the xjisrioisr times. ^LMSIAH CRUDUP. - Editor FricSn)', September 28, 1891. " RATFS OUTADVERTISINGOuo dol'nr per square firei insertion. fifty cents per square b-r each subsequent insertion. L bersl contracts will bo made for space for advertisements of three niontbs duration and over. Local advertisements ten cexts a line. All communications for publication, except regular correspondents must be sccompiuicd by the real name of the sender. The Kditor is not responsible for the views of correspondents. Obituaries of over eight lines in Icogth wi:l be charged for as other advettiscroents for all in excess of that amount. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. The P. 0. will be opened for business from 8 A. M. to 0.00 P. M. jluu motley wruer ucpiiri incut win uc opcneil for business* from 9 A. M. to 4 I*. M. Mail goiug lvast will close promptly at 12.40 1\ M.; going West 1.10 P. M. The inaii will be taken from the street box each day 60 minutes before the trains arrive. It. W. HARRIS. P. M. ."g1 -> Mi, J. T. Uo?n kia k new clerk, Master li it haul Morgan, of this county. See the County Commissioners notice of house letting in this issue. Ito.v'r fail to road the call of a convention to organise an auxiliary Colonization Society. It is headed "Attention m .. i) p % a t l- r . i _ mil. u. r. it ii i ii i u gut iihuk iruiu iiiu Ninth last Thursday. 11u says that he bought a big stuck of goods nud bought them cheap. A. II. FOSTER \ CO. arc selling new goods at prices ou a basis with the present prices of cottou. Mb. It. 1'. II.i it in returned from the North hist Tuesday. Ho has been on the northern market quite a while buying a fall and winter stock of goods. ???. Messrs. Graiiam & Si-auks, in order to make room for their stock of goods, hare added to the rear end of their store a tweuty foot room which will be used for a milliuery department. Huy the "AR.MORSIBE," the best SI. Corset in the woild. Every one that breaks down ou the side replaced with a new one without cost. Sold only by A. H. FOSTER & CO. 1 livr. J/AVJS JUIKHIK, WHO ICHCUl'8 II) the Graded School, is a practical surveyor as well as teacher, lie is equipped for the business and oilers his services to the public. See his card in this issue. Mb. Eigkne II. Scaiik, of the firm of II. T. Scaife & Son, has returned from Llberton, la., and is now permanently located here in the grocery business with his father. The 1'jmks gives him a hearty welcome back to his old home. and fancy groceries to tho opposite side. He says he intends to take some of the shelves out of his store in order to get more room for his heavy groceries. l'uoi. II. L. Scaife left Union on the ldth inst. for Louisville, Ky., to assume his as Prof, of Mathematics and Tactics in Trinity College at that place. Whilo we regret to lose Mr. iScaife from cur State, we congratulate tho college on securing his services. Two daily passenger trains ou the S. U. \ t'. It. It. will he discontinued next Sunday ? tlx* 1 : 4o up train and the 11: lU down frnin a fi t?i? ?.? .111 I.? ? ~ ?'-* ........ .... V. tMitv iiutv nc "ill ilUVU vmy two daily passenger traius. The down train i\ill get here at 1 : 10 p. tu., the up train a 7: 10 p. in: - - Tin: Clillord Seminary for girls opened on the l^tli and the second week shows rather tluttering prospects for a full school this year. The opening was much fuller than usual and in addition to those already arrived a good many are yet expected. They are there from North and South Carolina and some tire expected from Georgia. The locttl attendance is also better than usij '1 and promises to be still better as the seti?on advances. We ure glad to know these things. The s limil is well equipped, has an able man at it- betid, and is worthy of the patronage of t se who btivo girls to educate i'OR SALE.?Six excellent Milch Cows. Apply to K. It. Sl'EAltS, Gowdeysvillc, H. C. I'.k gure to read the advertisements in this i-.-ue. It might savs you u walk all over t >wn for what you want. Wo have been around to all the .stores, looking at the new g o?ls and we 8?y without hesitation and without fear of contiudiction that Union has never before seen such a quantity and variety of nice goods at such reasonable 1 rices. bVnie of the stores have had their goods beautifully displayed for several days and others are,just opening up good. Every train btings loads of boxes filled with dry I goods, ltead the advertisements and thon go I around and see for yourself. One might I will afford to pay an admission fee just to | look, if tliey could not get in without it. 1 l?ut that is not necessary, as they are all B uuxious to show and glad to get you to coine I u 11 i 1< >ok. Miss Mat tic tiage, of liiruiingham, Ala , is visiting the family of Judge W. il. WulH Mrs. L. 1). t.'hilds, of Chester, is visiting | DS her parents, l)r. and Mrs. C. T. Murphy. I K Mrs. J. N. I'aotli and (wo sons have re- I K turned from an extended visit to X. C. D Miss Mabel Withers, of Chester, is nt jH .Mrs. Mender's. ?Sbe will attend the Clif- i U Mis d J Orogory (son a visit to her : M father, Mr F. II. Counts and family. Mra. It. M. 8tokos left for Charlotte In-t H Wednesday to visit her sous. Mr. M. A Moore, Jr., went to SpartuuB burg Wednesday to atteud u Ueriuun. We had quite au object lesson in charity last week. A sad-countenanced dila; idaied iu< 1 iviv 111a 1 with a lean hungry look. eidled int > our office, and after sprawling h:m?olf out in a cha:r began to relate all tho special ills that his own particular flesh ha 1 hceti heir to. lie said that lie was born in Maryland, that he was a printer by profession and according to bis account ho must hare been quite an expert at tho business. By reason of somebody else's fault however as his tale went, he ha 1 lost his job and bad been out of work quite a while. He told of a good many places that he bad beon to looking for work, hut there was none to be found anywhere. He hud bocn to several places iu North Carolina, had leen to Greenville and Spartanburg and now found himself here without work; hungry and without food. Well, we had no work for him, but we could not send the man away hungry. Somit nies we refuse to give but we never refuse to give food when we can soe that it is really needed. So we gave him IS cents and told him the way to a restaurant and thought no more of the man. Half an hour later walking past the dig [tvun irjr iiuur wucin snouiu we sec S'anuillg at the bar, but our object of charity, our journeyman printer! On inquiry Inter w? found that he had bought 15 coot* worth of liquor. Imagine our feeling. We resolved to be more particular about our donations in the future. As a matter of ftct wo had supplied the money which bought the liquor for that fellow to get tlruuk on. Well, what do you think? tint fellow, that woo-begone. cadaverous countenanced object of charity, bad the peerless cheek, tho egregious effrontery to come back and qiiiotly sweat off hi# beastliness on a box in the back end of the printing office. Late iu the evening having sweated out most of his liquor he got lip stretched himself and stood rouud the printing office trying to scrape up nu acquaintance with some of the printers Failing there lie came into the editor's office and in spite of all we couhl do coine near making himself out nu old friend of our family. Such consumate cheek wo have never bofore seen in a journeyman. Leaving, lie begged us for a shirt, which, iu consideration of his skill and adroitness nnd his refreshing nndaeilv we could not refuse. After lie left we learned ill At his pitiful petitions had a 26 cents effect en the foreman. With that money also he endeavored to buy liquor, but being refused, on account of the dispensary rule against selling twice to the same man in one day, the dispenser came near having to put him out of his place of business, for dis orderly behavior. He was a rare bi-ped and ought to be caged for a menagerie or hung up in the National Museum nnd labeled "The Original?The only real and genuine.' ATTENTION ! We the Union county delegation to the Hock 11 ill Immigration Convention, in pursuance of a resolution passed in the said convention, hereby call a meeting of all the citizens in Union county, who are interested in tty welfare of tho county, to meet at the ru., for tho purpose or organizing an auxiliary society to '1 lie l'icdmoiit Colonization Society of South Carolina, the object of which is tho bringing of farmers and others from the North Western States to settle in our couuty. 1'. M. Coll KN, F. M. Finn, E. Nii'ttoi.sos. a. II. Fostkr. ? Tin; Conservative convention which uiet iu Columbia on the 26lh, did not put out a ticket. The convention after caucusing quite a while decided to put out a full ticket, but some delegations nud several de'egates having withdrawn lrotu the convention, causing a sp'it in the ranks, the convention adjourned sine die after passing the following resolutions : Resolved, That this convention accept the action of the convention held hero ou the 1 '.?th iust., in endorsing tho Chicago platform as a concession to the Democracy of the State but regards the simultaneous endorsement of Democratic and Populist platforms, representing parties ami antagonistic principles, as forfeiting the allegiance of all straight Democrats and tho respect of all ncncsi ropunsis. Resolved that, this convention cordially accepts and endorses the national Democratic platform and declares its unwavering devotion to the national Democratic party. Resolved, That we iuvite and urge all Democrats of tlie State to proceed to organize for the purposes hereinafter stated. Resolved, That while this convention desires to avoid doing anything likely to cause increased strife among our people we believe that the principles of l?emocraey, the safety of every interest in the State and the instinct of sell preservation demand that a hard and earnest tight be made against the proposition t> ctll a constitutional convention to create a new fundamental law involving the rights of every man in the State without providing for the siibmisson of in work to the people. We tender to the opponents of this iniquitous, undemocratic, tyrnuieal and dangerous proposition the service of the organization herein provided (or and invite them to join with us in lighting it at the approaching genoral election. In my report id' the speech ol Thomas Hyatt, at the Confederate Re-union at Harnett's spring on the l*'?th inst., 1 omitted the name of the sollicr who gave his crooners to Mr. Hyatt just a few moments before he was shot down. 1 did not hear the name distinctly from my sent. I understand from those on the stand with the speaker that the man s name was Toiiey Foster, a son of (Sen IS. IS Foster and a brother of Mrs. Col. i. fur want of space. Would that I could have given a full report from my notes, which would have filled nearly "> columns with reading matter that woiil 1 possibly have been enjoyed by 'he r<,.i. <><.d .1......I...? I! ..l-.'.ll I ' IIUII^UIVI ^ Ui (111: IVi'CIIIUII lllvJIC I ua II IIIU political harangues (hat have Keen talked and printed until the people are sighing for relief, and a calm uu the troubled water- of the political sea. .l\o. ||, M lll'CK I.KN H A It NIC \ SaLVK.?TIlC best Salve in the world for Cult, ilruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sa't Kheutn, Fever Sores, Tetter, I'happed Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all -kin eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay repined. It is guaranteed to give perfect * uisfuction, or money refunded. Price "J5 cents per box. For sale by L> F. l'osey. Don t fail to set our New Colognes ami FeM'tiuery TJ1L UNION Dlll'll UO. LINES ON THE DEATH OF ELLA 0 She is gono. sho is gone from (his land of si rife. She is gone to the land of eternal life, ller bark is now lauded on Canaan's bright shore, Where sin and temptation and sorrow's no more. Death came unexpected. but ne'er found her rleop, There was oil in her lamp when she fell Rt lus feet All burning nnd bright when the monster cmie in, And the vessel all ready, tilled up to the brim. Now tbe battle is over, nnd the victory won, ller iud. That these societies shall aid the company propose I to be formed under the plan now adopted in seeuriug subscriptions to its capital stock aud in securing options uit desirable lands and other property for a period of not less than two years. Thir d That a company be formed under the laws of the State with a capital of ?10,?MM? in shares of the par value of $10 each, $.">,(<00 to be subscribed and paid in. Fourth. That it is the sense of this meeting that each county shall subsoribe an 1 pay in at least ?oUO to the capital stock of proceed to secure option on property in the count is represented in this Convention and advertise the same in the most ellicicnt and practical.lo way to secure the sale of the property and the introduction of desirable immigrants. Sixth. That the company should secure options at a fixed and certain sum, so as to save the purchaser from an excessive price, and should limit its own fees or emoluments to nut exceeding lo per cent ou the price of any property sold. Seventh. That it is the sense of this convention that each county should procure the payment of the above sums of five hundred uottars vvuniti thirty mys trim tins unte. Light Tliiii ilie committee of one from each county provided for in ilie tir-t resolution l>e charged with tlie execution of these resolutions. The repo't was adopted ami the following committee named : York, L. Shcrfesee ; Chester, K. A. hove: Lancaster, llec. W. Junes ; Fa'irtioM, lieu. Jiio. Rratton : Liiiin, II. Nicholson : ir?|>artnolnirg, T. J. Moore; Greenville, A. R. Williams , l'iekens, J. K. lV>ggs ; Oconee, J. \Y. Sttibling : Anderson. U.S. Ligon. The convention adjourned to meet again at the call of the president at the instance of the committee of one from each county. After the a ij uirnmcnt the list named committee met an l ma le application to the Secretary of State f our State farmers and others from the North West, ?aid mooting to he held on the lirst Monday inOctobcr fori he purpose of organizing societies auxiliary to The l'ledtnont t'olotiizition Society of South Carolina. The convention was a success from the beginning to the end. Such a collection ol practical business men was probably never bef-re assembled in the I'icdinont section of this Stsl?. They were there for business : not to make any money out of the convention but to devise a means of dc vcii'i'iug i no i H.M1111U111 ^uuiiuii ui our r?i?m*. A convention composed of such men with ajtch motives could not have been other thin | n complete success. In another tolntnn will he fund the call of the I'nion county convention an 1 wo hope every citizen who cm make it convenient will ntten 1 >n Monday next and learn more aluut the movement an I give it hit personal Mipj ->rt. A Card of Thanks. En 7'irtf* : I desire through your Column- to it-turn thanks to the three ininJiel ami thirtythree kin meet Willi us on the 1st Monday io October and give u- a start oil', us ten years experience has tin roughly acquainted hnn with all of the workings <>t Order. Uesides oo that day we wi-h to ir range to meet at hi- home as early as pn--.i hie and lake dinner with htm as a (..ken > f the appreciation we have for his p.t-i ?ervi ces. T. J JJl. IL.NUW Oil. crown, To her mausiun of light, she has now eDtereil in, She Is free from temptation, from sorrow (ti l sin. We miss thee, ?lear Kilo, but our loss ia thy gain, Aud God beng our helper, we'll meet thee again. With ill the dear loved ones, who have gone on before, Will shout halleluja's ou Canaan's bright shore, Sautuc, Sept. 21. C. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT .1. v. hanky. Whereas: God in His wisdom hath called from our midst our esteemed brother and co-laborer, J. F. llaney, Therefore be it resolved by the members of Mt. Joy Lodge, No. 203. 1. That iu the death of brother J. F. Ilatiey we have lost a faithful aud zealous brother: one faithful to duty as husband, father, brother, citizen and friend. 2 That while we humbly bow to II*n who docth all thing" well we feel our loss as a Lodge and community. 3. That we extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and commend them to Him who is the father to the fa'herlcss and the husband to the widow. 1. That a copy of these resolutions be inscribed iu the minute book of this Lodge and one be sent to Tub Union Times for publication. W. K. G. Humphries, 1 J. J. Spears, J-Com. J. 1)., ) ? Synopsis of the Proceedings of the North Pacolet S. S ConventionThe North I'acolet Interdenominational Sunday School Convention met with El Hotbcl Sunday school Sept. 23rd 1894, at Id 30 o'clock. I*. M., and was called to order by President, J. L. Strain. Devotional exercises were conducted by J. Wesley Sanders, chaplain, who read the both chapter of Isaiah. The following schools made reports to wit: Abingdon Creek, Ararat, DraytouvilSc, ElUelliei, Fiint Hill, (No. 2,) (ieihscmane, Mesopotamia, Salem, SarJis ana ? uson s cnapet, represcuiing a rotai membership of 57t), scholars and teachers with an aggregate contribution during the la-t <{unrler (for all the different Sunday school purposes) af tjio'.h 10. The choir sang No. 202 (G)spel hymns.) A model primary class work was conducted by Miss Lizzie Moorhend. She took for the lesson "The Youth of Jesus." the subject was handled with ability and the children and their friends were delighted with its success. The choir sang No. 1)2. Prof. 11. Oa Sams was presented to the ? ; 'Jkiy }'. Sams. The Choir sang No. 15. I On motion the convention adjourned after -inging : "l'raise God from whom all blcss| mgs tlow, ' and prayer by brother Win. Jef fries. J. M. Giikkii, J. L. Stiia'k, Secretary. President. . ? LOCAL C()TT()\' MARKET. Sept. 27, lx!'1. Hood Middling 5; Middling .. 5jj ( > Market weak. No. bales sol 1 this week up to Wednesday night I(* "? RETAIL MARKET. Coffee, Itio, per lb. 20 ( > 25 Coffee, Java. DO bacon, per lb Xi (.? Hams, (sugar cured) per lb 15 bacon, (breakfast) 11 15 l.ard, (pure) per It' 11 (" 12$ I.aid, (refined " 'J (? 10 (' 'in, per bushel XO ( i (hi Meal, per bushel 8? MOISSSJCM ltd (II 00 Sugar, granulate! ??] ( > ' Sugar brown 6 Hice, per ! 6 (? 7 COl XTJtY I?KOI>i:CK. Itu11or. |'Or H> 16 fa 20 l./g*. l"'r ?li 7.oit 12] (?, 16 ( hickehi, each 16 (" 20 lien-1, rich 26 Cabbage, j er lieaJ 6 ( 60 '! Vine?ir. per ga! -10 Sorghum, ::o (? *lo Mr. Willie doings, of Kel(oi>, lias acoepti'l a | o?ition in I'l'HCKLL'S I'ulace l>ry (io<> Is Store : an come >iii 1 see liirn before purchasing i a where. SURVEY OH, DAVIS JKIHUKS. of "lie U.i0,000. Stockiior.i>Kii? Liaiiii.itiks. $00,000. TOTAL?$170,000 ?l| ? OFFICERS: F. M. Fauii, Pres't. A. II. Foster, Vice l'rcs't. Geo. Munro, Cnsluer. J. D. Arthur, Ass'i. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. II. Wallace, A. G. Rice, Wm. Jcfferies, T. C. Duncan, J. A. Faot. J. T. A. IlVoster. tei?" WE SOLICPrffeuR BUSINESS. "(& j Notice Ti | Tax-payers. Treasure | OriicK, Sept. 1894. rilllE books for (1 ! Collection of State ami _L County taxos ' r the fiscal year, commencing Novcnibei I, 1893 will be open from October 15, tc 1 tscembcr 31, 1891. N. R.?Taxpayei >*vning property in the different townships re earnestly requested to ask for tax rccei t i in each, thereby saving time, cost and j enalty. l'loase do not overlook this matte , For the convenic. i e of taxpayers I will attend the followii j places on the dates designated, for tho llcctiou of taxes : Goshen Hill, Gel' *r 15 Cross Keys, ' 10. Gibbs, j 17. West Springe, * I 18Office, - j 19 nnd 20. Kelton, 22. P. II. Kcndtick't? !h*t. 23, A. M. Gowdeysvillc, " -3, 1*. M. Wilkinsville, I' 2lDreytonville, " 2-?. Timber Kidgc, " 20. T. D. Littlejohuh tore, Oct. 27. Office, - - " 28 and 3U. Ml. Tabor, Moor id it store, Oct. 31. Santuc, NoYembe 1 arid 2. Fish Ham: " I. Office, " I, 7, ond 8. Jonesville, " D 1*. M., 10 A. M. Office, November 12 to 31st December, from 12 o clock Molday to 12 o clock Saturday. ?late L. 5 Mills. ?..} V.4.".'.yI t, Mill?,: School, etc. I 2 Mills. Total 10} Mills Poll tax J? 1.00. : rcry male citizen between the ages oi twenty-one and fifty years, except those capable of earning a support from being i aimed or other causes and those who are i iw exempted by law shall be deemed las i >le polls. IV. T. JETER, t o. Treats. LOOKOUT! ? FOI riloSE ? Apples, tjears, pples 1 ears, BANAfAN ? (nd ? ? EXPECTE i TO ARRIVE ? TO -.DAY. I,M> ru II n ? \r li-r mp. ? DID YOU EVER SEE A DOLLAR GROW ? :<): no vnir iimrnn mn ppp vhtid nnrTAD JJU 1UU TIM11 1U OMi lUUil UULLUll GROff? / IF SO, INVEST IT IN FURNITURE AT BAILEY & MURPHY'S OCR LINE OF FURNITURE FOR TIIE FALL AND WINTER OF 181H IS A WONDERFUL COLLECTION I OF ELEGANT DESIGNS, OF THE NEWEST AND MOST POP? ?I'LARSTYLKS FOR THE COMING SEASON.?WE ARE PROUD OF OUR PRESENT STOCK OF FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BECAUSE IN QUALITY AND ASSORTMENT IT GIVES THE PURCHASER TIIE WIDEST RANGE FOR SATISFACTORY SELECTIONS, AND Our Prices Favor the Buyer IN THE MOST GENEROUS MANNER. Remember at we sell That is full of IIONEST QUALITY, at prices that will paralyze would-be competitors, and fill with ecstatic joy all those who purchase goods from BAILEY & MUBPIIY. Now if you want value for your money, come and see us. If you want bargains in Furniture that prove their worth in use, that look BIGGER out? of the store than in it, come and sec us. Remember to get your COFFINS, CASKETS AND i llOBES from us. TWO SOLID CARS OF FURNITURE NOW BEING UNLOADED, JUST WHAT YOU NEED. BAII^FY Ac MURPHY. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS SPACE FOR LOW TARIFF PRICES ON ' " Fall and ItlfliYl GOODS BOUGHT AT THE CLOSEST PRICES WHILE IN MARKT.T 4 ~MgLURE'S.:t FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN LARGE QUANTITIES, JUST RECEIVED. 01'II buyers have just returned from the Northern Markets where they pure ascd a VERY LARGE stock of Dry Hoods, Clothing, Shoes, lists and Millinery, that they bought at the very lowest prices, and which we propose to sell as cheap as tho sauio goods can he bought in tho Southern States Wc meru to sell you first quality goods at the lowest prices, no trash or seconds SHOES? SHOES? Our stock of Shoes have hceu bought with earc and can't be beat in tho upper part of the State. DRESS GOODS. In Dress Hoods we can show you nil the new shades a"d all tho novelties of the season, at prices that will sell tho goods. .^.Millinery ! Millinery ! 1 ^ In Millinery goods wo can show you all tho newest things, and one of the largest stocks ever brought to Union. Call and see us. l'ours Respectfully, GRAHAM & SPARKS.*-4 i-1\non Ul IMS AA I) MM K SNOW FLAKE BISCUITS JUST RECEIVED. Flour, Sugar, < offce, Soap, Soda, Lard, Feppci Spice, (tinker, Cloves, Nu meg. Almost anything you want, 1 have i See my 1 I of CIGARS Al ] TOBACCO. :-< lL ney's Natu il Leaf, I Listing. Perfection, Idrcls Best, and a lot of cheap goods. Examine my stock before birjmg. Respectfully, r JflQ. 1 ROSE, -j Sale of F*al Estate. I, J. G. Long havpg been duly appointed Agent of tlio heirs ri law of William M. Hurt, deceased, to >11 the real estate of said William M. llai will offer the fame for sale to the hif est bidder at Union Courthouse, on the Ittot Monday in October next, within the leg I hours of sn'c The follow lug is a lescription of the real estate : VI,I, that certaii 'tract of land lying, boiog and ailun e in 1'inckncy Township, Union county, bntaimng one hundred and twelve acres, mi W or less, hounded by lands of Wiiliam Jctl Vies, .1 G. Kelly. .Mrs. Mary Kelly and othjn. Said tract known i n u t ho I 11 />mr> T en/kl J? All that certain tr. ; [ of land lying. being and situate in I'inc , icy Township. I'ui >n county, containing o i hundred nn