OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Pacolot. Dec. 4.?Ou lust Thursday, thanksgiving day, business of a11 kind was suspended in (Ins place. There was uo special celebration and everything put on a holiday appearaoce. A few of the citizens went out hunting, but came back wtlh very little ginie. Tne same night quite a party t.f our youug people wont down to Joncsvillc to attend a "sociable" at lite hospitable .residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Ilaitics, given in ccmpli. mcut to I'rof U. U. Stolon, assisant principal of the school at this place. l$y 8 o'clock the guests had arrived. Tito parlor and dining hall were filled with happy laces who showed that ihey could say with Longfellow : "The night shall be lille I with music, And the cares that infest the day, Shall fold their tents like the Arab", And as silently steal away." Wlmii ivo realized that it was rrrowiiitr laic, we turned our faces homeward, regretling ili.ii such cuterfa'uineuts are not more f.cque it. Our former p stor, Kev. J L. fcsilley, leaves us this week lor Ins new field of labor at Claussen, Florence County. Our best and heuriiest wishes shall ever accompany hiu wherever bis lot may be caMt in the future. ^ ll??. J, S. I'orler, of the JoiKS'ille Circuit will be (lie supply for next year at this church. The ladies wi 1 tender a reception and we'cotnc at the Parsonage to llev. Mr. loiter and family. Itev. T. J. Brock, pastor in charge, preached a most f roible sermon in the Baptist church Sunday, lie i< very popular here, both as principal of the school and pastor, and is do ng a good work among us. Our ttl'oets are now alive with the happy faoes aud bright uniforms id' the Cleinsou College boys. .Messrs. Fred Bryant, Milton Sillcy. John and Mlijali Bro'.vu, are at home now for vacation. Du Suntl ?y night last Mr. Brockwcll, who is engaged in the quarry business near here, and Miss Gallic Brown, daughter of Mr. Wit,field Brown, ran away aud were married at the Pnraouage by Kev. Mr. billy The Cotton Mill >io. 1, at Trough Wheals, which has beeu cl red for some time, having n new wheel put in, will begin opernti u tomorrow, the nth, much to the advantage of a number of employees who have becu out of employment for quite a l^ng while. "Mkjso.nktte." . Jonosvillo. L?kc. d.?News is about as scaiee in our town this morning as money, but there is this ditl'ereuce, one can stir around ami got up a littlo news or they can manufacture some, hut 1 can do neither in the way of greenbacks The telephone cau't call up much news this morning. i was at Union yesterday and saw our Stale Senator, Mr. J. T. Iiuuglas. lie run up from Columbia to see the County Commissioners in regard to the funding of our county bouus. Mr. iKuglus bis a bill be- I lore (lie .Senate Committee l? inake (lie interest on llie new bonds payable in golJ but the committee being great silvcritcs ure about to net down on Mr. Douglus' bill at though it is i> luc il bill. '1 lie bonds can tie floated to better advantage or in other words to uu ndvautngo of twehc hundred dollars annually and the bonds will run twenty yeurs. So it will inake a total dilleroncc in favor of the county of twenty-four thousand dollars'. Soil is hoped Mr. Douglas will succeed in getting his bill through in its present shaj e. Mr. 15. F. Mabrcy, an honest industrious farmer, who lives near Jonesville and who has always I ecu a renter, has laid by money enough to buy liim a tr..ot of about two hundred acres ol laud and jay the cash fait. Mr. Miibrey litis a good large family and has given Ins children a fair education. Mr. James M. l'owler. a renter on Mr. T. I? Hauies' place, has made this year on a ouc-horsc farm over three hundred bushels of corn, eight bales r f cotton, which will pay all his debts and has plenty of fat iiogs to make his meat for another year. It is a <|uesiioti just now who is the best oil', the mau that owns land or the man that rents laud. A colored man said to uie not long since thai times were good for him, which lie explained in litis way: lie said most of the white laborers bad gone to the cotton factories and that a negro could get a'l the good land he wanted to cultivate and he said "1 am all right. hast .Sunday was an oil'day at the churches in our town. We have no preaching on tiic first Sunday. liov. J. S. Porter lias not moved to his new appointment at l'unolet yet. He will remain over till next week und will preach at llugansville and Jonesville next Sunday. Our preacher for this conference year, Itev. It. \V. Spigucr, will nol move until next week, lie is a stranger to the people of Jonesviile. Mr. N. 1>. Kison killed l>is line horse tliat got his leg broke sonic days ago. The horse broke his leg again ami he had to he killed. Mr. J. L, McWhiricr had a lino Jersy Cow to die last. night. A suiall hunch of drove hogs come to our town last week. They were selling at cents. They oaly stayed one day and went on to l uion. Only a few were bought here. Ti: I.H'iionk. ... . - ? Santuc. I)w:. .1.?The people down hero nro just getting where they can "drawn long breath" along ouu line, i. e., gathering crops. (Jotton is nearly all gathered, and the crop did not coiue up to the early exped itions of the farmers, 'the low prite makes had matters worse, and the fanners are so blue, that they scarcely see anything bright, hut there is h ipo in the well-tilled Corn cribs, of which there are a good many in this neighborhood. They give that cr. p a Iblle special attention. There ate a goodly number of hogs to fatten. Some of these seem to have run on a scotch in the fattening process, and won t budge another hit. They are "cutting' holes in the corn pile. There are some prospective h 'gs for another yen-, and farmers tnc arranging to be a little better to them another summer, and not sing the old song, "ror t hog or die," for there is no In g music in that. Our farmers are in a tight squeeze, hut if they are allowed another year, no doubt they will gel on their feet again. Not inucli small grain is being sown, but tlic land is being b oken lor nnolher year's crop. A little experience lias taught. us 'jackleg farmers that i< is a good thing to break our laud hi the tall ani)a 81 me ?.? ' tin* merchants, as alt 1ml pledge I In close up, an. i lie clerks wore <1 id til bse-1 tlial 'lay, ImiI ;nine rale good y sales anyway, while others were closed, and that caused ilot the muvl pleasant feelings There is a man at t'arlis'e that is pit/./. in^ the people He absolutely refuses t> te 1 why ho is there, or where lie is fioio. He Itssooialcs with the negroes, bleeps with them, preaches to tliein, speaks to them, Htnl does slack talking about the whiles, lie is white on the outside but evidently fury black iuiido. lie says that he is not St a vagrant, as ho works for his living, and expects to stay here unit! Christmas, dead or alive, lie is a puzze as 110 011c cm find out bis business. Teh'phono may bo al! right about the cot ton factory business, and I believe in farmers and not only forme's, but everybody taking stock iu them, but many have the belief that monied men get control and run tlicni to suit themselves. There are many who would take stjck in snail amounts, but they fear that they will never hear from their 44pi too'' of a subscription again. That is what is holding many hack, 1 have heart oiaay tnlk, an 1 they were talking about this tlii g. which caused me to write it. If wo can ;* t more factories built, and thus build II f) fl. ? 11 t?I I* V ?* ??meu ou>?, i I lie price of cotton, hy saving freight i n raw material, etc., etc , don't forget Neil's Sir-ills on llroud river, a panel picture with L x-Ulmrts lor power, and much more CJiiven:* fitly situated ns to outlets. Our community has lost some of its "brightness" i-fhre, Mi-scs Irene Kant, and Lily C-rnwill are absent on exteuded visit-: Miss Flint 10 her sister in Atlanta, Oa.. and Miss Cornwall to relatives in Cheater county. The school here has opened up again, witli Mr. J. C. 1*. -let' r as teacher. K. \V. J. Etta Jano. Due. '<.?Some of the editors north of Mason and Dixon line are surprised to think that v.e can't tind out from our Secretary of St ito id we want to ku->w about the history of our State seal and coat of arms. If these pencil pushers will remember .'50 years ago uexl 1'ib inry one, General Wil.iani Teoumseb Sberiiuin, at tlie head of a-i army i of 70,000 troops, marched through this < State and spent two days in the city of i Columbia looking after lb-; affairs ot' the I S-ulliern Confederacy. Sii co that time, the record wo want to li.td ha n't been seen < that we know i f l'crhaps it went up North I to keep company with those psalm books 1 that were taken out of Hopewell church, or the communion so* taken from Little lliver chinch, in Fnirficl I canity, which lost every one of its 2'i n ale members in battle Hvurvtllldv siivh fsrniimr ns i- Tl. h11 I osli, gentlemen. We can c uut a number of farmers in this count'y who aru bet- ( tcr oft today than 'hey have bec.i in UO je^is, financially. lis a bad tiling that ha* no good at nil in it. The low mice of cot- , ton now Hud next tSpring will insure the j planting of a large ciop oi cm, and ra s- ( iog of vegetables to supply lliet.wns and factory people. Several hogs have been killel in this j township that weighed over 4tKJ pounds. C. 1'. Muggins Ks"(]., killed two last week? oue weighed 4 do pounds and the 'liter 42b pounds. Mr. Giles Hill killed one which weighed 4-2 gioss. It netted lOtt |ounds. To Hon, C?. II. Fowler we arc indebted for siinie Fog sUtivc doeuiiietiis Mrs. I.J. Horn, who his been visiting ( friends and relatives in this secti n return- | ed home last week. 1 llcv. C. K. I'obcrlson preached at Sa'cni 1 yesterday. His text whs 1st Corinthians :doT T"H -V -t IK YO! PR Wc have arranged with chase Ol WINTER GO< oilers : FOR $1.50 We will give you ;i pair of Undershirts and one year's subscription to Tin-: Ti.mks. o FOR $2.00 We will sell you a solid Shoe for nieii or women and send you Tun Timk.s one year. ! o FOR $2.50 Von jjet a ^ood pair I Soots and one year's suh.seription. FOR $1( A No. 16 Bore Doi : rel Breech-loadi and implements | TIMES 1 year. If you arc supplied on ;i ll you are already a sul expiration. No subscripts To any one customer bu \ year FREE. Remembe: 4144 / / 4} 4-14: yj A. H. F< 12 : 12. Mrs. Robertson and Miss Kdni, came with him. Mrs. J. T. high mi. <.f Siniron, :s visiting the family of Mr. T. J. Ivitcs. Some thriiiins are sowing wh-nt. So far, we have ha I a dry fall. Wells are reported ns failing i i many instances. Mr. L. M. Hartford has made great improvement in the public load at the Browu ford, on Gilky creek, by putting in a cuiscway. Mr. Frank Mil'wood gives us a remedy for sore head in chickens. He says : Grcise the chicken's head with lard and then apply a small amount of kerosene oil, occasionally until 11 pets wc 1. Our friends Giles Ilill nnd Win. G. Fmv ler have discovere I what they call "a poor man's flour.'' Tliey s iy in biking it will rise be'ter without lard than with i*. Miss Eli7.a Garner came over to Sulent yesterday. .Mr. IV. A. Dona! 1 is g ang to live with his father at the Irpsconib place next year. A lady in the far wist writes tlrs : "Tiik Timbs is more con;.any to inc than all my neighbors. 1 read w tl? great satisfaction the news frotn n I | arts of the old county ; nnd when it fails 11 conic I am lost, Yes, madam, wc can tec nntnend this paper as being one of the hist, purest secular newspapers that }' u can read or put into the hands of your chi drcu. Give it a good circulation wist of the great Mississippi. We kii<>w how y< u feel. During the war oar county pater made its visit regularly 10 us, e.\< e, t when it was intercepted by smiie sudden movement of the armies It tvas always like a friend fr ?ni home. As our friends leave us and go West, long years, high muuntans an I deep rivers intervene and we lose (in a cr at measure) that tie of kinship aud friendship once t-o dear to us. This is easily revived when we get ad [ho news regularly from each other. La-t week Mr. Martin launched his boat h it he expects ! ? rrn I'rotu here to Imck* lia t yh nls. Hut lIt engine Icing too latge lie will have to g"t a smaller otic. Vox. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. <1. CailU-uc te, Druggist, BeaversriCe, I.I., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery 1 owe my life. Was taken with fra ripi c and tried all the physicians for miles about, tun of no avail an t was given ip and told I cud not 'live. Having Dr. Iv ng's New Discovery in my stoic 1 sent for a bottle and hcgni its use and from tt.c lirst dose began t) get be'tor. and after using three bottle- was up ntid about again. It is w rth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." (let a free trial bottle at B. T. l'osey's Drug Store. Ducklcii s Arnica Salvo. Tiik Hbst Sai.vk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sore-. Ulcers, Sa't llhuum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chill) ains, i'oru-, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively cures riles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed t > give perfect satisiaction or money ri l'uudel. Price !? "> cents per b.x. roil sAfri-: 15v it. r. posh: v. Tot jmm . >?K> < ! DON" ICE $1.50 F mmbfl the Manager of The Union Ti: 3DJS from us. And from lliis For $3.00 We give y? si 8 yards good \\ ool .Jeans and 1 year's subscription. I OK ?2.00 A good Fur Ilat and one year's subscription. o FOR $3.00 Ki, i . m . "NICE STOCK AND FiNE WORK" Til AT IS THE VKKUHT i.P 01'K CIS TOM BUS. MONUMENTS l^^ll TOMBSTONES, Host of stock mul fine wo: k I'.^S COST tlinn any competing li<>u>e i*t ilie Somli. GEO. G E E E E S , ? UNION MA 11II1.1-. V.ti'.tRS ? Dont Forget ,^T1I 5 0'v HEW DBOG STORE, NEXT DOOll 11KLOW 1'AXf IlllOS. W'c have in stock n fuil line of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES. PERFUMES, LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, OILS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. mul such tilings usually fouiul in a CIDQT.m AQQ nDi if! QTflRP 1 I nu I ULHUU UMWil-WWIIL. j ?GIVE US A CALL. j l>rs. Muitro nnd 'joints Imvo moved (heir odico to our store untl will l?e found there in I lie fmuro. Sept. m-as-it. t jf, tw j ? 1 t r you 'ER ANNU 1WMRW i 1 . 1 iihs to scnu you tiie paper 111 oc date until December 2f)th, we 1 F<>]{ ijjta.oo A nicely trimmcil Ladies Felt Hat fuel I year's sub- s seription. FOII #(i,00 A good Suit for men and 1 year's subscription. N o FOll #a.OO 21 yards yard-wide Shirting and 1 year's subscription Yl " o- D( KOJ I S-2.00 gi ft!20 yards (iingliams and 1 Year's subscription J* $10.00 i. 7 Cook Stove iul Tin: Ti.mks I A IIANDSt NMlt SET THE TIME we will substitute anv othei oilers, by having your pape oes and Clothing at one time \vt 3d onlv until C fc) If&rn 'jig CO., "GIVERS OF \ NEW YORK RACK E T. THE ONLY STRICTLY A ATT1 T f\ ITT B "H T Pi n $2.50 REWARD. milK above rewarl will to | s\'.A nuyono JL furnishing cvid-nce sntlloiOnt lo convict any of shooting tire am s w th'n the enrpcra'e limit of ilie Town yf I'nion. Dy order of the (' unci*. Attest: L. G. Yovku, J. A. FA NT. Clerk. Mayor. Nov. 9 45 tf. 131PORTANT N 0 T I C E . VI.L parties inlcVcd to ns, either for Guano or Supplies, r.rc notified that tlie same is now due, an 1 a>o earnestly requested to come and settle at once as we are needing money to meet our obligations. All accounts remaining tin; aid on the 120th of December will he pine d in the hands of an Attorney for collte'iou. Respectfully, Oct 20 Id fit. FA NT DUOS. FANTBROS. HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. A LAI1GK STd 'K OF MEAT,, FLOUW, AND OTIIHIl (iltO' KUl!dS ALWAYS ON > HAND. The Peerless Magmtlitt Hams, A N D 13 E S T 100 1 1 K11 C E X T FLOUR. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA ? AND ? FAICY GROCERIES. BAGGING. TIES, ETC tKEli p ! I * " ii CAN. ' M, mncction with your pur- ^ iiake the following liberal FOR s-2.()() i V Boy's Suit anMK DECOUATKD DINOF 1e.st Avay to turn the stock into hard cash a\as to sell them at 20 PER CENT. ?! LESS THAN ANY OTHER MERCHANT ?> ID THAT IS WHAT IE ABE DOING. Come in ari l sec our prices and be convinced that what Ave say is true. THE PUR CELL CASH CO, AT R. T, GEE'S OLD STAND. Wm. A. NICHOLSON & SON, ^Ban kers.