! l,: ion ? S &> % a i w All For More 1 X >" YYEARS v ? Leads | I I T] le bv J i r . . f \ m Supply Co. 15 fil . |jfj| ___________________________________ la RMER '? | _. l. !il a* r i\ /\ - <* ^ ' r diii j>d.uu a ion/ l can ? v done and improve your ' larkable discovery that I < vi . ? so to you. Let me tell you ol it ? 7t RD AN % i. C. 3?tf * wi ar W Eyes to a me... ; fleeting yDurs? If, so, H( More t)ian two-thirds eye-strsin. Dim vision, ?] ton tire, trranulated lids e to so me form of eye is but one remedy and j operly fitted glasses, hould have their eyes iing taxed by study and SeS. Se ou nothing, and if there tell you so. My prices ble and I stand back of guarantee of satisfac- w Mi ^ ? Iptometrist s Union, South Carolina NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. W We want you to know that the City Mi irber Shop is now open for business the old bakery building, next door W the former location. The recent e damaged us, but did not burn our rniture and fixtures. We have had erything worked over and now our rniture is as good as new. Give us ur patronage. th The City Barber Shop, jjjj1 -tf Jno. R. Mathis, Prop. too LOCKHART JUNCTION I Lockhart Junction, Oct. 1.?The in last week stopped the farm work r a few days. Today is the first day of October id it feels very much like frofct this orninj*, but we haven't seen any yet. Sunday was a beautiful day; also iday is pretty and we surely like to ;e the pretty weather for gathering le crops. Cotton in some places is opening owly and there is a great deal of late anting and will take a favorable fall >r it all to open. News is scarce at this time in this :ction and I have been at home tfn ast week and there has been nothin ' ew happening around in these parts. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gault of Great alls are visiting in this section to see leir parents and relatives and their lany friends. They speak well of leir town, saying it is building up j jry fast and is a very business town, i Union county and Pinckney (townlip has lost another good citizen by jath. Two weeks ago Rev. John arr was buried at Foster's Chapel, ev. Farr was not in the county when i died, but he was reared in Union >unty. I knew him well. I heard K>ut the first prayer he ever made id the first sermon he ever preached, id can say for him, not that it will > him any good, but for my own iod feelings I want to express, and ir his relatives and friends I will ,y he was a devoted Christian, fiWi e time he connected himself with ie church he set out to work. He d his part in the prayer meeting: I an exhorter he did a great work his community, in his church, here he became a minister of the gos- " si; and I will say his good influence ? ill forever live in his own township, here he was reared and his good j orks will follow him. j e Uncle George Gault died at his home | 1 Pinckney township last Saturday '' s orning, 29th, and was buried at Flat ! v ock, his old church, Sunday. I wil* ' ty he was a man firm in his belief in s hat he thought was right; he never j1 avered, and always stuck to what he '' lought was right, regardless of what 1 .hers might think or say. He always J icked his own judgment and went :I head. lie was a Confederate sol-! I ier; would have been years old s id he lived until the 1ltii day of ovember. He would attend all the unions and would always look for- i 1 aid to going. It was never held to , ' ir away for him to go. He was an 0 Tieial member of his church; had ' ?en a steward for many years. He ? as a worker in his church. There c as a large concourse of friends at ie burial. There were between seven * m eignt nunured people there. J niong them was a la?\ge crowd of igroes to look at him the last time, here were many old negroes with ars in their eyes, for they knew he id been a good friend to theki/ He ^ is many relatives and loved oVUUttlfll any friendii Uu IllUUfll hfS Mr. W. G. White, who has been with f ie Coast Artillery at Fort Moultrie e at home. He has an honorable di3inrge on account of his health. ^ Mr. B. F. Gregory raised a very ? ie watermelon weighing 52 pounds g id sold it for $1.00. He has many rges ones to sell yet. The Gault school will open the fail [| ssion October 15. We want all pants and pupils and all who are inrested in this school to be present. Moxy. UARTKRLY MEETING PROGRAM The quarterly meeting first dision of W. M. U. Union County Asciation will meet Sunday, October h, at the Baptist Tabernacle, Knitig Mill, Union, S. C. at 11 a. m. Devotional?Mrs. Orran Belue. Roll call. Delegates will respoi d tli reports from Woman's Mission- I y Societies. I Hymn, "Oh .Master, Ijet Me Walk || ith Thee." IJ Planning for the year's work?Mrs. B. Bozeman. Talk, "Systematic, Bible and Mis>n Study"?Mrs. A. Finch. Open discussion, "The Need for issions," led by Mrs. J. H. Bartlo-. "The Grace of Giving"?Mrs. R. M. jndley. Paper, "What We Are Doing and av Oo for the Soldiers in Europe" rs. F. m. Shuford. Prayer. Song, "America." Appointment of committee Kon re lotions. w Announcements. 1 Prayer. 1 1 ;1f? TV M ?T.nnnh ? 2:30 P. M.?Y. W. A. and G. A. ssiou?Mrs. J. F. Caudle. Devotional?Viola Trogdon. Roll call. Spiritual Thermometer?Ten tfirls. "The Call of the Girl"?Mrs. Guy ilburn. Reading, "How I Can Help"?Miss I attie Williams. I Dialogue, "A Little Maid Who Went = !x> All the World?Jennie Vee lackston and Mamie Keialer. ' Talk by Miss Eunice Thompson. Sunbeams?Mrs. O. L. P. Jackson. Devotional. Welcome by Hartzell Kirby. Duet?Louise Jackson and Sarah hite. Suprpjestions for the New Year? rs. O. L. P. Jackson. __ Royal Ambassadors?Mrs. R. K. hite. p f 'Inclnr* - H "J""" Prayer. Adjournment. ? Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head :ause o( its tonic and laxative effect, l.AXAVK BROHO QUININH is l>etter than ordinary inine ami does not cause nervousness nor (ting in head. Remember the full name and I k for the signature of li. W. GKOVif. 30c. TAKES 1 DANGI New Discovery! Dodson Salivate or Make You J Medicine tor M Ugh I Calomel makes you sick Take a dose of the dangerous di tomorrow you may lose a day's v Calomel is mercury or quicksilv necrosis of the bones. Calomel, w to CO.ltaet with smir hJ1*? I ^??V V1UJIIVO J it up. This is when you feel th; and cramping. If you are slu knocked out," if your liver is toi constipated, or you have headache, tongue, if breath is bad or stomach spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liv Here's my guarantee?Go to and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodsc Take a spoonful and if it doesn't 5UNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Will the Sunday school superintendnts of each Sunday school call a noeting of his teachers in secret sesion right away and open the meeting nth prayer with the hope and inteni? of increasing the number in our chools and the spiritual condition of Ik- members to tne end that we may i:?ve more piety in our Sunday schools, brethren, we are a religious organi,at ion, a part and parcel of the church ml we should he more interested in ?ure and undefiled religion in our chools. Will each district president call a ainday school convention in his dis rift during October to be ready for a >ig report and attendance on the 4th f November "Go-to-Sunday School Jay" that we may, if possible, have a re At improvement in our spiritual ondition in the schools. Now, brethren, I am in the work o succeed and I wish and must have 'our help and cooperation. J. W. Scot% County President. flies cured in e? to 14 Days roar druggist will refund money if PAZO ! 1INTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, I Economical" vhousewlves have discovred that a simple way to solve a reat deal of the valuable potato is to everse the familiar cookbook formula, peel and boil," and boil the potat) rst. I Women! II J III Here Is a message to W SB ! suffering women, from 3d I I Mrs. W. T. Price, of m Public, Ky.: "I suf- : I fered with, painful...", 5. W I she writes. "I got down I d YA with a weakness in my g U E N back and. liml>s...r 5| I H felt helpless and dls- n jij S H couraged... I had about I K 9 H 6'ven UP hopes of eyer rv ' * I I being well again, when, M H | m a friend insisted I |M| ? I ake ' CARDUI The Woman's Tonic IT began Cardul. In flflll a short -while I saw a liffi i! marked difference... | Iffijj! I grew stronger right |jg|j along, and It cured me. jEtl || 1 am stouter than I rjUJ have been In years." k 2| If you suffer, you can Eg ?1 appreciate what It K w means to bo strong and 13 B well. Thousands of wo- Jp | men glvo Cardul the FT H credit for their good I m | health. It should hejp | fc you. Try Cardul. At all I I druggists. E-73 I I I A. G. KENNEDY Attorney at Law Office Over Citizens National Rank Union, S. C. DR. R. R. POPE DENTIST Ollice Over Tlnsley's New IIwciiy score PHONE 43 [HE PLAI [ROUS Ci ) 's Liver Tone Acts Like Cal 5ick?Don't Lose a Day's W en, Women, Children?Re; It's horrible! right up and mal -ug tonight and want you to go fork. money. Dodson': er which causes sale of calomel b hen it comes in- entirely vegetable into it, breaking make you sick, it awful nausea I guarantee tha ggish and "all Tone will put yc rpid and bowels clean your bowels dizziness, coated waste which is cl< i sour, just try a you feel miserabl er Tone tonight. Dodson's Liver T any drug store feeling fine for m >n's Liver Tone. It is harmless; dcx : straighten you ant taste, I ^ 5323i7iZ;5!32 With a Cold Si Try tliis delicious combination c appetizing drink: Cold salmon on lettuce leav naise dressing ? cottage ch< Itvrry one of tlie for-jjoin foods will piv< nient if you sip flevo as you eat. But w as tlie ideal tabia not ovcri refresher at ail times. nusual and unui Bevo ?-the all-year-'rou: So! J in botticu on.'y an J Sett!? 1 ANHEUSEn-BUSCU?CI \ii ^ > f/.j/ / Soldiers, ,<|V^y and Nun \wy5jt know the i b/^-'iy and refrt pV to be ha n WRIGI \ It allays thirst * \ ? soothes the I. V \\ stomach ? help eiera f SfifSSS meal Those who have tried it are convinced that vegetables raised by vour?elf in your own back-yard pardon taste much betteT than any that can n te bought anywhere. g IE OF ALOMEL # lomel But Doesn't Gripe, ork?Harmless Liver 3d Guarantee! ke you feel fine and vigorous 1 back to the store and get your s Liver Tone is destroying the ecause it is real liver medicine; . therefore it can not salivate or t one spoonful of Dodson's Liver )ur sluggish liver to work and of that sour bile and constipated egging your system and making e. I guarantee that a bottle of one will keep your entire family onths. Give it to your children, ssn't gripe and they like its pleas jpper f dainty food and cs ? mayon;csc ? Bevo. r you nn n"Med enjoyhile thinking of flcvo look its goodness us a >u.iiiy good. I Jk Sailors Vjjw ses" all y comfort \ sshment K \ d from v \ I ITVC \ 1 and fatigue / throat and I s digestion. j\ J0T"^ IIIIm the jgpMff flavor 768 QUICK LOANS. Money to loan upon county or city eal estate. Loan may be had for from ne to twen'.v ye-irs. 9-tf Barron & Barron.