When the Skin See With I There's just one thing to do. If your skin seems ablaze with th< fiery burning and itching of Eczema real and lasting relief can onl] come from treatment that goes belov the surface?that reaches down t< the ve^ry source of the trouble. So called skin-diseases come from a dis ordered condition of the blood, an< the proper treatment is through th< blood. fnr nnrl npnr nnrf von rnn Would yo cattle-feed YOU know that such a through the digestive producing and fat-pr assimilated. The lint on way. It forms a pad or the concentrates that prev extracting the full amount *HAI A * * I KUCI W m com K HU LIN contain no lint to clog or fl are digested and they alio gested the same as hay or When you mix your feed v that you are using roughagi the meal, corn, oats, or whi Other A 2000 pounds of real roughage to the ton?not 1500. Cost much less per ton. Go much farther. Mr. C. K. Henderson, Aiken, that he would rather have h He uses Bucheye Hulls cheaper and better. To secure the best results and to de' thoroughly twelve hours be for wetting them down night and momin this cannot be done, wet down at food the hulls dry, use only half as Book of Mix Gives the right formula for evei South. Tells how much to feed tening, for work. Describes Bu< using them properly. Send for j o,p*. x The Buckeye Atlanta Birmingham Cra Aagarta C harlot tm Jac Peoples Unc Funeral Director: Automobile Equipment F Calls Answered Pr< H. W. EDGA Phone 240 BIB VALUES for I must make room for model Chevrolet cars. r. some real bargains in sec I can sell at real bargains then come and let me she 1 Ford Touring Car, in goe lights and top good 1 Ford Touring Car, in g 1 Maxwell Touring Car order 1 83 Overland Touring C self-starter, fine bargai 1 490 Chevrolet Touring C self-starter 1 Miami Power Bicycle _ 1 Columbia Graphophone You have been looking : gain. Here it is! Comeii fellow" beats you to it. W. E. < CHF.VROM Imainstree^^^^ The Quinine That Dots Not Atfect the Head B?*o?? of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BKOMO QU1NINB is better than ordinary , Ouinine and does not cauae nervousness nor rinsrinff in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of B. W. CKOVR. 30c. There wouldn't be enough worms to go round if every bird was early. ms Ablaze tching and Burning not find a blood remedy that ap> proaches S. S. S. for real efficiency. , It has been on the market for fifty r years, during which time it has been r giving uniform satisfaction for all > manner of blood disorders. If you - want prompt and lasting relief, you - can rely upon S. S. S. For expert I advice as to the treatment of your e own individual case, write to-day tc Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific - Co., Dept. C Atlanta, Ga. u mix your with cotton? combination would be carried tract without giving the milkoducing food a chance to be old style hulls acts the same cushion-like covering around ents the digestive juices from of protein. )C MARK DNSEED m LLS k TLESS ux the digestive tract. They w the other forage to be diany other roughage, /ith Rnrlrpw Hullo e that will help?not hinder? itever concentrate you prefer. idvantages No trash or dust. Easy to handle because sacked. They mix well with other forage. They take less space in the barn. S. C., sayt: tuckeye Hulls than any others, altogether ? says they are relop the ensilage odor, wet the halls t feeding. It is easy to do this by g for the next feeding. If at any time least thirty minutes. If you prefer to much by bulk as of old style hulls. ed Feeds Free y combination of feeds used in the for maintenance, for milk, for fat:keye Hulls and gives directions for rour copy to the nearest mill. Cotton OH Co. Dept. K amwood Little Koch Mamphia haom Macon Selma lertaking Co. s and Embalmers 'umished When Desired. ompny uay or Night R, Manager. Old Postolflcc Building LITTLE MONEY the next shipment of 1918 To do this, I am offering ond hand cars, cars which 5. Read the following list, >w you: )d shape, tires good, $125.00 ood shape $200.00 , in good running $140.00 !ar, in good shape, n $450.00 !ar, as good as new; r $425.00 $95.00 with 40 Records __ $35.00 for a real Automobile Bari at once, before the "other GREEN 3T DEALER UNION, S. C. j QUICK LOANS. Money to loan upon county or city eal estate. Loan may be had for from one to twenty ye^rs. 19-tf Barron & Barron. SANTUCK p Santuck, Sept. 12.?I)r. J. T. Jeter spent Monday at Camp Sevier with his two sons. Miss Lucy Gilniore spent the past J week with her brother in Greenville. Mr. John Mobley Jeter, Jr., visited in Whitmire last week. Mr. Curtis Gregory of Columbia is i spending his vacation with his pa- tt rents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gregory, Sr. Mr. James Jeter left Monday for | Camp Jackson. Mr. Jeter is in the " ' quartermaster's corps. Mr. Mac Fant left this week to en! ter the Presbyterian College at Clinton. Mr. Russell Jeter left last week for U Auburn, Ala., to enter school. rr Mrs. Crim Mixson of Columbia has cj been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. D. e Sartor. Mr. and Mrs. Clanton Estes are vis- o iting in Union. o Mr. and Mrs. Will McDaniel and h children of Leeds spent Sunday with a \T ro \f nfir Fiotno ^ NOTE? N mated Iron raeommandad aDora ?T Dr. >v Ferdinand King can bo obtained from any good drugflit -with an abaoluta guaranlaa or auocaag ? money refunded It la dlapanaad 1b Uda ally kg (h all good ilrugglata. Milhous Drug Co.., Peoples Drug Store, Palmetto Drug Co., g Glymph's Pharmacy, SUFFERING AND SURGERY can be avoided by using sc feM* = TMAOI MARH g PILE REMEDY J Relieve yourself of this ailment at home. Easy to use and thoroughly dependable. Sold only by us 50c and $1.00. Glymph's Pharmacy, Union, S. C. DR. I. MURRAY HAIR ^ Dentist Office: 507 Chapman Building Phone 1569 SPARTANBURG. S. C. MONEY TO LEND = on W FARM LANDS $300 to $10,000?Twenty years time. See cl J NO. K. HAMBLIN J? Lawyer M Office 2nd door East of Postofflce. ou tf. Bi t Mrs. Annie Smarr and son of Sha- p ron have been visiting relatives dur- tl intr the past week. Topaz. s LOWER FAIR FOREST ? P Lower Fair Forest, September 10.? e Mrs. C. E. Bishop jrave the young fl people of the neighborhood an enter- a tainment Saturday evening. Quite a p good many gathered there and played y Karnes out on the lawn. Ice cream d and cake was served. All left for v home about 11 o'clock, feelinK that p the evening was a very pleasant one. ei Misses Gertrude and Helen Ray re- tl inmoil r> J" vviiiivvi vu men iiuiiiu III vji^UIIVIIIU Sunday, after spending a week with c< their brother, Mr. C. I J. Ray. a; Mr. Warren Barnette left last ai Thursday for a visit to his daughter, u; Mrs. Nannie Johnson, of Athens, Ga. hi Miss Belle Crawford returned to her si home in Union Saturday after spend- st ing a part of last week with friends in out here. ni Mr. J. H. Bishop from Colu ibia di spent the past week-end at horn*. h< Mrs. George Barnette and little son, lil James, left last week for Athens, Ga., n< to visit relatives. n< Miss Ruth Crawford is visiting Miss a Jamima Wilburn. h< Miss Forest Lawson returned to her ai home at West Springs after a week's b< visit to Misses Vera and Sallie Bishop. Mr. Henry Smith, who has been sick sc for sometime, is able to be out and is hi visiting relatives near Jonesville. ni Mrs. R. C. Bishop is spending some- it time with her daughter, Mrs. C. A. ha Grainger, at Greenville. al Mrs. Lizzie Hyatt and children of ju West Springs spent last week with ei Mrs. Hyatt's father, Mr. Joe Lamb. es Mr. B. H. Bishop is working at Pfl Spartanburg this week. til ? ft Dr. Ferdinand King, New York n, Physician and Madical Author, Say t si y< EVERY WOMAN S EVERY MOTHER EVERY DAUGHTER ? NEEDS IRON1* AT TIMES To put strength into her nerves and color into her cheeks. ? f 11 1. healthy, ffgKk mKHBHK ,+pfhout The Jw**v :^^H1 past has been women need- jq, generally took <*i which often F. King, M.uTg 1 corroded the I , ? M_-* M stomach and * did far more "1 harm than good. To-day doctors pre- er scribe organic iron?Nuxated Iron. This ,. particular form of iron Is easily assiml- *? lated, does not blacken nor injure the hi teeth nor upset the stomach. It will increase the strength and endurance of Nv weak, nervous, irritable, careworn, hag- jo gard looking women 100 per cent, in two weeks' time in many instances. I have used it In my own practice with cl most surprising results. ? Ferdinand King. M.r>. ai ORMER SHERIFF GOMES OUT WITH THE FACTS Continent Man Says Money Couldn't Buy Good Tanlac Did for Him. COULDN'T MAKE MISTAKE'' I Never Felt Better in My Life," Says Mr. Anderson?"A New Man Already." "Money could not buy the good Tanic has done me and I gladly recomlend it for what it has done in my ase," said Hon. Archie R. Anderson, x-sheriff of Harris County, Texas. Mr. Anderson is unquestionably not nly one of the best known but also ne of the most popular men that ever eld office in Texas. After serving s a deputy sheriff of Harris County or 12 years he was elected chief of olice of Houston. He had occupied his office only a short time when the heriff of Harris County died. Mr. mderson's friends then persuaded im to make the race for the unexired term of sheriff, to which he asily was elected. He was honored rith reelection seven different times nd served the people in this most imortant office fifteen consecutive ears. Four years ago Mr. Anderson eclined reelection and retired to priate life. He cast his lot among the eople of Houston and is a large proprty owner and foremost citizen of lat city. "I was in a run-down condition," intinued Mr. Anderson, "and had no ppetite at all. I could hardly sleep t night and did not feel like getting p in the morning, I felt so tired. I ad the worst form of indigestion, jffered ell the time with gas on my ;omach and was continually belehig-up undigested food. I had to take y coffee without sugar, for when 1 rank it with sugar I would belch for aurs. I would bloat and swell up ke I was poisoned and suffered with juralgic pains of the worst sort, and athing seemed to help me except in temporary way. I just can't tell )w I did suffer in the past four years id up until a few weeks ago when I ;gan taking Tanlac. "When I read the testimonials of >me who had been relieved of troues like mine I felt I just couldn't ake a mistake by taking Tanlac, and has done even more for me than I id expected. I began to feel better 'ten taking my first bottle and I have ist now started on my third, and rerything I want without the slightit discomfort afterwards. I am lad to endorse Tanlac because it does le work, and I'm telling all my iends just what I am telling you. I jver felt better in my life than I do nee taking Tanlac. I am willing for >u to publish my statement and let rejy suffering person who may wish Fnefit~by my experience with this eat medicine." For sale by Palmetto Drug Co., nion; Buffalo Drug Co., Buffalo; K. . Bailey, Carlisle; B. G. Wilburn & an, Cross Keys; Jonesville Drug Co., mesville; Lockhart Mills Store, ockhart, R. J. Fowler, Monarch. NEW HOPE New Hope, Sept. 11.?This morning lakes us think we are going to have dl weather early, as it has turned >oler and guess the September gale ust be coming. Most all farmers are busy now athering fodder and cotton. The Community club meeting was ?ld at the home of Mrs. B. M. Beek?ll Friday afternoon. Miss Alsie mith demonstrated on how to make liferent kinds of beverages, which as enjoyed by all. Mrs. John Crawford and daughter, Irs. Beckham, of Union, came with iss Alsie and their short visit was ijoyed. After the meeting was over !r. T. J. Bishop invited all down to s home, where he treated all with a atermelon cutting, which we all enyed very much. Guess preparations will be made by ub girls now for the fair, which we e hoping to have a fine fair this ?ar. ine missionary meeting was held at ie home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott jnday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T.. Whitlock and ttle son visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. . W. Whitlock Sunday. Miss Veta and Annie May Hughes e at the home of their aunt, Mrs. W. Scott, where they will attend hool at Jonesville. Mrs. J. G. Bishop is visiting her sis- , r, Mrs. Johnnie Gallman, of Bethle;m community this week. Vero. Vlagnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER. The beauty secret of women who knowhow to take care of the complexion. Cannot be detected. Heals Sun\ /X burn, stops Tan. Soothing. y^vJjCr-fl cooling, refreshing. ? J L>& Plnk.WfUh.Ho~.ReJ. " s 75c. ml 'DraggbU ot by mall UI rati. Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp, on Mis. Ox. 40 South Fifth Sc. Brooklyn. N. Y. hcnover You Need a General Tonic I Take Grove's. I The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless ill Tonic is equally valuable as a sneral Tonic because it contains tbe sll known tonic properties of QUININE id IRON. It acts on tbe Liver, Drives J it Malaria, Enriches tlie Blood and j lilds np the Whole System. 60 cents, i I^n 'rn S jlB A Hank Account, like every Must Have a If you are thinking of openii the step until you have ac Make the S with what you have, and come the quicker. MB I wrm&LI THE "PLANE" FACT THAT WI INTO EVERY ONE IS THAT WE YOU EVER SAW, WE CAN'T AFFl ANYTHING BUT THE PKfiT AV*n AFFORD TO BUY ANYTHING BU ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST IN J PRICES ARE RIGHT. 1 Bailey Builders ?Pho 10 Used foi Li PI 1 1 | ' Medicine Is one ? ^RFDHdQ^ dies. All over tbo I nillonsneas l lillloan ('olio ||r I Conllvrart* > p **?lT UOWll lJjaprpain SF iriiJMiilfil'lJ Red Cro \p' "mi*" Purely vegetable; C MMAStsor tmi uvia form; ma) bo usi . r PRICE 25? The Kenulne Red C ?vJT^gaofcSdWk CASH BROS DU N^LMtMwu., >la 25 t>nl- n ho,, . N or poatpali It Is Our To please the particular hou forts are directed to the meats and vegetables the ma your wants. We are always juicy beef steak is our "long City Market ar PHONE 52 E Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Totir druggist will refund money if PAZO Tal UNTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Cot Hind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. Dri 'he first application gives Ease and Rett. 50c. H. ETflin H thing else, Beginning ig an account don't delay cumulated a large sum. tart Now the accumulations will /^Wht'iN QUALITY MK*pw? S WOULD LIKE TO HAMMER HAVE THE BEST LUMBER ! OR I) TO SELL OUR PATRONS PEOPLE WHO KNOW, CANT T THE BEST. THE BEST IS HE LONG RUN, ANI) OUR i Supply Co. ne 6 r Twenty Years n satisfaction. Red Cross T.lver i>f the dependable old-time rcmeSouth it li?u* relieved sufferers troin 1,1 ver Complaint llhruasatlr I'alna Sick II en d ac km Soar Stomach ss Liver Medicine docs not sicken. Sold In powder -d dry or easily made into liquid, roe* I,Ivor Medicine la made only l?y UG CO., Inc., Jarksonvillo, l<'la. t drajcKiata and In sreneral atorm, J from the manufacturer*. I vtiiyiu isekeeper. Our best efmarketing of the best irket affords. Phone us ; "on the job." Tender, suit." id Cattle Co. u B. GODSHALL, Mgr. To Cure a Cold In One Day. ke LAXATIVK BROMO Quinine. It stops the ugh and Headache and works off the Cold, uggists refund money i( it (ails to cure. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c.