It is said that a Rood artiola of anthracite coal haa been discovered In Madtaon county below Ashavllle. The Steward a of Central church are Tequeeted to meet thia Tueaday evening at 7.00 at the ehuroh. full attendance ia deaired. Tennessee will celebrate their centennial thia year and governor Turney invites the governor* of all the States to unite with him in making the affair national. m ve. This esse is just large enough to fit nictly into an inside waietooat pocket end closes with a look, of which only toe owner knows the spriDg. Daring the weeks of engagement an abundance of flowerB, fruit, books, bonbons and odds end ends of brio-a-brao are tokens proper to lay on the shrine of love, but not until the week before the wedding ought jewels to he given, for beyond her engagement ring none of them can be used by the reoipient, aud in case of any rupture of the agreement the return of aaah gifts is an awkward I duty.?St. Louis Globe-Democrat. t ho ralVThaii^HtBiSyirackcd Will B ml* r~ DHHHiaflm violate a law, human or divine, h^tth'$' little deeds and eoarsts of comMtfjl that are almost and yet not qamQ violation, are as easy as the spirUgbpv^ takes refuge in them are oowardlyTThe life of many professors of i^UbJob Is scored with the subtle fraottltvs that result from little sins, like* tampers, little act* of lnsineerity and telflshness. It is possible te craek a costly vase so flinely that it eannot be notioed by the closest scrutiny; but let this be done again and again in different directions, end.some day the vessel will suddenly fall to pieces at a touoh, and without a sound. When we hear of kaome one who has had a lifelong reputation for good character and consistent living suddenly falling into shameful sin, we are uooaea ana scandalized, and puzzled. If we knew all, we should find that the fall has pnly been sadden in Its in inlfestations; right away back In the life there are a thousand "craoked" Commandments, and the final public exposure is bat the falliag of the vase to pleoes, whose beauty has long been a lie and pretenoe. This is unquestionably the prime lesson we should learn from the exposure and punishment of Jabez Balfour. His fall, at the time when the "Liberator" exposures took place, was a problem to many. We now see the meaning of It all. By reading the evidence at the trial just cooolnded, we can see how bis career was a slow but sure descent into evil; one fraud leading to another insensibly, till at last the edifice of wrong which he had reared with such amazing skill, toppled over like a castle of nerds. He cracked one and another of the Commandments, and at last be broke thnin. * uiouo uiuem ureaK them and they Involved one another in a common rnin and shame, which ha* 1 now been brought home.?London ' Christian. i An leeing for oak* that will be found , inexpensive and good, may be made by taking three tablespoonfuls of milk ] and letting it oome to a boil. Then , setit aside and when it is cohl add one < tesspoonful of vanilla or other extraot \ and stir in confeotloner's 'sugar until Uaiok enough to spread without running. \ Colonel J. O. Haskell and Mia* Hampton, a nieeeof General Wade Hampton, are to be married at Millwood near Columbia, this Tneaday. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Oanajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and hit* family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without It, if procurable. G. A. DvkAm.n r* ? 1-* ? " ? UBMKlUi J.1. I., says that Dr. King's New Dlssovory is undoubtedly the beat CJpagh remedy; that he has need it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for It. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested Trial bottles free at H. A. Ligon's drug store. .Regular size 50o. and 1-00 FOR SALE AN IMPROVED FARH TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTYEIGHT ACRES, within one niile of Spirt&nburg. a rapidly growing? city in the m ht healthy seotlon of the St-ite of Sonth Carolina. This is good land, well timbered and watered ; several streams running through the place, one very large Gool for a Dairy and Track Farm. Has an Orchard of 500 or more trees Vineyard of 300 vines. Has water supF>ly at the honse, kitchen and barn, roin a tine large spring, forced up bv a hydraulic ram. Hai dwelling (4 rooms and pantrr, 9 porches,) kitchen (two room*), bwu and stables, cow house and barn, one good oabio. spring nouse, n??D bouse, feed hous> ? uiue boUdioEs in all. Easy of access (40tnlou'?a) to the clt.v, wpit of Spa>t*nbnrg. Will In a few years double in velue. This is icood, as an lb vestment. Would sel' 100 acr?s with all improvements for $2,000. Offer for ten days. Apply to J. W ATKINS LEE, Spartanburg, 8. C. ASSESSMENT OP PROPERTY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1805, 00. Forconvenlouce of tax-payers, I will attend the following place on the days name'4, and at the hour specified, for the fiscal year 1805,1800. Route One. Oampobello Wed. Jan. 1st, mw*n/ " . $ i. eve> ' Thurs ^ morn Walnut Grove, 8aty*?i 18^ morn. Beooa " " " eve. Alto, I shall attend the following places or shall be represented by my elerks on the day and hoar named : Route Two. Glenn Springs, Wed. Jan. let. Pacolet Mills, Than " 2 morn. Paoolet, " 44 44 eve. lilch Hill, Fri. 44 3 morn. Glendale, 44 , 44 44 eve. Olifton No. 2, Sat. 44 4 morn. Clifton. 44 44 44 eve. Oowpens, Mod. 44 0 White Platnr, Tues. 44 7 morn. Thlekety, 44 44 44 eve. Gaffney, j Wed.44 8 tt ' m' ( xuura. " 9 Grassy Pond, Frl. " 10 morn. Maud, " 44 44 eve. Macedonia, Sat. 44 11 morn. Fair Forest, Mon. 4* 44 morn. Wellford, 3 " " -18 eve. 44 (Toes. 44 14 morn. Duncan, 44 44 44 eve. Arlington, Wed. 44 15 morn. Greere, 44 44 44 eve Pelham, Thnrs. 44 10 morn. John T. Woods, 44 44 44 eve. Cashville, Fri. 44 17 morn. Reidvilie 3 44 44 eve. 44 ( Sat. 44 44 morn. Fairmont- 44 44 44 eve. All male persons between the ages of 21 and vmm q 1' -* *" hmh us uooweu laxaDle polls, exoept those Incapable of earn lag a support from being maimed or other- | wise disabled. Revised Statutes. As prompt attendance as possible is requested, so that any rush in the office may be avoided. ' Tax-payers will take notice that sdl ' returns must be made between January 1st, and Feb. 20 or the fifty per sent penalty will be added as required 1 t>y law. Very Respeotfully, V. P. EPTON, County ludltor. |-Jarper's Jj^azaar j IN 1896 The twenty-ninth year of Harper's Bazar, beginniug in Janaary, 1896, finds it maintaining its deserved lepatatioo both as a Fashion Jouriml and a weekly periodical for home reacmnr. Every week the Bazar presents beautiful toilettes for various occasions, Bandoz, Baude, and Chapuis illustrate aud engrave the newest designs from the finest models in Paris and Berlin. New York Fashions epitomizes current styles in New York a '? ?. u iuii>ui((uuy | pattern-sheet supplement with dla- I grams and directions enables women to I out and make their own gowns, and Is I of great valne to the professional mod- I iste as well as to the am&tenr dress-1 maker. Children's clothing receives I constant attention. Fashions for men I. are described in full detail by a man- I 1 abont-town. Oor Paris Letter, by | Katharine De Forest, is a sprightly I weekly recital of fashion, gossip, and I social doings in Paris, giv6n by a clever I woman in an entertaining way. Both the serials for 1806 are the work I of American women. Mrs. Gerald, by I Marie Louise Pool, is a striking story I of New England life. Marv E. Wilkins, | in Jerome, a Poor Man, di^oosses the I always interesting problems of the rela- I tlons between labor and capital. Short I stories will be written by the best au | ^ thors. 1 Special Departments.?Mu?'c, The! Outdoor Woman, Personals, What We I Are DoiDg, Women aud Meu, report 1 and diBCusa theme* of imuiediite inter-1 est. 1 Answers to Correspondents.?Q'tes- I tioDS receive the persousl attention of I the editor. And are answered at the I earliest practicable date affer their re- I ceipt. i The Vo'uuaes of the B ?xar begio with I the first uuwber of J an nary for rachl year. When no time i* mentionoi, I subscriptions will begin with the nutn- I her current at the time of receipt of I order. I Remittanrnx nVinnM K? u * ? WO iunu"i VI y office inone^^jrder or draft, to avoid chance of Innfe^ K9TNev*8(5Mve are not to copy this advertiseuieiroNpfoour. the express order of Harper &^P?there. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Harper's Magaz'ne, - one year $4 00 Harper's Weekly, - - 44 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - - " 4 00 Harper's Round Table, " 2 00 Postage free to all subscriber* in the United States. Ciftfcda and Mexico ^ I i x? every JEDBBEAHt voaranflRfefeUkiow^ lElmL Organ_^^lfi3E|hof MnnRat prices that compete with 7-cent gjib'tton. And on, stock is being reolen Ljisaea wvery day. Don't be afraid of p^io'K ua oat. If any one tells yon we WBfplng to awav, just watch and see ie that person doesn't go llrst. We are dot hete+b lie about oar neighbors, but tp^do business. Come and see us. We ^IDHN H. RUSSELL, 16 Kennedy Place. gent for Ludden & Bates' S. M. H. Turn a New Leaf And begin the New Year right by buvtnar the best BUILDING MATERIAL at the lowest prices. A large stock to select from. Doors. Mi. Winds p^r pj M. M. J MJ A A 1ft \X Mantels, Mouldings.'Brackets, Locks. Hinges, Window Glass, Potty, Newels, Porch Posts, Ballostrade, Wains cote Cap, etc. Handsome Front Doors, Cypress and Heart Pine Shingles, Plastering Laths, etc., etc. I will make it to yoar interest t > examine my stock before placi lg your orders. C O FIKE. j Main Street next to J. K. StnckeyV. GLENNSPRINGS R. R. Schedule in effect on and after Sunday, October 3rd, 1895. ' * VJ Leave Glenn Springe 9 80 a in c Arrive Becea 10 00 a m Leave Beoca 10 1ft a iu ? Arrive Sptg. (Union Station.) .10 30 a ui RETURNING. Leave Sptg. (Union Stat'oo.).3 SO pm Arrive Becea 3 85 put Leave Beooa 3 50 p in = Arrive (ilenn Springe 4 SO p in 1 q H. 8. Simpson, President, I * W. M. Floyd, Sol. Freight Agt. H V DUPR E'S BOOK SORE * IS Headquarters (Tor school and college text books TEACHERS \.re invited to call and examine books when they come to town. Special orders filled and forwarded promptly. WRITING PAPERS! From the cheapest pads to the best and most stylish Linen Paper and Envelopes. Goods for college games always on hand. For anything in the Book or Paper lines, call on / *' WARREN DuPRE NOTICE !Tlie regular meeting of the stoekilders of the Merchants' and Farmers' knk of Spartanburg, 8. C., will be Md in t' eir Banking House in this ty on Wednesday, January 8, 1896, at o'clock a. ni. A. L. White, Joseph Walker, Rn^P| M|ISBIIPAgO|}oy for the It has stood tiie tent for qigbt or ten ' y??ar8. <*>There is none Be certain to see me before yoc^Bbyjrapgt'ments for your fertiliz-erdSBfliiUFFhip to any point in the county. All'orders or inquiries will receive prompt attention Also pay highest pi ices for cotton seed. My ofllce is hesdqua'ters for cot'on see 1 meal hi d hulls. Thanking you f r past favors, 1 remain yours resp' ctfully A. O. Cannon. Office in store of E. A. McMillan. Dec. 23,1895. MOVED -TO L. P. Walkers Stancf ? Next to Windsor Hotel. Call on us for all sorts of Hardware bowler, Lethco