$()e Union ?imcs UNION, H. C. THE LATEST NEWS. GLEANINCS FROM MANY POINTS Important Happenings, Hatli Home unil Foreign, lirlelly Told. Southern Dots. Tlio Kno.xville, Tenu., Iron Company has posted notice of an increase of 10 per cent, of tho wages of all employes. The State of Mississippi finds it necessary to issue another lot of special warrants, .is her treasury i? almost l>u-e. The Knoxville, Tcnn.. Iron Company has postc?l notices ol an increase <>f in per cent, ol the wages of i.ll mployees. The shops and rounil house of the Santa Fe Kali road, at Arkau as City, with many engines, were liiirne>| to the grotuul. Loss $150,000 to $200,000. Light liriek stores, live frame stores, the I*'. I lis,*,, r,.*i 1 I'iitir.'l, .I,,, I tvv.h r .hli-iw , dist barged a pistol, s>'it ??. It. Fairbanks delivered his annual address. m which ho estimated that the outage crop of 'HO would ho about, ono million boxes. Tho Baltimore II wuid Wednesday last says "Tho ilrst oar of molons ol the season was received at Baltimore, consigned to K. L. Nixson, containing 1,000 melons. ami wro sold to an Altoona, iVaa.. dealer for ^IIOO." The employes of tic Howard Harrison Iron Company, at 11 'sscnier. Ala., tho largest iron pipe mutiul'n.-t mors 1:1 tho south, ha\o been mtvaueed waves HI cent. A| ?r? than 1,000 men arenlh-otod. 'l'lc ra >e was volautary. At a meeting of lie exeoutivo committee of the Cotton bt?i( anil lutoruutioiiul L.x|w>mtion Wednesday, n was decided. owiti;; to the vary heavy demand lor spa.-o which th?> management is wholly nnnnle to rill, notwithstanding the lar^c proportions ol fo.irteou hiiildiuys. to lolilo an annex to the maiiufaeturers ami liheral arts biiildla;:. Notice was received 1mm the secretary of promotion of the Mexican (Jovi rninent that plans were rc.-nlv for the Mexican exhibit, ami asking tha' a very I a rye am >ant ol i lie set aside for tha* (iiirjioti'. Tito la.vjiosll ion. The Boa:-.l iiililiiic \-.i_t Oe of a t\ | ieal colonial design, and wdl tiotise the lltmst exhioition of colonial :< i r'ever e.tlhored together in America. rivaic .-d women h h-mrdof the Woman s 11? | ar-ncni I mm Maine Texas are n , .|i\ iama-.T-'d in eolleei,ntc unite, rial for this o.'.hh . and it will iueanie many rare and !us'. r; car ., waieli canuo; l-c lioliytit. v 1 t'rir.ir, ' 'At Itdlviilo! N. J.. (1'or.?a Andrews v.':. ^ li.iiignl Friday lor tie- murder Vji hiu'wia?' 5^ llcssie, on Ootohcr >*. tS'.lJ. J. It. Holland, who emh: artlcd some OOo from the Meivhantsand Farmers National hank of Charlott c.. mo-.ai le jrnl to serve the re maiinirr i>l in- ' ii'. ii > !'>r ?-out**ni|'l <>f I'oiirt K.-.iti"! II ivv.'iii. Elliott, iSuins H iiinl i ii.ii I Win. h'Ih'i- A. II. U. oltli-iTi- ami 11 ii >. ! lis tin I-r si'iitrnr" wit Ii lirlis, also ri'i >rl?*1 t.i ill.- imirsiml, uu>i iv ri' |i|in-i'i! in j;'il in srrv tiii'.i Irrius. !'"r;'i s:u it Srinl illaiits. 'I ll' [!"' ? - l\' i ' ' r'ii m" fl.i.'.on I-Milli In 1 in ri '*i \. :.t {lull si^liril il I'i'-'U" ' ' I ' .. ili. I ' '' I" II < IMlllil'/l'. \l '!'. ! i !. K i . .1 i v .1] ?hi s(".l. .i luru'" ii;i.li i 'i I i\ nmli'. iiilvn1'iitiliK I'm (r<"i I.-' wlni|!im| III- I-II II' || tit.ll'.il liHil'.is iii '.III: Mivi'ls .1. hiiv; i!.; i.' i i plain r.ii'ni'i'. Ill .til 1111 * I V ' W ii I ii til" Ii" '.V si 1 \ 111 >V''lllf'lil til.'! .- i.'\ ViM.'lil ! till* I '.'lili'i'. II" III. i/'i' '!i" i ; i"' I'M' lif t! II Mini ' 1 ' ... MiVi-r m'ii!iiiii ii*. lit II.. In | .. i". i i ' . ! .i riili .MliT.il in hilvt'i - ..: i:i. a i .i.' ! :i:?ii'ti!li?* party. A M|ilit \\'. 1 I ' ! : i'jii I'?!? mil v I liini; lit.ii .il.r.v ; |. '. ;;t ii i- ii," Mia..tIiiit ' ili.i' ii;ii If Ml i |..t! i h? r lor si * Imi'. ai'.lf | v,<" .1 ll"|" < i li j"|. I'll'I'S. A' to . !.. . : '1 . . h .. ;ill tilt > '1 11 . -lllil 11 vv). I n. I ' v\ 'i i I." SI lil III' inII. i lll l ' III' I I . I. I I ' l I Ii! it lfi'1 'll.f Ii.iilri.a11 ?i ti-tli ! iir '.'i iii In- r.l in .i I.. i la.I.:." .'. I of : 1(10.1),10. vol Ii ;n" ml ? . i.'liio . ..i Yin* uico ...i ri'i-! i\ I v i'| '. ' ! I 'liarls ri-.iilra.iis iiiiiI r?" iiiillil i.^:- -i ywonl II.'miii' .iinl -11:" i* * 'I I|" I i r I'lil !;,i|.i.|s ili'j.fft,aii'l alt M il .*r.iiili . a. : a'iiri v\"Mi ?!? strnvi'il < 'nips. (ii'.'i'sln i'l'it-' a| i i'.'irr.l hi i'l- tit Elfcliarl I in I ainl 'i:ti" , I. . i upon lii'lils u! nr.ill. "nil .itiiI nr i- i i a I'Mial'i '- i|'at i'vni'\ I limn -rfnii'il air v. Ill llii'in. Tlir V III.. ?|\ITJ til ht'J if Ii : i|ft It'll III!' fll'ldg ii.iri' .1 ini i-ri ! - r ' \\ .isjllll.;! (III. '11(1 pn sn! -lit I. . 11 I 11.: I V""ii 'i'lioilili:-, will! Sllire .1 III1:.1' \ . Is I. ti.l Ill-ell ('ollllM'l ill I.:ii iw.i ( > I i ' 1 'i S:,:'" (nini-'.i-r at \ i*ii* HI .i .liul^r II imim i I'.ic ii' v A t ?r:i< v (i ri< r.*iI. .11"l. i'i! .V. i -Ii' i . t :i i v '|i< >1 liilti; iilul pfu (! 11 I lit' .? .i: I j a ' .! at to ho "(.'. In ' < I I . I. . I lie It I artn-'iii .1 . .! ; iI ia. .IIho tau rcni" < il a?- v. . . tr-aity in Irian a;, i I<( ;;.11. Al S|.iiiiiy tIn* Supreme < '(?'ir! wliii !i holds tlad the whiskey trust ir illeya1 FRIENDS OF SILVER. 2,COO SILVKIt MONEY MEN IN MEMPHIS. i A Great Gutherlng at the Di-Metallic Convention. The l'iutfoim lu Full. , I The Memphis Bl-Metallic convention was called to order at 2 o'clock Wednesday after- i noon. W. N. BrowD, ot Memphis, a? chair- 1 man of tbo central bt-mefu:lio league of Bhelby county Tenc , which sent out the call for the convention, rapped the assemblage to ( order. On the platform were iiio following: | Thomas SeoM.SccreM; v ot Slate of Louisiana; j M. J. CuDDinKham, Attorney Qonernl of Louisiann ; John Fuzpa.i.ek, mayor of New j Orleans; A. J. Wftr.'tfi'. piesi-lent of the , American bi-iuctnr.iu league ; Gov. J. r. Clarke, Arkansas ; \V. J. Liyuii, editor of the Omaha Wi.u Uf-IIe.aM ; Sooe.fbr James i Berry, Arkansas ; Senator S'.ewnri, Nevada ; J Anson Wolcott, Indiana; Senator I. G. Har- ! lis, Tennessee; Alex. Dolioer, Ca'jtornia ; Itepresontatative II lb Money, Mississippi ; Senator J. K. Jones,,\i kansa. ;S mator Mariou 1 DUUer, JJortli Carolina tKouutor J. Z. (leor^, Mississippi, K>: Gove "uor F.ajrle, Arkansas ; ( Gov. 1j. Bradford I'rincc, New Mexico ; exGov. Bon;anii'i It. Tiihnati, South C'aro'iua ; Gov. John pel !:ft*, appeared on tbe r.i?*r:ie. ea-h . i\e?i an ova'iou. Conservative estnnu'cs phce the number ot ! delegate* at "J.MKi. and tbo visitors who at- i tended fiout :n?' r>\.,t .n t!;e movement to bear the spe?vli.'s .wcced-el 111,000. Col. Carey Voiiur*. of Meotpt:'--, in weleom- i iujj 'he aesetr. !?spoke in part a-follows : 1 "I sa'utw the represent,t?i v.> ?.f litis convention as the ad\..*> oa :ird of that n:i^.*lity 'orce ia every Ibti I to do ludtie for tlm overthrow uud de. tru 'tsosi < !' ; power more ! ruthless, aU'l r.-paeiotts end woe hmUulio 1 1:ittn.i>i hut?| in?'f>s and | isperPv tlmn any I despot that e\er shackled liberty and oppressed mankind. I preel you, rej ,vseiits? lives, a- the forerunner d 'oiru'dess legions I now go.".' i 111^ ir mi f.'o iw-nt ol MOor and indnst-y 't'-o-v Hi" tt?r' l o demand tbe re*1... r;.: feu o! that Mnae.o.d sy.'.em an- . proved l>v .bo v.-'- bun a a 1 vpci'enetj of a:l the !r:?a of ivilibftti m. "Win"i only a few Jaj". ago .be object and ! aim-> f this convent ion wort deaonstood from | this stago by a di-dluiMtiubo I pub'* - irtin, as an I rc-vohi'.bin i-v, no proc'almed i th?? truth ?:il.ifi?ie n.i ever fell :. the pnt'eot arM-.w., wiio .are building j up the na*'en's v/eii' h or I e.-..;i:ut- >t are la open re!>? !do!i age in.- ;. a despotism. cruel and ri"no b">s ! - any that ever brought sorrow to i'.nv member of .! , mmim family. Tli*'-forces -.i t it wi'l iiovit halt ! or waver ut.ni! : . ii clniul.trdsare planted on I j tbosho'Ubcl every .sen and iheir banners float in triumph over .>1 I England herself. The/ will never i??\ver their Mags nor sheath . tin ir.swords .tuti' iho o >ulh? I ? ended atul a 1 glorious victory won , .not until nil ?.bo ; temples of Mammon a. o turned into sepul< lie:- lor the burial of greed and av.v lee and let us hop" f, v ini.-.. f .snoring humanity | lli.i'ju- ang.d of re utacvil' n will ever unseal this tomb. ' (fan Ir.rse '.Mug.- 'no hi ought about? Iu trie beginning oi the struggle which gavo si'lia'.ne La'.'-jKiiii; y to I tie Amorieau colore, <> ir auee.-tors gave lo the; woj lit a declaration of in ndmieo ".i:nt rang like a bugle call thro ugh I'vciy land an I awoke the slumbering *.p>rit.s of liberty among people. The <1 mts nl these heroes ami patriots are a- out to read forth another do. -larntlou of m-l'-pei) bui-'o to all ih>* nations of the world in fixing their own lleawtai system atul tn leg..da'nig for .he .-food .tel f tpp'.uess oi tlioli people." Senator llama teen inV-odiicod Senator Tu'pie ts permanent hatsnivj :n'.he following words "There fs no mote able and ire? r himetnliist j.n the United States of Ameriea than David Turpi" o! Indium:." | Mr. Tutpioaddressed it <_ ecu. vcutlou in bubSiailoe, a- follows : "('i I iitoi ey I is n'ways been and yet is in i.-i" a thing of \ ibi < nu I,'his value is of two Uiro-?too m'.illio or o.o.lloii value and tin- monetary v.vutb or legal value ; the latter is aitvuy.s a ro titer of law - tlio bullion vain- ir ;:!w. >s i>ae of estiuiif.'on trad opiujoj Tin: bi:i::oe ? duo id silver aud (told hi'ivand e'-'w .? has always re.-ted and re today up- a '.ho co.fC'p n, upon the one .i| ini"n, 'it on one ungle.ind : hnplelt' in !n*t. that ;ii' t!:eio \v>i' lo In years to come n I uitio i value of the two i in-'als or I le* let's! oi coinage value. A**?*?.ding ,,, Use teste of lot; ' T 1-i 'lie -air.e as eomnierC'a! ? r l.ui'.'oti value ? t the inetr.l in It. nothing could eoif I sb'Ue.vt. a. ordtng to thai t?'st there i-> net Hint hi not be an honest do'l.ir en her si! ;oi ?>. g-ij;1. Tea u:.0 of si *. >r goi i ii r., ey i as ad b d very greatly toii'i'i: mil, "roiii! oi o niton value. "AI".bo g> eve. y frierul of humanity reJO i - ill t ie n-'Tljet'OU of e\elui?!V?! (TOVerntiii*iil '.w.nei.-'.ip of Urn | o.oious ores, and I other metals, y? t there was one consorjucnco | which followed the pmu'e ownership of the Ii.... . ? > ... j iwu-'i. ror ii IUUK UIIlO th?'was nuiuiwihted by law between the two |>ame. .but at !a-t ha holiie.\'? of rto'.d, bcim; ho h;hmi< ,i-< tho holders of debt, in ln:;:e if. t:i:iti-v|.t ho bar.out. When wo have kill oil silver for the u >o iu oo.iu, it : will ho worth less oi l loss. "Woran iiy and .sell it at our own price and (ho ratio will ho an i?llo flothin of tho ('tis.. Tho syndicate of gold Is of no country, in.'" or orood. Jfi.iii'iiiMis'.1; a-o not against gold. Wo are for silver and justice. Much r.as boon wii ( ii on : lio Mubi -ty i.f tho value of silver nnd geld, on -eraing which it may t ho said both ,lir-? tneiols a ?< variable in mi'iio. Kftoh hiiii-i's in value'torn time '.o tu ,!i! ' oth t coiimiio lr io ,but tlioy vary in \ a I lit* iclluiiely I -ss ill.i' any oilier eomtnodjt it said thai if v.o restore silver to :i i" ei nil;: -toi-1 will loavo iis. This is as r e I a |.1111 ijdo i i.der what is called " ti" (ire-hani In ,v or nilo" wis err. two or III" I e k ..Ills of iiriliev t : O ? : IV'.llated together, the :n ?ior wdl li-ive out tin- bettor eiirren<\. Ties i ute. suv" in vo(y rare instance?, In.s no a;.|>lient!o:i (o coin." But what jiarty ' ii .:i oiititrv is . oiiiiu^ io defoMO 1(3 col?/ Th? loes of our gold, the departure of our gold will, as some opponents say, bring about depression. Yet gold staid with xiv from tho beginn'ug in usual quantity ami proportion until 1873, when we ceased coining silver. From 1873 to 1878, whilo silver was not coined, gold touched a iow ebb. When, tu 1878, we began to coin silver again gold returned in larger sums than ever uu.l stayed and increased with us. Since we ceased tho coinage of silver iu 1893..luring 1894 95, gold has left us ngatu. The faith of the advocate of a single gold standard Is compounded of one truth and oue pornioious euor. That coined standard dollars should be of equal legal value is true, but that the metal in them must be of equal bullion value is a fallacy so contrary to our comuion sense and experience that it cannot be much aided by prophecy. Let us. U3 bbuetahibts, remember that we a* e American citiucns of tbe great republic dealing oalmly and deliberately with our own highest interests. Let us take counsel of faith and hope. Let us go forth with tho manly hearts without fear, believing in all confidence thut tho silver and gold dollar of our minis, tho money of tho past, sound, tried and true, shall also be and remain tho money of tho future." The nomination of E. B. Wade,of Tennessee, for secretary, followed, and at tho suggestion of Senator Harris all the newspaper men present were rnndo assistant secretnt!es_ Resolutions wore pnssou ibat each State should name a vice precedent end a member of the committee on resolutions. A roll call of States followed. Amid enthusiastic applause Senator ITurri: was then named delegate at large from the United States. Senator Stewart, of Nevada, presided at the night session. Congressman Joeeph C. Sinley. of Pennsylvania, addressed the eon >0.1t'ou in substance as follows: "I believe that there ore going to be two partiee ft the coming eleotlou. One oT tbcm will be the nionoTuctaUi.-tj and the oilier .'he American people in iheir maje.,ty. The gold .standard lias been elected many times be'"ore. Once Aaron ejected a golden image, Uu it was not a success and once Nebuohndnezzar set him tip one and said whosoever refused to bow down and wort hip it should straightway he < nst into Ilety fnvnnee and burned nil. Without munrii i. I.oniln n,\u in?lil Jous comparisons. T respectfully refer you to Grover Cleveland's letter to Governor Stone of Mississippi. T:;< ro were three men who refused *o worFbip this imago and Xebucli.id.uezzar ordered the furnace to he male straightway seven tunes hotter, and tta.l iL'o.sc; men east in. hat th?" wr.itceil upright amid the flames and < atno out hrighter ami happier than over. There a*o a good many Nobuehaduezznrs in this work yet, hut 'hey do not eut much of a figure. Jfyou will just lead along a little fuitiier you w'dl find that Nehuehr.dnezzar found his level al'.right. For s.e.vn years bo had to-eat grass. We silver people have all all the logic and all the law on oi!rsSde. The Secretary o: the Treasury spoke to you in this hall the other day. I do not know what to quote Mr. Carlisle when he said that the demounti: ation of the wliito money would moan misery and unhappiness for haif the people ,>f the world ; then John (1. Carlisle was .he tribune of people, now he is the high priest of the teiup'.e of Mammon. Mr. Curli.de the pleban and Mr. Carlisle the aristociat ire two very different kinds of i>oople. lint 1 do not want to plnin of M'. Carlisle. Every word, ho iias said abort the demor.e'.'/ation of s ilver bus come true. "The President says he is afraid the silver dodar will depreciate, l et tho only way tho dollar east depreciate i< f. r prices to rise. This is equivalent to an admission by tho Pri-s'dent that he i-' a'rai 1 pri s will rise. If the President would divide his anxieties :noro equally he! wtjen the jWitcm* win? produce the wealth of the coniili yeml helimiteii few who ah.sorh them, lie would make a better chief executive. The magtiilleent patriotism of Mr. Hothsehihl, who. although an alien, was willing to eomo to this country and savo it for ih?! pnltrv r.niSi.ieru'.iou of $0,000,000 whl'di tht! per.pie of the United States lost and which he gained, is worthy of note ns is also the magnifWnt patriotism of Mr. Clew land in thus helping to save the country. Eat if these two men could save tLc coor.fry ;li"y could also wreck "With the nun's open to tbe.unlimited coinage of stive: ate) gold there will ho no more talk of a flby-cent 1'dlar. Tneysay on r shore-* wou'd be iloodeil *.vit!i ti.'ver if the mints were open to free coinage. Now that is not true, and it it were true wo would f-unply gi\e them bo until i uk to have rather than for something we would '?sthcr have. "Jkitiker C< rnwaU of lieiTftlo, ramie a ppeeeh iii Chicago then.her night to a lot ot bunkers niul iho nevt ! -.vie ,i *h'.n jt will he too late. There will he two .em*" ij.en to the people after I S'.Ml One will 1 e : ep ; led ion and t h" other revolution - i I hoth 1 I. ".id. If the Engp.|i we'* t<> I i.: I ' i N .. V..rl; yo'i wonM help toil !.e:n w Uldli't ViolV 'i lie J'ugli-h . e in N*'\% York they iii.ve been II f i*- > e ?. \Y>i| y,,.| drive them :;, ? '* ii" p.'-fy !'i 's i i ve ' ? be d : < a ped.'" I, li M l)o\v dl f Toi'itottsut*,a well known S'.i'e Populist leader, in an impassioned -|.e< oi ,( . a.'ui. I that Ttie Third party ineij " ui'.en . -ItCf r* i O'taMuli oil the ootil'liitlee I M r* suhll i,.i| .. utlly OI'C l'opl.list. iit le '..?od tt ir, . I* :' . r, nf North Carolina, v.-e: "i* an oi it tee. The Populists 1:. I I ee,; i*.-tit. t nv l ie e 'ii charge <,f the < < liven; i -i i to bti ignored V Toe eon vent i i. "id *ro.l ilia: the populist* be plaei <1 on ' bo ce*n:iiittec. The eonventl . > til.... ..Ii.. r.v.. il... .1.... A lars.*" anion,; .if < ( inak i:. i: ncei:: red on the ' ckikI ii- m. jmjeonlaiii'o with, tlio ri -'?!iiti(?ii pa-- -.I ui imiift<*rtioo;i -it's.--.iui <>t i li?' !?!:vi'iite a Alr.liatnn John W. Font dr. -on. At kansn>-- < "barb's C?-tlin. Cnlib r11i:i Ab'Mi'i b r Colorado A. VV. Ii>i k> r. tieoriria- Jmli;" N. V . I,'ins;l<*y. Keiitu-'ky A. J. i'araor. Louisiana Si'iiatm l'.'.mrh.inl. Missouri J. Cujje. Nevada- ('. S. Nixon Nebraska ( ' Sn>vth?\ North Carolina >i i: Llliio't. Ohio? F. (5. S it. l'erir.sylvanin A J Hopkins. South Ciirclihit J. V Stokes. Te;.n?Y-see .John K. G .-ciwic Texas?I" II. K?'Ai?iiii. Virginia M. II. Brandon. N- w Mexico- I Bradford P. .rp. lit ih? E. ,1. Ivimbuli. The ofjitnH?"'* Joint It. Godwin ol Memphis, temporary .'iMirm.in. net J H. AoUWmj. of Nashville. temporary secret nry. The onrirrilttee wilt meet in Chicago it. .July tlio exact time has not lieen fixed a lit) then cLveMi permanent officer* and delcgnti s. ALL ALOXO TIIF: LTMi. Orders From Washington toVlgllnntly Watch For Violators of Neutrality Laws. Attorney General Harmon ha* nddtrvsiil ^ rto all Unite.) States district attorneys between New Yorlc and Brownsville. T< \ . ti e (ollwoing letter of instructions : Department of .1 ostiee, Washington. I>. ('. To the Unit".l States District Attorn-\ : I send yon a copy of a letter of th< jotli inst. from the Secretary of State in regard to the rumors and reports of illegal mcasuris hemp, on foot in this eountry toaid the insutt'on now going on the island ol (John. Take all step- that are ncees-Miry and proper t< | levent any violation of t he neutrality law- it the diroetioti indicated, acting protiiplly and vigorously anil in conjunction with tin- marshall to whom J have written upon tin subject. Very respectfully. (Signed) Judson Harmon, A"ting Attorney (it u. To the United Slates marshals m sl:< statin along the Atlanti seaboard this ii lb i has been sent Department of .Inst ie: . Washington. I' (' 1 have today sent to the attorney - o! th? United Stat"* (or y ?ur district lie a i panying letter from the N'eivtary >! Slide in relation to allege! nttcmpis to organize tti tins country expeditions !o aid (ho insurrection going oil in ('aha. (' insult with the United S?ates attorney who will show \.u tm>' . or'espoinloiiee relating (>> the mail r and take ail such : t. | - as are ne> .--sai v and proper to prevent any violation ..I ih irality laws in the direction : -| iloh>, (Signed) .liidsoa Harmon A"ti11g Ulorn \ 11 -hi nil S < ' ! ir\ Oil)' V * letter to t'e- All" riii'V (ii'll Til in ikili'g til" suggest loll |i. : ...I tl then ui-1r.as are based ... n- .. >. w . I 'par! iiu id '( S; an \Va -imegl : . 11 I' Thf Houorah'e the Alton \ <1 l.i:a' Sii It : a matter of current i.nn air! iicw-i a per r-'p ?. t 1 hut at varioii- point- in the Uiiiied Slates alt.-inpi are n ukiuc enlist III.'Ill of ill a, I lie riiliipni. ::l niel .urn ing ol v.h. a:ui I>\ ..tier .l!|,i:'d ii a-.ues. to aid lie ins.hi In.n now ui pr>.; I.--- m iIn* island of i ijl-a. Whii flu !> parian at has not h'en furnisi.e.l with tangii h e\i <|r>(|f'i < 1iI'11 :11 i v i>; ii f. rumor'- am! m ports, i! il oi r??nl importum < thai im possible opp 'iti:till\ lie ciMMi ( > i'i?:iij i.iiii thai tli" I'ov'Tiinn'iit of Hi" t'i;itI Stat' - ' as in any respect fnll"ii sho-t ??i its tali ! -v in a friendly nation, il is p'sicet fully 'in: jjested. therefore. Hint tin- I'liiti'il Slat* attorneys ti!nl inarslials for 11??- a.-'l : trlets t inhrii in! in tin* coast inn t.? i v, i?n N"W Yor:; ami Brownsville. T"\. hav thru att 'lil'on called to tin- funjeet. an.I In1 rs peeiahy i'njo|iii*'l to to it that tin- in utrii! itv laws of th" I aited Statn^ .tr? tailli'.ni'v observed and all violations there ' jo uiiji1) and vigorously prosecuted. in'SpCi l tll'.ly yollls. Itii'hanl Oliirv A >111.1. 1 H AT I'A Y S. It Has Made 7 Per Cent, in Throe Mont lis. At Huntsvillo, Ala., the directors i ! Ilia Italian cotton mill have ilcolari I vi'nuannual ilivitlonil of :t per cent on 'In omnmii stock, payable July 1st. Tie- Dailfts nulls were built in lM'ij and ii?ido from iii\nl< mis have a surplus of nioro llinu lf?0.0(K? I 'm earnings for the pa-t six months were a..nut 7 per cent, out of win 'h the :> pi , cent iIim Icnil is pa ill ami Urn remain pnssi d to the surplus fuml. The directors hav almost decided to huihl a $ti!H),tiil(i addition. Huntsville is the largest eotlon mnuuljtiirui2 city in A'ahanui.