g??? r>i SUf Fai Terrell Pale Faced Women Take Cheeks and Be Men Need Phosphates t< Vigorou! Athletes Increase The'r Strength, Ei Simply Taking a Few Weeks 'J Atlanta, Ga. Dr. F. A. Jacobson says that Phosphates are just as essential to any man or woman who tires easily, is nervous, or irritatable, worn out, or looks haggard and pale to make a strong, robust, vigorous healthy body, as they are to cotton to make it grow. The lack of Phosphate is the cause of all enemic conditions and the administration of 5-grain Argo-Phosphate tablets will increase the strength and endurance of weak,nervous, care worn men and women 300 per cent, in two or three weeks time in many instances. and their continued n?e will I build up the whole nervous system, and Rive new life, vim, vigor, and vitality to the whole body. I always prescribe Argo-Phosphate to patients who are pale and colorless, and it is surprising to see how quickly a few weeks treatment will transform a pale face to a rosy cheeked beauty. There can be no rosy cheeked, healthy, beautiful women, without their system is sufficiently supplied with Phosphates. In recent interviews with physicians on the grave and serious consequences of a deficiency of Phosphates in the blood of American men and women, I have strongly emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more phosphates in the form of Argo-Phosphate for weak, worn out, haggard-looking men and women. When the skin is pale, and flesh flabby, it is a sign of anema. When the phosphates go from the blood, the pink cheeks go too. The % SERVIC can be used as an Ambulance, for del sions. Especially adapted for lonj? di: where within thirty miles of Union F1 BAILEY UNDE Office Phone 106 CITATION TO KINDRED AND CREDITORS. State of South Carolina, County of Union. By Hon. W. W. Johnson, Judjre of Probate. Whereas, Mrs. A. P. McCIair has made suit to me to fjrant her Letteis of Administration on the Estate and effects of P. P. Williams, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said P. P. Williams, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate to be held at Union C. II., South Carolina, on ..he 21st day of September, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration shoul! not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 7?th day of September, Anno Domini, 11)17. W. W. JOHNSON, Probate Judpre. Published on the 7th and 14th days of September, 1017, in The Union Times. .16-2 01 >erlativ rmers l Prices? Phosphates to Make Rosv I autiful Forms. } Make Strong, Healthy, s Bodies. vergy and Endurance 200% <>r More by treatment of Argo-Phosphate. muscles lack tone. They become nervous, irritable, despondent, melancholy, the brain fags, and the memory fails. Therefore if you wish to preserve your youthful vim, vigor and vitality, to a ripe old age, you must supply the deficiency of Phosphates lacking in your food by using ArgoPhosphate, the form of Phosphates most easily assimilated. NOTICE: Argo-Phosphate which is recommended and prescribed by physicians in all enemic cases, is not a secret or patent medicine, but one that is sold and recommended by well known druggists everywhere, and physicians are daily subscribing the constituents contains in it. Being entirely unlike many other Phosphates, it is easily assimilated and will be found effective in the treatment of indigestion and stomach troubles, as well as for care worn, nervous conditions. The manufacturers of Argo-Phosphate will < forfeit to any charitable institution $ 200.00 if they cannot treat any man or woman under 65 who lacks Phosphates, and increase their strength and endurance from 100 per cent, to 300 per cent, or more in one month's time, if they are free fro.n organic trouble. It is dispensed by all reliable druggists. If your druggist will not supply tories, 10 Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga., ana tney will send you a two weeks' you, send $1.00 to the Arpjo L/aboratreatir.ent by return mail. if i Im ~Jr *>" " -"r "" * { ~~HI :e car iverinR Caskets and on Funeral oceaJtance calls. We deliver Caskets anyREE OF CHARGE. rtaking co. ' Residence Phone 88 j I Don't sell the old hen if she is lay- j intr, unless you are hound to have the J money. Let her lay for the country while the country is laying for the! kaiser. BLACK WHITE . TAN % rk is at a premium in Germany^ as ie country does not produce any and e Entente blockade has interrupted 1 channels of supply. Used corks, pecially those of champagne bottles, e eagerly purchased and they bring gh prices. Two chemists of Plauen, Saxony, ive applied for a patent for making -tificial cork from a tough species of adstools, which grow in profusion in e Saxon forests. 3UTHERN COTTON OIL CO. DISTRIBUTING A VALUABLE HAND BOOK FOR FARMERS The Southern Cotton Oil Co. is givg away a book of valuable informain that any farmer will profit by ading as it contains over 100 prac:al suggestions that will save both [ME and MONEY. The next time >u are in Union go by and get one as ey are Free for the asking. 38-4 NOTICE OF SALE. ate of South Carolina, Union County. Common Pleas. P. Crawford, Plaintiff, vs. '. G. Puckett, et al., Defendants. Pursuant to an order of the Court Common Pleas in the above stated ise, I will, on Monday, the first day ' October, 1917, being salesday, durg legal hours of sale, before the >urt house door in Union, S. C., sell, ; public auction to the highest bidder, ie following described lands and remises, to wit: All that certain tract or lot of land, ing, and being in the Eastern part the City of Union, said County and tate, near Ottaray Mills, known as ot No. 1, fronting 128 feet on East [ain street and running back 17-1 et, known better as the Kelly Lot, >unded North by East Main street, ast by Lot No. 2 of the J. B. T. ;ott property and J. A. Brown, South r I.ot No. 3, and West by Brickyard reet. Also, those two certain other lots or ircels of land, known as Lots 3 and each fronting 50 feet on Brickyard reet, being the same lots conveyed to . CI. Puckett on January 15, 1912, id adjoining Lot No. 1, above deribed,' in the rear. Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to iy for papers. W. W. JOHNSON, Special Master. Sept. 8, 1917. 37-3 BOSCH EE'S GERMAN SYRUP. Why use ordinary cough rem ilies, hen Boschee's German Syrup has en used so successfully for fifty-one I ars in all parts of the United States < r coughs, bronchitis, colds settled in e throat, especially lung troubles. It ves the patient a good night's rest, ee from coughing, with easy expecration in the morning, gives nature ' chance to soothe the inflamed parts, ' row off the disease, helping the pa- 1 ent to regain his health. 25 and 75 nt bottles. Sold by Glymph's Phar- < "cy. 1 Tomorrow is the day when people re balloons and move into their air i istles. i I FIN >elf Ris irehot =" 'Nuj For Criti The Buick Six-C and Touring Moe to be the most built. They are < for their power for 1918 show a : ment in both the consistent, depene have no superiors Model Jfc-6-44 Koadste Model E-6-45 Touring B. L. H GAFFNI Agent for Cherokee LIKE DEW; HE WOULD SETTLE. "How kind of you," said the girl, 'to bring me these lovely flowers. They are so beautiful and fresh. I think there is some dew on them yet." "Yes," said the young man in great embarrassment, "there is, but I'm to pay it off tomorrow."?Puck. It takes a lot of will power to enable a man to save himself from himself. * Give a shine a the F.F.DALl \ >ing jse | ff Sed" H cal Users Cylinder Roadster iels have proven popular car ever everywhere noted and beauty, and marked improve;se respects. For lable service they l x|L|^ ^ r, $1335.00 Delivered I, $1335.00 Delivered [AMES 5Y, S. C. | and Union Counties | MARY'S LATEST FROCK. Mary had a little frock, The latest style, no doubt, And when she got inside it, she Was over half way out. ?Exchange. Those who have saved some daylight through winter months find their labor has been in vain, as daylight ih continually becoming more plentiful. WOE ISHES c to Use" quick lasting nd preserve t leather. .EY CO. OP NEW YORK Inc... BUFFALO, N.Y. \