THE UNION TIMES; 5IIE*. I .V * * < > > . -:v * >**- 1 ***** . " | . VOIi. XXV, NO. 46. UNION, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1894. MJU) A YEAR. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. D. E. HYDRICK, J. A. SAWYER, SPARTAKBORG. S. f. HMO! S. C. HYDRICK & SAIYYER, Attorneys at Law, JUDGE TOWNSEND'S OLD OFFICE. MTJNRO Sc. ^TJTJSTPLO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NO. 2 LAW RANGE. S. H: STOKER, Attorney at Law ?: AND : ? TRIAL JUSTICE. OFFICE REAR OF COURT HOUSE. J. c. WALLACE, At Ltny,.i?> No. 3 Law Ranjfo. SCHUMPERT A BUTLER, Attorneys at Law. No. 3 12 Law Range. McKISSICK & COTHRAN, ? Attorneys at Law ? , r* * wnicr i^uiiu 11 IIu j (MeuieiK CM reels. 1 OENTISTRV. *o$o* > DR. H K. SMITH'S 5 DENTAL 14 O O M S ?0 VKIl? c A H. FOSTER & CO S STORE t COCA INK USED IN KXTKACIING TKF.TH 1 I1 Jan. 5-1-ly. r F. M. FARR. GEO. MUNRO. a PKK.s|l>KST. j ca?iiikii. n MERCHANT'S AND PLANTERS * V NATIONAL HANK, r, OF TJlTXOISr. I, A/Vl ai'itai. htock, sm>,0. J] stoCKIIolukiis liaiiii.itus. nc0,lk)o. tot ai $170,04)0 OFFH'KRS: 1o F. M. Fa it it, 1'res'i. A. II. Fostkh, Vice I i. . .. .... i - la DIIIKi.TOKS: 1^.' W. II W:,ll. co. A. G. Hire, Win. ..Vllerie!*. T ('. Duncan, J. A. Knnt, J. T. 01 Douglu-s. I. G. McKU?ick, ?i juiulre A. il. Foster. tt nt ?| jnv wi: solicit vouu business. i>< p wm. a. Nicholspn & Son, u \\ -^'BaXKERS.-^5u No- 99 Main Street si See advcitiseincnt in another e hunt). S tl UNION HOTEL, }| NOS. 80 AND 81 MAIN STREET. <' W- M- GIBBS. Proprietor- rv il Livery, Fe2d and Sale Stable, t No. 31 Bachelor Street J] Garrett & Co. J The 5 Uxiox ? Times. " Cor. Main and Judgment Sts. JOSIAH CRUDUP, Editor. UNION MARBLE ? ANH ? Q RA.]Nri'X'J^ w , CKOKOK (iKDDKS. i CITY ' ' OYSTER ! SALOON^ I am now running a first class Oyster Saloon. I have a handsome Ladies Parlor divived from gentlemen's Parlor. Everything is clean, and Oysters fresh from Norfolk are served in all styles every day. Ladies are invited to come and inspect our parlor and cooking arrangements. A stew can he prepared in "> minutes. Families furnished hy the quart twice a week if wanted. Also have a mil line of the finest t. FRENCH CANDIES, * also nlain and mixed candies. Fruits J of all kinds, Fanny ami Family Groceries of all kinds. I am headquarters for the line *1 .V nv> >11111 llllll 11 U'V inusi vacate the house of representatives' hall by 10 o'clock last night in order tlint it might be (gotten in readiness for ( ; the state assembly, wliieh meets today. ! The populists evidently intended to hold longer than one day s session. ' Whether they intend to organize a sep- ! ! arate legislature is not plain. There 1 had been some talk that they would ! attempt to keep possession of the house 1 1 of representatives hall, but the meeting 1 at the theater disposes of any proirram * of that sort. The meeting yesterday * was taken up with a speech by P. t?. 0 Itowman. of Hirminghnm. chairman of j the populite party committee, in which 1 lie denounced ballotbox frauds. So far 1 lotliing of importance has transpired. T The Tarty Keclirlnteneil. 11 At 7 o'clock last night the Koih con E mention re-assembled and while awaitng the report of the committee on res- T dutions, an extended and heated vrnngle arose over the question of rehristening the party, whieh in a par- SJ ial report from the special committee a n the afternoon hud been dubbed, the " copies and JetTcrsonian party. The i S1 esult of the evening argument was the | rlping out of the Jelfersonian part. 1,1 nd the convention of the Jeffersoians and populists, resolved them- " elves into the national peoples' party. or It was after o'clock when Chairman w Y. II. Skaggs, of the committee on u ^solutions was yielded the stage and 1 egan the reading of a quite volumnous sa port whieh began by congratulating ur ic people of Alabama on the recent spun)u>an victories in other states and 't ien took np the subject of alleged H: box stuffing1. The report stated un at the committee had at hand iuu?l* -V" "liiat 1vdri? and his ticuef was elected j st August and had been counted out. | r" (evolutionary .Statements Almut Kritiol. At this juncture Dr. Crowe, of IVrr.v to' mnty, in an excited manner passed up o id down the theatre isle and declared lat he should bo seated even if bloodted were necessary and that Decern- g| er first the people (populists and reublicans) should meet in Montgomery <-'1 nd that if the state military intefered ith them there would be enough men n hand to handle them. These revol- 11 tionary statements were backed up in lb tout talks by a number of men. until fo knggs finally resumed the reading of title report which went on to say that si) lie evidence was at hand to prove the Di raudulent election of (lovernor-Hleet ei *ates and that if the legislature did not da ight the wrong, the federal congress C? vouhl be called upon and a force bill 111 lemanded if necessary. After reading ti he resolutions. Skaggs spoke for two li lours and simply drowned out the in- le endiarv speaikers. who were applaud- tl id to the echo, while the more eonser- ft' -ativc men were listened to in silence, ni Idie executive convention adjourned fi 1! ? '* -1 ? ?? ?* 1?o eniujrt une (iu: aner ....o,? TEXAS COTTON CROP ENDED. it rh? Flrltln Itlnrk nutl tlm ittiilkN > *> nnv?iirg Not Horn (tut lij tlio Itetiiriis. Nahiivii.i.i-:, Tenn., November 10Iteturns from sevui il counties continue to .show republican trains and there seems to bo no longer any iloubt a I tout Evans' election for governor. The democratic committee still hope that Tumay will pull through with a small plurality. Eater returns fail to (Jiang* the congressional delegation, six democrats and four republicans. . Trnnrm-p National Hunk ( loses KxoXVII.J.k, Tenn.. November 14. The First National hank of .lohnson City, Tenn.. having a capital of 8100,001 was closed b\-order of the comptrollci of the currency yesterday. Examine! Miller and the olliccrs of the bank re fused to make a statement. The bank lias several large depositors and tliert is much excitement as the bank wat supposed to be sol ill ? Mcrclmnts -Imul I 1 t (lie p nplc know wknl I key have. Tlie bp?| wny to do it is tlirotig-li Till: I'mon Timi?. ' STIMULUS GIVEN BUSINESS. The Knc! That the Kl vet Ion In Over It rig lite tin All Trailo Prospect*. Nkw Yoiik, November 10.?llradstreets says: Interest in the election this week naturally tended to restrict the volume of trstdc. particularly the south, where it interfere*! with mercantile collections. Hut within a few days the influence of more seasonable weather west and northwest, together with the emphasis with which political questions have apparently been settled, have increased the confidence of many merchants and manufacturers in a prospect for an increased rate of improvement in general trade in the near future. Charleston lumltermen report a fair business but in other lines there is no change. Similar conditions prevail at Memphis, but at Nashville there is more activity in the general lines, notably in receipt of California canned goods. The only material effect of the election excitement on business is delayed collections. There is n seasonnblt' lli'livilv i?? " * ... ^.iivuu at ai la ilia. At Chattanooga and llirminjfhnm, rather more activity is observed in business ,'ireles while collections Were fairly satisfactory. Wholesale and retail houses it Jacksonville report trade fairly satsfuetory for the season but at Savanlah there is no special change. except hat collections are satisfactory. Augusta's report is similar, except as to collections, which are slow. At New Irleans rather more of a cheek to busness is noted, due to interest in the lections, but increased activity is exacted soon. At Galveston trade is dull a all lines. 1AYARD KNEWTT WAS COMING. he KniliAMidnr l.ooicrd Alirml nn;! S??v Where the Cyclone Would lilt. Hai.TIMouk, November 1(1.?Anibasidor Thus. I'. I la yard talks freely bout the result of Tuesday's elections , [e said : "1 have had j*mve apprelienons as to the result of the recent elecons for some time. It was by no cans an absolute surprise to me." The Ambassador said he had no idea ait the change of power was lasting even meant to be lasting. "I don't t ant to run afoul of - i """ K^uimurn l ho wore responsible for the delay in e passing* of the tariff bill. but. as I ' v. the path of duty is unmistakable " "I tii,. necessity for pure democratic f a prominent hanker while here and n the night some person or persons set lire to the house in which he was atnyiii)/. The portion of the house occupied I V the servants was entirely consumed. There was great excitement. It is thought that the speech was the cause n? the dastardly deed. l THE CAROLINA SENATORS. Marlon Itntler Ur^anlcd as Certain, the lte|tiiMI?-nii Not So. ll.M.r.ioii. X. Noveinher Ik. ? Marion I tilth1!*, president of the Xational farmers' alliance, will he one of the new I'liited States senators, succeeding ' Senator Hansom for the long term of six years. Tliere are several republi- . ean candidates among them, ex-eon- | gressman Kwart. Colonel Oliver II I lockcry and Dr. !. .' Mott ( iinnot Meet the State Salaried. Law l!i \< i:. Ky., Noveinher 12,?This is regular payment day of teachers' SillUIH'V imii < imjiiix .-<|-iii < imiiiiii sinner Moore has received a letter from Slate Superintendent Thompson in wliieli lie say. tin* demands ean not tie iiii.I Wealthy I'lorldlmi Aoeldefitally Killed. rarsTVU.u. Kin.. N'oTomher 1".- Ihnl Uhviiiis, not of tlir wealthiest men in this seetion of I lonria. while riding a horse race here yoaterdny wus thrown SAILED INTO AVAITE Members of His Party Donounce Him to His Face. AND LAFE PENCE LEI) THE ATTACKS. Openly Inrlted to I^nvr the Stntr nnank commissioner, and Superintenlent of Insurance Snyder, have started ( i movement to secure the resignations tail appointive officers and employes f the state institutions who are po'pu. / ists. to takeeffeet January 1st sit noon, no time that ( ovcrnor-cleet Morrill !T kill ho inaugurated. s : 1Z ay longer than is ^t"1[?v,.i/>tJT v. If the officers slioK., ?\l resign Hit ho time specified, it wotijVt our.y the tw ow governor any amount of trouble 1t ml throw the, state institutions into sol hues. * ho UStONIST-S CARRY NEBRASKA. Hfc lat 'he Itepuhllrnns (llvrlt l'|? n* to tho Vote for tiovernor. Omaiia. Nob., Novomher 10.?The T(i ileetion contests as far as this state is onecrned are now all settled, the re- , mblioan state central committee giving t out today that it is satisfied that the IU. loleoinh fusion ticket for governor vill have a plurality large enough to !'" .ottie its doubts. In the congressional J"' listrictsit was a landslide with the cx- ^ option of the sixth for the republican. In this district the race was close ho:ween the fusion candidate, Kemp, ami ' Ikiugherty, republican. It is now set- il" ,i .i t ' I.-.....?. t. ?,. .i....?...i " tll'U, inn> t:vrr, i iiiii ni;iii|i in u?civriru !>v a safe inaioritv. ' * ' te THE CONTESTS IN VIRGINIA. h in Kppulilli-nii NomlnfM to ( niilVit hi" th? 'p Spcoiut mii<1 Fourth ItUlrlrlt. 1J( Rh'iiMoNii, Vn., NovimiiIkm' 10. Ex- in Congressman Edmund Waddill, who is the acknowledged republican leader in N this district, said yesterday that he thought that I.orland, republican would contest the election of Tyler, democrat, in the second district, and that Thorpe, republican, would contest the election P of McKinloy, democrat, in the fourth ^ district. He had already been consulte Wasiiinoton, November I'i. The re- p publicans are preparing for numerous li contests in the south, and these will he quickly settled after the fifty-fourth congress meets. In Virginia, Maryland. (' tlio iwo ? arm inns, y\ in uiii. n-11111-n.MT, Louisiana. Texas. Arkansas and Missouri, contests will undoubtedly be ( made. Chairman itabeock, of the re- r puhlioan committee. has instructed the ? representatives in the south to obtain n counsel and prepare for contests where \ certificates are likely to be refused to x those honestly elected. (i THE NEW ORLEANS TROUBLES. ' if In t > ?* l.fTce SlntlfM Ihr I iijiini'l Ion s .AkiiIikI the Wlillcn l!oln|{ Tried. I New Oki.k.wr. November itj.?Today ' tho injunetion against the white organizations in the levee matter ill tile 1'nited States eourt ill be tried, and , much depends upon the result. If the temporary injunetion should be dissolved, the whites would no doubt re < Mime their reijfn 'd tiy?-or and the 110(friH's b" driven from the b^y e, The state and city a unties liiiT^r failed to iltlonl IIIC ' 1<1 I OI,"|UiHI! protection heret^^ ^ tin' probabilities i arc they would not do so hereafter. Frmicr Will .tlcdlnlr, Imt Not Initiate. paius, November 1!. It Is stated tlint j M. Ilutonnux, minister of foriffii affairs, , lias informed the Chinese minister that . France will net in concert with the other powers to brinff about peace be-J twecn China and .Input), but she will not take the initiative in the mediation. All druggists guarantee Dr. Miles' Pain [ im.9 tostou lleaduchc. "OncJ nt a dose," j A THE EXPORT COAL COMPANY. Forced to the Wall, I". t\ Itrent ItrlAx Named ih the Assignee. Pksbacola, Kla.. November II.?The Export Coal company has made an assignment to I'. C. Itrent. president of the First National hank, for the benefit of its creditors. The course was agreed upon at the meeting of the board of directors held in this city several days ago, and the papers were filed in the oftiee of the county clerk on Wednes- I duy. The object of the assignment is I co place in the hands of the assignee all of the company'* property to be di? rided among its creditors according to their various demand. Mr. Krent has accepted the position of the assignee and yesterday filed his bond, lie was seen shortly afterwards and in response to an inquiry stated that the cash value of the company's assets was ^ ?bout 8130,000, and flint the liabilities j ire a little in excess of the assets, lie ; further stated that the company . lopes to bo able to pay out in full, and j hat he will endeavor to sell the plant i is quickly as possible, lie bad an offer ! or the entire plant yesterday which he | vas compelled to decline. In the menn- ; ime, as assignee, lie will continue to j ill the company's old eon tracts, and ays he has reason to believe that there rill be no cessation of business. It is cell understood here that the assignlent means the organization of anew oinpany to take the place of the old ne, and the business of exporting coal rom this port will, in tile future, be inducted on a much larger scale than ; cretoh ire. THE FUTURE OF~TAMMANY. emliers K*|>rct to Continue ltu?iiir?n *t ' the Sninr tllunpl?y and f< hn lk \\?tt Earner led him to shut ,n any combination at all wfth th~ fl x jkwdcp"4. ? , ; }y elfth and Itartlett in the seventh, served to gratify Mr. Prober's per- "'J lal enmity against llourke Cock ran. ^ wever, and left thut gentleman, the >st famous man in Tannnany, humil- 1 ^ ,ed, at home. _ p? OLNEY MAY SOON RESIGN. c Attorney Cenrrnl Tulkn of reaving the < nhlnrt. IV ASiiixoToN, November ?Attory General Olney, in conversation ^ tli friends during the past few j, inths has expressed himself as anx- . u? Yo return to private life, stating y at the drudgery and responsibilities the position nre wearing hint out. ^ is private law practice. it is said, is en now worth from aimi.ooii to siu.aon * year, and would '?e largely increased j| he were free from ottteial trammels. i the event of Attorney General Olney ndcring liis resignation, the possihil- , y is suggested that William I<. Wilson ight bu tendered a seat in the cabinet, his, however, is a matter upon which ^ > intimation has been had directly or ^ idireotly from the president. ^ OT ENOUGH POSTAGE STAMPS. E he Hurritu of Kfigrav Inn niul I'vlnt lug -j Trying to Meet the Drinaml. Wahiiinoton. November 1:1. ? The nstortiee tlepartment is being greatly 4] leonvenieneed by the inability of the ? urea 11 of engraving' and printing to irnish postage stamps enough to meet le demand. Postmasters all over the ., wintry are wanting stamps, and the ) epartmciit. ennnot supply them. Su ,, erintendent Johnson, of the bureau, ( as been obliged to put on an extra , >roc of men these last few nights, orkiug tliein from ?l o'clock p. 111. to o'clock a. in. This means extra ex to tlu? government ns well as do- 1 ly and inconvenience to the public. START UP ON FULL TIME. , nnnactleut Silk .Mannfin I urerti Itrgln 1 Operating; nil Hie Department*, ' Hot Kvii.i.K, Conn.. November 13.? 1 honey llros., the big silk manufactu- ' or# of South Manchester, announceil 1 laturday that, they would today start , number of important departments of heir mills on full time. The throwing, vinding, warping and velvet weaving lepartmonta start on full time, and all >ther departments in the mills will be- , fin running fifty hours per week initoad of forty-eight hours. All departmints will soon be running full time. 1'htt mhi employs 2,.">00 hands. TEXAS HOTEL IN ASHES. Y? Arlington Inn," Near I or! Worth, ad the Merry "f the Maine*, Four Worth, lex.. November 13 Fire yesterday at 3 o'clock destroyed "Ye Arlington Inn," one of the best hotels in Texas. The lire had its origin in the kitchen, and being located at Arlington heights, three miles from the city, the tire department was unable to stay the llanics. The building and con lirii vivii-s ixrii Sl'?.'i_IIOIL and was fully covered l>v insurum-.* Scnl?'inT?l to Sllicrla for l.lfe, St. I'KTKHMHnto. November 12. - A court martial lit Wursutv has sentenced Lieutenant lloborykin t<> the loss of his military ami nobility ranks, ami t<> life-long labor in Siberia, for implieation in a plot against the life of the Ciar. rWILL SEE NEW FACES One Hundred and Eigrhty-One i Strangers for the 54th Congress. | REPUBLICAN STRENGTH IN THE HOUSE The Democrats Will Have One Hundred and One, the Populist* Heven, and the Protectionist* Oet all of the Kentaluloff Member*. Washington, November 11. ? From the latest returns received, the total democratic representation in the next house will be 101, the total number of populists T. leaving the republicans "24s members of the house. In all there will be 1*1 new faees out of the 250 meml?ers of the fifty-fourth congress. The strangers in the next house are divided among the various common wealths as follows : Alabama. 2: Arkansas. 1; California. 4 : Colorado, 2 ; Connecticut, :? ; Delaware, 1 ; Florida, t : tieorgin, 1 ; Idaho. I; Illinois, 14; Indiana, 11; Iowa. 2; Kentucky, 0; Kansas. 7: Louisiana, 1; Maryland, 5; Massachusetts. 5; Michigan. 15; Minnesota, 3: Mississippi, 2; Missouri, 0 : Nebraska, 0 ; New Jersey. 0; New York. 21; North Carolina, 5; Ohio, lit; Pennsylvania, 12: Rhode Island. 2: South Carolina. Tennessee. '?: Texas. ; Virginia. 4 : Washington. 1 ; West Virginia, 4 ; Wisconsin, x, and Wyoming. I. THE COMMITTEE OF SEVENTY. Flnt Meeting Since Their Victory on Tuei?l?y ? The Work of the Future. Nkw Yohk, November 10.?The comnittee of seventy held its first meeting inee the election in the chamber of mnmerce yesterday afternoon, ami the iccasinn was one of general jubilation iver Tuesday s victory Resolutions re re unanimously adopted that the orani/.ation of the committee be coninucd for the present, to co-operate itli tin- city otlieers nominated by it i securing to the city of New York an onest. ctlicient, economical and nun- . artisan government : to secure the reloval and nuiiisl?iin-t?* ..f , . " n??iru |?;n?)nS tdding municipal nflices as have been nfaithful and incilicicnt in the per>rinanee of the duties east upon them ' v the law: to frame and procure the uictment of such laws as may.* >und necessary to the better gov ' ' 1 ,ent of the eity, and to take such ota^!'r~*a irther action as may froin time to tit"1 I ^ ~ . it-n t" | runge for a public demonstration in ?nor of the doctor. AViil Trarers nine, dr., has been retained by the unmittee to punisli ull violators of the e ection laws "high or loir, rich or * H?r." 1 FIRST ASSISTANT CHEMIST. 1 'crrlnry Merlon Appoint!* I>r. IV. G. Ilrown, of l.?>\lnato?, V*. Washington. November 11.?Secre* i ir.v Morton has appointed Dr. \V. G. < rowii, professor of chemistry in Wash- < igton and I'niversity. Lexington, ? a., tirst assistant chemist of the di- \ ision of chemistry, department of ag- i culture, vice Dr. G. I.. Spencer, re- j gned. Dr. Ilrown received his early * location at the I'niversity of Virginia. *. le was professor of chemistry at the < Diversity of Tennessee for some years nd afterwards studied at the I'niverity of Heidelberg, Germany, and in SlU, he hebl a fellowship in chemistry t Harvard university nnd was elected irector of the technical school, of ' Newark, N. I. Then he went to South ' arolina. IALTIMORE LEXOW COMMITTEE . o I live*! e Allrxol .lliutrN In t till fit y Department*. It \t.timoiik. November Its. ? There riav be a l.i'Xow eomniittee in Italti nore. The executive committee of the 1 itizens' party has adopted resolutions 1 iskintf the eity eouneil, whieh now has republican majority in the first >rnnch. to appoint nu investigating onimittee clothed with ample power o investigate the several departments >f the eity government. MR. WILSON AS A LECTURER. A'ill Speak In Itnltlmoro Next Week on m I'opulnr Subject. Washington, November Pi.?Mr. IV i I son evidently does not expect to nto the cabinet in District Attorney Mncy's place for some time if ever. It s now announced that he will take the lecture platform. His first appearance is a lecturer will l>c in Itnltiinore on November inth and his subject wi^l be '"The New Problems that llesot Popular Government." DEFEATED PQPULIST DYING. lutlge Hone, tlie Mouth ltnl.oli* Crtmllilnte for tlovoriior. Im Fulling. Htitox. S. D.. November 12. ? Reports front Rcdfield say that Judge Isaac llowe. defeated populist candidate for governor is gradually failing. His phyti.'tiimi. tinve ;it>:indnncd nil hone of his recovery ami death if- expected at any moment. The defeat of himself and the populist ticket, together with other exertion in the campaign, are assigned as the direct cause of Ids illness. ( oii?;reiHiiini> llrynii Out of I'olltlm. Omaha, Neb., November IS.?Con (fressinan Hrynn has issued h manifest! to Nebraska detnocruts in which In sums up 11?? causes which led to tin; de feat of the fa-don f -roes, and announce his retirement from the political arena rnilut'i' Caused a liron In Cotton. Nih Voiik. November 1 J. A private dispatch received at tin- cotton exchange yesterday announces the failure of Huseh A Co., of llavra. The announcement caused a drop ot tour jmiuta iu cotton, ? v i THE SOUTH'S COTTON CROP. ' MhepprrHon llrllorM the rrfMiit Arrr*f? i:\HKrrHtrd anil Ilie Crop I.lmlted. t Cna ui.kston, K. C., November 13.? AVitli a view to finding out just how much credit was to be givon to the Recently published statement of the present cotton crop of 10,000,000 bales and to put before its readers a trustworthy and intelligent statement of the cotton situation at the present time, the News and Courier applied to Mr. Alfred II. Shepperson. of New Y??rl* " - .?>v UV?1" known cotton statistician and has received the following very lucid and satisfactory reply: Cotton declined Ufa in yesterday. chiefly, I understand, upon a crop estimate just Issued by Mr. Kcill. f Knox county, are in town, and they ranie in a hurry. They are republican ind democratic candidates respectively for prosecutor of their county. They need to Indianapolis over different railroads to get the governor to decide which was elected. Much received 1,1115 votes. Thttir ease will not be de* ;lded for several days. WEEK'S NEWsljONDENSED. It is reported that Dr. Hirsli, the aurffeon who attended the latJ czar, is lead. A freight Wain on the Chieugo (irejit Western broke through a bridge over St ill liKtu Creek, 111., yesterday. The C'ronstadt roadstead Is filled with ice and shipping communication with St. Petersburg has been suspended. A J* 1 oo.uiio painting <>f the battle of liettvsburg, at Sioux City, was badly damaged by a wind storm yesterday. Superintendent llnhn. of the lOagle Rird Mine at Mnybert, Col., was instantly killed by falling 000 feet down the shaft. Proceedings have been instituted against the Italian Deputies Ferri, Prampolini and Agnini for anarchist agitation. The Erie, Champlain. Mlaok River, Oswego and Cayuga and Seneca canals will be closed for the season at midnight on Friday. November ?$0. Five large warehouses in the Minories, London, tilled with ten, tobacco, etc., were burned early Sunday morning. The loss is estimated at ?200,000. Sir John Thompson. Canadian premier and minister of justice, now visiting England, said today that jio steps hnve been taken regarding < anadian affairs which he was at liberty to announce. It is stated that the Turkish government hns paid AO,INN) Turkish pounds into the Russian em ussy at Constantinople as the tenth instalment of tjie indemnity due Russia on account of the I?iis.sun have been '2M in the f f _ : a ^1 . ? ?... ; .w, * Itnw l.,at ?one ft iwl I II IK* I HfW 4t^?>n?r*l ...r (Will M..?? VI In Canada ajjainstHT lust year. Thcra have been a few failures of consequence during the week, hut none of cxtenalvu iutlucnc*. J