WW. ; j - ; ' " V;' ' ' ' " ' :* 'f'^K ^ ' Y TEE UNION TIMES. . '. ? JR < VOL XXVI.?NO- '20. UX10X, SOUTH CAROLINA MAY K, 18!)A. SI.AO A YEAR. *&? Bl'SIXESS ^DIRECTORY. ; D K. IIyduick, J, A. S.WVYKK, { Spartanburg, S. C , I'nion. S. j | | V MUCK & S \WVKK, i 1 AI tortiov s :it I, iw, ' ( Jm! go Towr.sen 1's . "J. L?w lUngo. ^ ; Li S. STOKKS, Attorney at Law a'ul Trial .1 u.-tice, ;i Oftue Hear of Court llou.-e. 1 J" C. WALL AC K. is i I Aiiornrv in hin ? * S No. "> Law Itiiiigc. j| grilUMPEUT i Bl'TLKI*, Attorney* ill l.aiv. S No. Law ILinga. DENTISTRY. 51 jy> H. K. SMITH'S Dental 11 >uin- over \. !l. Foster \ 1 y i ..'c Vl.ll.l inn- Iivi'.l ill I'M I irt I111? i! loci ll. | s I N ION .MAMMA] ?AND? Cxi'sinito 1 , v okohc.c gi:dl?i:>. a j tl F. m. fa 15II, UD). Ml'MlU. j l'resiMont. l i>hior. J a Merchants and !; Plan+prc' Natinnal !i I I Ul I IUI vj I 1UIIV/IIUI ii OF XJ2STI03ST. j ti ">(? I'tHi. '' Stui klio ill i s litibi i- its, f CI. ,OUU?Total o 5>170,WO. j a. Officers?f M. Furr, l'lcs't. A. 11. j Fosier, Vice 1'ies c. lieo. Muuru, fishier. i J. l?. Ail 11 r, A--:u:iir Cnslrcr. . TV liireoiors W. II. W alluee, A. 0, r.ice a> Win. J cileries, i. ('. iMmcuii, J . A. I.ml. .1. W T. Duiiiilus, I. (1. McKismcU, A. Ii. l-'iiMer. HI lirif W e solicit your busiue.-s. ICE CUE AM I \ v * f v I 11 AA U , T SODA WATKJi D IAYWLOK( ? A S i!;i; ()^.-tor sctKon is now ovti. i < j\. ! iv?; converted my Salmo into :;n 1 UJK CI:I: \M I'AUi.oi:. Ana the | ** adios and gculleuitu arc respectfully in- | 0 vited to call on me wheu they want a ! " coo! and refreshiuj; drink. Orders ftr , crc-Jtu Sy the fallen will receive prompt and caretul at (cntiou. J liuvo one td the lint-id N da I nuntains in tlie up country, everything slialj c be kept tidy. Ladies arc invited to \> make my place their headquarters while shopping, stop in and rest whether you v wish to buy or not. If you have a head- * aehe try my WINK COCA it will cute u cverv time. J IS You will also liiid at my place the lar ' ,;est ami liuest assortment of fancy and plain candies, cakes and crackers, fruit# canned goods and general confections, t also family groceries. 'Mi inking my cu t ?:iicrs i >r tlieir kind v and iheral pat i last Summer I , . I esj.ectl oily solicit a cotilinu tic , id tiisame this ' 'uuiinor; gu.inanteco'g prompt and polite attention to all JOHN. R. MAT HI 3. ('AKICATUR1 NXi. Fivi.i The World? Mun t those public liieti get mad j ivllcll llieV .-CO tlllMll Selves doing all; hese ridiculous things in I'uekf is a ' juc.-tion that has often been ask oil; iii.l I kn )\v if no better way of ilius- i .rating just how boiling mad (.') they , re: than by telli ig a ease or two; .hat has conic under my observation, i Several years ago 1 luul prepared | i cartoon tlic subject of which was a Senate Investigation Committee con- I luetctlby a well-known {Slate Senator tnd they were then holding sessions n the City llnll. I had no photograph of the {Senator o, thinking that lie might oblige me, l paid the gentleman a visit and Hated my want, lie was very pleasint, told me.he admired my work, ?ke., nit that lie had not sat for a photo or some years, and really had none or that purpose. 1 looked at him adly, and made the remark that 1 i... i;..?.l m.t... r uuuni in; VUIIUVU i\j iuai\i itiui neiiiory. This startled him, for he imnud'itelv wanted to know when 1 must lavetho likeness, and on being told j hat on Monday morning at the atest (yliis was Saturday), lie said he I vould what eould he done. Moli- j lay forenoon when 1 arrived at my tudio 1 found a large, ll.it package hat had come through t!ie maiis: i In- {M?tinark unhealed lliat it had fine oiM.i miles from the koine-;.>wn f the Senator. Kvi letnly lie hint i elegraphod .us hi'tter halt thai l'aek anted his photograph t?. make into 1 "horrible earieature." and to semi he best looking one he had. Mow, 1 am obliged to that little j uly tor t!iv.' i'usi 1 have had twisliin; 1 ml contorting her dear, distinguished |1 ushand's features, making him into I ' II soft* of animals. an ! m all r imls of unhappy position-, and li e on tiio other hand i- in ! r ations to the arii-t !??? tin* l.ii .e i1 mount of advertising that di hit eo-i 1 im a penny. A't another tit le 1 sent to Washing- j 1 )ii for a celebrated New York I'em- i reratic tncinbcr of Oonores-Y. photo- i 1 raph, and two days later re n\v i | ; call froui his wife, who handed nie ' ' ight dilVerent styles, and told me to 1 ike my pick and do my worst. Sometimes it has happen ed that : edidn t even lia. e to a-k for portrait 1 > ill ! I i < i':i jo III':) I*(>l"t :i 111 Oi'lil li'lllMli 1 ho, as iicud of the Pension Ihtrean. lade a ^rc;.l man\ mistakes. ami thus ' ecuo I correeti. mo cartoonist. ' le sent a lino picture one day witn ; is complieiuts. ; 1 I recall one instance vlurc a ?- ' iture was not eajove ; h\ the j?>li- 1 eians, ami it happened in this wise: : 'he late tlaines Alhii. \\ ah >\a cry friendly with Mr. Nic< las Lauvc- ' 1 on. i "lamoid; know n :: "N i , lid he w a s a litii t . pc < lot w r ader oi tv. el\e wars jo . ten oil id i ttallv i'C I in; I lie- \ oMi; f tli ; ? a certain cafe in Mas i ,i 111. .Mr. Wale.- a'w.r. ! :, i Nick' v, ;th ti.v. comj '.nu n! i.f ! 1 r Alderman. "I low are you, Aidei inn? lie would say, and Laierdoii ould invariable reply, erv nieels i i i M.. u\.i.*_. " ; X ?I I IN. > ? ?I } .Ml, M till 7. Oik* day \\ ales I mm memory drew Wonderfully clever c-:iIii rr Nick, iearl'ully cxaggi ratwig l?. lejdia ti tine iill's, om|dia>i/.ing hi.Tinkled visage and reducing in> . omewhat eagle eye. Tlie picture j: ras published, and it is needless I" j :iv, was thoroughly enjoyed l?y the 11 ti mates ol' the "Alderman. " The ext time the caricaturist and the j tatcsinan met the following ensued: " J low a re vim Alderman".' "(Jo I' > "Why, Alderman, what's the m.iter AM,en yer draw ring elephant--, ; ihv don t yer drawr elephants'? So Volt MM' ti? till' C|IK'>tlon Jll >1 iroiniiiiiif tliis iittl nrlK'lo tin- ' ii. wrr is \ t - \o. ; i i'.)f I il: ) >.i I SnJ.' (\il>o to :ic Ti Ml'- ' i I years and is onlv sought to be overthrown now because the people at three consecutive election l.rvi indicated ? fi.xe-.I purpose t?? p- >ncntly retire certain old time h i " . I do'not know what the l uitc I > - .Supremo Court nill * I. >. ! 1 d > know tiiis: 'I in* o >n ti*;*ti "?: volition will lie hold. it w'.'A o ? I U. -oil of \\ ilito til II Ml', i' will tahe rare of d i;!, ?". .: ??!: i-.i. . , eo that wliito suproiiia.-v maintained within hor 1 wlm \\nat. about the dispensaryV" was a.-hialh ".djttd^C SiiUGiitoii has ?.ne.- d< slaved tJi ?t thi- !i was.- matdtniot replied the Senator. i-iloii:m n. . . , rallv t .?ftCvsed himself.. hioni i lie y - . ?> . ? > . nveojt.nc' natttvo .. .. m. am almof i n ady !<> ... . ^ol j.'i' - ? la 1* ill i . i rly iniluein d. Th ?i . \ >t? 111 v m> j> .pular in I . is hoiii'i* v.atoho I with su.*! h i teres; Iiy the people outride. with dmost absolute certainty ?? v.; adopted by ether Sta: d.i i! liar-keepers sum I h it* ?r 1.: :t 11 u! .< -tint I'Ollld well atlord in rai>e :< ). dollai* to buy a jud:;e or tv.o. < : Lr"0? has derided 1?y el,,t"' a. ii! i a' liijitor upon a "/rival in a State i:ali L?e subject to the law- of that State!" the sruue extent a- tli it numul.iriur r in an- v.;;. it saw proper. It behoove- tin vers d temperance thveauho n tin't , . States to make tlnur iniluene* I and heard at t'li- eri>, id. enee ? - -ho-v,, ! . . . a letn to he .lie Ik : ; . i>t ;!.< lit!i'lir j>r > i< ... v - .:.r >*". at. 11"! pr? ' " , , ,1 WOtt1 ' " t!:e ua "i . atir 1 berth " "il l seli'-jf. verinucnt, \ ill o ne !k-. . . lil led. 4i(iovertior Kvali- 1 ;. t the injunction la < u'o best Va v to have I ' i < pas- Vipoll "What do von 'I.;... i . .. ut bMllK'. " 1 lil< >S the Silpft'o. ('?- 1 also prt ve subservient to the I interest-- ami lend il-< i! : , ii ii t work which these judges have i i e: i they will interpret the ret m Coupe accofdino Id tin- Iili"ii-ll I.e., M.i pa and the law will certainly '-on . i its ImicI'ua lit iiiii k in re i druiikeniiess and li?p; ?r drm!.;. . The judges, by their decisions tnul injunctions, and Con ,ie n.?.i ! . their vouvi, sire rajmliv in.;i. i emmtrv a i ii. in t Sis v11 li!! i'1 III->!!!"!?' !!: 'V ..i IIli- . l ull .1 -?>!- -lvi s t lie law .1 m! ,? i i . . ?; . ' . \\ . <\i O il i? . (4 : co? i ! . t ii liio.' "\ % . 1 . j. W"- A. Nic I BAi ' \73srxc i ?- WE SOLICIT -O- ^ for it will only bring upon us t revolution that mu liarm:" a'r.d may! n tie in the deed itself, hi . aba evil an 1 suiferiug i- lik< iy t ' < in what it* repetition sniootl 11i; io. No nrih is safe uijIq? ne irives without ceasing as h :/ i vs up to present, at allvfinie*.> enne i'rnnt to temptation. . statements as these ar ; i -es to imel!i?roiit met iy eat not t i have believe - :i. . policy may fail bt 1 i * ? men are seldom of siitli .-iy s'r nigehatacter to eonsistcni . . tin:.tin a poliev; but it is never t' U -i voliev. As a tinty i! .. iaii: !< ; it depend- ??n ones sons ' ' 1 . and sensitiveness of con -i i, -c: '-at it i? nevertheless at til i i! .:,-s ; ditty. Asa partof ones religiiol it tail: out hardly if ones religioi : ! i v < . for volition give: . . i "f t i otto's prineipliv tiiotn the guide of policy . t a 'V- eonseienee awake t< mee. stilly repelling teinpta | Molt. s it a man who seems t< a a \ 'i t^tian falls, there i ; : ? .| 11'?t the p ?tenev to r ItLfion. e\ en if it i .a* .. was real I v not a hypo it at the tens o i . >v stronger am ; ead fa-t tie - - a > t. it is ti ll jits i te-1 of s i genera i" ' v: t-o more rs i 1 oil. te ' of a!! - ptnotmof.'l! men is eiuuigl i ie I i - / < <' 11' < i/ /111 /// ?/< / . .. ... t t m >;i I ICC I i< >11 III fllC CM S |.. ti. Smith (,'mroliiiM registratioi i ice?i' *i laws is :i matter ot'gen |i ..! rati! in!" and approbation. Sucl i i .. ! wot to a ilcnial of the right ' . , ,. i, ti-hip. to actual disfranchise : I yilcr their operation politi v ' r.ty was destroyed so far- a .o il Smith ('arolina. and tli , : iiiu< nJ S'i tW ^Iturned ovri nil .. In any oligarchy that i - c...iir iii!V/ IIIVIJIIIIUVMI iu Ul'&U JJIUIU* 11 IS T11C )0 privilege, if not the sacred fduty, of society to protect itself l>ut these j laws were not intended to promote (S any moral end. They were intended to perpetuate the rule of one party , or political coterie by virtually disfranchising another. They were I sinister iu purpose and abhorrent in ji form, and they richly deserved the () fate that lun8 n0w overtaken them. (0 What Judge *?oil* has said in this lt connection will be approved bv in, tclligent and patriotic men tiirougout the eountrv. It nite man. We do not holier ?that j a man should he jxrinitted to sell his j vote, or that a man incapable of understanding his own ballot should he , j enabled to deliver one of anothei's : making. The Post has always insisted that law? 'this end are in the interests of d government. But the right ??t suffrage is inherent in \ every American citizen and the oj?povtunity must not he denied to any I one. The South Carolina statues n ] operated such denial. It was well to discredit and overthrow them. H H'(/shington Post. . ' Veteran's Meeting. ) 1 s Whoever thinks that interest in the ' C onfederatc Survivors Association ia s waning or that the incidents of the late war have ceased to hi'interesting s j to the "old soldiers. should have 1 attended the meet ii::' called hv Col. : ' McKfssiek and 1. Id la t Friday in the . ' court house. l'iie meeting was Jbr. * | the |?tir|mse of accepting tiie Lnvitiv| lion to the joint encampment of the I j .lohiooti and I'ea llidge Kilics. and ' | of making arraiigi mVlft- about snp' ]>lie's .etc.. There w ere ji good lilii-ny ,v II j veterans present-, luoro than we 1 ex? ' i peeled to see. and right nine i entlwi? . siasin w as inanil'e>ted as they greeted'' one another on enteriu"- the e?mvf '' room. The unci in-,' w;i- called to order at 11 by Col. McKiiwick. . Tho Colonel arose :iml said: "My I'M t 'oiiledeiate SoMiw*^ (> then' are l?ut few of'us loft. Oncj>y one we pass over tin- river in rupij succession, and it wont lie long hiding I we too will have taken our places by the side of the majority, now . Hut I'm glad that you are here ~ today,... glad that the dark days,are still held mi dca,r roinemberancc by so many of S. ?? " . Me then stated the object- of the *| input ing. (.'apt, T. Mouglrts nflofcei I I and moved that a eoinmittcc of live 1 from each township be appointed to jet up the provisions, make the barbee tie, oie. etc. Motion prevaile and the body went into a Commit' ot the Whole to select these coinmi' S ,y (Continued on I.) *4