'- - - * im . r 1'iyaifrtumy** . 133 THE SPARTAN, ' VoL- L11- SPARTANBMR6. S. G? WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1S96. No. 51. | OUR BEST?. J . Iayonrbeat. If wee \ you?olothiDffly upei c > ?n can, theu our e JK * fruitless. For that V have *oagbt to obt A eoDoeit on oar part, I JT beMeve that our Rea - | Suits are the be?t productions In the art of von can find In this or any other city. O ft T Because we hare aimed to mak< personally devoted onr time, mone] JT make them all we claim them to be. O helps to confirm onr argument. A ? ? 135? Will bay an extra heavy, w nel Drawers. We bought t at 4^e. and Oe. lb. The clo to-day. 75c For an ALL WOOL (not p anything so good for leas either Shirts or Drawers, at Bring this Advertisement fulfill every promise made to yoi FLOYD L ; "JUD BROWNIN." T % .1 By D. Ralharrle Simpson. Who. la this land of oars, has not 1 ^ read "Jud Brownfn'n ucconnt of Ru- I be&stein'a Playing ?" Bat, how few, of ' the mahy who have read it, kqow who < wrote ftll The name of the anthor has ? traveled neither so fast nor so far as ; t / the fame of ?ha piece. Xt literally ] teems with sparkling wit and exquisite i humor. It is as fine a piece of dercriptive < humorous writing as Is to be found in < the literature of any country. 1 It is unique in its conception and re- ? insurable for power and beanty. It < has never been imitated either in spirit ' i or in form. Its author never produced 1 its equal in the same line. It stands 1 alone. But who wrote it? Not one 1 twentieth of those who have read it 1 can answer the question. Possibly one < in a hundred will answer, "M. Adams," 1 mwA (Wk will ranlv fhnr. fha 1 author Is unknown. Both are wrong. ] M. Adams was not the author, and yet 1 ha is known. The production was I originally contributed to the New York 1 Music Trade Review under the nom de plume of Mozls Addums. Thus it got ] . -'-' V -the ' tart, and traveling fast to begin ; " >* : *itb, it haa kept up the pace even until < % ' oqw, and is, today, familiar in all lands < where the name of its author, Dr. Geo. W. Bagby, has never been heard. Dr. \ Bagby was born at Lynchburg, Vs. ; Be studied medicine for a time and af- t j. . terwkrds took to journalism, which he \ prosecuted with great energy and tuc- \ # 1*1 an't do better by * JE bi iking?that) otb- W he fforta have been /V l? the point we JL aln. Maybe it's 1 f th hat we honestly < ? d? dy Tailored < I tr, & Overcoats! I E elothes-makiog tbat ( ? Why do we believe L a them so; we have 4 r r and experience to ' O Read the prices. It X 95?? I Will buy an all-wool Bait, Y _ nicely made and trimmed, O ? two oolois, grey and brown, A either ronnd or square eat Y sack. Ask to see them. O Nothing in the city to com- A pare with them at the same jf price. O 4V Will buy an all-wool Suit, jr Black, Blue or Brown, out in O every sllape, extra long, stout Jl and short and regular cute, V all sixes from 28 to 44. Ours A are perfect fitting, fast oolor Ja linings and sewed with silk; jf others are selling these same A goods, sewed witn cotton,and X cheap, shoddy linings, at V $8 60 suit and braggingabout O them being $10.00 snits. We JL don't claim ours to be $10 00 V suite, but we do claim them A to be the best suits we hare JL j ever sold for $7.60 and ssjjjrl. ibl^d^eijKsoa'^^^b^nflr like them JC ell made, reinforced, Canton Flan- fa hese goods when ootton was Belling jF th that's In them cost that mneh O art wool) Under vest. Never sold A than tl.OO. Have there goods tn X id all sizes. V with you, and see if we don't A .. LILES |; a ?______________ e oas8 He wrote '*Jud" when in the height ^ of his career some fifteen years ago. ^ - Even in his own Soath Land he is y not well known, and it is the object of j this article to bring to the notioe of y 80 nth era readers one whose name and c Fame should not be allowed to sink into j oblivion. At Lyachburg, Va., as we said, in 1818, Geo. W. Bagby first saw the light. 0 In youth he was sickly, but his bodily ^ weakness seemed to increase the power B of his intellect, for even as a boy, he n was "quck to foarn and wise to know.'! He was educated at Newark, Delaware, t ind Princeton, New Jersey, and in his j, eighteenth year, began the study of t medicine at the University of Pcnnsyl- < rania, Philadelphia, from whiohjlns'i- g tuto he graduated M. D. On gradua & ling he returned to Lynohburg, when n tils father was a merchant, and hung a out hls^shingle informing the citizens a that George W. Bagby was a doctor or t medicine and ready for their patronage. c His practice was not. bv anr . J ?K large, and very noon he left the medical, y tor the journalistic profession. In this j, he made a success. b In the early fifties he became part v proprietor and editor of the Lynchburg b Express. The paper did not thrive and s< rery soon collapsed. He then became e the Washington correspondent of the E New Orleans Orescent. In 1800 he took s< the editoral chair of the Honthern n Literary Messenger. In it he def?nded e the rights of the Sonth nntil the sharp d thunder from Fort Huinter proclaimed si the war begun. He linked his for. h nes whh the Coifed-r*.cy, enli*te 1 a71 private, aod wan among the earliest oops that * saemM??d ar Manassas. ?lng nofl?, physoillv, for tha hart', ngh life of a soldUr, he w is detailed r clerical w-trk at )> ? ulq>iarfc*H. iren this was tao ranch f.)r hitu and s hraltli give way, ou which a-count > was give i a flual di*< luo g?>. Hr at once retimed to journalism and e advocacy e its lu -ny pa- ? ioilc songs and pocui* llowtd frotn his I _ m to cheer the besrtH of hie country- " en who wore b?im< the brnut of the ittleat the eannooV month. One of t] lese became esp-oially popular and la d orth quoting here. It Ik called THB EMPTY 8LEBVE. a Tom, old fellow, I grieve to see B( The sleeve banging loot-.- at your side; j r e arm yon lost was worth to me Every Yankee that ever died. e But you don't mind It at all, d You swear you've a beautiful stump, ], And laugh at that detestable ball; . Tom, 1 knew you were always a trump. n A good right arm, a nervy baud, A wrist aa strong as a sapling oak, Burled deep In the Malvern sand? To laugh at that la a sorry Joke, d Never again your Iron grip g Shall I feel In my shrinking palmTom, Tom, I see your trembling Up, How on earth oan I he calm. ' Well, tbe arm Is gone. It Is true; ' But tbe one that Is nearest the heart 1 Is left?and that's as good as two; ? Tom, old*fsllow, what makes you start ? i Why man, she thinks that empty sleeve ^ A badge of honor ;so do I, And all of ?s?I do believe *" 1 TIM follow la going to cry. I "8h? deserves a perfect man" yon aay; * " You're not worth her In yonr prime 7" 1 Tom I the arm that has turned to clay. Tour whole hodylhaa made sublime. Tor yeu hare plaood It In the Malvern earth The proof and pledge of a noble life? And the root, hthoeferward of higher worth. Will be dearer than all to your wife. I eee the people In the street LoqK at yooT eteere with kindling eyes; /-qdypu know, Tom, there's naught so sweet efffinimee* ^neii inlmute surmise, jBrjry.ely your arm In uLttle strove, Bg^fatjpgBLat*.you g^ve It; Tour left Is of -M7 Ad embrace. Tour right will > ([j/Klt felt. In lie grave, tl^1Pa jy.r'e place. As I look the oonfyjjfare, I eee a one-st mMTUarrlea man ; A little woman wfltypnllee and tears la helping as barges she oan To put on his coat," jO up bis sleeve. Tie bla cravat and cut his food ; And I say, as these fancies I weave, "That Is Tom and the woman he wooed," Ttie years roll on, and then I see A wedding picture bright and fair; I look closer and It's plain to me That is Tom with the silver hair, He gives away the lovely bride, And the guests linger, loth to leave. The house of him In whom they prideBrave old Tom with the empty sleeve. Is addition to bis work on the Mes enger Dr. Bagby war, daring the war, he Richmond correspondent of every lontbern paper that coald secure his ervices. He inu.de friends wherever he vent. To know nim was to love and eteem him. In 1660 he was appointed ksalstant Secretary of State and lastodlan of the State Library.? L public lecturer he was well and -ery favorably known. He died in 883. Bis wife edited and oollected his rritinge, the freshness, variety, and lovelty of which make them interest UK and instructive reading. "The Old Virgin'a Gentlemen" and Bacon and Greens" were prepared riginally for the lectnre platform. All lis work Is truly American?American objects, American wit, American huaor, by a thoroughly American author. Wff vgould like to give several exractB from Dr. Uagby's writings, but &ck Of space forbids and we will close his article by quoting Mozis's E?ay on FUze" which is not uuworthy the rest and good "Josh Billings?" Says fczls: "I hate a fli. A fli has got no aanners. He aint no gentleman. He's n introoder, don't send in no card, nor x a introduction, nor /don't nock at ho frunt door, and nuvQjr?"nuver thinks f takin' off his hat. Fust thing you no ce'8 la bed with yon and np our nose?fho what he wants np thar i a roistry?and he invit?s himself to reakfast, and sits down in the batter rlthont brushing his pants. He belpe iiuself to sag&r, and meat, and molasMi, and bread, and preserves, and evryttaiDg?don't wait for no invitation, [e's got a good appetite and just as oon oat one thing as another. 'Taint o use to challenge him for taking 11brtles, he keeps up a nostile corresponenoe with yon, whether or not and boots hisself at yon like a ballet, and e naver misses?nuver. He'll kiss your Highest of all in Leavening Power.? Royal! m. assess I ABMLUTEI Ife twenty tlnrni a day, and zlzz and | y.i >o, and ridikale you if you Bay & we ord. He'd rather you'd slap at him Th lan oot, cause he's a dodger of the lot ogonest kiDd. Every time you slap tw ou don't eiap him, but slap yourself, rot nd he z'zzes and pints the hind leg of an jom at you till he aggravates you to Dl istr&ctlon. He glories in lighting ev- of ry pop on the exact spot where you ati rnv him from, which proves the ha ntention to tease you. Don't tell me At io haint got no mind. He knows what a le's after. He's got sense and too ha anoh of it, tho he naver went to school lie > day in his life except in the sngar lish. He's a mean, malignant, owda- m has, premeditated ones. His mother . lever paddled him with a ?llmwr in v ler life. Hie morale wae neglected, and le lacks a good deal of humility might- ' ly. He aint beautiful a bit, and I ^ lonbt if he blnehee oftin. In fact he *raa nuver fetched np at all. He wae ^ >orn fall grown. He don't get old ^ lather. Thinge gits old, but he nuver ^ (Its old?and he's impident and mie- ^ shlevous to the day of his death. I , tiate a Hi. Durn a ili." ReidTille, 8. C. Bt ' x EIGHTY YEAKS AGO. u ti i Hie Dickson Family. Terrapins and ^ Their Great Age. ij - ti By Major WUllam Hoy. fl Mr. Editor.?The last addition the b ing donej^^ 'would quickly owfcfve Although intimately acquainted with i Mr. Dickson for nearly forty years, I t never nearu mm Bay wnetner ne came g from Antrim, or one of the adjoining t oonntles. If he came from Antrim he l fnllfllled his part of what was written 1 in Robert Lattimer's obituary. The j obituary stated that Robert came < from that Northern hive that sent ont 1 a leaven, the efforts of which had been felt in every conntry on this globe. Dickson was an extremely poor man when he arrived in this country, but by industry and integrity he acquired a geod competence and gave all his children a fair education. All made first-olass citizens. One of his descendants, Rev. Robert Smith, is a Presbyterian preacher. At least two of his ohildren were born in Ireland. James, his oldest son was long a school master and surveyor. Porty^flve years ago he was appointed in connection with Josiah Kilgore to survey the streets of Greenville. Kilgore, after that time, quit the business and recommended Mr. Dickson as a safe business man. William, his second son is still alive, ffn octogenarian, in the Greer section. He is a good citizen end successful farmer. Robert, his third son settled as merchant at Alexandria, Alabama. and was a successful business man before the Confederate war. Mlebte', his bachelor son, lives at the same place a successful merchant. He heard the first and last gnn of the war. I saw him on his way home. He said the war had made him penniless, bat he was proud of ^having done his doty. | His son John died young. Robert learned the carriage business with Cox & Gower and made quite a success of it at Pontotoc, Miss., before the war. His extensive establishment was turned into the support of the war. He lost evervthincr but I am told that he has 3 recuperated. He raised one daughter, the mother of Rev. Robert Smith. She has been dead several years. All your readers, Mr. Editor, have heard what was called a joke about the Irishman finding the terrapin iu his corn held and was fouud with a gap down trying to drivo it out saying in histraelriih brogue that the beast was tearing down his corn. Mr. Dickson was the man on whom that joke was fastened. The first year Mr. Dick- e son farmed in this county, just eighty * L.fcest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder V PURE irs ago, Jack Patton and Jim Millar re hunting squirrels round his field, ey came across a terrapin, threw it o Dickson's orofield, poshed down o or three stalks of corn, tore np a isting ear, pulled down the fence d went off and told they had fonnd ckson trying to drive a terrapin oat his field. Diokson laughed at the tempted joke and sail they would ve showed more wit if they had got a Mitchell to have told It. Asa was half witted fellow and would . e been more likely to have been beived. I will mention one ease of wonderful smory in connection with the terran matter. Uncle Tommy Ghristoler came to this country the same me the Dioksons did, jnst eighty tars ago. He was in his eleventh year, e came from North Carolina. It was .id of him for more than three quarts of a century, that if he died sudsnly he would die telling or trying to ill a joke. It came near being reeled. Unole Tom in v was wrt trouble. He never lay down for iven weeks before his death. When tme of hie friends were around him ad he reoovered from one of his faintig spells, he amosed them by telling lem of the terrapia incident, just ighty years ago. The only mistake hat-he made In relating it was that 'yger Jim Anderson was the man that ried to drive the animal from the leld. Unele Tommy was astrletmem >er of the Methodist chareb. If Tyger > his f hat ,the terrapin has been introduced n the Spartan. Some writer tried ,o get information from the late Sirnpion Bobo, with regard to the great ago ;he animal is said to reach. Some one 'ound one in Fair Forest, with figures to show that they had been inado just llfty years, and the letters S. B. marksd below the figures. The writer said that Mr. Bobo had married just flft v - ml years before the date on the terrapin. Ajs far as I know they got no answer. I think Mr. Editor, that scientists should give us some information on what the terrapin subsists, and what causes its dreadful dread of fire. I have read of poets speaking of the terrapin trotting,but I have seen them gallop. I have heard people that never had the character of Munchausen assert that by certain marks and dates found on them, that they lived to be several hundred years old. I once saw in an almanac a debate with regard to the age of a tarrapin that some Junior Munchausen got into. One said that his father had found out the date on it made it 200 years old. One's grandfather found one whoso date made it 600 years. The third one capped the climax by aseerting that his greatgrandfather had found one dated the year of the world 1. I once knew a man, Mr. Editor, who had by the most felicitous observation when he was approaching fifty got liis christian name changed to Terrapin, and he forever afterward went by that just the *ame as it" he had been baptised iu Jordan. Let your readers look for how he jot the naind in the next Spartan. DID YOU EVFR Try Electric Hitter* as a remedy for poar troubles? If not, get a bottle now ind gat relief. This medicine has been 'ound to be peculiarly Adapted to the elief and cure of all Female Complain ixerting a wonderful direct Influence n giving strength and tone to the or {?un. ii yon nave lose of appetite, constipation, headache, fain Mag spells, >r are nervons, sleepless excitable, melmcholy or troubled with dizzy spells. Electric Bitters is the medicine yon leed. Health and strength are gnarinteed by its nso. Large bottles only lfty cents at H. A. Llgon's Drag store, i