General Daniel riorgan. From the Christian Observer. Come, 'e". us enter the churchyard at this low place at the southeast corner; let us ko on to the locust tree,?now read the lowly slab: MAJOR OKNKKAI. DANIEL MORGAN, departed ti11s LIFK JULY fltii, 1h0b, in tub sixty sbvbntii YIAlt or his auk. Patriotism and valor wkkk tub li'KOM inknt kbatukksof HIS Cll 4HAOTBR ; and T1IK IIONOKAKLB SERVICES II K ItKNDKRBD TO HIS COUNTRY DUKINO THK REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CROWNBD HIM WITH OLOKT, AND WILD 11KMA1N IN TIIK IIKARTS OK III* COUNTRYMEN A KKRKBTUAL MONUMENT TO HIS MBMORY. H iTfl, theu, beueatb tli's slab, the man wLos v dc? could make sold'ers tremble with hi* hoa-se shoutings, lies as quiet as that iufaut there. What a man !? a day laborer in this valley some eighty years ago; a volunteer sgabi-t the Indians, and uiatked by his commander as an officer, for his enterprise and courage ; a wagon- r, aod an abased colonial militiaman in the service of his king; an officer of the riflemen at the storming of (Quebec with Montgomery, and at the battle of Saratoga; a Major-General in the Continental army, and always a kind-hearted, honest man, rough among rough men, sensitive of honor, generous with the brave,?here he sleeps, this thunderbolt cf war ; this bravo M jrgau, v ho never knew . fear. He was in camp often wicked aud veiy j rofaue; but never a disbeliever in religion. He testilled that himself. lu his latter years, General Morgan professed religion, and unit *d himself with the Prrsoyteriau church in Winchester, V'a., under the pastoral care of the Rev. Dr. Hill. His last day* were passed in this town, and while siukiug to the grave he related to his minister the experience of his soul: "People thought," said he, "ilia' Daniel Morgan nev? r preyed; people said old Morgan neverVas afraid ; people did uc t knew.*1 He proceeded to relate, in his blunt manner, among many other things, that the night they tormed (Quebec, wL ie waiting in the darkness and s'orm with his m-n paraded, for the word to advance, he felt unhappy, the enterprise appeared more, than perilous; it seemed to liim that nothing less than a miracle could bring them off safe from an encounter at such an amazing disadvantage. He stepped aside and kneeled by the side of a munition of war, and there most fervently prayed that the Lord God Almighty would be his shield Radddepoe, for nothingness than^^^^jjj^ty^^y^ the blUt^^Sj CowpW^ whlish covered him., with eo*f much glory as & leader ana aTololSr, he I had felt afraid to fight Tarleton with his large army flashed with success, and that he had retreated as long as be could till his men complained, and he could go no farther. Drawing up his army in three lines on the hill-side, contemplating the scene, in the distanoe the glitter of the advancing army, be trembled for the fate of the day. Going to the woodB in the rear, he kneeled in an old tree top, and poured out a prayer to God for his aruiy and for himself and for his country. With relieved spirits he returned to the lines, aud in his rough winner cheered them for the fight as he passed along; they answered him bravely. The terrible carnage that followed their deadly aim decided the victory. In a few moments Rawdon fled. "Ah," said be, "people said old Morgan never feared ; they thought old Morgan never prayed ; they did not know old Morgan was often miserably afraid." "And if he had not been in the circumstances of amszing responsibility in which he was placed, how could he have been brave V" Now, who shall say that his presetva^ tlon in these cases, and in many others^ was not indissolubly connected with his prayers and fervent cries to God ? He called on God, and the Lord heard him. ?. WIVES WE OFFER A REMEDY WHICH IHSURES SAFETY TO LIFE ur MUinttl AMI CHILII. "Mothers' Friend" ROB8 CONFINEMENT OF IT8 PAIN, -M. HORROR AND RI8K. " My wife used onlv two bottles. She was easily and quickly relieved; is now doing splendidly.? J. S. Morton, Tfarlow, N. C. Sent by express or mall, on receipt of price, ?l.00 per bottle. Iiook "TO MOTHERS" mailed free. BRADFIKLD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA. old bt all druggists. What Is a Bucket Shop? Dot?s the bucket shop differ from the stock and produce exchangest- That quet-tion comes up occasionally in the city governments. Is a bucket shop purely a gambling concern? The Standard Dictionary, the latest authority, says it is "an office where people may gamble in fractional lots of stocks, grain or other things which are bought and told on the exchanges. The bucket j shop u < the terms anil outward roruis of the Exchanges, but differs from the Exchanges in that there is no delivery and no intention t? deliver ? r receive securities or commodities said to be sold or purchased." In the bucket shop it is pure and simple betting oi the rise end fall of prices. For instance, if one believes that cotton will close h'gher in the afternoon than it opened iu the morning, he will nominally buy any num? ber of bales he wishes. If the price goes up he gets the excess over the opening price. If it goes down, he has to ray the ddTerence i?? to the shop. On the Cotton Exchanges it is agreed that the cotton shall be delivered if the demand is" made. But the settlements are always, or nearly always, made in money. In neither ease is the money for the whole purchase ever paid. In the Exchange* the margin is require 1 t > be Kept up. One might carry a hundred bales of cotton for j several mouths by paying $125 ; provided he whs 011 the winning si "e. If on the losing side he has to advance a dollar a hale every time there is an advance of twenty poiuts against him, The same principle applies to grain and stocks Tillman's Populistic Views. The Washington Times makes the following reference to the populistic inclination of Senator Tillman : "The bills int-oduced in the Senate so far by the populist m mbers are considerably in advaece of those of last session. Allen, of Nebrask", who is looked upon as the ablest man of this party in the Senate, has several bills which contain good ideas and, shorn < f some of the populistic features, might stand some chance of becoming laws. "It is said that the Southern populists are fsr more radical in their views than those of the West, and some very fieakish measures msy be looked for from M. W. Howard of Alabama, in ^In^Hwj^jiudTiUman of 8outh CaroSen car. Jjp-s. A utile Trumj^^^l^^n'^the ^ Q^a^ge^y ImprerelvffP^xparfenc I a fftw unrs ago, while ' driving through the Green Mountain country of Vermont. She met a man, a wa'f, who evidently believed himself to be the Christ Under thefitle "Through a Glass Darkly," Mrs. Slosson has written for the Sunday School Times of December 21, a sketch of her meeting with this strange character. "No sermon," she writes, "no chant, do learned theological treatise, nay, not even the reading of the Gospel story itself, had ever made that loneiy life of the StraDger, the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, such u real thing to me " The old Ship of State has struck the first rock in her New Year's voyage. It was causcd by the new Constitution, which was in force the first day of Jan. That instrument declares that the Supreme Court shall consist of one Chief Justice and three Associates. When they met in Columbia last Thursday, tho question as to whether _there?was a court or not, was spruug QU. *|hexu. The court adjourned in order that they might consider the mattejattjLLthey decide that it is unci mntjitutloftHl for them to sit as a *eoqrf/$hey will have to wait until the fourth member of tv e court is elected by the Legislature. A corres! ondent of the Charlotte Observer has a rotice of a recent visit to Dr. B. M. Palmer, the patriarch Presbyterian preacher of New Orleans. He is now 78 years old and able to preach. His eyesight has failed and he reads with great difficulty, even when using a powerful glass. He is too old for general pastoral work, but he is never idle. The Christian population of New Orleans honor and respect him. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The beet salve in the world for Cuts Briuses, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by H. A. Lfcron. Bend your Job PriiittDg to the Palmetto Printing Co., Spartanburg, 8. O. TIBFn WOMEN Tired and broken down women will find that DR. KINO'S ROYAL 6ERMETUER is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For FEMALE TROUBLES Including all menstrual and womb difficulties, it has no superior?used both locally and internally, it is emphatically WOMAN'S FRIEND. Pleasant to take as lemonade, and* narmie^s ar ail limcb. i>cw package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. Manufacture* only by. THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., Atlanta, 6a. WRITE FOR ?S-FAGr ^OOK: MAILED FREE. j Converse Attendance 205 from 1G IS and Teachers, each a specialist, v cal, .Scientific, Literary, Elective Pipe Organ, $7,<>00 organ, Voi Harmony, Counterpoint,) Art, ii mercial course. Strongest depar Six instructors, I)p. Peters, direct* Bounell, graduate of ouieuce. y/inci meuniraMBfiVyfa ij^BVeparatory ^ ^ olfegiate *$ ConvK College belongs to their patroiBje and co-operation The SeAion opens Wednesdi Send t^r catalogue, with fi TH CRiitTHl Nal OP SPAR! CAPITAL, ? Accounts received. Notes secured b W. A. LAW A. B. Calvkrt J. 0. Rvins Dirkctors?W. A. Law. W. W. Biupc W. F. Uilliland, 8. B. Ezeil, N. F. Carpe OFFICE IN BUILDING OF THE I mi. ? if 1 i me iviercuanis ai v ; -r SPARTANBURG, S CAPITAL |100,(X)0.00. UNDIVIDED PB OFFI Joskph Walkkr, Prest., A. L. Whitk, DIRE< Johbph Walkkr, H. A. J. H. Sloan, A. ft. ft. W. Nicholla, T. H. We solicit the business of Banks, Corp The interest of all oar p&trons careful Savings x>< Deposits of one dollar and upwards rec? per cent per annum, If left for three mi Safety deposit boxes to rent?Hall's proof. THE NATIONAL, BANF OF 8PABTANBURG, 8. O. C&mtaJ ...sinnnnn 8urplu?. 76,000 ?OPFICKKB? GXO. COFIRL1;, J, B- CbKV HudNO "resident Vloe-Presiden W? jb# BUHKSTT| OMhl^r, ?Directors? 0 B. OOMVKR8H, J. H. MOliTQOM KR> J. W. CARU8LK, R. H. P. CHAPMAN, J. B .JLBVKI.ANO. A. H. TWIOHBLP. J. F. CUVRLAND GBO. COPIMJJ W K. BURNBTT. Safety Deposit.Boxes under Herrlnpr'e preteotlon at moderate prices Transfers and collections without, charsre to depositors. Subscribe for the SPARTAN NOW. A thrilling serial story will be commenced the 15th or 22nd, and run through several issues. College tates and Canada. 26 Officers /itli special work only. Classii, Music, (including rianoforte, ce, Violin, Violincello, Theory, n all branches, Elocution, Coftitment of Music in the South. >r. Miss Stella Charles, Artist, ty, September 2o. nil information, to B. F. WILSON, Spartanburg, S C. e nonal Bank 'ANBDRtf. $iooc,ooo y marketable collateral discounted. President .Vice-President .Cashier. ion, 8. B. Rei'd, A. B. Calvert, P. L. Liles, inter, J. C. Evins. 9SPARTANBURG 8A VINOS BANK. id Farmers Bank. OUTH CAROLINA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $200,000.00 OFITS $20,000.00. CER8 Cashier; L. K. Akiikrbon, Ais. Ctbie 3TOR8 LIQON. J. K. Jknnings, Fi.OYn_ T,. f! Ciiima* Gannon, W. P. Smith. >oratlons. Firms and Individuals, lly guarded and promptly served. epartmont. tlved. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 >nths or longer. best?absolutely burglar-proof and Are ?}u*ine?? ??rd? Wm. a. kirby, m.d., Unlve slty of Maryland, Class of 1888. General practice. No specialty. Distance no barrier. Call book at Helnltsh Drue Store and Ileldmsn eot'age on Kennedy street, next door to Frank Camp's. Dr. w. w. rigby, Offers his special services to the citizens Of Spartanburg and vlclnlt . Office In the drug store of Calvert & Klgbv. formerly Hill it Danrklns. Resldeuce on Kalrvlew Avenue, near Converse College IV Office Phone 1 9. Dr. j. T cat VERT/ DBNTIST Office and rooms ?t the same place f rmerly occupied by Calvert Sc Oeland. Persons desiring work should make tbelr engagements beforehand. DR. 8. j. BIVINGS, DKNTI8T Office over Spartanburg Savings Hand Spartanburg, 8. C. Teeth extracted without pain. Geo. W. Nlcholls. Wm. M. Jones. Notary Public NICHOLL8 & JONES, ATTORN BYS AT LAW. Office In rear of National Dank, Spartanburg AMADOLE. Spartanburg, 8. C. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Prepared to do all kinds of civil engineering surveying, making of plats and maps In "blue printing." Orders by mall or left at Ralph'K. Carson's offlce will receive prompt attention. MUNRO & McCRAVY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office mow* next to Spartan omce, over Urede's llakery, Spartanburg, S. C. ?ltru0e,