the union times. VOL. XXVI.?NO- 23. > UNION, SOUTH CAROLINA JUNE 7,1895. *U0 A YEAR. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. D. K IIydrick, J. A. Sawyer Spartanburg, S. 0 , Union, S. C. JJYDRICK & SAWYER, Attorneys at Law, ( Judge Townsend's O J Stand. \ lyjUNRO & Ml'NltO, ( Attorneys nt, 1 No. 2. Law Range. S g S. STOKES. ^ Attorney at Law an?l Trial Justice, Office Hear of Court House. ! f C. WALLACE. Attorney nt Law, , I0,tti?0- T*? tu 1 S1 TO.tXHL . I " Officers?F. M. F.irr, Prcs I. A. II. | Foster, N ice l'ros t. lie ?. Mtinro, Cnsliicr. c J. D. Artnr, A.-siitaut t'iislr.vr. I Directors?\V. II. Wallace, A. (?, Pice. | Win. J cileries,'I'. P. Duncan, ,1. A. I'nil. .1. j T. Douglas, 1. (I. McKisstck, A. II. Foster. [ We solicit your business. j ICE CHE AM 1 AND SODA WATEJt PA KLOUVS the < >yster season is now over, I ' h.ivo convortcd my Salo >n into an ( I CM CUM AM PAKhOK. And the ( adies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to call on inu when they want a cool and refreshing drink. Orders ftr j cre tin by tlio gallon will receive prompt | and careful attention. I have one of the lincsl Soda I'mm* I tains in the up country, everything shall ' bo kept tidy. hadirs arc invited to make my place llieir ln*:i?]?junrtt-rs while ' shopping, stop iu and reft whether you | wish to buy or not. 11'you have :? head- , aclic try my WINK ('()(! \ it will cure ( it every time. > You will a'so liud at my place the lur ( gesl and finest assortment id fancy and ' plain candies, cakes and crackers. I'mits ' canned goods and general confections, I also family groeern s. j Thanking my cM oners t ?r their kind and liberal patron-go last Summer i , jspcct fully Hfdict a cotttiim nc of the , sjinc this Summer; :;u irr.Miteeit'g : prompt and polite attention to ai. JOHN. K. MATHIS. '' DREAD FUI i 1J ISASTEiP riiv (\>lima and her crew l?o down to death in MidOcean San Francisco, May 2(J.?The Pacific mail steamship Col i in a was ,vreck eud weather of it. the captain having ! ;reat difficulty in keeping her head j the sea. The wind inereased in ury until it i- said to have been tbo enest stortn known along thi- coa-t n twenty years. The sea rose rap11V. \\ axes washed over the \ ( >el and scattered the d ckloid. As the ravi's rose the stonn inereased and lie mauageinent of the steamer beanie impossible. due "| the seas, mighty wave, struck her with >'ieh ree that the beams treinhbd as it be bad struck ??u a reel, and iio ami whirled the leavv planks about with appalling iolonee, Many were struck aiel naiincl. At least one passenger A'as killed l?y having his head erusii tl l?y living timbers. 'lht' survivors say that the olli crs a' No. A, vhile second (Mlieer Landlord was in 'haftfe of the boat No The later was successfully lannehed ami illed with passengers. Then the ,hip went down and the Lanirhorn >oat was eapsi/ed. All in both boats ire snppo.-ed to have peridtcd. ('apt. Taylor went down with the hip, and as the vessel sank lie blew i 11 e - t l * . l i Invc blJiMs 01 ilie winsuc ;i>;i i?\*?? signal. I lie engineer and lire11a11 went down at their posts. Ni^ht 'lerk lierrv anus in Ins room and ,\ent down Asitli the vessel. Third Mlieer llaiisen was aliion^ the .'-aved. 11? sprang from the ship as it went lowii. and sneeeedeil in reaching a liivc of wreekajje- There lie elatm 'or twcut\-tour hours, washed and .allotted hv the waves. llesaAVlileli 111d women s.nkinjf about him and powerless to render a; I. Ilesaw aked an I laalij'led hodi( > lioatiliir hv, md tin horro'-of it made him sick. Ilanse i says f; a. a he s;e nier Hindered her boilers burst. BLACK TRAGEDY. Murder ami Suicide Anion t he NeyroesAnother shocking tragedy oecurc near our quicC little town on Monda morning about nine o'clock. Tli particulars are about as follows, ha1 ing been brought out at the coroner inquest, which was cmpannelle Monday morning, and did not finis taking testimony until lii o cloc Tuesday -4 witnesses being examines On Monday morning Wallae lloberson came into the store of W E. Kay, where his blether Jim Kol erson is clerking. Wallace told Jii he was going limiting and wanted t o a o o borrow Jim's pistol, he had a doubi barrel shot gun with one lock broke which iie said he w as going to have n paired. Jim ioaued Wallace tli pistol and Wallace left. Instead *. going hunting iie went to the hous of Jim Kobcrson.'s wife, which li also makes his home. The sister o lloberson s wife, Minnie lirown wa the only person present besides Hen rietta, Jim's wife, when Walla*, arrived. Minnie testifies that Wal lace told Henrietta that Jim had sen him up to kill her. That ileiiriett i l . i ii _ ii i: w sum "im no >? anaee, you am i go ing to >hoot inc." lie said "Yes yo have got to die. i 1c tlicn raised th gun and Henrietta ran out of the rea door and Wallace followed her, shoot ing her as she ran through the yard lie then returned to the house. Cum ing out again he pursued Jlenriett; to the wire fence 160 yadds away with a pistol in Ins hand, llenriett: had beeoine entangled in the win fence while trying to get through Wallace went up to her and shot lie in the head with the pistul. He thei returned to the house, placed tin pistol to his own i ad and blew hi bin.-lis out. falling" in the hallway an dying in a lew minutes, llenriett only lived a lew minutes after recciv ing the sjcond wound. It i< the evnerai sentiment anion the negroes around here that this sa aflair is the outcome of the troubl between Jim llobersuii ami his wit winch occurred .sometime ago, earn in.' a .separation. Jim's wife 1 ion rietta sued ibr alimony ami got venli t Jim later suit his brotlu Wallace ami his family to occupy hal of the house or the I.?wn stairs por lion, ami look afterthe place. W hi) lb nr. tta. with her sister was to or eupv the up stairs portion. This o eot.rse eauscJ continual ill feeling until finally rueh hegan accusing th other of stealing. While the gii Minnie llrown s evidence was ver damaging to Jim Itoherson. m? ad ditional evidence could be gotten t sustain it. J ml if Jim is eogni/. in of the premeditation of the deed. In and his Clod ami Wallace Ilobersou the deceased are the only ones awar of the fact. That it must have heel j:. . 11 u*..n ....... ] H Cllh ui I ;i 1 CI 1 ii\ >? .niiii r mnii i I>v tlie liict of* ;i note I?ein i patch will say editorially in th inoniiiijf: The ease of the South Carol ill; supervisor of registration wlion Jud^e < loll* enjoined a lew weeks aoi from the performance of his duties has hoen appealed to the Circui Court of Appeals now in sessioi here -iml will he heard oil an appca in that court to-morrow, before Chic Justice fuller and Judges IIuer\isor of iratioii who was enjoined is ne | 3 ?" > ??-o * I WM A. Nich y I BASI 1C [ VNICN ..-war AVE SOLICIT Y< s It k amenable to the United States Cir! ' cuit Court, in his political capacity, e ami all the matters ami things com plained of relate to the political du? ties of the ollice. n o. That the bill presents; o tion arising under the Constitution ( e and laws of the United States, u 4. That the bill presents m? case * upon which a hill in equity lies, e plain and adequate remedies at law >1 being available to redress the mat- I i i e tors complained of. e ft. That the jurisdictional amount j f of ?J,000 necessary for the circuit J s court is not aflirmed in the bill, i- 0. That there is no -mllieiont | e averment of irreparable injury and 1- statement of facts supporting it in j it the hill and positively sworn to. a 7. That the Circuit Court judge i ?- erred in holding that the registration i u laws of South Carolina are in viola- , 0 tion of the Constitution of the I ni- ; i* to?l States ami deprive the pla'iitilV: > of his rights as a citizen of tin* I ni- I I. ted States. i- All questions are cognizable on 1 appeal by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals sitting here, ex- j a eept the third and seventh, which 1 i' present Federal questions and are ! . cognizable in the Jjupreme Court of j r the Tinted States, ii The court may therefore docket < . | tlie ease and consider the grounds of| s j appeal: and if in the course of trial ii i d j iinds jL neee?3tiry to d< -o. it mas a certify the Federal questions un t<>1 - the Supreme Court for its decision and may afterwards proceed to d- d g with the ease on all questions raised , d on appeal. This is what the appeie late court meant on Friday la-t w nen ! e it announced that it was unaiiiiii of the opinion that it had jtuisdici tion tu It car the appeal. I lie ease a will therefore he heard tomorrow on r the appeal as a whole. It may ho It that the appellate court w: i he of opinion that the suit helow could let e ho liiaiiitaiued on tiie ground assign- : - ed them, respectively, ol'the he era! ) f <| nest ion raist d in the third and -ev. cuth assignment of errors. If so. they e will get to the Supreme Court. hut 1 if the appellate court he opinion y that tin-re was no error i:: respect to five of the assignments then the ca to the Supreme Court on the t third an I . eventh assignment.?The e State. i. (?t?\ . Kv;ilis (>it \\T?tiwm's 11 . .? ,j Slltl fito'C. 1 Woman's suffrage seems to he lore" most in the minds of Soutli Caroliiill's people at this time, and their chief executive, (lovernor .h>hn nl\ uiie thin^ ;i t)i:it seems t?? endanger tiie .-neee^s it of the movement, and 111:11 \< tin* di[? versitv of < ]>iiti?>ii aimm^ tin- m'v. ! i, Woman is possessed ol" ;i greater de- i t yree of patriotism than man. and I a am satisfied that if the men were disI f'raneliised the emintry won Id !c hotf tor ofl". ll'hotli sexes v.ere veil : * i n . i C,...;.! ,1... ^ll!( s ilie (iiiiiui i 'I'll would he disastrous, as tin- inllueuee o of (lie sexes would eoiil'iet iind in- , :t stead of l a\ ili^ a positive and ii> _m y live pole to our hullerv we would liave t> >t 11 positive an 1 a < rres|>oiid- j ;t ill" ITpulsioll of forees. \\ i illi?'II I ' .-I onM It allowed to hold all of tin - : liiees, if oi\en I lie hallot. \\ r would d tl'!i- haw ideal rulers, supported l?v the .'.I* uio alius o| (lie oilier .-e\. i- who would take "leal pride m siis?t tlilllil.e thcil (ilO'UUs. [OLSON The News ami Courier. A IKi:.\, Juno I.? 1 iie county democratic executive committee met today and took iinjiortant action looking to the restoration of peace and harmony between the two rival factions in the democratic parte in this county. After di mi-sin^ the political situation in the State and county the following preamble and resolutions, prepared h/ Senator O. C.Jordan, were introduced: AYhereas it i-- tin niniest desire of the de noeratic exeeiitive committee of Aiken emiii v t!i:tt unity of action may he lia jrovern and control said election for dele? elates to said eouveutten. Therefore, he it resolved? I st. 'That all ci i id id::'t - ! ? he . ?ted To ir the primary election . hall conform to the ruii - l'ovc; irn : their can? di'iacv a< preset Ihi I hy tin State decioeratie exeett: iv? committee, and shall, ill lilinir t heir pled yes a - required hy the sai 1 rule-, state therein to w lueli faction oi the d'morcrai.ic party i lev 1 '('lotiit Jd. 1 hat I It ere shali oe tonal di? v.,s? 'it d the h leu'a.t he. r..'en the ieronners and conserve''. > in making t : i :! tic!;.. 1 < \- t d for m the f in"!'.' deefioii, and : t can? dates to In* Voted i vi ' a'cue-al c ectiou -dial cl ? < i 'in 'o||o\vo u manic r. ! 'I'tie tv. . re: mi os reeei\ iii;; !he yn .1 i m :ii i volts .ii 1 li<- Mini primary. an t \ v > eoh mrvatives n < ri\ n . ; netest tiiitnhor oi'\? t - ;a ii i . >!ii.l! 1)0 \i. en v tillv I'm' iloloLToie- to iiir t I voivoiition. W asliii:.rt m. .Jin . ? Yho South Carolina ilhpout u < 'il a^ain t'lijnt* iioioi'o t'li* "" i1; i" ( *i;*t i?| tiic I iii11 i S: < i'i M < . . i. i< r ? \ at mat >ii < i in* iti 'ioars i ti?i* ii11t r-i do i'.' . oiait-o <>t tlio < 'onsiituti' i;. .. v. i:; . .me up ?ti liahea ri'i'j ii sin. : ;?? half oi Iv < ' i hm> 11. . ' 'hi nailer appointment i?y < '< > ! vans, w let is in en -oulv ?he I nite.l Elates niaiai i ?<> . u ! i t in tile vi.-lati ii < ' .in "re. >! knl-re t iiill of The i lei'.ii ? a 'l?iii : the ollieers of the S: ' seir.c paekaues <>! I jimr into the State lor the per- m ' 111 ow ner. A tnuaiev < i. n ot niaile ajiplieati' : a l??v t : for le.ive to a ; i win of inlx'sk v "1' I In*' i; t . ; , ; in- '! :i\ c :i^k("l for v\- I'll! ' I . . < Mtirf I 11stire i 11 i.? it 111?? c:im? woiiji' . ' 'i ?t ?l:i ?l" tli ?i i i! ( i- , i. ow \ <\'firi.!,j; to -< i ?>r inii ibi'ir IKOi'lJl i \ ; re >!(. 1 .< .. i.i.'nifiite V? i ' > I r y,. f t)! t i', X, i\ - . -.'i M?n\ i N iON L .. i \ [ I A(l I'iN yj *1 . ( I '|C-) ! <>?; ; AM:. i l'rick < I'.;imi;;^ on I Main Muvt.